Hi^^lstown, N, J., Thursday, October 23, 1873. Whole No. 1467

C O L E > 4 fe , uristocrAt^y, and ln«t it wna lUI done mentioned tlio Invrm winch she iniiuecily DOW k b k :~ lloctrj. without prulu or condeacotuinn, not na an did us. Tim. moat honorahlc part which ' j . T> e. RORBINS, ^ •^iTnSiico o f Ilio P en ce, effort nor for ihe.ahow of it—R.diis, “ To England )d:iycd in tho gniat drama that JL*; AOKNT FORTH* BY ID.\ ROLAND. * suRaEOjr, ,QhipthU6U)Ri!!r..fur,.taking Ackno.wledgement-jind EugUsh r^aders^ 1 /shuuLd-aj^iqiiugiza for freed IIih negro w’a.s the Tjiivmeni tons ton M ERCER CO. MUTUAL F iftH IN SURANCE Proof of Douds, TfK UAVU DONU ir VNTO ME. (SiioooBJor to D r. F a irb .n k ,) writing in this way; my uhscriptiou years afterward of a tilbo of what she .COMPANY, , “ I trusi, Mr, Tracy, you understand Oor. M ilnuifd JUshutown, N . J. HKV, RUBBtlT M.ttlLItR E. wnuUl bo severely criticised, a« giving cost us by her foolish aud futile mtcnu'-it- WINDSOR, N. J.. J^ZBON i[^_ '(]OLE & gO N , prominence to trilling courteslOfi wbicli dlinj; in his master’s f.ivor while wt* wi-re .from wliat 1 have suid, that your OrrioK Houks—» to 9 a. m ., and 6 to 8 p. m. I3pp“ Applioatlonafor Inaurancebyl.etterorotL acquainlmic.) willi my daughter must " Fftihor,'’ said Kur), we ask each day- with us aril malters «f coursu.” ' But for pouriug out all our wealth nnd life for the HightotDWn, Sept 21,1871 tt ______erwiee, punotunllyattonded to. the American market it is nami'-alW {A-op- slave. And now she lifts up lier eyes unto ccn-')*.” Also, Surveyor aad CoDveynner, andMastor Furnishing Undertakers ’Lord Jesus, oomo, ami bu'our guest; er to send over the beads, bUiukrls, und heaven, ami thanks Uoil tlml she is noi us ” 1 understand, Mr. ITolhorn;” and the r s . H. N. FAtRBAN K, M. D., in Chanoory. ap 1 H GGFKINS constaiulyon hand, such as Mctalic, This food bo pleased to bless,’ wo say ; ■Rosewood, Mahogany, and W alnut covered or wampum ada|ited to our ^ide cftniIiUon. we pablicaua, bucauee she asks the negro Kpcaki r moved to the door, hut paused as . Oraduato of N. Y. Jlo.lloal Itollogo for Wo- Polished, * And be thuu prosont at uur feast.' hi.s h.ibd tonchcil the silver knob, and rnonlM anc' Prof, of Anatomy to 1 rco Modlnil Do U KO >EOPLE’S EIRE INSURANCE CO GASKETS hamlsoirtcly ftnlshci according to 1 can not refrain from emphasizing lo mv to breakfast. tor Womon, will bo a t tllo roBldonoo of Mr«. 1). 1. feeble way the revureiied gontlmnanV tunjetl to look once moniat the occupants OP TRENTON, N .J. U\o hlglicat order. And yot tho Saviour dolli .pot oomo, Before the Uav. Newman Uail atrai'n ilutchlnaon, moral, and exjirossing tho hopo. that our falls down in adonitioii of ilm alV.ibilily of lit' llie room from wMch he had heed Although wo bid Him dy«,ry day '; STOCKTON STREET, HIOHTSTOWN, N. J., • oyFIOTC-NO. 30 (>nEENES;^I|ET3r. ^ American breakfaHl givers will npllel this his uriHiocracy to lie .lohihlf' .Sinijt'rs, l);\ni.-»hRd, and which seemed like paraiJis® ' Wedn^fiday (if oach week. Though oft invited to our Iwme, PATI) T’P (CAPITAL, ’’ ♦200,000 lesson bo lost upon ilhem, buit wHl here-; and rises up in rebuke of the “ low-bred, to him, for it coutaiued the girl he UtotiAPBS, of yfonion ^ specialty, Ho never oomoa at all this Way 1” TGTAIi ASSKT.S, A'A^rlllSt, 1873, 308,000 after consider all tho pers ^dvil(-vi to unreliiit'd, ami narrow hou1»” uumiig ours, loved. fob 27 tf S.S. STRYKER, PiKifrtRNT. Ibi ir table, whatever may :bo thoir rank it might he wd! f>»rhim to reiii' inher that Fur a moment there was a silence, CU/TS. SCOTT, Vico President. *' Bo still my child : beliovo His word ; outside, as p<|ua!ly enlitled, to courleay'; kt hrokc'i only by the ticking of the gilded C EAS F. DESHLER. Ask on, and wait, and be contuul; il his country had had I way there. C. V. C. M URPHY , iSsr, C. S. GnRKN, T r m t. that they wiil no longer, as heretofore, \yould have been no jubilee am) nosiug- clock on the mantel, that seined to Jolm Risks taken as low na any other reliable Co., Also, Shrouds, Gloves, Grn jio, (hishmuro, M eri­ lledotli not acorn our humble board, fall lo upon their own bro«dAmd-bxit,ler in' Tracy’s wounded spirit to be mocking him no and Satin, ol the best malerial- *'o's,, but “ our negro frieiuLs” \vo i!d still MAIN STRECT, HIQIITSTOWN, N. J. and all losses promptly mljualcd. Nor yol the message wo have sent.” stern silence, whilu gue.'tis whom iJiev wiili Its cheerful sound. He m^ut to apl-ly J. R. NORTON, Ao rn t. Hightslovrn. Wo call smiolal attention to the uew Gorpso Pro- he grtiidiug iu tlio pcisou-housu uf OrPiCE IIooRS—Before 9 A M., and from 1 to • Inquire at 0 M. NORTON’S Store. server,------'••‘••lylate patented by T aylor 4 (,’i have bidden bawl in vain Lo servants who slavery. lake hul one glance, but an irrgsislible Wo reshoctrully BollcIt'aV contlmAui'o of the pat- '• Well, then,” said Karl, ” tins chair I place p iwi’i* hoemed Lo chain him to thfe iepot, ronago ot the public. have weighed them iu the balance and In the same paper .which details t’li.s ^ An^6 toV V-M’:T--' - ; Fur uur Lord Jesus, »a our guest; while his gaze took in the surroundings as COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AH orders' promptly attended tc^snt all hours. found them wauliog iu rank, ami there* blauii hroikfast-juriy wo liml an account Perhaps this very duy Ho’ll grace fore not worth wailing on. Sncli prac­ of .Mr. doseph Areli, who lias jnsl come to if to brand llio picLure forever upon his J , D. E. K. GGUE Jk. G. ij-’,. G dl.E , Our hum ble homo and frugal foiiAt.” npl-ly Main St.', 11' htsiown. tices, it is well known, are the disgrace o!’ this country from England In the iiUe'-est memory. The (Irellglit llickeretl and liash- HOMfflOPATIItO PHYSICIAN, JJOUNT & JIMESON, our diningi-rooma. ‘ri)ev- do lliingn ditL-r- of her f.irm-iahorerd. Since breakf.isL i il over the Velvet carpet aud costly furtil- turv, and lingered li)vingly on the foriii ot Omce la OAW B* IIAI-K,, Plnln Stroot Wholesale Commission Dealers In all kinds of Tlial very eve. 'mid ice and snow, ently in Euglaud. In Eugland they |min parties si*fiu to be considered jiuhlie prop your tea for you, and lln-ii they amid a h-i- :i girl standing at a distant window, g»z- om en lioura Irom 7 to 9 a. m., 0 to 8 p. m ., nnd a t . vouNTiiV piionuci’:, ESTEY’S (Tho night wusdark, tlio hour was late), city ih England, il will not lie ihotu«ht Ilhours when not profosaloniiUy ter home to your newspapers, sii.yiog how impeiiineiiL . to iuqnin> nf ihu Ri*y. X.uv- ing out upon the night. Mad she heard 2lj} & i n MEUCITANT.S’ HOW, A struiigor stood, in want and woe, whet h.uJ been said V Did she care that Crnwbiipf O m c«.~at Mrs tlohpcoa Horgcn, kind it wa? in them-to pLur i t ! .\ml man II.ill if Mr. (»Lidstone, or liOrd G.ivet • We*I AVnuliinglon M nrltrt. W. If Anil Weariness before tho gale. 2'i dbor abov/s Methodist Church ut they did it wilhoul condescension, too, dish, or the tienn of I lie Queen’s Chapel he had humbli'd his proud .spiiit be­ IJotwcon Vesoy and Fulton StHmts. COTTAGE ORGANS fore Iht pursd-proud .(nLher und haughty I t o i ^ M. Tho stranger kimekod ; the opened door and wi'liout etrort, and nut for tlieshmv Royal ha.l him in to lireitKlasl and wept ATM JAM C. MOUNT. J<)aHl’U K. .HM'K.'^ON sister, only to be seoroed auci re­ Gave light, ami weloomo, wuriuth of homo ; ofit! This is truly llutering, to the over him on the ocea.siou his oeparlure U. A. DaWVES, SULUt EON'4)ENT A/l anlfirs received will bn jiinictnnfly at­ guest! This is tlio last touch of quid 10 this c'Mumry, or wlieiher the Rev. N’ew- pulsed ? ^ Y r^ r t h e Ho was unknowi’, for muiu before rs'l’, ami Manufacturer of Incorruptible tended tH. [np M yr insular gdod-lireuding ! ,,m 111 Hall lii!ii-L-ir g ive linn a liille Imich- Her heart, ho ku.;w, he pos-»e3?cd ; hut D Had seeu him go, or .-‘ueti hii-u.Couie. Wlieii the IMv. Newman Hall telU uh eo.. as he fells ns he did lo ” our iieiD'o was she luive enough lo cling lo him ° “j! t L '” oiIio6'nliat to' FRA SM OC li'S S to ro .^ >slil! y How ilicse questions proaoided Entrance on Main Struct, oposito the lJ U T C HINSON, NORTON & that the English ari.itm:r,icy Lriuited ” our tii'Mid.s” with a sioot English p-a-mnl Tiic children all throng rmin'l to see. lhi'ins’‘lvcs t 1 his mind In that brief UiU'^ersalistChuroh. „..,T^.rxT i .u negro frienda” “ ux.ictly a.s if they had anti In.s wife comroruhly seated between BODINE, nmmm And K arl looks on with wond’rhig eyes; been w(jite peopie in tiidr own rank y'd Jesus in dUgutsu I B 11 Uolborn, LIhy eldest daughter and or its lightness,comfort, and cloanlluess,is also Nos I0fi, 187 it 187i W.tf8t W ashington M artiot. Ills moral V-that L-ird Lyiijeton itinl .iutidee- Singrt.s but a liule wliile ago NEW YORK. Lord Cavendish and the lIonontb!o M were a (scareely) lower class linn Ilu* En­ acknowledged beauty iu society, sal by applied. An examination is invited. npt E tch takes bis pluco: on every sido R.s and the chief women not a few aciu- glish fai iii-lahorer, and but for tin; inell'ec- the ceiiLi'i;-Lul)le, lazily resting her head G. T). TIuTC!nN.soN; f -j„,„ v-„.i, The qnosiimi then ariso.^i ■' IVlioro ^ M. .SCriANCK, AniJAii E, Booinr. j allv'^adoplud these cloivd fiLinlunls iolo. Liveiiess of Englisli •interference, they ■ x)ii llu* hack of her easy cluiir, enjoying tlis ■ J oshuaO . N orto n , Hightstown Sliall wo a place for liitn pvovido S' or asauiii'-d them us hi longing to, their WMuld be the.same lo-day. ” ()ur lU'gro smif, as she called it, as somutliing quite lIlallT.STOWN, N. .1., May 4,18(15 tf. JUBTT.jYV]NrTL]. And ouch rosponds, “ The vauaut oliair T’ own order, to be received ami viaiird, to [liuicLs” Weill lo Ivi;ilaud for nioiiey to ah.Hurd, ami curled her lips at the humble € « U .N « I? fo i . O li A 'I' I. A w . be 111 u lied and given lii niim'higi', precise­ sus'aiii ihiir uinvetsliy. .[ns-ph .Vrch Hintor lit the diior, who hail boun si> notly ** Ah, now I see,’’ the orfilian slid, pleading his euiue ; still no movement M \STEll A D EXAMINER IN ClIANGERA TTIGHTstf<%5H V«uNo uAorEs' ly as if tlicy Were hnn nunnh ra of the comes t) ihis (unintry for ine.it to feed L X 8 I .N A R Y . *' My Lord could nut himself oomo down ; English pCfiMgeUnle-is he nuian.s t!ml, f I mihe.s. 11 is (■(T 1 ml lies neu rer life ihaii fi'oui tho figure at Iho window, and with So Ho has sent tlii.s laj iii.-itoail, M. J aUiTir, F.ill fi’nn rnminenc -.s Sept.. 1st. P nidls rc- he, means nothing, lie lines not iii-cuse ho T ovu’'* CO erraml. Tho 'a inao's fur an iiidigiiiint look at tho man who liad imivod iiL any Lime, and charged from dale uf en­ To occupy His vacant throne I’’ trance. even our Y l ’W-bred, iinivlimul, and nar­ wiimn he .speaKs, wim |.,|g' funilies, earn, Idighied his hopes for tho future, he turn­ R The course of.stinly eomprlsea everything essen­ PRICES FROM $50 TO $750. row souls” of vvil li-holdmg iVoin thi? negro,^ ten sliilliiws a week, amd •* im sliilliii.;s a' ed to licpart. I.AW O ,1'’ 1'’ 1 ( ' I '1 . , tial to the (iiofoiigh’edueiition "f mind and heart. Jiiiin P’ The clear voice rang thrmigh I I I I J H .S'l’O \V .V, N It IV .1 It U S It V . Yea, “ hungry, and ye gave Me food ; any thing but soei il cqnali.y.' From ihi.'^ week,” ivriaiii r.f iheir own prophets say. Sii.-el-il II Uoiilion is given to the ordinary, Ktigllsh the room and readied his ears. Ho step­ l.\ lIuTi’lli.f.tuN'a HI'11.I»180. loni; 0 tl tirain-hi'S. A thirst, and yo rufrosliod My soni ; point of viuw even lie. (jnealion whitji in now im*ans no me 11. ” 'riieri* is not an Kren.tli. Mu.«[e. Drnwing and Painting arc Semi for a Price List. Abso the old days of slavery' was so illogic-.dly ahle-h iiii.-d no.'i'o iu !he I’ liited SnUe.s ped hack, and saw Kai.herino lloUmra taught by ctiiiipcleiit and ellleicnt tcaehers. A stranger, arid yo did .Mo good ; ^mUNCi SlIANGLK, thrust jat the Abolitionisls heeoiiie.s, il who i'in not, have iiu at every day of his coini g tl ward him with outslrouhed BKV. WM. M. WJH.iL.'n, PuiNuirAL. And sick, and yo did m.iko M-j whole ! .Tun, 27. ISTd. not elegant, at lua.st, perliiir-ni, ” Would 11 '1 II ■ 'Viiiii.s iL and i,s vv.l ing to woi'k hinds, and it look in her eyes he cOiiut not mistake. As he took both Irer hands In crory child of want, each one you like Lo have ymir daiighier nurry a Fir It, and (hel'e are probaMv fmv who do .Tiistifb, o f tUq T’eaoo,' in a linn, lender clasp she turned lo her pOUDlE INSTITUTE. 'M A proxy fur hi.s Lord may see; nigger V” Are wu lo llnder^Ulul lhal the not have it.' A good .solid brcakfisL to a p U y m.illTSTnWN, .1. ___ lOiiglisli arislociui^y are m-eusluined Lo f uller who sloml (piilc. speechless with ” M’hiit to tlio IcuBt uf these is done,” lilieen ..riuehlym' Lnevi- i,.|i.^li,!;i,i4s.a- Wiirriiiiloi! to Rland In turn' longer than iiny fit fruLernizo with gronjis of wliile ainger-i week lainrers, besid.-s being a elneriiu: anl't'iiiMhinent and saiil — fOK I.ADIKS AS!) U t'.STLF. M ES, .^ai'.h my dear Lard, •• is oonk to .Mb ' SOCIBTY MEKTINllS. Piiino in (he market. Gives u-uadleut sail.^Yiiet who lrav(d urmuid the country giving “ Will you please stile, your ubjectinos IIIGUTSTOWN, N. .T. recoeiiilioii of Hori.il KpiiMly, would lie V, wlierevcr tried. ^ — lloiixr/iv/d concerts y I.s il lln-ir hatiit U) break np Lo Mr. 'i’riiey again, L did nut quitu First -IH N . d . WIND.tOll LODHE. No. .89, Tiilrd “ “ Feb. fi. einls April If). l i t sitjgiiig toge!li-r “ .John Brown’s body.” lo lionate to mvile to their hmiaos any- Kale, ytiu forget youi*8elf,” said Bdl, Fourth “ “ ' April 10. ends .lum; 2 5 . T .' \ . iiu f r c f : M octsover Uiitclilii.Hon'.s Hull, on I’uk.s’Oay I'.vk- and the Lord’s Prayer with li'ar.H in their one. mli.o'wist* siililablu, becansi- lie. is warmingly. NI ya of Oil ell wenii, at H o’clock. Keecs.s-at tins lIoUfLt ys. two weeks, from Dpcem- Il.X .X- V. WlLI.ls; “ I lliink,” said Kati', with an indig- iier 2 lst to .Ian. atii. iniMuf'ive. NO 17 N, 7Ui STREET, PHIL^DKLPIl - eyes y Do lords and lai|ii >», ni 'diiig eueh hlaek, might, the KjgUsh to lieNBale he- 0 jgrcescunrorrcd tlio last. I'uc.