Av«nig» Dally Net Prns Rna The Weather' Vor Ih e Week Ended.. FMr tonlghL Low 5 bo. 10. Deoenber SS, 1M7 Tomorrow Mr, MoonUna manrli^fit^r lEurnttig ll^ralh cloudy tot afternoon. Hlati In Ma. 15,563 Manchetter— A City of VUiage Charm (OInaalfted Advertlsinc on Pace Jl) VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 72 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMDER 26, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS W orld Fatal Explosion Rips Returns T o W o rk Moscow Apartment By PA1BI0K E. O'Keefe Aaaoetoted Preaa Writer MOSCOW (AP) — An facing Krasnokhlmsky Street, a turned home from a Christmas The eilent, holy hours of explosion shattered a six- *"aln traffic artery that circles dinner. They live In a bniKUng Story apartment building d°wntown Moscow, it stood at for non<k>mmunl8t foreignera. Christmas over, the world the end of the Krasnokhlmsky Finding the apartment build­ went back to work, war Monday night. And in an bridge over the Moscow River ing's smaU parking lot fuH, and worry today. unrelated incident, a bomb about 2 miles southeast of the Bradsher parked the car in an American troops in Vietnam, blast damaged the empty Kremlin. alley Just around the comer with a hot turkey dinner under car of an American cor­ Police Investigating the bomb­ from,the sentry box of a ptdlce- their belts, took up their weap­ respondent. ing of Bradsher's automobile man assigned to the building. ons for more clashes with the Tass news agency said today seemed perplexed, and veteran The explosion tore off the Viet Gone and North Viet­ nine persons were killed and ^ foreign ■ correspondents could right front fender, sending It namese. As soon as the 24-hour, several injured in the apart- not recall an attack like It In flying 15 feet, and extensively allied truce ended Christmas ment house explosion. But a wit- Moscow. damaged the under side of the nlghti U.8 . waiidanes streaked ness at the scene said a police' car. Bradsher said he did not be­ over NorBi Vietnam to attack man told him more tihan 20 per­ The blast was of such force lieve the bombing was directed 2 supply convoys which the U.8 . sons were killed. Another by­ that it smashed the windows of against him or his family. He Command said the Oommunlsts- stander said 10 or 12 bodies apartments for at least four said he assumed someone had ruahed south during the cease­ were removed from the wreck­ floors above the car. picked out a handy foreign car age. The gas tank, although full, fire. as a target. Amid the war in Vietnam, en­ Police blamed a faulty gas did not explode, however. The explosion occurred about during crisis in tile Middle Bast main for the apartment house A hole In the snow-covered 26 minutes after Bradsher, his and tension along the frontier in blast but said a powerful bomb pavement Just under the right wife, Monica, and their two South Korea, Christmas 1967 oc­ wrecked the auto of Henry 8 . sons, Keith, 3, and Neal, 2, re- v3ee Page Twenty-Three) casioned prayers for peace from Bradsher, Associated Press bu­ Pope Paul VI and many others. reau chief in Moscow. No one was Injured In the ckr explo­ 6 After celebrating midnight Mass in the Sistlne Chapel and sion,sflvllf andU-liU it3b hadriau noJlv apparentapp&AcTll 8 V two more Masses on C^iristmas connection with the other blast 4 v U t ^ l T l S Kj OTOIS morning, the pontiff spoke from 10 minutes earlier on the oppos- ■ ^ the front balcony of St. Peter’s Ite side of the Moscow River. Basilica. Looking tired but with The apartment house blew up an unfalgg^ voice, he told a about 0:20 p.m., - bystanders Christmas in a Gym crowd of 20,000; ' said. About 100 persons were be­ “ Our wish today is united in­ lieved living in the building's 24 deed with the renewed wish for apartments two miles southeast For Florida Evacuees peace...Let it now be our prayer of the Kremlin. for you and for the world, as Rescue workers with search-^ JACkSONVILLB, Fla. (AP) hired chlorine tanks at a nearby even in these days our anxiety, lights hunted in a heavy snow­ — Four hundred refugees from chemical plant, our cares and our hopes ^have fall for victims while dozens o^ a chloijne gas scare sang carols Children carrying unopened ambulances, fire engines and centered on peace." In an undecorated gymnasium Christmas presents were bun- th e P<qi>e -did not mention police cars gathered at the Chrlstmas Day as a woman and died In warm coats against a Vietnam nor his visit Saturday wreckage. ,.1 * . her 2-week-old daughter eat as night so cold they could see with President Johnson. Most of the residents were be- centerpiece of a nativity ta- their breath —unusual In Florl- lleved