HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 8-7-71 8-7-71 6 3 at 0506 a-tOURGlJ.\SS 0.2 at 1130 5 4 at 1730 o 4 at 2324

-7nT 1 2 N.~ ZQQ7 KWAJALEIN I MARSHALL ISLANDS Friday J ]lugus t 6. 1971 1;~7;r1p'':;'injj;ee;"il~5'5JiEclipse Seen from Returning Apollo Spaceship MOSCOW (UPI) -- The SaVlet Dnlon to- day dlsclosed the name of the man who SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) -- Apollo IS's astronauts sped unerrlogly on the deslgned Its moon rover, the Lunokhod last lap of the~r mIllIon and a quarter mIle odyssey to the moon toddy an~ ret 1, three days after hId death. a ring-slae s~at for e heavenly eclIpse as on~ last SCIentifIC bonus He was GeorgI Babakin, 56, whose Almost halfway howe from the moo~. DavId R. Scott, James B IrwIn and Alfred obItuary Tuesday was SIgned by the M. ~Drden spe~t IDDst of their day packIng away tpeir lunar treasure -- mo~rly leadIng Sovlet trolka, other members 170 pounds of rocks -- so it wouldn't fly loose in Endeavour's cablo on splash- of the PolLtburo and lum1narles of do~~ tOfficrrow the sClentiflc community But they too~ time Out to pOInt theit color televlsl0n cawera at & total luner The Sovlet press at the tlme de- ecllpse causea ~ren tre earth passes between the sun and scnbed Babakln only as a man "who The Sl..n also \o:lll be partially block~ made a great contrLbutlon to the de- ed out durlng that time, but the astro- velopment of cosmlC technology II nauts were not expected to look at ito and lndlcated he had also worked on The cre", also planned to hold a 30- i the Lunokhod and the Venus probe minute nevs cDnference from ~pace which Today Komsomolskaya Pravda 1dent- wlil be tLleV18ea ~lth rep0rterh ' ques- Ifled Babakln as "one of the creators tlonh beu.g raCiioec.: to them starting at Iof the Lunokhod " 4 pIT: luT. : The newspaper of the Communlst The rewS conference was set just be- : Youth League then went on to make it fore th~y passed the ralfway point, • clear he was the chlef deslgner of 122,662 tn.les, on thelr tnp back from the Lunokhod, the lunar robot whu::h tre mooI" where they rackec up rec , Ie-rille:=- \.lSlbl}­ It), wlnds up to 17 miles an hour and waves up to four feet high. WATCHING DAD-James IrWin, a, LS all enthUsIasm as By the t:Ull.e tbfo astronauts splash he watches hIS dad, Apollo 1.5 astronaut James Irwm, baLY home, the Endeavour will have walk around on the Moon Young James IS at II neigh- traveled l,275J 084 miles in space. bor's home m Nas~au Bay, Tex Egypt Rejects Toda} Red Philosophy InSIde (UPI) -- Pres1dent Anwar Sadat's In­ ELEMENTARY creasing show of Independe~ce and his GRADES' reported crackdown on pro-Communlsts OCEANOGRAPHY may strain Egypt's relatlons with the CLASS Soviet Unlon, Arab pol1t1cal sources VERY ln Belrut sald today. POPULAR Sadat has made It clear to the Sovi­ WITH ets that Egypt draws a llne between KWAJALEIN acceptance of SovLet a1d and friendship SUMMER and the establIshment of communism in BLOCK Egypt, Arab dlplomatic sources ln Calro STUDENTS sald Egypt opposes communism on reli­ .Page 2 gIOUS, soclal and other grounds. /-nke BU1"ke and Ma1"k Joseph J SlSCO, US ass1stant secret­ Kn~att ~n Recompres­ BRAIN SURGERY-Fn~lnrll 0..11 Hone)wdl" AE'IO;,p.lCe s~on Chconber 01\ hl(lll In <;t p~ III \UUl g Fll m..Jke;, d fInal adJu;,t~ ary of state, returned to Washington w~th Ilkllt I'n (he rlull I' IlpUllt'd lO hl\1:' gUld(d Centdul \\llh "fan­ to achleve an Interlm M~ddle East peac t hll! lllLlldL) \\hell It l<1unll-ted Marmet 9 to M..l.l~ agreement, offlclal sources said 1n GOVERNMENT CUTTING WHITE COLLAR JOBS' SCIentIsts Get Look at Mars I Jerusalem Israell offlclals Bald, STARTING RATES Page 5 HO~OLUIV (UPI) -- Twenty-nlne SClent­ however, there were few other concrete IStS, convlnced theIr rare look at Mars results from SlSCO'S 10-day stay In STORYBOOK LADY .•Page 6 wlll make an 1mportant contrlbutlon to Israel man's knowledge of the mysterlous plan­ In Tel Av~v, a former Israel1 mil1t-_ (Cbntmuea) et, milde thelr second fllght today over ary 1ntelligence chlef. H1am Herzog MaJ Hashem Atta WhlCh overthrew Sudanese the P a real success " statesman of Egyptlan polltics, and sald the Sovlets would almost certaInly The b1g Convalr 990 Jet was used to Ibrahlm Saaduddln, presLdent of the feel snubbed by Sadat's unsympathet\c take the sc~ent~sts well above the water SOClallst Instltute react10n to the p11ght of Communists In vapor of the earth's atmosphere WhlCh Sadat refused a Sov1et request to re­ .. he Sudan prevents most ground-based measurements cognize the pro-Communist reglme of A Calro newspaper accused the US of plan- of Infrared Ilght or1g1natlng In space Contlnued next column nlng to send more warplanes to Israel Page 2'- ~=====H~O~UR~G~L~J$:i'!iS~= Friday, August 6. 