-rJ'I'd y I'lyoiiing. In !i M y . II. -A. I*KA r i', A. M.. Prliieiintl. oilier at dmnei''f’or the. lir.sl. Lime, part as caiisn he is white; y It j(. is low-bred., mi- nan'- i>me Lo her voice, “ that fiilher has cnen imnitn. G I;,l). i t . U h \ . N. l r. IVb 13 t G. II. P E iIUfU>'>lv, Sec’y. my2ti-n Throw lip the window ! 'Tis a morn for life brothers ,and si.stuis, as tiu- Rev. Newman refmed, mill narrow to lii.scriniinaleitgainsl forgoLLen what Was due him as n gentle- J' EWIS UE.VDLEV, O - o o , E 7 , In ws most subtly luxury. Tiie air Hall tells us Ihese gciidy parted from aiio'.lier race, what is it to discriiniiiatr lu m. It was ((■')/>•(’ tliiin ungenlleiimnly, /■'I O O o T K 71 a* li A It si. —IICGIITSTOWN it, was'•(•/(('/, for him lo wrench hiasecrec AKqillTECT AND BUILDER, Is like a breathing J'rom a rarer wnrld ; “ our negro friends,’’ wrenrliiug tlcmsei- ag'aiiisi ymir owii ? Why hIiouIiI lords \J LOD IE, ,N... 27. And llio south wind seems liqui-I—it o'orstoala ves away with manyUnd repealed fare­ nnd Indies hand chairs to mir strnggli'ng from him,, and Llicn repulse him us Meets EV EilV .M ).Nl)VV BVENTNO, in the Old HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. r LA. T L O T l , My bosom ami my brow so h.ilhingly wells y A ykI, depicting Hu* sad tlioiigh peasmUi-y, ni'id duck iheir own in a liorbi" h has.” Baptist Ch'ir-h (.second story). al7 o’clnek Jobbing promptly attended to, ami Buililing? pul It ha.s come over garden.s, and the (lowers social scene, are they jinrlicalar lo dub i>nnd’'/ “ K iiherine, I :un astonished that you Do-reo m ooiin's second Mouilay ovoning ot e.ach np in ft superior uianncr. ]MuLuSt. Hijx'litstown, " T lat it ki.?s«d am bctraycil ; for a,' it parts their fellow-guests “ onr white tViemU,” Il is said lliat “ our negi'o friinuls*’ are should so far forget your posilion as to act month- apl-ly Shopon Mercer street, above Dawes’ Hall, in this m.iimiT. I have told ,I«hn Tracy, OVER THE DRUG STOKE. With it.? invisible Qtigeri my Iocho h lir, or ” our frietuh” of any nort^ a dozen inlellijr 111 ami well-m.imiercil, wldlu the n p l-ly times ill the same letter V I very mueh and I lliiiik he undersLiuuls, that Lins H u t t i n g p r g .m p t l t a t t e n d ’ED t o . I know it has boeu trilling with tho ro.io. farm-lahorerH are conse, hniLal. alnl THE IiroiITSTOM'N fear that our“rcvercml hroLlu.-r if, labor­ bonridi y Who.se r.uili is thu.' T'-n affair has progressed far enough. Were A pril l. 187,3. ly J o Da ^ s a? i\’ V 11 L I. K i\. An 1 si'O ping to tho violet. Thi.'ro is a joy his poverty and connect ions not in the For all God's creatures in it. Tim wet leaves ing under tho dicnlvuiiLage of a lilomle years ago “ mir tiegni fneiul's’* liiil not W.ATOII, CLOCK, ftiul MF.UCER ST., HK lH TSTtG V N , N J complexion-, he will permit us lo call him way, his seeking your liand iu tho way Are stirring at its touch, and birds arc ringing own eyim their ovvu bodies, mid were for- » f C O N T IN U E S I') raanufacturo CH EAP FOR so— haj^heen drawing a long liow ! Fur lubdeii lo learn lii ri’ul. If in tni yeirs he has would be enough to cuudeimi JEM'KLKY STORE, A. if to breathe were mu>ic ; ami tho gra.ss Hightstown, N. J. KJ CASH, be il from me Lo »ay that the Premier ilid Wu have so treated and trailed tlnm that him.'* L a d i e s -A g ^ n t s ’ f a n c y nnd p l a i n Simls up its inodo.st odor with the dow, Main .St , op. B aptist C hurch. not intend to tli) a IVieinlly and liospiu»ble ihey an: now the social equals of l']iiglish “ IIiYw ahnard* f nani \iUiMUP.Glintlis. Uedallion.s. . u-'u.-. B-'""* ...... Pinsol( »i--' . A gomi supply for the R etail T rade constantly slnH!H«onst(Wfttly on hand. and bisters” Llniu it would h ive 'lone h id diHeise, whole familic.s in a single miser- Bools ami Shoes rupai roil at shor t no tice. Style, H.fcraiiil Eiiigur Ufmj.s of various p alt in ha ml. ^'7' they been fair-haired Briiish irouhadonrs; able broken dinvn room, wlien; they wer*- puing liiin /to Mr. Arnold!’’ sueered nil*llv.ni'i piid.W.sd T«a1. vi,» vw&, TaMoSp»<»'<, ...... I'c 'r y >-'opir« Ol'kS...... A oallfrojn my old riend-s ayid custom ers is ros ILdl. fi.tturos, P icket aivd Pen Iv'aives. Needles, Vlahti} TIkho wislung to purchase in either large Qinl that while erne eye was sulfu,'E,\SANT, sheep, ami swino ; jicrhirin all opt rations in a scl- Iloneyliounie hrowie-aling his parislijon- .Mr. lIt)ll)orn’B cold voice broke the S i JEWELRY STORE, cntillc manner. WiY hav(' never in our republic wagi-d a FARMERS No. 100 tVarren Street, Trenton. war for social equality either for ourselvi s fra bocanso tho father of (ive childreu silence. “ Tlicre 14 no use ,iii prolonging In Outcalt A Rogers’ Now Building, Lliis'interview, limve told you, Kather­ IL L SAVE .MONEY BY BLYINQ TIIB III n p l y or for tlie U(;groes. Wedemiuted for docs iioL save six jjeuue a week out of Ills BT GAIL HAMILTON. ine, that it is impossible.'■ .Sumo day you w H-IJIITS^OWN, N .J. them personal liberty. We secured for wageH of ten Rhiliiiigs, the Duke of Marl- V. MANNING. them civil rights. ’Social e(pialily never horoiigli ordering every man mi Ins estate will Llnid\ me for saying you from such a FLOWS & PLOW CASTINGS The1. UO subscriberBUIJOVil IK lil would H WU Ml calll-.V.i attention to. . . the » ...... new w . fate. A’ou have besn icared in luxury, .-itock of goods which ho has.jusl openednod nc.vt doordoo ha.s been, aud, we buliuve, never will be, a t'» ho lnni'-(t out ot h m.se and home with­ It i« very sweet nnd charraing in the and little imagiuo what the life of a pour to GutealV’s Harness Shop, cons(.stin,u of Gold aam ml Manufacturrh A.vn D balkr in Ftii.sT Class casus belli. Wo hold that ilu? nation out notice if he nnile.s wit li oiIut laborers •Silver...... Watches,...... Guard'iGUalns,^ ...... , .Medallions,...... , B Brea reas Uov. Xewmau Hall to optoi tin* door.s of owes alike to black and whit* protection in an ellort Lo get fourteen shilling .v week, mini’s wife mn.st be.” S. SriANGLK & SON. Pins nfovory .style, Ear'and Finger Rings, Mr. (fladaiono’i tiining-rotim, and t'ive us “ I am not afr«id.” nfvarious patterns,sllvor and plated Ton oulsido barbarians a lesson in mnnner.s._ to life, liberty, and the piirsiiii of liappi-, mid iho Riglii Revcreml Lord ,Bl^llop, ol i h g h t .s t o w n , n . .i . ’ and Table.spoons and torks, Gun lixtures.^^J ness, but that aooiarpo.sjii.tn should he GlonceRUn- recommundiiig similar malcou- “ Von speak like a romantic school­ Guns repaired. Partic-ular attention paid'*’* fURNITORE, UPHOLSTERY Not often, in this countrv, can we i;et a girl. R('membcr that your father is orio to-»!l kinds uf repairing, auil work warranted to left 10 adjust itself. We htdieve that it is t'*iits ill his dioci.‘.s(‘ lo l)o ducked in the Tltojr sell for Cash only, and for that reason will gliinpbo of the “ quality” at breakfast; of the richest imm lu tlie wesi, aud you sell cheaper than can ho purchased oKsowhere. gifeftailsfaaitlon or the money roTumJed. ■ Parlor and Chamber and for Uu‘ august-und imposing spootacie the duly of government to secure a man niairest. horse-jmmi, we are not so over- whttlined with 11 aensu of our own hIjoi I- arc — ” C EEL Alt WINDOW-llllATE.S A 8ASH WEIGHTS youclistifed us by the Rev. Newaian Hall, uimndcsted pobsesbiun of his own house, ^All kinds A Ho. 1 Plated Ware, coiniiig.s regarding the negro, nor so a;ved “ The most miserable girl in the whole Constnnlly on hand ready frfr use. sffiT C j 9 in a late number of one of our colempo- but that it is no. part of its mission t> 1 ,, l-ly , IRA YACIKR. thrust him into any other man’s honse.—• with Uh‘.siipurior civilizitioii of lln* Eng­ clly.” she cried, impetuously. Agents for the KIRBY HARVESTER, the rarjes, the Dord make us truly thank­ “ Mr. llolhorn,” said John Tracy, ohcapcxl Combined M-iobine in the world CHILDKES’S CAHEIABES, &o., ful I Tlii.s people is peiTecUy willing that every lish p(?e,age in iiEiniig Llioir chairs, as the i t . I t . I-’OU jVIAN, • They have for sale tliO colobratod CJUOUMBEU Englisliman in her Majesty’s (loiiunions Rev. Newman Hall might desire. speakingly slowly and with u great effort, DBALKRIM But while the sbeno is nue calculated to “ 1 am an honorable man, 1 liojie, and PU.MPS—Taaicless, .Simple, Durable, Reliable, No. 47 Gu.ene St., Trenton, N. J. sink deeply into our hearts and while we slumhi eat bis breakfast, dinner and Mr. Emglakc tells us lhal .Mr. Glad- and Iho ckc.ipest Pump in the world. 'f u r n i t u r e , AGRICULTURAL IMPLE ^B;'per sandwiehec beUveui two u.-groes, Ht«me iLsed to. he di-Liiiguished for a more vi'iH miver resort to anything undeihauded. Also Sleigh and Sled .Shoes. W agon Boxes, Ac. oct 21 Iv are devwully disposed to derive from it all MENTS, if lie likes it heller so ; but it is aUo pro­ than ommmi liveliness of conscience; I will not ask your ilaughlcr to disobey Having made a set of pattern? for the right and (he instrucUou yvliich it is intended-to you and go ivilli me lo St. Louis wliere I left CAM»»«* 11 • t s r T a .. for brilliancy of.tone and faitHfulncss to nature or marry him. TRBNTONj N, J, nor to bo o.xoclled by those of any Gallery in the pay a fine of 'fifty francs- But tho progress through tho world; thirdly, man's night, his brain was in a tumult and his Partis^ SRPp1i%nl d3i^e,,Io« Cream, Watetj United StftIjFS. French are a natioU of frog-eating sav- But the Rev. Nevi*man IThH is not egress out of liie world, and— heart full of agony. How powerless he ENLARGED PHOTOGRAPHS taken from bid Ices. Copfc^rtioneiriOT, O ystlrs, Acf,Ao. ■ ittraliegbpd Vhea^ nnd Rye, »*d hareyOor | Rgea. J " ' ' satisfied. Wo at our own' life’s hazard First— Man’s ingress into the world is was before that man, who ho felt was. his j y Onje^a promptly atten^ded ^ H ILL Dnguerreolypes nnd Ambrotypes, plain or finish­ The lUv. Newman Ilall, after minutely struck off the bonds from the negro, and ' „ * , Kyoed talte weH, ^ ed in Ink or W ater Colors. naked and bare. inferior )□,» everything but wealth.— •>. -■ . 'Vi Persona who have had Photographs taken by informing us that Mr. (jrladslone and Mrs. gave him the same right of suffrage Ihnt Secondly— Ilia progress through tho Powerless, because of his poverty, and my predecessors, can have pictures from the Gladstom*. and tjho two Misses Gladstone we ourselves hold. We claim no credit, wiiB more bitter yet, because hU EILESot HErfokR -rlOIDAL TUMOKS. U se iP^MBEHTON M a r l ! world is thimble and care. same Negatives at any llrno. apd( Mr. AV. H. Gladstone, and a mob of for we have done only that which it was I'aiher— Hush I did' his lips utter a, re­ All klmlA and permanenlls-- Price of CARTE DE VISIT EfT. $2 50 per dozen Last—Ills egress out of the w(»rld is no­ cured Vlilrnkt* pain, danger,. .TA« or 50 lords, dean.s, hishopt and other clergy, our duty to do ; but it remains true that body knows where. proach ! Lot the dead man’s deeds.be caustics or Instrupienls, by q “bushels per acre of fy ’ # UXlKJUmOTOii^APHa. L a rte hsaortment^iof CBfRiUMOS, ENJ^JRAV- GcmveAsed cohslantly and pleasantly with we have opened to tho negro,every avenue If we'do well here, wo shall do well forgotten. All his faults and faUiagstbht W. A MoOA;iiDLrSS, M D. A SON, T o‘ doyjilo fou r Hay Crop, use froiS 6 Kotl ton INGS, STEREOSCOPES, 4o, our negro friends, sat by them, took their , to wealth, progress, and happiness. What there. had wrecked the happiness of the tamtly, No. 2001 A ncn SritaRT, PiuLAnKLi>ni\- yier ^ore; applied on yoongy^rneein the fat^l. D*lclarea IRmuieH* in nil Ntylea. hands, placed their chairs, poured their I has the' Rev. Newman Ilall’s country I can toll you no more if I preach a were not to be meolioned uow. He bad BostofyioCorbncos given to Persons Uured. mr27 ly ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ■ - |i, .ji-> G. A. GRIFFIN, Photographer tea, till it would seem, as Sydney Smith ! dope ? We have Just sweated out of het year. mentioned it though. The disamce sUll . , ; ' 8l5Rn^G„?,HAKQ3^*E. A fB «, nv 28 tf eaid of Lord Macaulay and his learning, ' flfteeD neillions of dollars in atonement for clung to liiQi. M.us^ tliis alter ^ALLING, THE PAINTER,; n f . I NijJ. , that they not only ovorfiowed w^th ciyiUty, tt^e hinderances which she directly and all these years had passed, ami ruhl his HEADS, ALL STYLES, PRINTED but iitpod id the slop—after tell ng us that ■ with malice aforethought put iu oiir way A school-teacher in New Haven has life’!* He Rad not, fbrgutteQ her last hiB reipovod^Mg shoipi to Ponret’s Hall, on Mercer a t tho G azette Office Street, second door froth tliccorner ofMorrison St. f . efcAiOcaYU s', ff, •ven the liveried footmen paid as much when we were fighting unto death the just been fined for kissing one of hli words. They made for a Ub^ aU Ho Intends InYutnre to give hts personal attention Rtteintion to the colored lingers of Ten- negro’s fight, and she filled the world w>tb J . €• a A S K IIiti, 9ssp>ft a n k CHECKS a n d c h e c k b o o k s , to House and Sign pnlaung, uessee aa to the titled ladies* uf EogUsh her caterwauling becauie we to much as scholars agninsl her will. [CAincIudei orv/ourt/i I'or further partlen^^rs l ie emaU bills, mr 6 IT Biffejing KewJersejr. B Printed at the Gazette Office . Rroai Mtr SjMshil ^orrtippadMt,. ftod womeo io whf>M prioftiplee or pro- T ^ b N e w P a b t t N o m i k a t i o n s .