Friday, December 22, 2017


OBITUARY REFERENCE to the passing away of Shri Jalaludin Ansari (ex-Member). ———— PAPERS TO BE LAID ON THE TABLE Following Ministers to lay papers on the Table entered in the separate list: — 1. SHRI PIYUSH GOYAL for Ministry of Coal; 2. RAO INDERJIT SINGH for Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers; 3. SHRI MANOJ SINHA for Ministry of Communications; 4. SHRI VIJAY GOEL for Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs; 5. SHRI HARIBHAI PARTHIBHAI CHAUDHARY for Ministry of Coal; 6. SHRI RAJEN GOHAIN for Ministry of Railways; 7. SHRI PARSHOTTAM RUPALA for Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare; 8. SHRIMATI KRISHNA RAJ for Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare; 9. SHRI C. R. CHAUDHARY for Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution; and 10. SHRI P. P. CHAUDHARY for Ministry of Law and Justice. ———— REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE MOTOR VEHICLES (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2017

DR. VINAY P. SAHASRABUDDHE SHRI AJAY SANCHETI to present the Report (in English and Hindi) of the Select Committee on the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2017. ———— REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT RELATED PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON COAL AND STEEL

SHRI RAM VICHAR NETAM DR. PRADEEP KUMAR BALMUCHU to lay on the Table, a copy (in English and Hindi) of the Thirty-fifth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Coal and Steel on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in Twenty-seventh Report of the Committee (Sixteenth ) on 'Demands for Grants (2017-18)' of the Ministry of Coal. ————



SARDAR BALWINDER SINGH BHUNDER SHRI PRADEEP TAMTA to lay on the Table, a copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following Statements of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Water Resources (2017-18):— (i) Statement showing Further Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Eighth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on Action Taken by Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Fourth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on the subject 'Issues concerning Flood Management, Compensation and Status of ownership of submerged and eroded land in the country, including compensation to farmers for loss of their crops destroyed by floods and right to disposal of the sand left in the fields of farmers'; (ii) Statement showing Further Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Fifteenth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on Action Taken by Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Tenth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on 'Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water bodies -Encroachment on water bodies and steps required to remove the encroachment and restore the water bodies'; and (iii) Statement showing Further Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Seventeenth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on Action Taken by Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Sixteenth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on 'Demands for Grants (2017-18)' of the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. ———— REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN

SHRIMATI KAHKASHAN PERWEEN MS. DOLA SEN to lay on the Table, a copy (in English and Hindi) of the Tenth Report of the Committee on Empowerment of Women (2016-17) on the subject 'Women in Detention and Access to Justice. ———— STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS 1. SHRI HARIBHAI PARTHIBHAI CHAUDHARY to make a statement regarding Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Thirty-first Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Coal and Steel titled "Coal Review of Allotment, Development and Performance of Coal/Lignite Blocks". 2. SHRI RAJEN GOHAIN to make a statement regarding Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Sixteenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways on 'Outstanding Dues for Indian Railways'. 3. SHRI C. R. CHAUDHARY to make a statement regarding Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Sixteenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution on Demands for Grants (2017-18) pertaining to the Department of Consumer Affairs. ———— 96

MOTION FOR ELECTION TO THE COCONUT DEVELOPMENT BOARD SHRI RADHA MOHAN SINGH to move the following Motion:— "That in pursuance of clause (e) of sub-section (4) of Section 4 of the Coconut Development Board Act, 1979 (No.5 of 1979), read with clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 4 of the Coconut Development Board Rules, 1981, this House do proceed to elect, in such manner as the Chairman may direct, one Member from amongst the Members of the House to be a member of the Coconut Development Board." ———— MOTION FOR ELECTION TO THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SHRI VIJAY GOEL to move the following Motion:— "That this House concurs in the recommendation of the Lok Sabha that the Rajya Sabha do agree to nominate two Members from Rajya Sabha vice Shri Shantaram Naik and Shri Sukhendu Sekhar Ray, retired from the Rajya Sabha, to associate with the Committee on Public Accounts for the unexpired portion of the term of the Committee and do proceed to elect, in such manner as the Chairman may direct, two Members from among the Members of this House to serve on the said Committee." ———— STATEMENT REGARDING GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SHRI VIJAY GOEL to make a statement regarding Government Business for the week commencing Wednesday, the 27th of December, 2017. ———— #QUESTIONS QUESTIONS entered in separate lists to be asked and answers given. ———— (FROM 2.30 P.M. TO 5.00 P.M.) PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS (RESOLUTIONS)

