The Congruences of a Finite

George Gr¨atzer

Birkh¨auser Verlag, Boston @ 2005 Birkh¨auser Verlag To L´aszl´o Fuchs, my thesis advisor, my teacher, who taught me to set the bar high; and to the coauthors of my papers, Tomi (E. T. Schmidt), Harry (H. Lakser), Ervin (E. Fried), David (D. Kelly), Bob (R. W. Quackenbush), Fred (Wehrung), and more than fifty others, who helped me raise the bar.


Table of Notation xiii

Picture Gallery xvii

Acknowledgments xix

Preface xxi

I A Brief Introduction to Lattices 1

1 Basic Concepts 3 1.1 Ordering 3 1.1.1 Orders 3 1.1.2 Diagrams 5 1.1.3 Order constructions 5 1.1.4 Partitions 6 1.2 Lattices and semilattices 8 1.2.1 Lattices 8 1.2.2 Semilattices and closure systems 10 1.3 Some algebraic concepts 12 1.3.1 Homomorphisms 12 1.3.2 Sublattices 13 1.3.3 Congruences 14

2 Special Concepts 19 2.1 Elements and lattices 19 2.2 Direct and subdirect products 20 2.3 Polynomials and identities 23 2.4 Gluing 26

vii viii Contents

2.5 Modular and distributive lattices 30 2.5.1 The characterization theorems 30 2.5.2 Finite distributive lattices 31 2.5.3 Finite modular lattices 32

3 Congruences 35 3.1 Congruence spreading 35 3.2 Prime intervals 37 3.3 Congruence-preserving extensions and variants 39

II Basic Techniques 45

4 Chopped Lattices 47 4.1 Basic definitions 47 4.2 Compatible vectors of elements 49 4.3 Compatible vectors of congruences 50 4.4 From the chopped lattice to the lattice 52 4.5 Sectional complementation 53

5 Boolean Triples 57 5.1 The general construction 57 5.2 The congruence-preserving extension property 60 5.3 The distributive case 62 5.4 Two interesting intervals 63

6 Cubic Extensions 71 6.1 The construction 71 6.2 The basic property 73

III Representation Theorems 77

7 The Dilworth Theorem 79 7.1 The representation theorem 79 7.2 Proof-by-Picture 80 7.3 Computing 82 7.4 Sectionally complemented lattices 83 7.5 Discussion 85

8 Minimal Representations 93 8.1 The results 93 8.2 Proof-by-Picture for minimal construction 94 8.3 The formal construction 95 8.4 Proof-by-Picture for minimality 97 Contents ix

8.5 Computing minimality 99 8.6 Discussion 100

9 Semimodular Lattices 105 9.1 The representation theorem 105 9.2 Proof-by-Picture 106 9.3 Construction and proof 107 9.4 Discussion 114

10 Modular Lattices 115 10.1 The representation theorem 115 10.2 Proof-by-Picture 116 10.3 Construction and proof 120 10.4 Discussion 125

11 Uniform Lattices 129 11.1 The representation theorem 129 11.2 Proof-by-Picture 129 11.3 The lattice N(A, B) 132 11.4 Formal proof 137 11.5 Discussion 139

IV Extensions 143

12 Sectionally Complemented Lattices 145 12.1 The extension theorem 145 12.2 Proof-by-Picture 146 12.3 Simple extensions 148 12.4 Formal proof 150 12.5 Discussion 152

13 Semimodular Lattices 153 13.1 The extension theorem 153 13.2 Proof-by-Picture 153 13.3 The conduit 156 13.4 The construction 157 13.5 Formal proof 159 13.6 Discussion 159

14 Isoform Lattices 161 14.1 The result 161 14.2 Proof-by-Picture 161 14.3 Formal construction 165 14.4 The congruences 171 x Contents

14.5 The isoform property 172 14.6 Discussion 173

15 Independence Theorems 177 15.1 Results 177 15.2 Proof-by-Picture 178 15.2.1 Frucht lattices 178 15.2.2 An automorphism-preserving simple extension 179 15.2.3 A congruence-preserving rigid extension 180 15.2.4 Merging the two extensions 181 15.2.5 The representation theorems 182 15.3 Formal proofs 183 15.3.1 An automorphism-preserving simple extension 183 15.3.2 A congruence-preserving rigid extension 185 15.3.3 Proof of the independence theorems 185 15.4 Discussion 187

16 Magic Wands 189 16.1 Constructing congruence lattices 189 16.1.1 Bijective maps 189 16.1.2 Surjective maps 190 16.2 Proof-by-Picture for bijective maps 191 16.3 Verification for bijective maps 194 16.4 2/3-boolean triples 198 16.5 Proof-by-Picture for surjective maps 204 16.6 Verification for surjective maps 206 16.7 Discussion 207

V Two Lattices 213

17 Sublattices 215 17.1 The results 215 17.2 Proof-by-Picture 217 17.3 Multi-coloring 219 17.4 Formal proof 220 17.5 Discussion 221

18 Ideals 227 18.1 The results 227 18.2 Proof-by-Picture for the main result 228 18.3 A very formal proof: Main result 230 18.3.1 Categoric preliminaries 230 18.3.2 From DI to OR 232 Contents xi

18.3.3 From OR to HE 232 18.3.4 From CH to DI 233 18.3.5 From HE to CH 234 18.3.6 From CH to LA 237 18.3.7 The final step 237 18.4 Proof for sectionally complemented lattices 238 18.5 Proof-by-Picture for planar lattices 241 18.6 Discussion 242

19 Tensor Extensions 245 19.1 The problem 245 19.2 Three unary functions 246 19.3 Defining tensor extensions 248 19.4 Computing 250 19.4.1 Some special elements 250 19.4.2 An embedding 252 19.4.3 Distributive lattices 253 19.5 Congruences 254 19.5.1 Congruence spreading 254 19.5.2 Some structural observations 257 19.5.3 Lifting congruences 259 19.5.4 The main lemma 261 19.6 The congruence isomorphism 262 19.7 Discussion 263

Bibliography 265

Index 275

Table of Notation

Symbol Explanation Page Atom(U) set of atoms of the ideal U 84 Aut L automorphism of L 12 Bn boolean lattice with n atoms 4 Cn n-element chain 4 con(a, b) smallest congruence under which a ≡ b 15 con(c) principal congruence for a color c 39 con(H) smallest congruence collapsing H 16 con(p) principal congruence for the prime interval p 37 Con L congruence lattice of L 15, 48 ConJ L order of join-irreducible congruences of L 37 ConM L order of meet-irreducible congruences of L 71 Cube K cubic extension of K 71 D class (variety) of distributive lattices 24 Diag diagonal embedding of K into Cube K 71 Down P order of down-sets of the (hemi)order P 4, 9, 232 ext: Con K → Con L for K ≤ L, extension map: Θ → conL(Θ) 41 fil(a) filter generated by the element a 14 fil(H) filter generated by the set H 14 FD(3) free on three generators 26 FK(H) free lattice generated by H in a variety K 26 FM(3) free on three generators 28 Frucht C Frucht lattice of a graph C 178 hom{∨,0}(X, Y ) {∨, 0}-homomorphism of X into Y 253

xiii xiv Table of Notation

Symbol Explanation Page id(a) ideal generated by the element a 14 id(H) ideal generated by the set H 14 Id L ideal lattice of L 14, 48 (Id) condition to define ideals 14, 48 Isoform class of isoform lattices 141 J(D) order of join-irreducible elements of D 19 J(ϕ)J(ϕ): J(E) → J(D), the “inverse” of ϕ: D → E 32 J(a) set of join-irreducible elements below a 19 ker(ϕ) congruence kernel of ϕ 16 L class (variety) of all lattices 25 M class (variety) of modular lattices 25 Max maximal elements of an order 49 mcr(n) minimal congruence representation function 87 mcr(n, V) mcr for a class V 87 M(D) order of meet-irreducible elements of D 32 M3 five-element modular nondistributive lattice xvii, 11, 30 M3[L] order of boolean triples of L 58 M3[L, a] interval of M3[L]63 M3[L, a, b] interval of M3[L]65 M3[a, b] order of boolean triples of the interval [a, b]58 3 M3[Θ] reflection of Θ to M3[L]60 3 M3[Θ,a] reflection of Θ to M3[L, a]64 3 M3[Θ,a,b] reflection of Θ to M3[L, a, b] xvii, 67 N5 five-element nonmodular lattice xvii, 11, 30 N5,5 seven-element nonmodular lattice 94 N6 = N(p, q) six-element nonmodular lattice xvii, 80 N6[L]2/3-boolean triple construction 198 N(A, B) lattice construction 132 O(f) Landau O notation xxvi Part A partition lattice of A 7, 9 Pow X power set lattice of X 4 Pow+ X order of nonempty subsets of X 219 Prime(L) set of prime intervals of L 37 re: Con L → Con K reflection (restriction) map: Θ → ΘK 39 SecComp class of sectionally complemented lattices 87 SemiMod class of semimodular lattices 87 Simp K simple extension of K 71 (SP∨) join-substitution property 14, 48 (SP∧) meet-substitution property xvii, 14, 48 sub(H) sublattice generated by H 13 S8 eight-element 106 T class (variety) of trivial lattices 25 Uniform class of uniform lattices 141 Table of Notation xv