— p.A.i'sinra? x*o*r.a.rco ;Htw ^jvvH lem ejsts. feMloo, ift recorded—impIftMbU eomitjr to LETTER FBOil'jffEW YORK. Tbe New Partj OonreDtioo OMtwttbft This impleoieat bai ttm tbft demon *‘Rnra?” Are they all ftt N kw Y ork, Oct. 21, 1673. Uaitftd Rtafeea HoteFTtieBdftjr eyvniog, la weltt««tS4 , *nd iir itfSBbta- FROF. WISE’S BOOK. ibeir poets f And where U the band of reapoos# fco tbe cftll which bad been pah- ceA i)y tfao|B..vho lMV« Mad <*TWBODOfl THB AIK P ' Ib rly jeM t’ wlMEtwv* TCoHea* (tt lh« lo^l Mlamitf 13 Obwti b Uqb TmtOnoraN A queduct.—The annu­ is elouds. Coti^lel* bieiovy oCBalloea*. and UnrvBoh iamtlon. Temperance people ? Are they too to he litbed in tbe <6en(mel and'Argue. It was it to aupidj tba of u al examioualioo showeil tlw aqueduct to effiefent FKalo UiggeT. Il how.jft.make F a ll oil T b iil- Adrtrtlfing i»Uf farn'ihttd on appliottfoa to found eac/i In his place? If so what Is cftlle^ to order by J. R. Freese ; Jamei. Ilnf llitidknts anA* H aiftrodtl iMaiioi. IHfr oA be'in excellent condition ; but if' the pn s- cohi bill es.dtceogtK and dara- Aaibea.. Tha MMOt i»taiestinj( and eaoiting wok- TU03. B. APPLEGRT, the matter ? Has the Rum fiend assumed llammell ’ was elected' Chairman, and out iDcrftaie In the consamplion of water bllity with •implieity and ame ever issued. Profusely lUnstratedi. s m c such a vast form and proportions, that Jamoe Robbins, of West Windsor, Secre­ liglitneaa o f draft. It is ea­ TO SELL BBTOND PKEOEDINTr Alpnta IligliUtofTo, N. J'. i« maiuLnined, the aqueduct will liefore the Christian tompcnuico army, is unable tary. sily adj.ueted ; to plow any should send on* dollar for outfit Addross T(K. many years, bo unable to supplyRhe de­ DAT PHBLfSHING. OGi,. P h iln d sl|^ ia ,^ N « « to meet and successfully oppose him ? Or J. Ti. Freese then staled the object of depth, nod' the rake bebiiid York, Boston, or (^ihago. o«tn> Am HIOHT3TOWN, OOT, 'A3,1873, mand. Its utmost capacity is a delivery the plow can be elevated or have tho temperance |>eoplo become par­ the meellQg. He offered a resolution of 115,000,000 gallons of water daily, lowered lo adapt it to difler- alyzed wjlh fear at his towering form ?— that a comniiUce of ten be appointed to Prospect P lains, C>CT. 16, 187.3. wFitia the ‘ eonsuinptlon has already eot soils. I d turniDg at the Oh that every Christian in Christendom noniinato candidates for county officers.-^ end o f row Ihe plow and front M ^ E ditO The pao^c Iiasoi .T^rr'r:'*:?01y000,000, gallons Tvoutd lu the slrehgttJ^Sxni-tjwti tlshls,' n. nfferod theTdltJwih^?’'^ wheels are lifted- d e a f from tho public rointl and it» cfli’cU felt an addiliooai aqueduct will be n qnired, and the groiMSp^J » 3r«D S-«f a his own liberties,, arise and grapple tho licsolvedy That, a committee of one disciMfleO, *and a'l things are regaining with astomge capacity' of 21,000,000,000 lever within reach. « f tbe monster in his vuslucss, and crush him from each Assembly District be appointed AQENT^AIITlfD; FOR OATAZDOtlK. Iberr former state. Our quiet Village gallons In the Croton Valley, a daily sup­ dtiver’^3 eeat. on resolutions. Carried. DoMKSTic'-Sawiiio MacuimbOo^ ^ w. YqiU il. was surprreeij by the nnnoiinceinent that at once aud forever. It can be done U An improremeat not shown in th* not oomists of a rod w o^ins in BliSiTWnofnh .o r the ply of 200,000»,000 gallons could be drawn The Chair appOluted as the Cdiilmittef bet 2 « i r ’ tshould be done. How many.will respond shore, by the use of which among long vines or weeds tho driver is ouebied without stopping to ft well known business man had suspend­ from the Croton River io addition to that on Resolutions,' II. G. Scudder, Lewis ed a notice to that etfect was made public and say it shall be down ? ■ F. ,C mover and Joseph H. Grover. door tho plow- Those who woutd sere time, lebor and expense in gathering their potato e.op, should DRUMMOND LIGHT 5 now furnished. The. cim^^lniclioD of an Mrf Pye offered the following : add this almost indispensable implement tg tneirfarm equipments. by a notice appearing upon his place of Examine Uiln benuUDil PABLCSR STOVE. It‘liM> additional aqueduct nml storage laiservolrs auino ui lary A D B W .—An occur­ Ile.iolved, That a committee of one from Aug. 21, Jm WYCKOFF * MCDONALD, Highlslown, N J. mica uoelow by tbe Chair, to consider as to the expedi­ lars. For sale tty scheme lately discussnl for increasing our the village of Calskil), on tlie Hudson, cents, but through the kindness of his ency of making a nohaination at this time, 8TX7AJIX, PETERSWr A C^, ' water supjily, and will givi'an abundant last Friday, at tlie residence of a Mr, and if they deem it expedient to name a sept 4 12w Broad and Noble Sls.,.BnilUw credltorb, he is lo be found at nsuai place supply of .wati-r, which over thirty year’s Abraham Post, a well-to-do farmer. candidate. of business the oause for his suspension, At about C.30 M. Mr. Post, his wile experience him prnvt d to possess all the Adopted. •‘ O A M P H O R i N E ’" bad debts-aud wrecklcss boys. and daughter, (the latter about twenty- The Chair appointed as the Committee ThS G reat Discovery tor the ImmedtaJe relief, and! necessary qualities for lln*^ health and two years of age,) his son PFIward, of ten, the following : W. 8. Berrian, < fe i cur^!7TSAetma7nm^?e«ro?ynr!^^57Ss7TRr7s?s^ Iluriiig the past week Mrs. S. E. Ed­ ^ Paivt.SlrainB, Stiff Joint*, SufelUngt. Injlaination*, and lequiremunls of our pojHil.Tlion. The their hired man. an Irishman, were quliv.l- Isaac Hcwlings, I. W. Grover, F. B. Pye, ...... a . . ^ wards, lost #nc of hor 'horses. .Slic had Bunions, Catarrh, ^c.„hc. It will not grei^se o r new Htor.uge n’servoir at Buyd’e Corners, ly eating their' sup()er, when the door John Clendening, A. S. Worthington, stain, and forthe tollat Is a luxorydn eworyfjamiiT. driven them to Now Hranswick, and re­ in Pu'man County, has been (’ompletcd leading from the main hall to the dining­ Lewis Conover, Joseph Coleman, Levi Thonsnnds will and'nnw toatlly to its great jmerita. turning home got as far ns Martinvillc. room was abruptly pushed open and six Furman. ® Try it. PrhJO pen Dottle, 26 cents. REUBEN* and filled, containing nearly .3,000,000,000 IKJYT, Prop’r, 203 GreenwR-h St., N. Y. oo 1« i w observing something wrong, had it taken nteu entered and rushed up to tho table. The committee of one from each w.ard gallons. Preparations for the construction Each one of the, scoundrels drew a revol­ consists of the following : from the wagon, it laid down and m a few ()1 anoliier reservoir, on tlie middle branch ver. and levifiling tho weapons at the l8t Ward— Edward Hooper. minutes it was dead, cause unknown.— of the Croton River, to contain .3,700,000,- head of each mCMuber of the family, warn­ 2d “ Theodore W. Hill. There i? quite a rivalry amongst farmers ed all to keep quiet nr they wWuld blow 3d “ Adam Exton. 000 gallons have also been made. 20.FOUB.TU^YBNUE,.NEW YORK CITY.. as to who raises the largest polntoos, their brains out. While five of the rob­ 4th “ John.S.'Noble. Boiikkeepftig,’WrUihjr, English Branolies, and-. T hf. N athan MuudkuCasic.—Lately bers thus held the five iumates of the 5 th “ C. T. Williams. J. C . FISHER &( S o n LAnguagfi*^ Instruction Da.yand Eveningj-termje at present, Mr. George Duncan has the low; Lndloa’ Hepafiinont wpn'rate ; Tcfcgriinhy .lohti T. Irviug, supposed tohavo iiidetl In house quiet, th(i sixth ouo drew four pairs 7th ” Capt Lewis H. Cressy. largest weighing Un pound and seven HAVE jyST LAID IN'a taught to men, women. hoy« and girls practicaily- Ihc murder of Mr. Nntlian, arrived in of new handcuffs from undernealh Ills While the coimniUees were out, Mr. terms retfuocd'to j(16; a g cca t demnnu for opera ounces it is on exlilbiliou at Davisons’ coat and in regular ortier snapped the Freeze staled that lie Itad talked wiih NEW STOCK OF THE FINEST FRENCH AND AMERICAN tors.. oet 1ft 12w this city, niul was inmu'dialely placei^ in Store. bracelets upon every person at the labhi many peo|)le in the couhty—a goodly CfllNA AND CILANN WARE, llie cell occui»iij«l Iby Koriv.ster last fall except tlic daugliter. The latter showed The political question begins to receive number o( Damocpats— who said th(^ time and the turn-key wu.s deUilcd to watch no fear, but wliile tlie handcufilng was liad come to make independent nomina­ Including PItEAXFAST, DINNER and TEA SETS, SIXTH AY. ARCADE its share of attenliou, the merits and de­ progri'Bsing gave i Iv thh vus such a severe tions, which they would support. A him. Shortly after (.’aptain-Irving gave CHAMBER nnd TOILET SETS, merits of the respective candiduLes arc •‘ talking” to, that' finally, becoming ex­ good miny Republicans had said the OSTERWEIS & WILE, liim his piivate rtmin, and inslrucLed discussed, and opinions are advanced lh;il asperated, orn! of (lie robbers slipped up Hamo thing. Ho read a letter froih Mr. MANTEL ORNAMENTS AND VASES, ihodc in Umipom.'y charge of llic Detective to her and S'lid r •’ Well, arc so Josiuh W. Wright, of ITitjceUm, asking awi SIXTH AVK. NEW WRIT. old Middlesex will give a republican FRUIT CANS; FRUIT JARS and FRUIT DISHE.S of nil kinds, Ofilce to allow neitluu- rrioiul nor foe to sassy, I guess wa’il h indciiff you too,” to be excused for not being present. Mr. majority at our next election. So mole have oon.itnntly in ntock one ol the finest assurf- iipproac!) him. (Japtaiii Irving evaded and the sconndivis haiidculfed the whola Wriglil staled in his letter that ho was in LAMPS AND FIXTURES. ITNE TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. mcnls uf it be. V. family togoMu r. iiichiditig a colored girl, hearty accord with the movement, nnd (jieiieral Novcltico,. Hoi»iory,. inl(!rviewcrs as nmeh us possible, and who enlured the dinuiMgroom at liie hop.-d that by it Ihe political atmosphere J. C. n S H E R & SON, Kiinay (roods, HanxiherclVJrfi',.tr.,. A t l a n t ic ’ llr.vucw. —W g arc in rcceijit when corned ndmittod that when hs lyft lime. Not feeling perfectly safe cveu wimM bu purili ul. Oiiitko uwnue.. Also, of the Atlantic Uounly Weekly licvioL'. New York to bring Irving back lie biliev- then, the thi'*ve.s procured a bedcord and Mr. NobD, on behalf of the Committee d ocl2-tr Onzciir BuiliUuK, lIKSnTSTOH'N. lIou.Bekceplnsr published at ALlanlic City by the e.liter, ed him to be, to use his own expresaion, firmly lied that luouml the entire family, on Assembly Noruinalion, said that they Dre^s Trimmings, and then one of them stood guard over had unanimously nominated Wm. R. Me Worsteds, ke.. Mr. A. L. English. aMi-. Engiisb Is a “ a fraud of tilt fii‘.-*t w.iLer.” 'i’iiis im­ Lite cajJlured group while the others com- Ilvaiin*. i all In clioico rarirtirs, nnd nt prices to suit tlic flmc.<. (hifl ami sci-u.’f Spoi-IaL lhirg!.iiiis,.whi(-h. arc dally young man of ability, and Ims stnu-k the pression prevailed till lie had had several meijcml to ruiiSiU’k the house. Tliey John S. Nol)le •ftdilressed the mntRing obUiinod n t iiiif spun-.. ocl2 4W key note of succe.^s in editing country interviews with him, but finally he be­ entered every room in the building b.ui and S lid lln-y met tiiere free from rings ar,u IXTll AVENifi;, NEW Y(!)BK; newspaper, viz; spicy local columns. came convincctl that iu .■ '[lile of the ona, lore open l)ureail tiriwers, broke and cliques, ofiico holdders or pot house ^AMES FAXTON, SAMPLES sent l>y in;ill fur 50«. thiif rotnil quick open trunks, and sinasheil locks on closets, politicians. He stooj there cut loose (nr flu. It. li, 'VtiL.'OrT, 131 OluUbum Square,. abominalilo slorlbS furniBlied to the rc- iNinv York. o^t 16 4w Midglegc.v.—J. ,C. AMigee. E-»q., of and .secured plunder in the shape of silyer- fromt)oih parlies, and sink or swbn, live porler.s of the S.in Francisco presa and waru, money, Ac., to th'-amouutof sever­ Jamesburg has been iiurainatcd by the r perisli, he was bound to act iudepeud- TMPOin’ANT N()Tlt:K.-W(o i-mplov por.-ons- the letters to Superinlend.tnt Malsell al thonsaml dolhirs. For over one hour Ollt. Main Street, opposite Baptist Church, 1 evorywiioio to wviie fiir iis. Good pav. For D emocrats as tludr candidate for Assem­ the Uueves rcinainiul in the house, stealing Mr. Scudder advocated the adoptitm of -itmition Hililrcss lYmit(‘dinti-ly, oneloslnu 25oeni< Dving had .somehow or (Uher olitained lor iiiHiructioiisi. lli.storieai Ilureau, Siinvillc blyman in Llmt District. He is a well wliaiever they cotild lay tlu-ir bands on in the rrpori of the commiLlec that nucuioat- most valuable 1 n tell ige nee inspecting Ua. - oct m 4t kmpwn business man of liigli reputation, tluj Way o*’ vnliiiililes. Tliey even ap- ed Mr. Mellvuine. .Mr. NiiUiaii’s murdi'r. Finally ho Iiad THE PLACE TO BUY GENUINE WALTHAM WATCIIE:^ 'in ilio day was nominated Mr. Lindsay woiifiLen-" ■olorod Jialr lo a p'-rmiincm l)hu-k or l-ro\Mi and l Oiif- George Dutl’y, who was shut while rob­ Init the most important avowal elicited [ireviona at the (’alskili Fair, uim) one of dorse him. Tlie report of the Commiliec t lins no pidMm. T.-od- siip|ill. dat low riti-s. Ad­ W.i.s adnpti’tl.. READY-MADE CLOTHING dress. MAiMcCoMuro.SpriiigtioM, JMn.-a. DC Ift-i* bing a store iu Mcrehantville, on Wednes­ from tliu scaiiip was that llio uso of M.r, Ihoin. r^^pli(! 1 ; ‘MVell, whutofit?” When 'lie g o t all they w.inted they huh the 'roe Coin liiLlee on'.Conniy Nominatimi.H day morning, was thought to be dying on Wasliington Nathan’s name In coimeeLioii TtiP Jliglnvsl ..ti-diciil Autiioi-ltle,i)se, wh'-n he slarted John S. Iltbhins was called fur and ad­ fur Cat-kill Village ami Kiel his story.— dressed tin; m(*eliiig. Tt arri'sts ilny ot vital for-'C-^, twhaiis:ion of tbn n'or- Philadelphia, his parents, who are re­ G'ssion from Captain Irving who content­ vous.«ys i-in. r slores viuor tothcdi'blJUatcd.eJenu- The robbers an- slid at large. A long string of re.soluLions of the usual SUMMER CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, W HITE GOODS, &c., It I'l Ut'l l)t')ofl. ri’»n follow.