1971 .•••••••••••••••11•••••••••••11•••••••••••••••11.11•••••••111.11••111 ••'111•••11111111111111.11.11III"':- Yokwe Yuk Club Rules i. Oceanography Popular Class in 'Summer Block' i- 1 The YOKWE YUK CLUB is for members or those -:A very popular class 1n the se- .: visitors such as Ships I Offl.cers and Air :: eDud summer block for fourth. fl.fth :: Crewmen who have been granted Club prlvil- :: and sixth graders 15 Oceanography : eges Non-members are permitted as guests :: taught by Thetu8 Smlth. Pat Ruddock :: at private functlons only. :: and MarCla Polsgrove. Exclting :: 2 a Work-day clothing may be worn to the : held trips to the Shlp "Water- : morning and noon meals provlding they are§ town", the Dlstillat~on Plant and E clean and neat. A T-shirt or windbreak- : the Perry Cubmarine have been part :: er Jacket is not acceptable att1re :' of the activltles planned for the :: b. ISLAND INFORMAL is considered the stan- : course. : dard dress for the evening meal and after:: :: 1830 hours throughout the Club. Island :: :: • • Informa1 for gentlemen u a sport shirt : : and long trousers OR short trousers with :' :: over-the-calf length socks, no short :: 5 socks This regulation apphes to :: V~ew:mg operatlon of Dlsb.llab.on :: young boys and teenagers.:: Plant explaI.ned by Ge.'1e Detnck. :; c Ladles may wear Bermuda-type shorts :: left to R1ght - Mrs. M<:!rCla Pols- :: to the mornlng and noon meals Island :: grove, ~le Kessler, Sharon Benn, E Informal is consldered the standard E Mrs. Janet M:::Ardle, Clal.re Browne, :- dress for the even~ng meal and after :: Jan Hastlngs, Mark Kruatt, Reld :: 1830 hours throughout the club, dressy E Alph, Vlllce Gl.asolll., Peter Wl.nter- :: slacks, pant-dresses and other such at- :: bauer, Gene Detrlck. :: tue considered approprlate wear (as E :: deflned by the Board of Governors Min- - 5 utes of the meet2ng of May 22, 1969) are DJ.sb.llatlon Plant Vl€WLng ma- :: author~zed for Island Informal. Young dhiTIery of plant Front raw - LoUlS § girls and teenagers must comply w:tth Goldberg, Peter Graham, MJ.chelle : th~s d~rect:tve Marcotte, Kathy Russell, Katy Allen, E 3. a All food and beverages to be consumed on Gregg sao Too, Nancy Ingerson, and :: the prem:tses '1nll be furnished by the Cathy castelil. E Club. : Back rr:::M - Jl.lT\ Gevegan, Drey John- : b Bulk liquor and w~ne wl1l not be sold by :: son, Chuck Ponce, Jerry DaVlS, :: the Club at the b&r or at pr~vate par- =Chr1S GOodw~n, Mrs. Pat Ruddock, E tles IRabble weJ.nberg, Ira Gordon, CraJ.g :: 4 The Yokwe Yuk Club Uanager ~s responsible Hergenrocher, Charles Blakely, E for enforcement of regulatlons enumerated Brendan Geraghty, DaVl.d Benson, EJ<]lDnatJ.on of Recanpresslon Charrber E here~n and rules and regulatlOns promulgat- : Nancy Jeffrles, Ray ShIes, (;hrls- by:£<.( ntron Recovery Dlvers Gordon E ed by the Board of Governors. ! tm Farr:Ll19'ton, and Candy ~ergen- BnJTlfleld and Ibn Hoover to Mrs. E 5 The Board of Governors w~ll make known to :: rather. Marcla Polsgrove's OCeanog'raphy class': - •••I"""IIII.ll'I•••••••, •••••••••••••••••••••••• "1"""'II"""I"I'I"III'IIII'I""II'"III'"~ the Cammandlng Officer KMR any seri ous In- cldents occurr1ng ~n/or assoC1ated w1th the KNOW YOUR REGULATIONS Yokwe Yuk Restaurant and/or Bar. AROUND tHON BEACH fac2l:ttles are off 12m­ 6. Persons under 18 years of age w~ll not be 1ts for personnel on a bachelor sta­ part~cipat~ng ~n perm~tted ~n the permanent bar and cocktal1 tus unless an or­ lounge of the Yokwe Yuk Club. Persons 18 TOWN ganlzed recreational act~vity sched­ through 20 years of age must be accompanied uled through the manager, Spec~al by a member of the club but may not be serv­ Serv2ces or as a guest of a res~dent ed alcohol~c beverages IRE YOKWE YUK THEATER ~s off l~m­ its to all personnel who are not Thank You members of the Yokwe Yuk Club and to all dependent ch~ldr",n under 21 years The Management and of age Board of Governors THE BACHELORS' SWIMMING POOL 15 off l~m~ts to dependent reS1dents of