Symbol Explanation Page

Relations and Congruences A2 set of ordered pairs of A 3 , τ, π, . . . binary relations Θ, Ψ, . . . congruences ω zero of Part A 7 ι unit of Part A 7 a ≡ b (π) a and b in the same block of π 7 ab aand b in relation  3 a ≡ b (Θ) a and b in relation Θ 3 a/π block containing a 6, 14 H/π blocks represented by H 7 α ◦ β product of α and β 21 r α ◦ β reflexive product of α and β 30 ΘK restriction of Θ to the sublattice K 14 L/Θ quotient lattice 16 Φ/Θ quotient congruence 16 πi projection map: L1 ×···×Ln → Li 21 Θ × Φ direct product of congruences 21

Orders ≤, < ordering 3 ≥, > ordering, inverse notation 3 K ≤ LKa sublattice of L 13 ≤Q ordering of P restricted to a subset Q 4 a baincomparable with b 3 a ≺ bais covered by b 5 b abcovers a 5 0 zero, least element of an order 4 1 unit, largest element of an order 4 a ∨ b join operation 9 H least upper bound of H 3 a ∧ b meet operation 9 H greatest lower bound of H 4 P d dual of the order (lattice) P 4, 10 [a, b] interval 13 ↓H down-set generated by H 4 ↓a down-set generated by {a} 4 P =∼ Q order (lattice) P isomorphic to Q 4, 12 xvi Table of Notation

Symbol Explanation Page

Constructions P × Q direct product of P and Q 5, 20 P + Q sum of P and Q 6 P  Q glued sum of P and Q 16 A[B] tensor extension of A by B 248 A ⊗ B tensor product of A and B 245 U  V modular lattice construction 120

Perpectivities [a, b] ∼ [c, d][a, b] perspective to [c, d]32 [a, b] ∼u [c, d][a, b] up-perspective to [c, d]33 [a, b] ∼d [c, d][a, b] down-perspective to [c, d]33 [a, b] ≈ [c, d][a, b] projective to [c, d]33 [a, b]  [c, d][a, b] up congruence-perspective onto [c, d]35 [a, b]  [c, d][a, b] down congruence-perspective onto [c, d]35 [a, b] → [c, d][a, b] congruence-perspective onto [c, d]35 [a, b] ⇒ [c, d][a, b] congruence-projective onto [c, d]36 [a, b] ⇔ [c, d][a, b] ⇒ [c, d] and [c, d] ⇒ [a, b]36

Prime intervals p, q, ... con(p) principal congruence generated by p 37 p ⇒ qpis congruence-projective onto q 36 p ⇔ qp⇒ q and q ⇒ p 36 Prime(L) set of prime intervals of L 37

Miscellaneous x closure of x 10 ∅ empty set 4 Picture Gallery

C2 C3 B2

N5 N5,5 N6

S 8 M3



In 2002, I was invited to Nashville to a meeting. I wrote to E. T. Schmidt about the invitation. He could not come, but we agreed that I will give a survey lecture on finite congruence lattices. This was published in [78]. Later in the year, I was invited to the Summer School on General and Ordered Sets in Tale, Slovakia, to give a series of lectures on the same topic. Unfortunately, Schmidt did not attend. This the book is an outgrowth of my Tale lectures. Special thanks to the organizers of that excellent meeting: Miroslav Haviar, Tibor Katriˇn´ak, and Miroslav Ploˇsˇcica. Every chapter in Parts II–V is based on one or more joint papers I wrote with my coauthors. Without their collaboration, this book could not have existed. My seminar continues to correct errors and improve my presentation. In all matters notational and linguistic, David Kelly is my chief advisor. I got useful feedback from my fourth year honors algebra class, and especially from Mercedes Scott. I spent two months at the Institute of Advance Study at La Trobe Uni- versity, Melbourne, Australia, where I had an opportunity to present all the Proof-by-Picture sections of this book at the seminar of Brian Davey. I would like to thank the IAS (Gilah Leder, Director, Julia Anderson, Executive Of- ficer and Michael Osborne, Vice Chancellor) for their wonderful hospitality and for the perfect work environment. Brian and his seminar recommended many improvements and corrected many mistakes. Special thanks to those who read (part of) my book and sent me comments. Kira Adaricheva suggested many improvements to the first seven chapters. Fred Wehrung filled seven pages with objections minor and major; this is a much better book for his effort.



The topic The congruences of a finite lattice L form a lattice, called the congruence lattice of L and denoted by Con L. The lattice Con L is a finite distributive lattice—according to a 1942 result of Funayama and Nakayama [21]. The converse is a result of R. P. Dilworth from 1944 (see [9]): Dilworth Theorem. Every finite distributive lattice D can be represented as the congruence lattice of a finite lattice L. This result was first published in 1962 in Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [57]. In the 60 years since the discovery of this result, a large number of papers have been published, strengthening and generalizing the Dilworth Theorem. These papers form two distinct fields: (i) Representation theorems of finite distributive lattices as congruence lat- tices of lattices with special properties. (ii) The Congruence Lattice Problem (CLP): Can congruence lattices of lat- tices be characterized as distributive algebraic lattices? A nontrivial finite distributive lattice D is determined by the order J(D)of join-irreducible elements. So a representation of D as the congruence lattice of a finite lattice L is really a representation of a finite order P (= J(D)), as the order of join-irreducible congruences of a finite lattice L. A join-irreducible congruence of a nontrivial finite lattice L is exactly the same as a congruence of the form con(a, b), where a ≺ b in L; that is, the smallest congruence collapsing a prime interval. Therefore, it is enough to concentrate on such congruences, and make sure that they are ordered as required by P . The infinite case is much different. There are really only two general positive results: 1. The ideal lattice of a distributive lattice with zero is the congruence lattice of a lattice—see Schmidt [109] (also Pudl´ak [100]).

xxi xxii Preface

2. Any distributive algebraic lattice with at most ℵ1 compact elements is the congruence lattice of a lattice—Huhn [92] and [93] (see also Dobbertin [13]). The big breakthrough for negative results came in 1999 in Wehrung [122], based on the results of Wehrung [121]. There is a recent survey paper of this field by T˚uma and Wehrung [119]. This book deals with the finite case.

The two types of representation theorems The basic representation theorems are all of the same general type. We rep- resent a finite distributive lattice D as the congruence lattice of a “nice” finite lattice L. For instance, in the 1962 paper (Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [57]), we already proved that the finite lattice L for the Dilworth Theorem can be constructed as a sectionally . To understand the second—the more sophisticated—type of representation theorem, we need the concept of a congruence-preserving extension. Let L be a lattice, and let K be a sublattice of L. In general, there is not much connection between the congruence lattice of L and the congru- ence lattice of K. If they happen to be naturally isomorphic, we call L a congruence-preserving extension of K. (More formally, we require that the restriction map be an isomorphism, see Section 3.3.) For sectionally complemented lattices, the congruence-preserving exten- sion theorem was published in a 1999 paper, Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [69]: Every finite lattice K has a finite, sectionally complemented, congruence-preserv- ing extension L. It is difficult, reading this for the first time, to appreciate how much stronger this theorem is than the straight representation theorem. While the 1962 theorem provides, for a finite distributive lattice D, a finite sectionally complemented lattice L whose congruence lattice is isomorphic to D, the 1999 theorem starts with an arbitrary finite lattice K, and builds a sectionally complemented lattice L on it with the same congruence structure.

Proof-by-Picture Trying to prove the Dilworth Theorem (unpublished at the time) in 1960 with Schmidt, we came up with the construction—more or less—as presented in Section 7.2. In 1960, we did not discover the 1968 result of Gr¨atzer and Lakser [34] establishing that the construction of the chopped lattice solves the problem. So we translated the chopped lattice construction to a closure space, as in Section 7.4, proved that the closed sets form a sectionally complemented lattice L, and based on that, we verified that the congruence lattice of L represents the given finite distributive lattice. When we submitted the paper [57] for publication, it had a three-page section explaining the chopped lattice construction and its translation to a Preface xxiii closure space. The referee was strict: “You cannot have a three-page expla- nation for a two-page proof.” I believe that in the 40 plus years since the publication of that article, few readers have developed an understanding of the idea behind the published proof. The referee’s dictum is quite in keeping with mathematical tradition and practice. When mathematicians discuss new results, they explain the con- structions and the ideas with examples; when these same results are pub- lished, the motivation and the examples are largely gone. We publish defi- nitions, constructions, and formal proofs (and conjectures, Paul Erd˝os would have added). Tradition has it, when Gauss proved one of his famous results, he was not ready to publicize it because the proof gave away too much as to how the theorem was discovered. “I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them”, Gauss is quoted in Arber [2]. In this book I try to break with this tradition. In most chapters, after stat- ing the main result, I include a section: Proof-by-Picture. This is a misnomer. A Proof-by-Picture is not a proof. The Pythagorean Theorem has many well known Proofs-by-Picture—sometimes called “Visual Proofs”; these are really proofs. My Proof-by-Picture is an attempt to convey the idea of the proof. I trust that if the idea is properly understood, the reader should be able to provide the formal proof, or should at least have less trouble reading it. Think of a Proof-by-Picture as a lecture to an informed audience, concluding with “the formal details now you can provide.” I converted many of these sections into lectures; the transparencies for these can be found on my Web site: see the directory /MathBooks/lectures.html I will use the same Web site to post corrections to this book, problems solved, and so on.