at home because it was The President celebrated bleux. da. • South Vietnam. Soldiers were participating in com­ an -ordinary weekday night. Christmas at the White House A trooper of the U.S. let Cavalry Division reads let­ Until' Monday afternoon, when Adults toted, blankets. One bined Operation Wheeler-WaUova in 1 Corps Tac­ Russians celebrate Ckuistmas with his family. The early-rising ters and books during brief rest stop near Phu Son the all-clear was posted for 800 man took hte holiday turkey to on Jan. 7, according to the Ju­ Johnson clan exchanged gifts Phuong village a few days before Christmas in tical zone. (AP Photofax) families roused from their the car In an open roasting pan. lian, calendar. around a five-foot Norway Gas exDloslons are not rare in **®*” ®“ police late Christmas fsym, . about two mllea spruce, with a gold cross from the Soviet«~-n«t capital, although they Jo1 o i “*®me attcotedaiieoiea Pope Paul going to 6-month-old Immediately After Christmas Truce arearc not publiclypubUcly reportX and of- V K S o^ “ '® ***** Patrick Lyndon Nugent, the flclals refuse to disclose Infer- Robert B. Lee High School or as_gg angn _omergonoyemergency ah_elter.shelter. President’s grandson. maUon on their frequency. The ****^J!*®^ di. **“ "* In a Christmas radio and tele­ same general area was hit by a « *‘“®^ ****’P*® *“ *“ *^*® “"** vision message, Johnson U.S, Planes Hit Convoys in pforth tremendous gas explosion last patient were mattresses arrived In the early conceded that to say “ M eny , “ ”, told to stay away from the mnmtnvmornlng hour.hours. J^ u ary that kno^ed out tele- neighborhood, h o w le r , Christmas” in wartime is not SAIGON (AP) — American Tonldn Gulf-reported one con- Acting on intelligence from Farmer south, near Vinh, Two doctors volunteered help 100-truck convoy was bluted. phone communications tw in an 8- eaisy. nvpp North voy of 160 trucks and another of reconnaissance planes which —one an eye speoiallst \riio “ But when you think of the warplanes sv^t over No^ maintained the vigil over the The ferry south of Vlnh was days This was never pubUcly by.io block section four miles iii^ated eyes s U i S ^ m tte bravery of the human spirit— Vietnam immediately after the anotogr rirlke a ierry fiax- north, t^urtag^ p e tp^qe. Jljft,,U>S.. 01t Just bgfpra sundown, PlloU ^ southwest o< downtown Jackson- ^crld gas and the other a gener- and the power of life to triumph allied Christmas truce *'«nidod ryiiig'tracks Was blown up Jets were airborne on ‘ strike said as It went to the riverrive bot­ The Soviet preaa and radio yjlle waa emptied because dan- .i nraotitioner over pain and dukness—you and wreaked havoc on Commu- and sunk.-. mUsluns alnoost lipmedlaUly tom with eight trucks, a mas­ maintained a blackout on the serous fUmee wore drifting to- are thankful," he said. "Tour after the stand- down ended. sive explosion sent smoke shoot- dlaaater Monday night alao, and them from 91 fire-rup- (See Page Tliree) nist convoys trying to complete The ground war also resutpod police, troopa and barriera own spirits are lifted high; and a massive movement of supplies after the trace ended at 6 p.m. *The recon guys had done 3,000 feet in to the air you say it—and mean it—as I do their Jobs well," a spokesman The war communiques made blocked off the maas of r u b b le --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- started under the umbrella of Christmas night but only scat- and tom walls. now: Merry Christmas." said. no mention of any planes lost on the cease-fire. tered actions were reported. Hundreds of Russians -gath­ In Vietnam, Michigan Oov. the raids over the North, but a U.S. headquarters reported The Viet Oong had announced The fighter-bombers were di­ ered thia morning to stare as a Oeorge Romney, who seeks the Marine F9J Cougar observation about 100 trucks destroyed or that It would observe a 72-hour rected to targets as soon as they huge crane worked behind a GOP nomination to oppose plane was shot down In South Fireman Describes damaged in the heavy strikes (^irlstmas truce, imtil 1 et.m.. reached the major supply routes board fence thrown up over­ Johnson in next fall’s election, which began Christmas night Wednesday (noon tx)day EST). stretching down the North Viet­ Vietnam and a Marine photo-re­ connaissance Phantom crashed night. The poUce and aokUera shook hands with American and continued unabated today. ^ Oong defector led namese coast. Although scat- due to a landing accident as It refused to answer questions and troops from Saigon to Da Nang Headquarters reported that troopg of the U.S.
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