
24 - THE HERALD. Tues., Dec. 1, 1981 Carpentry can make you a star... page 4 New Merit Research Released:

Colder tonight; Manchester; Conn. rain Thursday Wed., Dec. 2, 1981 — See page 2 iianrliealpr HrralTi 25 Cents

Masses The president’s embattled men jeer U.S. Review is mixed for in Syria CIA chief

By United Press International WASHINGTON (IIPI) - The Senate Intelligence Committee found today Thousands of Syrians demonstrated against the visit that CIA Director William Casey is of U.S. Middle East envoy Philip Habib, and Damascus’ "not unfit to serve,” but that he was Sovietbacked government said the United States had “inattentive ” to details in reporting disqualified itself as a Middle East negotiator because past business affairs, of its new defense accord with Israel. A committtee source, who requested “The demonstration is the Syrian people’s answer to ■ anonymity, said by comparison Habib and his mission,” one Syrian official said of the mission of the U.S. troubleshooter who is in Syria as questions raised about the spy chief part of a Middle East swing to attempt to remove Syrian seemed more serious than, those sur­ missiles from Lebanon. Israel has threatened to destroy rounding embattled national security adviser Richard Allen. the rockets if Habib fails to get them removed by “It is safe to say the whole situation diplomacy. is not flattering,” said Sen. Harrison In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin also faced troubles because of the strategic Schmitt, R-N.M, ’’There were defense agreement: votes on four no-confidence omissions in the (financial) reports (to motions put forward by opposition parties unhappy with the committee). I’m convinced they the accord. The vote could bring down his government, UPl photo were inadvertent but there were though that appeared unlikely. omissions.” WILLIAM CASEY A brief and unanimous report ending As hospital sources in Damascus said the death toll The Justice Department Tuesday dropped its investigation of $1,000 .., not unfit to serve from a terrorist bombing Sunday jumped past 150 from the committee’s four-and-a-half-month found in Richard Allen’s safe and the national security adviser said investigation of Casey was to be the previous announced 100, the demonstrators marched there was "never a moment" he doubted the outcome. Allen and his the Senate intelligence Committee in­ to the blast site and blamed the Reagan administration ' released today at noon EST. The CIA wife, Pat, are pictured in their Arlington, Va., home after thw an­ itially focused on a May court judg­ for complicity in the bombing by the Moslem director was given a copy of it Tue.sday ment that a firm he was associated nouncement. Brotherhood. — to review. He had no immediate com­ with misled investors. “The United States may claim it had nothing to do ment. with the ugly crime, but there is enough proof to con­ The “not unfit to serve” formulation Later it turned out Casey had not demn it through its support for the Brotherhood which it is the same as that enunciated by given the committee a complete list of used as a tool for the crime,” The staterun newspaper,. One probe clears Allen Senate Intelligence, Committee chair­ ■ liis legal clients for the past five years, AI Baath, said today. man Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., shortly had represented the government of In­ “Can Washington deny and especially under the after the panel probe began in mid-July donesia without registering as a foreign Reagan regime — that it has allowed the CIA to step up WASHINGTON (UPl) - Richard But the department said it remained and resumed in October.- agent and had broken from tradition its activities in the Arab region, and especially against Allen has been cleared any criminal unclear whether a special prosecutor , The committee source said questions and not put his hefty stock portfolio in a Syria,” the newspaper said. wrongdoing for accepting a $1,000 should be appointed to look into Allen's about Casey’s past business dealings blind trust. A Syrian statement said Habib was to meet with “honorarium,” but remains under in­ receipt of two watches from the were sharpened in recent days in light President Hafez Assad today but observers said his cold vestigation for receipt of two Japanese Japanese and incorrect information on of allegations of improper behavior by Because Casey and his wife have shoulder reception Monday and today’s demonstrations wrist watches and mistakes on his his financial disclosure statement con­ Allen. stock in 27 companies that operate might mean cancellation of the session. financial disclosure statement. cerning the date he sold his consulting “A lot of us feel the questions raised overseas, there were questions about E The U.S. envoy later was to go to Amman, Jordan, on The Justice Department said firm. here (about Casey) are a heck of a lot his possible use of confidential his Middle East shuttle, a government source said. Tuesday it was dropping its investiga­ more serious than the questions raised economic data for his own-benefit. The Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon was summoned tion of the national security adyiser for “The applicability of the special about Mr. Allen,” the source said. Caseys’ net worth is believed to be urgently back to Jerusalem from Washington for the accepting the $1,000 from Japanese prosecutor provisions (of the law) to The Justice Departent ■ Tuesday between $1.8 millon and $3.4 million. vote on the noconfidence motions against Begin after cleared Allen of any wrongdoing in journalists for arranging an interview those matters has not yet been deter­ Some members of the panel told signing the agreement Monday with Defense Secretary last January with first lady Nancy mined,” the department said in a state-, accepting $1,000 frgm. a Japanese Caspar Weinberger. United Press International it concluded Reagan. ment. “ At this time it would be magazine for arranging an interview Begin’s government rests on a one-seat, with his coali­ with Nancy Reagan. But the depart­ that while Casey was not unfit he was “The money was not given to Allen premature and inappropriate to com­ "inattentive to detail" and not candid tion having 61 places in the 120member parliment, but for anything he had done; rather, it was ment said it will continue its investiga­ Sharon said he was confident the government would not ment further.” with the committee, perhaps uninten­ C intended as an honorarium for Mrs. tion of gifts from the Japanese to Allen topple. “I am convinced the Knesset (parliament) will tionally. Reagan and simply intercepted by The Justice Department’s action left of two wrist watches and the fact that vote for it,” Sharon said before leaving Washington. Allen,” the report said. up in the air when Allen, who took an he initially misreported the date of the Although the committee reached a The “memorandum of understanding” calls for joint It said, “it is clear there was no administrative leave pending the out­ .sale of his Washington consulting firm. unanimous verdict, divisions among report taste bonus at low ter. U.S.Israeli planning and exercises as well as mutual criminal violation by Allen regarding come of the investigation, would return While there have been no allegations members resulted in a compromise military assistance aimed at thwarting the Soviet the $1,000.” to his post. of Casey receiving any money or gifts. report adopted late Tuesday “threat to peace and security of the region.” A U.S. official in Washington called it little more than a bid to reassure Israel, a case of “How long has it been since you fold your wife you love her?” The most rigorous MERIT MERIT Beats But the Arab states were taking the document more seriously. Meeting set Thursday research to date has just been Tbu^est Conpetitors. Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam told Habib in Damascus Tuesday that the agreement was the only thing that has changed since his last visit in July, completed. In the second^ part of this study, political sources said. Habib was told the United States was now “a party in Panel mulls Cheney vote, funds Result; MERIT smokers confirm new tests confirm that MERIT the Middle East conflict” and could not play an objec­ taste a major factor in completing delivers a winning combination of tive role in settling the Lebanese crisis. By Nency Thompson buildings into 350 apartments. The used in the pasifor community events, referendum on the ballot because of the their successful switch from Herald Reporter developers had asked the town for both was donated to the town by its owners. conservative economic climate and taste and low tar when compared Herald samples today items to make the area attractive to ■John Barnini and the estate of Leon I publjc opposition to the .''lovember Ways to raise money for renovation of potential tenants. Podrove. William E. F’itzGerald, chair­ The Manchester Herald today continues its sampling referendum. The commission members higher tar cigarettes. with higher tar leaders; Cheney Hall and plans to promote a Both items were included on an eaflier man of the historic commission, has agreed that a public education campaign program to bring copies of the newspaper to non­ $750;(K)0 referendum on improvements to $2 million referendum that was placed on subscribers in Manchester. suggested that the money for its renovar is necessary if the referendum is lo MERIT Takes Taste Honors. Confirmed: The overwhelming the Cheney Historic District will be dis­ the November ballot and then withdrawn tion be rai.sed through private donations succeed. cussed Thursday by the Cheney Brothers because of public opposition. A third rather than a municipal bond issue. If file referendum is approved, renova­ majority reported MERIT taste National Landmark Historic District item, purchase of an eight-acre piece of A recent study by an architect from tion of the buildings, will begin this Nationwide survey reveals over Commission. the Great Lawn, was also included. the Cambridge. Mass, firm of Gelar- spring, Urwn officials have said. The The referendum will be held in the Jan. In recent Weeks the Great Lawn and din, Bruner'Cott Inc., the architects for developers have said that the public im­ 90%..of MERIT smokers are glad equal to—or better than —leading Today's Herald 12 special election. Cheney Hall were botn removed from the mill conversion, placed the cost of provements including landscaping and The commission is also scheduled to the referendum because other action renovation at $500,000. roadwork are crucial to the renovation they su’itched from higher tar higher tar brands. review an application to put a restaurant solved the question of their acquisition. Cheney Historic Commission effort. ‘M ilner takes office in the yarn mill. The meeting will be held The Great Lawn was purchased by members and the board of Directors in In other business, the cbmmission will Confirmdd: When tar levels ■ at 4:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building Michael Lynch and Wesley Gryk, who effect agreed to the private fund-raising review plans to put a Playpen restaurant cigarettes. In fact, 94% don't even Democrat Thirman Milner is sworn in as hearing room. plan to preserve the eastern half as open effort by not including money for the in the yarn mill at Pine and Cooper Hill mayor of Hartford, becoming the first popularly The : referendum and renovation of space and build luxury condominiums on renovation in the January referendum. 2 were revealed-, 2 out of 3 chose, streets. The comifiission must approve miss their former brands. elected black mayor of a New England city. Cheney Hall are both related to the western half. Some members of the Cheney Historic the plans before they are considered by Eurther Evidence; 9 out of 10 the MERIT combination of low Page 7. developers’ plans to convert two mill Cheney Hall, a 19th Century Structure Commission were reluctant to place any the. I’lanning and Zoning Commission. former higher tar smokers report tar and good taste. Lynn fights arson Police patrols are increased and more fire in­ MERIT an easy switch, that they Year after year, in study after vestigators are appointed to battle outbreak of arson in the wake of fire last weekend’s $70 Snow covers Midwest million fire that ravaged the downtown area of Six share bingo prize didn't give up taste in svyitching, study, MERIT remains unbeaten. Lynn, Mass. Page 22. The proven taste alternative to By United Press International 1 raveiers aovisories were in force oyer and that MERIT is the best-tasting much of inland New England and Five Manchester women and a In sports The winter’s first blizzard dumped Instead of cash. Bingo winners arc northeastern New York state where Coventry woman will share this given "Bingo Bucks” which arc low tar they've ever tried.- higher tar smoking —is MERIT. Abdual-Jabbar moves up to No. 2 spot on all more than a foot of snow in the Midwest sleet, freezing rain and snow made week's $100 prize as winners of the before weakening and storms brought redeemable for merchandise at any of time NBA scoring ladder ... Celtic winning travel hazardous. Manchester Herald's Newspaper the participating merchants. streak ends ... Page 11. , j snow and sleet to the northern Rockies Reluctant to let go of the Midwest Bingo game. ' and East, where ice turned roadways completely, the blizzard still held forth The winners are: Mrs. Dorothea The bingo cards are available at Index into “instant skating rinks.” Eight over the western two-thirds of upper Cornish of 23 Wedgewood Drive; Mrs. any of the participating merchants. O l ’bilip Morris Inc. 19HI deaths were blamed on the storms. Michigan where rain changed to snow Vera Della Ferra, 90 Park St.; Mrs. The names and addresses are listed in Gale-force winds lashed the Pacific and freezing rain. Gale warnings also an advertisement on the classified Warning: The Surgeon. General Has Determined Advice ...... 20 Entertainment ....2 1 John F. Hlivyak, 36 Trebbe Drive; Northwest coast for the third time in remained over lakes Erie, Huron, page of today’s and each day’s Area towns ...... 22 Lottery . . , 2 Mrs. Eileen Henson, 181 McKee St.; That Cigarette Smoking i f Dangerous to Your Health. Reg: 8 mg "tar!' 0.6 mg nicotine—Men: 7 mg "lar," 0,5 mg three weeks, hampering the search for Michigan and Superior. and Mrs. Thomas Rae. 40 Doane St,, Herald. MERIT Business...... 25 Obituaries ...... 10 four missing crewmen from a fishing nicotine—100's Reg: 9 mg ''tar!' 0.7 mg nicotine-100’s Men: Western Michigan was blanketed with all of Manchester; and Mrs. Classified...... 26-27 Peopletalk...... 2 boat that capsized near the mouth of the 10 mg "tar;' 0.8 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Mar!81 Kings & 100^ Com ics...... 23 Sports...... 11-14 3 to 4 inches of snow and a travel ad­ Elizabeth Mora, 200 Forge Road, The new Bingo game starts today Columbia River. Editorial .6 Television ...... 21 visory for accumulations of 1 to 3 inches Coventrv. and the new card color is green. Gale warnings also were out along the was in effect today for all of upper / northern coast of New England. ' Michigan 2 - THE HERALD. Wed., Dec. 2, 1981 THK HERALD,.Wed.. Dec. 2. 1981 — 3

N»1IONAl WEATHER 8EHVCE FORECAST to 7 AM EST 3 -»T )0 00 30 News Briefing AIT GOP vote for AAercier shows Smith's support

BAN rnANCISCO Envoys plot By Paul Hendrie is unfair to blame him for the election redrawing local voting district lines. Historic District. ! V. Herald Reporter defeat. They cited the lack of major The new boundaries are required Former Mayor Nathan G. AgostineIli‘ campaign issues this year as a major because, with legislative redistricting, a member of the Cheney Historic Com* arms strategy Donna R. Mercier easily won election reason for the losses. some of the present voting districts mission, encouraged questions on the Tuesday night as the new Republican Smith was elected vice chairman in straddle new legislative district lines. proposed improvements, but he warned- Town Committe vice chairwoman, in­ March, but he served as acting chairman Each voting district is required to be GENEVA (UPI) - U.S. and Soviet -H -i that the neighborhood cannot be left as if arms control negotiators sealed dicating continued strong support among, throughout his term, because then Chair­ wjthin a single legislative district. is. BMOW man Robert VonDeck had suffered a themselves in a gray-walled room town committee members for Chairman Although the Board of Directors, con­ “We’re talking about an area that has fitted with antibugging devices for ^eir » 'V « rfol* Curtis M. Smith, her friend and political heart attack. trolled by the Democrats, ultimately will UPI WlATMR rOIOCABI fv VonDeck later died and Smith was become something of an eyesore,” said first round of detailed talks on limiting ally. draw the new district lines, “we can still Agostinelli. “I think we all have to agree Mrs. Mercier, who last month lost her elected his replacement. come up with a Republican alternative,” intermediate-range nuclear missiles, we have to do something.” targeted in Europe. W e m p bid for election to the Board of Direc­ Though Smith said earlier this week he said Smith. Troops storm After two hours and 40 minutes of tors, defeated her only contender for the would stay neutral in the vice chair­ The town committee also discussed the Smith said the town committee will negotiations Tuesday, the two sides post, J. Winthrop Porter, by a 38-16 man’s election, he had previously touted $750,000 bond issues on the Jan. 12 ballot meet again Jan. 6 to formulate a position academy declared a two-day break to consult with margin. Mrs. Mercier for the job and he clearly for public improvements in the Cheney on the referendum. their governments on the opening Weather The outcome was almost identical to was pleased by her election. WARSAW, Poland (UPI) — Police and positions Jn the arms controls Smith’s 39-15 tally last month over Karin “A lot of you may hot be aware of this, troops landing in helicopters stormed a negotiations. ’The negotiators will meet VonDeck in the chairman’s election and but she has been handling the duties of firefighters academy today and removed again Friday. can be seen as a vote of confidence for vice chairman unofficially for at least 300 striking cadets in the greatest use of Smith, whose leadership has been nine months,” said Smith. This COUPON worth $2.00 off ’The talks, which are resuming after a on any ono ordor of $10.00 or force since Poland’s independent union 2Vk-year hiatus, got started in a plain Today’s forecast challenged by conservatives. The Manchester native, and mother of movement was formed. gray-walled room with anti-bugging “I feel I can work with all of you,” said three, graduated from East Catholic more — cash and carry. Use It Solidary union leader Lech Walesa devices on the windows and a view Showers this afternoon ending this evening. High Mrs. Mercier, clearly happier about win­ High School in 1970, then attended the for all your holiday party put all branches of the union on “standby across Lake Geneva to the snowcapped temperatures around 50. Partial clearing and colder- •v ning the vice chairwoman’s job than she Lowell, Mass. Teacher’s College. needs: plates, cups, napkins, alert” and ordered members to be ready Alps. The building was used by previous tonight. Lows 25 to 30. Becoming cloudy Thursday with was after losing the race for a director’s She ran a spirited, but unsuccessful, glasses, and after party for support protests if it was deemed the U.S. teams at SALT, the acronym for rain beginning around noon. Highs 40 to 45. Southeast seat. “I will act as a liaison between the campaign for the Board of Directors, cleaning supplies. entire union was threatened. UPI photo strategic arms limitation talks. winds 15 to 25 mph becoifiing southwest this afternoon chairman and the district leaders.” stressing police protection and water im­ But Walesa ordered them not to under­ Chief delegates Paul H. Nitze, 74, for and westerly around 10 mph tonight. Winds becoming * Though Porter pledged “to support provements as her major issues. take any protests without a directive Washington and Yuli A. Kvitsinsky, 45, northeast and increasing to 15 to 25 mph Thursday. r Curtis Smith as the town chairman” and The ideological divisions in the town from the central union leadership which Today in history • for Moscow, who have agreed on a news promised not to use the vice chairman’s committee can be expected to emerge Herald photo by Pinto post as a springboard, for a try at the again in January, when caucuses are VJ was meeting later today. blackout of details in the talks, sent . All telephone and Telex com­ On Dec. 2, 1927 the Model-A Ford was introduced as the successor to detailed cables to their capitals on the in­ Extended outlook chairman’s job, he was seen as the can­ held to elect town committee members. munications with Warsaw Solidarity didate of the party’s conservative wing. The chairman’s election is slated for the famous Model-T and was the first Ford available in a variety of itial negotiating stands, diplomatic Extended outlook for New England Friday through Donna R. Mercler flashes a triumphant smile headquarters were cut off and several The conservatives, who blamed Smith March. Dlr«ctlonB: colors. sources said. Tuesday night, after being eiected as the major factories declared themselves At issue, is limiting the deployment of Sunday: for the GOP losses in the municipal elec­ In other business Tuesday, Smith told 8h«ldon Rd. runt betw««n > MasHurliUHrttH, Kh 4 - THE HERALD.< Wed., Dec. 2. 1981 Burglar alarm ordinance Sheltered workshop Dairii HARTFORD RD. DAIRY OUEEN won't be ready this month Queen Coca-Cola INTRODUCES FREE Collectors Glass Instead of public posting, Cassano the 7 DAYS A By Paul Hendrie one of the leading sources of false gets $75,000 grant All full alarms. Herald Reporter said up-to-date cards identifying all orazier. ^ ^ week alarm owners would be kept on file meal deal Cassano stressed the need for this Director Stephen T.-Cassano said by the police. The Manchester Sheltered bakery will do “ light baking — nut of the directors, the Pension Board drinks ordinance, which he has said would he and police officials.met Monday He also said direct dial alarms Workshop has received a $75,000 breads, cookies, cakes, etc.” — and the Community Development save,the town an estimated $30,000 served with representatives of alarm would be banned and definitions which will be available to the public Corp. to finalize the presentation each year in lost police manpower grant from the Hartford Foundation manufacturers to fine tune the or­ would be clarified in the revised or­ for Public Giving, officials an­ for purchase. soon., in a time. dinance proposed to cut down on dinance. nounced Tuesday. Ms. Prytko said the cafeteria and Mrs. Prytko said t^e new Coke glass the number of false burglar alarms. Critics of the ordinance’s earlier As a sociology professor at The grant to the Manchester dining room facilities could be es­ facilities are now in the planning draft comolained that vague wor­ i But Cassano said the ordinance Manchester Community College, Association for Retarded Citizens pecially valuable if plans to convert stage. Officials hope work will begin will not be ready for consideration ding could leave alarm users respon­ Cassano sometimes sends students Inc., which runs the Sheltered the top two floors of the building to early in 1982, and will be completed i l Everyday at the Dec. 8 meeting of the Board of sible for false alarms that were to ride patrols with police. He said Workshop, is a dollar-for-dollar senior citizens housing are carried in the spring of that year in time to while supply Directors. beyond their control. his students’ experiences confirm challenge grant. MARC must raise out. celebrate MARC’s 30th anniversary. lasts! "W e hope to have it finalized by Some also argued that a clause the need for the ordinance. matching funds through new gifts “ With the event of the possibility To raise the needed matching the January meeting,” he said. outlawing use of alarms which and pledges. of housing for the elderly on the top funds, Ms. Prytko said the Fund Among the changes to an earlier sound like emergency vehicle sirens "1 had a student just last week According to Laurie Prytko, two floors of the workshop building, Raising Campaign Committee will Choose You keep the glass! draft of the ordinance is elimination was unfair, because it is difficult to who had three false alarms on the MARC executive director, the an opportunity for them to have be expanded. To date, the com­ of a clause that would have required define what sounds are similar to an shift she was on,” he said. “ So, it’s money will be used for the installa­ meals in the new. cafeteria will be mittee included Ms. Prytko and ad­ Single Burger ...... 1.99 alarm owners to post their names emergency vehicle siren. still a real serious problem.” tion of a new kitchen-cafeteria- made available with the intention to ministrative assistant Roger M, and telephone numbers outside, Cassano said the state Chiefs of bakery and dining room on the lower Negro. Includes!! expand this service to other elderly Double B u rg e r...... 2.49 Cassano said. Police Association is drawing up a . Alarm users attending earlier level of the facilUy’s new location in and low income families in the In addition to those monies, Mrs. That requirement was criticized at model ordinance and Manchester is public hearings on the ordinance the former Bennet Junior High downtown area,” Ms. Prytko said. Prytko said $63,000 is needed to Triple Burger...... 2.99 French Fries a public meeting in October by looking at that. generally have expressed support School Main Building at 1146 Main A plan to convert the top floors of refurbish the first floor, including a alarm users who worried that public, He said a meeting is scheduled for the concept of holding users St. . the building to elderly housing by in­ library and recreation room for the posting of'their names and phdne next week with banks in town, to dis­ 'responsible for their alarms, “ With this new facility a new vesting town pension funds through clients. Super Dog ...... 1.79 Soft Drink numbers might place them in per­ cuss the proposed ordinance further. provided the bugs in the ordinance training program will be available a private contractor proposed by sonal danger. Banks have been cited by police as can be worked out. to clients in the food service field,” Democratic candidates for the New York’s Radio City Music Chicken Sandwich ...... 2.29 Ms. Prytko said. Board of Directors in October. Hall, one of the world's largest in­ 5 oz. Sundae In addition to providing food for Director Stephen T. Cassano said door theaters, seats 6,000 and has a (your choice of flavors) the dining room, Ms. Prytko said the Tuesday he expects a joint meeting stage 144 feet wide and 67 feet deep. Fish S a n d w ich ...... 2.19

State DOT removes debris, 4 Prepacked Sundaes or Herald photo by Thompson TAKE HOME t 2 quarts of Home Pak or Set designer Charles Ard shows his carpentry students at Howell Cheney Court nixes Maine truck fees SPECIALS 12 D.Q. Sandwiches sketches for stage sets to drafting and Regional Vocational Technical High School. stops erosion at Hockanum 1.25 PORTLAND, Maine (U P I )'— The Maine Supreme Maine’s highway system,” he said. 2 Court has struck down the state’s hew $40 annual permit Funding for the beleaguered DOT — a bitter issue Complying with requests by the again-st future erosion in the coming work on the highway near the Laurel fee imposed on out-of-state trucks, which would have nearly every session of the Legislature ^ seems certain Hockanum River Linear Park Com­ wet months. Lake area in two years, and Dr. ONLY AT HARTFORD RD. DAIRY QUEEN brought in nearly $15 million a year to the financially to surface when lawmakers return to the Statehouse mittee, the state Department of Dr. Smith said Tuesday, "Things Smith said the designers promised troubled state Transportation Department. next month. Transportation has cleaned up appear stable enough to get through to build ledges along banks and un­ Carpentry..,why, if Trucks registered in Maine had to pay only $3 per year The governor has staunchly opposed an increase in *R*B. U.S. Pat, Off. Ain. D. Q. Cprp. debris and stopped erosion on winter. I ’m quite happy about der bridges where they can in order MANCHESTER under the highway-funding scheme which was found un­ Maine’s 9-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax. Interstate 86 construction sites that what’s been done,” to maintain the continuity of the constitutional Tuesday in a unanimous decision. had threatened the trail leading But Dr. Smith added a few areas trail. Gov! Joseph E. Brennan immediately ordered of­ along the river. may still need attention. They in­ The Hockanum River Linear Park ficials to draw up plans to replace the badly needed DOT crews have removed un­ clude the relocated channel the DOT Committee has been working for funds. He did not rule out a flat fee for both instate and can make you a star needed steel I-beam sections and constructed during the highway nearly 10 years to. promote passive out-of-state vehicles. concrete pipes from near the river. Work. Dr. Sitiith had been concerned recreation activities, such as hiking, ’ ’Although I was disappointed by the decision, I am They have also repaired erosion with erosion along the banks of the along the river. The committee, not discouraged,” said Gov. Joseph E. Brennan. “ The By Nancy Thompson "A good 'techie' is hard to come yellow brick road. "It seemed like problems around newly constructed channel which had threatened to eat with the help of local boy scout court’s decision did not rule against the legality of a flat The Saivings Bank of Manchester Herald Reporter by," Rienzi said. "We feel this is every morning for 15 weeks you bridges by grading slopes and ad­ into the trail. troops, has cleared about six miles fee. one way to get them. There are a lot faced yellow brick road,” ding soil and vegetation. Dr. Dr. Smith said that “ for now the of trails along the river, and holds "W e will continue to assess the alternatives available So you want to be in picture.s? of jobs o.ut there in technical Ard also discussed set design for Douglas H, Smith, chairman of the erosion seems to have stopped," but regular cleanups to keep the path to us to achieve that goal and adequately finance Everyone knows the way to get to theater. Hopefully, maybe the stage' showing the students ar­ committee, told members Tuesday. added, “ only time will tell.” clear of debris and brush. Hollywood is practice, practice, .somebody will get interested." tist's designs and blueprints for sets Dr, Smith said he recently met There is also some "out- Dr. Smith has said he hopes one introdiices practice. While the technical work does on "Dream Girls", a revival of with DOT chief engineer Robert pocketing " between the new day to have 12 miles of trail along Not everyone knows, though, that take place behind the scenes, it isn't "Oklahoma", "The Dresser", Gubala and toured the construction channel and where the old channel the Hodkanum, covering both sides VIEWPOINT your carpentry skills may take you without its glamorous and in: "Nicholas Nickelby" and sites near the river with him to view had been that has led to some swam­ of Manchester’s six miles of the further than your tap-dancing. teresting' aspects, Ard told the "Frankenstein.”. He stressed the the work the DOT has done. py conditions near the trail. But that's the case, according to students, using his experiences on need for carpenters to be able to in­ Dr. Smith called the meeting “ a Dr, Smith said the DOT has ON Charles Ard, a set designer who the films "The Godfather ", "Fort terpret the artists' drawings into very satisfactory one.” agreed to fill this small area with spoke Tuesday to drafting and Apache: The Bronx" and ""Wolfen " scenery which can be stored in very Three months ago Dr. Smith .some gravel so it will be passable on NUTRITION wrote a letter to Gubala outlining foot. carpentry classes at Howell Cheney as examples. little space and moved quickly. Michael Dworkin, B.S. Regional Vocational Technical In films, everything must be The grandest of all arts for nine problem areas along the Dr. Smith said he has also met The Statue of Liberty, a gift from Registered Pharmacist School. perfect down to the slightest detail technicians is opera, Ard said. The Hockanum River trail. At that time. with designers from the DOT to dis­ Franfce in 1884, arrived dismantled "There are star carpenters on because things are blown up on the Metropolitan Opera in New York Dr. Smith asked that the problems, cuss the trail and future 1-86 con­ in New York. The sections were Nutrition Consultant Short Term Broadway, just as there are star screen. The, painstaking work, City keeps a standing stage crew of particularly the erosion, be taken struction. packed in 214 crates aboard a performers," Ard told the class of which often involves reproducing 80 carpenters, with a full-time care of before winter to insure The state is planning to begin steamship. ‘iriTAM IN-E AND DR. LAMB’S UNFAIR 25 Cheney Tech students. whole sets on a sound stage for in­ scenery shop employing another 30 APPRAISAL IN THE HERALD" "Producers will bid for your ser­ terior shots,,ereats "a staggering to 40 carpenters, he said During the In the Manchester Herald, on Wednesday, Nov. vices — promise you high salaries amount of work for craftsmen." Ard season, the Met employs three shifts 25th, Dr. Lamb had a very inaccurate assessment E of Vltamln-E, and unfairly compared It to snake oil and let your nephew be the head said. of stagehands, carpenters and elec- In the old days. I feel he planted the seed of doubt •electrician — if you're good." In " The Godfather", for a scene in tricans, he added. In many minds and neglected the tremendous Ard discussed the large number of a store, the craftsmen had to silk- "By the time .you get dpwn to amount of evidence that has appeared In the behind-the-scenes technical jobs screen labels for cans so that shoes and all. probably 500 people professional literature. Work was done on that go into putting on a play, everything would appear to be from work on a production," he said. lovestments h u m a n s as well as animals. Much harm can be making a movie or taping a televi­ the period. It took a tremendous "This is about as big an operation as done to many people from his off handed debase­ sion show. amount of work. Ard said, adding, there is. Working in the back is one ment of Vitamih-E. The workshop is.part of a program "and I swear it was out of focus in hell of a thrill" BLOQD CLOTS: A article appeared In the very called Drama Tech, a joint project the one shot of it in the film." The anecdotes led to one point: prestlgeous New England Journal of Medicine, C G&TbeE O P0< July 16,1981, whose litle wee “PREVENTION OF Two new investment plans of the state Department of Educa- For "'Fort Apache: The Bronx^', recruiting. THROMBOEMBOLIC DISEASE BY VITAMIN-E”. tion Division of the technicians had to recreate the "The point of all this is that, there He quotes Dr. Alton Ochsner, who hss given Vocational Technical Schools and 41st precinct in another location, in- is an enormous amoumt of physical Vltamln-E to his post-operative patients for over the Center for Theater Techniques ■ eluding the views through the win­ work for craftsmen — very, very 15 years and none of these patients have ever had in Education at .the American dows, because "as horrible as it skilled craftsmen — in creating a pulmonary embolism. He presented two other designed to lock in high interest rates Shakespeare Theater in Stratford. sounds, the police could not reality. " Ard said. '"All this YActony 5^^1010 etudlee where Vitamln-E wee used clinically in. Earlier this year, students at guarantee our protection working in rejiresents an accumulation of preventing pulmonary Blood clots. During the Cheney Tech saw workshops on ilie the police station." possibilities for what craftsmen, fM D’Pncesso^ 1B70’e, Dr. Kanofeky says, “at least elx groups of physical skills of the actor and on The view through the windows mostly, invisible, can do in the Inveetlgatore have demonstrated a role for Werk-»ovlng* 01* food P ro oiter s.f. C*tAlo6^|48 Vltamin-E as an Inhibitor of platalet aggregation." from purchase date to maturity date. play production. A workshop on proved to be a problem because two theater.. Swei cr.x4 tmoo’. g> vuv / - stage lighting will be held later this buildings burned down during fliic feve'iei t'Oir. viciny ■.'irTi'Tvj. Data summarizad the fact that there was a greater "If any of you people go on to v n Poite iwdcn lof monte' risk ol thromboals when there wee no Vllamln-E. week. Other schools also have shooting and had to be removed work in the theater, you will find a ooe'oion ttamovQC>e; tit»e lot ciaoning It Is vary strange thinking that when DRUGS are workshops on make-up, fashion from the scenery screens used in the totally different technology, (using found g o ^ In animale It Is OK ... but when^ designing and other aspects of other location so they would match electric motors and computers VoO?>. MfT ^29.^ VITAMINS are found good In animals he Ignores theatre. exterior .shots at the true location, where they u.sed people). But in the the data. The goal of the Drama Tech hn said. end, you can't get away from wood, REMEMBER .» 85 to 90% of heart attacka In­ prograrn is to recruit students into Another film, "The Wiz", a black, metal and canvas. Somehow the 3'KXuplrtw Stall*' ’ WHh Clock G C .C A fA lo G ^ S m volve blood dote ... and Vltamin-E might give AotOfTKJt-ccioci'tfTW"'•':v0o-a«eic these people a lighting chance. the world of technical theater, ac­ urban version of The Wizard of Oz, theater always comes back to gtoo'totting cof'o* / y iO * A O T IflJi cording to Robert Ftienzi. was notable for the ever-present those." twiicWo keer wO'" ,*” corote Dr. Wm Hermann, jrTMD pathologist at Memorial LC95 c.e pc»Affe ^ City General Hospital, Houston, found that Vltamln- ni.oo E Increased the good cholesterol (HDL) and decreased the bad cholesterol (VLDL) In 10 of his 8 4 D A Y PREPACKED coat 42260 patients. This reduced the risk of a heart attack. CROSS-COUNTRY WPooGHT 'WON Dr.’s Thurlow, MD and Grant, MD, Duke Univer­ Clever thieves net $100,000 sity Medical Center found that at Vlatmln-E levels dropped the platelet aggregation became abnor­ Don't mal. When Vltamln-E wee given the platelet level QOPN Short lanii. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (_UP1) - Clever thieves may weekend, but said they couldn't be sure they were the returned to normal. Arid because platelet hyper- have made off with as much as $100,000 placed in phony work of the same thief or thieves. YoUP HMIDS aggregatlon hat been Implicated In the develop­ •+HEIP M OJiNN deposit boxes by unsuspecting customers at two branch Both boxes were empty by the time the hoax was dis­ Const RucafcP ment ol both Thrombosis and atheroecleroele, offices of the Bay Bank, police say. covered, but Goeffroy estimated depositors dum'ped IK/tfS. OP they recommend Vltamln-E during Intravenoua anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 in the Springfield nutrition to maintain platelet function. This wet Investments One was found outside the bank's Valley branch in published In “Surgical Forum, Vol 31,1980. box. The exact figure won't be known until all Springfield, the other next to the Middlesex office in ■loNIONCANEWf* TSfLoMir CoMtD "Some cllhiclans have claimed that Vltamln-E Is Framingham. 20 miles west of Boston. customers realize their accounts have not been credited PRE-Tvmntb V\tp.po ALOMINUh' helpful In fibrocystic .breast disease." (Medical Police detectives on both cases agree, the jobs were with their weekend deposits, he said. Letter, Jan. 1981. Am. J. Obstet Gynecol, 1979, well done. VflNStROCTiOW B o o t • JJAA' SAND* JAMA, Sept. I960.) Also, doctors from Johns Maidummi $991,999. Springfield detective Charles Geoffroy said the box Hopkins University School of Medicine and Sinai looked so real people assumed the original was out of Hospital In Baltimore say that taking therapeutic order, and used what they believed was a temporary uytoH doeses of Vltamln-E may lesson lumps and symp­ 2 toms disappear. According to Dr. London, MD, In a one. Kicks For Kids VuoAltdei^r These Short Term Investments* called “repurchase OUR Gp£aV FdP fiM S O ie u fS double blind study, "Ten patients were good "It looked good, it looked real good, " ho said Tuesday. $.PADOtp► ASDrxp ^ ""iadC flucf,- responders ... 12 were fair responders, and 4 were agreements” , are not dej^sits. As such, th ^ are not Police said they believe both boxes were set up in time Indoor SOCCER School non-responders. to reap the benefits from sales over the bus.v holiday Dr. Lamb should realize that just because he insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Savings Bank SwvtctP'GuMWl/fO TkctoPv ,5EP>naD</WV£RSE cujckSct process. This all started to occur In 1910 and after . South Windsor; Sullivan Avenue Shopping ('enter life • health insurance and annuity needs. More Ben- • WAkt-to MoStC o pMAPM renewed automatically. The interest rate paid is simple '7 09 this date, according to Mancheatar'e oldest phytl- Ashford: Junction Routes 44 & 44A. Telephone 646-1700.. ef itsWitFiout Paying More. Let us tell you more. Call or tnE'P, ouP clan, cardlo-vaecular dieeaae staHed to climb interest - this means it is not compounded. The Express Banft write for our free brochure. O U ^ PP-iCES V«lC£'- «28?o from lees than 5% to over 55% today. This Is no __ _ _/ CALDWELL OIL, INC. mere coincidence. Where do we find nis balanced For more information, including the current rates Eastford: Monday & Friday, Ric. 198' next to post office.Tel. 974-,^6l3. Scotland: Tuesday & Wednesday,across from post office. Pel. 423-0523. ^ ' t h e CORNER OF NIRTFORD RD. ?I-M% SttKbTM»£S diet?? available, we invite you to call one of our investment Sprague: Thursday & Saturday, ! 8 W. Mam St. Tel. 822-6319. Member KD -l.C . Tonsumer^ Everything Peddled I PINE ST. MINCHESTER 049-1712 •BktteiY*EUCtPlC . ' More documented data on Vitamln-E In my next with a 30 day WvPftUqgS OOP: column! ^Insurance NO HAM) TIMt Have you had your Blood Pressure checked late­ banking counselors at 646-1700, or visit one of our Supermailcet'j 114.9 C.O.D. MONET lACK VfEilKOPEN: ly. FREE Blood Pressure Clinic every Thure. from 5 convement offices. OUARANTEE Your Local RepresentatfvB • OPAAMFNts PM to 9 PM. IHUOS.lO-9 Printed In the Public Interest by... Short Term Investments: the new way to earn PAUL GOODIN INSURANCE AGENCY l•GlFf BokeS fW. VO-9 . •GUSSOuIMR 357 E. Center St., Manchester, Conn. •Sl^PiOBoN PnrknrU'-Uvnlth ett-VnrkniU’ guaranteed high returns in only 30 or 84^days. 646-3633 6 4 9 -8 8 4 1 S K T . 1 0 - 5 ^ 1 ‘ S'FtWPAP Th . Coniumer'i In.uranc. Superma'rk.l Corp. \u tritio n ('.entoi 'h n rtn n r s ' S i M K V f l H tX'T/ (. - THE HERALD. WaL. Dec. 2. 1981 THE HERALD. Wed., Dec. 2, 1981 - 7