In the last paragraph, I call an audience “informed” if they are familiar with the basic concepts and techniques of lattice theory. Part I provides this. I am very selective as to what to include. Also, there are no proofs in this part— with a few exceptions—they are easy enough for the reader to work them out on his own. For proofs, lots of exercises, and a more detailed exposition, I refer the reader to my book [26]. (See also Davey and Priestley [11].) Most of the research in this book deals with representation theorems; lattices with certain properties are constructed with prescribed congruence structures. The constructions are ad hoc. Nevertheless, there are three basic techniques to prove representation theorems: xxiv Preface

• chopped lattices, used in almost every chapter; • boolean triples, used in Chapters 10, 12, and 16, and generalized in Chapter 19; also used in some papers that did not make it in this book, for instance, Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [71]; • cubic extensions, used in most chapters of Part IV. These are presented in Part II with proofs. Actually, there are two more basic techniques. Multi-coloring is used in three relevant papers: Gr¨atzer, Lakser, and Schmidt [46], [49] and Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [68]; however, it appears in the book only in Chapter 17, so we introduce it there. Pruning is utilized in Chapters 11 and 14—it would seem to qualify for Part II; however, there is no theory of pruning, just concrete uses, so there is no general theory to discuss in Part II. Part III contains the representation theorems, requiring only chopped lat- tices from Part II. I cover the following topics: • The Dilworth Theorem and the representation theorem for sectionally complemented lattices in Chapter 7 (Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [57], Crawley and Dilworth [10]; see also [9]). • Minimal representations in Chapter 8; that is, for a given |J(D)|,we minimize the size of L representing D (Gr¨atzer, Lakser, and Schmidt [45], Gr¨atzer, Rival, and Zaguia [54]). • The semimodular representation theorem in Chapter 9 (Gr¨atzer, Lakser, and Schmidt [48]). • The representation theorem for modular lattices in Chapter 10 ( Schmidt [106] and Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [74]); we are forced to represent with a countable lattice L, since the congruence lattice of a finite modular lattice is always boolean. • The representation theorem for uniform lattices (that is, lattices in which any two congruence classes of a congruence are of the same size) in Chapter 11 (Gr¨atzer, Schmidt, and Thomsen [79]). Part IV is mostly about congruence-preserving extension. I present the congruence-preserving extension theorem for • sectionally complemented lattices in Chapter 12 (Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [69]); • semimodular lattices in Chapter 13 (Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [72]); • isoform lattices (that is, lattices in which any two congruence classes of a congruence are isomorphic) in Chapter 14 (Gr¨atzer, Quackenbush, and Schmidt [53]). Preface xxv

These three constructions are based on cubic extensions, introduced in Part II. In Chapter 15, I present the congruence-preserving extension version of the Baranski˘ı-Urquhart Theorem (Baranski˘ı [3], [4] and Urquhart [120]) on the independence of the congruence lattice and the automorphism group of a finite lattice (Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [66]). Finally, in Chapter 16, I discuss two congruence “destroying” extensions, which we call “magic wands.” It is hoped that these can be used to construct new classes of algebraic distributive lattices as congruence lattices of lattices (Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [75], Gr¨atzer, Greenberg, and Schmidt [32]). What happens if we consider the congruence lattices of two lattices? I take up three variants of this question in Part V. Let L be a finite lattice, and let K be a sublattice of L. As we discuss it in Section 3.3, there is a map ext from Con K into Con L: For a congruence relation Θ of K, let the image ext Θ be the congruence relation conL(Θ) of L generated by Θ. The map ext is a {0}-separating join-homomorphism. Chapter 17 proves the converse, a 1974 result of Huhn [91] and a stronger form due to Gr¨atzer, Lakser, and Schmidt [46]. In Chapter 18, we deal with ideals. Let I be an ideal of a lattice L. Then the restriction map re: Con L → Con I (which assigns to a congruence Θ of L, the restriction ΘK of Θ to K)isa{0, 1}-homomorphism. We prove the corresponding representation theorem for finite lattices—Gr¨atzer and Lakser [35]. We also prove two variants. The first is by Gr¨atzer and Lakser [42] that this result also holds for sectionally complemented lattices. The second is by Gr¨atzer and Lakser [40] that this result also holds for planar lattices. The final chapter is a first contribution to the following class of problems. Let  be a construction for finite distributive lattices (that is, if D and E are finite distributive lattices, then so is D  E). Find a construction  of finite lattices (that is, if K and L are finite lattices, then so is K  L) satisfying Con(K  L) =∼ Con K  Con L. If  is the direct product, the answer is obvious since Con(K × L) =∼ Con K × Con L. In Chapter 19, we take up the construction D  E = D[E], defined as the distributive lattice of all isotone maps from J(E)toD. In Gr¨atzer and Greenberg [29], we introduced a construction: the tensor extension A[B], for nontrivial finite lattices A and B. In Chapter 19, we prove that Con(A[B]) =∼ (Con A)[Con B]. The background of this result is described in Chapter 19. Each chapter in Parts III–V concludes with an extensive discussion section, giving the background for the topic, further results, and open problems. This book lists almost 80 open problems, hoping to convince the reader that we have hardly started. There are also more than 120 references and a detailed index of about 1500 entries. xxvi Preface

This book is, as much as possible, visually oriented. I cannot stress too much the use of diagrams as a major research tool in lattice theory. I did not include in the book the list of figures because there is not much use to it; it lists over 110 figures.

Notation and terminology Lattice-theoretic terminology and notation evolved from the three editions of G. Birkhoff’s Lattice Theory; [8], by way of my books, [22]–[26], and McKenzie, McNulty, and Taylor [97], changing quite a bit in the process. Birkhoff’s notation for the congruence lattice and ideal lattice of a lattice changed from Θ(L) and I(L)toConL and Id L, respectively. The advent of LATEX promoted the use of operators for lattice constructions. I try to be consistent: I use an operator when a new structure is constructed; so I use Con L,IdL, Aut L, and so on, without parentheses, unless required for readability, for instance, J(D) and Con(Id L). I use functional notation when sets are constructed, as in Atom(L) and J(a). “Generated by” uses the same letters as the corresponding lattice construction, but starting with a lower case letter: con(H) is the congruence generated by H and id(H) is the ideal generated by H. I reversed the arrows for projectivities as compared with my book [26]. I think the new notation is easier to remember: congruences spread as the arrows point. This is also more consistent with the use in . New concepts introduced in more recent research papers exhibit the usual richness in notation and terminology. I use this opportunity, with the wisdom of hindsight, to make their use consistent. The reader will often find different notation and terminology when reading the original papers. The detailed Table of Notation and Index may help. In combinatorial results, I will use Landau’s O notation: for the functions f and g, we write f = O(g) to mean that |f|≤C|g|, for a suitable constant C.

Winnipeg, Manitoba George Gr¨atzer Summer, 2005 Homepage: Part I

A Brief Introduction to Lattices


Chapter 1

Basic Concepts

In this chapter we introduce the most basic order theoretic concepts: orders, lattices, diagrams, and the most basic algebraic concepts: sublattices, con- gruences, products.

1.1. Ordering 1.1.1 Orders A binary relation  on a nonempty set A is a subset of A2, that is, a set of ordered pairs a, b, with a, b ∈ A.Fora, b∈, we will write abor a ≡ b (). A binary relation ≤ on a set P is called an ordering if it is reflexive (a ≤ a, for all a ∈ P ), antisymmetric (a ≤ b and b ≤ a imply that a = b, for all a, b ∈ P ), and transitive (a ≤ b and b ≤ c imply that a ≤ c, for all a, b, c ∈ P ). An order P, ≤ consists of a nonempty set P and an ordering ≤. abfor b

3 4 1. Basic Concepts exists, then it is unique. By definition, ∅ exist (∅ is the empty set) iff P has a smallest element, zero, denoted by 0. The concepts of lower bound and greatest lower bound are similarly defined; the latter is denoted by H. Note that ∅ exists iff P has a largest element, unit, denoted by 1. A bounded order is one that has both 0 and 1. The adverb “similarly” (in “similarly defined”) in the previous paragraph can be given concrete meaning. Let P, ≤ be an order. Then P, ≥ is also an order, called the dual of P, ≤. The dual of the order P will be denoted by P d. Now if Φ is a “statement” about orders, and if in Φ we replace all occurrences of ≤ by ≥, then we get the dual of Φ. Principle for Orders. If a statement Φ is true for all orders, then its dual is also true for all orders. A chain (linear order) is an order with no incomparable elements. An antichain is one in which a b, for all a = b. Let P, ≤ be an order and let Q be a nonempty subset of P . Then there is a natural order ≤Q on Q induced by ≤: for a, b ∈ Q, let a ≤Q b iff a ≤ b; we call Q, ≤Q (or simply, Q, ≤, or even simpler, Q)asuborder of P, ≤. A chain C in an order P is a nonempty subset, which, as a suborder, is a chain. An antichain C in an order P is a nonempty subset which, as a suborder, is an antichain. The length of a finite chain C, length C,is|C|−1. An order P is said to be of length n (in formula, length P = n), where n is a natural number iff there is a chain in P of length n and all chains in P are of length ≤ n. The orders P and Q are isomorphic (in formula, P =∼ Q) and the map ϕ: P → Q is an isomorphism iff ϕ is one-to-one and onto and a ≤ b in P iff aϕ ≤ bϕ in Q.