1. *SHRI D. RAJA to move the following Resolution:—

“Having regard to the fact that:—

(i) the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes (OBCs) have been provided with reservation in jobs in the Government on the basis of Constitutional and statutory provisions to fulfill the vision of the framers of the Constitution for addressing the problems of discrimination, inequality and deprivation caused by castes, which in the words of Dr. Ambedkar constituted "ascending order of reverence and descending order of contempt"; (ii) the Government jobs are now shrinking because of privatization and most of the jobs in the Government are contractual in nature for which reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs is not applicable and, therefore, reservation is being taken away through backdoor; (iii) in the market driven economy where corporate sector is the dominant engine of economic growth, most of the employment opportunities are now available in the private sector where reservation is not applicable;

# At 12 Noon. * Resolutions at sl. nos. 1 to 3 are carried forward from 11th August, 2017 (243rd Session). 97

(iv) the Constitutional provision of positive discrimination in favour of Scheduled Castes and the deprived sections of society and exploited castes and tribes are being negated because of neo-liberal policies at the heart of which remain the market forces and withdrawal of the State from many key sectors and massive disinvestment of the public sector enterprises is causing lack of employment opportunities in the public sector enterprises; and (v) there is greater and urgent need to extend the reservation for SCs and STs and OBCs to the private sector in tune with the objectives and Constitutionally enshrined provisions in this regard and in tune with the pronouncements of the former President of , Late Shri K.R. Narayanan in his Republic Day eve speech in 2002 that "Indeed in the present economic system and of the future, it is necessary for the private sector to adopt social policies that are progressive and more egalitarian for these deprived classes to be uplifted from their state of deprivation and inequality and given the rights of citizens and civilized human beings. This is not to ask the private enterprise to accept socialism, but to initiate something like the diversity bill and the affirmative action that a capitalist country like the US has adopted and is implementing", this House urges upon the Government to extend reservation of jobs for SCs, STs and OBCs in the private sector on the pattern of reservations in the Government sector."

2. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY to move the following Resolution:—

“Having regard to the fact that:

(i) India requires speedy economic development and higher growth rate to make it among the few large economies in the world with propitious economic outlook; (ii) infrastructure development is one of the key components for industrial development and engine of growth; (iii) road network is one of the essential parameters for economic development and communication; (iv) economic downturn seen in the last few years caused reduction in the growth of traffic and lower revenue realization for Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) road projects; and (v) reduced revenue realization adversely affected debt service concessionaires and caused widespread default in debt accounts, this House urges upon the Government — (a) to take immediate and concrete steps to remove all bottlenecks in the awarding of road projects under BOT and EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction); (b) to initiate measures to restore market confidence and to ensure that project execution does not suffer owing to cash flow constraints, rescheduling of premium payment under BOT projects; (c) to initiate early settlement of disputes and find amicable solutions since heavy amount is involved and the road projects are virtually stalled; and (d) to extend re-finance/soft loan to the operators in the road sector, at lower rate of interest to revive the infrastructure industry.”