— resulted iiua resolulion' to tiko no aeliim 1 vvo PortraiU; an -Irish sketch, entitled until after ibe pM'shvleriaiis have voted EXTll.t FAMILY MINCE MEAT,, of freight trains should state the where­ Well U-.t it conn, the hand that soineiimcs A Ijono Woman ia Irefiind,” characler- .Vn arll-'le for Pics pr pared rcfidyJtir use, ami u on aending coinniissioners Lu the next abouts and condiliou of the trains at, cacli dings clouds ami storms ove^lifc’s palh- i-sticiil'y illuslrateil; a Imker’s doz.m of peri'.r to a.»y In the ii a rk -1 Suulhcni (r.'iu'tal .‘V.'^sembly. French Cekbritie.s, with Portraits ; tlie OF COURSE YOU ARE LOOKING IT IS THE BE., 5 N orth Wn*' we forget this Tict, when udversu winds nicR.—Seribuer'.s .Monlhiv for'Noveiubi'r ings; and (mother Soiith-CoasL SamHer Icrstieet, Pliilu. oot lOliw, waiting for a companion li) set out on a miiul wliich 1 suu now able to offer hl'iw over us, iiiml we lunnmir and com­ begins a lU'W volume. Edward King’s fi'om Moncifo D. C/onway, treating of gunning expedition, ou .Sntnnlay, stood at plain without the least shallow of reason .carefully ami profu-ely iilu.slraied paper I) irsct.stiire. A st'rial story of thrilling . POLARIS MYSTERY. his gateway, with (mo hand placed over on Old ami Ni-w Lonisiairn, in the Great interest, enli leil “ Tho Living Link,” hy Fully cleared up in our new and InKrinating beok^ ihereforo. If wo would but remember, as the rnuzilff of his gun, when it was acci­ .Souths riea, is rent u kablu for its calm the Author of “ 'riu; Dodge Club,” “ The. H IE ••FROZEN ZONE AND ITS EXPLORERS” reasmmhle and nepundenl creatures, that anil dispassionaie siau-ment of the actual American Baron,” etc., is commenced in FOR LESS MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE. Tlio »lmlesti>ry of Araffe Adventwro viTid)f%>fir- . dentally discharged, and a part of hi.s hand : thi* orcam...... of flity^lwioks In one sjileu IfhdI.ttrnyeii ho who liolds iho winds and waves in his Htato ofaffairs in New Orleans nml Louis­ tins Number, with effective iilustniiions oclIIVO on soo pages, nmat pr*lnsvly Illustrated j el was blown away. Sc;me of the shot also iana generally. Ta’o American scri.il by W'. L. 8liepard. In the Januaf^y Num­ el Ki’grnvliig# ; pejiUfl a'ntr cM-aiiftfi ol al hand, and controls them bv his own My Stock iiicludea all the most improved pallerns of Stlivcf, Ringc.i and ITcatora. gain steel Ki’grnvliig# ; pejiUfl amrcM-apefi ol all indicted severe injuries m the head. stories arc begun ; Katherine Earle, by ber will be commenced a new serial, “ My the Polaris cxew. 'this its not old hook, nor a preinateire oae. oct 16 4w mighty power, ‘’ iloeth "vll things well” Adeline Tniflon (iinlhor of“ 'rhe. Ameri­ Mother and , I,” a Love Storv for Girls Base Banters, Cook Stoves, elc., and I’ call espeeiil iiUeulioii to the new paUi-i-DS o' AdBNTS. ■Wa KTIH' ! : GIIKAT IxarCKMENTE j ! r. complaints would be changed to grateful (heaiuifully illnstraled), by llie Author of On Friday, some one smuggled Imlf a can Girl Abroad,'” ) In run through the JSi'iul foreiBcninrH nml tiRin.« to AlrTv.u. Pra. COaw gallon of rum into the Middle.sex county ■ acknowledgements. year, and the other, “ Eirlhern Pitchers,” “ Join> Halifax, Gentlemen.” Emilio liartft'vd, (Jl.-—Pub'ri ot ■•Idvlngsloiiii Lost iinilj by Robecea Harding D.ivts. which will be Castelar, who for two years hat been a Fuuml.”' , ool 10 3w jail, and the prisoners all got drunk, and News Items, are Bomewhat scarce this conclude.d wilhin three or four nnmbe.-s.— regular coutribiUor to Harper's Majpi.zinc. ANTl-CLlNKER STOVES AND HEATERS. inaugurated a tight. The ollieers soon week, no mnrder.s, no tluifts, no fires, no Mr. Froiule’.s historical sketch of an continues bis hnlliant seri(ts of papers un horse racing, surely (Jlasshoro has had a “ English Abbey,b [n h|ho here begun ; “ The Republican Movement in Europe;” TO BOOK AGENTS. quelled the disturbaiice, and one of them, LARGE LOT OF SECOND-HAND STOVES VERY CHEAP. PuospHcTrsEH nro now. itmtdy for our three new- Ofdcer Wilson; lost a watch iu Un: quiet week, not even a pugilislie eombat ana in Stedman's fterie.s nn the‘•Victorian and Charles N«>rdho(l‘ recounts the wonder­ b' vlr..: Poets,” lliere is an ndaiirahle p iper on ful resmirccK (if the Sacramento ValU^.v.— TiiK (}ii.C)KT> AffK. tiy ATark Twrnin and Uhnrlc.i melee, ami has not yet been ahlo to or in common terms a light, reported.— llcpuirs al ways on luuid. Tin Hooflng, Gutters aud LetuU-rs pul up promptly iitid I)., Wnrtier, lll(istrHte(tl>y Anpjrtdtiia H-oppIn. I he “ most inspired of wninen,” ITiz.iheth Thi-rc are two excellent Short Stories in EvKuviionv a KnrK.x]),'liy-.rosh HillHngs, lllastf*-. dud it. Hot vvhik? these arc f.icU that speak loud­ Banvtt'Br'*wning. In the saim^ ntiinber in this Number, ami l^)em8 l-y January put up rii'ht. toil hy Tlioonins Nast, and J-onqiiin Uillur’s great ly in commendation u f o ., Mnrtfurd,. for the better on our beach, nearly oppo­ Ptofi-ssor Newcomb, gives an interesting ber ; and the n-gutar monthly sutnmaries oat- ID 4w own ohserVf.lion and which liavu escapetl —Scionllfic. Literary, and Historical — site the Chester County House. Apart account «f the making of llie new great the notice of our “ Mayor” and lii.s vigi­ tetc.scope nt Wasliington ; there is an il­ are as comprehensive and iblerestiug ns of the projectioLi Into the sea has been WM. T. SMOCK, Remarkable Success lant poiics, that proclaim equally us I md lustrated story by E Iward King, “ Only usual. wu.shud away, rendering the bathing be,tier, nnotiier M68 in A>lava. sollimr. than immorality in one of its most dis­ Half a'V4 Vom ui a story by Louise n/H »o.n"u .'^►nrv l^y Um gifted soij nil tfio flir and bringing the ocean nearer the city. Clmmller Moulton, “ Fur Pislinie and A new nov^i by Chri.stian R-dd, Opposite the First National Bank. ucean .s awry. -q-otor ,ih»i«,„- a gusting forms, is still to hu found among by Gi-orge MacDomihl, Celia Tluxter, A povfbcl ThesAurns of Adventures upon,, nnd tho author of “ Valerie Aylmer” ami “ Morton Out 23 2m Womlcr* boneoith tho- great Oceans 226 spirited Ou Monday last, Mr. .fno E. Case, of U8. Un -Sibbatli day, a most di.sgusting it. II., Margaret J. Preston, and Richard House,” will be comimnced in Appleton’s engravings. - ■low ; seile...... rapidly. 2;0g0-- ofo- liver Clover Illii, wldt« filling m the MillHlono e))cctaclc was presented to my vie’w, pas­ Watson Gilder, !)'•. Holland’s Tiqdcs of agents wanted B>r IhiB the o p \j eomplete his- the Time are A .Greeting to our English Journal of the dale of October 2o’di. The DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS. creek, caught a pike weighing four pounds sing along the railrond jn.st on tho ont- ALBERT RICH Reader.*,” ‘ St. Nieliolns,” “ I’he N<;w title is “ A D.uiglitei’ of .Bohemia.” It 303 6TU AVENUE, COR. 19TII ST., N. Y. Painful ufIuctions,f>f tho bladder aivl urlnaryor-a LiviDptone in Africa skirU of the village, my attention was gaps, gravi^Jly, depofllt?,. lr*'^UilI<)n.of the neck ol foufTcen bun'CL'g. and measuring-twcriiLy ..York.Observer,” aYvdT'(5t4-f£vpe*.’',. The (iepiets^Ule in a S>ullieracily, and exliibks 'trrPKRS • I ho WAddor, -ftftfnvteaA -.-^Ijpi pqr inches in length. attracted i)y gome boys gather cd around Old Cabinet is written “ In the Wqods. A olioioo asBortmeiit ot fch« iatflst fall novelties In striclure. semljna'I woii^m-.ssy-and io aUcpoditloks ^splendJ^jiew BfWo; juat poatTr,. •utrftn^'BXwMfng all that dvatualic'po^er and constructivo of the pans acooDipuuiiud dubUiiy. all others. Pocket Oom^isiow and falLOlrealitia- what proved upon closer inspection to be talent which havy raiTkqd the previous HATS, »I.OW K»» a pt® M A T H K B S . free. ,Addrosi HDBDAU& B rcms.^ Pebs., Phllaflel- JULIHN’S HYDRASTIN €OMPOFND phl»,'TH..orOI»„0. TCtUiw Thft lovers of the beverage wlilhh “ eheers the pvosLrato body of a human being, After dark ; one of Wilkie Collins' best novels of this author, and given her a French F e lt H ats, «1.38. will be found a mO|fft cfltcactou.^ remedy. Send fer books, forms the fourth volume o( the but not inebriates,” will be glad to learu clothed In respectable liab.iH'i^>^dU but high place among Anierii;ap novelists. Ribbons, Silks, Volvets in all tho netr shades. oiroulHTR to B.. Keith St Go.,' 41 Liberty St.,. N. Y. new edition of his writing.^, n >w being Ileal niaek Osirloh PlumcB from *2 up. Sold by Druggists, bjfUle, or 8 roV *fi. o2 4w Sternberg, Leventhal & Co., that the genuine tea plant is growing covered with dirt and filth. At first the Black Silk Velvet, from early auction sales, at$2 published by T. B. Peterson Brothers, wortli Si3.t)0. profusely iu the suburbs of Jacksouville^ 28» ClRAaD Ain> 81 ELPniDOB S t« kkt. N bw Y o«a. sight was suggestive of sutTcring. a fit, Philndelphin, Pa. Tho many admirers Black Vclv'otcens from 60 cents up. ^ K I N Q ’s Offer a ehotea aakortmeBt af Eloridtt. of this'popular author—who is now de­ OLD MAIDS Hats Trimmed to Order. t'fcc. Uut tl\o convulsive breatluiiir and Toaottori',,Simlont»,01vrKyin(»n» I'nBtiDaKlerjfnnd .L,nrKc.a8sortm«ntof Drew Trlmminirs. livering a series of iL-ctures in this coun­ HIGH TEST Millinery' and Fapey poods. stcnloriim snoring, loge.her with the wide nwnko Young iiea.andMon and Women of The Largest Stock of Hosiery and X.ndor Wenro The New York World of Monday pub­ try, • similar t> the “ Charles DTkens all chwacs : Trimmed Bonneta, Round Hati,' Floveta, Ribbon#, nauseous fumes discharged wRli jiiy You oan .ea^llyearB a'dr^t-clann Snwlnjr iMnchtnc; In G en ts’ Furnislilnv aoQilB. wv cal^ especial CENTENNIAL Feathers. ^Ika, Sutlos. Yulvetr^ Orna- lished a lengthy article showing Uiat If Roadings,” will not he diiappointed in or Hook’s' s HultiideatHultii'le...... to stnuk a Library ; uY some loiitlontion to our.... W...... hite h h- lris- from tl.oO wp. rnaUla and .let Oriedi^ Eiikt>roMeF(«H Dvtsf Trifn. breath, told the tale, it truly was a fil, “ After Dark,” as it abounds with tlu^ •nlmibloI I’icturosI’iCtu to beicifur-'tlfy yourhomea ;^nr a ntoo W hite Suirts waile to Order. A perfect fit war­ minuf, Oulpvre Laoe, Thread I.«aea, Laee Goods, New Jersey shall coutin.ua to increase in mysterious and has won golden opinions Stereosoopeope ; ore a Timi 1‘per RJli[(Jlock ranted. 0CL24W Zcphvr Worsted, HnslcrT, Olores. Hoop-skirts, but what a horriblci one, a drunken fit. Waicli);loll); or iv IV ? H-)x: _ oraOoid Pen : or Pho- 117 ARCH ST. Coraels, Ratehels. Saits, tfnAerearfti*ai>t *<)• the same proportion, as (fnring the past PHILAOCLPHIA. Another scene. A man who has been from the English critics. The well-known toKriiphlu A b.’in ; o_r jit>Laml Korus.mo Ijanij) for a goneral rartety of Furs and Toys, all at greatly decade,, within a radius of sixteen to novels in this senes, “ Hide and Seek,” your Piirlnri.ora (Ipe Accord eon j or Webster's H. B. BRASSINGTON, Sup 2(1 8w reni'ced prices. Bur our Drosdwa.y Stylea of L a­ h6ld in high esteem in ilua community, illustrated (quur o lihJtlonary ; or Roifor's World dle#’ Trimmed and tTnlrfmmed H ats, ni oue.foarth seventeen miles from Nc.v Ywk, it will ‘‘ Miss or' Mrs?” “ The Dead Ronownoil Statuary (fruujw ; or a Fine Violin, ■ -M SIXTH AV., NEW YORK. WATERS’ CO^q^TO PARLOR ORGANS the usuAl eharges. Ordert by w all premptlr exe> with leering eyes and trembling limbs is “ After D.uk,” “ Basil ; or, Tho Crossed a HemlnKton Hillo Oane : or a Homlnston Double TWO DOORS BELOW 17TH BTKEEI, __ar« (A« m oat KoAntllBl 4a outefl. oollM w BOOQ become the great commercial cUy, Hitrirel flreaoU Loadlny Shot Qun j t*r atJablBat ■tgle and perfect «a ti holding on to the rails of a fence, in a vain Path,” “ 'riio Ytdiow Mask,” “ Si.xter - X c Spnclnl Dealer in and tnat New York will retrograde from Orff-in worth fltl40 ; by atutplv working: up ywir un- ever m » 4 e* TV C O N - effort to steady himself aud appear as Ptose,” ’“ The Stolen Misk,” “ Mad oocup(<‘d tiuiu in a w.iy exidiilned In thu clrcalart m i l l i n e r y GOODS, , ...... C£RTO STOP 4i beet 825 LADIES 825 her poskion as the commercial centiv.— Moukton,” “ The Queen’s Revenge,” and oftjio H. M. P. (.0. Porfeedy ioirltimate and re- LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, from «.50 unto tho bvor pUtced l« mmr other men, while his wife, an intelligent spoctabto : many would say philanthropic. Adfiross fineat imported goods. Our Hals defy com- OratMl* M it javdacufi fjf YOU CAN BUT ALL KINDS, STYLES AND The popnitinn now is 400,000. “Sights A-Foot,” are of the best, and will Co., East 28th 8L, Now York.. oc2«t peiiuon. bbnkxtiIX trR------eet^ ^rwdipe* and estimable lady stands beside implmfing amuse all novel readers. “ Afie.r Dirk,” Roal ostrich Tips at 20 certs each. ORlIarlr Totcc4 » tt« QUALITIES OF is isHU'id in a largo octavo volume, with a Ladies’ and Gents' Furnifhin^Goods,Hoop-Skirts EFFECTr ^ ektek b PUBLIC .S.ALES-J. S. ROGERS, him to go home.' What'a pitiable sight, liVST AND B kbt ilorst'is, Noiiuus, ho. fiffWWCH..lA s n tifo life-like portrait of the author on the “TAKES” on Sight. oombination for F X I R S I AUCTIONEER. what anguish, sorrow,, pity and grief is All of which we are ollerlng d bOt/E w nfu danvasters,...... A Agents gentsaDdMaloiinenl—HKNRV andHMOime W aud At Heiiiarkiibly'Lttw Prices. m IIVG, afttls iU i n . A t THE OLD ESTABLISHED STORE OF cover, price Sevuit.y-five cents, and is for BicKOHiiK'e family newapapRr itarii Its Fall cam- Wednesdfty and Thursday, Oct. 20 and stamped* on that wife’s face. Oh what » sale by all Booksellers, or copies of it will Milliners Supplied at tho Lowest Market Prices ITATION ^fV n v . rtitrn. fflving Kubshrilnwii a pair of the largest and - oet2 4w nAN VOICE w SC- 30—Personals of Jolm M. Allen, dec’d. destroyer of human happiness this demmi fu^ sent to any, one, to any place, post ihedt (fLEOURAPHS,—two most uttrneciTe sub- Ttrm$ ftberoL Louis Oerber, Saturda.v, Nov. 1—Heal and personals paid, hy th'3 Publisher, on receipt of price jtsots th a t‘-tako” on S'ghl.