Let Cn denote the set {0,...,n − 1} ordered by 0 < 1 < 2 < ··· < n − 1. Then Cn is an n-element chain. Observe that length Cn = n − 1. If C = {x0,...,xn−1} is an n-element chain and x0

in P2. Then P1ϕ is a suborder of P2.Evenifϕ is one-to-one, the orders P1 and P2ϕ need not be isomorphic.

1.1.2 Diagrams

In the order P , the element a is covered by b or b covers a (in formula, a ≺ b or b a)iffa

Let P be a finite order. Then a ≤ b iff a = b or if there exists a finite sequence of elements x1, x2, ..., xn such that

a = x1 ≺ x2 ≺···≺xn = b.

A diagram of an order P represents the elements with small circles ; the circles representing two elements x, y are connected by a line segment iff one covers the other; if x is covered by y, then the circle representing x is placed lower than the circle representing y.

The diagram of a finite order determines the order up to isomorphism.

In a diagram the intersection of two line segments does not indicate an element. A diagram is planar if no two line segments intersect. An order P is planar if it has a diagram that is planar. Figure 1.1 shows three diagrams of the same order P . Since the third diagram is planar, P is a planar order.

1.1.3 Order constructions

Given the orders P and Q, we can form the direct product P × Q, consisting of all ordered pairs x1,x2, with x1 ∈ P and x2 ∈ Q, ordered componentwise, that is, x1,x2≤y1,y2 iff x1 ≤ y1 and x2 ≤ y2.IfP = Q, then we write P 2 for P × Q. Similarly, we use the notation P n for P n−1 × P , for n>2. Figure 1.2 shows a diagram of C2 × P , where P is the order with diagrams in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Three diagrams of an order. 6 1. Basic Concepts

Figure 1.2: A diagram of C2 × P .

Another often used construction is the (ordinal) sum P + Q of P and Q, defined on the (disjoint) union P ∪ Q and ordered as follows: ⎧ ⎨⎪x ≤P y, for x, y ∈ P ; x ≤ y iff x ≤ y, for x, y ∈ Q; ⎩⎪ Q x ∈ P, y ∈ Q.

Figure 1.3 shows diagrams of C2 + P and P + C2, where P is the order with diagrams in Figure 1.1. In both diagrams, the elements of C2 are black-filled. Figure 1.3 also shows diagram of P + C2. A variant of this is the glued sum, P  Q, applied to an order P with largest element 1P and an order Q with smallest element 0Q; then P  Q is P + Q in which 1P and 0Q are identified (that is, 1P =0Q in P  Q).

1.1.4 Partitions We now give a nontrivial example of an order. A partition of a nonempty set A is a set π of nonempty pairwise disjoint subsets of A whose union is A. The members of π are called the blocks of π. The block containing a ∈ A will be denoted by a/π. A singleton as a block is called trivial. If the elements a and

Figure 1.3: Diagrams of C2 + P , P + C2, and P  C2. 1.1. Ordering 7 b of A belong to the same block, we write a ≡ b (π)oraπbor a/π = b/π. In general, for H ⊆ A, H/π = { a/π | a ∈ H }. An equivalence relation ε on the set A is a reflexive, symmetric (aεb implies that bεa, for all a, b ∈ A), and transitive binary relation. Given a partition π, we can define an equivalence relation ε by x, y∈ε iff x/π = y/π. Con- versely, if ε is an equivalence relation, then π = { a/ε | a ∈ A } is a partition of A. There is a one-to-one correspondence between partitions and equivalence relations; we will use the two terms interchangeably. Part A will denote the set of all partitions of A ordered by

π1 ≤ π2 iff x ≡ y (π1) implies that x ≡ y (π2).

We draw a picture of a partition by drawing the boundary lines of the (non- trivial) blocks. Then π1 ≤ π2 iff the boundary lines of π2 are also boundary lines of π1 (but π1 may have some more boundary lines). Equivalently, the blocks of π2 are unions of blocks of π1; see Figure 1.4.


π1 ≤ π2

π1 : and

π2 :

Figure 1.4: Drawing a partition.

Part A has a zero and a unit, denoted by ω and ι, respectively, defined by

x ≡ y (ω) iff x = y; x ≡ y (ι), for all x, y ∈ A.

Figure 1.5 shows the diagrams of Part A, for |A|≤4. The partitions are labeled by listing the nontrivial blocks. A preorder is a nonempty set Q with a binary relation ≤ that is reflexive and transitive. Let us define the binary relation a ≈ b on Q as a ≤ b and b ≤ a. Then ≈ is an equivalence relation. Define the set P as Q/≈, and on P define the binary relation ≤:

a/≈≤b/≈ iff a ≤ b in Q. 8 1. Basic Concepts

ι = {1, 2, 3}

{1, 2}{1, 3}{2, 3} ι = {1, 2}

Part {1, 2}

Part {1} Part {1, 2, 3} ω ω

{1, 2, 3, 4} = ι

{1, 2, 3} {2, 3, 4}

{1, 2}, {3, 4} {1, 3, 4} {1, 4}, {23, } {1, 3}, {2, 4} {1, 2, 4}

{1, 2}{1, 3}{1, 4}{2, 3}{2, 4}{3, 4}

Part {1, 2, 3, 4} ω

Figure 1.5: Part A, for |A|≤4.

It is easy to see that the definition of ≤ on P is well-defined and that P is an order. We will call P the order associated with the preorder Q. Starting with a binary relation ≺ on the set Q, we can define the reflexive- transitive closure ≤ of ≺ by the formula: for a, b ∈ Q, let a ≤ b iff a = b or if a = x0 ≺ x1 ≺ ··· ≺ xn = b, for elements x1,...,xn−1 ∈ Q. Then ≤ is a preordering on Q.Acycle on Q is a sequence x1, ..., xn ∈ Q satisfying x1 ≺ x2 ···≺xn ≺ x1 (n>1). The preordering ≤ is an ordering iff there are no cycles.

1.2. Lattices and semilattices

1.2.1 Lattices An order L, ≤ is a lattice if {a, b} and {a, b} exist, for all a, b ∈ L. A lattice L is trivial if it has only one element; otherwise, it is nontrivial. 1.2. Lattices and semilattices 9

We will use the notations  a ∨ b = {a, b},  a ∧ b = {a, b}, and call ∨ the join and ∧ the meet. They are both binary operations that are idempotent (a ∨ a = a and a ∧ a = a), commutative (a ∨ b = b ∨ a and a ∧ b = b ∧ a), associative ((a ∨ b) ∨ c = a ∨ (b ∨ c) and (a ∧ b) ∧ c = a ∧ (b ∧ c)), and absorptive (a ∨ (a ∧ b)=a and a ∧ (a ∨ b)=a). These properties of the operations are also called the idempotent identities, commutative identities, associative identities, and absorption identities, respectively. (Identities, in general, are introduced in Section 2.3.) As always in algebra, associativity makes it possible to write a1 ∨ a2 ∨···∨an without using parentheses (and the same for ∧). For instance, for A, B ∈ Pow X, we have A∨B = A∪B and A∧B = A∩B. So Pow X is a lattice. For Θ, Φ ∈ Part A, if we regard Θ and Φ as equivalence relations, then the meet formula is trivial: Θ ∧ Φ=Θ∩ Φ, but the formula for joins is a bit more complicated: x ≡ y (Θ ∨ Φ) iff there is a sequence x = z0, z1, ..., zn = y of elements of A such that zi ≡ zi+1 (Θ) or zi ≡ zi+1 (Φ), for each 0 ≤ i

If the operations are understood, we will say that L (rather than L, ∨, ∧) is a lattice. The dual of the lattice L will be denoted by Ld; the order Ld is also a lattice. A finite lattice L is planar if it is planar as an order (see Section 1.1.2). We have quite a bit of flexibility to construct a planar diagram for an order, but for a lattice, we are much more constrained because L has a zero, which must be the lowest element and a unit, which must be the highest element— contrast this with Figure 1.1. All lattices with five or fewer elements are planar; all but the five chains are shown in the first two rows of Figure 1.6 (see next page). The third row of Figure 1.6 provides a good example of “good” and “bad” 2 lattice diagrams; the two diagrams represent the same lattice, C3 . Planar diagrams are the best. Diagrams in which meets and joins are hard to figure out are not of much value. In the last row of Figure 1.6 there are two more diagrams. The one on the left is not planar; nevertheless, it is very easy to work with: meets and joins are easy to see (the notation M3[C3] will be explained in Section 5.1). The one on the right is not a lattice: the two black-filled elements have no join. In this book we deal almost exclusively with finite lattices. Some concepts, however, are more natural to introduce in a more general context. An order L, ≤ is a complete lattice if X and X exist, for all X ⊆ L. All finite lattices are complete, of course.