3. SHRI BHUPENDER YADAV to move the following Resolution:—

"Having regard to the fact that:— (i) in the absence of simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and State Assemblies, there is hardly any year without election in the country which is highly time-consuming and monumental wastage of financial, manpower and other resources; (ii) separate elections affect stability, governance, administration and stands as hurdle in attending to peoples' grievances simultaneously bringing down economic growth because of enforcement of Model Code of Conduct during elections; (iii) the Election Commission of India and the State Election Commissions have separate electoral rolls which result in duplication of voters, electoral malpractices resulting in considerable expenditure in holding this democratic exercise; (iv) many defence personnel, certain categories of Government employees, displaced Kashmiri Hindus, etc., are deprived to exercise their right to franchise due to their geographical locations; (v) in the absence of public funding, which otherwise is being allowed in many countries, there is huge flow of black money into the electoral system which is also paving the way for entry of unscrupulous elements into electoral politics; (vi) even though Election Commission puts limit on campaign expenditure, depending upon the nature of election, such ceilings practically remain only on paper and the actual cost of running an election campaign is often much higher than the prescribed limit; (vii) the the Election and Other Related Laws (Amendment) Act, 2003, aims to control expenditure of every candidate in election, has little impact at the ground level since the existing system lacks transparency; (viii) lack of strong legislative backing with effective implementation machinery and absence of legally acceptable public funds resulting in leaving candidates to fend for themselves during each election without any steady support to ensure continuation of their respective campaigns which otherwise has the obvious consequence of proliferation of black money into politics and the institutionalization of corruption; (ix) the absence of effective measures to ensure transparency and accountability in funding of political parties exacerbates present situation by creating authoritarian power structures, which are hard to relinquish for those who enjoy their benefits and tend to impose themselves in the scheme of national politics as well; and (x) the high cost of elections prevents those with modest financial resources from being competitive in elections resulting inevitably in biased policy decisions, this House urges upon the Government to — (a) amend the election and other related laws forthwith to hold Lok Sabha and Assembly elections simultaneously which gives a period of clear five years to the incumbent Government to focus on governance; (b) amend laws and rules in such manner which facilitate reforms in electoral cycle in order to limit election expenditure and avoid wastage of time in electioneering; 99

(c) ask Election Commission to have one single electoral roll in the country to weed out duplicate voters, check electoral malpractices and bring down the cost of holding the democratic exercise; (d) amend the Constitution and other relevant Acts and rules to introduce e-ballot/ e-voting system in order to enable all voters, who may be away from their places of residence for different reasons, to exercise their right to franchise online; (e) implement State funding of elections; (f) enact or suitably amend laws to regulate utilization of funds by political parties; (g) take steps for strengthening democracy, transparency in political funding and other necessary reforms; (h) link Aadhaar Number with Election Card issued to every eligible citizen of the country; and (i) permit NRIs and Indians staying abroad to cast their vote during elections."

4. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY to move the following Resolution:— "Having regard to the fact that:— Tourism in India apart from promotion of overall cultural, economic and social development in the country, particularly in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, exhibits scope for development of basic infrastructure, employment generation and earning foreign exchange, this House urges upon the Government to —

(a) allocate sufficient funds for the development of tourism infrastructure in major tourist areas for promotion of cultural, economic and social development in the country, particularly in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana; (b) sanction pending projects related to tourism sector at the earliest; (c) take immediate steps to utilize untapped or unexplored tourist areas having potentialities with the object to achieve sustainable development in tourism sector in the country; (d) grant special funds for the development of famous mythological and historical heritage sites in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana; (e) release funds under the PRASAD scheme and HRIDAY scheme for the development of pilgrimage centres and heritage sites in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana; and (f) implement special schemes meant for acceleration and exploitation of untapped tourist capacity of the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in order to improve the standard of life and livelihood of the people of both the States."

5. SHRI TIRUCHI SIVA to move the following Resolution:— "Having regard to the fact that:— (i) according to the Census of 2011, the population of widows in India is 4,32,61,278 which accounts for 7.37 per cent of the female population in India, which is the largest population of widows in the entire world;