)(\//\JhLEIN &eIlOOL STIIIJ-1 the family houslng area unless par­ tic1pat2ng 1n an organ~zed recrea­ 1971~72 C..l~ndnr tl0nal act~vlty scheduled through Spec~al AUCIJ5T JI\llUN

CC~A "t~r ~~_~~ Washlngton Week , lot __ _ 90 d~ys 8 05 2nd ~O c<·'~r ~~. __ --"-0

~ liDDING QUII. You are SQuth, both SIdes I lumping: to three hearts Since vuln..rabl.. The bidding has he {aIled to do that game III been next to 'mpQSl;lble Change the queen of clubs t<.> ttl\! ace and E",.. "Duth Nortb Dble you could th"n bId thl'sSIblhty that probably think he'd agam to show the extra values partner ha.~ a worthless IIand II It can be done, However' See ~f you and the poslJIbillty or a game naturally follows that North can do ~t ThIs ha.nd he almost no I must ca.rry On to game WIth cbance for game opposite a min-I only moo",rale values ANSWER Next week Imum resp0Illre TIl"n! an! lo~ers It would be foolhardy to Ie.." all DVer the place and YQ\l CIIIlI . \0 thr"'e notrnmp merel} be­ $£)01 L '3H1A)i 9 ~V3d ~ be sure thll,t partner WIll make ICllllSC partn..r responded In your two Marta, let alone three or weak spot heart" This w",.id '~OlVIAV l'dVJ L-UMOa ::HIVHS 8 ,1.,111 l '~31S001:l S four It North h...d real values, be too much lIke tt'Vlllg to lilt ~Id V VI:l3W\f) C A'tU HS"t <::-"0):;\1 Sl:l3MSNV he would have shown them by Iyourself by your own bootstraIS '- F"'~i~d~.~y~.~A;U7·~U.~t~6~·~;::;:~)~'lf~~~~~;;:;:;~~lr~Zr;;~~~~~H~O=UlRIG[L:A7SS~~;=:;=~;~J(======-====:::::rI~'a~'~'~7==::1 p ~ 5D HERE r AM I'M GLAD I HAD T!ME To ACTUALL'fJ. iT WAS' I(IND It SHUT vP AND E ~===~ON THE aus 5A'l'GCX»-6'i lbM'{ TENTMATE OF A SAD rARTlN6 I'LL LEAVE ME ALONE/II RETURNING HOME NEVER FORGET HIS A FROM CAMP LAST WORDS 1tl ME I~ 'C-: ,1: ~ ~ ~~~9 E~~ ~~~w ~.-. ~",",",,-~.~~",,~_I .. __