O P IN IO N / C o m m e n t a r y Milner takes office as mayor of Hartford

HARTFORD (UPI) - five-term MayoC . George Milner said he would es­ in his second term in the first mayor left office in Thirman L. Milner agreed Athanson in a . September tablish a citywide advisory House. He gave up the 1812. • with those who described Democratic primary. committee, which would legislative seat after being Milner defeated Athan­ as historic the occasion of be ” a group of experts elected to the two-year son in a bitterly fought se­ his swearing-ih as mayor "I also stand as a symbol from throughout the city term as mayor. cond Democratic primary of Hartford, but noted he of the history of this city,” who will advise me on Milner is Hartford’s first on Oct. 13. The second Great Lawn proposal should be limited wasn’t the first person to he said, "for since the time policy and direction.” new mayor in more than a primary was ordered by a give significance to the Thomas Hooker founded decade, replacing the 51- judge after Milner filed a our great city of Hartford day. M ilner cam e to the year-old Athanson, who suit alleging fraud and in 1636 each group that mayor's office from the had been the city’s longest- irregularities in his loss by Milner, who took office migrated here has had to multi-family application, scheduled Legislature, where he was serving mayor since its 94 votes to Athanson. My wife seldom misses the pop­ Michael Lynch and attorney Wesley IN A CONVERSATION I bad Tuesday as New England’s struggle to overcome ular television program "Family Gryk to build condominiums on an yesterday with Lynch he told me for a Dec. 7 hearing by the Planning first black mayor chosen barriers as they took their Feud." 1 poke fun at her addiction to eight acre piece of the Great Lawn, that care would be taken to and Zoning Commission, by popular vote, recalled rightful spots as leaders." this word association game but, I fronting on Hartford Road, im­ “ preserve and improve the historic Manchester developer Jack Davis, the day marked the 26th must admit. I've gotten kind of mediately caught my attention. Nanchester character of the area.'’ I am con­ is applying for 160 townhouses to be anniversary of the refusal Milner was sworn in at a packed City Hall ceremony hooked pn it myself. vinced of Lynch’s sincerity and his built on a 14 acre portion of a 63 acre of a black "tired I \t AS DISAPI'OINTEI) by this Spotlight where newly elected So if game host Richard Dawson desire to see that first“ rate con-C parcel off Vernon Street. Davis domestic” to give her bus unexpected turn-of-events because, members of (he City Coun­ were to ask me what are the first By Rick Diamond — Herald Publisher dominiums are built and m a iiw plans to deed the 49 acres, much of seat in Montgomery, Ala., Iattention Santa] only recently, the town administra­ to a white man. cil also were installed and things that come to my mind when tained. I told him, however, thatT which is wetlands, to a homeowners’ tion and the members of the Cheney which was followed by a Manchester, Connecticut, is men­ had strong reservations since the association to preclude the.possibili- With that refusal, Rosa Brothers National Landmark council meeting where SPECIAL SiailMNG DESIGNERS tioned. I would blurt out, without possibility existed that the entire ty that additional construction will Lee Parks launched a new Historic District Commission were councilor Rudolph Arnold hesitation, "Cheney and condos." Great Lawn area would eventually someday be built on the site. chapter in the civil rights was chosen as deputy WITH THIS seriously considering acquiring the be overbuilt, particularly if this first Lynch and Gryk, in a press movement. Blacks mayor. In the eight months that I've been parcel from the owner, in- Historic District Chairman Judge once the site of one of the largest undertaking is financially boycotted the Montgomery 20% OFF COUPON release, said they are partially in Manchester I've been exposed to suranceman Robert J. Smith. William E. FitzGerald, that behind- Cheney mansions that was buses and the segregation Milner pledged to work successful. motivated by a desire to “ preserve my share of "Cheney" — the mills, the-scene efforts were under way to destroyed in a fire some years ago. ordinance was declared un­ "as a team" with the coun­ ONE WEEK ONLY BEGINNING WED. His $200,000 asking price, not an At some future date, the tour the integrity of the neighborhood.” the Hall, (he school, the library, the line up private funds to acquire the constitution. cil and would '.'seek to unfair amount for a property zoned remaining acres, ’ and additional Unfortunately, they cannot speak history and, of course, those eye parcel for the town. Obviously that It is the new developers’ intention build stronger and closer DEC. 2 thru DEC. 9 adjacent land, all of which provide Milner, 48, said his elec­ catching mansions atop the Clreat for 16 single family homes, was in­ to seek a zone change to Planned for their heirs or future owners of relationships With our will not be the case. the real view of the hilltop man­ tion as mayor of Hartford Lawn. During the'same period, I cluded in the first $2 million bond Residence Development permitting the undeveloped four-acre parcel. private sector, communi­ sions, might also be Considered for also showed a "barrier” ty, civic, religious, labor THE NflmE TO REmEmBER have also witnessed the "con­ proposal, but later dropped because Lynch and Gryk both live in them to build 20 to 30 condominiums If they truly wish to preserve the condos. Since Planned Residence had been overcome in the organizations and our state dominium fever" that has raged it was felt such an expenditure of former Cheney mansions with lawns on the westerly three to four acres integrity of the neighborhood, their ili» W e m m 'i town funds might jeopardize the Developments permit a densi^ of Connecticut capital. and federal governments.” throughout the town, affecting that extend to Hartford Road. that are now screened by trees. The rezoning application, which they • - ‘ - d r e s s s h o p overall plans to convert two of the up to 10 units an acre, it is con­ . apartment complex after complex. Lynch’s lawn borders the eight-acre balance of the land would be hope to have ready for February, UPl photo “ Today’s been called an "There is much work to Cheney buildings to apartments. ceivable that several hundred So the coming together of these parcel on the west while Gryk’s redivided with one portion deeded should include plans to deed their historic day i in the city of be done and paid laborers M Pieeeii#| Sfiatt two subjects last week in the form I was led to believe ■ by both property is alongside the eastern over to Lynch and the other to Gryk dwellings could cover the hillside. remaining four acres to either a con­ Hartford, and indeed it is,” are few, ” he said. "1 will Thirman Milner, New England’s first popularly elected black mayor, Route 83, Talcottville, Cl. of a proposal by automobile dealer General Manager Robert Weiss and boundary. The eight-acre parc^was to enlarge their present properties. IIY W AY OF contrast, in another do association or the town. said Milner, who had easily be calling upon volunteers is greeted by outgoing Mayor George Athanson before receiving the Mon . To«.. Wod . 10.5:30: Thurs.. Fri. 10 9. Sot. 9 30.5:30 won election as mayor in to assist my office by len­ oath as the mayor of Hartford at City Hall. Oppotile Quality Ino Moiei 643*9016 2 November after ousting ding their expertise.” In Manchester 0 f T A HUIM 6 A wise use N.E.B*, Governor tested i. z tor heart damage of town fond HARTFORD (U P I) - Gov. William O’Neill has un­ gas dryers dergone a stress test at St. Francis Hospital and The town is ready to embark So far. Incidentally, the latest Medical Center and doctors will gauge the extent of on the development of another park appears to be free from the arterial blockage in another procedure, the hospital industrial park which does not opposition that sprang up over reported. yet have a name and Economy the earlier one. Its modest size Hospital Spokeswoman Carole Stasiowski said the use energy wisd)^ E lectric Company has em erged may save it from having to face low-level, routine, stress test Tuesday involved monitoring the governor’s heart while he exercised on a as the ,I.C. Penney of the modest such opposition. treadmill. new undertaking. One impetus for another in­ The coronary arteriography scheduled for today is the New, energy efficient gas dryers feature automatic pilotless • Dry a full load each time. But don’t overload. When the town started what dustrial park must have come next step in the diagnostic workup, she said. It involves ignition. Which means they use up to 36% less.energy to • Clean the lint screen before every use. This will insure was to be called the Buckland In­ from the success of the first. passing a catheter through the arm and into the heart operate than conventional gas dryers. And because mod­ proper air circulation arid efficient, economical dryer dustrial Park, it had Penney as a Another m otiviation was the dis- through an artery to determine the extent of arterial blockage. operation.. major tenant to give the project covery that many small ern gas dryers help clothes come out virtually wrinkle free, O’Neill, 51, will receive a local anesthetic and an oral . great initial impetus. Penney oc­ • Set the proper heat and don’t over dry. businesses would have liked to sedative while the procedure is being performed, Ms. you’ll do less ironing and use less electricity. These perfor-- cupied 160 of the 300 acres in the occupy smaller industrial lots Stasiowski said. mance features make natural gas the most energy-efficient • Vent dryer to outside to exhaust the pounds of rpoisture in park. than those available at Physicians will inject O’Neill with thallium, which is way to dry clothes. every load. a radioisotope, and take pictures of his heart with a While the Buckland venture is Buckland. In the new park lots f gamma camera while it is under stress, she said. You and a natural gas dryer. Just think of all the energy you still a bit clouded by the But you can save even more energy by using your gas as small, as one acre can be sold The procedure will be performed by Dr, Robert can save together. • existence of an environmental and that may attract buyers for Jeresaty, chief of cardiology at the hospital. dryer wisely. For instance, here are some simple and effec­ suit against it, it has to be called whom the bigger Buckland “The competition is reaiiy getting fierce. They’re cents-off coupons for O’Neill was hospitalized Nov, 20 after tests showed he tive energy conservation tips.- suffered a mild heart attack. The tests were taken when E one of the town administration’s parcels would have represented our next purchase of tacticai weapons.” he complained two days prior about back pain and in­ major accomplishments. There too steep an investment. digestion. are only three parcels in the There are reportedly no • Ms. Stasiowski said results of the stress test were not park left unsold or unoptioned buyers waiting in line for yet available. There also was no word on when the and each of those parcels is un­ parcels, but neither does the governor when would be sent home. CONNECTICUT NATURAL GAS CORPORATION desirable. One is steep, another town seem to be taking much Open forum / Readers' views is unsewerable, and the third is risk. The $150,000 Economy will under a power line. pay for its 10 acres will give the Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 C Now the Economic. Develop­ town money to develop the 5- Sears Portrait Studio ment Commission hopes to de­ acre piece. Sale of that land will BA6lfS •rMuOffIN • AOtAtV • fAMAT C «(X ^ velop a park off Tolland Turnpike finance improvements to the HbwalM>utyDU? with Economy Electric as the . rest, with the town expecting to those who complete the designated drubbed, just once, by Jack where a student chooses to enroll. major tenant, holding 10 of the make a $225,000 profit. Proud parents route within a certain time. Nicklaus? These figures differ since the 27 acres there. One one side of Of course frequent practice And just think about it for a price of books can vary greatly in The real profit, of course, lies Economy lies a 5-acre piece and 'I'o llir Eililor; throughout the year would be minute - 4,(XX) of us have a chance to I’elation to the courses the student is on the other a 12-acre section. in increased tax base, efficient decidedly beneficial! Might we get drubbed like that once a year, taking. Th&> cost of food for If your son or daughter was a That puts Economy in the same and appropriately located in­ suggest that a person measure (by right here in Manchester. And we weekends and snacks can vary Touch a "collector of food’’ for love it! position as Penney, relative to dustrial buildings, and an in­ car) a distance of 2Vz miles in a con­ significantly depending upon the Thanksgiving, you should be proud venient location, also noting land­ the size of the park. crease in the number of stable Jeff Laiieasler eating habits of the student. The loved o n e parents! We certainly are! marks at 1 mile, IVi, and 2 miles. By mode of dress selected by a student Far away or near, someone It is pleasant to .> think that jobs. Coventry Our son got involved because his walking only 1 mile and back at can have quite an imj>act on a you tove is arwious lo see maybe other parallels between All too vivid is the memory of your child's char$ges so for a teacher, Mr. DeRosier, got the kids first, one could gradually increase student’s clothing budget. Distance the parks w ill develop and the What happens when an industry special occasion or just involved, and Miss Libby got her the distance. between home 'and campus can ob­ because -r share today with that provides important jobs is town will have comparable students involved. I know that many With more or less regular prac­ UConn costs viously affect travel costs. It should professional keepsake portraits taken at Sears success with the new venture. in a bad location. other teachers helped to make this a tice, surely by the designated W-DA be evident that miscellaneous great Thanksgiving for the needy. there would be many who could T o the Eililor: expenses can vary greatly from stu­ V They provided the spirit of competi­ walk the 5-mile prescriBed route dent to student. . Nv.i-. Several recent newspaper articles Portraits in time tion, and enthusiasm, that kept the with heads high! Yes? j When examining the costs of have made reference to the fact that for Christmas ball rolling. attending The University of Connec­ Louise G. Taylor the cost of attending The University Our hats go off to all the par-, ticut with those of other institutions, 50 Gardner Street of Connecticut next year will exceed ticipants of Manchester High, and to prospective students and their $5,000. The assumption on the part Berry's World those that received the food. I ’m parents should keep in mind that the of many people has been that sure it was an extra special holiday fixed cost of the University is $3,359. this year. students will have to pay that '\'m lucky' amount directly to the university for A comparison of this figure with the Jack J. Liipiien their education. fixed costs at other colleges and un­ 66 Baldwin Road iversities will clearly demonstrate I'o llie Eililiir: However, upon closer scrutiny of the expenses, one soon realizes that that in addition to receiving a high- li . were a local softball player T. fixed costs for attending The quality education there is a distinct suppose my chances of some day University of (Connecticut for the financial advantage for the student New 'race' attending the State university. chasing a Reggie Jackson line drive 1981-1982 academic year are only would be very slim. ’They’d probably $3,359. These fixed costs include fl,- 2 To the Editor; be about the same as a local golfer’s 114 for tuition and fees. $1,155 for Dr. John W. Landis chances of squaring off on a putting room and $1,090 for a fiveday meal Director of Admissions Congratulations to ail the runners green with Jack Nicklaus. plan. The University of Connecticut who competed in the Manchester But I ’m lucky. I ’m a runner, and It is evident, therefore, that direct Five Mile Road Race on every Thanksgiving morning in payments to the university are far Thanksgiving Day! We admire Manchester I get a chance to run in less than $5,000. Even with a them. And we appreciate the many a race with some of the greatest moderate anticipated increase for iHanrhpBtpr Hrralft dedicated hours of training runners in the world. next year, the fixed costs fall well that preceded the race. But that’s not why it’s special. It’s below $5,000.. 23 color portraits m ^ 95 May I express a sentiment of Celebrating 100 years includes 9S« deposit | * 9 ■ jo m special because it brings out what is Perhaps the confusion results many other people — who for of community service Offer good Ttiascbqr thru Saturday good in people. To all of the people from the fact that The University of various reasons prefer to walk Studio Hours Tues. & Sat. lO-S. Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10-8 who 'kept this race going during the Connecticut has traditionally Founded Oct. 1, 1881 rather than run — that WALKING is No age lin«i PholograpTw: package includes two BalO s.Bvee lean years, the great runners who’ve published educational costs in terms great too! It furnishes a good exer­ 5x 7 s and iS waiiel. and 3 color mmialures Ip charms 95« tor each put it on the map, the Eamonn of the total annual out-of-pocket PubIKhad by th* Mtnohsttai addn’i subjea in portrait Choice of hackgrcxjnds Poses our cise, fresh air, challenge (if Publishing Co.. Horald Squaro, selection Flanagans, the Jim Balcomesj the expenses to provide prospective desired), companionship, and an op­ Manchottor. Conn. 06040. Talaphane Dick MacKenzies, the countless students and their parents with a Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat. December 2, 3, portunity to appreciate such natural (203)643-2711. others - Thank You. You are all very comprehensive yearly figure. I 4, 5 Daily 10-8 Sat. 10-5 beauty as may be along the route. special people. Total expenses actually include M am bor o l Unitad Prsaa Iblar- 1MI byNlA. me Why not sponsor a five mile natlonal and AudH Buraau of Clr- You know, it doesn’t matter a bit fixed costs plus books, supplies, and WALK— mayte one in the fall and culatlona. that most of us who run Turkey Day miscellaneous personal costs. Most one in the spring? It could not be a Manchester Parkade get to hear who the winner is while colleges, however, published fixed "OK, you've done the Rubik's Cube! Now try race, as that would interfere with we’re gasping for air somewhere on costs in their literature. There are, IN S T A N T the preferred natural rhythm of the Richard M. Diamond, Publlahar '' figuring out the playoff possibilities In the Porter Street. After all, wouldn’t of course, expenditures for Dan Fltta, Editor PASSPOKT PHOTOS National Football Conference." individual walkers. However, Alax Qlralll. City Editor Sears . that local golfer give up a new set of transportation, books, and personal SalisiatlHin xnaraitlrfd recognition could be given to all r Srart t rrdil larti custom clubs for the thrill of getting and i,ilscellaneous items no matter StAKA ROUUCK AND (.-Q o r >f>or iii{>nr> hack THE HERALD. Wed , Dec, 2. 1981 THE HERALD, Wed., Dec. 2, 1981 - 9 Inmate Panel approves tax proposal only 3 days left charged to say “S.H.A.” HARTFORD (UPI) — A legislative panel has ap­ proved the final portion of Gov. William O'Neill’s tax proposal and cleared for public hearing a complex, op­ in death tional plan offered by a Democrat likely to seek the Me. governorship next year. The Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee ENFIELD (UPI) - A Tuesday also approved bill by Department of Revenue prison inmate serving time Services Commissioner Orest Dubno to increase the fee for sexual assault and un­ for a sales tax permit from a one-time $1 to $20 initially lawful restraint convic­ and $10 tor annual renewal. tions has been charged in The committee approved the governor’s proposal to the 1974 slaying of an En­ raise $5 million by being more aggressive in collecting field teenager whose death escheats, which is unclaimed money owed the state, and baffled medical examiners by advancing the timetable for collecting the funds. for four years. “» ' ^ t H E n i c k -o f -t i m e They voted to hear from the public on all the package Brian Ellis, 28, who is proposed by House Speaker Ernest Abate, D-Stamford, serving a 7-to 16-year term an all-but-announced candidate for the Democratic at the maximum-security gubernatorial nomination. Connecticut (Correctional Abate detailed his plan for House Democrats during a Institution in Somers, was caucus Monday. charged with m urder He claimed the plan would generate $238 million, Tuesday in the stabbing allow the state to repeal the tax on unincorporated UPI photc^ death of Joseph Cun­ businesses; pay off the $83 million deficit, and leaye ningham Jr.. 16. Connecticut with an $111 million surplus. Following testimony before the Connecticut SALE The key to the package is a 10 percent tax on gross in­ Legislature’s Finance Committee Tuesday In The teenager’s badly come earned by trusts and estates. Abate said it would Hartford, Tax Commissioner Orest T. Dubno decomposed body was generate $80.7 million this year and $88.8 rnillion next found in a field in Enfield In time tor all your Christmas shopping year. explains his proposals Including an Increase on May 31, 1974, but the The rest of the plan included elimination of the 60 per­ in the price of a sales tax permit. cause of death was listed cent deduction on long term capital gains; inclusion of as undetermined until 1978 “ordinary gains” in the capital gains tax base; restruc­ jtvhen medical examiners turing payment rules for capital gains and dividends and concluded Cunningham WONDERFUL GIFT SAVINGS UPi phoio corporate taxes, and deferring new federal depreciation wed from multiple stab guidelines.. Special Offer wounds. The committee at first voted againsl^the bill to defer Irving Stolberg, D-New Haven, and Sen. ; Enfield Police Lt. Walter a hearing i uesaay on tax proposals for the new federal depreciation guidelines, but reconsidered ^uniewicz said in­ Audrey Beck, D-Storrs, co-chairmen of the state at the Capitol in Hartford. and approved it for a public hearing on a second vote. vestigators had built a Legislature's Finance Committee, conducted Dubno asked for the increase on the sales tax permits • itrong case against Ellis, because he said there at least 16,000 businesses who buy BATTERIES .■$»ho was sentenced to the the permit solely to avoid paying the tax on their DURACELL 2 &mers prison in 1978 for purchases. He said most of the firms buy vehicles and 4-AA ^nvictions on two coqnts Parker disputes antiques. * 2.99 «ach of sexual assault and The permit allows buyers to purcha.se goods and not Imlawful restraint. Plan may hike pay the sales tax with the understanding that they are 2-C .P - Juniewicz said Ellis had buying for resale. * 1.99 “been a suspect in the case Abate's charges Jor some time. The police governor's pay 1 - 9 Volt lieutenant said years of york had gone into the in­ HARTFORD lUFl) - his plan Monday for yes, we’re open * 1.99 vestigation, which included H A R T FO R D (IIP D — The governor’s sainry State Treasurer Henry dealing with the state's $83 every nite til 'ihe posting of a $20,(KX) would increase from $42,000 to $70,000 and Parker has disputed House million deficit that the ytate reward in 1979. misses famous every legislators would be paid an extra $4.F:00 per year in Speaker Ernest Abate's state received less than salary and expenses under recommendations ap­ (except Saturday) claim that improved cash one tenth of one percent, or acrylic totes® fur proved by a state panel. management could yield $4 million, on annual tax . only at. The Commission on Compensation of Elected $35 million for Connecticut revenues of $2.5 billion. . every State Official!; and .lodges, voted Tuesday not to next year. the Salem nassiff camera shop .Chemical cowls umbrellas Utile Jacket recommend salary increases for judges bccau.se Parker shot off a testy Let a -Classified Ad help 639 main 643.-73669 maneheiter, the state is still phasing in salary hikes approved by reply Tuesday, saying it you sell no longer needed thing Thurs. 9-9 ' bpill kills the Legislature last year. was impossible to earn but use ful items. Call 643- Mon.-Sat. 9 to 5:30 The panel recommended the following salary in­ large sums of money if he 2711. creases: didn't have large sums to 200 fish Warm, wonderful , Patterns, solidsi A wonderful chance, Governor - $70,000, up from $42,000. invest He said expen­ acrylics in 10 ‘ Asst, sizesi A gift 'C Santa, to save on Lt. Gov. — $40,000. up from $27,000. ditures exceeded ineorne OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 MW holiday coloral A 20% o ff they’ll appreciate all o ff Treasurer. Comptroller, and Secretary of the HADDAM (UPI) - The every rabbit fur by 31 percent the first half 3,850 gallons of a chemical great gift idea for yearl Jacket in our stocki State - $:i.'‘,000, up from $2$,000. of this fiscal year. Attorney General — $^0,000, up from $.08,700. accidentally discharged misses. Sizes S-M-L accessories. A big selection! Sur­ "Therefore, for the first from the Connecticut Legislators — $13,000 per year plus $2,000 in half of each fiscal year, we Quality gifts you'll be proud to give...from Regal's.of course! Speclall prise her with the expenses. Lawmakers now are paid an average Yankee nuclear power not only lack exce.ss cash to plant into the Connecticut sportswear. luxury and warmth! $10,700 per year, which includes $2,000 in expenses. invest, we actually have to The report will be prepared in the next month and River killed more than 200 famous entire stock coats. borrow to meet our ca.sh fish, preliminary studies then forwarded to the Legislature in time toj action flow requirements,' during (he regular session in February 1982, Jhow, Parker said " Officials today planned Isotoner of bras Abate .said in presenting -to conduct more tests to determine the full en- gloves by Warner’s .ylronmental impact of the E DRESS SHIRT SALE! -Tuesday afternoon spill, '^he chemical, sodium f a n n ia lle Icarriage House tbypochlorite, resembles S j O boutioueboutique I . . . . hairdesigning ’;fiousehold bleach. G e t a grip on 18 Oak Street *4 DAYS ONLY^ -_The amount discharged Just 3 days to save 649-5046 downtown Manchester 643-2461 3‘greatly exceeds” savings. on these on all your favoritesi ^gulations, said Northeast most wonderful knit Stock up for the •ytilities spokesman Gary and leather gloves Doughty. Northeast, owns holidays and afterl C ... with famous iso­ Christmas Gifts .and operates the Every style in stock THURS..FRI.-SAT.& SUNDAY JSSOmegawatt plant. massage action. at 20% savings! — Doughty said chemical, Asst, fashion colors, underfashions. -used to clear away algae accessories. To Cherish. that grows on condensor THE lubes, spilled after a tnechanic misaligned the drain valves while working bn the system. Daughter's .. Plant chemists and 'i Northeast environmental Ring engineers were attempting to determine the extent of the environmental impact 6f»v7.99 17.99 ^ by ■on the river. Doughty said. Market Cre.Tlions \ Downey stocking Junior ’Give^ stutter fair Isle '■>_J \ the Gift Isacked with a ENTIRE STOCK! panties sweaters ' HARTFORD (UPI) - Million dem ocratic U.S. SenfTfe Memories ARROW-VAN HEUSEN-CAREER CLUB Jhopeful John Downey has ■:the support of nine mayors, ;^e state House majority Your choice of Forever preppy, Teader and 12 legislators Give him the bikinis, or. hipstersi Her birthslone Who joined his steering 1 1 . 9 9 2 0 % o f f Henley style. Finest 2 0 % o ff between her parents' Executive Letter -INCLUDING BIG and TALL SIZES! .committee, his campaign 18 different styles to machine washable birthstones. a reminder of Opener. It features office reprts. choose from. Solidsi wool/acrylic. family love and affection a stainfess steel blade ■' New Haven Mayor PrIntsI Cotton pan- Wonderful new Once-.in-a-lifetime-giff pocket knife built right 'Biagio DiLieto chairs the elsl Reg. 2.50 each, colors, brights and into the handle, and has 4^' •65-member committee. underfaahions. heathers. S-M-L. 2 House Majority Leader In 14K Gold ...... *151.62 a space available to misses famous the Junior place. famous engrave his initials. It's 'John Groppo, D-Winsted, Order Now For and three assistant a top quality, very Christmas Democratic majority acrylic chic winteralls® special gift (or that very leaders, Reps. Peter Rosso I rlt'Siqn ib [inlf'nlfH! ’ special man. REGAVS of Berlin, Chester Morgan I tiM niifiiR If, rHqi'’>l»*f(‘(1 "W here W omen Love to Shop for M en" Jeans pantyhose $ 29.95.; of Vernon and Richard pants MANCHESTER VERNON Balducci of Newington head up the legislative con­ by h.I.s. 903 MAIN ST. TRI-CITY PLAZA tingent on the panel. Sh o o r Open Thurs. till 9:00 Open Sunday 12 - 5 Open Mon-Sat. 10:00-9:00 Open Sunday 12-5 Downey, 51, announced •V o ff '917 Main St Manchester Open Thur T|f 9pfn Oct. 21 he would seek the Democratic nomination for "Katie Brooke" All the styles you Stock up! The the 1982 U.S. Senate seat. proportioned pants, want with that very heavier weight pan­ Rep. Toby Moffett, D- pull-on style. Black, monet Conn., entered the race famous labell Waist tyhose to keep you brown, navy, green, sizes 26-38. Short, toasty warm. New Tuesday. grey, berry. Sizes earrings Incumbent Sen. Lowell Average and Long fashion colors, 10-20. Average, (low II l o w II IIIMill si I Gi l. I S.V Weicker, R-Conn., was lengths. Famous Monet hosiery. expect to be challenged for Petite, the Junior place. the GOP nomination by sportswear. pierced earrings. Prescott Bush Jr. of Gold or silver toned. Greenwich, brother of Vice A good selection. President George Bush; Jewelry. 3 author Robin Moore of manchesteR. 3 Westport and financial • analyst Bradford Peery of 3 Westport. All available at downtown Manchester, Vernon TrICIty Plaza, Westfarms Mall. 10 - THE HERALD. Wed., Dec. 2, 198: THE HERALD, Wed., Dec. 2, 1981 - 11 Rowe recalled, No one injured Obituaries Town youth lost in West Barnes shipped in 3-cor crash Page 12 Matthew Keegan SPORTS When Brian Chandler began a cross­ Chandler used the police teletype to in the Southwest, appealing for informa­ GLASTONBURY - Matthew country hitchhiking expedition Oct. 14, request information about his son, but tion about her.son. Keegan of Dug Road, South Glaston­ No injuries were Despite Tuesday the 18-year-old Manchester High Sbhool Arizona authorities had no details to “ I am writing to your readers as a con- bury, died Sunday at his home. reported in a three-car ac­ evening’s wet and slippery graduate promised to call his mother offer. cerned, anxious mother from a distance- Private funeral services will be cident Tuesday in front of conditions only two fender- every week to let her know he was safe. “ We checked out there and they didn’t of n early,2,500 m iles,” she wrote. “ I;^ held. The Farley-Sullivan Funeral Mott's Shop-Rite on East benders were reported on The first call came from Iowa the next have any record of anyone by his name hope your subscribers will take a few Home, 50 Naubuc Ave., has charge Middle Turnpike, police Manchester roads, police day, and the second came from (>rand living in hotels or hiking the trails,” he minutes to read this and respond should„ of arrangements. Bicycling on a Sunday afternoon said. said today Canyon, Ariz., on Oct. 20. they have any information.” ' 1 Pacers halt said. However, Chandler believes Brian According to police I Six weeks have passed without another In a two-car accident at may hav« registered under his travelling Chandler, believes the letter campaign reports, a car driven by Richard M. Ferris Sr. phone call. companion’s name. the corner of Hartford launched by his form er w ife might work. ■ There’s nothing like a bicycle ride on a Sun­ World Series has signed for the 1982 season. Helen R. Schardt, 58, of 31 SOUTH WINDSOR - Richard M. When Brian’s mother, Karen Bot- Road and Keeney Street, a '’Maybe someone has seen him and- day afternoon when the weather is agreeable. Johnstone inked a pact on his 35th birthday. Eastland St. was stopped in Ferris Sr., 56, of 2305 Ellington Road tomley of 43-D Esquire Drive, did not In addition to contacting the hotels and car driven by a Bolton man might recognize his picture In the - Sunday it was clear and cold. • The Manchester native has been a major the eastbound lane on East the National Park Service, Mrs, Bot- J died Tuesday at Manchester hear from her son after the second call, skidded on the wet surface papier.” The Bogginis, Charlie and Jane, w ill second leaguer 13 seasons, the last two with the Middle Turnpike, waiting Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ she began to fear the worst. tomley approached the Bureau of Indian Herald as he attempted to stop, Aside from the newpaper appeals, ” that thought. Dodgers. He hit .307 in 1980 and .189 last Celt streak to make a left turn into the band of Earleen (H alford) Ferris. Brian had left home with just $25 in his Affairs about possibly searching the In­ striking the rear of a car however. Chandler says there is little m The Manchester couple list bike riding, Angle .season...Nice honor for UConn’s Ken Mott’s supermarket. He also leaves a son, Richard M. pocket, refusing to take any money from dian reservations. However, because that had stopped in the in­ one can do to find a missing person of ■ among its interests ahd last Sunday they • Sweitzer who was tabbed the top college Grace E. Rubinow, 57, of Ferris Jr, of South Windsor; four his mother. He had hoped to earn money there are about 58 million acres of Indian tersection to make a left m ajority age. “ He’s of age and he can go decided to peddle to the University of Connec­ Earl Yost, quarterback in New England this season. He 68 Butternut Road was daughters, Mrs. Maureen Ross of by taking odd . jobs as he traveled land in Arizona, they discouraged her hand turn. where he wants to go, and that’s the ticut to watch the talented and national' Sports Editor was the only UConn player named to the first IN D IAN APO LIS (U P I) — TTie In­ finished with 12. Bird was high driving out of the store's Coventry, Mrs. Colleen Edsall of throughout the Western states. from making a personal search. diana Pacers have discovered they In a minor one-car acci­ problem,” Chandler says. " ranked UConn soccer team face Long Island . team while tight end Ken Miller gained a scorer for Boston with 16, but the parking lot. making a right Huntingtown, Md., Mrs. Cheryl In his last telephone call, Brian had Chandler doubts that an intensive dent which occurred about University in a National Conference Athletic berth on the second team...Betting handle at . can battle to the end of the game and Celtics also had balance with Robert turn. Deskus and Sandra Ferris, both of mentioned meeting another young man search of Arizona is the answer to fin­ While Mrs. Bottomley has tentative " win — against the toughest competi­ midnight Tuesday, a car Association Division I quarterfinal game. the Hartford Jai-AIai Fronton was up nearly Parish and Nate Archibald hitting 15 As she pulled into the South Windsor, ' on his way to California. They planned to ding his son. plans to travel west and look for her son, “ tion in the NBA. driven by a Hartford man ” tt was exactly 20 minutes from our 10 percent over the 1980 figures. Total atten­ each. Cedric M axwell and Kevin lane she was struck by a Funeral services will be Thursday visit an Indian reservation and then “ He could have called from that area Chandler believes the best thing to do is ;■ was headed east on Spring house,” Charlie Boggini said. “ It was a tough dance was over 765,000 with more than $69 The Pacers nipped Boston, 90-87, McHale also scored a dozen each. car driven by Edward J. at 9 a.m. from Callahan Funeral travel to the Golden State together. ahd the next day been in California,” wait patiently. ’Tuesday night when Larry Bird’s Street when it slid on the grind as there are a lot of hills.’ It took us an million wagered. The fronton will reopen The loss was only the third in 16 Dunphy of Springfield, Home, 1602 Main St., East Hartford The call provided few leads as to Chandler says. “ He might have travel^ “ H e’s a big enough guy and smart ”, off-balance three-point shot bounced wet road, ran off it and hour and a half each way, but it was fun,” he “ My wife ran the course faster this year Feb. 17., . games for Boston. Mass., who was traveling with a mass of Christian burial at 10 where Brian might have gone since and two or three other states. I guess he did enough,” Chandler says of his son. “ I “ off the rim. came to rest near a one- added. than a year ago,” Boggini said, adding that Coach Bill Fitch, who was ejected west on East Middle Turn­ a.m, at St. M argaret Mary Church, why he has so far failed to call home. call from the Grand Canyon, but Lord wouldn’t think any harm has come to - Striders to elect “We finally got (won) a close lane bridge. Although he only played one year of soccer she was well satisfied with his effort. after two technical fouls with six pike. South Windsor. Calling hours today “ It’s like looking for a needle in a knows where he might go, because he him.” game at the w ire," said Pacer coach None of the drivers in while at Manchester High, Boggini has Proof, if needed, that the Silk City Strider$ will meet Dec. 11 at minutes left in the third period, The impact forced ' from 7 to 9 p.m. M em orials'to the haystack,'” says his father, Donald M. had no plans.” Just the same, he says, “ It's kind of ii Jack McKinney, “ This is the first either accident was in­ coached in the fine Manchester youth polls in this case are as phoney as a chorus W illie’s with Johnny Kelley the speaker. The didn't think the Celtics executed Dunphy's car into the front Leukemia Society, 44 State St., • Chandler, a Connecticut State Trooper in Mrs. Bottomley has sent 55 letters to baffling. It does seem strange that he time I feel we’ve beaten one of the jured, police said. summer soccer program where his two sons, girl’s smile is the fact Notre Dame was the long-time marathoner and distance runner is well on the fastbreak. of Mrs. Schardt’s car, Hartford. f the Danielson barracks. editors of weekly and daily newspapers wouldn’t call every couple weeks.” good teams in the NBA this season. Dave and Glenn were standouts. ' earlv choice of the “ experts” as the No. 1 an accomplished speaker and sure to hold the police said. Feels good to know we can win good "W e had one good stretch when When UConn won, 3-0, that made the team. ’The Irish from South Bend can’t even interest of club members...Strider Dunphy was charged ones — close ones." But McKinney we ran off three fa.stbreaks and took journey to the Storrs campus all that more boast a .500 season and wound up with a won nominations for 1982 are; John Lahda, pi’esi- with failure to obey a con­ said he had disaster flash across his good care of the ball and took good enjoyable. and lost record of 5-6...The Apters, Ron and dent; Ray Parr, vice president; Sue Leslie, trol signal. Al Slefferts says:— eyes as Bird's “ home run" shot shots and then, boom. Davis hit that “ It was a great game and the crowd. I Beth are both in the spotlight at ’Tufts College secretary, and Sue Schoenfelt, treasurer. bounced around on the rim before layup as he went through the lane,” never thought 7,400 people would watch a with athletic teams. Hon, former Manchester Hugh Hamilton and Pete Kennedy w ill be falling off. college soccer game around here,” the local High high scorer, is a starter with the varsity directors. Tina Mikolowsky is handling Fitch said. “ Larry's last shot scared me. I ‘Mentally wc didn't move quick businessman said. basketball team and his sister is a regular membership renewals and dinner reser­ “MORE CHRISTMAS FOR LESS!!” thought it was in twice. I thought he enough and didn't play well together Fire Calls Last Thanksgiving, while Boggini’s wife with the Tufts women’s volleyball squad. For vations...UConn hosts New Hampshire was going to get six points,” tonight.” he concluded, was taking part in her third Five Mile Road her play last week she earned the “ Jumbo of tonight and Boston University Saturday 2 explained McKinney. Boston jumped in front after the Race, Charlie and -his two sons jumped on the Week Award.” ...Jay Johnstone, who night and if you don’t have a ticket, don’t E enjoyed a fine year as a reserve outfielder Johnny Davis hit 21 points to lead first period, 25-22, but gave up the their bicycles and had several vantage points make the trip to Storrs, Both games are the Pacers, but Billy Knight added advantage to Indiana at halftime. along the route where they shouted en­ and pinch-hitter with the Los Angeles sellouts. Channel 3 will telecast Saturday’s Manchester 8r. 15 off the bench. Louis Orr scored 14 couragement to the lady of the house. Dodgers in winning tlie National League and game. 45-43 After three quarters, the Saturday, 10:43 p.m. — 0 HITACHI point‘d and rookie Herb Williams Celtics had regained an edge, 70-69. Medical Call, Manchester STEREO MUSIC I Parkade (Town). SYSTEM Saturday, 10:53 p.m. — Super Santa SALE « Auto accident. Interstate • Cassette tape record/playback deck 84 (Town). • Automatic turntable with cueing, anc Sunday, 12:11 p.m. — diamond/sapphire stylus Medical call. Pioneer Cir­ — I I Built-in FM/AM stereo receiver _*•• 11 I ^ SANYO E m e r s o n cle (Town). Tuning meter Jabbar No. 2 on all-time Sunday, 2:03 p.m, — STEREO MUSIC False alarm, Box 35 STEREO AM/F1VI PORTABLE (Town). VIDEO TAPE CASSETTE RECORDER SYSTEM Sunday. 2:27 p.m. — RECORDERS • LED sound level and FM stereo indicator Medical call, 46 E House IRC^ • Records off-the-air __ *177 Drive (Town). DISCS, CAMERAS • Balance and tone controls Cassette tape record/playback deck m m m Sunday, 3:24 p.m. —• • Two built-in condenser mikes • » Automatic turntable with cueing, and ® ■ ■ list of scorers in NBA Electrical fire. 14 Niles diamond/sapphire stylus Drive (Town). > Built-In FM/AM stereo receiver » Tuning meter . ______Sunday, 4:09 p.m . — TOSHIBA By Mark Friedman 'T v e been thinking atiout that a Atlanta 98; Indiana 90, Boston 87; the Cavs their sixth straight loss. Medical call, 47 Maple St. lot recently,” he said. “There’s no San Antonio 110, Washington 99; Junior Bridgeman added 18 points ITown). LARGEST CAPACITY i s cu f t FREE UPI Sports Writer telling what I w ill do. I still leel Milwaukee 126, Cleveland 110; Kan­ an d Quinn Buckner 16 for Sunday. 9:54 p.m. — Amana, MICROWAVE OVEN Cooking With one long, sweeping arc of his motivated to play and I still have my sas City 106, Houston 104; Phoenix Milwaukee. Mike Mitchell scored 29 Medical call, 348 Charter left arm, Kareem AbduIJabbar health. It will be a season-to-season 117, San Diego 94; Portland 121, points and Kenny Carr 20 for Oak St. (Town). MICROWAVE OVEN CONTROL School made basketball history Tuesday decision." Denver 113; and Seattle 103, Chicago Cleveland. Sunday. 10:09 p.m. — night. Robertson, a teammate of Jab­ 87. Kings 106, Itlirki'is 10 4 Medical call, 348 Charter *227 Wrth- Jabbar’s left-handed sky hook bar’s for four years in Milwaukee, Kiiickn 112, P ihIo iih 100 At Houston, C liff Robinson and Oak St. (Town). $447 with 3:54 remaining in the first was in attendance and the game was At New York, Maurice Lucas Phil Ford combined for 46 points to Monday, 8:13 a.m. — Every quarter gave him 7 points in the halted While the “ Big O " presented scored 28 points and pulled down 19 drop Houston to its sixth straight M e d ic a l c a l l . 186 FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE CHRISTMAS game against Utah and 26,711 in his rebounds to carry to New York to its loss. Ford scored 19 of his 22 points Knollwood Drive (Town). 30" ELECTRIC RANGE . 13-year career, surpassing Oscar WE CHALLENGE ANYONE TO FOR LESS Now Amorui CookmoUc Powof Shift— third straight victory. Michael Ray in the second half and Robinson Monday, 6:25 p.m. — “Remembers" how long to cook with split second accuracy. PuTChflSS Robertson to b ^ o m e the second- Richardson and Bill Cartwright scored 5 critical points in the last BEAT OURPRICESI "Remembers” to shut itself off and call you for dinner. False alarm, Manchester A l)ll*oM d o o f o n this F n g i- leading scorer in N b a history. finished wih 17 points each. John three minutes. Moses Malone led ail E Community College, Example Buys! daire 30" Range puls oven Following his 14-point performance cleaning within easy reach Ixing paced Detroit with 29 points, scorers with 34. Bid well Street (Town), ' Slefferts BREAKS *337 AUTO COOKING in a 117-86 victory over the Jazz, Kelly Tripucka added 19 and Isiah Suhs 117, Clippers 94 RCAVniSO CONTROL OVEN Monday, 8:54 p.m. — ^568 THE PRICE ON Jabbar was 4,701 points shy of Wilt Thomas added 18. At Phoenix, Truck Robinson, after D u m p s t e r f i r e , 186 RCAVn250 >869 *769 Chamberlain’s all-time record. 