1.2.2 Semilattices and closure systems A join-semilattice S, ∨ is an algebra: a nonempty set S with an idempotent, commutative, and associative binary operation ∨. In a join-semilattice S, ∨, we can define an ordering: a ≤∨ b iff a ∨ b = b. In the order S, ≤∨, we have {a, b} = a ∨ b. Similarly, a meet-semilattice S, ∧ is an algebra: a nonempty set S with an idempotent, commutative, and associative binary operation ∧. In a meet- semilattice S, ∧, we can define an ordering: a ≤∧ b iff a∧b = a. In the order S, ≤∧, we have {a, b} = a ∧ b. If the operation is understood, we will say that S (rather than S, ∨)isa join-semilattice; similarly, for a meet-semilattice. If L, ∨, ∧ is a lattice, then L, ∨ is a join-semilattice and L, ∧ is a meet-semilattice; moreover, the orderings ≤∨ and ≤∧ agree. The converse also holds. Let L be a lattice and let C be a nonempty subset of L with the property that for every x ∈ L, there is a smallest element x of C with x ≤ x. We call C a closure system in L, and x the closure of x in C. Obviously, C, as a suborder of L, is a lattice: For x, y ∈ C, the meet in C is the same as the meet in L, and the join is

x ∨C y = x ∨L y. 1.2. Lattices and semilattices 11

B2 C1 + B2 B2 + C1

i i


c abc


N5 M3

o o

2 C3


Figure 1.6: More diagrams. 12 1. Basic Concepts Let L be a complete lattice and let C be -closed subset of L, that is, if X ⊆ C, then X ∈ C. (Since ∅ = 1, such a subset is nonempty and contains the 1 of L.) Then C is a closure system in L, and for every x ∈ L,  x = ( y ∈ C | x ≤ y ).

1.3. Some algebraic concepts 1.3.1 Homomorphisms

The lattices L1 = L1, ∨, ∧ and L2 = L2, ∨, ∧ are isomorphic as algebras ∼ (in symbols, L1 = L2), and the map ϕ: L1 → L2 is an isomorphism iff ϕ is one-to-one and onto and (1) (a ∨ b)ϕ = aϕ ∨ bϕ, (2) (a ∧ b)ϕ = aϕ ∧ bϕ, for a, b ∈ L1. A map, in general, and a homomorphism, in particular, is called a surjec- tion if it is onto, and a bijection if it is also one-to-one. An isomorphism of a lattice with itself is called an automorphism. The automorphisms of a lattice L form a group Aut L under composition. A lattice L is rigid if the identity map is the only automorphism of L, that is, if Aut L is the one-element group. It is easy to see that two lattices are isomorphic as orders iff they are isomorphic as algebras. Let us define a homomorphism of the join-semilattice S1, ∨ into the join- semilattice S2, ∨ as a map ϕ: S1 → S2 satisfying (1); similarly, for meet- semilattices, we require (2). A lattice homomorphism (or simply, homomor- phism) ϕ of the lattice L1 into the lattice L2 is a map of L1 into L2 satisfying both (1) and (2). A homomorphism of a lattice into itself is called an endo- morphism. A one-to-one homomorphism will also be called an embedding. Note that meet-homomorphisms, join-homomorphisms, and (lattice) ho- momorphisms are all isotone.

Figure 1.7: Morphisms.

Figure 1.7 shows three maps of the four-element lattice B2 into the three- element chain C3. The first map is isotone but it is neither a meet- nor a 1.3. Some algebraic concepts 13 join-homomorphism. The second map is a join-homomorphism but is not a meet-homomorphism, thus not a homomorphism. The third map is a (lattice) homomorphism. Various versions of homomorphisms and embeddings will be used. For in- stance, for lattices and join-semilattices, there are also {∨, 0}-homomorphism, and so on, with obvious meanings. An onto homomorphism ϕ is also called surjective, while a one-to-one homomorphism is called injective; it is the same as an embedding. For bounded lattices, we often use {0, 1}-homomorphisms and {0, 1}-embeddings. It should always be clear from the context what kind of homomorphism we are considering. If we say, “let ϕ be a homomorphism of K into L”, where K and L are lattices, then ϕ is a lattice homomorphism, unless otherwise stated.

1.3.2 Sublattices A sublattice K, ∨, ∧ of the lattice L, ∨, ∧ is defined on a nonempty subset K of L with the property that a, b ∈ K implies that a ∨ b, a ∧ b ∈ K (the operations ∨, ∧ are formed in L, ∨, ∧), and the ∨ and the ∧ of K, ∨, ∧ are restrictions to K of the ∨ and the ∧ of L, ∨, ∧, respectively. Instead of “K, ∨, ∧ is a sublattice of L, ∨, ∧”, we will simply say that “K is a sublattice of L”—in symbols, K ≤ L. Of course, a sublattice of a lattice is again a lattice. If K is a sublattice of L, then we call L an extension of K—in symbols, L ≥ K. For a bounded lattice L, the sublattice K is a {0, 1}-sublattice if K ≤ L and the 0 and 1 of L are in K. Similarly, we can define a {0}-sublattice, and so on. For every H ⊆ L, H = ∅, there is a smallest sublattice sub(H) ⊆ L containing H called the sublattice of L generated by H. We say that H is a generating set of sub(H). The subset K of the lattice L is called convex iff a, b ∈ K, c ∈ L, and a ≤ c ≤ b imply that c ∈ K. We can add the adjective “convex” to sublattices, extensions, and embeddings. A sublattice K of the lattice L is convex if it a convex subset of L. Let L be an extension of K; then L is a convex extension if K is a convex sublattice. An embedding is convex if the image is a convex sublattice. For a, b ∈ L, a ≤ b, the interval

[a, b]={ x | a ≤ x ≤ b } is an important example of a convex sublattice. An interval [a, b]istrivial if a = b. The smallest nontrivial intervals are called prime; that is, [a, b]is prime iff a ≺ b. Another important example of a convex sublattice is an ideal. A nonempty subset I of L is an ideal iff it is a down-set with the property:

(Id) a, b ∈ I implies that a ∨ b ∈ I. 14 1. Basic Concepts

An ideal I of L is proper if I = L. Since the intersection of any number of ideals is an ideal, unless empty, we can define id(H), the ideal generated by a subset H of the lattice L, provided that H = ∅.IfH = {a}, we write id(a) for id({a}), and call it a principal ideal. Obviously, id(a)={ x | x ≤ a } =↓a. So instead of id(a), we could use ↓a; many do, who work in categorical aspects of lattice theory—and use id for the identity map. The set Id L of all ideals of L is an order under set inclusion, and as an order it is a lattice. In fact, for I, J ∈ Id L, the lattice operations in Id L are I ∨ J =id(I ∪ J) and I ∧ J = I ∩ J. So we obtain the formula for the ideal join: x ∈ I ∨ J iff x ≤ i ∨ j, for some i ∈ I, j ∈ J. We call Id L the ideal lattice of L. Now observe the formulas: id(a) ∨ id(b)= id(a∨b), id(a)∧id(b) = id(a∧b). Since a = b implies that id(a) = id(b), these yield: The map a → id(a) embeds L into Id L. Since the definition of an ideal uses only ∨ and ≤, it applies to any join- semilattice S. The order Id S is a join-semilattice and the same join formula holds as the one for lattices. Since the intersection of two ideals could be empty, Id S is not a lattice, in general. However, for a {∨, 0}-semilattice (a join-semilattice with zero), Id S is a lattice. For (join-semi-) lattices S and T , let ε: S → T be an embedding. We call ε an ideal-embedding if Sε is an ideal of T . Then, of course, for any ideal I of S, we have that Iε is an ideal of T . Ideal-embeddings play a major role in Chapter 18. By dualizing, we get the concepts of filter, fil(H), the filter generated by a subset H of the lattice L, provided that H = ∅, principal filter fil(a), and so on.