~"!<""TY Wf-lATS THP ~Ive P1FFfnllC'Ei'? W C~NT5 I Z A R D

YOU ARf.- AMIABLe, 1 CAN 6E'£. 'IIJjJ,¥ TH&Y "Look you guys have your own tube In the playroom I wanl &NEVOL!5.Nr AND KIND CAL.l- '0tJ aJ~ FALMGT'£; to watch an edur:atJonal program" I CR®WORD---By Eugene Sheffer B C A

M o o S EI-.v.v

'II CAN KEEP 'lE1it IlOTTEN PUB A - I'VE GOT 'SO>\E- N ~ElitE Cl'SE T' D I:=:~ OO.P>MW/Ii'f: y C A P P ., •'roo SOUIIO JUST UKf NoY ~O WHEN HE'S CllANG1N' A riflE: I• Page 8 HOURGLASS Friday, August 6, 1971

1'''"UM,W ., ~l. and poo'v,uph, ..co_ Call 82573 mese If you have a home for one, ,.. "COp~", of ,o,. "ou'!!>' ..~ oU"Uon of '0" _«,hi ' .... 'a'''''d o".ln '""' ""'hocl.'. ~itlo"" app' v,l ,r 'h' o;o-.an.'n, Oll,co<, please call 82585 All are adorable. .~.'"lo1n Hl..n. ,""&. II ,0. h.", "0' ,",,'v.d ,o~, oopy 01 '0" HouTGh.. b, ~ U " Plexiglass aquarium, 25 gal with pump p..... oall S)n~ bot~'"o ~ 15 and 6 "5 om an. " an "".'" orrlof ,TI.11' GI."da Junli """~.o. Ca.... $5. Call 81568 days, 84516 after 5 pm. "BigeJ," a black & white tom cat. Su,"" W.'nhu'. Wl\l,)P~CT"" 5T.", Joat. Xin'" "nil "uo" l,.o.l,.. slightly battle scared. I 1/2 yrs old. GLOBAL ASSOCIATES Two ton Carrier a1r conditioner, new We can't take him with us, but can't compressor Sell at cost, $140, 465-B leave him here without a home. Call OFFICIAL Call 82472 Available after Aug. 12 84516, DATE DUTY OFFICER PHONE 6August71 MAJ Griffin 83524 Pack-out sale: toys, comics, Kwaj. 7August7l MAJ Silnes 83691 condit~on golf cart bag; card table HELP WANTED & 8August71 MAJ Barnett 82479 w1th chairs, plast1c flowers; muu-muus 9August7l LTC Silnes 83691 Kentron Hawaii Ltd has an immediate size 8 &more' Saturday morning, 10August71 MAJ Smith 82633 492-B or call 82438. opening for a stenographer. Forty hour work week. Shorthand and typtng The KMR duty off1cer serves as the Available August 19--two air condi­ essential. Call Joe Downing at 83232. commanding officer's representative tioners--one 29,000 Sears'. $200 and during other-than-normal duty hours. a 19.000 Carrier. $100, both two years ANNOUNCEMENTS During the hours 11 30 to 12 30. Mon­ old. Drapes & curtains for two-story days tnrough Fridays, the commanding two bedroom house, includes rods, $100 CUB SCOUT FISHING DERBY will be held officerrs representative may be con­ for all One l2'x15' dark green rug, on August 8 at Echo Pier from 3 to 5 tacted at telephone number 81419. $50 See at 402-A or call 83604. pm This is a Father/Son event Cubs must bring their dad~ to participate. Iu,f~ Complete aquar1um set which contains Awards will be given for the Biggest, 15 gal. plexiglass tank, air pump, Heaviest & Most Number of fish caught. MAJ, USA water f1lter, thermometer, air lines Tell all your fellow Cubs If you have Adjutant & stones, air valves, collecting questions, contact Jim Cute at 82638. anesthet~c, nets & other accessories. Will sell complete for $55. Call 82307. SPECIAL NOTICE: KMR regulation requires T.".t'••,,111 that residents desiring to give used RICHARDSON - MEDIUM COOL Four new dracon curtain panels, white, items to Micronesians provide them with Robert Forster unopened (for under drapes), length a gift pass (obtainable at the Central Drama Color 72", width 60", page 1534, Sears I sum­ Police Station) to enable removing the 7,30 A mer catalog, $12 for the lot Bundy gifts from Kwajalein. Food-stuff and OCEAN VIEW - DISORDERLY ORDERLY clarinet, $120, used dacron curtain alcoholic beverages may not be included