76rr» 107, Hawks 98 missing one game with tonsilitis, Homestead St. (Eighth PROJECTION COLOR Another record of sorts may have RCAvneso >1159 *1059 At Atlanta, Julius Erving scored returned to the lineup to' score 25 District). £2 been established Tuesday night — 30 points, blocked 3 shots and points, dish off 7 assists and puli Tuesday, 11:03 a.m. — RCAVFP170 >1099 *988 19” COLOR PORTABLES ' the Lakers limited the Jazz to 5 grabbed 8 rebounds to help the down 10 rebounds for Phoenix. Kyle Gas washdown, Seven- diaQDnal ' points in the second quarter. . Sixers raise their record to 14-1. Macy had 22 points and 10 rebounds RCA DISC PLAYER >479 *347* FULL RENTAL SAVE $500 Eleven convenience store, Although the official NBA guide Maurice Cheeks and Steve Mix and Alvan Adams added 21 points C TAPES A DISCS G IANT 50” diagonal 253 M ain St. (E ig h th RCA CAMERA CC-OIO >899 *799 . keeps no statistics of that nature, it backed Erving with 18 points each and 7 assists lor the Suns. D istrict) LIBRARY Screen *Aft«r Rebate SONY ; was believed to be the lowest team and Eddie Johnson led Atlanta with Tuesday, 4:28 p.m, — CABLE Ready Remote j output for a quarter in league 17. Trail Blazers 121, INuggels ll.’t Gas washdown. East' START SAVINGl CONTROL TUNING history. the historic basketball to the Laker Spurs I 10, Rullrls 99 At Denver, Calvin Natt scored 19 Eldridge Street. (Town) j Utah made only 2-of-13 field goal center, ’ At Landover, Md., George Gervin of his 30 points in the second half to [BUTTON You Pay FREE 1 Yr. Service j attempts in the quarter and l-cf-6 Los Angeles outscored Utah 33-5 scored 14 of his 42 points in the third help Portland snap Denver’s five- Li.-:— stereo Sound 10 Yr. Warrantee Translators j free throws while commiting 11 tur­ in the second quarter to take 59-35 quarter to help San Antonio over­ game winning streak. Dan Issel To pay respects RCA ZEN ITH System novers. Jabbar’s contract, reported- halftime lead en route to its 11th vic­ come a 51-50 halftime deficit. Mark scored 34 points to lead the Nuggets. •597 XL-100 ■ ly worth $1.1 million a year, runs tory in the last 12 games. Magic The Knights of Columbus FREE Olberding added 14 fourth-period SuperSunies lO.’J, Bulls 87 19" 19 ” . through next season and the 34-year- Johnson led the Lakers with 19 will meet today at 7 p.m, at points to finish with 27. Greg At Seattle, Gus Williams scored 25 Delivery & old center has not decided whether points and Jamaal Wilkes added 18. the KofC Home, Main LESS $50 Ballard paced Washington with 26. points and Lonnie Shelton con­ COLOR Set up to continue playing when it expires. John Duren led Utah with 16 points Street and from there will Factory Rebate *2488 Burks 126, Cavfilii-rs 110 tributed 19 for the Sonics. Chicago, He w ill need about V h seasons to and Adrian Dantley had 12. go to the John F. Tierney YOUR CHOICE At Richfield, Ohio, Sidney Mon- which lost for the fifth time in seven i r ! reach Chamberlain’s mark, which In other games, it was New York Funeral Hom e, 219 W. RCA 19'COLOR crief hit a remarkable 16-of-19 shots games, was led by Reggie Theus . was accomplished in l4 years. 112, Detroit 100; Philadelphia 107, Center St. to pay respects NEW 1982 MODEL for 39 points to help Milwaukee hand with 20 points. to Joseph Mcllduff, who SPACE-SAVING *547 was a member. MICROWAVE OVEN “WALNUT FINISH” ♦317- The kA«al-ln-On«* inter owavB oven lhat lift YOUR FINAL COST MSdy ov«f your range Hiith built-in vent and iighi Space-savmg Robertson saw record broken Playing bridge FREE Series pot UPI photo 5 YEAR PiCTURF TUBE (All Color T.V’t) Oswald Jacoby and Alan Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of Los Angeles makes goes up tor Sontag write about bridge NEW YORK (UPI) - Baseball $100 VALUE basket that made him the No. 2 all-time scorer in NBA history. - every day on the comics Com m issioner Bowie Kuhn an­ page of The Manchester nounced Tuesday the distribution of College days long ago Play came against Utah Jazz last night In Inglewood, Calif. Herald. a record player pool for the 1981 CONVERTIBLE postseason. FREE 0 VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER The highest World Series players’ INGLEWOOD, Calif. (U P I)-F or play. Winning is still the most become the No. 1 scorer,” the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, it doesn’t exciting for me.” Pro soccer attendance 2 y r. pool — $4,143,060.63 — went to the Lakers center said. “ Right now, I Salad days and New York seem like 13 years have passed since T h e center sank a short, want to win a championship. In­ 19"Trinitron he was leading UCLA to three con­ lefthanded hook shot with 3:54 left in NEW YORK (UPi) - Yankees plus the other divisional dividual statistics don’t mean' that secutive NCAA titles and an 88-2 the first period for his seventh point up 70 percent over '80 Salad days seem to be all SERVICE winners and the other first division much. But like I said, I do want a record during his four years as a of the game to put him one ahead of the time, according to COLOR TELEVISION clubs, based on full season percen­ championship. That’s a team ac­ Bruin. Robertson. statistics showing that the Sony revolutionized television by introducing the Trim- tages, the commissioner’s office complishment, not an individual Iron system We've improved Trinitron even further “ I don’t feel that I ’m that long out Robertson, Ahdul-Jabbar’s team­ one.” • NEW YORK (UPI) - Attendance of 3 million, including playoffs. If average American adult The edges are sharper The colors are nch and vivid said. The Dodgers received $1,491,- of college," Abdul-Jabbar said at a mate for four years in Milwaukee, at Major Indoor Soccer League attendance continues at the current consumed 67.8 pounds of Thepiclureisincredibtybrighi 19"diagonally Inium 501.82 from the World Series-League Abdul-Jabbar, know as Lew Alcin- channal selection, so come in and see our rtew games is up 70 percent from last 2 practice before the Los Angeles was in attendance — and the game rate, the league said, it will be 3.4 salad fixings last year, *457 improved Sony Championship Series pool and dor until he changed his name when another $1,787,153.69 for their par­ Lakers’ game Tuesday night game season. million, excluding playoffs. topped off by 12.9 pints of he became a practicing' Moslem in ticipation in the league division with the Utah Jazz in which the According to the league’s figures "W e re ahead of our target,” said salad dressing. 1971, was drafted by the Milwaukee 13 ' PORTABLE COLOR series. center passed Oscar Robertson as after two weeks of the season, the 13 an MISL spokesman. "W e expected Going into that huge 12" COLOR Television Bucks and played with the team un­ the N B A ’s No. 2 scorer. “ But it was MISL teams are averaging 12,000 a this in our fifth year but now w e’re mixture were an average SONY The Dodgers awarded 35 full til coming to Los Angeles in 1974 in a game. Last season the per-game in our fourth year.” (measured diagoruDy) l4-pushbul- long ago and far away.” ‘Relief that 27.4 pounds of lettuce, 13.4 TELEVISION shares, five partial shares, eight five-player trade. ton Eiprcu Tuning system and our Los Angeles held Utah to five average was 7,110 after two weeks. No MISL teams made money last pounds of tomatoes, 13.4 • Handaornely Styled White Polystyrerte Cabinet *367 improved Alpha 1 chassis (lower en­ cash grants to uniformed personnel points in the second quarter and Overall, after 22 games league season. The spokesman said those pounds of onions, 6.3 *287 • In-Line gun. Slotted Mash Black M ain, Picture Tube ergy consumptionl it’s o v e r ’ During his NBA career, Abdul- • Automatic Fine Tuning Catch the action wherever you go with RCA’s and 19 cash grants to non-uniformed cruised to a 117-86 victory over the attendance is up more than 250,000. teams with the best chance of pounds of carrots, 4.3 • VHF & U H f Detent Tuners new Convertible Video Cassette Recorder Sys­ Jabbar has won the league’s M VP personnel from the World. Scries Jazz, moving out to a half-game lead The top draw in the league is the finishing with a profit this seasbn pounds of cucumbers, and tem The VFP170 Recorder has a built-in re­ six times and has scored 50 or more 26” * COLOR pool. The Dodgers ^nd the Major over Portland in the. P acific Divi­ Abdul-Jabbar St. Louis Steamers, who have are: Kansas City, St. Louis, Buffalo, 3.6 pounds of green chargeable battery so you can tape outdoors, points in a game 10 times. 19"*C0L0R Television indoors— anywhere. With the Tuner/Timer Mod­ League Players Association sion. The victory was the Uth in the averaged 17,600 in their first two Denver and Phoenix. peppers. The largest full screen Color TV in requested that precise player shares SANYO • All New High Power Chassis ule you can record your favorite TV shows— up ^Sony s history* Eipress Tuning gives last 12 games- for Los Angeles. But whether Abdul-Jabbar stays games. The New Jersey Rockets Oil and vinegar were • One Button Auto Color Tuning to six hours on a single cassette. And a new you instant channel teleclion There s not be announced. ^ / • Automatic Frequency & Phase Control Abdul-Jabbar scored 14 points while in the league long enough to break drew 17,600 in their maiden game. used for dressing greens remote unit lets you control Picture Search, also Alpha Chassis tor greater reliabitity m •In t.ineGun Slotted Mask Black Matrix ar>d less power consumption *818 playing only 27 minutes against the Chamberlain’s record remains to be Other successful openingnight nearly 2,000 years ago, but ■ Pwlura Tube Special Effects and most primary VCR func­ 6 ONLY 'Diagonal The Yankees voted 30 full shares was stopped while he presentied Ab­ Reach agreement Jazz, giving him 26,718 points during seen. crowds were drawn by the Kansas salad dressing in bottles , ‘Diagonal tions from the comfort of your chair. of $)^,845.17 plus 12 partial shares dul-Jabbar with the historic basket­ EXCLUSIVE 2-YEAR PARTS AND LABOR GUARANTEE EXCLUSIVE 5 YEAR PICTURE TUBE his 13-year NBA career. TTie total “ 1 want to be involved in the game City Comets (15,295), the Cleveland NEW Y O R K (UPI) - The NBA d id n o t make their and six cash grants to players and ball to the cheers of Laker fans. Warrantee On put him eight ahead of Robertson as long as I am physically and men­ Force (15,022) and the Pittsburgh and Mutual Broadcasting System appearance on market also awarded 20 cash grants to non- “ Oscar Robertson was glad to see JLUkllorTVa! an d second only to Wilt tally able,” he said. “ When either of Spirit (10,057), For two games, Buf­ have reached agreement on a new shelves until the l920s with FREE! uniformed personnel from their me break his record,” Abdul-Jabbar Chamberlain, who scored 31,419 these things go. I ’ll think about falo Stallions are averaging 14,500, three-year contract giving ■ Mutual th e introduction of total World Series winnings of $1,- said. “ He never was a selfish TONITE TIL 5 NO HIDDEN CHARGES during 14 seasons in the league. something else.’’ . the Phoenix Inferno are at 12,100 exclusive network radio rights to assembly line bottling 118,626.37. The Yankees also voted player. I was glad to see Oscar, es­ MON., THURS. “ It’s a relief that it’s over,” . But Laker coach Pat Riley, for and the Denver Avalanche and the NBA All-Star Game, playoffs techniques and the FREE LOCAL DELIVERY 24 full shares of $10,764.03 for the pecially tonight." TIL 9 Abdul-Jabbar said after the game. one, believes Abdul-Jabbar has a Baltimore Blast are over 11,000. The and championship series, NBA Com­ At SicUntli division series. ; ’ I In another lYt, Abdul-Jabbar, who aluminum screw closure TUES., WED., SAT. FREE SERVICE f "P eop le put a lot of emphasis on shot at Chamberlain. Memphis Americans have the missioner Larry O’Brien announced that allowed resealing of 445 HARTFORD RD. l/l/MANCHISTIR «[ill turn ^5 in April, could pass Wilt milestones but I don’t. Still it’s an “ H e’s a great player and he lowest attendance thus far, Tuesday. bottles, according to the I-S4 EXIT TO KEENEY ST. TIL 5 FREE NORMAL INSTALLAFION The previous high players pool Chamberlain as the No. 1 scorer of honor and a special day. Scoring deserves everything he gets,” Riley averaging 6,000 fof three games. A minimum of 20 games will be Closure Manufacturers EXPERT SALESPEOPLE FRI. TIL 8 FREE REMOVAL OF OLD APPLIANCE was $3,915,870.82, distributed last all time. points is not the main focus of why I said of Abdul-Jabbar, “ and I think Before the start of the season, the broadcast each season, beginning Association. NOT CLERKS year. “ 1 doh’t know if I ’ll stay around to he will bo ar.-iund a lot longer.f' league said it hoped to draw a total with the All-Star Game on Jan, 31, 12 - THE HERALD. Wpd , Dec. 2, 198) r , . THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 2, 1981 - l.’I Fernando adds laurels Gretzky NEW YORK (UPI) — Fernando Bonilla finished in a tie for fourth. Sutcliffe captured the award in 1979 Raines, 22, became a sensation for Valenzuela, the Mexican left-hander Pittsburgh catcher Tony Pena and and Steve Howe in 1980. Since the in­ the Expos with his base-stealing who last month became the first New York center fielder Mookie stitution of the award in 1947, exploits. Despite missing 54 games rookie ever to win the Cy Young Wilson also received votes. Dodger players have captured the brcause of the. strike and another 22 Award, added another laurel today' The points were totaled on a 5-3-1 honor 10 times, far more than any with injury, Raines still stole 71 by being selected the 1981 National basis, with five points being given other club. bases, a rookie record. Raines, who hit .304, had stolen 50 on tear League Rookie of the Year. Valen­ for a first-place vote. One voter split Valenzuela compiled a 13-7 mark zuela, whose screwball illuminated with a 2.48 ERA and led the league bases in 55 attempts and was welt on the strike-torn season and helped with eight shutouts, 11 complete his way to challenging Lou Brock’s singleseason record of 118 when the turn the World Series in favor'of the games, 180 strikeouts and 192 1-3 in­ By Tony Favia first draft choice last June, to ex- strike hit on June 12. J Los Angeles Dodgers, received 17'/2 nings. He began the season with a UPI Sports Writer tend his undefeated streak’ to 12 of 24 first-place votes cast by National League string of eight straight victories, Raines was not thrown out by a games. The 19-year-old was especial­ members of the Baseball Writers five of them shutouts. In the post­ catcher until May 2, when he slipped Wayne Gretzky, who was named ly tough in the third period as the Association of America to out­ Rookie-of-Year season, Valenzuela went 1-0 in the breaking for seconil and was nailed the NHL’s Player of the Month for Canadiens pressed for the distance Montreal Expos speedster mini-playoffs and 1-1 in thei NL by the Dodgers’ . His M:- both October and November, tiebreaker. Tim Raines. playoffs, including a victory in the rookie exploits were especially im­ showed Tuesday night he doesn’t in­ “Their goalie, ho played a great Valenzuela totaled 107 votes while fifth and deciding game against pressive since he was also making a tend to change things in December. game.” said Montreal coach Bob,j5)f Raines, who appeared on target for Montreal. Then with the ■ Dixigers transition from the infield to the out­ Keeping on his record pace, Berry. “ He stopped Doug a single-season stolen base record trailing 2-0 in jhe World Series, field. r Gretzky assisted on all three Ed­ Risebrough twice in the third period until the strike and injuries in­ his first place ballot between Valen-; Valenzuela hurled a complete game Brooks pugged a vacancy at third monton goals as the Oilers fought to from scoring what should have been tervened, garnered 6‘/z first-place zuela and Raines and named no one triumph against New York despite base that had existed virtually since a 3-3 tie in Montreal with the goals. Wayne Gretzky did get three nods for a total of 85 points. New for second-place. Each player having only sub-par stuff. the inception of the Mets’ franchise Myles McCurry Tommy Wood Kent Stringfellow Jay Hedlund Canadiens. He increased his league­ points, but my checking line of York third baseman Hubie Brooks received four points from that In one of the closest Cy Young in 1962. He also finished eighth in the leading scoring total to 67 points in (Bob) Gainey, (Doug) Jarvis and was third with 8Vz points while Cin­ ballot. votes ever, Valenzuela, of Sonora, league in hitting with a .307 average 27 games. Napier still did a super job in con­ cinnati right-hander Bruce Berenyi The result gave the Dodgers their Mexico, nipped Cincinnati’s Tom and drove in 38 runs. The Oilers, meanwhile, continued trolling Gretzky. and San Diego second baseman Juan ihirA ciraipht top rookie, Rick Sea\’cr by **”-ee votes. to reap the profits from their "You have to hand it to Edmon­ record-setting center as they ton. They are still one of the better extended their unbeaten streak to 10 teams in the league. " Indian hooters 'grew' games and upped their league­ In other games, Philadelphia leading point total to 38. This team edged (Winnipeg'2-1 and St. Louis R a d io l success comes as no surprise to topped Detroit "7-5 Steelers need to win -TV Gretzky. FIjers 2 , Jrts I UPl photo “From our point of view we felt At Philadelphia, Bobby Clarke we were a good hockey team,” and Paul Holmgren scored and Los Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda hugged his star southpaw Gretzky said. “Tonight we proved goalie Pete Peelers held off a third- pitcher after Dodgers won \World Series. we can play with the best teams. period Winnipeg charge. Clarke Valenzuela won Cy Young Award and National League Rookie VtKDNESDAV , as season progressed Montreal is one .of the top three scored his fifth goal of the season in honors for 1981. to qualify for playoff 7:30 Ohie» vs. Pistons, WINF, I teams in the National Hockey the first period and Holmgren made 2 WPOP. i League. One game means nothing, it 2-0 at 16:26 of the second period, 7:30 I'Tunies vs. Capitals, USA By Len Auster Simsbury in the 11th affair turned from the short passing game,” he 1982) because the experience we but we proved we can play with the. before Morris Lukowich scored his matters around. answered. receiver Lynn Swann and offensive an exciting game because we have Cable Herald Sportswriter have,” McCarthy states, “We know Montreal Canadiens.” Montreal 14th for the Jets on a power play at Strain showing PITTSBURGH (UPI) - All the “In that game we saw in the kids, The Indians, despite returning a tackle Larry Brown among the In­ enough people here who remember 7 :3 ,5 U C o n n v s . N ew now what it takes to win the tough took the lead twice, when Pierre 17:10 of the .second. The Jets outshot Pittsburgh Steelers have to do to llu in p sliii-e , VCDKC Theme was youth and in­ and they saw in themselves, forma­ majority of their starters, do lose games in the CCIL. It takes 11 peo­ Larouche scored in the first period the Flyers 29-27. make the jured who are* questionable for the some of the great games and how though they were.” 7 :4.5 VI'lialers vs. M aple l-eafs, experience at the outset but by tion of a team and team spirit,” some quality personnel to gradua­ ple hustling 100 percent of the time, and Keith Acton tallied in the se­ Blur.s 7, Red \\ i:igs .5 playoffs is to win their three game. professes McCarthy, “That meant a tion. First and formost is sweeper- cond. But both times Edmonton ■The Raiders, defending Super The Steelers and Oakland haven’t WTIC season’s end there was “growth,,” strength, speed — and some luck,” At St. Louis, Rik Wilson scored his remaining games. lot going into the last part ofthe back Chris Carmel, who “did a lot responded,, with Dave Hunter Vermeil takes heat Bowl champions, are struggling this played in Oakland since 1976 when 0 Top Rank Boxing, KSPN reHected Manchester High second- he noted. first NHL goal with 10:21 left in the ■ Club officials said the Steelers season.” for us on and off the field,” “We have to work on improve­ beating Richard Sevigny late in the ' year with a 6-7 record, but Coach the Raiders beat Pittsburgh in an 10:30 Rangers vs. Kings, Ch. 9 year soccer Coach Bill McCarthy. game to break a 5-5 tic. The loss—, would gain a wild card berth no Manchester won its last four McCarthy remarked. Tom Flores says his club hasn’t AFC playoff game. “Prom where we started to where ment on our technique. We also have first and Glenn Anderson notching despite three goals’by Detroit rookie matter what happens'with the other Also graduating are fullbacks Ken to be tougher on the ball. We can’t his 14th goal with just 53 seconds left Mark Osborne — was the fifth given up. The Raiders, like many other we finished there was a lot of (.lubs if Pittsburgh defeats Oakland, Hewett and Kent Stringfellow, wing be knocked off the ball. We have to in the second. straight for the Red Wings and ■ after latest defeat ”We haven’t tossed in the towel,” clubs, are hobbled by injuries, but growth,” McCarthy ' underscored, Cincinnati and Houston, Tommy Wood and reserve Bryan Flores told reporters in a telephone Flores says he doesn’t want to use “ We started with a lot of in­ learn how to shield the ball better. In the third, the Oilers finally extended their winless streak to However, a loss along the way Transactions Buonano. Also lost is foreign hookup Tuesday. “We have a lot of that as an excuse for his team’s experience and at the end you saw a We also have to learn how to beat went on top when Dave Lumley eight ga’mcs. The Blues took a 5-4 could complicate things. exchange student Peter Jensen, a 7- drove a high slapshot in at 6:57, but lead on a goal by .lorgen Petlersson PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The someone to blame. That’s my only pride and we’re the defending cham­ demise. different kind of team. When we ‘I’m optimisfic one man and to do so at a quicker The Steelers opened practice By United Press International goal scorer. That Was second best on Mark Napier beat rookie goaltender strain of a disappointing November complaint with them. ” In truth, the pions. “I don’t think it’s just another “1 don’t like to say injuries are a started we had a lot of individuals. pace,” McCarthy saw the work his with 17 seconds left in the second today for their Monday night the squad. club needs. “That’s a lot to work on ■Grant Fuhr at 9:17 to produce the is showing on Philadelphia Eagles’ offense has been struggling. The game.” Flores continued. “It’s major part of it because I don’t like Baseball When we finished you. saw one. . period, but Don Murdoch tied the coach Dick Vermeil. unit has gone scoreless in the fourth national television game against the team.” about 1982’ The list of returnees includes but we have to if we want to win the final deadlock. game on a pass from John Ogrod- Raiders in Oakland with wide more than just a routine game. It’s to use injuries as an excuse.” Chicago (AL) — Added a minor The Eagles finished the month quarter in the Eagles’ three losses league affiliation in Niagara Falls, The Indians compiled a 12-5-1 soph(Anore goalie Chris Petersen, CCIL next year,” he stresses. The tie allowed Fuhr, the Oilers’ niek at 4:06 of the third with a 2-3 record and fell out of a while opponents have tallied 34 N.Y., to compete in the,New York- overall mark, taking fourth place in who registered 10 shutouts in his in­ Manchester’s last CCIL crown share of the NFG East lead as a points. Pennsylvania League; promoted the rugged Central Connecticut Coach McCarthy itial varsity campaign. Juniors Mike came in 1974. A pair of thirds, in ’79 result. In two of those losses — to Jaworski, who has come under Dave Dombrowski, director of Interscholastic League (CCIL), St. Laurent and Tim Carmel return and ’80, have been it best finishes Dallas and the — fire • from Veterans Stadium fans to Rimi ngton, minor league operations, to assis­ which in ’81 for a third straight year to the backline while all starters since. Vermeil has taken the blame and callers to radio phone-in talk tant general manager; signed Fred laid claim to the state Class LL return in midfield. Juniors Myles The Indian mentor sees some help Clemson protests himself rather than delegate it to his shows, passed for only 91 yards Schaffer as special assignments crown in the presence'of Simsbury. regular season tilts and captured McCurry, Mike Roy and Mike coming from the jayvee squad. players. against the Dolphins and threw the scout and Jim Busby and Mark Ser The Trojans were co-champs with two more in tournament play. Letourneau are back along with Some aid could come from the But in the wake of Philadelphia’s interception that set up Uwe Von named best lineman of season vais as fulltime scouts; outrighted Staples. League schools took LL “In the last six. games we put junior Roger Greenwood, who mis­ junior highs as well. McCarthy, second straight defeat, Monday Schamann's game-winning field outfielder Rod Allen to Edmonton of honors outright in ’79 and ’80. something together. We put sed the tail end of the ’81 campaign however, doesn't believe his team airing by ABC-TV night’s 13-10 decision to the Miami goal. But Vermeil, said the key in­ the . Manchester for a second straight together not just a short passing to injury. can afford a slow start — and grow Dolphins, Vermeil isn't blaming terception came on a play that had year was a Class LL quarterfinalist, game but once in awhile threw in a Junior Jay Hedlund, with a team­ — in '82 as it did this season. NEW YORK (UPI) - Junior pound defensive tackle, and Roy Coach Chuck Fairbanks of New York (NL) — Named Frankj anyone since he feels "the game been successful all season, and center Dave Riminglon of the Foster of Southern California, a 6-4, Howard third base coach and All bowing to fellow CCIL foe long constructive pass to shake leading 11 goais, returns up front, “We can’t stand still because we CLEMSON, S.C. (UPI) - Clem­ "It is no secret that the.s-e could have gone either way." refused to second-guess himself for Colorado was even more Wethersfield. loose from the defenses. That helped and McCarthy hopes for improved do have so much talent coming back. University of Nebraska has been 265-pound guard, were the only other praiseworthy of Rimington’s talent. Jackson minor league pitching' son University President Bill L. allegations have been made" by During his weekly news con­ calling it. named winner of the 1981 Outland linemen to receive votes for the coach. The Silk Towners were only 4-3-1 us out in we weren’t as predictable play from wingers Bill Peschke and We can’t afford to spin our wheels 3-4 Atchley has criticized ABC-TV for Gofer and Minor, he said ference Tuesday, however, a ques­ after eight games but Mc^rthy as before,” McCarthy states, “but Greg Shrider, both juniors. games. We have to get going right "1 always begin (evaluating a Trophy as the outstanding lineman Outland Trophy. Rimington guided airing what he called an uncon­ "However, (he disturbing aspect of tion that suggested the offense' in college football. Nebraska to its first undisputed Bip believes a 2-1 overtime loss to no, we’re not going to ever get away . “I’m really optimistic (about from, practice.” firmed report on alleged footb'ill ABC's report was the implication didn’t carry its share of the load in game) with myself, " he said. "Peo­ ple ask me why 1 criticize my play A 6-foot-2, 283-pounden from Eight Conference championship recruiting violations at the South thal Clemson s failure to respond Miami drew- an angry glare and a Omaha, Neb,, Rimington is only the since 1971 and became the first Carolina school, E calling. I just think that if I make a publicly to these allegations means run of expletives from the Eagles’ second center and the third junior lineman ever to win the UPI Big Atchley wrote a two-page letter, they are true." coach. mistake, I should tell you. But I only College basketball roundup second-guessed myself on a coOple ever to win the award, which has Eight Player of the Year Award. Doubleheader Saturday dated Tuesday, to Roone Arledge, "How come when another team is been presented annually for 36 years “He’s the best center we’ve ever president of ABC News anef Sports. Continued Atchley: "The NCAA playing well, it’s the Eagles that of running plays last night." Basketball Vermeil praised the play of his by the Football Writers Association, had,” said Nebraska coach Tom The letter was sent the same day has established procedures to be aren't doing anything right?” he of America. Jim Richter of North Osborne, who has coached some Clemson was named No. 1 in the followed while investigating any fumed. "We block and execute well defense — "It was one of our finest timely passing of Buck games,", he said — but admitted that Carolina State (1979) is the only pretty good ones during his years Belue — has averaged 32 Indiana rolls against Irish United Press International national member institution. The official en­ and they’re knocking Wilbert other center to win the award arid with the Cornhuskers. “When you poiints per contact. In our college football ranKings. forcement procedures require that Montgomery on his butt and Ron scoring only 10 points makes it tough to win an NFL game. The Eagles, defensive end of combine strength (school-record nuilumble opinion — hak-kaff The Tigers’ regular season record any information developed during Jaworski on his butt. Notre Dame 0976) and defensive 650-pound squat lift), quickness (5.0 — it’s just too much for the is 11-0, and they are set to meet C now 9-4 and one game behind the By Fred Liet They stretched the lead to as many Dakich and Winston Morgan. Jim an .investigation be kept confiden­ "It was a damn street fight. It’s tackle Zeke Smith of Auburn (1958) in the 40) and intelligence (3.24 Yellow Jackets to contain. UPI Sports Writer fourth-ranked Nebraska in the tial." not always our guys who are Cowboys in their division, need one We see Georgia going 17 points. Thomas, the junior playmaker, also Bl SINFS.SMEN win to clinch a wildcard playoff were the only other juniors to win grade point average in business), I But Knight, ever the iron master, Orange Bowl. During halftime of the The Clemson president said. screwing up. I get sensitive to that home as 27-14 victors. Har­ How disgusted is Bobby Knight? started. “Flowers has to get a lot of John Cashman poured home 32 berth. If they win their next three the trophy. "I’m kind of surprised,” haven’t seen a better one. was not satisfied. He felt Notre nationally-televised Pitt-Penn State "Irreparable harm to the univer­ bull. I’m not pleased we only scored rumph! After Indiana’s first game of the credit,” Knight said. “He either points to lead Manchester Police to games, against Washington and Rimington said. "I didn’t expect "1 think he played awfully well Dame was disadvantaged with Bill contest, ABC aired a report on an sity’s image and reputation can un­ to points and if you want to blame The Army-Navy all-time season last weekend, a 71-64 victory learned a lot about patience or he a 92-79 win over Moriarty Fuel last NCAA probe into charges by two Dallas on the road and St. Louis at myself to win. I figured there were this season. But he played awfully record is unbelievably close Varner and Tim Andree not a full doubtedly result from thd mere someone, start with me. There’s not over Miami of Ohio, the Hoosiers’ was scared as hell.” night at Bennet. Manny Reis (26) home, they can capture their second seniors who were more deserving of well as a sophomore, too. The center in the 81 games to date. The strength. forrher Knoxville, Tenn. high school publicati'on of such allegations, even always someone to blame. It’s not coach said: “I’m sorry they didn't Elsewhere in the Top 20, No 9. and Kevin Caweilly (14) were also in straight division title. it. I'm just very happy with it. position is as difficult a spot as there Middies lead with 38 victo­ “I wish they could have played football players that they were if these allegations are later proven always me, and it's not always win. As a basketball fan, of sorts, I DePaul crushed Chicago Circle 78- twin digits for the Police. Jim Ware ■‘1 woke up this morning and I is to play on the line and he has ries against 37 for Army’s with Varner and Andree healthy,” given money by a Clemson alumnus false. This is especially true in an in­ Jaworski. Vermeil said he’s not worried never expected anything like this to always root for the team that 53, No. 13 Georgia defeated Florida had 23 points. Joe Guardino 1,5, Mike to attend the university. mastered it. And he played this Cadets and the other six Knight said. “There’s* no better State 60-57 and No. 15 Missouri stance such as this where no formal "(Miami coach) Don Shula said it about his squad staying down after happen. I was surprised, but the meetings finishing as ties. executes better.” On Tuesday night, O’Rcelly 11 and Paul PYenette 10 for The youths, linebacker -James back-to-back losses. season on a knee that will probably guard around than (John) Paxson. blasted Alcorn State 82-51. charges have ever been brought was the best game they’ve played whole year has been a surprise. I’m have to be operated on sometime George Welsh’s 1981 Knight did some execution of his Fuel. Cofer and defensive back Terry They play hard.” Elsewhere, heralded freshman against'Clemson.” and that we were the best team they "I don’t question the character of still shocked.” after the season. Nobody’s perfect— Navy team, which will meet own. He left his veterans on the Minor, were interviewed by ABC played. We got beat, so I just didn’t this football team,” he said. "You Ohio State in the Liberty Especially in the early going, Bobby Lee Hurt scored 20 points in Manchester Cycle whipped Kenneth Sims of Texas, a 6-5, 270- but Dave is a great player.” bench for the opening tip and started when the Irish were in cpmmand. sports reporter Jim Lampley. Atchley acknowledged that ABC do a good enough job. There’s not can nitpick all day long to find fault Bowl, has a 7-3 record — four freshmen. A labam a’s 94-64 laugher over Sportsman Cafe, 72-50, with Chip It was ’’extremely unfortunate with something. But I’m not really including wins over Boston “ We played well the first 12 Tennessee-Martin ... Jeff Malone’s offered Clemson a chance to re.s- always someone to blame When you So with his experienced hands suf­ Conran. Bob Kiernan and Ed Kowal that Clemson coaches and players • pond to the story, but he .said "it is concerned about it. Oillege, Syracuse and Air minutes,” Notre Dame Coach 24 points powered Mississippi State netting 14,13 and 12 respectively for lose an NF'L game. 1 couldn’t ask By Major Amos B. Hoople ficiently shaken, the llth-ranke^ who have worked with such dedica­ Clemson's position that the in­ our guys to-do more.” "We regained something last Force. Two of the Navy Digger Phelps said. “Then W ^ a d past Birmingham-Southern 71-46 ... Cycle. Tim Hogan and Jay Howroyd Grid Wizard defeats were close. One to Hoosiers rolled to a 69-55 victory some defensive lapses that^d to tion and success have been sub­ vestigation of such charges^should Regaining his composure. night that has been missing from the Stabler praises Bryant over Notre Dame. Syracuse pounded Cornell 90-47 bad 13 and 10 markers respectively Bluebonnet Bowl designate some quick scores. Offensively, we jected to such unfair treatment," be handled according to the Vermeil added, 'T m sorry I’m sen­ Eagle personnel. We were flying out Egad.’ friends, vou are in Indiana, down by 8 points in the behind Eric Santifer’s 14 points ... for Sportsman. Michigan by a 21-16 m a r ^ , just didn’t execute.” Atchlev wrote. procedure set forth by the NCAA " sitive to that. If there’s 4)ne thing there, playing hard. We were HOUSTON (UPI) - Ken Stabler for a real football feast this first half, put it to the Irish thanks to John Pinone hit 9-of-lO from the .Stabler disagreed. the other at the hands of Ivy Paxson, lethal Rom long range, about the Philadelphia media, it's playing up to the ability we can g.ays Bear Bryant, his former “The biggest part was him. He weekend — not just lefto­ League Champion Yale, 23- 22 points by Ted Kitchell and 15 by floor for 23 points as Villanova vers, Two of the nation’s finished with 24 points and Varner that they're always looking for play." college coach at Alabama, is too has such an ability to motivate 19. Randy Wittman — all in the second clobbered St. Francis (N.Y.) ... Dan oldest rivalries are contest­ added 10 for the Irish. For Indiana, modest when he passes out praise people,” Stabler said Monday. The Cadets are 3-7 for the half. Callandrillo’s 21 points lifted Seton for attaining the all-time college ed for your pleasure either year, and they have bad the fresh rn ^ starters were John Hall over Fordham 71-64. Stabler quarterbacked Bryant’s in person or — kaff-kaff — Ahead 26-23 at the half, the Flowers, Who had 11 points. West football win record. 1965 Alabama team to an NCAA trouble all the way. So win­ Hoosiers went on a 12-4 burst with 10 via the magic lantern. Har­ ning the Navy contest is a German center Uwe Blab, Dan Jones reported on way "We played teams that had bigger national championship and he rumph! minutes remaining to lead 44-33. and faster people than we had, and MUST if they are to salvage remains in the game today with the Leading off the TV anything from the season. we beat them because of Bear Houston Oilers. He said he had felt double-header at noon, EST, Bryant,” Stabler said, “I don’t think In their usual slug-it-out Local sports GM to Los Angeles in '82 for some time Bryant would break in venerable Grant Field in fashion the Middies and he has an equal.” Athens, Ga., will be the Amos Alonzo Stagg’s mark of 314 Cadets will battle to a 30-24 Len Auster, Herald Bryant had said after winning a Georgia Tech Yellow Jack­ NOW wins, decision in favor of.. Navy. sportswriter, keeps you in­ BINGO ets hosting the powerful AUTO REPAIRS OWINGS MILLS, Md (UPI) - A other teams. I'he quarterback record 315th game Saturday that his “The main thing to m e,” Stabler Har-rumph! Georgia Bulldogs in their formed about the local New York newspaper columnist makes $320,000 a year. success was due to those who had said, “was just the knowledge that I The remaining contest on sports world. says Baltimore Colts quarterback Gutowski said the other 25 teams coached and played for him. But 76th repeat performance. o had been a little part of it.” Then at 4 p.m., EST, in Saturday’s card is the South ^ WE SERVICE ALL Bert Jones is headed to the Los in the NFL have until April 15 to Carolina-Hawaii clash under [HI Veterans Stadium at Phila­ "Homa at Mr. Goodwrmnch' GENERAL MOTOR 2 ,-\ngeles pains next year, but make their offers to Jones. The delphia, the fabled Army- the lights of Aloha Stadium CARS AND TRUCKS neither team would confirm such a Colts then have until April 22 to Navv series will go into its in beautiful Hawaii. CEILING move. "That would make things aw­ match the biggest of those offers. Whalers recall Rowe, 82ndf performance. The host Rainbow Warri­ - a fully crowded," Jerry Wilcox, the Jones has started every game in Past records count for ors made a creditable run SPECIAL • ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS W e Have Rams' public relations director, Baltimore’s worsLever campaign. naught in these rivalries, for the Western Athletic Conference title before • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS said Tuesday. "We have four The 1-12 Colts have the worst and this year will be no P M irtU IM exception, llm-kumph! being derailed by Holiday [fill • RESUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS quarterbacks already, and there’s defense in the league, giving up 437 Barnes sent to minors Bowl contestant Brigham speculaton that (Canadian Football points so far, ami also one of he The Sugar Bowl-bound Georgia Bulldogs and their Young, 13-3. Up to that AUTO PAINTING Leaguer Vince) Ferragamo will least-potent offenses, scoring only point, Dick Tomey’s (Average caillng12’x14’) A CHARGE WITH MASTER CHARGE return." Walt Gutowski, the Colts’ 209 points. incompimble runner Her- HARTFORD (UPI) - The Hart­ fiv,...... uiem shorthand schel Walker have enjoyed Hawaiians had won seven PR man, said, ‘It’s true that Jones Jones has completed 213-of-373 ford Whalers Tuesday recalled right tallies, and three assists in eight another spectacular season straight. <50.40 • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE is in the option year of his contract, passes for 2,610 yards and has wing Tom Rowe on an emergency games. with a record of 9-1. That South C arolin a’s but we haven’t talked with the Rams thrown 16 TD passes and 17 in­ Gamecocks demonstrated TODA HOME SERVICC basis from Binghamton and In 11 games With the parent club, lone lo^ came at the hands 643-1949 and they haven’t talked with us.” terceptions. More importantly, assigned defenseman Norm Barnes Rowe, 25, collected two goals and of OnMge Bowl contestant their ability by knocking off Winner! the then unbeaten North New York Daily News columnist Jones has been unable to move the to their American Hockey League had no assists. Clenuon (11-0) by a 13-3 Oiack Iront-md c(M ^n«n:i. adjuit aKgnnwnl. Itotat* p f i p n o v e o Carolina Tar Heels, 31-33, l i r n It r m M and compvtar bdlonca frool wlwall. CARTER Dick Young says the 30-year-old Colts in key situations, such as when farm team. Barnes, 28, acquired last season margin. and giving undefeated Hem- Prica Includai nwtl foraign and ddmottlc cori. Ad- Jones, a nine-year veteran quickly the Colts get inside an opponent’s 30- ditional porfg ond lobor •x tro . Rowe was summoned as the NHL from Philadelphia, was to report to ^ The Yellow Jackets son a tussle before falling, becoming the chief fall guy during yard line, club reported that center Rick Binghamton on Friday. In 20 games haven’t enjoyed much Call For An Appointmtnt Today 29-13. Kaff-kaff! M321 the Colts' rapid demise, is heading Jones has blamed other Colt offen­ Meagher, 28, has back spasms. this season, Barnes had one goal and success, standing at 1-9 for The Hoople Hunch is that Probate Court is open BfMCo We.st, "He is known in Baltimore as sive players for the lackluster at­ Meagher, injured in the Whalers four assists and 19 penalty minutes. 1981. However that ‘'one" Hawaii, boasting a strong for conferences with the The Franchise,’ and soon The tack. Colts’ Coach Mike McCormack loss Sunday at Montreal, could was a Big One, a 24-21 u ^ t running game and playing In judge from 6:30 P.M. to TOYOTA iED of the highly regarded Cot­ AUTO REPAIR Next Game Franchise will be gone. He will be has. in turn, criticized Jones. return to the lineup Friday against familiar surroundings, will 8 R.M. on Thursday M MVU i S 1229 MAIN ST. traded to Los Angeles early in After Jones assailed running back Buffalo in Hartford. Lost and found ton Bowl participant turn back the Gamecocks, nights. Appointments Alabama. So, don't sell the February. You can take that to the Curtis Dickey for not blocking in the Rowe was expected to report to One set of keys was found after 35-31. Har-rumph! suggested. Night MANCHESTER Georgia Tech club short. Watch for my early Bowl bank." said Young in his colpmn. New, York Jets game Nov. 8, Mc(2or- the club at .Toronto' in time for the Five Mile Road Race and one They can surprise! telephone number: 647- TEL. 640-6464 The Colts have the’’’right of first mack said, “When you point the Games forecast coming 3227. Wednesday night’s game against the scarf. Also, a watch has not been Georgia’s strong offense your way next week, i Starts Today. refusal” for Jones. Baltimore has finger at someone else, remember, Maple Leafs. He was assigned to claimed which was found after the — led by Walker, at 166 I William E. FitzGerald m m Ihe opportunity to keep Jones by there are three fingers pointing Judge of Probate LYNCH Binghamton on Nov. 6 and has 1980 race. Dick MacKenzie may he yards per game, and the (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE AMN) matching the top offer made by back at you. ” averaged a point a game, collecting oontactpd by the owners. 500 W c e n t e r ST MANCHESTER 646 4321 qEHBUaMOTOISBMrrSDIVISlOH 14 - THE HERAL.D, Wed., Dec, 2, 1981 THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 2, 1981 - 1.5