—palniud by Mrs.. An- GO TO THE “ Rum” is. On every hand his ravages tkTson, HB cmiirasts and compnnl*in fur hor ‘-Wldo SOS A n c n s t i i b b t , ®f R. A. dutcalt. arc seen and felt. The great and small^ by them. Awake” tnul‘'FaSt Asloup.” Agents havo immense Tuesday, Djc i2-^Hefll Estftte of Ell sucot-ss; eall It the ‘-best anil hanrtsom'fst outfit UNION BAZAAR” lha higli and low, alike, are called upon to andpayvory high eommls^ions. Eachsubserlbor. or Broadway S tyles of 825 Philadelphia. 825 Rogers, dec’d. eirA tuAtk ut the top of this column oM or now. receives without dki.av two beautiful T^tdsy, D cO-Renl Estate of Robt feel his power. Wretchedness and misery, picture.*. Full supidy ready for Immcdiato dellr. LADIES’ TRIMMED * UNTRIMMID 1UT.S. W U im ilenotes that i/oi^r .has i^arly cry. The paper itself stands pecrlCHs omomc fam i­ eamee pNUteniCOTfti mcipemgftKfatffag VrATEHS^wAasianw'* aiat £mbl| 4ec*d. ^ poverty and crime-, disgrace and ruin, In nil varlotlCB nt greatly retiuootl prloer. tfOM ftlTlopnirlcet lo r coabtor part rsuft,and Largo Stock of Fancy Furs, and Rales at Whole­ (expired. PloBso forward renewal at onco ly journals. boiiiv so |>opuiar that of Its claw It hhs sale. oet 1 6 12W ^eUnosday, Dec 17—Real B-lats of tiic largest cirovil'itloii In tho world ! Employs tho Floworr. Foiilher*. Millinery nnd Fanny Ooortf. MMWtfts nm tkn m o o th lr rtimeni*, N ew T- despair and death, follow his track, as Oorwoo, Hiirlery, Trimming., W i.r.led Eiiihruldqr- O ctavo tlw fi cl — PlAlfOiftffi a ll m W e ra Xlftolel Herbert, dec’d. if you wish to pcceivo Uve paper without best lilcrary tiHont. Edward Eggleston’s great he marc^ea along with the tread of a story is in.st beginning ; back chapters supplied to io.; Unitor Oil lihentr, Ae. A largo BHoninchl lmproTcmmtc*/bH^ft rw h .. O B O A N S int(jrr'iption. each Hiibscribi r. RUs. Slowo’s long expected se­ om islantly on band. Prlcra• nil ” — niu^eil rKi down. Oc&vc jy^l^lfM £E «lfiE B O OMCAWS, A WATCH FREE io,every llve.ioaa A man having a bhl ftjgftinst a distant giant. quel to ” 3ly \Vtfo ami 1.” beidtfH in tlie new year. oot24w J, M.tGNURn _ >P tllOlM TOP, tlBft.a

KiAK,. riLi KtLIOIODS SRRVrCRR. CAT7GV8.—Th* RcpDblicu* or Z*>t S e r i o u s A c c i d e n t — A M a n a n d a THE Q AZiETTE BAPTiiTOacRqii, Rer U. Px Baoiim. Pastoia— IS T o tice. M u l e K i l l e d .— Windsor meet in tsucus to-morrow. We On Saturday afternoon, Sabbath sorvlees. Morning 11 o’dloek. Evening KSTATR OFJOHNM. ALLEN. DECEASED. Btolnn, froai afW gbk rV»^lSHID ^VsST THO^#^r Sf ^ do not fee why, when we hare a town 7V< o’clock. S ibbatli-.ichoul, A„M. Prayer sAATs^'HX^M^HriKSjaiiiii^ nead Scudder's Falls, where the Feeder Meeting Thursday evening, 7!>^ o’clock. Pursuant to an Order of ih« Surrogate of the B ra’s shads at flighistown, Sep. iftth. 1875, SOS. b b a r r e l g u n i. APPIiH&llT, Borro* 4HD Ptoi^nivtaii a county of .MerCer, made on tho eighth nay of Ucto- A D’XT LP . hal^ rot Buob purposes, the meeting should crosaes the road, an accident of serious M. E. OHUium, Rev. W. W autoh. PAsron.—Sab­ ber. A, U. one thousund eig h t hundred und yen n- Ko 10, very hghl, thin ban els, back-aotfon looks, bath aorvicos, morning lOUo'ulook, Evening 7U T«r»i, be ceiled at a hotel. We suggest that nature occurred. A col irod man named ty-lhree, Notice Is hereby glvm 16 all persuiis long sweep woG^Ug freq. .q.’illuJtmV(r '•laglc oopTi fl.iO ia a4rnnc4. o'clock. Sabbath-school,2*4 P. M. Prayer-ueet. having claims ngainst thocstatci'f Johnbl, Allen, I M l^eopiai, f,ftO ing T hursday uvetiing. 7(4 o’clock. Cap ohaupefon rifht side ef ettril hnring wlainis the MU'ttf'iafli wlien partr meetiugi are called where Cliffy Yoorhees was coming down the late ui the county of Mercer, duovased, to present Gulch for ramrod near ibe uiHitie bn>keo «i MtUer J«tg 9f th« GJounty o f dik 10 or aore «opiot> llM PnasnrraniAH Owuuoti, Rev. J. II. D a vis. P a ito r. the same, under "atli or afflrmatluu. lo the rubsori- Rroseiii tiie tame, under oath or afflrinakloii, juTii many members of Ihe party will nol attend road on the river side., lie made a stop Sabbath services, Morning lOU '’cluck, livening bers. on or before the eighth day of .luly next, be­ ifae .i^rion tekhig the uiine'etil return It to IMPORTANT N#TIC«. Lanii A Brn. within .'id dajrt fn in this diiie he snb8oflbor, 'oh of'naforjs Ine ‘#tst d af of JhdVjwx the result may be that they will not feel Uiulor the hiU tu let Ihe passenger train t o’clock. Sabb.atti-sohool, 'iU P. M. Pniyer ing nine month.-< fruin the date of said order ; and l>elng nine iiwnlha from the date o f eaUi akdM ; Mooting Thursday uvoning. 7 uVluck. IV creditor neglecting to bring in and (.xhlbit his will receive thanks uf Ih* owooi jumI oo.quv^L’O ts and any urmiuor negloeting biinc to bts or kar . tHR Tl^RUS A R l GASR INjiDVANCB. asked' Il not'a reVafd of tiO b o g ii^ t ibr bound to support the ticket made out in go by. He then started to go up, for the F ir st U rivursauist GHuncii, Rev. E. nlRhaway, or heruwi ui.uiiuulalm \uuuu!(under un,uoatuorainruiatlon),within ui mui uiauoii/, nuiuu th' uie oliiim‘ (under ‘ oath or...... affirmatlpoL.....jpn), wlA|»r*wlth|n'ihie'tlma “■-- Horonfter flb n«me will ontered npon our purpose of crossing the railroad and Pastor—Sabbath services.' Morning at u o'clock. time so limited, will be Porevor barf'ert'tn his or her iorurnation that will lead to the dvtooiioii of ihu so limited^ will be forev^ bnV r^of hll orHeraW Mail book without the euih. From thii rate wo their absence. Evening sen'lcos at 7*4 o’clock. aclloii therefor ngninsi s vld ndmlnlstrniyrs. person Inking the gun. or a liberal rowanl fi r re­ Hon th'Tyfor against Slid atiministriitarv •hall uet iieTiata. Feeder. Just as he got on the railroad a Subbjith-sr.hool, 10 A. M. W1LL1.\M T. ALl.EN, in I niiig Ilia Ml Ilia to its owner “ I'11’i n IIGBERT NY, MILLEE. D ress Goods.—As promised last week, JASPI- U H. AI.LE.V, Dated Ocl l5tU, 1873. 2t D .B WVQKOFF. Dated Sopr. Isf, 1873. Ailmlnlsirator.mstfati W eihaltklfe dae notiee the expiration of junkman, with a horse and wagon, said ArnioAR M. K. Ohurck. Rov. .T. V. P rarck. P as­ JO HN E. ALLKN. eaek •abeeripiioii and hope that our frienda will we give in our advertising columns the tor—Services. Morning I0'4 o’clock. Kvening net 16 2m Admlnjftratori. j o.sEini s. be proMpt la (Mewtag m aa not io iiiaa a number to be from Trenton, was coming in the 7'4 .o’clack. Snbb.vth-scluml. 2 P. M. P rayer DutiMl October 8lh. 1873. BLA-UVELT, . • details of what Messrs. Bechtel, Davison 3^olhig Tuesday evening; 7'4 o’clock. of the paper. ' opposite direction, and was already on JkHye oShr to the ladiea who go to Tren­ Y .M. O. A. Plt^VKR Sundav Aftermmn f r r s T f c h OH' r i T B " brtd-ge. T'be cblorod man iffv . Y. St. j^XECUTORS’ SALE ton tor dress goods, etc. They areas B ir d . Roetor In Charge—Service every Friday O m cK OVKR STOKES' called to him to back off, as be C(^I<^ nol e v e n ln g a tT U o ’eiuck, lii the \\ 61. U. A.. h«n. . uByo swiiB. square a trio of young ,tnen ae we ever ■ OF ' IV I',.., , . backs dawn* the hill with his mules. It Tf-r'm'a .anrl ^om m entis. met, and we always recommend them was stated iu evidence that the woman at J^issolutiori of Partnership. REAL ESTATE. j^.VTlIAXtRL cox, with pleasure. Be sure to call on them the bridge had told the junkman not to EEV. ROGER G. ISHAM. when you go to Trenton. The partnership heretof'jre existing betwoen tho The subscribers will «ell at I’ubllo Sale, on the AUCTIONEER, come on the bridge until the colored man undersigned la this day dissolve} by mutual con- ptcglUt^S, Wo regret to announce the death of sent. All having claim.*claim - againsc— fhe'snld .... Hrm will The N ext Sheriff.—The contest for had an opportunity to pa.ss over ; but the plonse pr-.seni them, and thnRc indehied to suld On Tuesday, Deoetnlier 2nd, 1873, Sales Promptly Attended to. Ber. R. G. Itham, which occurred at firm will please cnll and sotilc. IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, junkman refused. The whistle of the ts Eair Haren, Conn., on the 15th inst., af­ Mr. Orozer’a position begins to wax very T. .1. TlIOMA.‘;(>N. the Real Estate of the laic Ell Hog , dcc'd. fit,: » iitcirrsTcnvN, n . j . stone train was heard at Mercer and K n. P. KEi.LEY. ter a long and ^vere illness. The deceas­ warm. Four candidates are in the field Somerset JuoctioQ, und the colored man Tho book.*.will be r -tnlncd and buslncs.s conlln- FAKM OF 150 AClMvS, ed was well known in this section of coun­ Mr. Alfred W. Sruiih, who is an able ue»l by ’1'. .7. rhomnson. called out lustily fur the junkman to back Sopt.28ih.lS73. oct 53 4w situated In the Township nf W'est Wlnd.sor. Mer­ try haring resided for many years in bodied, good natured looking individual, cer (’o., about 3 miles fr>un Hightstown. nn the roail was in town the other day calling on his off, but he stubbornly refused. The stone to Prinooton. consla'lng ol goml lunble l iml. in Cranbury and also for same lime in T MADDOX, M. D , good state of culliviitlon, uxcejit about 1.5 iieres of friends. We have not seen Mr. Walton train with eugiue oUL came on. Thu eu- nice young woonle to oomtm-nco at 11 o'clock A. M. ComUthms about midships; killed toe coicu'ed man, suspended'from his ministerial position, and would not be guilty of robbin’ any­ smlth’ssmith trade : one that hnn tim-n used to working given ut Sale, by by knocking o f the top of his skull ; kill id on II farm1 prei'erred. Applv to A. M. TAYLflR. but we h^lijivs was afterwards rc-iiialated.. body, so he don't want his niune spelled net '22 .1 » W . \V. l';(U)I„V,.\VliV;l»or. oct 10 7w U. Y. AYHKS, one of the mules, aud broke the waoon lo J. S. lUKlEUS, Executors. It is unnecessary to sl.ite tliat he was a way. He is a well know* citizen ofthat pieces. Coroner Britton held an i«ique.‘«t, jgLKCriON. well known and highly prized brother in West AVindsor and will run well. Mr. where the above facts were brought out, SALEj^XEGUT(3RS’ Ihe order, ilany of the older members of Davis, the present deputy sheriff, announ­ An Election will be held In tho Township of Enst and the jury brought hi a verdict ac- Winds ir, at ilm Town Hall, Hlghisiown, on Hut VINEGAR BITTERS No, 41, remember with iulorcst the narra­ ces himself as an independent candidate. 4th day of N'lvcmber 'next. for the eb-ci loii of one or cordiugly, also censurlug the junkman. Sheriff of ttiH county, one As^omblyman, amt tive he gave of his experience ns a martyr three (’oroners. Pollsopcii at 7 o'clock A. M., and GAZETTE OFFICE. N. J. vSoUTiiEUN U. is current­ We learu tliat the owner of tin; learn Dr. J. WiiliicUs ( jilifonila Tiii- for the cause, and the earnestness with close n t 7 o'clock P. M. (';;ar Ilil.lers are n miroly Vegetable ly reported that Jay Gould has been re­ is J. Wilbur Price, aud 'that the name of oct 23 4w T. W. PULLEN, riork. REAL ESTATE. which he alwiiys advocated the claljhs of lieved from the Presidency of the N. J, The subsoribor win soU at I’ubllo Sale, ircpimition, nimle chiefly from the native the junkman referred to is Peter Hicks. protnl.scs, tuTlm fonml on tlielowt'r rangCH of thoSicr- Ihe order. He wns a niemhi r of Eureka Soiitlicrn road and is about to leave for j^pSTER S SALE. The following is a copy of the Oil Tuusdav, Decembur OUi, 1873, ra Neviuln luoiiiiiiiina of California, the Chapter, No. 10, H. A, M,, of Lynchburg, Emope Jt is high time that a change mo.lieiuitl jtropprliey of which are extraot- verdict : Tly virtue of a writ of FD'rl Faet.is to me directed the Heal Estate of the 1: Is.-MO'i out of the Uourl of (,'h iiic-ryof .Now .Icrsey, 0 Robert KmMy, dcc’d. Va,, and we. think of Adel[ihi Lodge, occurred in the management of that road, vli.: A Humc.sload ofl Ihcivrrom .vU'umt tho qho of Alcohol. AV^e, the jury calhol by the Coroner of In !i ceriiiln caufO whercUi KioUiel C. t-'liiunborlln 14 No. 63, ol Pair Ilaveo, Cimti. He was i.s eompiolnant. and H innnh Plekorlng und olhors ThtMiiiffilitm iiluiostdailyfudeed, “ What and it is never too soon f(»r Jay Gould to Mercer county to pass upon the dealli of i.s the thiust- of tho iuipJU*aUoIi'd suocesa of buried at Fair Haven ou the afternoon of arc delondiiiits, 1 shall c.xposu to sale at I'litiUc FAIIM OF 4.3 ACHES, leave the United States. It is a noted Cuffy A^oorlifCs, killeil tlni Pennsylva­ Vendue, ViNKavB liiTTER.s?” Oiir answer ia, tliat situated in the Town.shlpof Esst Windsor, fiercer The ca[)al)ilitio,s of thi.s Office fur the 17ih inst., with Masonic Illinois'. We fact that the road is rundown tatlio very nia Railway, Belvidere Divhiun, at Oil. Tliursdniy, November 20th, 1R73, (bounty, about 1 mile from Hlghlslown. on the road thov n'lnoYt' tho eaiise of diaease, and tlie are also informed that liis widow is left in bottom. For a long tima it has been Scudder’s Falls N. J.. Oct. iSih, 187:3. nt 2 o'clo k P. M.. nt the Hotel of William Davis, to Prlnc.)ton. loiisisHiiu nf ^oo.l arable l.>ml lu good p:ilu*nt rcoovers luif lioaltb. They ni’e the find tliat the sai t Cuffy A^oorlics was in Freehold, Monmouth County, N* J., nil that state of ciiUlvai4»>ii, o.wcpt 8 acron of very line groat l)lood I'uriflor aud a life-givmg prin- very deslitutecircumslaiicesatlliat place. verging on the brink e>f ruin, with credit­ certain ('hustnut Timber. killed as aforesaid, and that we exonerate The Improrcincnls, eonslslliif! of 1 irgi' Dwelling ('ij)lo, il jiorfi'ct Kt'iioviitor and luvigorutor Lost.-O ur litilp fri.