Public Health and Health-related Research Panel 5 Evaluation Division for Science Molecular Biology Botany, Zoology Panel 3 and Ecology-related Diciplines Panel 1 Public Health and Clinical Research Health-related Panel 4B Research Panel 5 Clinical Research Physiology-related Panel 4A Disciplines Panel 2 Psychology and Psychiatry Panel 6 Evaluation of biology, medicine and health research in Norway (2011) Public Health and Health-related Research – Panel 5 Public health, community dentistry and community nutrition. Epidemiology and medical statistics. Health services research, preventive medicine, nursing research, physiotherapy, occupational medicine, behavioural research and ethics, other health related research Evaluation of biology, medicine and health research in Norway (2011) © The Research Council of Norway 2011 The Research Council of Norway P.O.Box 2700 St. Hanshaugen N–0131 OSLO Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00 Telefax: +47 22 03 70 01
[email protected] The report can be ordered at: or green number telefax: +47 800 83 001 Design: Agendum as Printing: 07 Gruppen AS Number of copies: 500 Oslo, November 2011 ISBN 978-82-12-02997-2 (print) ISBN 978-82-12-02998-9 (pdf) Evaluation of biology, medicine and health research in Norway (2011) Preface from the Research Council of Norway The Research Council of Norway (RCN) is given the task by the Ministry of Education and Research to perform subject-specific evaluations. According to the plan for these evaluations the RCN carried during 2010 and 2011 out a comprehensive evaluation of Norwegian research within biology, medicine and health in Norwegian universities, hospitals, relevant university colleges and relevant research institutes.