Recipes and Menus Scoreboard FOCUS/ Food TV'Novies/Comics \ o \ o v 0

MILWAUKEE (128> Southern Division M. Johnson 2 2-2 6. Lister 3 2-3 8 Sacred Heart 81. Quinnipiuc 71 Seton Hall 71. Fordham 64 Rorheslcr 12 100 U nier 4 2-2 10. Buckner 7 1-2 16 Binghamton 12 10 Chocolate lovers: Springfield f7. A.l ( f6 Moncrief 16 7-11 39. Bridgeman 7 44 18. New Haven II 10 • f Basketball (.'atchings 1 Od 2. Cummings 2 f<-6 9 Staten Island 73. New Pallz f9 Syracuse 90. Cornell 47 llcr^jhcy 10 11 Titacom 4 1-2 9. (’romplon 0 (FO 0. Mav 2 Eric 9 11 f -f 9 Totals 48 29-37 l26. Temple 80. Utica 3f Baseball ^Bowling Villanova 93. St. Francis (N.Y.) 63 Adirondack 13 (T.EVKLAND (llOl Tuesday's Result 'Tis the season to forget calories and indulge in rich desserts Mitchell 12 f-6 29, C a rr. 8 4-6 20 South Edwards 3 0 0 6. Wilkerson 2 24 6. Silas Alabama 94. Tenn.-Martin 64 Maine 1. Fredericton 3 6 f-8 17. Wedman 1 0^ 2. Huston 4 3-3 11. Auburn-Mnlgmerv 78. Spring Hill 6:1 Wednc.sday'fi Games • ______Springfield at Adirondack Umibt*er 2 7-10 11. Pheglcy 1 0-1 2 BcUarinine 83. Kentucky St, 78 By Adele Angle Washington 2 2-2 6. Dillard 0 0-0 0. Ford Berea 67. Centre 6f > Binghamton at Erie turtle. (Chocolate will soften from the heat of the NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC. (I 0-0 0, Totals 41 2840 110. Bluefield 78. Averett 64 Maine at New Brunswick Focus Editor. By I'nited Press International K Tenn St. 67, Memphis St..62 Now Haven at Rochester NEW YORK------(UPI)------'Voting ..j n g on the caramels.) With buttered spatula, gently swirl Milwaukee 3f; 29 31 31-126 Thursday's Games Eastern Conference Cleveland 28 2f.3136-110 Froslburc St 7T.. St. Vincent Coll 66 National Leaguefs Rookie of tn< Year ANTIQIIKS- |Bev Anderson 130, All over Manchester those of us addicted to chocolate chocolate to cover caramels. Atlantic Division George Mason 88, Whitlier 71 New Brunswick at Fredericton Award with first-place votes in paren­ Three-poinI goal-Buckncr Fouled out Maine at Nova Scotia have the next four weeks to celebrate. W L Pet GB Edwards, (.ummings. Total fouls- Georgia 70. Florida St, 67 theses: Fran Doyon 133, Robin Moorhouse Transfer to waxed paper to cool. PhiladiJphia 14 1' .933 ■ Milwaukec 34. Cleveland 28 Technicals- (llcnvillc f.3. W.Va St. fl Valenzuela. LA (17>^) 107 131, Arlene St.Pierre 125, Flo Niles Family parties, office gatherings, church potiucks — Huston 13 3 .813 Vz Catchings Cleveland Coach F^laney A— Hainpden-Sydnev f f , Wash. & I.^e f4 Winnipniiwg O ld -l Raines, Mont (6Mi) 6T> 127-127-372, Viv Bayer 138-362, Sally any occasion a chocaholic can dream up — can become Frozen chocolate mold Now York 7 8 .467 7 4.076, King Coll 81. fusculum 80 Philadelphia 110-2 Brooks, NY 8Mi Washinfilon 4 n .267 10 Methodist 69, N.C. Weslevan 69 First period—1, Philadelphia, Clarke :< Berenyi. Cin f«. Anderson 139-353, Debby Wilson 136- an excuse to bring your best chocolate dessert. 1 small (10% ounce) frozen pound cake, thawed Now Jersey 3 12 200 11 Mls.s. SI. 71. Birmingham Southern 46 Bonilla, SD f. (Adams, I.«ach), 2;f-f.. Penalties-Co- 364, Cindy Colby 147-363, Alice “Wonderful. Disgracefully delicious. Horribly V 4 cup almond liqueur ' Central Division KANSAS CITY (1(16) N.C A&T 80. Winsbin-Salem St. 78 chrano. Phi, 6:10; Spring, Win. 9:41; Pena, Pitl 4 Milwaukee 10 6 .62T King 8 1-3 17. Robinson 11 24 24, Norfolk St. 89. Morgan St 68 Cochrane, Phi, 13:18. Wilson, NY PA Sartwell 1^-343, Alice Richards.149- caloric!” is the way Irma Meridy of 27 Teresa Road 5 squares semi-sweet chocolate AtlanM • 8' 6 T.71 1 Moriwoathcr 2 Od 4. Ford 10 2-2 22. Old Dominion 84. Md.-Eastern Shore f7 Second period—2. Philadelphia, Holmgr­ (Points awarded on basis of f> points describes her “(^ocolate Pie Supreme.” 1 container (8 ounce) frozen whipped topping, thawed Indiana 9 8 .f29 Roanoke 7f. Virginia .Wesleyan W for first^lace vote, 3 for second and 1 142-407, Louise Webb 147-140-399, I'v Woodson , 6 2-2 14. Douglas 0 0-0 0. S. en 3 (mlcll. Flockharti, 16:26. 3. Mrs. Meridy’s pie is made with a ppcan meringue 4 Detroit 8 8 .fiOO 2 Johnson f. 69 16. E. Johnson 1 24 4. Midwest Winnipeg. Lukowich .14 (Christian, for third. Valenzuela and Raines each Chris Cowperthwaite 131-137-372, V cup chopped pecans ('hieagii Anderson 64. .Taylor 6! 6 11 .S3- 4’2 Grunfcld 2 0 1 4. Drew 0 1-2 1. Totals Hawcrchuk), 17:10. PenalUea-Arthur, received 4 nolnls for split vote.) Alice Hirth 341. shell and a (jerman sweet chocolate and vanilla ice 2 tablespoons finely chopped drained maraschino Clevelaml 4 12 -2fO 6 16-26 106. Auguslana 92. Ixiras 7f. I'hi. 6:13; Holmgren, Phi. 16:46; Spring, cream filling. She says the recipe is one she got from cherries Western Conference HOUSTON (IWi Baptist Bible 67. Central Bibife ffi Win. 19:23. Codarvlllc 73J Wilbt*rlorcc 68 NEW YORK (UPI) - Winners of the Midwest Division, Haves I 1-2 11, Reid 8 34. 19. Malone Tliird period—None, Penalties—Babych, REC- Ron Schack 141-377, Bill Manchester neighbor Grace Kalagian, and when she’s 2 tablespoons butter or margarine W \. F’cl GH II 12 16 34. Garrett 2 69 10. Henderson 1. DePaul 78. Chicago Circle fJ National League's liookie of the Year f. Win. 10:f«; Cochrane, Phi. L'i:04; Award; Pagani Sr. 146-373, Bill Zwick 142- brought it to parties, it,’s gotten rave reviews. Cut pound cake into twenty ‘ i-inch slices; cut slices in San Antonio n .688 0-0 2. U avell 3 1-2 7. F’aullz 0 0-0 0. Fell is St 81. lialdwin-Wallace 7:1 Hawcrchuk. Win. 19:f9. Denver 8 6 6ir 1*2 Dunleavy 4 1-1 9. Murphv A 44 12. Greenville 64. Lindenwood 47 1961— Fernando Valenzuela, I./OS Angeles 369, Bill Pagani Jr. 363, Bob Schack Mrs. Meridy, by the way, isn’t the only sweet tooth in half diagonally. Line 1 ‘ 2-quart bowl with plastic wrap or Shots on goal—Winnipeg 17-7-f«--29. 19B9>'Steve Howe, Los Angeles ria h 7 B .4(7/ 3*2 Oldham 0 0-0 0. Totals 38 28-38 104. Indiana 69. Notre Dame H Philadelphia 9-n-7-27. the family. She’s a nurse practitioner. Her husband is strips of waxed paper. Then line bowl with cake slices to Kansas City f . 10 m r«2 Kansas Cilv 32 30 2123—106 Ind-Pur. ilnAils.) 8f, Franklin 83 l97^Rlck Sutcliffe, Los Angeles 363, Gene Yost 136-355, Tom Bren­ Goulics- Winnipeg, Staniowski. Phila- 1978—Bob Horner, Atlanta cover completely, trimming if necessary. Sprinkle cake lloiislon 6 12 .333 6 Houston 29 29 27 19-104 Kearney St. 69, Fori Havs St 61 delphia, ?eetcrs. Peeters. A -17,7.077. nan 354, Roger Labrie .354, Bemie the owner of ’The Confectioner in West Hartford, a shop Dallas - 2 13 i:i3 8>2 Fouled out--None. Total fouls—Kansas I.CWIS 41. Drake 40 1977— Andre Dawson, Montreal Goodin 136, .Stan Jakiel 135, Norm which specializes in creative candy gifts. with liqueur. Melt 2 squares of the chocolate in small Paeific [division Citv 29. Houston 23. TeehnjcaF—Hayes. A Marietta 88. Ohio Ihiininican 69 . U78-Ule) Pat Zachry. Cincinnati, and saucepan over very low heal. Cool; len fold into l“i Pot (land 11 4 TX\ 'z \Q.\7J. Marion Iff. Ihdiana Tech 9T. Edmonton 111-^ Hutch Metzger. San Diego Vittner 135. “THIS IS not the kind of recipe you make once a Los Angeles 13 f. ,722 _ Missouri 82. Alcorn St. fl 197!>—John Montcfusco, San Francisco cups of the whipped topping. Spoon into cake-lined bowl. f. Montreal 111-^ week,” she emphasizes. Phoenix 9 6ir 2 Mount Union f.6, John Carroll H First period--1. Montreal, Larouche 7 1974-^-Bake McBride. St. Louis F’old nuts and cherries into remaining whipped topping; Si'attle 8 6 ,f.71 3 PORTLAND (1211 No Dakota 87. Augsburg 8T (20TI (Delorme, Shutti, 13:16. 2. Edmonton, D. 1973—Gary Malthews. San ^Francisco Neither are “Pecan Turtles,” a favorite holiday time Ottawa S). Peru SI 66 Golden .State 8 7 .f33 3D Verhogen 6 1-2 13 Natl, 13 4-8 30. Hunter 9 (Grplzky. Coffey). 16:ffi. 1972—Jon Matlark, New York Mets recipe of Janet Smith of 131 Hartford Rd. Mrs. Smith spoon into bowl over chocolate mixture. Cover com­ San Diei’o 4 11 .267 7D Thompson 9 44 22. Paxson 10 4-6 24. Quincy 82, Bcm'dicline «Kan.) 64 Pcnaltie»- E. Hunter. Edm. 4:19; Lang- 1971—Earl Williams, Atlanta pletely with remaining cake slices. Cover with plastic 'I’uesday's Flesults Valentine f. 4-f 14. Ranscy f 2-2 12. Ro( khuisl 68, Baker 48 way. Mon. 4;f.9; Forbes. Edm, f:39: M. 1978— Carl Morton. Montreal says she can’t take the credit for this luscious candy New York 112, ik'lroil 100 • Harper 0 24 2. Gudmundsson 0 0-0 0. So Dak()ta Tech 87. Chadron St. 70 Hunter, Mon. 10:42: WcIr. Edm, 14:02; 1969—Ted Sizemore. Los Angeles > wrap and freeze until firm, about 4 hours. 2 confection; actually her daughter, Wendy Dintersmith, Philadelphia 107. Atlanta 98 Bales 2 0-0 4. Limp 0 0-0 0. Awlrcv 0 0-0 Tabor llii. McPherson 60 Mondou, Mon. 17:f3. 1968-J(rfmny Bench.’ Cincinnati Tops in minors Heat remaining chocolate with butter in saucepan un­ Indiana 90. Boston .87 0, Totals fO 21-31 121 ‘ . Tiffin 70. Oberlin f4 Second period—3, Montreal. Acton 13 1967— Tom Seaver. New York Mets is the family member who makes them. til chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Cool San Antonio 110. Washington 99' DENVER (1131 Toledo 68. Fv Kenlucky 6f. (I^mgway, Tremblay). 16:3f, 4. Edmon­ 1906-Tommv Helms. Cincinnati ST. LOUIS (UPI) - First Both of these recipes call for melting chocolate, a Milwaukee 12B. Cleveland 110 English 10 0-0 20. Vandeweghe 7 f.6 1&. Wayne St 8:1. So. Dak.-Springfield 62 ton. Anderson 14 (U. Hunter. Gretzky). 196fr-Jim Lefcbvrc. Los Angeles baseman Mike Marshall of the slightly. Invert frozen mold onto plate and remove Kansas Citv 106. Houston 104 Wm. J('well 74. Mid America Nazarene 19:07. Penalties—Anderson. Edm. 0:00; 1964—Richie Allen, Philadel^ia process which must be done carefully or disaster will Isse! 12 10-12 34. McKinnc\ 4 0-0 8. Dunn 1963—Pete Rose, Cincinnati Albuquerque Dukes in the Pacific plastic wrap. Spread chocolate mixture quickly and Phm’nix ll7. San Diego 94 4 0-0 B. (iondrezick 0 0-0 0, R(K he 4 1-2 >8 Risehrough. Mon, 0:08; Delorme. Mon. result. One good way to melt chocolate pieces is to heat Portland 121. Denver 113 10, Hordgc.s f I 3 12. Uav 1 0-0 2. Burn.s 0 Yankton HO. \orthw(*stcrn 77 9:f0. Fogolin, Edm. 12:f.l; I^angway. 1962— Ken Hubbs. Chicago Coast League Tuesday was named evenly over cake. Freeze about 10 minutes, or until 1961—Billy Williams. Chicago a heavy saucepan until very hot; remove from heat, add Uis Angeles 117. Utah 86 0-0 0 Totals 47 17-23 111 Sgan 4 2-2 HI. Totals Grmis. Patey 7 /-lO 18. Tvler 1 1-2 3, Johnson 0 0-0 0. Bradley 2 2-2 6 Cook 2 2-2 6. Kramer 0 (Crombccn. Pavese). 4:14 2. St. LouiS; home runs and 137 RBI, and also led Be sure and cool chocolate thoroughly at room gradually add sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Add Jones 1 0-0 2. Judkins 0 0-0 0. I^ c 1 ()■() 06 0 bvkcm.r 1 O^l 2. Mr Cullough 2 O-I Currie 6 (Sutter), lf.:f8 3. Detroit. the league with 114 runs scored. temperature before adding to cake or cookie batter. egg and vanilla; beat well. Add flour mixture, a small 2 Totals 42 14-22 100. 4. 'Ditals 46 2f -:t0 117 Osborne 6 (McCourt), 17:10. Penalties— NEW YORK (1121 San Diego 3M6 212IF-94 Kca. StL, 4:21; Peterson. Dot. 7:18; A two-layered frozen chocolate mold has to be one of amount at a time, mixing well after each addition. Phi'cnix 33 21 24 39 -117 Lucas II 6-6 28. Williams r, «l-2 11. Korn. Del. 14:03: Patev. StL, 16 20; the most chocolately desserts ever — and it comes hear­ Divide dough in half; blend chocolate into one half. Roll Three point goal Taylor, Fouled out- Blaisdell. Del. Webster 3 1-2 7. Carter f. 1-2 11. Smith 4 Nono. Total loiils- .Siin I)H‘go 2). Phoenix Hockey tily recommended. Layers of whipped topping — one a chocolate and plain dough separately between sheets of (Ml 8. Bussell 3 1-2 7. Richardson 8 1-2 17. 28 Technical San Diego tiebn of game Stx ond perlod~4. Detroit. MoKechnie f. Soccer waxed paper into 12x8-inch rectangles. Remove top (.’artwright 8 1-3 17. Newlin 1 4-4 6 A 10.087 iFoligno. Osborne). 4:16. f.. Detroit. mixture of semi-sweet chocolate, another with chopped Totals 48 16-23 112 O.slKirne 7 (McKechnle. Foligno). 10:ffl. 6. First for school pecans and maraschino cherries — rest on a pound cake sheets of paper. Invert plain dough onto chocolate dough Detroit 2T. 24 28 23-100 St. I.ouis. Paley 8 (Klasscn), 10:33. 7. Detroit. Osborne 8 (McKechnie, l,arsoni. NEW YORK (UPI) - Joseph bottom. All is frozen, then covered with a coating of and remove remaining paper. Roll up as for jelly roll; New York 31 28 2T. 28-112 I TAB (86)- lliiec point goals - Long. Thomas. 13:30 8. St. I^uis. Federko II (Sutler. Danllcv : 26 12. Poquelle 2 06 4 Eaves became the first black player rich, semi-sweet chocolate. wrap in waxed paper. Chill until firm, at least 3 hours Fouled out-N one Total loulit- Detroit 23 Currie), If :42. 9. St. Louis. Peltcrsson 6 M^JOR INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE New . York 23 A-9.f78 Srhaves 2 1-2 f. Duren 8 06 16. Griffith 4 NaTUANAL HOCKEY LEAGUE 1 Dunlop. Babich I. 19:43. Penaltv—Paley. in Yeshiva College history Monday Another good bet to try this time of year is “Yule (Or, freeze 1 hour.) Cut in ‘/4-inch slices. Place on un­ 14 9t Wilkins 6 06 12 Hardy 4 2-2 10. ■ By United Press International •, By United FYc.ss Internationa) StL. 16:33. ' I*^stem Division night when he started at guard for Log,” a semi-sweet chocolate sponge roll spread with a greased baking sheets. Bake at 375 about 10 minutes or Nicks 3 1-1 7. Catlago 1 06 2. W'rnrd 1 1-2 Wales Confcrenci* . Tlurd poiiod-10. Detroit. Murdoch 4 3. Rohinzinc 2 2-2 6. Totals .38 10-19 86 Patrick Division W L Pet. GB the Maccabees basketball team semi-sweet chocolate filling that includes thawed frozen until cookies just begin to brown around edges. Makes PHILADELPHIA (107) lOgrodnick), 4:06. 11. St. Uiuis. Wilson 1 New York 3 01.000 ^ Krving 11 8-11 30. B Jones 4 .3-3 11. C LOS ANGEI.e s (1171 •A'' W -I, T j'»;^-.‘-(Sutl<*r. Fedcrkoi, 9:39. 12. St. Louis, against Bard College. whipped topping and cream cheese. Rich? Yds,'and about 4‘/2 dozen. Kupchak 6 f 6 17. Wilkies f. 86 18. NY Lslanders 14 6 ibo as Rditimore 2 01.000 >A .lones I 1-2 3. ('hecks f 8-8 18. Hollins I Turnbull II (unassisted). 19:fi8. Penalties Pittsburgh 3 1 .TTiO «A even more so with a garnish of semi-sweet chocolate To hang on Christmas tree, poke a hole in each un­ 0-0 2. Mix 7 44 18. Toney 3 4-f. HI. •Abdul Jabbar 4 6-9 14. John.son 6 76 19. Pitisburgh 12 8 93 87 None. Eaves, the son of a rabbi, came to Nixon 6 12 l.'l, Cooper 1 06 2. Philadelphia 13'lO 1 27 86 99 Cleveland 2 2 JDO P A curls. baked cookie near edge, using a straw or wooden pick. Cureton f 0-0 10. Richardson 1 34-f. Shots on goal—Detroit H-13-I3--34, St. Buffalo Yeshiva from Boston’s Maimonides Totals 38 31-37 107 Landshergci 2 24 10.'McKenna 4 06 8. NY Hangers 8 13 3 19 81 KQ 1 1 .roo Pt U uis 12-9-13-34. New Jersey 1 2 .333 2 High School, where he averaged 29 Insert red string licorice through holes in cooled cookies ATLANTA (981 Jordan f 0 6 10. Rambi.s 0 0-2 0 Brewer \\ ashington 6 If. ■ 2 14 78 91 Goalies—Detroit. Gilbert St. Louis, IF YOU’RE thinking of giving a “trim a tree” party, ■■eft. Marklin 4 f.-6 13. Pelham 1 0-0 2. 3 06 6 Totals 44 2941 117 Adams Divi.sion. Philadelphia .000 3 points a game and made the city’s and tie. Liut. A-12,291. Western Division the chocolate pinwheel cookies and chocolate E Hawes f 6-6 16. McElroy - f 2-2 12. Flab 30 f 28 2:F66 t,)U0b(’< 14 10 4 32 12f. 114 all-metro team. l.os Angeles 26.33 31 27-117 St. I..ouis '4 dipped cutout cookies are two sure crowd pleasers for Sparrow 3 0-0 6, McMillen 2 1-2 f. Drew Monli cal 12 I 7 31 116 M Denver 3 Yule Log 6 1-! 13. .lohnson 7 2-3 17. Criss 2 OrO 4, Three |>oint goals- none Fouled out-, Huflalo 12 f 7 31 88 71 “When we scout promising high chocolate fans. Pinwheel cookies can be suspended from none Total fouls—Utah 31. Los Angelef* Boston 13 7 4 311 94 76 Memphis .1 Chocolate addicts: try luscious Yuie iog, cookies. Your diet-conscious friends will Rollin.s 2 2-2 6. Glenn 2 (M) 4 Totals 39 Kan.sas City I 2 .333 school athletes,” said Yeshiva 4 squares semi-sweet chocolate 19-24 98 20, Te< hniraF none A—11.284 Hai (lord 4 n 8 in 7f 96 the tree by red licorice. frozen chocoiate mold or those cutout hate you. Campbell Confcronci' Wichita 0 J .000 coach John Halpert, “we can’t offer Vi cup water Philadelphia 19 3f. 26 27- 107 Phoenix 0 t ’These fanciful holiday desserts are so sinfully temp­ Atlanta 24 29 19 2(> 98 Norris Division .000 them any money. With the religious % cup sifted all-purpose flour CHICAtJO i87i U L T Pts GF GA Tuesday's Result ting, you’re likely to find yourself dreaming up more Three-point goals- Johnson. Fouled out Herald Sports Editor Earl Yost Memphis 6 . Wichita f. studies requirements and our at­ Vz teaspoon double-acting baking powder - Rollins. Total fmils-F’hiladelphia 22. GreonwoiKl 4 f6 13. Jones 0 06 0. Minn<“S(ita 12 4 8 :q 109 70 excuses for holiday entertaining than you’d planned. But chocolate with milk and salt. Melt in a double boiler. in slow oven at 275 degrees or until lightly browned and Atlanta 31 A- II.411 Gilmore f 36 13, Lester r 06 10. Theus 6 Chicago 9 7 a 26 1 If. 107 keeps on top of sports in his regular Wednesday's Games Vz teaspoon salt I No Games Scheduled) titude that academic work is more isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Remove from heat. Add the gelatin and the vanilla to 8-10 20. Sobers 4 34 II. Wilkes 1 06 2. \\ mm,peg JO lU 4 24 96111 crisped, about one hour. Allow to cool. Vi teaspoon baking soda Woolridgc- I 0 1 2 Dietnck 4 2-2 10. St lyiiiiis 9 13 4 21 96 110 column. “The Herald Angle,” on the Thursday's Game important, the boys recruit us, not the chocolate mixture. Stir until gelatin dissolves. New York at Denver . eggs, at room temperature BOSTON (871 Blume 2 2-2 6 Kenon.O 06 0 Totals 32 Detroit 7 14 f 19 in 118 daily sports pages. the other way around.” Chocolate Pie Supreme Soften ice cream in the mixing bowl. Add the chocolate Pecan turtles 5 C 23-31 87. Maxwell 4 4-f 12. Bird 8 0-0 16. I’arish 'loronlo 6 12 6 16 102 110 % cup granulated sugar SEATTLE -HtD ' Smvthc Division 1 envelope of gelatin mixture and blend well about two minutes. Pour into the 4 7-8 If.. Archibald f 4-6 If. Ford 3 0-0 7. Shelton 8 34 19 Walker 2 06 4 Sikina V4 pound pecan halves confectioners sugar Holwy I 0^1 2. MeHale r 2-2 12. Duennl 2 Edmonton 17 6 4 3fl ira Of V* cup of water meringue shell. Chill .about three hours. Top, with : 6-7 16. Hmizlik 1 06 2. Williams 9 66 Vancouver II HI 4 26 W 8f 1 14-ounce bag of caramels 0’2 4. Henderson 2 0-0 4. Bradley 0 0-0 0. Z. Brown 7 2-2 16. Donaldson 6 1-2 13. 1 package of German sweet chocolate whipped cream and nuts. 1 package (3 ounce) cream cheese, softened Tiitals .34 17-23 87 Los Angeles 10 14 U 2(] 101 124 1 9-ounce package milk chocolate kisses,' unwrapped \ra n (“- 3 2 2 8. Ra«lford 0 06 0. Hill 0 (MI Calgary 7 12- 6 26 93111 cup of milk Vz cup granulated sugar INDIANA (90i 0 Tolals 41 20-2fl Irtl Colorado 3 17 64131 Pecan Meringue Shell On a cookie sheet, arrange five pecan halves to resem­ Williams f 24 12. Bantom 4 1-2 9. C. ' hicago 21 18 30 16-87 (Top lour in each division qualify lof Player of Year dash of salt 4 squares semi-sweet chocolate, broken in half Johnson 4 tW) 8. Buse 2 0-0 4. Davis 7 7-8 ble a turtle head and four feet. Place one caramel in Seattle 16 37 27 23-im Stanley Cup playoffs, i V4 teaspoon vanilla To make shell: beat two egg whites until foamy, add Vz cup milk, scalded 21. McGinnis 0 1-2 1. Knight 6 3-F. If. Orr Three [>oini goals Williams. Total fouls Tuesday s licsuUs center of each turtle. Continue until there are no more 7 0-0 14. G. Johnson 3 0-0 6. Totals 38 14 Chicago 28. Seattle 29 Tcchnii al foul- pint of vanilla ice cream one-eighth of a teaspoon of cream of tartar. Beat until 1 container (8 ounce) frozen whipped lopping,.thawed 19 90 FhiladiJphia 2. Winnipeg 1 WALNUT CREEK, 1 spare parts. Place cookie sheet in pre-baked, 325 oven Sikma. A -10 472 Edmonton 3. Montreal 3 (tie) stiff but not dry. Gradually beat in one-half cup sugar. Heat 4 squares chocolate with water in saucepan over Boston 2f-18 27 17-87 Calif. (UPI) — Record­ 1 baked, 9-inch meringue shell until caramels have softened, about five minutes. Indiana 22 23 24 21-90 Si I.j)uis 7. .Detroit, r. 2 tablespoons of chopped pecans Stir in one cup chopped pecans. Spread mixture over very low heat, stirring until chocolate is melted and Thrcc-pmnl goali»-^ Archibald. Ford*. Wednesday's Games setting running back Mar­ Remove from oven. With a buttered spatula, flatten mixture is smooth. Cool. P’ouled out- None Total fouLs—Fioslon 18. Edmonton at Quebec. 7:3T. p in. cus Allen of Southern Cal, a Soften gelatin with quarter cup of water. Combine the bottom and sides of a buttered, nine-inch pie plate. Bake Winnipeg at Pittsburgh. 7:3T p.m. caramels over pecans. Place an additional kiss on each Pli-iiHC turn to p a g e 2 0 Indiana 23 .Technicals- Fit(*h 2. Ford. A. Tuesday s. (’olloge Basketball Results ^ 12.634 ® Calgary at Washington. 7:3T p.m. favorite for the Heisman o N By United iVes.s International Hartford at Toronto. 8;0F. p m I 3th. East Trophy, has been named Bentley 69. Brandeis 66 Chicago at Colorado. 9;3T.■ jp.m the Pac Conference’s SAN ANTONIO (HO) Bloomfield 62. SlINY Purchase 44 New York Rangers at Los Angeles. -10 a n d R, John.son 9 0-0 18. Olberding 11 f--f l():3r p.m 1981 Player of -the Year. • * . I Coast (juard fl. N.Y Maritime 49 Minnesota at Vancouver, \\:(X. p.m. H a brand 27. G Johnson. 2 0-0 4. Bratz 6 0-2 12. Connectii ul Coll, 77. Goridon 70 Allen, a senior from San 2 Gervin 17 8-10 42. Griflin 0 0-0 0. Banks 0 Thursday’s Games S>vofA?i th .round (-’urry 78. Eastern Nazarene 67 (t-2 0. Brewer 2 O-O 4. Corzine 1 1-2 3 Bullalo at Boston Diego, carried the ball 403 Your neighbor's kitchen Delaware 66. Washington (.’oil. 38 Montreal at Detroit Totals 48 14-21 111) Duquesne 71. l.UP f.7 times for 2,343 yards and 22 WASHINGTON i99) K, (^onn St. 84. Barrington f6 Calgarv at' Philadelphia touchdowns. He is the first Ballard 12 2-3 28. Haywood f. 2-2 12. Grove City 77. Thiel f8 Maliorn 4 1-2 9, Grevev 2 0-0 4. Lucas 2 player in NCAA history to .rein'''^®‘^!‘irioursP®' Hamilton 82. Williarhs 62 American Hockey lA*ague j're .(Id 4, Collins 4 f-9 J3. Ruland 6 1-2 13. F,. Kings Coll C3, Dowling fO By United Press International rush for at least 2,000 yards YOU **=..,«rience Johnson 6 (Hi 14, Witts 1 0-0 2. Davis 1 0- Lehigh tfi. Hofstra f-f Northern Division in a single season. 0 2 Totals 43 11-18 99 Navy 68. Ix>ngwood 47 W L T Pts. GF GA San Antonio 28 22.33 27--110 Old Westbury f6. Trenton St 49 Maine He led the Pac-10 and the Washington 24 27 17 31- 99 17 7 2 36 99 7T.- Freezer is Belcher's friend Penn St -Behfenii f9. Geneva f7 Three-nomt goals—F .Johnson 2. Fouled ' Nc.w Bruns. 12 8 3 27 82 66 nation in rushing and Phila Textile 68. Eastern (Pa i 48 Nova .Sfotia 11 14 1 23 107 97 out-.-Collins Total fouls-San Antonio 18. Phila. Pharmacy 7L. Baptist Bible 70 scoring and set 10 NCAA Washingt

Refunders have many tips for helping others By Barbara Richmond Naturally, the committee out in oven for about 10 minutes. 1 cup brown sugar 1 3 oz. package softened cream sugar mixture by shaking them in a Herald Reporter members are up on all of the good Salt very lightly and store in airtight V2 cup shortening cheese bag. Put on greased cookie sheet. recipes to use the pecans. And they containers when cool. Mix well and pat into an un- V2 cup butter or oleo, softened Bake at 270 degrees for one hour. Pecans are good in pies, tarts, required by this offer of a want to share some with thfe readers Another favorite recipe from Mrs. greased pan (13x9x2) Sprinkle 1 cup 1 cup flour Toss them after first half hour. By Martin Sloane more time selecting my very pleasing and stead of having his name address labels. No, she Chicago has also found a column receive a copy oi candies, cakes and just to eat all by. $1 refund and $2 In so they can rush right out and buy Smith: pecan halves or pieces over crust. Blend cream cheese and oleo. Stir Place in small attractive glass jars meat and produce," she businesslike about working and address pripted on isn’t operating a printing use for “ junk mail.” She my refunding publication, themselves. Anyone with a passion Here are some excellent coupons; Miles Vitamins some of the pecans to try them. • Caramel layer; in flour. Chill for one hour. Shape to give as gifts. explains. “ And it makes at a desk. 1 find that I ’m them, he ordered this press in her kitchen. She takes the envelopes that the National Supermarket for pecans can buy them this month couponing and refunding (Flintstones, Bugs Bunny, Vi cup oldo into 2 dozen 1-inch balls. Press checking out easier since handling my coupons and message: “ Please save simply removes the labels are clean and sturdy, opens Shopper. Send your and do a good deed too. Pumpkin Pecan Pie tips that readers have refunds more efficiently. 1 One-A-Day) Back-To^jool Vz cup brown sugar dough against bottom and sides of all coupM items are in a this: label, box top-bottom, containing her name and them at the seams, turns suggestions and money­ Curried Pecans 1 unbaked pastry shell (9 inch) Moldy Mice recently sent me: Offer, P.O. Box 9063, St. Manchester area members of the In heavy saucepan, cook over tart tins or 1%-inch muffin tins. separate^hopping cart.” strongly recommend it UPC code, net-weight address from bills, them inside out, pastes saving experiences to me From the kitchen of Mrs. Burokas:. 3 eggs, beat until frothy .nedium heat, stirring constantly Filling: Joy Osterland of Marine Moving your couponing over working at the kitchen stmt,, ingred. stmt., POP magazines and business them up again and uses in care of this newspaper. Paul, Minn. 55190. Send an Vassar Club are selling pecans, as From the kitchen of Janet Smith l'/4 cups cooked pumpkin until entire surface begins to boil. cup brown sugar 2 cups butter or oleo City, Mich., uses the seam and refunding from the table." seal, the whole thing. mail. “ I just save them and them to send for her stamped, self-addressdd they do each year around holiday of 131 Hartford Road. Vi Vi cup dark corn syrup Boil V2 to 1 minute, stirring con­ IVi cups confectioner’s sugar 1 ripper from her sewing kitchen table to a desk with Did you ever think of Thanks, Craig.” tape them onto refund refunds. Refund of the day envelope with your time. The money they raise will be 1 egg basket to cut the labels Place pecans on baking sheet and Vi cup sugar stantly. 5 teaspoons vanilla lots of drawers has its ad­ using a checkbook cover as “ My wife and 1 circle the forms,” she says. ’These readers and others request. All requests must used for a scholarship to Vassar 1 tablespoon soft butter or oleo from all kinds of cans. “ A Write to the following ad­ toast in .350 degree oven for 10 V: teaspoon cinnamon Pour over pecans and crust. Bake 2 tablespoons water vantages. a coupon wallet? Florence proof we need and put Shirley Jean Anderson of whose tips appear in this be received by Jan. 5,1982. College for a student from the area. dash of salt dress to obtain the form •minutes. Do not allow pecans to Vi teaspoon salt. for 20 minutes at 350 degrees or until 4 cups sifted flour quick 'zip’ with my seam “ My husbnad used to say Stanley of Poway, Calif., these labels on the boxes, Last year $4,000 was raised for 1 tsp. vanilla brown. After beating the eggs, stir the entire caramel layer is bubbly and 2 CUDS chopped pecans ripper is all it takes,” she that my refunding had says that it works just fine. bottles and cans in our scholarships. Beat ingredients together. Place Vi lb. butter other ingredients into them and pour crust is slightly brown. Remove says. taken over the whole Penny McDonald of kitchen closet,” he The pecans are now on sale at the Vi cup coarsely broken pecans in Cream the butter or oleo with the Vi cup peanut oil into the pie shell. Sprinkle with 1 cup from oven and sprinkle immediately Patricia Jewells of house,” says Susan Washington, D.C., uses a explains. “ We also Use Highland Park Market in pastry lined cups. Add egg mixture. sugar. Add the vanilla and water LAUNDEAEO b FINtSHEO 2 tablespoons brown sugar chopped pecans. Tamaqua, Pa., saves time Manderfeld of Naperville, travelers’ check wallet for them at my sister’s home, LIVE eWHSTMAS TREES Manchester and Coventry and with 1 cup or more chocolate chips. Top with another Vi cup pecans. and flour and blend well. Fold in the 1 tablespoon salt (or to taste) Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 Allow chips to melt slightly and Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes. at the supermarket by 111. “ But recently I found her coupons. at my parents’ and inlaws’ THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM Robert J. Smith Inc., 65 E. Center pecans. 2 tablespoons curry powder minutes or until knife inserted swirl with a knife (do hot spread having one of her an old desk in which I now JoAnne Crosswell of and in the kitchens of some TABLECLOTHS Cut O f Dig Lator St. ■ TO BtAUTIFY YOUR CRYSTAL. SfLVEfl b FINE CMiNA... 1 tablespoon ginger halfway between center and edge chips leave some whole.) Cool and Take one-fourth of the dough and teenagers use a separate have filed my coupons, my North Miami Beach, Fla., very understanding and They are also available from any Sugared Pecans UNENS ALA SW ISS...... comes out clean. Chill and serve cut into small bars. roll it into a cylinder or lightly shopping cart to pick up all proofs of purchase and all keeps her large inventory cooperative friends." ROCKVILLE of the following committee Melt the butter and peanut oil in topped with whipped cream if Justine Burokas of Tolland enhances floured surface. Cut into lV2-inch the items for which she has the refunding materials 1 of coupons in a 12-pocket The Olsons are planning • 10 Harlow St. • members: Mrs. Robert H. Smith, large skillet and add the other in­ coupons. • 35 Windsor Ave. • WAGON SHED desired. the pecans like this: pieces. Place on ungreased cookie use. shoe organizer that hangs' a special dinner to thank i t m ' s g 1237 Hartford Turnpike 131 Hartford Road, chairman; Mrs. gredients and blend well. Add 1 pound pecans (use halves) sheet and shape into crescents. "This allows me to spend “ There is something behind the kitchen door. everyone for saving these VERNOM . NURSERY Paul H. Maloney, 166 Wells St.; pecans and stir with wooden spoon Pecan Tarts or • Vernon Cirde Shopping C tr| Beat 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon Repeat'with remaining dough. Bake Craig Olson of prooh of purchase. 155 Griffin Rd. Mrs. E. Cole, 60C Ambassador until well-coated. Pecan Caramel Bars MANCHESTER water. Toss nuts,- in egg white at 300 degrees for 20 minutes. Moorhead. Minn., saw 100 Dorothy Edmler of CHOO»f SWISS ouAurr WITH con noo icf* 521 M iddls TnpKe. • South Windsor Drive, all of Manchester; Mrs. Add 1 tablespoon chutney and mix Pecan lassies mixture and then mix 1 teaspoon Remove from oven and dust with! name-and-address labels Mokena, III., makes her North on Rt. f to Sulllvon Avo. (RL 194), Winthrop Merriam, Ripley Hill, well. Place pecans on paper towels Pat Maloney of 166 Wells St. finds Ryo 8t. to Ortffln Rd. • 2M-73H each of salt and cinnamon and 1 cup consectionary sugar while still hot.; advertised for $1.25. But in­ own printed name-and- Coventry; Mrs. John Burokas,' on baking sheiet and place In oven this good use for pecans: Another recipe from Mrs. Maloney: Clip ‘n’ file refunds of sugar. Cover the nuts with the Makes six dozen. Ruskell Drive, Tolland. with heat turned off. Let pecans dry 2 cups flour 'Pastry: Vegetables, Starches, Fruits (File 4) REDEEM ALL MANUFACTURERS' CENTS-OFF COUPONS FOR Clip out this file and keep it with similar cashoff DOUBLE THEIR VALUE' coupon^ — beverage refund offers with beverage (See Stores For Details) Gifts of relish, chutney, conserve coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed DOUBLE COUPONS O FFEREXPIRESD ECEM BER5. 1981. proofs of purchase while looking for the required refund forms at the supermarket, in newspapers Marinated celery and onion. Combine oil, V2 teaspoon pepper and magazines, and when trading with friends. COSCO FOLDING TflBLC & CHAIRS ATTENTION SHOPPERS! vegetable relish vinegar, caraway, salt, Vz teaspoon ground nutmeg Offers may not be available in all areas of the coun­ 1 stalk (bunch) celery sugar and white pepper; Combine pineapple and u i» M tot try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. mix well. Pour over celery all pineapple syrup with FOiDMG TABIC PADDCD CHAIR M O lD f D CHflW 1-3 cup salad oil The following refund offers are worth $7.02. This Look For Our Vi cup white vinegar mixture; toss well to coat. remaining ingredients in a 89 199 week’s offers have a total value of $16.49. $17 $ 12< Beautiful 2 tablespoons minced onion Cover and refrigerate at large kettle. Bring to boil; AMERICAN BEAUTY Spaghetti Sauce Coupon least overnight. If desired, boil over medium heat 1 ■tUMwilliNa gufchssc '14 n Mitn no puic.te *1«l MrthftODurctiASt Money-Saving 1 garlic clove, minced Offer. Receive a coupon worth up to $1.2,^. on any 2 teaspoons salt pack into gift jars.Keeps hour until thick. Pour into 1frT>age for about one month if sterilized jars and cover. spaghetti sauce. Send the required refund form, GENUINE DiAMOND'14 KARAT GOLD FILLED mEACh of Ih sst •dvtrliitd ittms is rtquirtd to bt rsNdily avsilabi* for 2 teaspoons sugar ‘ ssle si Of b«low tht sdvtftised pric* in tsch AAP Stor#. tietp t as refrigerated. This kitchen- (There is no need to seal two front panels including roses and net weight sptciftcally noted in this ad Circular. Vz teaspoon marjoram from two American Beauty Spaghetti packages, the I--- ^JEWELRY leaves, crushed tested recipe makes about with paraffin.) This Watch For It In kitchen-tested recipe entire labels from two 2.5- or 4.5-ounce jars of ., Va teaspoon thyme leaves, ■IV2 quarts. I I ■ • Choice! ' (plus.tax) The Mail Or Pick makes 3 quarts. Green Giant Whole or Sliced Mushrooms and the ertth the purchase Icrushed QUARTZ DtOITAL A JEWEL MOVEMENT DIAL Chunky pineapple Combine apricots with 10th ANNUAL^ front label from any jar of spaghetti sauce. Expires of *20* or more y\y4 One Up At Your Va teaspoon ground black Jan 29 1982 Mch WithOul Local A&P While! pepper chutney water. Simmer, uncovered rHWATCHES i5*» IpluiUU GnypurchaM wHti supermerlicl prices about 15 minutes or until BET’TY CROCKER NOODLES Offer. Receive a 1 Supplies Last. 2 cups sliced carrots 3 cans (1 pound 4 ounces box of Betty Crocker Noodles. Send the required re­ 2 cups green beans cut in 1- each) pineapple Chunks apricots are soft and most fund form and the Universal Product Code symbols inch lengths 4 cups dark brown sugar, of the water is absorbed. from any two boxes of Betty Crocker Noodles. Vz cup stuffed green olives firmly packed Crate 3 tablespoons peel c p i r Meat Specials iC H T Meat Specials }| CPW Meat Specials Meat Specials }] 3 cups cider vinegar. from oranges. Peel Expires March 31, 1982. Va cup sliced pimiento H A R TF O R D ^ BUITONI Foods Corp. Receive a package of Trim tops from celery 2 vvhole cloves garlic oranges, removing all CIVIC CENTER COLLISEUM BEEF CHUCK-BONELESS BEEF CHUCK-BONELESS SHOULDER FRESH GROUND BEEF LOIN-BONE-IN-16 TO 20 LBS Buitoni High Protein Spaghetti or Macroni. Send (save for soups, stews, 1 package (15 ounces) white membrane. Cut fruit the required refund form and the “ light " bursts etc.)' Separate celery into raisins in sixths and remove seeds. from the front panels of any three packages of Whole London Broil Ground Whole Shells ribs; cut ribs into 1-inch 1 package (11 ounces ) Combine apricots and W December 4,5,6 > Buitoni High Protein Spaghetti or Macaroni. lengths; set aside. In a currants orange pieces in blender Unusual Expires Dec. 31, 1982. Beef Shoulders Steaks Beef of Beef large saucepan, combine 1 pound broken walnut and puree. Turn into large December 11,12,13 > FRESHLIKE $1 Offer. Receive a $1 coupon for ^ oil, vinegar, onion, garlic, pieces kettle; add undrained Giftsjor pineapple, orange peel *2 SEPARATE SHOWS any Freshlike product. Send the required refund' salt, sugar, marjoram,, 3 tablespoons chopped form and eight labels from 1-cup, 7%-ounce or 8%- crystallized ginger and sugar. Simnier over Hard-to- 15 to 17-lbs 199 139 Halves 169 thyme and black pepper; Demonstrations, Refreshments, Visa, % ounce Freshlike. Expires May M, 1982. "Custom Cut 3-lb.Pkg ■ bring to the boiling point. 2 tablespoons instant low heat until thick, abut 6 Shop-for Or More | |b Holiday celery sticks and relish solve last- to 8 minutes, stirring SUCCESS RICE Two-Serving Free Offer. To Order " 1 “ I lb. 1” . I ,» Add 'carrots, green beans minute gift needs. minced onion Master Card. Park free at State Armory Receive a coupon for Two-Serving-Size Success '"and 'reserved celery; stir 1 tablespoon grated orange frequently. Spoon into jars, Frec shuttle service to and from the People. Itlff B -UND-liONtll Sir’ in-i; IBS . _ urn CMu.-, HHNi .tss Bffi ( i. • .FAN RDM I r '1. fl'JM *. A*.n . OQ cover tightly and Rice. Send the required refund form and four net- Shoulder Roasts '„1 Beef for Sfew Shell Strip Steaks 2 well- to the boiling peel show Saturday & Sunday. weight statements from the tops of 7-6unce Two- Whole Sirloin Tips : r Yieduce- h e a t. and- pepper ; ’ - ribs; cut ribs into 3-inch IV^ teaspoons salt refrigerate (or seal in f . Serving-Size Success Rice. Expires March 31, 1982. 'sitriniier, covered, for 5 Trim tops froiri celery lengths; cut each length 1 teaspoon ground allspice. sterilized jars). This FRIDAY: l2to9pm SATURDAY; 10to9pm into Va inch wide sticks. In TONE’S CUPBOARD GARDEN. Receive a $1 re­ minutes. Cool. Stir in (save for soups, stews, 1 tablespoon ground cin­ kitchen-tested recipe S U N D A Y 10 lo 8pm a large bowl, place celery fund. Send the required refund form and the lower olives and pimiento. Spoon etc.). Separate celery into namon makes about M'a quarts. W SMOKED-WATER AD0ECK)R FRESH PICNICS BONELESS (FLAT CUT<1,79 LB.) BEEF CHUCKflONELESS (BL«D£ S1EAKS2 » LB.I ^ ^ FRESH-BONELESS center portions of the labels (including product Admission: $3.00 Children under 12 E into jars or plastic con­ weight) from two jars of Cupboard Garden Pork Corned BeeT | 5 9 Cube ^9 1 9 Chicken tainers. Cover and admitted free with parent. dehydrated vegetables. Expires May 31, 1982. Shoulders Briskets Steaks >b iL Cutlets refrigerate at least over­ -Senior citizen discount: Bonus! This offer doesn’t require a form: night. If desired, pack into . ^ SI.00 OFF Admission MOTT'S Refund Offer, P.Q. Box 651, Riverton, eCENTCnCHOPS-lRIBEND& 1LOINENDROAST JONES FARM FROZEN FRESHMIXEDFRYERPARTS ■ gift jars. Keeps for about I POfk OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 Price. N.J. 08077. Receive a $1 refund. Send three labels Pork CombinationI L lorn Chub LiverwuTst X 8 9 " GortDn's Fried Clams Bex-O-Chicken . 5 9 " one month, if refrigerated. from Mott’s Applesauce and one price mark from a PORK LOIN-niB SIDE OR SPECIAL CUT OR MAPLE CURED ANNPAGE -FHESH-US.O A. INSPECTED This kitchen-tested recipe | H b 1 7 9 package of pork chops or. pork roast. Expires Dec. Whole Pork Loins' Colonial Sliced Bacon 1 Sliced BacDD ;;; Chjeken Legs.^.%T, .7 9 " makes about 2 quarts. 31, 1981. equal amt CENTER CUT BLADE A SIRLOIN END CHOPS FRESH-U S D A INSPECTED *400craftspeople * Pork Caraway celery sticks C Assorted Pork ChopsI loint ^ 200 new artisans will be displaying ^ ^ NUTRITIOUS YELLOW GOLDEN RIPE CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS Chicken Breasts . 1 “ HIUSHIRE FARMlBEEF POLSKA 2 39 LB ) UfC AUen 1 stalk (bunch)) celery and selling the areas finest crafts each weekend. 1 cup thinly sliced onion Polska Kielbasa ; : ; 9 9 " ^ )E« xet XA la KSS £SS Bat )EA »S! £« B ananas Navel Oranges Chicken Franks 1-3 cup salad oil KAHN SiBEEF 1-lB PKG 1 99) AAP(BEEF-t LB PKG 139) t4ta. 129 Va cup white vinegar Jumbo Meat Franks Meat Franks pkg. I 1 tablespoon caraway] f UYAWAY NOW 1 seeds Lee'Sale! ^ USE OUR EASY LAYAWAY PLAN » i C H C )airy Specials 3?1 1 5 ! 1 - i C F i r •rozen Specials ^ IV2 teaspoons salt - 1 teaspoon sugar I R/DE THE HOT ONE g RICH IN VITAMIN "C"-MINUTE MAID ASSORTED FLAVORS Va teaspoon ground white | Student Si IctlMCVl A StTMGV I Raleigh Rampar | Orange Juice JUICY-SEEDLESS-FLORIDA WHITE OR A A C USnu NO I-PREMIUMRUSSET Hendries Ice Cream Pink Grapefruit (48’s) bi»99 Baking Potatoes 1 0 ^ ,1“ Sizes 25 to 34 I BMX. DIRT BIKE I WASH STATE-US NO lEXTRAFANCYCOLDENOR C A r * FIRM-REORIPE Protect your 119 Red Delicious Apples 3o Large Tomatoes i.6 8 « 159 Blue or Red ■ V2*gal. I invention g ■ carton BUTTERY FLAVORED-IARQE • fHtSH-PIUlHmUftAL-FRESH-NUTRITIONAL- gl COUNTRY; STAND -ft3 02 CTN t ?B| m carton 3 Pads Included carton California Avocados h 48^ Mushrooms 98« WASHINGTON (UPI) - HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL-PREMIUM FRESHCRISP-FULLOF VITAMINS 4 DAYS ONLY! 'inch Cm lo^f 7 0 c Protecting an invention Pol Fancy . 4 “ Washed Spinach cello.bag B O before you’ve been granted Give a Rampar R-10.» KRAFT'PROCESS SPREAD 'RiCH« Coupon P«r Family Wed. Ihurt. Frl 9:30-9 1 $1 ValidNo* 2M>K S. IMI I Sat. 'til 6:00 Sun. 12-5 • Volume 23 FREE With This Week Featuring Saturday and Sunday -tO;!'10:00-5:30 V purchBM of Volume 2 Volumes 17 & 18 J 89^ cans I I 527 Burnside Ave 113 Main St •IK tr.O iw I SPRINGFIELD, MA sprinrbalemall PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV 29 DEC 5.1981 RESERVE THE RIGHT TOLI^IT SALES AND TO CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS •3-Eiw CHI CKWfcalM kaiha ITEMS FO'. SALEALE NOT AVAILABLE TO WHOLESALE OR RETAIL DEALERS M he. Ml C«M h aU FIM fast HartfordI Manchester TMrCal Open Mon.-Sat. 'til 10:00 Sun. 12-5 I 52<-02A3 [ Wo AooopI: Mootor Chora*, M 647-0469 CALDOR PLAZA BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER I Woo a PtfooiMl Chacks. w IMMUmiMtMMlA IB — THE HKRALD. Wrd., Doc. 2. 1981 THE HERALD. Wed., Dec. 2. 1981 - l*> * Consumer Reports Anyone can make Savarin, a French classic I