(ii) widowhood in India is not an ideal social condition and remarriage of widows is a rare phenomenon as widows in India face problems on economic, social, legal and health fronts; (iii) most of the widowed women do not have any formal training or education and as a result they are not able to find any employment to earn their livelihood and the conditions are worse for those widows who belong to the unorganised sector, which constitutes 70 per cent of India's population; (iv) customs in the Indian society are still engrained in age old practices where death of the husband is considered as a social taboo which affects every aspect of the life of the widow and many of them suffer a social death; (v) the old structures of joint family are being transformed into new structures of nuclear family which are not able to support the widows as around 72 per cent of the female population above the age of 60 years is dependent population; (vi) around 60 per cent of the population of widows is in the age group of 70 -74 years, who require appropriate health care facilities, but they do not have access to basic healthcare; (vii) widows are given property rights under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, but most widows are unaware of these rights and they suffer from the conflicts for the inheritance of property; (viii) a study conducted by the National Commission for Women in 2016 on the condition of widows in Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal stated that 84 per cent of women who live in Swadhar Greh homes had no access to any family property and 15 per cent had no access because their children or other family members had taken away the property; (ix) religious places like Vrindavan, Mathura, Varanasi, etc., have become home for a large number of destitute widows from all around the country who have been left by their kiths and kins and are solely dependent on the state for their food and shelter and do not have any means of livelihood; (x) currently the Central Government does not have any specific scheme for the welfare of widows except for the Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme whereas Swadhar Greh Scheme and Short Stay Home Scheme are not specifically meant for widows and cater to all categories of destitute women; and (xi) there is no specific scheme addressing needs of the widows in the country, despite the fact that it has the largest population of widows in the entire world which must be recognised as a special category of destitute women, as they suffer from mental trauma and social pressures, this House urges upon the Government to —

(a) bring in a suitable legislation for the welfare of the widows in the country, which is able to address their social security needs; (b) extend adequate financial assistance at par with current living standards to the destitute widows; (c) frame a policy that enables widows to get appropriate legal aid and health care; (d) initiate awareness programmes to make people more sensitive to the social pressures faced by widows in the country;


(e) conduct a relevant study regarding the condition of the widows in the country and use the study report to take necessary steps for their welfare; and (f) ensure a decent and dignified life for widows in the society."

6. DR. K.V.P. RAMACHANDRA RAO to move the following Resolution:— "Having regard to the fact that:— (i) the Government of India has enacted Act No. 6 of 2014 bifurcating erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh into States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana; (ii) while passing the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Bill in Rajya Sabha on 20.02.2014, the then Prime Minister had given certain additional assurances to the people of Andhra Pradesh for their continued prosperity even after bifurcation, on the floor of this House; (iii) the then Government of India having realized the loss occurred to the successor State of Andhra Pradesh due to bifurcation had made provisions for the following in the Act and given assurances in the Parliament regarding- (a) conferring Special Category status to Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5 years; (b) executing and completing the Polavaram National Irrigation Project by Central Government on expedient public interest by obtaining all required clearances and completing resettlement and rehabilitation works; (c) establishing a separate Railway Zone for the State of Andhra Pradesh; (d) development of a major Port at Dugarajapatnam in phases and Phase I to be completed by end of 2018; (e) establishing an Integrated Steel Plant at YSR Kadapa; (f) exclusive tax incentives for economic development; (g) special development package for backward North Coastal and Rayalaseema Districts on the lines of Koraput-Balangir- Kalahandi region; (h) compensating the resource gap occurred to the State during 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015; and (i) financial assistance to State for development of Capital City and essential infrastructure facilities including Secretariat, Assembly, High Court etc., (iv) the Government of India is yet to implement fully the provisions of the Act and also fulfill the assurances given by the then Prime Minister on the floor of House on 20.02.2014; (v) the Government of India is yet to confer the Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh citing 14th Finance Commission recommendations though the Finance Commission has nothing to do with granting the Special Category Status; (vi) the Central Government has announced a Special Package to Andhra Pradesh on 08.09.2016 stating that it will give all the


