Life and Death at the Pe ş tera cu Oase

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Series Editors Russell L. Ciochon, The University of Iowa Bernard A. Wood, George Washington University

Editorial Advisory Board Leslie C. Aiello, Wenner-Gren Foundation Susan Ant ó n, New York University Anna K. Behrensmeyer, Smithsonian Institution Alison Brooks, George Washington University Steven Churchill, Duke University Fred Grine, State University of New York, Stony Brook Katerina Harvati, Univertit ä t T ü bingen Jean-Jacques Hublin, Max Planck Institute Thomas Plummer, Queens College, City University of New York Yoel Rak, Tel-Aviv University Kaye Reed, Arizona State University Christopher Ruff, John Hopkins School of Medicine Erik Trinkaus, Washington University in St. Louis Carol Ward, University of Missouri

African Biogeography, Climate Change, and Evolution Edited by Timothy G. Bromage and Friedemann Schrenk Meat-Eating and Edited by Craig B. Stanford and Henry T. Bunn The Skull of afarensis William H. Kimbel, Yoel Rak, and Donald C. Johanson Early Modern Human Evolution in Central : The People of Doln í V ĕ stonice and Pavlov Edited by Erik Trinkaus and Ji ří Svoboda Evolution of the Hominin Diet: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable Edited by Peter S. Ungar Genes, Language, & Culture History in the Southwest Pacifi c Edited by Jonathan S. Friedlaender The Lithic Assemblages of Qafzeh Erella Hovers Life and Death at the Pe ş tera cu Oase: A Setting for Modern Human Emergence in Europe Edited by Erik Trinkaus, Silviu Constantin, and Jo ã o Zilh ã o

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Life and Death at the Pe ş tera cu Oase A Setting for Modern Human Emergence in Europe

Edited by Erik Trinkaus , Silviu Constantin, Jo ã o Zilh ã o


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Life and death at the Pestera cu Oase : a setting for modern human emergence in Europe / edited by Erik Trinkaus, Silviu Constantin, and João Zilhão. p. cm. — (Human evolution series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978–0–19–539822–9 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Prehistoric peoples—. 2. Cave dwellers—Romania. 3. Human evolution—Romania. 4. Human remains (Archaeology)—Romania. 5. Animal remains (Archaeology)—Romania. 6. Romania—Antiquities. I. Trinkaus, Erik. II. Constantin, Silviu. III. Zilhão, João. GN776.R8L54 2012 599.93’8—dc23 2012005790

ISBN: 978–0–19–539822–9

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper

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Caves. Pe ş teri . Romania has over 12,000 of them scattered scarce, the early modern from in Romania, over about 5000 km2 of country. They vary from the Peş tera Cioclovina Uscată , the Peş tera Muierii and small openings to large karstic systems that take days now the Peş tera cu Oase, provide one of the largest sam- to traverse underground. They inspired the world’s fi rst ples of the oldest modern humans in the continent. There institute for the study of caves, the Institutul de Speologie are also scattered remains of earlier humans, Neandertals, founded by Emil Racoviţă in 1920. They are natural labo- from Peş tera Bordu Mare (Ohaba-Ponor) and Peş tera ratories for documenting the complex history of climate in Livadi ţa, as as one of their footprints from Gheţ arul southeastern Europe through the Pleistocene. They have de la V â rtop. also been home and tomb to one of the more impressive It is in this context that, in 2002, a group of speleolo- and extensively documented Pleistocene , the gists from Timi şoara and Drobeta-Turnu Severin made a extinct cave bear, as well as a variety of other carnivores, discovery that was to change our perceptions of the earli- large and small. Their entrances have provided shelter for est modern humans in Europe, expand our knowledge of people past and present, and their deeper recesses have cave bears, and refocus attention on the occasionally preserved the remains of those past people. humans and mammals of southeastern Europe. It was Bears. Ur ş i. Romania is one of the few countries in part of a long-term project exploring and surveying the Europe with a remaining and viable population of wild cave system of the Peş tera Ponor-Plopa. Parts of this sys- bears, the European bear (Ursus arctos). Its caves, tem were well-known and even appear as cave symbols however, have accumulated by the millions the remains of on tourist maps of Romania, but only a small part of it an extinct relative of the brown bear, the Late Pleistocene had ever been mapped. Combining , cave div- cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ). These bones, from hiberna- ing, and rock climbing, they entered an upper level of the tion deaths in the multitude of caves throughout the system that was littered with the bones of cave bears. In Carpathians, spanning tens of thousands of years, have the confl uence of its galleries, lying on the surface, was a permitted their exploitation for fertilizer, (illicit) fossil col- human mandible. lection and trading, and scientifi c study. Recognizing the potential importance of the fi nd, they People. Oameni . Romania, the Carpathians, and the contacted the Institutul de Speologie “Emil Racoviţă ,” Danube Valley from the Iron Gates (Danube Gorge) to the eventually removed the mandible from the cave for anal- Sea have provided a corridor for human movements ysis and dating. The initial result, >35,000 radiocarbon and dispersals since the and probably since the years ago, motivated a short fi eld season in 2003, which fi rst human occupation of Europe. The more temporally produced a cave map and the complete face of a second remote of these people, those from the Pleistocene, have human. Given these discoveries and the recognition of left their cultural remains throughout the region and, the importance of the upper cave galleries, now called occasionally, their own remains in places where they have the Peş tera cu Oase (Cave with Bones), an international been recovered and preserved for science. Although still team was organized to excavate, sample, and analyze the