spatula. Immediately pour hot syrup •Sweet pastries made with yeast- The original century-old recipe for Glaze Size more important than style in stoves over cake in pan. When all syrup is Savarin was the much-honored crea­ ri.sen doughs are esperially popular t'z c"p ap icot or peach preserves absorbed, invert cake onto serving tion of a Parisian master pastry lo make during the .lolidays. 2 tablespoons orange juice platter. Brush with glaze, 12 ser­ Although Americans usually serve maker. Today this classic French '/I teaspoon rum extract vings. By the Editors the national average of 5.6 be many times the price of going to buy one, be more tests, you can use price as Bear (450)) box-type stove dessert is easy for anyone to make. the top rated larger stoves, tainer and an air inlet that these European-style coffee c^kes Syrup: In a small saucepan, com­ of Consumer Reports cents per kilowatt hour, four electric heaters, concerned with the size a general guide to quality. was a good smaller stove, Grease 12-cup fluted tube pan. In If you're looking at other work.s smoothly. Avoid the and sweet bre , Is for holiday bine watei and sugar; bring to a the stove could save you However, you may find a than the style. The larger The $220 .Scandia 180 looks as was the Petit Godin 3720 large bowl, dissolve yeast in warn^ Wood stoves are pop­ stoves, give preference to cheap stoves made of thin breakfasts, this category of sweet boil, Stirling until sugar dissolves. about $lin nine hours of use wood stove rom an tic. the stove, the more heat it like the$400Jotul 602B. but u))right ($535). The Shenan­ milk. Lightly spoon flour into ular, but are they a remedy one made of heavy plate, metal. Those are apt to be yeast dough pastries also includes a Remove from heat. Stir in orange But the cost of buying and som ething a portable produces. the latter was the better doah R78C (($600) and thc Savarin measuring cup; level off By hand, for high fuel bills? with a tight-fitting loading short-lived and unsafe, lesser-known group of cake juice and rum extract. installing a wood stove can heater is not. If you’re Judging from the CR's stove. The Fisher Baby To find out how effective Nashua NFP-K749) were door, a removable ash con- desserts. 1 cup warm milk (105 to 115 F) stir in flour, sugar and salt until Glaze: In a small bowl, combine wood stoves are at One of the best tasting and easiest 1 pkg. active dry yeast mixed well. Stir in eggs. Add all ingredients. providing heat, consumer to make of these is the classic 3 cups flour margarine, a little at a time, mixing Tip: Jf desired, substitute rum for ALL FOOD MART STORES OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. p 'c k up y o u r va lu e p a c k e d c ir c u l a r Reports' engineers tested IN THE STCRE WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! French Savarin. The cake is a light, 1 tablespoon sugar well after each addition. Batter will the orange juice and rum extract. 12 models representative egg-rich, non-knead yeast dough, 1 teaspoon salt be somewhat lumpy. Cover bowl Savarin can be made day before of some of the styles on the baked in a flutedi or plain tube pan. 4 eggs, slightly beaten with plastic wrap and cloth towel. serving. You can also freeze the “':i cup margarine or butter, Let rise in warm place (80 to 85'F.) market, including small QUALITY PLUS LOWER PRICES The warm cakd ring is liberally baked cake'ring before you pour on until light and increased in size by box stoves (basically a soaked with rum-flavored syrup, softened the rum syrup. In that case, thaw one half, about 45 to 60 minutes. Stir metal cube with a door at then brushed with a luscious apricot the cake, wrap in aluminum foil and IS YOURS ANY DAY YOU SHOP AT FOOD MART down dough. one end and a smoke outlet glaze. warm in a 350°F. oven for 15 to 20 at the other), uprights like U.S.D.A. CHOICE PEEF Spoon batter into prepared pan. minutes, so the syrup will soak in A dessert that could be the Syrup the familiar potbelly, Cover with plastic w rap' that is thoroughly. highlight of your most important “ wide-fronts" that present YOU’LL GO HOME usi 1 cup water greased on one side; let rise 30 Because it is not too sweet, holiday party, the cake can be their broad side to a room CHOICE, B o n e l e s s 1 cup sugar minutes or until double in size. Bake Savarin is an ideal ending for a served plain or turned into Savarin and a Franklin stove. WITH A BIGGER Savarih, the classic French dessert, is easy for anyone ' 1 cup orange juice at 400 F. for 20 to 25 minutes or until holiday brunch, as well as an im­ Chantilly, if you offer whipped Two heat-output rates to m ake. 1 teaspoon rum extract golden brown. Loosen edges with pressive dessert for dinner. cream. are measured: maximum bundle of ■ a i safe output — how much lOndon Broil (SHOULDER) heat each stove could groceries for M-i.»ti'].i:iji:ij ■“S>' produce in two hours; and LESS MONEY. HIT. VERNON overnight output — Non-alcoholic punch a budget saver duplicating the situation in which you would . want a DAIRY STORES; long, slow fire while asleep i . e e It's sometimes hard to believe, especially add hot water. or at work, with enough during the holidays, but one out of every Mulled Cranberry Swizzle F'or cold punch lovers, offer a flavorfiil an 244 Broad St. 653 Cantor S t.i coals remaining to make it Colonial Lean LEAN BEEF U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF three adults in this country does not drink ■' I cup brown sugar colorful mixture of fruit juices as a Manchastar Manciiaatar easy to stroke up the fire. GO FOR THE GOLD! ./d alcohol. 4 cups water f refreshing treat. SALE ENDS DEC. 5, 1981 The most efficient of the U.S. EXTRA FANCY "WASHINGTCN STATE” Freshly These arc the. forgotten people of Christ­ ' 2 teaspoon r'innamon Smoked Boneless tested stoves delivered an mas parties past. 'z teaspoon allspice average of 60 percent of Ground Shoulder These arc the sober people, tucked under “ 1 teaspoon ground cloves Celebration Frost FARM FRESH Golden Delicious PERDUE FRESH the wood's heat, and Shoulder 2 the mistletoe, sipping from soft drink Cans ‘ I teaspoon salt 1 (6 oz.) can frozen lemonade concentrate would need about one cord Chuck while their hostess graciously presides over '•z teaspoon^ nutmeg EGGS (PICNIC) BONELESS 1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate of wood to produce the APPLES 3 LBS. OR MORE Roast the champagne punch bowl at the other end of 2 (1 lb.) cans jellied cranberry sauce' - 11 (6 oz.) can frozen’ pineapple juice concen­ same amount of heat that the room. These same people are harangued 4 cups unsweetened pineapple juice trate an inefficient stove would 2 ’/4” every year by well-meaning hosts to "have a JUMBO LARGE S f 9 S (Combine salt, sugar, spices and 1 cup water 2 quarts water ^ ' provide from IVz cords. MIN. drink for the holidays ' I'/z cups apricot nectar 3 U B ? f . CHICKEN in a .saucepan and bring to a boil. In separate BROWN WHITE Even the least efficient But no more. Enough is enough. With the FRESH CRISP CALIFORNIA U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS CHUCK Vz cup lemon juice stove, however, would be ------M U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS ^ growing popularity of physical filness, parly- bowl, beat cranberry sauce, pineapple juice and 3 cups water until smooth. Add lo the 1 quart lemon sherbet EGGS BUNCH goers will be grabbing iwUh gusto) more EGGS much better than an open Pascal Celery 59^ Top Blade Steak lb1.99 Stewing Beef lb52.19 syrup and simmer 5 minules. Garnish with 2 (28 oz.) bottles ginger ale SWEET TEXAS RUBY ^ . bubbly mineral water than bubbly cham­ fireplace, which sends U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS CH^CJSHUCK ' U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS TFyMMED BREASTS butter and cinnamon sticks. Makes 1(1 ser­ about 90 percent of its heat pagne. Red Grapefruit 5 FOR I ■ vings. Combine concentrates with water, nectar and up the chimney. Cube Steak lb 52.29' Brisket of Beef lb52.19 Hosts and hostesses should plan according­ U.S. EXTRA FANCY RED WHOLE Ol EITHER SIDE Russian Tea or Friendship Tea is a favorite lemon juice. Mix until smooth. Add sherbet But woodstoves are not ly by serving non-alcoholic punch, a budget PRIMO or FRESH gift between tea lovers. A rich combination ol just before serving. Makes 24 t(8 oz.) ser­ likely to rival the con­ Delicious Apples lb 59^ U.S.D.A, CHOICE BEEF 3 9 saver that's Sure to please both carclul WALDBAUM'S tea. orange and lemonade, this dry powder vings or 48 punch-size servings. venience of conventional LONG GREEN _ * - BONE-IN ASSORTED drinkers and non.alcohol drinkers alike. 99189^ home-heating equipment. ITALIAN STYLE On cold winter nights, offer guests these can bo mixed^anytime and given in an atirac Cucumbers 5 FOR 1 ■ tive container as a present. They're not practical for ■ (THIN SLICED LB *2.09) warming punches. They're easy to make, and Cranberry Snap ™ f | H LOW YELLOW RIPE FRESH CRISP FRESH CALIFCRNIA CHUCK I Pork PORK your guests will appreciate your thought­ many homes, especially CALIFCRNIA "SUNKIST” COLONIAL 4 cups cranberry juice fulness this holiday season. those with numerous Russian Tea 2 cups orange juice FAT MILK , BANANAS ICEBERG NAVEL CHOPS Extra Mild Franks rooms to keep warm. STEAKSisausage CENTER, 3 RIB. 3 LOIN 3 CARANDO CRY-O-VAC 2 cups orange powdered breakfast drink ■'z cup lemon juice Most of the stoves tested LETTUCE ORANGES iCENTEBCUTi „ o t oT m”** Cranberry Cider ■z cups instant tea powder 1 cup pineapple juice could supply enough heat LARGE HEAD (X LARGE SIZE) Polska Kieibasa 1 quart cider I'z cups sugar ’ z cup crushed pineapple for one or two rooms. The S 4 3 9 IS 4 4 9 94 4e 1 13 oz,) package presweetened lemonade '« cup water smaller stoves could ■ • LB ■ • LB. LB. 1 quart cranberry juice FCR Carando Pepperoni lb^2.99 'z cup brown sugar mix 1-3 cup sugar deliver about the same MATLAW’S 1 tsp. almond extract COLONIAL 12PIECE 1 cinnamon stick 1 teaspoon cinnamon heat as four 1,500-watt SWEET FRESH LEAN Stuffed Clams FAMILY PACK 51.99 4 whole allspice ‘ z teaspoon ground cloves electric heaters at Combine ingredients. Chill and serve over Canadian Turnips l b 1 9 '^ Pork Shoulder Picnic l b 9 9 '^ w e a v e r :s ^ r \ r \ dash of salt maximum output. Fully Cooked Mix ingredients and store in an air tight r cin- crushed ice. Makes 8 (9 oz.) servings. WALDBAUM’S NEW AT FOOD MART Chicken Franks 1 LB PKG I aO0 Estimating wood at $100 tainer until ready to .serve. Measure IVz ALTERNATIVE: Can ^Iso be heated and COLONIAL FAMILY PACK Heat, strain and serve. Makes 8 mug Size ser­ Apple Cider conta'tnI r M .9 9 Pork Braciole b o n e l e s s ' ) 5 2 . 4 9 heaping teaspoons of mixture into a mug and served warm. a cord and electricity at SMOKED vings. 1.55 29 NOSOYA COLONIAL or WALDBAUM’S Chunk Liverwurst lb 99*^ Plastic Gallon BOUNCE TABLE TREAT ^ f t / \ Tofu Spread CONTAINER 8 9 '^ Lean Sliced Bacon 1 LB. PKG, 51.59 HAMS COLONIAL FULLY COOKED - WATER«VDOED « ^ /\ ft SHANK PORTION Steak-Umms 24 0Z PKG 4 h 0 0 WEAVER S DUTCH FRYE or BATTER DIP ' (BUTTPORTION) LB (WATER ADDED) Dental Italian Chestnuts l b . 99*^ Smoked Hams 1 aU9 COLONIAL FULLY COOKED-WATER ADDED Chicken Breasts ^3 .7 9 Hearty pickup sandwiches FLORIDA Sno-White WEAVER'S DUTCH FRYE or BATTER DIP O ^ ^ ^ Smoked Hams (CENTER SLICES) LB 2 a 10 LB. Chicken zb oz pkg '3 .3 9 Now save on Maxim visists Red FRESH By Aileen Claire Pepper to taste Ripe MUSH­ YOU’LL FIND BIG SAVINGS IN EVERY AISLE...ON EVERY SHELF NEA Food Editor 4 French rolls or hot dog Tomatoes ROOMS buns/split needed JUMBC SIZE 12 CZ. CONTAINER CAMPBELL’S FOOD CLUB It seems that Americans Butter or margarine Folger’s SCOT- Taster’s are lo the sandwich born. 1-3 cup apricot or peach By the Manchester s j i e PEANUT Choice For this reason it is much preserves LB. PORK& easier to get ypurigsters to 4 hot dogs, heated Dental Society In Our Flower Department! BEANS BUTTER TISSUE eat breakfast if it is offered ‘z cup shredded Swiss (Second of four parts) LOVELY REG,, ELECTRIC PERK CREAMY or CRUNCHY WHITE or ASSORTED REGULAR - INSTANT wrapped in the guise of a cheese 6*‘ or DRIP ■ 1 LB. CAN 18 OUNCE JAR 1000 SHEET ROLL 8 OUNCE JAR POT sandwich. Melt 1 tablespoon butter Many people who wear Poinsettia Plants 54.99 A hearty one for tho.se partial dentures or full LOVELY or margarine in a skillet. 4 ” S < 1 2 9 who must arise early to Combine beaten eggs with i: dentures ask if there is still Poinsettia Plants POT 52.99 U n a ride a bus to .school com ­ milk, salt and pepper; pour a need to visit their dentist ASSORTED ^ _ FOOD CLUB 20 f ^ bi n e s e g g s , c h e e s e , into skillet. Cook, stirring regularly. Although your ZITI, RIGATONI. ELBOW MACARONI FOOD CLUB Christmas Cactus POT 2 a 0 0 • 17 OZ preserves and hot dogs. occasionally, until eggs are dentures retain a relatively 1 LB. PKG, 4 9 '^ r’t:AN 3 for51 . Instant Dry Milk T ""54.99 Due to our freshnttt tent itero art mlafcte M Tim. Prince Pasta Mixed Peas This pickup sandwich permanent shape, the .set, but not dry. CHEFBOY-AR-DEE ^ A A Mnrvi a naivuvicn GOLDEN, PURPLE or APPLE also is ideal for weekend shape of your gums and 15 02 Spread split roll with 39*^ Juicy Juice 32 OZ BOTTLE 79^ breakfasts and is especial­ butter or margarine; place bones change constantly. ABC w/Meatballs CAN 69*^ Baking Soda 16 OZ. PKG ly appropriate as a change under broiler until golden The bone and gum ridges ^Waldbaum’s N.Y. Style Delll FOOD C L U B -48 oz. PKG.,’ „ . _ _ VERMONT MAID TENDER CHUNKS • ASSORTED VARIETIES 14 OZ O of pace morning snack brown. Spread one side of which support the dentures Elbow Macaroni ^1.o9 Syrup 24 OZ BOTTLE 51.49 Ken-L-Ratlon CAN O F r51. can recede or shrink away. OUR BEST Shenandoah before a large holiday each roll with apricot LEAN dinner of turkey and all the preserves; top with a hot This can make the den­ Gourmet LIBBY’S Chef-Boy-Ar-De Golden Grain trimmings. dog. Top other side with tures loose or less stable, WISK Beefaroni IVORY scrambled eggs and impede your ability to Roast Turkey GREEN Macaroni Pickup sandwiches .sprinkle with Swiss cheese. chew, and increase the Detergent Spaghetti & SOAP 1 tablespoon butter or Place open sandwich under chances of developing Breast BEANS 50‘ OFF LABEL PERSONAL SIZE ACheddar margarine ' aging lines and wrinkles. REG or FRENCH CUT Meatballs or ^ 3Vz OZ. 7’/4 oz. S cram bled eggs, cheese, preserves and, hot broiler just until cheese 64 OZ. CONTAINER 5 eggs, beaten Further, poorly fitting 15V2 o u n c e CANS Beef Ravioli • • BARS > PKGS. dogs lure melts. Serve immediately. youngsters to eat a .sandwich ' 1 cup mlik dentures can harm your breakfast. This kitchen-tested recipe LB. m m m m l b . ' 1 teaspoon salt (optional) makes 4 sandwiches. mouth. Constant irritation WHOLE or HALF • DELICIOUS LRG. slicedon aEQ^ST over a long period of time may contribute to the Smoked Whitefish lb52.89 SHRIMP or WHITEFISH development of sores or FOOD CLUB • CHUNKS. CRUSHED or SLICED SEVEN SEAS • ASSORTED VARIETIES CHEF;S FINEST SLICED tumors. Seafood Salads lb52.99 8 0Z Pineapple '20 OZ.CAN BOTTLE 5 9 '^ 8 OZ .CAN In order to prevent or Salad Dressings Mushrooms correct problems such as Wide Bologna lb51.49 ASSORTED FLAVORS ^ DOXSEE these, it is essential to IMPORTED ■ BRIE. GOURMANDISE, PORT SAUJTE 24 OUNCE Jello Gelatin 3oz >>kg 3pop Heinz Ketchup BOTTLE 99*^ Clam Chowder 150Z CAN have your mouth examined Thei French Cheese lb52.99 on a regular basis by a den­ CARANDO ^ - ffft A V E R ir tist. In an oral exam your FROZEN FOODS GALOREI FRESH DAIRY DELIGHTS! dentist can discover Genoa Salami vz lb ^1.59 HEBREW NATIONAL problems with jaw joints, Breyers g a y l o r d ■ c r in k l e c u t ^ H O O p ^ TROPICANA GOLDEN pure the tongue and the ridge Kosher Salami BULLET 6.49 Potatoes 80 OZ. PKG. ®1.69 C O TT A G E ORANGE JUICE CONT COLONIAL VIRGINIA BRAND GLAZED ICE CREAM SWANSON’S d in n e r CH EESE CRACKER BARREL - YELLOW or WHITE T A S n FU L supporting the denture. ALL FLAVORS nVrOZ. QOC ■ Your dentist can alsi^ Cooked Ham Vz l b .5 1 . 6 9 Vz GAL. CONT. SALISBURY STEAK PKG 0 9 ASSORTED VARIETIES SHARP CHEESE 'p k g HANSEL & GRETEL 16 oz. CONTAINER h OOD’SZ"’ check the health of you f BIRDS EYE GAL whole niouth, look for Ham Bologna Vz l b .5 1 . 2 9 CUT CORN 10OZ PKG 2 FOR 89*' LOW FAT MILK CONT GIFT! tumors and' precancerous CARANDO • ITALIAN CTYLE BIRDSEYE LIGHT n’ LIVELY ASST FLAVORS _ sores, look for general Mortadella f LB 5 1 . 9 9 Chef Salute BROCCOLI SPEARS pk°g" 65' Mrc YOGURT 8 0ZCONT 3 FOR The Dunkin’ Donuts glass decorator jar health problems that have WEAVER’S FINEST ' MINUTE MAID “ Ibert s m a z o LA -REGULAR or u'NSAI TED symptoms in the mouth, 160Z. with Munchkins® Donut Hole Treats won’t be Chicken Roll Vz l b , 5 1 . 3 9 PIZZA ORANGE JUICE CAN m argarine QUARTERS i and determine the Light Spread IMPORTED MAJESTY CHEESE or DELUXE TEMPTEE hard to empty. Or fill. Because there are all adjustments that may be lOVz OZ. PKG. 170Z 2 LB. CONTAINER 8 02 % l b . 5 1 . 6 9 EGGO WAFFLES PKG CONT needed to keep your den­ Danish Ham CREAMCHEESE sorts of things to fill it with. Like jelly beans JUDEA BEEF KOSHER HOWARD JOHNSON’S HOOD'S tures working more 1002 or flowers. MAC. & CHEESE PKG. properly. .Skinless Franks LB.5 2 .2 9 J ORANGE JUICE c o n ^ aI n e r ®2.49 ■lust drop by any participating Dunkin’ Ma) For those people who PRICLS EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 THROUGH SATURDAY., DECEMBER 5. Donuts shop for your decorator jar filled with wear a partial denture, the . ^ JERGENS MR MUSCLE Munchkins® Donut Hole Treats. But hurry. 2 698€-OaN STORE COUPON 4 0 ^ natural teeth which sup­ Sani-Flush DYNAMO AJAX COLD port the partial denture To Uh iftaiitf: Ceneril Foods Corp will reim­ Liquid Soap OVEN LIQUID POWER Because a lot of people have designs on m burse you for the face value of ttus coupon should be cleaned and GRANULAR LIQUID / plus 7« lor lundlmg it you receive it on the ' WHITE, BROWN or BLUE CLEANER buying more-than one. u le of the specified product and if upon r^ checked, and any cavities 10V2 OZ. CONTAINER 34 OZ. CONTAINER DETERGENT CLEANER DETERGENT S a v e quest you submil evtdtnce of purchase thereci 19.2 OZ. CAN 32 oz. CONTAINER . 49 OZ BOX filled. Proper maintenance Available while W P I I % I P I satistacfory.lO General Foods Corp C o ii^ 28 OZ. BOTTLE may not be assigned, transferred or repro- Qf these supporting teeth is s.upply lasts. THE DUNKIN’ DONUTS GLASS DECORATOR d o M Customer must pay any u le s tai Void DONUTS where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law essential to the proper fit • 1 . 4 0 JAR FILLED WITH 10 MUNCNKIW' DONUT I 4 0 « Good only in US A . F\ierto Rico and U S Govt WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD • 1 .5 0 and function of the partial WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD l . ' Z B • 1 .4 a ihtUII Cash value I/20« Coupw will not be I MART' GOOD SUN.. NOV. 29 THRU MART. GOOD SUN., NOV. 29 THRU WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MART GOOD SUN NOV 29 THRU WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD 650 ENFIELD S T „ ENFIELD HOLE TREATS. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE: I SAT.. DEC 5. LIMIT ONE CON BAT,, DEC. 5. LIMIT ONE CON- i MART GOOD SUN . NOV. 29 THRU d g S i i i MART GOOD SUN NOV 29 THRU MART GOOD SUN NOV 29 THRU It’s WOTth thc tHp. I wtien you buy any size Jar honored if present^ through outside agencies, denture. SAT , DEC 5. LIMIT ONE CAN ONE SAT DEC 5 LIMIT ONE CON broken or othen m o are not retail distributors TAINER • ONE COUPON PER TAINER - ONE COUPON PER TAINER ONE COUPON PER SAT PEC b LIMIT ONE BOTTLE SAT DEC b LIMIT ONE BOX ONE R TL 83. TALCDTTVILLE RD„ VERNDN of Maxim* Reeze-Dried D o n ’ t n e g le c t y ou r ^ CUSTOMER ' ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER COUPON PER CUSTOMER 225 SILAS DEANE HIOHWAY, WETHERSFIELD of our merchandise or specifically authonied by us to present cagons Coffee. The ipoonfut rich for redemption For redemption of properly received and handled 1084 MAIN ST.. EAST HARTFORD mouth. Your oral health In tairneat lo our cuitomari. we rtMrve the nght lo limil aelea to 3pkga ol any itam aicapl whera olherwlaa nolad ittma offarad lor aaia noi avaii.ibie m caae lots or to other retail dealers or wholeaalers No( leaponsi $1.99. I enough fora mt^ful. coupon, mail to. General Foods Corp, PO Box 103, Kankakee. II ble tor typographical errors 45D NEW PARK AVE., WEST HARTFDRD ( Ct iMPAKABLE RETAIL VALUE: $3.48). 60902 OFF£REXPIRFSMAY3i.l982 LIU T-O N E COUPON PER 'and your general well- PURCHASE This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated c General Foods Ccvporation. 1981 Any other use constitutes fraud N B O - i ^ 5 9 * 2 .'heing depend on each other. Protect them both. 410 WEST MIDDLE TPKL MANCHESTER HICRALD. Wpd . Doc. 2, 1981 THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec . 2. 1981 — 21 It's the time X P E O P L E PHIL ROURA■TOM POSTER TV W ednesday for desserts 6:00 bandit thrills and chills the ladies (T)Gn(lL(^ Independent Network News Trees" 1952 Kirk Douglas, Patrice Buddy H ackeu dons lenni.s tofis. and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla; beat well. Gradually (7) IS) M.A.S.H. Confess'"1953 MonigomeryClift. 6 :3 0 g 10:15 Wymore Ruthlesslandbaronaeeks someone gets injured, but when it’s a kid that’s only 17. recently. That cheered up Michael beyond belief. C8) M u p pe t S how AnneBaxter Whenamurderer add flour mixture, bating well after each addition. Roll Center Park, location of this Nativity Scene, will also be the site of the C2) WKRP tn Cincinnati Jennifer's (?4) M ovie'(W estern) •* “ Long. possession, by any means, ol the ABC N ew s conlesses. a priest caiinot reveal (S) 9dl wealthy. 80-year old friend, Colonel Rldere" 1960 David Carradine' lim b e rla n d s b e lo n ging Io p e a c e fu l ‘A-inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut with cookie annual carol sing Sunday at 6 p.m. when the Round Table Singers and (T) You Asked For It Host: Rich inform ation to the police (2 hrs., 19 Buchanan, succumbs and causes Keith Carradine. Story of Ihe homesteaders in Calilorm a's Buddy Hackett: Now visiting U.S.: The pope's man for ecumenism Little. A man who talks lo wild mins ) cutters and place on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at the Salvation Army Band combine with the'audience to usher In the quite a stir when it is learned that ho James-Younger outlaw band, one of Redwood section. (2 hrs.) animals; a toothpick sculptor; the CO) Joe Franklin Show made the bequiilul blonde the the most feared, notorious and 11:35 When Pope John Paul II promised to make every efforl three times, Rubin has been a frequent visitor and often 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on racks. Dip por­ only King in America. 3D SportsUpdate The latest sports Christmas season. executrix of his estate. admired gangs of the Old West ’ 3 ' H aw aii F lv e -0 IfD SportsCenter results tor the West Coast sports He's on top a g ain lo reunite ihe'many churches ihai broke from.Rome, he told the pope about life in the United States when both tions of each cookie into melted chocolate. Decorate CS) C a ro l B u rn e tt A nd F rie n d s (R ated R) (105 mins.) (18) Festival Of Faith tan chose his close friend. Cardinal l.adislaus Rubin, lo do it. were bishops in Poland. After Karol Cardinal Wojtyla Movie -{Science-Fiction)** 10:20 11:40 l ike a rubber ball, comedian Budd> Hacketl with frosting and colored sprinkles, as desired. Makes (5^ S uper Pay C ards 34) 3 2 Kojak “ Hangar 16“ 1960 Robert Vaughn. 34) C o n n e c tic u t P rim e Tim e 34) In P e rfo rm a n ce 2 The pope has said repeatedly became pope, he named Rubin a cardinaTand put him in (2D Moneyline Financial business 35)Movte-(Fanta8y)*,**'7i “ 8 1-2“ aUavs bounces back. BiitTooncry. good or bad. is a about 3’/2 dozen. DarrenMcGavin EfiortsoltheW hite 10:30 * 12:00 and consumer news, with heavy 1963 Marcello Mastroianni. Claudia that “ a constant dialogue can charge of the far-flung wings of the church. House Chief of Staff to protect the (^8) NHL H o ckey Los Angeles Kings IB) CBS Late M ovie WKRP In habii uiih Americans. And Hackeit. atler 40 years in em phasis on the W all S treet day. Cardinale Overworked film director solve our problems," so Rubin is i president's prospects lor vs New York Rangers Cincinnati IWantToKeepMyBaby' shovs bi/. is on lop again. In great demand in the Cat- (22) News al a health resort is conirorited witha Rubin is also here lo help establish the first Armenian Caroling set Sunday re-election, by covering up the facts 3^1 Soundstage: Oak Ridge Boys Adesperatomotherleavesababyon now touring ihe United States, 3D M agic O f o n P a in tin g series ol crises o l a personal as well skills. I as Vegas and Hollyvsood. Hackett makes the surrounding Ihe collision of a U S 36 Odd Couple the station's doorstep and Dr Diocese in the United Stales, which is seen as the beginning EnterlaInmentTonight as a professional nature (2 hrs , 30 visiting various religious leaders, satellite with a UFO (Ra,tedPG)(2 10:35 JohnnyFeverrefusestolurnthechild rounds ot TV talk shows and is»siudy>ng a pile ol’ of greater ecumenical movements in the United States. By (ST) Over Easy Guest; Actress Jane mins ) hrs.. 16 mins.) (87) Great Radio Comedians This over lo the welfare people until he and e.xpanding the talks that Ihe Russell. Hosts Mary Marlin and Jim 2 :3 0 acting otters. establishing a diocese for Armenians, the pope is making it Best friend: 9 :0 0 tribute lo the Golden Age of radio contacts the mother. (Repeal) The pontiff initialed to improve rela­ The annual Christmas Carol Sing, program will also include Christmas Hartz. (Closed-Captioned, U S.A ) (11) SportsCenter But he’s still sticking to his own brand ot‘ humor. (S) Nurse A new nurse joins Mary comedy features Fred Allen and Ihe Blockhouse’ 1974 5lar8 Peter clear that he wants to help nations maintain their own 7 :2 0 (2l'OvernightDe8kBestollheday’s tions between the Roman sponsored by the Manchester Area music by the Salvation Army Band under Benjamin's staff and. although she IS Allen’s Alley cast, including Bmg Sellers. Charles Aznavour Seven His butfoonery sometimes offends paying reports - Newsdesk,Freem an langutige and traditions, while still remaining loyal To ' (2D) Daily Numbers capable and professional. Mary Crosby, Bob Hope-, George Burhs, men are trapped tor six years in an Catholic Church and the Conference of Churches and the Town the direction of Michael Orfitelli. 