benefits to the State which it would have got if special category status was conferred on it; (vii) the special package promised only sharing of funds between Centre and State in the ratio of 90:10 in all centrally sponsored schemes implemented by Government of India in the State and these additional funds will be adjusted against the EAP loans instead of releasing them to the State every year; (viii) the benefit of 90 per cent of the Project cost as grant instead of loan in all Externally Aided Projects implemented in the State was not extended to the State whereas the other Special Category States are enjoying this benefit; (ix) no tax incentives or tax concessions were announced to the State to promote industrialization in the State and thus to promote employment and resources for the State though other Special Category States are enjoying this benefit even in the GST regime; (x) the Polavaram National Irrigation Project is yet to be executed as per the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act as the Government has- (a) given the responsibility of execution of the project to the State Government stating that as the State is keen to execute the project it has agreed to the request of the State; (b) restricted its financial liability on the project to the rates prevailing as on 01.04.2014 contrary to the provisions of the Act; (c) taken a decision that the Centre will not bear the cost escalation on the project beyond 01.04.2014 due to time and cost overrun thus burdening the finances of the economically crippled State; (d) put several conditions while releasing the Grant to the State, which are detrimental to the interest of the State; (e) released approximately Rs.4000 crores only over a period of 3 years for a project which requires Rs.54000 crores as per estimates prepared by the State and 80 per cent Resettlement and Rehabilitation work is still pending on account of which the Government is not sure about the completion of the Project as per the Schedule fixed by itself; and (f) not resolved the ambiguity prevailing over the sanction of funds, expenditure already incurred and completion of the project between State and Central Government, (xi) a separate railway zone is yet to be established for the state of Andhra Pradesh; (xii) the work relating to major port at Dugarajapatnam is yet to commence, first phase of which has to be completed by 2018; (xiii) the Integrated Steel Plant is yet to be established at YSR Kadapa; (xiv) exclusive tax incentives have not been announced for economic development and to promote industrial development of the State, however, nominal enhanced investment allowance and accelerated depreciation allowance has been granted in backward districts as being given to any other backward district in the country;


(xv) special development package has not been given for backward North Coastal and Rayalaseema Districts, instead only Rs.50 crore per year per district has been allotted as is being allotted to any other backward district in the country; (xvi) the resource gap occurred to the State during 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 has not been fully compensated and finally it has been decided that only Rs.4100 crore is the resource gap against the State's claim of Rs.16000 crore; (xvii) a reasonable solution has not been made for the successor States in apportioning the Schedule IX and Schedule X Institutions till date; and (xviii) due to non-implementation of provisions of the Act and also non- fulfillment of the assurances given by the then Prime Minister on the floor of the House even after the lapse of three and half years, the State of Andhra Pradesh is suffering from severe resource crisis, this House, therefore, urges upon the Government to—

(a) immediately confer Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5 years; (b) bear the entire cost of Polavaram National Irrigation Project including cost escalations and Rehabilitation and Resettlement works without imposing any conditions and complete it by 2018; (c) establish a separate Railway Zone for the State immediately; (d) commence the work relating to Dugarajapatnam Port immediately; (e) establish Integrated Steel Plant at YSR Kadapa immediately; (f) announce exclusive Tax Incentives and Tax Concessions to Andhra Pradesh to promote industrialization and economic growth of the State; (g) announce Special Development Package for Rayalaseema and North Coastal Districts on the lines of Koraput-Balangir- Kalahandi region; (h) fully release the resource gap that occurred to the state of Andhra Pradesh during 2.06.2014 to 31.03.2015; and (i) release Rs.32000 crore for the development of capital city and essential infrastructure as requested by the State."

7. SHRI HUSAIN DALWAI to move the following Resolution:— "Having regard to the fact that:— (i) as per the National Marine Fisheries Census, 2010, around 4 million marine fisher-folk are employed in the fisheries sector, of these, 0.99 million are active fisher-folk and 5 per cent of these active fisher folk are employed in non-mechanised sector; (ii) the importance of fisheries sector lies in the fact that India has the third largest world fish production as the wealth of the marine fisheries is projected at an annual harvestable potential of 4.412 million metric tonnes per year; (iii) small-scale coastal fisher-folk have, for long, been marginalized, facing rigid competition both on land as well as at sea due to industrial development and housing projects, forcing the community to resettle and in sea, they struggle with competition


from the private sector, difficult weather conditions and inefficient coastal infrastructure; (iv) other issues faced by the fishing community include indebtedness, exploitative value chain with high dependence on middlemen, loss of livelihood due to conservation measures and high post harvest losses, about 15 per cent as per the estimates; (v) the National Policy on Marine Fisheries, 2017 addresses the concerns of the small fishing communities to some extent, but it has no statutory backing, moreover, the Policy lists some important points and strategies but does not give any clear timeline or satisfactory framework for their implementation; and (vi) the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change had initiated the process of drafting the Traditional Coastal and Marine Fisher-folk (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2009 to protect the rights of traditional fishing communities but the draft bill has not been deliberated upon by the Parliament, this House urges upon the Government to —