-nd, Eldrldge ors dcin indiug their stamps. Poor prin­ ihecompuny and employees of Si i 1 com­ i ^ ' i Hfutse, Barn. Wagon House, ami all otiicr ncci s- of tho sy.stom. Never boforom tho history ters and mployoea ha\e danneU it to pany of all blame in uie matter, but that Or troct of land nnd promises, s!iuate. lying nnd sary outbuildings, are In good repair, and ihi' t-lm-e of the- woriil hius a mctiioino boeu com- Wright, (visiles tlie boy tliiil found his being piirlly tn tlio Township o( .‘'lills.oue. Cuniiiy Is well fenced and watered. Adjoiiislniidsof Thos. Peter Hicks was lo some extent’to hlame II. AlouiiL and .loul .liniosoii. . po inTlod po^.sojjsing the remarkable quaP horsc-liiica to bring tliein back. Tliey death, and even its running hands luive of AIoiiiuoulIi, nnd parily In the Tinvnshlj) ol 6lon- t<»r his death, in that he did not obey the ro's in llie Coiinly of Middb sex. nnd .S|.iie of New W« ‘J. 1 lies of YiN'i;a.vu Bi'm:usiu healing the sick were knitted of Gennantown wool. l)cen kept out Ilf th'-ir pay. L-ist week order of the ijriilge lender not lo drive on .fcr.^ey.JniUed um| -boui,u<-d nortlvrly luuj north, of every diseji.se man i.s heir to, Tlioynrea the traekmeii struck for tw(» and a half westerly by lands latc’of ('b irle-* Hnlcluvr. Senior, jfeiitle I’lirgiilivo tus wt'll ji3 a Tonic, reliev­ Miss Mu'lllt eaya we. must tell follcs that the bridge until Cufly Vuorhees’ team dooi'iise'!. luul lands late of Benjamin Jtosycll, de- Tract of 4-5 i Acres of Farm Land, PLAIN AND montlis pay due them, and were paiil up could ]»as8*over. i-eu.sod. cusierly by luml.s luiw owned by 'Ulehnrd ing CongeslionCongestion or IjdliimmntiouIjHliimmntiou iofmg the her lost kitien has icd tiisaels in its e.ir.., Ely (the Klililoor F.irm,) 'vnd oilim's:’sml eriy well fenced and all highly eultUaled, adjoining Liver aud Visceral Organs, iu LiliuiisDih- lo the l.st of (S''ptcml)cr. And now Jay by lands of I'anicl .Slack nnd tlui Di.'tiorougli lauds (jt Elms .Ayros imd A. .M. Taylor. and is tile, same color us a mouse, iiml she Some PuMt’iaN.—At the grocery store cas<*s. G'tuld h IS gone lo Europe, ullhough it is Farm, and souihwostiTiy by the public road lead- NO. 3. wants it hack, please. of Mr. J. M. SmiLh there is on exhibition Ing fri Disliorough'.s HIM to the lied Tavern, ir mpii will Piijoy trood lit'iiUli, lot .-aid he holds jihi^isi all the slock. Mr. eonl.'ilning one liundrnd and forty i norus II ml H Tract of lU Acre.s of Wood Land, liuMii use ViMciiAU JliTTmia as a medicine, a pumpkin weighing G7 [)ouiii.s, measur­ ball, more or Iofs. B m nd To.m. —Ou Tliiiivday evening Sorrai who micceecN him i.s a well known ocl. 23 4w JAME.S.S, ATTK'IN. large timber, adjoining lands of Alfred* Porrinc nml avoid Ihe ii.se uf ulcoliolic sUmulaiita in g,60 inches in chciunference. The DaLod St;pt. lOlh, 1873. .Master lii Clianccry. ILitehiiesoii’s Hail was einivdeil to its iil- Jay Gould nuui, and tlie only bright side il Gilbert Sframan, on the aouth aide ul’ the |•()ad in ('very form. maaimoth was raised by Cape. Murden near this homestead. inost eapacily to lio ir tlie music il prodigy, to the outlook arU .s from nnoih'-r rumor No IVrsoii <’:ni fiiKo theso Hidors of this borough, who, by tlie way, is the Further Information cheerriiUy given liy Lorcnio ORNAMENTAL ficeonling to dins-fions. and rmnain Iwig Blind Tom, Wc do nol lieaitate to say that the Baliiinorn aiitl Oaio Coinpuny For the Fall Trade of 1873, Embly, on the premise.-', or A. M. Tavlor, iioiir l»y author of “ i'lio (Quartermaster’s Fare­ IraclB separate or togeiher to soil purchasors. umvell, jiruvidod tlioir hones are. not de- that tlic. crowd w.-nt away s itisll il. We have bought tlie road. S.ile to commenco at It o’clock A.M. (’omlltioTia sti’tiyed hyTuinoitii ptuson orolhcrim^tiiis, well,” a very fine poem puhlished in the at Sale, by are not musieiil enough to siv win itu-r A. M. T.VVL'IR. ami vilal organs wasted le-yttml rt'pair. CoUNX'iL.—.V specitl ineethig of Coun­ Gazette a few weeks ago. uet 10 8w 1>, i>. ANDERSON. Tont'lias improved very tnucli or not, but .1. S. ROGERS, Auo. - Executors. («rjlL‘rilI 'rilOlLSnmi.s in-oelnim ViNK- cil was c ill'don Tu> sday evening. xMr, (lAU 1‘m'uits the most wonderfnl Invigtir- we do know tlial the manner of his mail- P rospect P lains,—Mr. Suydara of Ford was permitted to withdraw his dcli- BECHTEL, DAflSON k HIE, vnt tliat ever sustained tlieainkingsyHtem. iigemont seems to he greatly ini proved. Brunswick, has purchased the residence tion f.ir license, in ord>T to present anolh- p i m u c SALE Diiions, !tonii(t''n<, ami iiilor- Ilia preS' lU companion seems to liave an of Geo. McD )well,' lately deceased, j,aken er at the m xt regular, rnccting. As we OF« m illcilt I'VvtTS, wliieli are so prevalent ifh'a tliat he ia not in charge of a bi-nte, poss'-ission, aud begun to improve the place 50 Groone St., in Mip vulh'VH of .our gi'eat rivers throngb- imders anil lliat he inlends lo get a new but lli.at Tom is a man, with soul enough, by the erection of a store house adjoiniug inHNTIN( ont the Uintetl Staie.s, es))i eially fhoSi' of list of signei.s, those freeholders wlk) have PERSONAL PROPERTY. if music is tile standard, for a dozen. Aii- Ins dwelling, In which he inlemis to serve the ^Iissis.-l«8, 1 farm wasiiiii. 1 c.irryall. 1 curriiigc, l seat and repeated ihii production. We' Oetohor llhh. K v. Dr. Keys^r w'as (Mrriage, 1 buugy. 1 lhrm-lemcnts o f all'kiiids. pork In barrel, ticforthei)m*])o.see(ptal toDit.J.WATiKRit'a j art. We liked the wliole tiling, only it ,1 b.irrel good vlntgur. and varicHis otlr r iirllcl(!i Vi'sKo.ut Jb ri’Eua, us (hey will speedily re- he was orlained in the evemhg,'the ser­ 300 bushels of Buckwheat wanted Auo mimerous lo luunilon. the country', and it is well mov(‘ the dark-colored viscid niattt'r with was too Kliorl, ami the appreciation of mon being preached by llev. Dr. Wright, immediately at Norton’s store. Ever offered In this city, and at tho Lowest Price, ALSO, A LOT OK WHEAT AND RYE IN THE »tr iw, fl iiui.s Ilf timothy buy. hy tlie ton, ,h peres of which tlio bowels art; lomlod, at tlie samo olbere is slmwn by the fact tliat There of Binghamton. Corn In the sUiCk.'turnlpa In tho [lalcli, manure lu time stimulating the fieeretions of tho were cal's enough for reserve tickets to Stovk-S.—We call particular attention' Also, an Eloyunt Assortmont of the yard. livt'r, and generally restonng tho healthy lo Wm. T. Smock’s announcement in r(3- Will nl.so offer for sale funetions ttf the digestive organs. mat t-lie whriie hall. MixrsTERiAn Coxi'EUEnce.—A mect- gard to stoves. He has all kinds and all ii»g of the Trenton Baptist Ministerial About 50,000 Peach Trees, ])j's|)(‘|iM'a or ImlL'cstioii, n™a- Sqt'Air ViM.AOK,—We took a run sizes and will sell tlieui right. ache.I’nin in 1lie.Slioulders,('o;igh.s.Tiglit- Conference was held in the Baptist lecture fit to shl|) this fall. Tho trees are'biiddi’d from down to the shore tliis week but ns we on­ DRESS GOODS, good stock well grown iiml iriio to naine, Tlte ll.'‘t ness of tho Chest. Lizzimw, Hour Enieta- room, Monday morning and afternoon. It GRAND VOCAL AND INS TRU.MENTAL embnicos the bc.Hl market varielic.s for oichard tions of tlie Hloniaeh, Lad IW e in tho ly stayed a sliorflime we did not do much CONCERT, at Uie Presbyterian Churcti, Alaiu lap- planting, making a Biieccs.siini ihroughout ilie-'U'n. known that we can give is designed for the presentation of essays BL.VCK SILKS, DIAGONAL CLOTHS, son- A liner assortment III treua can not be fouml Moutli, Dilious Attiiek.s, rulpihition of (ho at interviewing. Our lirincipal'care was an, on Thursday ovunlntf, Out. 30Ui, utuior the dU anywhere, Ifeart, Inlliinmmtion of the Imngs, Pain and discussion of theologicil. subjects.. to arrange for a new suit of sails for the rooHou of JIts. 8. O. Smock, of Freehold, a8.sl.slod MERINOS, CASIIMERS, SATTEENS, ALSO. ABOUT RO OOO OF THE SEEDLING in the region of tho Kidneys, and a hun- An essay was read bj Hhv. 0. P. Eaohes, by Prof. Abel S. Taylor of xVUcntowii, Mr. John Poach, huddod this lall. In n line heallhyand grow- G azette, and wc hope to show the ing condition; budde.-i from Uie latest ami bust vn- dri'd other painful symidom.s, are (he off- “on the Scriptural law of Divorce.” An Oppie and Mr. Geltnor ofNor Uninswlck, and oth­ SUEZ CLOTHS, VIENESE CLOTHS, Ao., Ac. rtetlos. Any jiorson wlslilng to niirehase good HpriiifLS of J)yspepsiii. One bottle Yi’dl bquanious next summer a first-classyacht, ers. The music will consist of Solus and Cluiru.scs, An exegesis of Genesis, 1 ; 26, 17, was trues at good bargains, lorsprlug planting, will do prove a better guaranteo uf its mej'its tlmn ipt. Brown is busy just now superintend­ tokoihor with Organ, Pianos, Violin and Uarltone well to h(?prosPtil. A Full Line of a lengthy advcrtlsenientk ing the rebuilding of the Hill Church, presented by Rev. L. O. Grenelle. The Instruments. Concert to conimunco at half past ABOUT 1000 OF PEAR AND APPLE TREES, Id lUo nurdory, tli to pm out, includluKg^xxi kliuls. StTofuln, or King-*s E vil, M'hito Conference numbers about twenty mem­ •oycn. Admtltanoa 3& cents, children under 12 Hwotlingfl, Uh'er.H, i-lr^'Hipela.s, Swelled but gave us a hearty welcome and a good yean of ago 25 cents. ootlOSw Cloths, Cassimers, Shawls. Skirts, On tho day following, drive early in the morning. Another ob­ bers. Neek, (Joitre, Hcrofuhma Jnllammation.s, FKO.n DliUiilGISTS. Thursday, October 30tii, 187S, Indolent Jnllammatittns, Alercurial Affec­ ject of our visit was to look after our lot AnorND Town.—Ou© of tlic latest cu- There Is no c vse of Dyspepsia th a t G reen’s Aug­ LINENS, TICKINGS, Ac, Will sell on the homeslisad farm, near Uioplaca Bsir M for Lessloiioy tions, Old Sores, Ernpl ions of tho Skhi, at Ocean View, 0^ cuuree everybody is familiarly eallod Co npton's <'urncr, on the road Sore Eyes, ete., etc. In the.se, as in oil riosines of the place is the grist mill, and ust Flowor will not cure. Como to the Drug Stores Umdliig from there lo Carson's Alill.tlm followitig; of Maple A Cunnlngh-un ami W. VV. Siokesand other comstitutional Discaac.s, VValkkb’s anxious to know just where the Gazette one of the mos^* curious things about it is at Lowest Market Prices. 1 largo brown horse, 2 larg> buy jiiare, I brown cottage is to go up, so we.wiil say that it Inquire about It. If you uifTor from C laiivenoas mare, wlih suc'king oolt (ol Geo. 51, Patehen .Ir) ViNEGAii Jiirmis have shown their great the fence that Mr. Norton has been erect­ Sick Headaclio, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Liver 1 hog 0 pigs, :i6 sheep, i buck (S’outh down), 2 farm curative jiGWoni in the mo.st obstinate and is to be locatu'd ou Morris avenue, near wagons, 1 iBcd grinder, 1 fui mill, 1 liorsc power ing. Goodard says it ii one of the cheap­ Complaint, or deran.^oment of the Systotn, try It. and thresher. 1 Wood’s mower niid reaper, 1 o1ov*t intinctablo case.s. Ihe country reslJeiiee of Mr. J. S. Bishop Two or throe do.«os will relieve you. p O R SALE. hullor,, 1 horso rake, 1 pair shnlvings, good ndler, est and is certainly one of the oddest, plows, harrows, dou'4c and single harness, hay For Jniliimimitor.Y mid (’Ifi-oiiic of .lersey City, This valuable property Uosjhoe’.s Gorm an Syrap is ni»w sold In every iork, large grain chest, iilmuL l.'» lous of hay. In E lirilim ilisin, Cont, PiliouH, EemitUmt styles ever introtluced. The iqterpal ar­ town and city in tho United States. Wo have not A VEIIY DESIRABLK is fast going into tlie liands of privaie buMcthigs, 14 acres of corn in stack, and various and IntermiUent Eever.s, ])isi'ase.s of tho rangement of the.mills arc now about less than throe hundred letters from Druggists, ollior articles too ntitnorous to mention. owners, and Mr. Morris will soon flud than can be had in the large cities. ]Jlot)d, Liver, Kidiiey.s, and Jhadder, theso completed and the Corporal will furnish saying It Is'tbo best riuillolne they over sold fi)r .Sale to aommonca on oacli day nt 10 o'c.lork A. jlittci's have no oqiia!, Hiicli Diseases arc Consumption, Tiiro.it or Lung disease. Sample A,., positively. 4 moni h.s credit over tu). Cundl- himself able to put up the large boarding HOUSE LOT tluns made known ondiiy of sale by cauBcd by Vitiated Jffood. material for buckwheat cakes to order. bottles of both free of oharge. Regular site 75 cts. house which is to ^pecupy the central front WI’l LIAM T. AT-LEN, The Cwbcil are fixing up the streets in For 8 vie by J . W alker, C ranbury. jy 17 3m IN CHANBURY. Mcrliiinicnl Disriisos.—rei-inns cn- oot 162w .JASPER H. ALLEN, gngetl in Paint.s and ^Minerals, aneU as of the tract. Among other prominent lot many places but much more must be done .7CUN E. A L LEN , owners are Hon. Jos. IVandie, of Jersey The B R A IN E R D IN S T IT U T E , a t OriANnuRY, THE PROPERTY LATELY OCCUPIED BY J. S. ROGERS, Auo. Admlnlstjators. Plumbers, Type-setters, (lold-beaters, and to make Lhe walksgood before frpit. Live­ lor the education of both sexes, will open Sept, 2d. EDWARD llOCKAFELkoW.^ j\lim'r.s, as they udvaneo in lift:, are sub­ City7 Hon. W. A. Newell, of Alleutown ; Thorough instruction in- all doparttnents of educa­ The hmiso Is a tine residence, 12 rooms and a tJlillE EXC’E)LI.ENT ly, gentlemen. large cellar, situated on n lot of abou. one acre in ject to paralysis of liio Bomds. To guard Capt. Arro#smith, of Freehold ; U., S. tion by the mo.st comnotent teachers. P ractical against thi.s, tjilio u dose of V’ALK.Eit’u D. 13. Dey is erecting a residence for The B'-st Lociilily in the Villnge. Senator Conover, Flornia; Mr. J. D. Instruction in Surveying. Leveling and taking of CHAMBERS PIANO-FORTE, A'jneo.ui BiTTi'iUi occasionally. Cbalhs Puiicn, on Academy street. Measurements, and Levels with reference tu Drain­ Barn. Carriage House, and all nceoasary outlmild- BOOKS, ins. Fruit and other trees. T bkms vkkv east. For SIuH DisetLst'S, Eniptions,Totter, Shearman, of Newark ; J. J.