7 :3 0 Reports, Sports Update and customers, but Hackett plugs along. “ Look. 1 do an Rome. -does nol entirely like her and is not G ra de Allen and Jack Benny underground Nazi bunker (2 hrs , 5 Song sheets will be distributed at the (.8J PM M agazine Moneyline adult show,” Buddy bellowed from his lavish home Eastern, Byzantine, Oricnial and Park and Recreation Department, will sure why. (60 mins.) 11:00 mins.) your freezer CD) A ll In The Fa m ily 2:'40 Orthodox churches. be Sunday at 6 p.m. at Center Park. park entrances. Those attending are ($)(9)C8')32)35)(4® News r i ) C a ro l B u rn e tt A nd F rie n d s in Los Angeles. “ If people wanna bring their kids In the near future, Rubin may begin talks with the Polish (8) 4D) You AskedForll (f) M*rv Griltin ' 6 i News m s® The Fall Guy Coll goes (.8) M.A.S.H. (ID ESPN's SportsTalk (R) Rubin, of course, has the full National Catholic Church, which was founded 75 years ago Captain Arthur Carlson, commanding asked to bring flashlights. G)) Fa m ily Feud that’s okay, but they know it’s dirty right from the undercover i8s a renegade 3IK N o stalg ia T h ea ter (n)HBOSneak Preview: December (T) Entertainment Tonight Hosts. backing of his friend, ihe pope, Rubin when Polish Calhc^tcs objected, among other things, to officer of the Salvation Army Corps, will After the program, coffee and cocoa motorcycle rid^rwhenhegelsan 31 Sports Tonight Alllhe highlights Jerry S tiller and Anne Meara beginning, so they can’t get insulted.” Tom Hallick, Dixie Whatley, Ron . exploaiveassignmentfromBigJacK from all the action with Nick Charles highlight the upcoming movies, Hackett’s humor is also sometimes too “ inside” Unlike ihe pope, who has visited the United Stales only Rome’s ban on the use of the Polish language during mass. Gonlinurcl from pagr 15 be the master of ceremonies. for all the carolers will be provided by Hendren Robert Stack, the star ol lo bring b ack R ^ndy S oam es. w ho's and Bob Kurtz sports and specials on HBO in S H O W C A ^ the new series'Strike Force', grants for the public and^ meant really for. his intimates. The Round Table Singers of the Salvation Army at the Citadel on hjdingouitinthede^ertwithhisoutlaw 36 Barney Miller ^cember an exclusive interview Manchester High School, under the txiker gang, afier jumping bail on 11:30 (if) Dr. Scott On Hebrews CINEMAS “ Hey, I got Jerry Vale at the door trying to come in­ Main Street. The public is invited to join (ID) E m m e t O t t e r ’ s J u g B a n d assorted charges. (60 mins.) (4J K ojak 36 Movie'(Drama) * “ Meteor" INTERSTATE 84 EXIT 58 SILVER LANE Swedish Butter Cookies direction of Penny Dalenta, will sing a in the carol sing, which has been an Christmas Jim Henson's muppets to my house.” he laughed. “ Imagine n^e having a big (ID Top Rank Boxirrg From Atlantic (? ) B enny H ill Show 1979 SeanConnery.HenryFonda A EAST HARTFORD 580-6810 star in this award winning lemily BARGAIN MATINEE DAILY guy like Vale coming to my house. .Airi’t that 0 « J I medley of Christmas songs. The annual event for over 30 years. City (il A® ABC News N ighlllne hugemeteof setsoftachainreaction FIRST SHOW ONLY S2.50 holiday special lhal tells how love i^O^t^TheFactsOfLIfePersonai Anchored by Ted Koppel ol natural disasters that threatens something?” Vi pound butter and self-sacrifice cancreate the true financial strains on Mrs. Garrett (11) SportsCenter thelutureotiheworld (RatedPG)(2 JDOUBLE BILLFi fi tablespoons sugar spirit ol the holiday season. The rotund weight-watcher, who’s had bouts with Could you please settle an argument? I say lhal Gabby Please name Ihe ex-wives of President Reagan. Also, could mean her leaving the E astland 3 6 Tennis hrs.) (20) W ild K in gd om boo/e. was even.wise-cracking about his daughter’s 1 tablespoon water school for a new. belter paying job (51' New^dAAk A nin o tv m m u le new s (46 L o v e B o a t A m a s k e d k is s in g SCREAM YOUR HEAD OFF!Q Hayes was Hopalong Cassidy's sidekick, and my husband who were Ihe husbands of Nancy Reagan?—M.M.S., Gun CNN Sports A report on what's R (2T) 9 :1 0 recent wedding. He Hew his rabbi in tVom Fort Lee, 1 teaspoon vanilla happened and what's ahead'in says he was Roy Rogers' sidekick.—L.M., Buffaloj N.Y. Barrel Cily, Texas. 34) Golden Age Of Television No ^ o r t s . N.J, to perform the ceremony after first insisting that 2 cups flour Time lor Sergeants' Andy Griffith, in You can start counting the money, Hayes was, indeed, The President has only been married twice. The first time A b o u t Town (22) M.A.S.H. Cary Grant would officiate. “ What? You mean Cary his first TV role, stars as a Georgia Vfjifpv 1 cup chopped.nuts (optional) 3D(8D MacNelMehrer Report Cassidy's pahdner. He was known as "California.” Roy was to Jane Wyman on Jan. 24, 1940. They had a daughter, plowboy who is drafted into the Air Grant isn’t Jewish?” Hackett protested. “ I didn’t 9D) Y o g i's F irs t C h ristm a s P art III. Rogers' sidekick was Pal Brady. Rogers, by the way, is the Cream together softened butter and sugar. Add water Force and tries lo befriend his Maureen, who wa§ born on June 4, 1941, and t|ien adopted (28) B arne y M ille r know that!” and vanilla. Gradually add Hour, then walnuts. Roll sergeant. (90 mins.) only one of the foursome still alive, Hayes died in 1969 ai 7 :5 0 a son, Michael, born March 18, 1945. Reagan divorced (8T) James Cagney: That Yankee Although he’s lost a ton of weight, Hackett still dough into log shapes, about 1” long. Bake in 350 degree Television Tonight Preview on the age of 83; Cassidy, who’s real name was William Boyd, Wyman on July 18, 1949. On March 4, 1952, Reagan mar­ (2D Doodle Dandy Time Magazine the best bets for televiewing that looks roly-poly and had to undergo a truckload of oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Roll each hot cookie in sugar Club plans party movie critic Richard Schickel wrote, passed on in 1972 al 77; and Brady also, died in 1972 at Ihe ried actress Nancy Davis, the present First Lady, and they night. barbs when he was guest of honor at the Friars Club mixed with red and green sugar crystals for color. Crol. Letters to Santa directed and produced this special cin em a age of 57. 6:00 had a daughtet, actress Patty Davis, on Nov. 2, 1952. Their which includes the most extensive at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York this month. The Manchester Garden Club will have its C2) Mr. Merlin Merlin teaches Zac son, Ronald Prescott Reagan, was born on May 10, 1958. Makes 50 cookies. Can be stored unrefrigerated for two interview s ever granted by Ihe howto teleport himself from one spot Friars roasts are traditionally off the record, and Wasn't there a third James Bond between Sean Connery The Manchester Junior Women’s Club annual Christmas party, Dec. 8 in beloved James Cagney. Nancy’s marriage to Ron is her first, and only, marriage. weeks. to another, but when Zac begins to 9 :3 0 women are barred because the humor is sewer level. and Roger Moore?—L.A., St. Louis, Mo. is again sponsoring “A Letter To Santa" Woodruff Hall of Center Congregational use the magic in self-defense, he (2Q)(22)l20’ Love. S id ne y Inan attem pt But Hackett demanded a break with tradition, and makes the mistake of thinking he is Here’s the full chronology of the Bond actors. The first this year to benefit the Interval House Church. A social hour will begin at 6:15 to end Ihe eight-year estrangement invincible. IIAKTKOKD 9:40.—Time Bandits 1:40, the Friars went along. W'omen were invited for the People Exclusive! answers the most inlereating Grandma’s Molasses Cookies p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 from th e ir da.ughter, a c tre s s Laurie was Connery. Then came David Niven in the spoof, for O ttered Women and Children. PM M agazine questions from readers. Send yours to us care ol this Morgan.EveandDan Morgan journey Alli<-nciiiii (lini-niu — A 7:10, 9:40—Carbon Copy first time in history. “ Why. not,” Hackett exploded. p.m. f¥) Movie'(Drama) ••• 4 “ Great "Casino Royale," followed by George Lazenby in "On A donation will enable a child to to New York lo see their grand­ newspaper. % cup butter Escape" 1963 JamesGarner. Second Chance 7:30, 9:30. 1:20, 7:20, 9:50,-A rthur 1, “ They like dirty jokes, too!” The dinner will be prepared by daughter, but Dan still strongly Her Majesty’s Secret Service." Moore, of course, is the Steve McQueen. During WW II. ! IV«I 1)V I H l C'HK XGO IR lB U N f.N V N f W S SVNUK A11.. INC 1 cup sugar receive a personalized letter from Santa. disapproves of L aurie's way of life (iinfina City — Cornin' at 7:25, 9:50.—The French present 007. I aM CNi J S ire n . .Ne- V ork. N V 10017 members of Grace Group of the church. American. British and Canadian 10:00 E 1 egg Have your child write or send your priaoners-of-warplanmammoih Ya 7:30, ’9: 30.-T rue Lieutenant's Woman 1:25, Entertainment will follow the dinner. (8) Shannon A young woman, breakout from a German prison Confessions 7:15, V-i cup mqllasses request along with child’s name and ad­ Those wishing to exchange gifts are constantly being harrassed by her 7:10, 9:45.—House of Wax c a m ^ O h r s .) fornier husband, an ex-mental 9 : 20.—'Paternity. 7:45, 1:05, 7:25, 9:40.-The 1 teaspoon ginger dress and $1 for each letter to: Santa’s asked to bring them wrapped. ( £ 9 $ Qreeteet American Hero patient, decides to lake the law into Helper, 82 Cushman Drive, Manchester, Ralph attempts to thwart a feared 9:45.—Alice in Wonderland Howling 1. 7:20, with 1 teaspoon cinnamon Reservations must be made by calling herownhands to protect herself and assassin's plot to spread deadly Ct. 06040. her young daughter (60 mins.) 7, 8:45. Wolfen 2:35, 9:30. 2 cups flour ' Mrs. Emily Stanek, 649-9813, no later nerve gas at a local rock concert (T ) News Tou ve never been scared 2 teaspoons baking soda w hich w ill be held before thousands (! i n I-KIII cl i i> — My MANCHILS'IKR than Dec. 3. fi) Dynasty A reconciliation (il you ve been scared in of teenagers. (60 mins.) Bodyguard 7:30, with Cream together butter and sugar. Add remaining in­ between Steve and Blake ends in I A Thi-ati-rs East - ® Movie-(Comedy) ••• “ The Even a host must pay the piper disaster when an accident puts Stripes 9'25. Halloween II 7:30 3-D! gredients. Roll into small walnut-size balls. Dip each in Producers" 1968 ZeroMostel. Steve in the hospital and Alexis in Gene Wilder. Ahucksler pulls a meek Colohiiil — Kung Fu 9:30.—Private Lessons sugar. Bake 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Blake’s arms as they hold vigil over accountant into a scheme toget rich, C their unconscious son (60 mins.) Halloween 6:.30, 9:45, with 7:15, 9:15—Stripes 7:30, by producing a flop broadw ay show. Menus (2) App{e Polishers (2 h rs .) Fist of Fear, Touch of with Stir Crazy 9:30. DKAK AHUT: Here's some useful ad- his boy to be lost in vain and has asked Then you printed a letter from a man (28) (22 36 Quincy When a wealthy Easy Apple Pie ^ ESPN’s S po rtsT a lk J ttt CLASSIC .' vice for the professional vocalist who is for help in getting the word to other attorney uses lax drunk-dnving laws Death 8:15. who was 36 (the age I’ll be when I finish) (8 ) 3 O) Real People A look at a to avoid punishment after killing a I'.ASI IIM M FO R I) .STORRS S’ D nOHROR liOVIC frequently asked to attend functions and parents that warning labels should be put mysterious ray of light in Missouri; a and wanted to go to medical school. He 1 cup sugar pedest’rian. Quincy turns up new p ro file of a co lorful c h e ss player in Ciiii-nia Oni- — Paternity Tran.K.Lux Ccclli-fic- Twin sing for free D ear on peanut butter jars so other children evidence at the man's trial which needed another two years of undergrad 1 teaspoon cinnamon Toronto; a visit with a woman who E ld G rlV ' vegetable nibblers, peanut and tomato and hot sauce, reveals a bizarre scheme aimed al 7:15, 9. — Stripes 7, with Stir Crazy PG When asked to perform, ask this can be saved. . pholographsmalecenterfolds.anda work, then med school and internship, a 4 tablespoons ftour ^ corn chips, make-your- covering up a major crirrie. (60 butter jumbo, milk. segment on a laundromat with music Poor Kii-liards— Paterni­ 9.—Southern Comfort 7, 9. !. question: “What is your budget for Abby I thank you, and am sure parents total of seven years. dash salt m in s ) The following meals will own-sundae. ^ m in s . ) Freeman Reports A ope hour ty 7:30, 9:30. \ERNON ■ entertainment?" This implies that the everywhere will thank you for helping to ® Primenews* 1 20 Satellite (2D Abigail "My God, Abby," he wrote, “in seven 7 cups thinly sliced and pared tart apples (about 2 be served for the week of Wednesday: Spaghetti national aall-in. in-depth talk show spread this message and for the lives it reports from around Ihe nation and Sliowi-ase Cim-iiia — Hell Cine- I & 2 —Paternity 7, performer expects a fee. pounds) Bolton with a live audience. years I’ll be 42!” Dec. 7-11 pt Mayfair and with meat sauce, garlic the world Major events of the day Night 1:15,.7:20, 9:35.-F or 9:15.—True Confessions After all. no one would expect a Van Buren may save. C^Movle'(Comedy)**>^ “ JuatTell 2 tablespoons butter Westhill Gardens to The following meals will bread, buttered green covered. HEARTBROKEN IN CALIF, Your reply was simply, “And how old Me What You Want "1980 Alan Your Eves Only 2, 7:10, 7:15, 9:30. plumber or an auto mechanic to donate Roll out half of pastry into 11 inch.circle (for 9-inch Manchester residents who be served at the Bolton beans, chilled pears. IH)Movl»-(Com«d»).— Mi "Going his services, so why should entertainers will you be in seven years if you don’t go In S tyle" 1979 Lee Straaberg. DEAR HEARTBROKEN: Your little pie plate). Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine sugar, are 60 or older: Elementary and Center Thursday; Juice, pizza, George Burns. Three retirecf men be expected to? ^o med school?” grandson has my prayers, and his family cinnamon, flour and salt. Add sugar and cinnamon . Monday: Baked pork pat- schools during the week of tossed salad, gelatin with decide to rob a bank to relieve their I am reminded of the story told about boredom . (R ated PG) (2 hrs.) has my sympathy. Be assured that It hit me like a ton of bricks! 1 applied mixture to apples in a large bowl. Toss lightly. Turn into tie with brown gravy, Dec. 7-11: topping. 1. the wealthy socialite who asked Fritz (29 ISS Survival'W e Live with parents about the danger of feeding their millions of people will read this and , I to and was accepted by the law school at pastry-lined pie plate. Mound high in center. Dot with sweet potatoes, collard Monday: Meatball Friday: Baked chicken, Elephants' David Niven narrates this .Kreisler, the famous violinist, to "come small children peanut butter! My hope,- heed the warning. I agree, a war­ the University of Victoria, just two miles butter. Roll out remaining pastry, slit in middle. Fit greens, biscuit, cinnamon grinder, french fries, mashed potatoes, gravy, real'lifeadventure story of a Scottish Christmas Antiques Show & Sale dine with us” next Friday evening. family who spent five years living beautiful 2'/2 year-old grandson choked ning label should be printed on every j'ar from my home. We’re now in the seventh over apples. Crimp edges. Bake 45 minutes or until applesauce. carrot and celery sticks, peas and carrots, brownie. amidst a herd of wild elephants in Kreisler was delighted and accepted on peanut butter six weeks ago. the of peanut butter. week of classes and I still just shake my golden brown. "Tuesday: Shepherd’s pie, pudding with topping. Milk is served with all Tanzania. (60mins.) readily. She then quickly added, "And peanut butter lodged in his throat, cut­ head and pinch myself because I’m tossed salad with dressing, Tuesday: Tacos, lettuce meals. 50 Exhibitors please bring your violin” ting off his oxygen. His breathing and having so much fun I can’t believe it! chilled tomato juice, rye Saturday, Dec. 5, 1981 The most fun "Madame," Kreisler responded, "my heart stopped and he was clinically dead DEAR ABBY: I want to thank you for The money is> tight. My wife is working money can buy i , violin never dines. " for several minutes. He was revived by your advice to someone else, which I to clear the decks of everyday clutter so "'wedneTday:'“ Brea1edS(^Sii!><#^W ^^ 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. ;, FELIX DE COLA A b o u t Town CPR, but there had been extensive borrowed and for which l am extremely that I can concentrate on school. It’s a chicken, Spanish rice, ^ m mmm ■. ■ ’ DEAR FELIX: Beautiful! Kreisler damage to his brain. grateful. For several years I’d been lot of work, but I love it. How can I thank green beans with to l)«‘ tield at Vi addell School The child is still in a coma, paralyzed kicking around the idea of going to law you? mushrooms, wheat bread, A Personal Visit by. should have gone and taken his violin — 16J Broad Sired, ManchcHlcr, (iT ^ t h u ^ from the neck down, HowTong this dear school, but every year I’d think of the stewed prunes. with no strings attached. TIM P. m BRITISH COLUMBIA O R J o a . ; baby will live in this condition no one years needed for school and the required Educator to speak Thursday: Breaded RefreshmcnlH - Free Parking; ■■■ knows. year of clerking in Canada, and I’d say, DEAR TIM: You already have. Good baked fish, nutty stuffing, SANTA CLAUS 'The baby’s father said he doesn’t want no. I’ll be too old. luck and God bless. Dr. J. Gerald Fitzgibbon, assistant superintendent of DEAR ARKA': Please, please warn curriculum and instruction will be the guest speaker at mixed vegetables, white the meeting of the Highland Park School PTA on Dec. 10 bread, fresh fruit. Friday: Open-faced hot to your home at 7;15 p.m. turkey roll sandwich, Admission $1.50 * With this card admit 1 or 2 persons - $1.25 each Dr. Fitzgibbon will speak on the testing programs in cranberry sauce, potato All proceeds benefit East Catholic Hockey Team the town schools This will cover several areas for f i Directions; Rte. 86 East, exit 92. Right on Center St., Left on Broad puffs, peas, white bread, St.. Waddell School located on corner of Broad St and Middle Tpke. Wife can help husband in kitchen Grades 1-6. tapioca pudding. SATURDAY, DEC. 12,1981 Dr. Gail Rowe, principal at Highland Park, will explain the pilot program for students in Grades 3 and 5 R at that school. Manchester 2 DEAR DR. I.AMR: My husband is 59, for it to me, P.O. Box 1551, Radio City ' MERVl STREEP JEREMI IRONS progressed to hepatitis. Since then I have Any parents having specific questions to ask either The following are the to 6 Lucky Customers! overweight and smokes. He will get Station, New York, NY 10019. had countless bouts of influenza, sore speaker should jot them down and mail them to Dr. angina pain when he exerts himself. His .meals to be served in the TOMMY’S PIZZARIA As the issue I am sending you explains, throats, pharyngitis and another case of Rowe, before the meeting or call the office,. 647-3342. Manchester public school . blood pressure is normal. Your you need to individualize, not generalize. hepatitis. I have even seen a specialist in 2 ( I would like to help him since he is not You and your husband need to talk to cafeterias during the week Fogarty Bros, of Manchester invite all their infectious diseases and he found nothing. 't-of Dec. 7-11: making an effort to h Ip himself, H ealth your doctor and nd out what nis customers to enter for the most unusual cele­ 267 E. Center St. Manchester probably because his doctors have not DEAR READER: Yes, people do have Monday: Hot dog on roll bration prize of the year. OPEN 7 DAYS CflROON cholesterol level is. Then adjust his diet !fi with 'condiments, potato told him to change his eating habits. I different levels of resistance to infec­ The Holiday Spirit Showe Itself 6 Lucky customers will see Santa coming ^ U P COUPON " " " *11 Lawrence Lamb, to lose pounds and lower his cholesterol stix, buttered cooked cab- will change my way of cooking, but 1 if it is high. To do that you eliminate the tion. We know that older people are often Our Wool Blazlorsr Suits S Coats through ^ e front door for a personal visit, COPY don't know where to begin. Can you give M.D. at greater risk of infections, usually 2 bage, fresh apple wolges, fats, particularly the saturated fats, and > milk. and g ift0 o r the kids! me some suggestions to cut out the fat cholesterol. because of medical diseases that are pre­ sent. :S Tuesday; Mexican meat I and cholesterol and yet provide a well- You Can use fortified skjm milk, nonfat 25^ on any Small I NOW 30% OFF '■ I balanced diet so 1 can help him? dry milk powder for cooking, the lean ;S and cheese taco, lettuce Some children in particular are low in 5 and tomato, Tijuana golden Ttt... I would like to .nt.r! , I cuts of r^ meats, the white meat of check one I SAVE gamma globulin, a blood protein that is CASH CHECK CHARGE • Torn, chilled pineapple ; DEAR READER: Good for you. You poultry without the skin and the low-fat I on any Medium I do recognize that the problem often important in providing body immune 5 chunks, milk. _I am o Fogarty Bros. Customer. until he has no significant fat stores un­ fishes (the flat fish such as sole). You defense mechanisms. I’m sure you have CARDS I begins in the kitchen. A lot of fat, der his skin. I don’t care what the pounds .IS Wednesday Chicken _I Would like more information on TIME can use whole cereal in reasonable been tested for your gamma globulin CHRISTMAS HOURS .J noodle sou(>, bologna and on Fogorty Bros. Services. cholesterol and calories are hidden in on the scale say: I am more interested in amounts and fruits and vegetables foods as they are prepared. Many level but it might be ■.•■orth asking your ;• cheese sand' /ich, pickle N om e______[ PI22A! 75*onanyLaroe [ BANDITS the evidence of body fat that most men without added high caIorie.s or fatty doctor if you have and i* it is normal. MON. - SAT. 10-5:30 breakfast rolls rate high fat foods and slices, Wal.torf salad, A etdress______PIZZA! have around the waist. Your first goal sauces and salad dressings. And your ...they didn’t since they are commercially prepared, then is to feed him low-calorie foods. FRIDAY EVE. ’til 8 S peach crisp, milk. I (oner expires 12-U-81) | husband may benefit from a sensible, In these cases, providing gamma J Thursday: Italian make history, they usually contain saturated fat. ! am sending you The Health Letter gradual walking program. globulin shots often improves immunity. Tel. FOCARTY BROS Before getting lost on the point about number 15-4, Diet to Prevent Heart At­ spaghetti with meat sauce, ^ T im Tt" C o u po n p Sr" pizza" ^ Such shots also often help normal people 2211 MAW ST. f A f GLASTONHWY 3 buttered green beans, gar- DRAWING DECEMBER 11. 319 Broad St. Manchester they stole it! ' the diet I must say it is absolutely essen­ tacks and Strokes, which sets forth the DEAR DR. I.AMR: Is there such a to abort infectious diseases in the early tial that your husband stop smoking. 3 lie bread and butter, ice Moil, or drop off at FOGARTY BROS general guidelines you need. Others who thing as a "virus prone" individual? I’m course of an illness or provide temporary S it Broad St. M anebester 04040 649-4539 That may be a big factor in his problem, want this issue can send 75 cents with a 27 and seven years ago I had a severe' T«» rggn wwAWpaf ^ J - cream cup, milk. PLEASE CALLTHEATFIE protection against getting an infectious m i The second step is to lose pounds of fat case of infectious mononucleosis which Friday: Tomato soup, long, stamped, self-addressed envelope disea.se. * “ 'toasted cheese sandwich. FOR SCREEN TIMES 22 - THE IIERALD. Wod., Dec. 2, 1981 THE HERALD. Wed., Dec. 2, 1981 - 23 Honor society inducts five Annie — Leonard Starr C> S-MfffBE WHOEVER “(W PY HAW, THAT ISN’T URELY-LOOIUT. COVENTRY — Five high school tion for meeting high standards of Area towns scholarship, service, leadership and LEFT IN om eE OUST WENT TH» PLACE.' A a ovEKemm students have been inducted into the Astro-graph WITH ’n’ evbkvtmns.' Crossword character. INTO TOWN T6E T FDOP OR yeeps National Honor Society. 50NIETHIN’, SAHPY. Dawn Ogden, Diana Redfield, -AH’ WHfiTS Christopher Fitch, Robin Weatherwax The National Honor Society is one of C o v e n try THIS THING Bolton / and Laura Cook were selected for the oldest national organi^tions for high ACROSS 40 Apologizing Answer to Previout P u d e membership into the national organiza­ school students. December 3 ,1 M 1 you've uncovered alt necessary STUCR IN 42 Vocal Family and ralativas will play tacts. TH’ LAWN? L 1 Stick on 45 Rent out A C E R U B n a u u Important roles In your affairs TAURUS (Aprs 204lay 20) L E E 8 A N 6 Source of 46 Time zone fi □ O D D this coming year. Involvemenia Make haste slowly today A R M R 1 metatt (abbr) N In which you become Immersed regarding business or financial M 0 E D E T 10 Antenna vice 49 Hoisted l i ] wtth kith and kin will prove very commnments. This b especial­ A B N E E L lu THE n R 5 T ITMUFFLE9 OOP. Kit ‘n’ Carlyle - ■ Larry Wright m 5NOWFALL ALLTHE FARMER'S PRIDE OF WINTER.' / o OSCES O r ENGLISH MUFFJ o o ’ ^THE WORLP. Lynn mounts drive against arson o o o uH, Well, i 12 OZ. Kt> LEAVe A 6 CT. UTTLe CARLy,. Five more fires probed PKGS. cumhenland farms 'A- Frank and Ernest — Bob Thaves LYNN. Mass, (UPIl - public property:" ri> r? ->>.OU HAVE TO B E forced occupants to be ANP iO, BlfOTHER OWLS, A)AY(3R /KdW yl ID GET TOSSED INTO VEIT/ MEAN AND evacuated into the morning Sens. Edw ard M. EtSOIAMN HAS ASKEP ME TO RUN MUCH /MOVE _ THE PENALTY BOX? NASTY WITH A chill. The worst of the Kennedy and Paul oi GHOCOLATO^^ Ht5> REST ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTy V/ILL ) WE' A LOUDMOUTH.] fires, a three-alarm blaze, Tsongas, D-Mass., toured FOR CHILDREN.' X ACCEPTED THE < / IT < VOTE left three families the fire site Monday and HONORFOR ALL OF US'-HAK-KAFF.i-) CO ST] ON homeless. both said they fear^ the DelDXEIceCrea IN ADDITION TO BEINS A TRIBUTE X U S v C T.' Reagan administration’s • Vanilla •Mint •Fudge TO MY 0R«A3».TmM»UWPKHMOQ The city’s priorities, ac­ City officials have posted I Reg. $ 2 .6 9 An arsonist set three fires in occupied buildings in Lynn, Mass., early cording to Mayor Antonio a $10,000 reward for infor­ I Coupon -.SO Winthrep - Dick Cavalli Tuesday, authorities said, one only about 300 yards from the area Marino, are to repair I mation leading to the rOUSey 19 IN AT THE BEGINNING- broken water, electic and 'off yoSEMiTE SAM GOES arrest of any arsonist in devastated over the weekend b y one of the worst fire's in j YOUR NEXT PURCHASE PAY dL. W EU-, AS CME FCSTAS-E ... r T H IN K W EtRE G O I N S DON'T FEEU TH AT 'rtOU sewer lines, and sidewalks OF EACH SEASON A N D STAYS THERE, Lynn, and a Boston televi­ Massachusetts history. Lynn Deputy Fire Chief'William Conway checks { OF A HALF GALLON OF With Coupon.' STAMP SA IP TO a n o t h e r ,.. T O tS B T A U C K l N e . '" H A V e TO BE AMUSINC5- and streets dam aged in the sion station has offered a under the front porch of a three-storv dwelling where a fire was set. Ten I Cumberland farms CN AW ACCOUNT. fire. similar reward of $5,000. people fled safely from the building. Gov. Edward J. King Officials are also concen­ ctt^sllceLImlifcivnn onaunw coupon par halfnan gallongaimn Cream purchasapurenaao offarorrar V Tuesday told a news con­ Lynn a disaster area. $69 m illion, he said the to collect federal relief trating on rem oving tons of L•mammmemoRmmm FffOCtIVO Wod.^ DoC. 2 thtU SuH., O f V * ference upon returning to King flew to Washington funds. He also met with amount of federal charred rubble from the Ix)gan International Air­ for a meeting with Louis Guiffrida, director of assistance would "depend fourblock area. We Reserve the Right to Limit Qusntitlet. Prfcei Et/ect/ve Dec. 2 thru Dec. 6. port from Washington he Presidential Advisor the Federal Emergency upon how much of the -C^HKT WA.6NT Ti^E . expected to hear Jby Edwin Meese in an effort Management Agency. damage was to private Investigators so far have Over 1200 Stores For Your One-Stop Shoppm&Gas Needs ^ CUhlhyXAk^TMIMt v> >»l « njoi ______I ^ Thursday whether the to have Lynn declared a While King-placed the es- property which was in­ not connected the five White House will declare disaster area, allowine it Hnmnpp fipiirp at sured and how much to blazes to the weekend fire. Stores Gladly Redeem Manufacturers' Cents-Off 0 emu 24 -.T H E HERALD. Wed.. Dec. 2. 1981 THE HERALD, Wed., Dec. 2, 1981| - 25 BUSINESS/ Classified Store Hours: 8 ana-9 pm Daily Fri.-8am-10pm 8un.-9am-4 pm Firms push for 'friendlier' cxsmputers