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cave contents. The contents, human, ursid and geologi- Acva Grup in Timiş oara. After the discovery of the Pe ş tera cal, were clearly central to a number of ongoing scientifi c cu Oase, they contacted Oana Moldovan of the Institutul de issues. The resultant fi eld seasons in 2004 and 2005 pro- Speologie “Emil Racoviţă” in Cluj-Napoca, who identifi ed duced a wealth of data on the cave, the cave’s geological Erik Trinkaus as someone who could help with the , the cave bears, other vertebrates in the cave, and mandible. After Moldovan and Trinkaus met in Budapest of course the humans. in May 2002 (see Chapter 2) and after Trinkaus met with A multitude of geological, paleontological, and paleo- Ricardo Rodrigo in Lisbon early in 2003, they organized biological possibilities have arisen from the detailed exca- the brief fi eld season at the cave in summer 2003, which vation of the Panta Stră mo ş ilor (Slope of the Ancestors, included Ş tefan Milota, Mircea Gherase, Oana Moldovan, with the Oase 2 cranium and > 5000 cave bear and other Ricardo Rodrigo, Olena Moldovan, and Erik Trinkaus, with mammalian bones from a few cubic meters of sediment) brief visits by Laurenţ iu Sarcin ă and Adrian Bî lg ă r. and the mapping in and sampling of hibernation nests, sta- After the discovery of the Oase 2 human face, the lagmites, carnivore remains, and more bear bones through- decision to organize a proper documentation of the cave out the Peş tera cu Oase. As a result, through the fi eldwork deposits, and the successful obtaining of appropriate fund- and subsequently in laboratories around the world, we ing, the cave access was facilitated during spring 2004 by have attempted to shed as much light on the Peş tera cu Ş tefan Milota, Mircea Gherase, and Laurenţ iu Sarcină . The Oase and its past denizens as possible. Given the appar- subsequent fi eldwork during July 2004 involved bringing ent age of the bones and deposits, we have applied as together a much larger group of people, friends, colleagues, many radiometric dating techniques as are available. We and specialists. The work within the cave was done princi- have analyzed the human, ursid, and other bones from a pally by Ş tefan Milota, Mircea Gherase, Oana Moldovan, variety of morphological, paleobiological, isotopic, tapho- Ricardo Rodrigo, Hé l è ne Rougier, Lauren ţiu Sarcină , and nomic, and biomolecular perspectives. Given the logistical Joã o Zilhã o, with Adrian Danciu video recording the pro- efforts of the excavation, and the hours spent daily during ceedings and helping out. Archeological exploration of the fi eldwork just getting to and from the Peş tera cu Oase, we nearby cave of Peş tera La Ho ţu (formerly Pe ştera Hoţ ilor) could justify no less. was undertaken by Ion B ăltean and Adela Cinc ă, assisted Several aspects of this work have already reached by Sorin Petrescu. Laboratory work at the Hotel Steier publication through scientifi c journals, principally those in Steierdorf (Anina) was undertaken primarily by Erik that characterize the humans, still the earliest securely Trinkaus, aided by Vlad Codrea, Silviu Constantin, and vari- dated modern ones known from Europe, as modern with- ous people working in the cave on their days off. In addition, out being fully modern. It also documented isotopically various friends camped by the cave entrance, protected the for the fi rst time the dietary fl exibility of cave bears. These equipment there, and helped both within and outside of the brief reports have generated global scientifi c and media cave. During all of this time, Oana Moldovan acted as the interest. The site has also yielded one of the largest known leader of the Romanian team, ensuring part of the fi nancing red . It has a rich paleoclimatic record. And the collec- and dealing with legal and organizational issues. tion of ursid remains from shed deciduous teeth to elderly After the 2004 fi eld season, the excavated remains individuals permits extensive assessment of their hiberna- were taken to the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Institutul de tion taphonomy. But only a subset of the associated details Speologie “Emil Racoviţă” by Mircea Gherase and Ş tefan has emerged, and little of it has been pulled together into Milota, and in December 2004 H é l ène Rougier and J é r ô me a comprehensive whole. The following monograph is our Quil è s worked on the collections there, with the assistance attempt, through the collaboration of the various authors of Oana Moldovan. and others who have helped along the way, to provide a The subsequent year’s fi eld season, 2005, saw a synthetic presentation of the Peş tera cu Oase, its contents, larger and slightly altered fi eld crew. Ş tefan Milota, and its implications. Lying just north of the Iron Gates, Adrian Danciu, Mircea Gherase, Ricardo Rodrigo, Hé l è ne in the extension of the southern Carpathian Mountains Rougier, Lauren ţ iu Sarcin ă, and Jo ã o Zilh ão returned to toward central Europe, this underground world provides work in the cave, joined by Viorel Horoi, Că t ă lin Petrea, insight into the cave, the bears, and the people of a part of and Silviu Constantin, while Ion B ă ltean, Adela Cinc ă , Europe that has linked it to the world beyond Europe. and Sorin Petrescu continued the archeological testing of Pe ş tera La Hoţ u. In the “laboratory” at the “hotel,” Erik Trinkaus was assisted by Andrei Sofi caru and Iuliana The People Involved Constandache, plus Rainer Grü n during his visit to collect dating samples. Jé r ô me Quilè s worked on the bear remains The initial exploration of the Peş tera Plopa-Ponor was at the hotel. And at the end of the season, Mircea Gherase undertaken by Ştefan Milota, Lauren ţ iu Sarcin ă , and Adrian drove the season’s collection of bones to Cluj-Napoca to Bî lg ă r, the fi rst two being principal members of the Pro join the material excavated in 2004.