- Mickle and age, Grades and Water Power. WIVI. D, PEK R IN K , Sciuax’e and TJpri^flit. Salt llhmim, Blolclic.s, Spots, Pimple.'^, John 11. Laird, of Englishiown, George Terms an.i particulars made known by aug 28 3m The Camp Meeting.—The extra Jaincshurg, N.,,7. Acknowledged by tho first. mn.'‘lenl talent of the Pustules, Boils, Carbuncle-s, itingAVoruis, Yao , trieaiag 'in the MetlrodtAt-Caurw .au2iarm .r Prlncle%J. ooun'-py to W- Uv* BES-T PJANO' now. Scald Head, Soi’c Eyes, Id-ysipclas:,.ltcii, most durable arid tho cheaiMJBt. Capt. E. Ross, and W, li. HobbiDS, of thus far betn one of increasing interest The Purest and Sweetest Cod-LIvor Ollls Hai- Scnrt.'i, Dificoicu’uiioiis tif the Sliiri, liiiniors Kew Brunswick ; Dr. Worrell, of Squan, ard A Caswell’s, made on tho sea shore, from free h, ALASKA SEAL OIL and Diseases of thuSkiu of whatever uuuio and is still continued. Revs."Moore, Og- r-O IX . TII3EI or nature, lU’p literally dug up and etUTfed and l*rof. II, M, Worrell, #f Ilightslown. selected livers, by Caswell, Hasard A C©., New boru, Ashbrobki Shock, IIeileDroan,'KeI^ York. It Is absolutely I’URKandswaKT. Patients This diilightl'ul. absolutely pure, Pellucid, oil is out of tlic syskm in a short time by the an entirely now discovery ; never becomes ranfid CARDS, use of these Bitters. Capsized,-C ounjiellor U. M. J. Sraiih yea, Lawrence and Heislerhave preached who have once trken It prefer it to all others...Pby- Or sticky ; preserves ivntl L>o- uilflea the hair to the and the sermons wo have beard Have been slcluns have decided it superior to any of tho other latrst period of life. Hold wholesale nnd retail at Pill, Tnpc, iiml other Worms, and Mr. Samuel F.alier were capsized in oils In m arket. oc't 2 4w BATCHELOR S WIG. TOl'PEE kOHNAMEN- ingin the system of so many llioilsaiias, firo the yacht *‘Gypeie,»’ (n Tuesday. The of more than usual merit. Go Sunday TAL HAIR Factory, 16 Hood Street, New York ciibctuaily destroyed and removed. No la.st, Mr. Enoch Knowles, a lay prsiacher, Dr. L. WILBUR—OiBoe days, Tuesdays and City. octie ?2w disaster occurred off Seamaira ice-house Saturdays. * *y Ask ycur Druggist lor it. System of medicine, no vermifuges, no and the unfortunate sailors wero rescued officiated both morning and evening, and anthclminitics, will free the system from OANVASilNG BOOKS SENT FUBB FOR VOnns likndhceu Bitters. by Mr. CharleSOoMk wliti nolerious dam­ made a very fino imprcsiion. The zeal Xelodeoni and Cabinel Organa. and earnestness of the pastor will, we Married. Prof. Fowler’s G^eat Work The best mnnufuotured. BILLS, Tor Female (joiiiDlahit«i, in young age. Aa a general rule yachts Ao not sail >r old, moniod or siiiglo, at the dawn of VAN HARLINGEN—SOUDDER.-At Cream. 'On Manhood, Womanhood and their Alntnal Inter- Our aim and motto Is 'Perfffot Batlsfaotlon to ev- wall before the wind with the sheet aft. trust, meet with its due reward before the cry eastomer." womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonic meetings shall be closed. Ridge,.on the 16th In'et., by Rev. J. B. Davis, es- relntlona ; Love, ItsLnws, Power, etc. Agents are Bitters display to decided on influence sistod by Rev. W. G. Cairns, Mr. J. M. Van Har- selling from 15 to 26 Copies of this work a day, nnd F ast TIorses.—At the Mt. Holly fair we eend a oauvasslng book free to any book ugent. Soooud-ilXancl InstruinentBx that improvement is soon x>crceptible. Ilhgen of Philadelphia, to Miss Ella M. Scudder, Address,‘ stating...... expcrlenoe’ etc., NatiofalPub- Mr, John Norton received a prize of S50 F reshmen.—-We are informed that the eldest daughter of Joseph T. Scudder. LiBHixa------Go., Philadelphia, idel ■ • .. a. at zreat bargains. Jauildice.-^ln all cases of jaundfeo, F aotort: 6th St., between 3d and 2d Avenues. rest aasux'^ that your liver ia not doing its for the second best stallion in the Slate, students at Hightstown have adopted a KELLEY-BUCKLEY.-On Wednesdsy, Get. work. The only sGirsible treatment is to Wfl learn that he has since parted with pIftD by which to designate the new arri­ ISth, in tlie SeeoDd Preibytertao Ohareh, of Oran- FOR Bond for a circular. Call on or address promote the ^cretion of the bUo and the horse, Washington Jackson. Mr T. vals. All those who have never been to bury, by Rev. J. S. Ven Dyke, Edward B. P. COUSHS, COLDS, EOAR8EKES6, AND ALL T. H. CHAMBERS h. SON, ENVELOPES, favor its removaL, For this purpose uso Kelley, M. D., of Perrlnevllle, N. J., to Mlis Fan­ THROAT DISEASES, Noi. 90 k, 101 Fourth A vbkub, between 11th and VlKSOAB Bittebs. (^Sanford received afirsipremium of $20 boarding school before ars reqiilred • te nie J. Buokiey, only daugbterof J. Buckley, Esq., USE 12th SlroeU, NEW YORK OtTY. for his colt, Patchen Chiet, Jr. We arc cagry a cane during their first teri% Qnite of Cranbury, N. J. Respeotfhlly refer to Mr. Daniel D; Norton, Cleanse the Titiiited Blood wrhen- WELLS’ OARBOLIO TABLETS. Mrs. Isaac Pullen, Mr. Joseph "V. Applegate, Mr. cvex you find its impurities bursting informed Ihui Mr. f» iford has just refut­ a number of these badges of verdaiifey ap­ COWARD—ALLEN.—At the Baptist parson­ Pnt up only In Bloc Boxe#, -■ Edward T. Combs, Mr. David Wasserman, Mr through the skin in l^mples, Enmtions, ed a fair offer of $2(S00 foy the colt. As pear OD the streets. age, Thursday evening, Oot. 16th, 1873, by Rev. O. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Charles H. Woodward, John 0. Fisher k Soif. or Sor^; olean^.jt when you find it ob­ fob 27 6m (he animal is onl^ 3 years old and has P. Eachos, Mr. Riley A. Coward of Imlaystown, Sold by Druggists. • oet24w structed and ^t^gish in the vcinspclcanse Crowded,—An extra rush on our ad­ Monmouth Co., to Miss Maggio Allen of PbUadel- it when it is foul; your fe^hngs iidU tell never been trained, his owner seems to IffTT PTIPP ! No, we wouldonlycallattcntlon vertising columns is our apology for the phla. A U U A U /lJll, ■ toourwKLL AOOKR, wlih whIch rou -when, Keen the blood ptu’O, andrtho think liiat there is double that money to a,man can earn 025 per day In good tenitory. Il health of the system will follow. bd had for him. lack of our usual variety in local and JOHNSTON—DUNOAN.-At the Baptist par-' TEETH! bores any'diameter, an(} ordinary wells st the rate and all kinds of. sonago, Hightstown, Wednesday evening, Oct. 16, ofl50 feet per day. Farm, Township and County R . H . nr«DonrAU> * cO t Druggista and a«ueral Agents, San Fnuieia^ fille r - news items this week. - 1878, by Rev. O. P. Eaches, Mr. J. Wright Johns­ COLTON DENTAL Association Rights for sale. Descriptive book sent on receipt A Change.—By notice in our columns Originated the use of LA UG HING G AS fbr pain- ol'9o. postage. Address Auger Co., St. Louts, Mo- uU, aud uor. WaeLiugfoiaand CluurUoiiSt*., New aurk. ton of Trenton, to Miss Emma A. Duncan of Wind­ len extraction of teeth in 1863, and have given it souri. oot2 4w M M .b r nU JUrtfCHlfite jsfid p 0m i» n . it will he seen that Dr. Knlley has retired O p e n e d .— Mr. Elwood Stratton, late of sor. to ove 67,500 patients without a f.illureora^ldent. n» l |. Do nOt.Jadge us by the tailure of others. DnigfliiHi u d A ^ ts , tku Fmaaiteoi CUlftir- from the parinerslifp with Dr, Thomason Morristown, and for 20 years a druggist, W RIGHT-DUNOAN.-At tho Baptist parson- n v e l o p e s , p l a i n o k p r i n t e d , COME TO EBAD-QUA TKR8 ! at the Gasette OfBoe uia, u d oor. WaaUagtoii u d Ohuitnn SIsj, Mew Yoife. whitih ha| twisted for tire last seven years, has opened the Medical Hall aud will soon ngfl, Hlfhtfftowa. Wednesday evenlngi Oot. I6tb, aug f l 19w W Coop r Instttu i«. New York E M fc hr •U RragglMft mmi Mkmknf* and has entered into a new firm for life. have the place up to its former first class 1873, by Rev. O, P, Eachos, Mr. Joseph B. W right oflmlnyftowft, to Miss Anna M. Duncan of Wind* T^ORTOAOES, DEEDS AND LEASES, OCIETY PRINTIH O A SPBCIAITT, Bueck as to aU the parties, ^ nOB B n.u ANsiwDNxa&BittPSft, |w«tl pwaitioD. Call on him. •or. { i* A for sal* at the Gaiette Offle S altheOaietteOftce BUSINESS PRINTING. 'U ^ w ri-

WUfT pENNSYLVAmA KllLBOftO Ji.IV.VooB H edtJ. 8i-*MWn. golomoU stA lff THOM AS C. PEARCE. f m t tMlr.Mf»nktl«n V * word, bio baort follod bin. satsun w - ox AXD AMXR IXpT 29, 1873. JobbTrocy Entered LxATX UiaMTCTOWX A« rOLLOiri.’ i Ij ,'H T£LM l¥IoP7M lSti^ tfco *M aUoR-^m Mr. {{alboro of d o- rorPhiloftelphixxt 7 23, A. M., 1 and 0 2A^ R i a l EEiAzan, Ml J .. TOBAQOOANDSEOABS, ton and Mt. lloHy ViiBIfVMM, Ml M.,’ It la probabla that all would have been For New York, ft « , A. M. and ♦ OB’ P. M.. via H l « l 3 .ti5ito-W Ta., XY. J*. Otfera obtetnlne wen, rr be had not fbllen io lore with TOYS, HOUDAY GIFTS, &0., Monmouth Junction and via Purth Amboy, gnd FURNISHING Xatherine. It was the o ld , old story, and 8;4-I A. M. via Monmouth Junction and South A PRAfiTlGAL EDUGATIOir. t h is was,the end. Nothing was left for • dU b TSTr fine aiaortm cnt of Amboy. A ORNT fur THE iE R S E Y CITY INSTRAN Cf: COMPANY - O f e r l HpBrh>r (.,,111: ITS I^TfonluKo beat#! the Kmntry, , • ReTDRNIMa, A desiring first claBs lnsurinoe upon all wob'erty liable to destruction by fire. Dwelling JIouseiL h im n o w , bnt to seek bis new situation.— . . . n .. .7 .... > . Cl.L. -I ft _t. ..A.1 IV A ... 4 ^,.. — UNDERTAKERS. He found his new duties much herder Gents’ Furnishing Goods, UatS; Leave Philadeljibla from Market Htreot Perry Public Buildings, Churches, Colleges, School jfouscs, etc., insured fbf (»jie, tkre« or fiVo y«ai . perpetual. Stores, Merchandise mid Personal Property taken M favoreblo rates «f safe^ ^ud Its pRiKotPAL.ls jaq mpooloncod uuilneSs nun. * then those he bad left, and-perhaps this at ft 30 A. M., 2 and 6 P. M , via Burlington and ■» • fco.) fcc. -- BorLHa Ir.8Ira LjLABii*: pKTAiWwaT’m ’ViiimbTjTa ‘•JftainUXn* b e tw e e n him and h is work, it was only to Cortlnndt #trooti at 7 A,M.(y|^hs bright­ Nnv. 7 1 y otnee. 3’rainf on Kinkorabronoh leave Kinkora at 8'Ofl TEU. This is (he OlYljlf P re a e rv e r ilhat ca n Wo do net manufuoture clerks and book-kupcrv ness from her life, no ooo IfWw what it A. M , *23 ahd ft‘.36 P. M.; Heturniiig. leave ^GENT for tho NORTH AMERICAN lusaranoo Company. Chartered 1T94. Aaieta »2,783,6M. AliWAVS M KBE.IBD’AN. only,-but Impart that/genorul knowledge of' busi­ cost her. A close observer nilght have JO tl^S T W . D E Y , New Lisbon at 10;.’10 A . M. and 5:25')P. M., and ness, businhPBforme, laws and customs, w h leh^ ic» noticed that she was a little more thonght- Lewistown at 7:10 A. M. Also Manufaotarors and DealersAn ersonllal to success in lifp, fu l: but her father congratulated bimseir F rom Pau.Ai>Ri.i'iiiA Wbstward, ^ Ga E...... N T...... fo r 'lh e MERCER...... COUNTY ...... MUTUAL, the MOMOUTH COUNTY MUTUAL and ihe BTtlBEHXS Bec^i ed at Any lime. thal she had forgotten him. Trains leave W. PbiUda for Harrisburg, Pitts­ PRINCETON MUTUAL. Loaaoa promptly adjuatod and settled Visllusand Judge for yourself, on-sdAl for 6 ata- burg and tbo West at 8 00 A. M. and 12 40, nnd Fine Walnut Parlor Suits, Addre^. , .- Tbns the long, bard montbs passed by. 7.30 P. M. daily except Sunday, and at 8.10, 10,.% ’ifily 17 Cm w . Ik, Af.)LC9f. H e at bis desk every day, bravely doing and 11 56 P. M. daily WATdMVT. CHEBTMUT, ,A 1VP] O A K his. best. She in the whirl of aouicty, For Harrisburg, Williamsport, the Oil Regions ^ Q e her heart longed for a Utile quiet.— and Erie at 12 40 and II 55 P. M. FOR WHEAT AND GRAI^; trusting tlie other ao'perfectly, that For Harrisburg, Elmira, Canandaigua, Niagara OR RENT.* S E I > R 0 0 3 JC S T J I X S . Falls, Ac , at 7 20 A. M OUSES FOR RENT. irsE b a r n 'itard nAiviiBB, ' nllbougl^ no Word was exebanged, they F with a lib eral hand aV far as ^ou'r owJt t^ftply w llj A Through Passenger train, espoelally for par- A miICK STORE AND DWELLING on Stock- fim that each was true. « ties moving Westward, loavesnaves Philailolpbla at H MARBLE TOP CENTRE TABLES, Ex TABLES, .Ko- .' u APPLY SOON IF YOU WANT A ClIOICK.* ’ SOFAS, TETE-A.TETE, LOUNGES^ SO­ 12.05 A. M daily, nxcopt Maiiday. For passage by ton sStroct. One of the Best Stands in tbo town. THEN FIN ISH OUT WXTJK , : A| last he was sent back to Chicago on FA-BOTTOM CHAIRS, l o o k in g this train, applioation should bo made to Francis T. C. PiiAllCE, Agent' ‘ Apply to T. C. PEARCE. t^inesa which took him several days. It C l a s s e s , large aeeorhnHpCANB Funk. Agent, lift Market 8f., Phiinda , where ' ■ ■ & ' waa during Ids stay tliat llie great fire First Class and Kmigrast tickets oan bo obtained SEATCHAlRS.RUSHBaT- 7 bqbfcs out, Ihs thrilling details of which IliiH (ill hiinil a vurluiy of TOM, CHAIRS (of our own iKA-W: BO m a For further information si>e Time-tables which , inanufucture),. . wnl bn remembered by all. lie made liis Buggies, Carriages, Carryalls, cun bo obliiiiifid nt tho Liokot oQloo. | escape fkom his hotel into the crowded A. J 0AH8ATT, D. M BOYD, J b . BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, n' ' SUPER-PHOSHiUTJE, streets, and tried to make his way to that mm!II liy i-xporloneiMl work inen, nml of the 1»chL inulerinl, iitnl l>y imrelMtsinK lilfl t>lock I’or cnsli, he Gon’l Manager, Gcn’l I’nss. Agent. TOWEL RACKS, TEA POY and Dr^oo* 1 '" piloei off part of the city in which the Uolborns lit eniililuil to soil Mir cash III ry roniMinnljln ralOH, F, W. JACK.SON. I S. RUCKELKW, DEAL ESTATPI-^BOUGFiT RENT. ’ iiYOKK T a BLKS. CU IU DRKN’S nypd. 