(a) ensure that the ILO Convention 188 concerning work in the fishing sector is ratified and implemented and till the Convention is ratified, the Government should put in place a domestic legislation to regulate the working conditions of children under the age of 18 years employed in fishing vessels; (b) ensure that India's domestic legislations related to fisheries are updated with respect to international standards and norms for registration of vessels, hygiene and sanitary norms for fish landing centres (FLCs), fishing harbours, etc.; (c) ensure that a Bill to protect the rights of traditional, small scale and coastal fisher-folk is introduced in the Parliament comprising of the following salient features:- (i) protection of tenure rights and livelihoods of traditional fisher-folk community from large scale development measures like Special Economic Zones and conservation measures through methods like compulsory consent, social impact assessment etc.; (ii) increase in area reserved in territorial waters for traditional fisheries; (iii) introduction of life saving appliances and communication equipment to ensure that safety-at-sea-measures are adequately strengthened and implemented; (iv) strengthening fishermen-run and state-run harbour-based cooperatives to reduce dependence of traditional fisher-folk on middlemen and private financers; (v) strengthening welfare measures including direct benefit transfers, housing etc. to provide adequate safety nets to fisher-folk community; (vi) support/assistance to the community in restoration of livelihood, after natural and manmade disasters; (vii) compensatory package to fisher-folk during period of fishing ban; and


(viii) implementation of Voluntary Guidelines on Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries (VG-SSF) issued by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations, (d) put in place a timeline and implementation framework for the following provisions under the National Policy on Marine Fisheries, 2017: (i) programmes for enhancing skills and capabilities of traditional fisher-folk to undertake and popularise deep sea fishing, facilitating linkage to markets and exports; (ii) training, capacity building, improvement of technological skills of traditional fisher-folk in transitioning from artisanal fishing to more economic and efficient means of fishing; (iii) programmes to sensitise different stakeholders for maintaining general hygiene and sanitary aspects in fishing sector; (iv) mitigation measures to reduce bycatch and minimize post- harvest losses; (v) technical and financial support to strengthen fisheries cooperatives; (vi) availability of easy credit to fisher-folk community on liberal terms and conditions; and (vii) promotion of Catch, Photograph and Release schemes and integration of tourism plans with livelihood of fisher-folk for additional sources of income."

8. DR. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY to move the following Resolution:— "This House, to further the process of healing the long standing hurt feelings and sentiments, resolves that the deployment of the military in the Golden Temple at Amritsar on June 6, 1984 in retrospect, is deeply regrettable, and the targeted mass killing of Sikhs on November 1-3, 1984 continues to shock the conscience of the patriotic citizens of India and further calls upon the Union and State Governments to declassify all the records relating to these two tragic events of 1984 and take speedy action according to Article 21 of the Constitution, to bring to book under the criminal law all those found guilty in the mass killing of Sikhs in November, 1984." ———— LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS

Bills for consideration and passing

1. FURTHER CONSIDERATION of the following motion moved by The Indian Institute Shri Dharmendra Pradhan on the 20th December, 2017:–– of Petroleum and Energy Bill, 2017. “That the Bill to declare the institution known as the Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy to be an institution of national importance and to provide for its incorporation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, as passed by Lok Sabha, be taken into consideration.”

SHRI DHARMENDRA PRADHAN to move that the Bill be passed.


2. SHRI ARUN JAITLEY to move that the Bill to repeal the State The State Banks Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959, the State Bank of Hyderabad Act, (Repeal and 1956 and further to amend the State Bank of India Act, 1955, as passed by Lok Amendment) Bill, Sabha, be taken into consideration. 2017. ALSO to move that the Bill be passed.

3. SHRI ARUN JAITLEY to move that the Bill further to amend the The National Bank National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981, as passed by for Agriculture and Lok Sabha, be taken into consideration. Rural Development (Amendment) Bill, ALSO to move that the Bill be passed. 2017.

NEW DELHI; DESH DEEPAK VERMA, December 21, 2017. Secretary-General.