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During the equipping of the cave in 2004 and espe- in both Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest, provided a frame- cially during the 2004 and 2005 summer fi eld seasons in work and support throughout the project. Washington Anina, a number of people helped in the cave and/or University in St. Louis funded the 2003 fi eld season and camped by the entrance to the cave to protect equipment. provided substantial support for equipment and the These friends of caves and of the Peş tera cu Oase included subsequent 2004 and 2005 fi eld seasons. The Wenner- Attila and Svetlana Czernak, Cristian Tă ut, Vlad Breazu, Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (grant Gabriel Falusi, Gè za Rajka, Nicoliţă Dorel, Bogdan Tomu ş , 7111), the Leakey Foundation, and the National Science and Ionel Neag. Foundation (grant BCS-0409194) provided major fund- The final period of primary paleontological data ing for the 2004 and 2005 fi eldwork. These funds were collection was in December 2005, in Cluj-Napoca, supplemented by support for Ricardo Rodrigo and Joã o when Oana Moldovan hosted Mircea Gherase, Ş tefan Zilh ã o from the Instituto Portugu ê s de Arqueologia, Milota, Că t ă lin Petrea, Jé r ô me Quilè s, Hé l è ne Rougier, for H é l ène Rougier from the Institut royal des Sciences and Erik Trinkaus, with a brief visit by Alex Petculescu naturelles de Belgique, and for Silviu Constantin from and Emil Ş tiuc ă . Additional work has proceeded in the Romanian National Council for Academic Research Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest on the remains by Silviu (CNCSIS 1258/2005 and PCCE IDEI 31/2010) and Constantin, Că t ă lin Petrea, Martina Pacher, Alex the National Agency for Scientifi c Research (CEEX Petculescu, Emil Ş tiuc ă , and Erik Trinkaus as further 627/2005). analyses and questions have been addressed. And of course, work has continued by all of the various con- tributors to this volume at their respective institutions Acknowledgment as the analyses of the material from the Peş tera cu Oase have proceeded. Needless to say, we are collectively grateful to all of The fi eldwork in 2004 and 2005 was undertaken these individuals and institutions for their support of with the permission of the Direcţ ia Monumente Istorice the Peş tera cu Oase project. Without them, the project şi Muzee, Ministerul Culturii ş i Cultelor (authoriza- could not have come to fruition, and the new horizons, tions 181/2004 and 47/2005), facilitated by Gheorghe both underground and in the light of day that have Lazarovici. been afforded by the Pe ştera cu Oase, would remain in darkness (the total darkness that only a cave can provide). The Funding Involved Erik Trinkaus Saint Louis, MO, USA A project of this scope cannot proceed without consider- able support for supplies, lodging and sustenance, trans- Silviu Constantin portation, special analyses, and dating applications, Bucharest, Romania among other things. All of the academic institutions of the various contributors have provided support in some Jo ã o Zilhã o fashion. The Institutul de Speologie “Emil Racoviţă ,” Barcelona,


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Part Seven References


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