1.3.3 Congruences An equivalence relation Θ on a lattice L is called a congruence relation,or congruence,ofL iff a ≡ b (Θ) and c ≡ d (Θ) imply that

(SP∨) a ∧ c ≡ b ∧ d (Θ),

(SP∧) a ∨ c ≡ b ∨ d (Θ)

(Substitution Properties). Trivial examples are ω and ι (introduced in Sec- tion 1.1.4). As in Section 1.1.4, for a ∈ L, we write a/Θ for the congruence class containing a; observe that a/Θ is a convex sublattice. If L is a lattice, K ≤ L, and Θ a congruence on L, then ΘK, the restric- tion of Θ to K, is a congruence of K. Formally, for x, y ∈ K,

x ≡ y (ΘK) iff x ≡ y (Θ) in L. 1.3. Some algebraic concepts 15

We call Θ discrete on K if ΘK = ω. Sometimes it is tedious to compute that a binary relation is a congruence relation. Such computations are often facilitated by the following lemma (Gr¨atzer and E. T. Schmidt [56] and Maeda [96]): Lemma 1.1. A reflexive binary relation Θ on a lattice L is a congruence relation iff the following three properties are satisfied, for x, y, z, t ∈ L: (i) x ≡ y (Θ) iff x ∧ y ≡ x ∨ y (Θ). (ii) x ≤ y ≤ z, x ≡ y (Θ), and y ≡ z (Θ) imply that x ≡ z (Θ). (iii) x ≤ y and x ≡ y (Θ) imply that x ∧ t ≡ y ∧ t (Θ) and x ∨ t ≡ y ∨ t (Θ). Let Con L denote the set of all congruence relations on L ordered by set inclusion (remember that we can view Θ ∈ Con L as a subset of L2). Theorem 1.2. Con L is a lattice. For Θ, Φ ∈ Con L, Θ ∧ Φ=Θ∩ Φ. The join, Θ ∨ Φ, can be described as follows: x ≡ y (Θ ∨ Φ) iff there is a sequence

z0 = x ∧ y ≤ z1 ≤···≤zn = x ∨ y of elements of L such that zi ≡ zi+1 (Θ) or zi ≡ zi+1 (Φ), for every i with 0 ≤ i

is trivial but important. ForH ⊆ L, the smallest congruence under which H is in one class is con(H)= ( con(a, b) | a, b ∈ H ). Homomorphisms and congruence relations express two sides of the same phenomenon. Let L be a lattice and let Θ be a congruence relation on L. Let L/Θ={ a/Θ | a ∈ L }. Define ∧ and ∨ on L/Θbya/Θ ∧ b/Θ=(a ∧ b)/Θ and a/Θ∨b/Θ=(a∨b)/Θ. The lattice axioms are easily verified. The lattice L/Θisthequotient lattice of L modulo Θ.

Lemma 1.3. The map

ϕΘ : x → x/Θ, for x ∈ L,

is a homomorphism of L onto L/Θ.

The lattice K is a homomorphic image of the lattice L iff there is a ho- momorphism of L onto K. Theorem 1.4 (illustrated in Figure 1.8) states that any quotient lattice is a homomorphic image. To state it, we need one more concept: Let ϕ: L → L1 be a homomorphism of the lattice L into the lattice L1, and define the binary relation Θ on L by x Θ y iff xϕ = yϕ; the relation Θ is a congruence relation of L, called the kernel of ϕ, in notation, ker(ϕ)=Θ.

Theorem 1.4 (Homomorphism Theorem). Let L be a lattice. Any homo- morphic image of L is isomorphic to a suitable quotient lattice of L. In fact, if ϕ: L → L1 is a homomorphism of L onto L1 and Θ is the kernel of ϕ, then ∼ L/Θ = L1; an isomorphism (see Figure 1.8 ) is given by ψ : x/Θ → xϕ, for x ∈ L.

ϕ L L1 x onto  → xϕ → x/Θ Θ : x/ ψ L/Θ

Figure 1.8: The Homomorphism Theorem.

We also know the congruence lattice of a homomorphic image:

Theorem 1.5 (Second Isomorphism Theorem). Let L be a lattice and let Θ be a congruence relation of L. For any congruence Φ of L such that Φ ≥ Θ, define the relation Φ/Θ on L/Θ by

x/Θ ≡ y/Θ(Φ/Θ) iff x ≡ y (Φ). 1.3. Some algebraic concepts 17

Then Φ/Θ is a congruence of L/Θ. Conversely, every congruence Ψ of L/Θ can be (uniquely) represented in the form Ψ=Φ/Θ, for some congruence Φ ≥ Θ of L. In particular, the congruence lattice of L/Θ is isomorphic with the interval [Θ,ι] of the congruence lattice of L.

Let L be a bounded lattice. A congruence Θ of L separates 0if0/Θ={0}, that is, x ≡ 0 (Θ) implies that x = 0. Similarly, a congruence Θ of L separates 1if1/Θ={1}, that is, x ≡ 1 (Θ) implies that x = 1. We call the lattice L non-separating if 0 and 1 are not separated by any congruence Θ = ω. Similarly, a homomorphism ϕ of the lattices L1 and L2 with zero is 0- separating if 0ϕ = 0, but xϕ = 0, for x =0.

Chapter 7

The Dilworth Theorem

In this book we discuss a subfield of Lattice Theory that started with the fol- lowing result—a converse of the Funayama-Nakayama [21] result, Theorem 3.3 (page 37). Theorem 7.1 (Dilworth Theorem). Every finite distributive lattice D can be represented as the congruence lattice of a finite lattice L. Our presentation is based on Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [57], where the first proof appeared. In his book (Crawley and Dilworth [10]), Dilworth reproduces the proof from [57]. It is clear from his recollections in [9] that his thinking was very close to ours. In this chapter we follow Gr¨atzer and Lakser [34] (published in [26]), and prove this result based on the discussion of chopped lattices in Chapter 4, a simpler proof than the one in [57]. We will also prove that L can be con- structed as a sectionally complemented lattice, as stated in [57].

7.1. The representation theorem By Theorem 4.6, to prove the Dilworth Theorem, it is sufficient to verify the following: Theorem 7.2. Let D be a finite distributive lattice. Then there exists a chopped lattice M such that Con M is isomorphic to D. Using the equivalence of nontrivial finite distributive lattices and finite orders (see Section 2.5.2) and using the notation ConJ M (see Section 3.2) for the order of join-irreducible congruences, we can rephrase Theorem 7.2 as follows:

79 80 7. The Dilworth Theorem

Theorem 7.3. Let P be a finite order. Then there exists a chopped lattice M such that ConJ M is isomorphic to P . We are going to prove the Dilworth Theorem in this form.

7.2. Proof-by-Picture

The basic gadget for the construction is the lattice N6 = N(p, q) of Fig- ure 7.1. The lattice N(p, q) has three congruence relations, namely, ω, ι, and Θ, where Θ is the congruence relation with congruence classes {0,q1,q2,q} and {p1,p(q)}, indicated by the dashed line. Thus con(p1, 0) = ι. In other words, p1 ≡ 0 “implies” that q1 ≡ 0, but q1 ≡ 0 “does not imply” that p1 ≡ 0. We will use the “gadget” N6 = N(p, q) to achieve such congruence-forcing.



p1 q2 q1


Figure 7.1: The lattice N6 = N(p, q) and the congruence Θ.

To convey the idea how to prove Theorem 7.3, we present three small examples in which we construct the chopped lattice M from copies of N(p, q). Example 1: The three-element chain. Let P = {a, b, c} with c ≺ b ≺ a. We take two copies of the gadget, N(a, b) and N(b, c); they share the ideal I = {0,b1}; see Figure 7.2. So we can merge them (in the sense of Section 4.1) and form the chopped lattice

M = Merge(N(a, b),N(b, c)) as shown in Figure 7.2. ∼ The congruences of M are easy to find. The isomorphism P = ConJ M is given by x1 → con(0,x), for x ∈ P . The congruences of M can be described by a compatible congruence vector Θa,b, Θb,c (see Section 4.3), where Θa,b is a congruence of the lattice N(a, b) and Θb,c is a congruence of the lattice N(b, c), subject to the condition that Θa,b and Θb,c agree on I. Looking at Figure 7.1, we see that if the shared congruence on I is ω (= ωI ), then we must have Θa,b = ω (= ωN(a,b)) and Θb,c = ω (= ωN(b,c))orΘb,c =ΘonN(b, c). If the shared congruence on I is ι (= ιI ), then we must have Θa,b = Θ or Θa,b = ι (= ιN(a,b))onN(a, b) 7.2. Proof-by-Picture 81

a(b) b(c)

b c N(a, b) N(b, c)

a1 b2 b1 b1 c1 c2 II 0 0

a(b) b(c)

a b c N(a, b) N(b, c)

P b a1 b2 b1 c2 c1

c M 0

Figure 7.2: The chopped lattice M for P = C3.

and Θb,c = ι (= ιN(b,c))onN(b, c). So there are three congruences distinct from ω: ω, Θ, Θ,ι, ι, ι. Thus all the join-irreducible congruences form the three-element chain.

Example 2: The three-element order PV of Figure 7.3. (We call PV the “order V .”) We take two copies of the gadget, N(b, a) and N(c, a); they share the ideal J = {0,a1,a2,a}; we merge them to form the chopped lattice

MV = Merge(N(b, a),N(c, a)), ∼ see Figure 7.3. Again, the isomorphism PV = ConJ MV is given by x1 → con(0,x), for x ∈ PV .

Example 3: The three-element order PH of Figure 7.4. (We call PH the “order hat.”) We take two copies of the gadget, N(a, b) and N(a, c); they share the ideal J = {0,a1}; we merge them to form the chopped lattice

MV = Merge(N(a, b),N(a, c)), ∼ see Figure 7.4. Again, the isomorphism PH = ConJ MH is given by x1 → con(0,x), for x ∈ PV . The reader should now be able to picture the general proof: instead of the few atoms in these examples, we start with enough atoms to reflect the 82 7. The Dilworth Theorem

b(a) c(a)

a N(b, a) N(c, a)

bcb 1 a1 a2 c 1

PV a MV 0

Figure 7.3: The chopped lattice for the order V.

a(b) a(c)

b c N(a, b) N(a, c)

PH a b 1 b 2 a c 1 c 2 b c MH 0

Figure 7.4: The chopped lattice for the order hat.

structure of P , see Figure 7.5. Whenever b ≺ a in P , we build a copy of N(a, b), see Figure 7.6.