Jerry Lewis panel, white, one seam, covers a double among such gifts Comedy Color window, 186" wide, 81" long, $8, bunk­ 7:30 & 12 30 ATC bedspreac1with Snoopy design, $5; 20" SCUBA CLUB DIVE for this Sunday will be Also: National front & rear tires w1th tubes for to the oceanside of Carlos. Divemas­ Georgraphic Film Renegade bike, with new front & rear ters will be N Bartlet~ & J. Clark. YOKWE YUK - RED SKY AT MORNING & rear fenders, $3 takes all Comic The boat will leave th~ lock at 10.30 Richard Thomas books,S & 10c, assorted snorkels, SOC am. Flotation vests are mandatory. Drama Color Call f3627, Guests are welcome, but must dive with 7 &9 AT a club member IVEY HALL - ZEPPELIN Vox J organ-U-304, used Vox Pace­ Michael York maker Amp • new, 80W-65 R.M.S. BARGAIN BAZAAR - Pay a visi t to KwaJ-­ Drama Color N~korex-w~de angle, telephoto close­ alein's finest thrift shop Bargain 6'30 & 8'30 ATC up lens Haze and l~ght filter, fits Bazaar hours are 9'30 to 11 30 am every Also Fight Film older N~kon 35mm camera. Album, Monday For merchandise pick-up. on TRADEWINDS - PEOPLE NEXT DOOR Pops Variet~es, Boston Pops Orchestra, Monday afternoons, call Dianne Liebe Eli Wallach used once for taping, call 84523 at 82516 before 12 30 pm Monday Drama Color 8 A FOUND SALTWATER AND SEWERAGE OUTAGE - MECK ISLAND - ANY WEDNESDAY ; There will be a salt water and ~ewer­ Jason Robards Blue bag w~th contents age outage 7 August 1971 from 0730 to Comedy Color }hckey Mouse watch, wlth wide red 1630 hours. All facilities south and 8 (tomorrow night) AT band west of the ~ire Station to the south­ ILLEGINNI - BENEATH THE PLANET OF Sum of money west end of the island will be affected THE APES Timex watch, with expanS10n band which include the following: Charlton Heston Black b~cycle chain lock T124, T977, 992, 993, S995, 1001, Science-Fict10n Color Softball with name Roi 1008. 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013. Tomorrow night ATC S~lver ring 1016, 1017, 1045, 51047, S1051, 1054, Three golfclubs 51060, 1061, 1067, 1068. 1076. Tl085, IVEY HALL MATIl-~E for tomorrow and Sun­ Several ra1ocoats, one ra1nCoat with Tl086, 1088, SIlOS, Sll06, 1107, Sll14, day will be "3 10 to Yuma," a western. name Mike G SIllS, 51116. 51117, 51118. 51301, Several sunglasses & glasses 51308, 51309, 1310, 51314, S1335. 51336, ******* S1337. and 51606. Other facilities in The above items may be claimed at the area may be affected Global Security wh~ch is located in the Term~nal Building. OBEY SAFm SIGNS THE PROTESTANT CHAPEL ADVISORY BOARD will meet Monday evening. August 9, WANTED at 7 30 pm. in the home of the Chair­ man, Mr. Carl CRoss, 203-A 9x12 or larger carpet--of better quality than furnished on 1sland-­ POWFR MOWERS - Power mowers may be ob­ good pile. Call 82465 tained da1ly except Sunday by calling Want to buy--U.S. postage stamps, mints. 83518 for delivery Deliveries are 1933 Byrd 3C perforated &1nperforated, made between 3 30 & 4 30 pm 1934 Nat~onal Park series, singles & KHON LODGE NO. 179 F & AM will hold souvenir sheets, 1938 Presidential ser1es, 1925 Lex1ngton-Concord issues. a special meeting at 7 30 pm, August 9. All Master Masons are cordially U 5 Air Post Stamps 1933 SOC green invited to attend. DON'T TAKE Zeppelin, 1952 80C Hawaii. United Na­ t10ns and Canadian stamps also. Call ;Dc:UP-,::,L"-lC",A"T"E;-"8",R,,I,,OG,,-,;-E - Sunday, 7 pm. Banyan CHANCES 83687 or 82435, Room. YYC Need a partner? Call Allyne at 82466, am, or Russ at 83742, pm