(Third of five columns) In Basic, you must write “ Let S equals 2 plus 2 Print If you want your “ letters” to look computer-written, you can get a printer for as low as $700 to $800. F’or With the “ computer age” rushing toward us, what can S.” In Fortran, Cobol and Pascal, you have to print letter-quality output, you must spend $2,500 to $3,,500. we expect the computer to do in two or three years? The different variations of these instructions depending on USDA CHOICE Your Finally, you need a “ program” — a disc of instructions computer is simply a larger, more versatile calculator, what "language’’ your particular computer to tell the computer: Act like a typewriter, the best of with a bigger brain or memory. But as the brain is one Money's “ understands.” You could write an overlay program that would let you use a computer as easily as a these programs costs $400 to $450, of the fundamental differences between humans and calculator. Why bother? Calculators are cheap. lower life forms, so it is with computers. Worth That $450 is almost surely more than your regular SIRLOIN One definition of the difference: Calculators work Sylvia Porter ’Then, however, we come to words. In one of the most home typewriter costs. And you still need $4,000 to $6.- with numbers; computers work with numbers — and advanced calculators, you can punch in 2nd OP 01 000 to be able to use it. Each program — to tell your words and music, voice, .color, action. .. . 2317272732 2 ND OP 05. Your display would read computer to address envelopes, to balance your Yet the most advanc^ of the hand-held calculators 2317272732. But on the optional printer attached to the checkbook, to list your assets — costs $50 to $500, depen­ can do many of the jobs a computer can do. One (the programs are stored in,the computer’s memory, telling calculator, the word HBLLO appears. ding on its complexity. STEAKS Texas Instrument 59) can, with small cube-shaped it what to do and when. “ Or write your own programs,” the computer ads On a computer, though, the instruction in Basic would modules of pre-written instructions inserted and run­ say. ■ The basic calculator and computer both work elec­ , be simply: print “ Hello.” In Pascal you would type: BEEr LOIN- BONE IN ning from a strip of specially programmed magnetic ” 2 ND O P 01 24260013003324223600171335 2ND OP05,” 1 tronically with electrical pulses (1) and absence of Write ( “ Hello.” ) Simpler — but still not as simple as tape, when hook^ to a special printer, do great-circle reply. “ In a pig’s ear.” pulses (b). Just as calculators advanced to allow written pounding out on a manual typewriter HELLO. ocean navigation or calculate the cost of running your messages, so the computers carry the technology to I’ll wait until the computers get more friendly. 725 EAST MIDDLE TPK. — MANCHESTER, CT. car. greater complexity. To convert your computer complex into an automatic (Job hunting? Sylvia Porter's comprehensive new 32- The cost at discount houses: under $400. With calculators, the “ user language’’ is math. Punch typewriter, you need the micro-computer itself, a dual page booklet “ How to Get a Better Job” gives up-to- __ (ROUTE 6) SAINT BARTHOLEMEW CHURCH New, pocket-size “ micro-micro” computers start at “ 2 plus 2 equals" and your calculator display reads “ 4” . disc-drive (for the floppy-disc programs and the results date information on today’s job market and how to take about that now and go up to'$10,000 to $20,000, including On some $200 computers, you can’t do that. You need a of what you produce), a terminal (combination advantage of it. Send $1.95 plus 50 cents for postage and all the hardware, firmware, peripherals and software. program. Depending on the computer, you need a typewriter/adding machine keyboard), a display screen handling to “ How to Get a Better Job,” in care of this ■Technology enables scientists to cram more “ language” called “ Basic,” one named “ Cobol’ ’ or (maybe your old TV set will do) and a prjnter. Cost: $2,- newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway, Kan. 66205. “ memory” cepacity into smaller units. ’Then instruction "Fortran” or “ Pascal.’’ 000 to $3,000. Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.)