7.3. Computing For a finite order P , let Max be the set of maximal elements in P . We form the set

M0 = {0}∪{p1 | p ∈ Max }∪ ( {a1,a2}|a ∈ P − Max )

consisting of 0, the maximal elements of P indexed by 1, and two copies of the nonmaximal elements of P , indexed by 1 and 2. We make M0 a meet-semilat- tice by defining inf{x, y} =0ifx = y, as illustrated in Figure 7.5. Note that x ≡ y (Θ) and x = y imply that x ≡ 0 (Θ) and y ≡ 0 (Θ) in M0; therefore, the congruence relations of M0 are in one-to-one correspondence with subsets of P . Thus Con M0 is a boolean lattice whose atoms are associated with atoms of M0; the congruence Φx associated with the atom x has only one nontrivial block {0,x}. We construct an extension M of M0 as follows: 7.4. Sectionally complemented lattices 83

q1 p1 a1 a2 b 1 b 2 ......


Figure 7.5: The chopped lattice M0.

c(d) a(b) b c d d a a b b ... 1 2 1 2 1 2 1...


Figure 7.6: The chopped lattice M.

The chopped lattice M consists of four kinds of elements: (i) the zero, 0; (ii) for all maximal elements p of P , the element p1; (iii) for any nonmaximal element p of P , three elements: p, p1, p2; (iv) for each pair p, q ∈ P with p q, a new element, p(q). For p, q ∈ P with p q, we set N6 = N(p, q)= {0,p1,q,q1,q2,p(q)}. For x, y ∈ M, let us define x ≤ y to mean that, for some p, q ∈ P with p q,wehavex, y ∈ N(p, q) and x ≤ y in the lattice N(p, q). It is easily seen that x ≤ y does not depend on the choice of p and q, and that ≤ is an ordering. Since, under this ordering, all N(p, q) and N(p, q) ∩ N(p,q)(p q and p q in P ) are lattices and x, y ∈ M, x ∈ N(p, q), and y ≤ x imply that y ∈ N(p, q), we conclude that M is a chopped lattice; in fact, it is a union of the ideals N(p, q) with p q in P , and two such distinct ideals intersect in a one-, two-, or four-element ideal. Since the chopped lattice M is atomistic, Corollary 3.8 applies. If pi ⇒ qj in M, for p, q ∈ P and i, j ∈{1, 2}, then p ≥ q in P , and conversely. So the equivalence classes of the atoms under the preordering ⇒ form an order ∼ isomorphic to Down P . This completes the verification that ConJ M = P , and therefore, of Theorem 7.3.

7.4. Sectionally complemented lattices

Let M be the chopped lattice described in Section 7.3. Since all N(p, q)-s are sectionally complemented, so is M. In Gr¨atzer and Schmidt [57] the following result is proved: Bibliography

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0-separating homomorphism, 17 Baranski˘ı-Urquhart Theorem, xxv, 244 1/3-boolean triple, 210 Base congruence, 22 Berman, J., 102, 265 2-distributive lattice, 141, 226, 244, Bijection, 12 270 Binary operation, 9 2/3-boolean triple, 198 Binary partial operation, 47 Binary polynomial, 23 {a, b}-fork, 169 Binary relation, 3 Absorption identity, 9 product, 15 Adaricheva, K., xix Birkhoff’s Subdirect Representation Algebra, 9 Theorem, 22 partial, 47 Birkhoff, G., xxvi, 22, 100, 177, Algebraic functions, 23 187, 265 Anderson, J., xix, 263 Block, 6 Antichain, 4 trivial, 6 Antisymmetric, 3 Bogart, K. P., 265 Antitone map, 4 Bol’bot, A. D., 267 Arber, A., xxiii Boolean lattice, 24 Arguesian identity, 126 Boolean triple, xiv, xxiv, 57, 58– Arguesian lattice, 126 70, 191, 248 Associative identity, 9 1/3, 210 Atom, 19 2/3, 198 dual, 19 Bounded order, 4 Atom Lemma, 53, 54, 150 Breadth, 224 Atomistic lattice, 19 Automorphism, 12 Capped tensor product, 263 Chain, 4 Balanced triple, 58 in an order, 4 Baranski˘ı, V. A., xxv, 125, 177, 244, Chopped lattice, xxii, xxiv, 47,48– 265 50, 52–55, 72, 79–83, 86,

275 276 Index

131, 136, 137, 145, 147, Congruence lattice, 15 148, 150–152, 181, 185, 186, distributivity of, 37 221, 228, 230, 231, 237 Congruence Lattice Problem, xxi, congruence, 48 210 ideal, 48 Congruence permutable, 15 sectionally complemented, 53, Congruence relation, see Congru- 54, 86 ence Closure system, 10 Congruence restriction, 14 CLP, xxi, 222 Congruence vector, 50 Colored lattice, 39, 94, 219 compatible, 50 Coloring, 39, 94, 219 Congruence-determining sublattice, multi, 219 43 Commutative identity, 9 Congruence-finite, 223 Comparable elements, 3 Congruence-forcing, 35 Compatible congruence vector, 50 Congruence-perspective, 35 Compatible vector, 49 down, 35 Complement, 19 up, 35 relative, 20 Congruence-preserving extension, 42 sectional, 20 ϕ, 190 Complemented lattice, 19 ϕ+, 190 relatively, 20, 88, 140, 223, 266 Congruence-preserving sublattice, 42 sectionally, xiv, xxii, 20, 47, Congruence-projective, 35 79, 83–88, 129, 141, 145– Congruence-reflecting extension, 41 153, 173, 178, 180, 188, Congruence-reflecting sublattice, 41 210, 216, 227, 228, 235, Contravariant functor, 230 238–241 Convex embedding, 13 Complete lattice, 10 Convex extension, 13 Concrete category, 230 Convex sublattice, 13 Congruence, 14, 48 Convex subset, 13 base, 22 chopped lattice, 48 Covering, 5 discrete, 15 CPE-class, 209, 210, 216, 223 ϕ, 190 Crawley, P., xxiv, 79, 150, 153, 158, ϕ+, 190 159, 265 forcing, 35 Cubic extension, xiii, xxiv, xxv, 72, permutable, 15, 173, 174, 272 74, 75, 145–148, 151–155, principal, 15 158, 159, 161, 162, 178 reflection, 39 Cycle, 8 regular, 127, 129, 173 restriction, 39 Davey, B., xix separates 0, 17 Davey, B. A., xxiii, 266, 267 separates 1, 17 Diagram, 5 uniform, 129 Digraph, 182 Congruence class, 14 labeled, 182 Index 277

Dilworth Theorem, xxi, xxii, xxiv, Freese, R., 100, 102, 126, 127, 265– 79, 80, 85, 87, 93, 216, 267 245 Fried, E., v Full, 85 Frucht, R., 177–180, 186–188, 266 Dilworth, R. P., xxi, xxiv, 36, 79, Fuchs, L., v 100, 150, 153, 158, 159, Full Dilworth Theorem, 85 265, 266 Funayama, N., xxi, 37, 79, 266 Direct power, 21 Functor, 230 Direct product, 5, 20 contravariant, 230 Discrete congruence, 15 Discrete-transitive lattice, 139 Ganter, B., 267 Distributive lattice, 24 Generating set (of a sublattice), 13 Dobbertin, H., 266 Glued sum, 6 Doubly 2-distributive lattice, 226 Gluing, 27 Down congruence-perspective, 35 repeated, 30 Down-set, 4 Gorbunov, V. A., 267 Dual, 4 Graph, 178 Dual atom, 19 rigid, 179 Duality Principle for Lattices, 9 Greatest lower bound, 4 Duality Principle for Orders, 4 Greenberg, M., xxv, 190, 198, 246, 263, 267 Edge, 178 Greferath, M., 267 Embedding, 12 convex, 13 Haviar, M., xix ideal, 14 Herrmann, C., 125, 271 Endomorphism, 12 Homomorphic image, 16 Equation, 24 Homomorphism, 12 Equivalence relation, 7 0-separating, 17 Erd˝os, P., xxiii kernel, 16 Extension, 13 Homomorphism Theorem, 16 congruence-preserving, 42 Huhn, A. P., xxii, xxv, 215, 221, congruence-reflecting, 41 222, 224, 226, 244, 271, convex, 13 272

