Ballot Position, Choice Fatigue, and Voter Behavior Ned Augenblick and Scott Nicholson August 20, 2015 Abstract In this paper, we examine the effect of “choice fatigue” on decision making. We exploit a natural experiment in which voters face the same contest at different ballot positions due to differences in the number of local issues on their ballot. Facing more decisions before a given contest significantly increases the tendency to abstain or rely on decision shortcuts, such as voting for the status quo or the first listed candidate. We estimate that, without choice fatigue, abstentions would decrease by 8%, and 6% of the propositions in our dataset would have passed rather than failed. Keywords: Contextual Choice, Choice Fatigue, Voter Participation JEL Classification Numbers: D3, D72 Contact Address: 545 Student Services Builiding #1900, Berkeley, CA 94720, contact email:
[email protected]. The authors are grateful to Muriel Niederle, Roger Noll, Luigi Pistaferri, Caro- line Hoxby and B. Douglas Bernheim for advising and many helpful comments. Many thanks also to Oren Ahoobim, Emeric Henry, Benjamin Ho, Sheena Iyengar, Simon Jackman, Shachar Kariv, Jonathan Levav, Marc Meredith, and Annika Todd and seminar participants at the Stanford Department of Economics, Stan- ford Department of Political Science, The New Economic School (Moscow), the ITAM School of Business and the Midwest Political Science Association 2008 meetings for suggestions and helpful comments. Cathy Glaser and her staff at the San Diego Registrar of Voters were especially helpful in providing data and an- swers to many questions. This research was funded by the George P. Shultz Fund at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.