Boneless Sirloin Steaks $2.89 ib. ^W e challenge Sibrinsz new veep Burrell: Most 2 i I William E. Sibrinsz has been promoted to assis­ tant vice president, in the insurance industry department at Hartford National Bank. He coor­ dinates operations for the insurance industry like 'black' ads comparison... department and assists with technical sales presen­ tations. ' FRESH WESTERN CORN FED PORK Sibrinsz joined the bank in 1965 as an assistant cashier and has held the positions of datq By Mary Tobin needed marketing help to also do what we can to dairy savings d frozen foods processing officer, computer operations officer, UPl Business Writer reach it.” he said. maximize appeal,” Burrell special services officer, and deposit operations of­ But Burrell has found said. ficer. NEW YORK-Ten years that advertisers can appeal A tall, soft-spoken man, BANQUET HOODS A native of Manchester, he resides with his wife, ago when Thomas J. to general audiences with Burrell said he doesn’t pre­ .wiETtipe >1 rte Evangeline Ouellette, at 128 Campfield Road. Burrell was pitching a commercials containing a tend to be the "black guru” PO R K $128 FRIED ICE major new account one of so-called “ black flavor.” of market research, but the firm’s officials said An example of this was “ we have a distinct advan­ CHICKEN CREAM offhandedly, "W e really the commercial for Coca- tage in that we understand OLEO a 4 9 * 2-lb. Box- 'h Gal. want to help ^ou and give Cola featuring a group of blacks and we know how to L O I N S ib . A WHITE OR YELLOW Todd promoted you some business.” black children singing on a deal with whites,” he said * 2 . 4 9 “ I politely thanked them, ‘stoop’ that brought with a smile. BORDEN’S e-i on > 1 . 5 9 HARTFORD — Stephen D. Todd has been packed up my presentation Burrell one of its Cleo Burrell learned how to and left,” said Burrell, awards. .1-lb. pkg. I SEALTEST promoted to software management officer at Hart­ "deal with whites,” in 12 SINGLES .... . head of what is now the “ Blacks related to it years in the business with BEST CENTER CUT RIB C C Q KRAFT VELVEETA ford National Bank. He is responsible for the ICE CREAM design, installation, and maintenance of the bank’s largest black advertising because they could relate such major firms as CHEESE Q Q ..* teleprocessing network software. The network in­ agency in the country. “ If to sitting on a ‘stoop’ and Needham Harper & Steers, SANDWICHES 1.29 cludes the terminal installations at the head office, they didn’t perceive that whites were entertained Leo Burnette, Foote Cone PORK CHOPS TROPICANA tj SPREAD 2-,b.pkg^^.Oy corporate services center, Manchester operations they needed us, I pointed and attracted by the & Belding-London, and ASSORTED PACK LAND O’ LAKES ORANGE ^Q^;. center, and various other locations, throughout out, they weren’t doing children,” Burrell said. Wade Advertising, 3 Center Cut Chops, 6 End Cut Chops ^ m Connecticut and New York. themselves .or us a favor by “ What our surveys have “ I grew up thinking as an hiring us. CORN OIL cnc ...... 60Z. Todd joined the bank in 1966 as a computer learned is that some adver­ entrepreneuer,” he said, JUICE 4 y ^ "W e never wanted to be tising that contains good, “ and after 12 years as an MARGARINE.....i-ib.pkg. D%7 JENO'S 12.5 oz. operator and progressed through the positions of PORK CHOPS ,7 programmer, programmer analyst, senior ‘given’ anything,” Burrell creative black elements employee I felt that I was ARMOUR r t PIZZAS (Cheese programmer analyst, teleprocessing analyst, and said. “ We knew we had an can appeal to all levels of going into a period of senior teleprocessing analyst. abundance of talent and society," Burrell said. diminishing experience.” TUB BUTTER . 2.,b tub^O-9 8 or Sausage)...... * In community activities, he is a board member of expertise to offer for This is not to say Burrell The time was right. E BONELESS 1.19 sale.” PILLSBURY OREGON f a r m s the Town of Manchester Data Processing AdvLsory believes black audiences "There’s a certain time in Committee. Since that time, Burrell and white audiences are life to do something, if you PORK LOIN M 7ft CRESCENT CARROT Q Q He resides with his wife, June, and two children Advertising, based in the same, “ Television is an doh’t do it then you miss at 169 Briarwood Drive in Manchester. Chicago, has grown from inherently mixed medium, your best shot.” ROLLS ...... 80Z. O y CAKE ...... i7oz^ I . o y billings of $500,0(X) to $22 but because of cultural and Burrell says he is always million this year and on'the background differences “ surprised when people way has won two Cleo ROAST between blacks and whites tell me how much courage g Herald photo by Tarquinio 1 awards, the advertising it’s still a highly I had to start my own GOLDEN YELLOW Tax book available equivalent of the Oscar, for segmented market,” he business. C FRESH “I f t f t television commercials. said, not only racially but "I didn’t have anything Town beautification fresh produce Burrell recently was demographically. to lose. The worst that GROUND BEEF BANANAS lb. A booklet on year-end tax planning for individuals presented the CEBA award “ Look at ail the ‘special could happen is that we Carol Turner of the Environmental and Beautification Committee and has recently been made available from the Center for communications interest' 'magazines — for would fail and I would be FRESH LEAN Any Size Pkg. ^ m| C D Eugene Montany, one of the owners of Grantland Nursery, check out for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies at the excellence to black working women, working richer for the experience. I the Australian plane trees which were recently planted at the corner of CRISP FRESH audiences. mothers,, singles, and University of Connecticut. knew I could always get a New State Road and Adams Street during phase 2 of the program GROUND CHUCK ...... I U.S. NO. 1 MAINE ’The thrust of Burrell’s homemakers — to see just job.” The booklet, called “ Operational Notes” is sponsored by the committee. The trees were all provided by Grantland. EXTRA LEAN Any Size Pkg. e ^ QQ CARROTS written by J. Warren Higgins, CPA and professor of business is helping such how segmented the He decided to go after accounting at UConn. It tells the individual firms as Coca-Cola USA, marketplace is,” he said. only blue-chip firms— “ We GROUND ROUND ...... ,b^ 1 ' 1-lb. taxpayer low the new changes in the tax law and Johnson Products, L ’eggs, “ We know our primary weren’t going to do adver­ $ - j 0 0 regulations will affect his situation to help him McDonald’s, Jos. Schlitz task is to reach the black tising for the corner drug Brewing, and the U.S. pkgs better plan his year-end taxes. consumer market, but we store,” he said. POTATOE Free, single copies of the booklet are available by Navy appeal to black r writing the Center for Real Estate and Urban audiences. deli savings Economic Studies, Box U41RE, University of “ We’re growing because Guide to weekend events WALDORF-4 ROLL PACK SWEET LIFE Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 06268. the black segment is critical — it could mean the The Herald provides a comprehensive calendar of f difference between profit where to go and what to do. " every Friday in the DOMESTIC and loss — and companies BATH ROOM- 7 Oct xmma 7 Q ^ l-ocus/Weekend section COOKED $ H 99 TISSUE o.„ / The powerful Bolens ■»Tir PRINCE THIN SKIPPY HAM . I 2-stage .Super Beasts 1 1 SPAGHETTI or ELBOWS;s 39* PEANUT BUTTER .49 e Powerful 5 hp or 7 hp winterized engine Z-l.TK.tNr. COOKED SALAMI .*2.28 PERSONAL SIZE HERSHEY’S • Big 24" cut COOPER SHARP IVORY SOAP ... 7 9 * CHOCOLATE SYRUP ....0 9 * • Tough 2-stage design for Beastly throwing power BINGO FMC AMERICAN CHEESE I. ^ .D O LIBBY’S ”7r\

Articles lor Sale 41 Apartments for RenI 53 Autos For Sale 61 Molorcycles-BIcycles 64 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING SINGLE m a p l e b e d , 2 BEDROOM & 3 1979 CM-400 T, Excellent RATES Asking $25. Call 649-4204. BEDROOM Apartments condition, asking $1100. DEADLINE available immediately. 8900 miles. Call 528-6849. Classified 643*2711 BEAUTIFI L (^n- rto-niniums Minimum Charge FIREWOOD - $911 a cord Security & references. NOTICES EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes tor Saic 35— Heating*Plumbing 46— Sporting Goods 58—Misc tor Rent 15 Words IMH.L UI.OniEhi delivered. Call 642-7234. B/W Realty, 647-1419. KZ400 Deluxe 1978 12:00 nooo the day 24— Lots-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products E.H.O. 59f-Homes/Apts. to Shqre BEAUTIFUL BARBIE KAWASAKI, fairing, before publication. 1— “ Losl and Found 13— Help Wanted ?5—Investment Property 37— Moving-Trucking>Storage48— Antiques 38— Services Wanted 49 -W ’'” ' ' ' »A Buy / NEW QUEEN OR KING baggage-rack, saddle bags, 2 — Pafsonais 14— .Business Opportunities 26—Business Property AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD PER DAY DOLL DRESSES - 8O4. Deadline for Saturday is 3— -Announcefn»*i’is 15— Situaiiori Wanted ' 2 7 - Resort Properly uO-ProaiKi3 * Bridesmaid’s Outfit - $2.75, SIZE Waterbed, never MANCHESTER - three low mileage. $1350. 688- 4— Christmas Frees 28—Real Estate Wanted opened, year warranty, rooms, patio, yard. $200. 61— Autos for Sale 1 D A Y ...... 1 4 c Wedding Outfit - $3.75. 643- 10 6201 Ask for Andrea. 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 5— Auci'Ons MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS______walnut stained pine frame, Caitol Homes, M6-5646. EDUCATION 62— Trucks lor Sale 3 D A Y S ...... 1 3 « 6452 day's deadline is 2:30 MISC. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms lor Rent ‘ 63— Heavy Equipment for Sale headboard, deck, pedestal, Friday. I FINANCIAL 18— Private Instructions 41— Articles for Sale 53— Apartments for Rent 64— MotorcycleS'BicycIps 6 P A Y S ...... 12(P ^a n tt^ u e ^ a n i m ^r a ^ ^ mattress.liner, heater plus EAST WINDSOR - two Sew-Simple 19— Scnoois-Ciasses 31— Services Ollered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 65— Campers*Trailers*Mobile padded siderails. $199. bedrooms, heat included, Phone 643-271V 8—Mortgage Loans 20— Instructidns Wanted ' 32— Painting-Papermg . 43— Pet$-Birds*Dogs •.Homes 2 6 D A Y S ...... l U T H E COUNTRY 55— Otfices-Siores tor Rent Rocky Hill, carpet. $300s. Capitol 9 -Personal Loans * 33— Buflding-Contf acting 44 Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property tor Rent 66— Automotive Service CHRISTMAS SHOP - 34— Rooling-Sidmg HAPPY ADS $3 00 PER INCH IQ—Insurance REAL ESTATE 45- Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent 67— Autos for Rent-Lease I TV'S • STEREOS Antiques and Crafts. Homes, 236-5646. I SHOP AL SIEFFERTS F e rn w ood Farm, 26’ HIBLES & BOOKS OFFICE EAST HARTFORD - four I APPLIANCES — 445 Hart­ Hebron Road, Bolton. (3 COPIER carpeted rooms, first floor. ford Road, Manchester. miles South of Bolton r e a s o n f o r t h e t s CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe Painting-Papering 32 Painting-Papering 32 Building Contracting 33 j A 3-k/! Copier, Model $250. Capitol Homes, 236- I 647-9997. SUPER SANTA Center). Open Tuesday - s e a s o n — God gave His t j i DeVille - 72,000 miles. 209, tor $150. May be 5646. NEWSPAPER BINGO PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR PAINTING. ROBERT E. JARVIS -j SALE! Video Ti~p e Sunday, 1-5 p.m. 649-0389. Best. Share the Best with a t]e Good condition. $2700 or seen at The Best offer. Telephone 742- New Game Starts Every Wednesday. PAINTING - Interior and Professional w ork at Remodeling Specialist.! Recorders, TV’s, Stereos, APPLIANCES gift from BIBLES & VERNON - heat paid, F o r room additions,' Washers, Dryers, BOOKS, 840 Main Street, (9 Manchester Herald three rooms, appliances 6800 - Keep trying. exterior. Commercial and reasonable rales. FREE during regular limlh Continues Thru Tuesday residential. F re e e s ­ kitchens, bathrooms,- Refrigerators, Freezers. HOLIDAY SUPER SAVERS 649-3396. g and more. Capitol Homes, Estimates. 646-3503 busineas hours. ' or Until There’s A Winnerl timates. Fully insured. 646- evenings. roofing and siding or any MUCH-^WORE! SHOP PEARLS - 649 Main 236:5646. VW 411-1971. Runs - needs, home improvement need.' GIFT SHIRTS (9 Phone Inquiries engine work. Good for 4879. Street, Downtown welcomed. Building Contracting 33 Telephone 643-6712. j PETS AND SUPPLIES Manchester. 643-2171. Most FOUR ROOM parts. $250 firm. Telephone There Are 10 “BINGO BUGS" PERSONAL TEE - Per- (9 Pleat J call 'Your Community Newspaper" Inturlor/ExMrlor Painting. brands available: G/E, sonalized Fun and tm APARTMENT - Special 646-7243, ELECTRICAL SERVICES PET TOWNE - Tri-City In Todey’s Herald. These 4 Ara WallpaiMiitajiJfl^DrywMI FARRAND Zenith, Sony, RCA and Sportswear. Great gifts for E. 648-2711 storage. Free REMODELING - Cabinets, - We do all types of Elec-| Plaza. IF IT SWIMS, OR more to choose from. and ask for Mark parking.Refrigerator, 1976.PONTIAC LEMANS - ItuMr praHniaail «wL Christmas. 1081 Main Part of Them. Roofing, Gutters, Room trical Work! Licensed. Call] HOPS, Creeps or Slithers - stove and heat. Call after 3 2 door hardtop. OCH 6 cyl. luseaaUi iricM. Fnt It’s Here; Quality Street, Manchester. 6^ fffi etUautn. M, kun4 Additions, Decks, All types after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. ! 3339. g p.m. 643-1035. Fair condition. $250. Creatures and Superior E LE C TR O LU X - B,uy a; L. MeHUOH o f Remodeling and Telephone 643-5317. 13 6 4 3 - S 3 2 1 Supplies at money saving Som eone You Love an Dogs-Birds-Pets 43 PLEASE READ Help Wanted Repairs. Free estimates. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLYj HAND MADE ^ FOUR ROOM EMPLOYMENT prices. 644-35K). ELECTROLUX VACUUM Fully insured. Phone 643- Residential & Commercial! COLLECTIBLES ^ TENAMENT. Mature 1976 OPEL in good running YOUR AD FULL TIME STORE Construction. Remodeling; CLEANER for a ^rist- SIAMESE BLUE POINT married couple, condition. $1200. Call 643- INTERIOR, PAINTING, 6017.______mas Gitt. Call: 646-3875. AN OLD FASHIONED S KITTENS for sale. 11 Claitlllad ads ara taken Help Wanted CLERK Needed for local 7- home improvementsv ai MANCHESTER PET R idgew ood Street. No 6840. 13 over ten years experience, > CHRISTMAS dt theS® weeks old. Have had 1st over Ilia phone aa a con- Eleven Food Store. Some LEON CIEZSYNSKI ditions, bathroom & CENTER — Good Quality appliances. $225. Security. low rates and senior citizen LOVABLE ABANDONED VILLAGE CHARM YARN t® shots. Call 646-5584 EDUCATIONAL REP - cashier, retail experience BUILDER. New homes, kitchen remodeling and Advice make good 643-5873. vanlenca. The Herald la discounts. 643-9980. BARN — with handmade between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Outstanding opportunity helpful. Benefits include additions, remodeling, rec roofing, siding, repairs sense. Are you paying too KITTENS rasponalbla for only one In- gitisgifts andana decorationsaecorations by 1 weekdays or anytime for experienced sales per­ insurance, credit union and rooms, garages, kitchens door & window replace much for your pet MANCHESTER - Six corroct Inaertlon and then INTERIOR AND CAN Y O U GIVE A local1 craftscraftsman plus craf- j weekends, 1972 VOLKSWAGEN - son to represent Phoenix profit sharing. Apply in remodeled, ceilings, bath ment and alterations. 64fr supplies? Stop in — it will rooms, first floor duplex. only to the alza of tl]p EXTERIOR painting, LOVABLE ABANDONED Ung supplii supplies. 133 Spruce 1 Good condition. Asking PHOTO-GUIDE Institute of Technology person: at 71 Hartford tile, dormers, roofing. 1379 be worthwhile. M ixed Carpet, appliances, $325 original Inaertlon. Errora. oaper hanging. Carpentry Kitten or Cat a home for Street, Manchester.' 649-! FREE TO GOOD HOME - $900. Call 649-4204 after 4 PA’HERN \ recruiting students for Turnpike, Tolland. EOE. Residential or commer­ breed puppies, tropical and per month, security. which do nol leaaon tho Work. Fully insured. J.P. the Holidays — 633-6581, 9699. German short haired p.m. technical training. Com­ cial. 649-4291. N.R. CYR BUILDINcj goldfish, parakeets, Utilities not included. No valua of the advartlaomont Lewis & Son, 649-9658. 342-0571. pointer. Three years 'old. PARTS’ DEPARTMENT COMPANY - New homes) canaries, finches, small pets. Telephone 739-4113, mission. Choice of o o d with ctiil 1967 FORD LTD: Good will not bo corrected by an PERSON to handle D ESIG N KITCHENS, dry wall. Will assist in animals. 687 Main Street. THE CALICO PATCH - territories available. Call PROFESSIONAL GAMES-TOYSCRAFTS elephone 643-2954. running condition, body additional Inaertlon. ordering, receiving and financing at 10 percent inf (1-203 ) 649-W3. Gift wrap­ 210 Pine Street, f Homes lor Rent 54 today, for interview, 602- PAINTING - Interior and cabinets, vanities, counter good. Asking $600 or best shipping parts and other ping and lay-a-way plan HOBBY HUT - 281 Manchester. 646-6408. A 2 244-8111, Mr. Terry exlerior. Commercial and tops, kitchen cabinet fronts terest for complete adj always available. Oakland Road (Rt. 30) Unique Little Quilt. Shop Musical Instruments 44 offer. Telephone 646-.8390. 8376 McKinney. 2555-E. Univer­ related work. Call for ap­ residential. F r e e e s ­ custom woodworking, ditions, remodeling, reej 456V2 MAIN STREET - six 24".32" South Windsor, CT. (203) featuring everything for iBaurhrslrr sity Dr . Phoenix, Ariz. pointment, Hobart Cor­ timates. Fully insured. 646- colonial reproductions. rooms, garages, decks. 643f rooms, $400. plus utilities. SPORTING GOODS 644-2355. Gift certificates today’s quilter and more! ORGAN - Baldwin 130 En­ 85034. poration, 523-8222. 4879, J.P. Lewis 649-9658. 9743. I No appliances. Tenant in­ Great wardrobe builders available - Visa and Gifts and gift certificates, core. Phatom fingers, surance. Security. 646-2426 w . . . easy-to-sew skirts in CHRISTMAS CHEER! piano on both manuals. 700 Hrrali'i PART TIME - Work at PART TIME Mastercard accepted. Christmas prints, trims, weekdays. two lengths, for day or 23 Homes For Sale ^ White Stag Clothing, Foot Leslie speakers. Excellent evening:; summer or home on the phone ser­ MECHANICALLY Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale MODELS, TRAINS, patterns, kits, books, W Joy Golf Shoes and All condition. 649-0430. , winter. vicing our customers in INCLINED person to at­ Games, telesc(mes and strawberry shortcake EAST HARTFORD - 7 Sports Eouipment. microscopes. ’Tuesday, cutouts, and a large selec­ No. 8376 with l*hoto- your area. Telephone 456- tend automatic pin setting NASSIFF ARMS, 991 Main Room, 3-4 Bedrooms, IV2 Lost and Found 1 Thursday, and Friday: tion of fabrics and Antiques 48 Guide is in Sizes 24" to 0876 or 528-6631. equipment 2 or 3 evenings 2 Street, Manchester - baths, stove, refrigerator, per week’ including one Noon - 9 p.m., Saturday 10- supplies. washer, dryer, fireplace, 32". Waist 25'', . . . long I.O.ST; Brown striped cat, 6. DON’T FORGET - Reconditioned Qsb savers skirt, 3*^ yards 64-inch; INSPECTOR - Must have weekend shift. Must be 18 garage, near buslines, short, 1 % yards. male, one year old. Maple experience with air-craft years of age. Apply OUTER-WEAR TH E BITTERSWEET ANTIQUE SHOW AND stores, schools, churches. "We Buy, Sell Street area. Telephone 643- SHOP — Most Christmas SALE. 50 Exhibitors, TO ORDER, send $1.50 for each parts. Apply in person: Manager, .Parkade Jli OPEN NOW ! ! ! BASKETS & WICKER $450 plus heat & utilities. and Henair" patter’^, plus 50C for postage and 8565. SOLAR MACHINE, 757 Bowling Lanes, Parkade jJ “ MARKDOWN” - Items 1/2 Price. Antiques / Saturday, December 5th, References, lease, 2 h a n d lin g . SUE BURNETT Goodwin Street, East Hart­ Shopping Center, 2 famous Maker Outer- THE WICKER COTTAGE Gifts / Jewelry / Crafts. 10-6 p.m. To be held at months security deposit. T i m M o r i a r t y LO.ST; KKY CASE-Finder ford. Manchester. X] Wear for the Entire Fami- — Specializing in baskets, Route 44A, Bolton - 643- Waddell School, 163 Broad No pets. 643-870,3. , The Manchester Herald Street, Manchester. MANCHESTER 1150 Ave. of Americas call Chorches Motors, 643- 44 ly at Discount Prices - 30% wicker furniture, wall 7800, New York, N.Y. 10036 643-6217 2791. Reward. PART TIME AIDE TO WORK WITH to 60% off. Jackets, Vests hangings and bath SOUTH WINDSOR - three Print Name. Address with ZIP SALESPERSON to sell Autistic adolescent in a S| and Ski Wear. Glen Lochen accessories. Route 84, Ver­ HOR.SF’? OF COURSK! H Wanted to Buy 49 bedroom house, lots of CODE, Style Numbe' and Size. FOUND: Young multi­ subscriptions door-to-door vocational program. Six Get Your Cards today from: Mall, Glastonbury. Open non (across from Golf- extras. Call now. Capitol New »81 FASHION, with c o lo r e d female cat. Davis Family Restaurant. Caidor Shopping Pla2a; Flower O noun 1 A Lrlect .mocf^fion of REAI fOr?S \ervinq the gre^lf r Land). 646-6219. Monday - THE MAPLEWILD TACK to CASH FOR YOUR Proper­ Success in Sewing;, is with newscarrier two (6| hours per dav. Contact M,4nche9trf AteA w ith more •advertising expertise, Every Night till 9pjn. ROOM of Bolton is Ei Homes, 236-5646.. Declawed. Center Street Jack Peak, ROTC, 647- Fashion. 65 E. Center St.; Harvest Hill Package Store^ Saturday 10-5. Sunday 1-5. ty. We buy quickly and con­ filled with appealing evenings a week or Satur­ Manchester Parkade; Highland Park Market, 317 Highland St.; im p.A’^. 50c each, table, $65. Telephone 643- 528-1494, 1982 ALBUM with 16-page •••••••••••••••••••••••• 8160. large 6 room duplex in specifications are available at the Mature person. for office Beautifully renovated New England Colonial home or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- General Services Office, 41 Center GIFTSI'XTION with full •••••••••••••••••••••••• WHITE Manchester. Plenty of position. Typing, filing, LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen- on 4‘ » acres and over 3fi0' of frontage. Large, sun­ Heating-Plumbing 35 2711. They MUST be picked NEW TWO BEDROOM Street. Manchester, ('onnocticut directions. Price ... $2.25. Private Instructions 18 ny kitchen, fireplaced family room. Five privacy. $175 plus half Town of Manchester. BOOKS AT $3.25 EACH MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Knowledge of food service ,cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ up before 11:00 a.m. only. UNFINISHED ROCK DUPLEX - walk-out base­ b^room s. three full baths, Plus — a separate in­ SCHALLER PLUMBING- MAPLE double bed frame. ment. Sliding glass door to utilities. Cali David. 643- Connecticut Q-129-DOLlS~Old and New. How helpful. Benefits. Modern ages cleaned. All types WESTINGHOUSE Robert B Weiss, to dress them; how to make them. ' 2 Notice of Part-Time CERTIFIED MATH East Hartford Office, 289- law apartment. Great Value, must be Seen. HEATING- Water pump $55. Call 643-2386. deck. $365 plus utilities, 0 0 0 5 or 232-5682. TUTOR - Grades 7-12: Also trash, brush removed. YASHICA MG-1 Automatic (Jeneral Manager 0*130 - KEEPSAKE OUILTS. 24 1 Temporary Position Vacancy specialists. Also, and security. Gas heat. No 060*11 pieced and appliqued designs. 2708. Picket, Split Rail, $ 3 2 5 0 0 35-MM Camera f/2.8 lens, POSITION: Developmental Learning Tutor, Educational PSAT, SAT preparation & Wolverton Agency remodeling service or SOLIGAR TELEPHOTO pets. Available December RESPONSIBLE FEMALE Math enrichment. Yo Stockade Fences installed. new,, good condition, $50. Assistant (17 hours per week) ' THIRD SHIFT CASHIER Your repairs. FREE lens for Cannon cameras. 15. Telephone 643-2598. ROOMMATE to share two home. 649-5453. 528-0670. Three old model train QUALIFICATIONS; Bachelor's Degree in English or Education plus diversified duties. 649-2813 ESTIMATES. 649-4266. 80MM to 230MM. $75. bedroom duplex with with emphasis on reading/writing remedia­ engines, Lionel. Telephone MU M I Apply Buckingham AM- LICENSED DAY CARE 647-9881. Telephone 646-6727. MANCHESTER - Attrac­ same. Country setting, 10 PUBLK' HKARINt; tion. W.H. PREUSS tive 4 room apartment, minutes from Vernon Cir­ HOABD OF DIHECTOHS EQUIVALENCIES; Applicants who do not meet the stated PM, 2088 Hebron Avenue, MANCHESTER E.H.O. HOME - Will watch your Household Goods 40 Glastonbury, CT. MANCHESTER CRAFT FAIR - Wesley stove, paneling. cle. Telephone 646-8037. TOWN OF MANniKSTKH. CONNKCTICUT minimum qualifications but who believe they child or infant days. Call SONS SNOWBLOWER OLD Notice IS hereby given th;it the Boiirti ol l)ire4’l>••••••••••••••••• delivered. Cut and split Inc property owned by the Town of Manchester on the .south side ol 8190 anytime. $^. 649-9057'after 5:30 p.m. Tolland Turnpike ’ . after January 1982. El?. 8reen ot Twin Arttctaa for Sate 41 $105 per cord delivered. parking, quiet location, AUTO LEASING RENTA I, later than December 28. 1961 Hills Golf Cour»> A must see home. $71,900. PROPOSED ORDINANCE • To convey lo Economy I'.leclnc Supply, Knowledge of A.R., In­ 79,000 4 Br. Cape, nice After 5 p.m. telephone 646- neat. No pets. 649-5635 or - Oldies But Goodies M&M P&H, Manchester MOVING - Household fur­ 7621. 871-0464. Limited. Rent-A-Car, Inc proptTly owni’d by the Town of Manchester oh the west side ol surance, & Practice Con­ TWO SNOW TIRES G78-15 Oakland Street 649-2871. Small repairs, nishings, artificial Christ­ SIMPSON No. 260-7RT $12.95 day, 100 free miles. MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE IS AN EQUAL trol desirable, but will MiR^ILL LYNCH REALTY Lombardo & Associates mounted on Ford rims. $15. Roll Top Volt Ohm meter. Copies ol the Proposed Ordinances may ho seen in the Town ('lcrk > Of- remodeling, heating, mas tree 5’; $15. Four SEASONED' FIREWOOD - Automobiles bought, sold, liec during business hours OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND ADHERES TO THE train. Send resume to Dr. BARROWS CO. CB Home baseantenna (VOM). in original caMon. MANCHESTER - Two baths, kitchens and water drawer desk, good condi­ rented. 323 Center Street, Halt'd al Manchester. Cun'igctinil this 24lli day ol November. 1981 PRINCIPLES OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Brahm, 41 Hebron Ave., 649-4003 with cable. $25. Telephone Custom cut 12-16-24 inch bedrooms, basement, near 359 Burnside he. EM 299-6891 heaters, Free estimates! tion. $50. Please telephone Never used. $90. Telephone Manchester. Telephone James R. McCavanagh. Secretary Glastonbury. Conn. 060,33. 649-6238. 843-9934 after 5 p.m. $50 per one half cord. busline. $%50. Capitol 647-9058. tSellverivI Incalty. 875-7309 Homes 2 .3 6 -5 6 4 8 647-0908, Ask for Bill. Board (jf Directors