ϕ-congruence, 190 Ideal, 13, 48 ϕ-congruence-preserving extension, chopped lattice, 48 190 principal, 14 ϕ+-congruence, 190 proper, 14 ϕ+-congruence-preserving extension, Ideal embedding, 14 190 Ideal lattice, 14 Filter, 14 Idempotent identity, 9 principal, 14 Identity, 24 Fraser, G. A., 263, 266 absorption, 9 Free lattice, 26 arguesian, 126 278 Index

associative, 9 Landau, E., xxvi commutative, 9 Lattice, 8, 9 idempotent, 9 2-distributive, 141, 226, 244, Incomparable elements, 3 270 Independence Theorem, 177 arguesian, 126 Strong, 177 as algebra, 9 Independence Theorem for Modu- as order, 8 lar Lattices, 125 atomistic, 19 Inequality, 24 boolean, 24 Injective, 13 chopped, xxii, xxiv, 47, 48– Interval, 13 50, 52–55, 72, 79–83, 86, perspective, 32 131, 136, 137, 145, 147, prime, 13 148, 150–152, 181, 185, 186, projective, 33 221, 228, 230, 231, 237 trivial, 13 colored, 39, 94, 219 Isoform lattice, 139 complemented, 19 Isomorphism, 4, 12 complete, 10 Isomorphism Theorem for Modu- congruence, 15 lar Lattices, 33 distributivity of, 37 Isotone function, 24 congruence permutable, 15 Isotone map, 4 discrete-transitive, 139 distributive, 24 Janowitz, M. F., 88, 272 doubly 2-distributive, 226 Jeˇzek, J., 102, 266 Duality Principle, 9 Jipsen, P., 267 embedding, 12 Join, 9 endomorphism, 12 Join-independent, 99 homomorphism, 12 Join-irreducible element, 19 ideal, 14 Join-reducible element, 19 isoform, 139 Join-semilattice, 10 isomorphism, 12 lower semimodular, 33 Kaarli, K., 174, 272 modular, xiii, xiv, xvi, xxiv, Katriˇn´ak, T., xix 25, 26, 28, 31–35, 39, 62, Kelly, David, v, xix, 103, 267 115–127, 141, 153, 155– Kernel, 16 157, 189, 244, 266, 270, Kung, J. P. S., 265 273 Independence Theorem, 125 Labeled digraph, 182 n-distributive, 127, 226, 271 Lakser, H., v, xxii, xxiv, xxv, 47, non-separating, 17 52, 54, 79, 86, 93, 100, nontrivial, 8 102, 106, 183, 188, 216, planar, xxv, 10, 60, 93, 97, 217, 219, 220, 222–224, 227, 106, 114, 122, 160, 224, 228, 242, 246, 263, 267– 225, 228, 242, 243, 268 269 quotient, 16 Index 279

regular, 127, 129, 173 115–127, 141, 153, 155– relatively complemented, 20, 157, 189, 244, 266, 270, 88, 140, 223, 266 273 rigid, 12 Independence Theorem, 125 sectionally complemented, xxii Monolith, 22 sectionally complemented, xiv, Morphism, 230 20, 47, 79, 83–88, 129, 141, Multi-coloring, xxiv, 219 145–153, 173, 178, 180, 188, 210, 216, 227, 228, 235, n-distributive lattice, 127, 226, 271 238–241 Nakayama, T., xxi, 37, 79, 266 semimodular, xiv, xxiv, 33, 57, Nation, J. B., 102, 266 85, 87, 88, 105–114, 141, Natural equivalence, 231 153–160, 178, 188, 209, 210, Natural transformation, 230 216, 244, 268, 270 Non-separating lattice, 17 separable, 163 Nontrivial lattice, 8 simple, 15 subdirectly irreducible, 21 Object, 230 trivial, 8 Operation, 9 uniform, xiv, xxiv, 127, 129, binary, 9 130, 132, 136, 137, 140, partial, 47 141, 161, 174, 271–273 partial binary, 47 weakly atomic, 19, 115, 116 Order, 3 Lattice identity, 24 associated with preorder, 8 Lattice inequality, 24 bounded, 4 Lattice tensor product, 263 diagram, 5 Least upper bound, 3 dual, 4 Leder, G., xix Duality Principle, 4 Length, 4 length, 4 Linear order, 4 linear, 4 Lower bound, 4 planar, 5 greatest, 4 trivial, 3 Lower semimodular lattice, 33 Order dimension, 225 Ordering, 3 Maeda, F., 15, 272 Ordinal sum, 6 McKenzie, R. N., xxvi, 272 Ore, O., 105, 150, 272 McNulty, G., xxvi, 272 Osborne, Michael, xix Meet, 9 Meet-irreducible element, 19 Partial algebra, 47 Meet-reducible element, 19 Partial operation, 47 Meet-semilattice, 10 Partition, 6, 15 Mendelsohn, E., 125, 272 lattice, 7 Merging, 48 Permutable congruences, 15, 173, Modular lattice, xiii, xiv, xvi, xxiv, 174, 272 25, 26, 28, 31–35, 39, 62, Perspectivity of intervals, 32 280 Index

Planar lattice, xxv, 10, 60, 93, 97, Relative complement, 20 106, 114, 122, 160, 224, Relatively complemented lattice, 20, 225, 228, 242, 243, 268 88, 140, 223, 266 Planar order, 5 Repeated gluing, 30 Ploˇsˇcica, M., xix Restriction, 39 Polynomial, 23 congruence, 14 binary, 23 Restriction map, 39 unary, 23 Reuter, K., 100, 272 Polynomial function, 23 Rigid, 12 Power set, 4 Rigid graph, 179 Preorder, 7 Rival, I., xxiv, 93, 225, 269 Priestley, H. A., xxiii, 266, 267 Roddy, M., 54, 86, 268, 269 Prime interval, 13 Rose, H., 267 Principal congruence, 15 Principal filter, 14 Sabidussi, G., 272 Principal ideal, 14 Schmidt, E. T., v, xxi, xxii, xxiv, Product xxv, 15, 47, 53, 57, 62, 63, direct, 20 65, 68, 71, 73, 79, 83, 86– subdirect, 21 90, 93, 100–103, 106, 115, Projection map, 20 125–127, 129, 139, 140, 145, Projectivity of intervals, 33 153, 161, 174, 177, 189, Proof-by-Picture, xxiii 190, 198, 207, 211, 216, Proper ideal, 14 219, 220, 222–224, 226, 227, Pruning, xxiv, 139 246, 263, 266–273 Pudl´ak, P., xxi, 150, 158, 159, 222, Schmidt, S. E., 267 272 Scott, M., xix Pultr, A., 187, 272 Second Isomorphism Theorem, 16 Sectional complement, 20 Quackenbush, R. W., v, xxiv, 161, Sectionally complemented chopped 174, 246, 263, 268, 269 lattice, 53, 54, 86 Quotient lattice, 16 Sectionally complemented lattice, xiv, xxii, 20, 47, 79, 83– Reflection, 39 88, 129, 141, 145–153, 173, Reflection map, 39 178, 180, 188, 210, 216, Reflexive, 3 227, 228, 235, 238–241 Reflexive product, 30 Semilattice Reflexive-transitive closure, 8 homomorphism, 12 Regular congruence, 127, 129, 173 join, 10 Regular lattice, 127, 129, 173 meet, 10 Relation Semimodular lattice, xiv, xxiv, 33, binary, 3 57, 85, 87, 88, 105–114, reflexive product, 30 141, 153–160, 178, 188, 209, Relational product, 15 210, 216, 244, 268, 270 reflexive, 30 Separable lattice, 163 Index 281

Separates, 17 T˚uma, J., xxii, 150, 158, 159, 211, Separator, 163, 175 222, 272, 273 Shmuley, Z., 263, 273 Tumanov, V. I., 267 Simple lattice, 15 Smirnov, D. M., 267 Unary polynomial, 23 Spectrum, 89 Uniform congruence, 129 Strong Independence Theorem, 177 Uniform lattice, xiv, xxiv, 127, 129, Subdirect product, 21 130, 132, 136, 137, 140, Subdirectly irreducible lattice, 21 141, 161, 174, 271–273 Sublattice, 13 Unit, 4 congruence-determining, 43 Up congruence-perspective, 35 congruence-preserving, 42 Upper bound, 3 congruence-reflecting, 41 least, 3 Upper semimodular lattice, 33 convex, 13 Urquhart, A., 125, 177, 244, 273 generating set, 13 Suborder, 4 Valuation, 90 Substitution Property, 14 Variety, 22, 25 Sum, 6 Vector glued, 6 compatible, 49 ordinal, 6 compatible congruence, 50 Surjection, 12 congruence, 50 Surjective, 13 Vertex, 178 Symmetric, 7 Wang, D., 102, 225, 271 Taylor, W.F., xxvi, 272 Weakly atomic lattice, 19, 115, 116 Tensor extension, 248 Wehrung, F., v, xix, xxii, 57, 60, Tensor product 102, 103, 188, 211, 217, capped, 263 222, 263, 267, 269, 271, lattice, 263 273 Teo, S.-K., 100, 102, 273 Wille, R., 100, 267, 272 Term, 23 Wolk, B., 100, 269 Thomsen, K., xxiv, 129, 161, 271 Zaguia, N., xxiv, 93, 225, 269 Tischendorf, M., 146, 222, 273 Zero, 4 Transitive, 3 Zhang, V., 102, 225, 273 Triple balanced, 58 boolean, xiv, xxiv, 57, 58–70, 191, 248 Trivial block, 6 Trivial interval, 13 Trivial lattice, 8 Trivial order, 3 Trnkov´a, V., 187, 272