'Amid all this peril there waa one Having liii'l "11 fxperli-nci' of m arly Uilriy yours •Oen’i Supl. of N. J. Div. Bupt. Amboy Dir. il ANDSOI.D, _ _ ...... , CHAIRS, CRIBS, SWtNS ' 19tu y e a r of COHSTAKI USE. at Uio liU.HliH'fls IuoIk oimlkU'iit lliiiL ii« oati|iflvc T C PEARCE ' STORE, hornor of Meroer and Morrison Streets. ■ CRADLilS. hr ibust save, even iflie lost Iiis .own life jan 1 ly q u a l it y UtGllLY IMPROVED. KuiKiralNiUlsItioiionl it both wurkmuiiHliiimiiil price. Chonp. Apply to T. C. PEARCE. hi the attempt. He reached the street at PICTURE FRAMES and but the Are fiend was beforo him.— llopaii'in”; AUomlodto. WM. N. CUNNINGHAM, on hand and made In'ordor,. M’ALN'tjT RRA,‘’0N' BXiWB-Aiin’WAiiRAN’Fr.aro Etebt Boterl Tbtlong row of elegant liousei were one MeIK’EII StHEET, IIlQIITSTOWN, N. J, .ETS, Aoi, Ao. ’ ' ’ . BA treii A moNs , aMnr Knottier caught by those ticry ton- THE BEST AND LARGEST STOCK DF Sole Mahnfdcturcrs. KQd then—a crash, and all wai lunt. inr 13 ly STORES: Hia quick eyes look in the scuue in all iis 20 Soulh Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia liorrlble grandeur, and found tlmt the Qeorge Hyams, C A. R P. ETS, iulyl7 3ra .Vuurfc 5/ree;, Holborn mansion slill stood, but—yes, ii J. M. SMITH, all kinds WAsbnrning, and Katherine, wassliesafiiy AimounccR to tbe pitbllo Hint lio will open on llio ist of May, a OIL CLOTHS, W ALL PAPER, rraotically ho rushed through the 1873. AUTUMN 1873. crowd iu front of tbo house, seeking for AVITNDOW the girl. lie found Bell and her falhor, CbOTlHNG STOltE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ON STOCKTON ST,, (CRKOO'H O U ) HTAND,} An., Ac , ever offered in this oHy. Also Rogers & who, in reply to his eager questions, only 13ro '8 enlebratcd ' •hpok their heads and pointed to the jrKJIlH^SH\)WX,N.rT. IWAIN 8T., niOnTM TOW N. SILVER PLATED WARE, bouse, ns if grief had made them speech­ wliorti lu) will kcM']) n full Miuck of CLOTHING less. Some one in the crowd said that the on blind and to order. Fir.«t cliisa TABLE nnd young lady had gone back after some­ 'Jicady-Matln . POCKET CUTLERY, BLANK BOOKS and STA­ NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. TIONERY Also thing, and it was too late to eavo her. Gents Pnrnist/i/if/ Goods^ ied of tho might never cross again, ho sjirang, and JCE CREAM b'Bt Houstm in N(*w York nnd Philiidelphin for AND (Jiisli, we (lie propiircd to offer our cnstmiiers luid a cry went up from the cro.wd as he was Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, the public In getiernl. n finer n.s.iortmi'nl of the lost from sight, “ Two lives iusteud of GLASSWARE, above oiniuiiental goods fhnn bus over been dis­ one.” How he reached tho sccond-story DINING SALOON. c m_ o c i s : m I t y , played ill this city, nn X’liXOXC twice, in quick succeKsioti. Then the an­ THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE W. H. C. MURPHY, 0 r 7j,’'/iC 0 .'lT.% o i ’.V y'A’yi'.v, TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS swer came, and he found her. Catching Meals at all //oars. Successor to WM. HICKS, ■ M ju ;s s A^yy.y, her in his anus, he inadu his way back to PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, Con/ectionnry / ’rait$, rfr., of all sizes, on hand nml to order ■ the staircase, only to find the stairs linJ No 22 EAST' STATE STREET, LADIKS’ SALOON ON KIltST FLOOR. And other Country Prochico. ■A’ I'S IA •Ji'd.'i s Z 'J y,v, fallen. j'H 31-tf J M. SMITH. T!REJ3Sr'r03Sr, 1'^. J., “ We can die together, Jolin,” she mur­ Fainlllo.H scrvoil wiUiieil I'.xtra cluinriv .JOILV \V. K A in.Y , PT lITTFUMKRY, dealer in mured, clinging to liira, as she felt her iilirlT lf opp. iMorrin’ Ibiok .Store. IN LARUE A.S.SORTJIUNT. tlrenglh slipping away, C hina, G lass and Q ueensivahe, all kinds nnd all prices—a new ami elegant nssort “ Let us make one nu>ro c/Tort to live,” ment just received. T H E MAMMET he cried, and started for a side window.— I’ICTU llE FRAM ES, LOOKING (JLASSK.s:. TA- A .n jf .L L IN E OF EI.Y.SIAN.S FURR. O 'n lS - A.rEKRINE, B L E C U rL E R V ; BLAq’ED W AKE. LAxMPS, There, with tho flames leaping and danc­ CIllLLA l!I!AA’i;US,E,'fUL[.AII,tFluSN01t - ing about thorn, he shouted fur a ladder. Grocery &'Liquor Store, Next Door to Rigliftrclson’s Hotel, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WORSTEDS, ENOLIvU SUITINUS, Ac.. Ac. It was brought, ami in a moment morf. II l<;> II TM T O W PT , N., J . CLOT.,s AND EMU'.UONS, the crowd that hud looked ou in breath­ In nil varieties, nnd at all prices Pictures Framed to Ordijr. Plates put in Lookinj; Tlio ub.HCribor would call attention to bis larj^e less Buspense, broko out iuto a shout Cor Glass Frimies. ami complete ►took of Groocrios, I’rorisionfl, Ao , AMERICAN SUniNGS. the brave man who had saved a life. Vax /lon'cr . 1/d te r/a ts, wliicli ho is Hoiriiig nt tbo very lowo.st Cash figures. W. J. CO.LE9 Proprietor, CLOTHES WRINGERS KKPAIRED. PANTALOON STRId’ES k CHECKS, “ Father, you will not refuse John I’urclmscrs arc rcfnicstod to call iicforo goiiu' dee 14 tf olsowhcro. They 'vill fiml nil k im lso f ns slindoa. single and liouhlr, Wiix all colors. Irn. VESTIKU.s, dc., ,to.. DOW,” said Katheriue after they were in molds, siiimous, cotton and silk wire, crosses, safety. COin-'EH, SUGAli AND MOLA8 SRS. Harps, Ac. IS THE PLACE TO BUY “ No, I will not deny him what is al­ A very fine iissoriinont of TKAM, such as Illaok Iron in tlie Blood ready his. As for me, I am poor. The Green, Imporiill. de. Com lip .-ind Tlriiphos CUSTOM DEPAll TMENT. fiames have taken all.” Hums, Fork. Lard, Fish, Choeso, Rutter, Ao. of all klmlfR All tho lending A IlniKlKome Gjirraunt Wan’aiittfl. , “ And I,” said .John Tracy, his voice DRIED FRUIT, KPICES. COARSE AND FfNK ME.IT, trembling with emotion, ” havo riches SALT, UROOaMS, PAILS, DKUSlfES, ROPE, irATll RESTORERS, SiN’CLAIR, V aNNEST& W eST, untold ; for the flames gave mo Kalh- CROUKERV-WARE. •rine.” EARTHEN AND STONE WARE, PUOVISKWS,. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS 33 EA) ^T. TRENTON, N. J. MACKEREL, . A Chicago gentleman says tlmt ho A.T CIXYT F>R.rO-ES, tor DiO'licInikl purposes. 1 once wus ho unforiunuto iis to gei by the i bbl., i bill, ami barrel. Those wanting AND FRUITS, Ihorougljly fudultd. It was in Harrison's to purchase, will find it to th eir advaiitngo to oall A very larf!;c assurtiiiont of “ hard cider” campaign, and he bad been Rlso, a bki.ki't ntook or iu atleminnce on ouo of ihu musL euthusi- WM, l,eWENS&C0„ WINES LIQUORS, AND CORDIALS, Kstic of llio meetingo, and had wit enough Lamps, Brackets, Globes, ' ^ ^ O U R , 1U5ED, EGGS, of tho olioico.Ht brivmls, MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. Have a si»lendl(l Slock of at liight to know that he was iu no fit oon- dlliou to meet his wife. Ho walked about A T WHOLESALE Oft RETAIL, Chimneys, etc. AND liVD R YTniX ti A"OU W ANT TO EAT, The Perilvian Sf/rupf a Protect­ the^rd for an hour or two and finally Conslarjtly on huml allowep^ pricbs- ed Solution of the Protoxide of tl^pt in and slipped quietly into the bed, Spuoinl attonlion is culled to Having purclinsed IVlr. A. W'alllna’s stork of IroHt is so combined as to have CLOTHING turning his baik to his wife, that she A, Perrine’s APPLE GINGER, CHEAP FOR CASH, the character of an aliment, as might uot smell his brenth. Ho was just PAINTS, OILS, easily digested and assiinilaied boginniug to cungralulate tiimsuir that For modicinnl purposes. A flue article. with the blood as the simplest she would uot suspect his condithm, when food,. It incry.ascs the quantity M, fil Those wnntiiig nr tidies In luy line are earnestly Glass, Putty, Paint Brush­ ALWAYS FRESH. of Katare*s Own Vitalizing she broke out: “ You needn’t take so invited to call. ' Agent, Iron in the blood, and/ much pains, Joel. You arc drunk all RUTTER. EGGS, GRAIN, cures *U(.thonsand ills,’*simply through.” AndPllODUCK OF ALL KINDS wanted, by Toning up,Invlgorati)t g and AIT BOW goods made up in the- for which tho highest market rates will bp paid. es, Varnish Brushes, &c.. fSiohest Casli S’l icc paid lor Country VitaliiXng the System, The cn- A n t t iiin o to A ccom m odate.—The AM^RBIY I'KUKIIVK. riched and vitalized blood per­ lU'Bt Mnnner, iiiul in Fashionable Style. reign of the servant girls has commenced. Hightitown, May 1, llJ7I.-tf and retltted It with everything used by‘Pointer'', meates every part o f the body, ArtislS, (Hazers and oUirr.-', n ‘sdm'1 fully solicit the Produce at repairing damages and waste, A gentleman of the city sent to tbo intel­ EDDING CARDS, PRINTED orENGUAV. I'ormor patronage of our predecessor. ligence oflice to obtain a “ young lady” to W ED, lit the Giiretto Office searching out morbid secre­ FOllCtrSTOMTllADE, loek on while his wife did llio work. The tions, and leaving nothing for All the now goods for sultlngR of COI aD AM1> MpAnKMIVO lair creatu.ie who was olTered for tlio ASONICCALKNDAHS I’lllNTED AT LOW­ disease to feed upon. M' EST RATES, nl theGiiRutto UOioe This is the secret o f the won­ English, Ffench and American: place, after asking somo fifty questions derful success o f this remedy in about whether they had “ tubs set, wheth­ SOIOA. W YTETT Cole’s Main Street Market, cu rin g Dysi>cpsia, Liver Com­ MANUFACTURE. er Ihe-^kltchen was down stairs,’’ etc., rARHI FOR SALE. asked how many evenings she couhl have plaint, Dropsy, ’Clu*onic Diar­ OVERCD.iTlx>fGSf>F EVERT STYLE JN TH E The Fnrin, contalulnu- iibot 13b iicrcs, formerly Co t t a g e c r e a m b e e r H it’lltstow n, ]ST. jf. rhoea, BoiLs, Koxw’oii^ Affections, MARKET. out.” “ Well,” said Llie gentleman, “ I (K'cupioil by Wli'lini’il (K Konuvur, iloe'il situateil 1 don’t see how we can let you have more in Mu iiorih of Ulglit-ltiwii. in now (i“ itrc(i ut prival- n pleasant ami hoalthitul beverago. Cbills anff Fevers, Hnmor^, than seven.” “ How many ctiildren haye snli!. 'rtic liiipniveiiii'Ut'i consisl 111 ii icmul himse. tVY- Physicians proscriptions carefully -com- ^1'irst-Class Cutters and Tailors liira:i' burns iinCHEitI*KST ^ eneixrizing effects arc npt fol­ he, “ somo persons hold to the opinion CAIJI.’iK T O R iM N S la FTSEI aUA.YO, lliu w.irld; m il IiivIIi' rI 1 lowed f>y^<^r7'espoTirling /eac- No. 37 East State St., that, just at the precise instant alter one loU iil tor UirO- ii.LUS- WELL REGULATED COUNTRY STORE. A Reliabla Manure for all Crops. •I KATKn CATAIJDGLK tio7i, but are pei’niaiient, iaff^ T U E N T O N , N . J . human being dies, another is born; and ai>a.t-e.vcvy Rag lu iio u r Trade fULAR, iinir .Consumers willmYe ,.5,,to.,J.APer Cent, by Dealing at _ life irUo uU parps o f thesu^tesi)rf 'apr24'6i»„, animates tho new born babe. Now, 1 ii: • and bnlldiiig-icp ecuAirmi Con^ have made particular*and cxleiisivt'en- t . H. (JUAV’S stUiitlon. , ’ ’ quiries concerning my opponent SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GOODWIN’S CRANE ORY, N. J. Tho7isa7ids have been, cha7iged and I find that for some hours previous to April 10 tf by the use of this I'emedy, front bis oalivily noM ij died’ Fellow-citizens, weak, sldkly, suffering C7'ca- N o 1 . T’ K R U V l A N G U A N O , Tho above Organa kept always on hand for sale iures, to strong, hcaWsy^ a7iufc?i A/erK', JV', J. itate to give! it a trial. paper oflice the other rluy nml inqnlrcil FINE GKOUND PEAIRIE BONE. Alsu Agent for the WHUHR an.i OEO. STPAHv A China and Glassware See that eacf/hottle has P E R U ­ very'anxiousljr it tho editor had aeon nny- CO.’S PIANOS. jy;f43m IIKAL ESTATE. thiiig in tbo papers lately ahnut'asrul) JOSIAIIy, ALLEN^S SONS, .The HUbserlbor, ftiimlnlstraivU »r Ui« optate of TU'B'ATSffWm lliA'Ciiy'bTTfbhtfffi, m aybe Betih at VIAN SYRUP blo7tm in th4 glass, wonn that was doing much elamnge to Daniel F- Huiqlilngon, dee'd, will sell at I’ul/lic !Pam plilet» 3?Voo- rNSTIlUCTIOX IN MUSIC. Sale.' 1 eelery. “■ ! intend,” snid be, “^tohuvs Ah / Sofft-h /tefan'ni'e A.rcnae O. Unri'iclclo’s, PHILADELPHIA. jy 1.3w, SETH W. FOWLE k SONS,' Proprietors,' raised a good deal of celery tljis year, but NETTIE tiREfirBlAl.l On Wedneailny, December 3d, 1873, 66 GREENK STREET, ' • No. 1 Milton Place, Ho 9 to u . I don’t think It will pay if that celery announces tn tlie pi^Iio that she has established a on the'prem ises, in Hightatown, the firllowlng (Oppeelte tbo M arket,) .A' ,1 1 f .. 1 ^ A A... tracts fit land of the said Dablol P. HuK'hlnsoii, BoioD UY D r UGOIHTS dKNF.nALLT. grub that started at Washington a while ^DVERTISE YOUR BUSINE.'^.S stiflHoL FOR iNsfii'UlrnoK In m u s io , m tho Hightatown Gazette. doo’d, viz.: Alt that certaln^Hoai Kstale''sltiinte ' ■ TRENTON, . J. since about which I’yeltoern so nim b on, a t tho rosidc.iu'o ttf Re v. L . O. Grenelle, in Lh,o bfirough ofHlghtstown'aml county of Miireer, WHITE GRANfTE DINNER A TEA WAKE, LIVE MAN WAliTEU h e VICTOR xSEWlNG M AC W IIE OO.,. woirt it coming this way.” A light dawned nt^r tho Iron Bridge, Iligbtgtqwi^ >[. .t. LOTNIL 1. being that oortiiin Frame Honko and TOILET SETS, Plafii and Decorated, T rcHftbloiand ennrgotfc AaeiUs In th is Ubuniy. upon the editor’s mind— the " Salary Lakori.«and, t-horeiinto l»»t«nglng, situated wn tho -r FHENOfi CHINA, Plain and Gold Band, A TOSJirnC1f(Ukon’eftf25 4w Fo«r potelees,. plants ta, BUCK MOTNTAIK, HAZLETON, AND BEAT OlmmberKn, cnnplaluant., and Charles A. MOuntJ A. Deaiii’abl^’House yieldedieUed thiee bnabela,bnabeia, weleblngweieblng loU16( HARNESS, ROBBS, WHIRS, Sale to oommonco at 1 o’clock P. M., on lot No. 1. ot. nis., dofomlant. FI. {’J*-; Ac., on Fwoclosurc. sttufttodffttufctcd on Main iuoMi St.,o i., nearlyI oonpo8 p p o s e ER MEADOW LEHIGH COAL. Conditions made known at solo by ITto sale under tho abdro f^tatotl w rtl’stftnd's nd- IhoiliutM. HhnH^tbkrn, iw ooc'.upleU'by .T. H.'Sil- ■poaodiaDd Th«..brgsa &o., at tho lowest prices. JENNIE E. UUTOUINStlN^ jmirned to tho26th.«lay of-Ootobec^ lMU,atjUo’clock versi The housocontaine 7 very con voti lent rooruj; ocatlon best In Highfsfeown. i ^ l y sifialram ount -sssig h e d b pound and a half. oet22m ’ Administrator. P. M..At Richardson’s H oioL.ln tho Jjqrough of 6d Hightstown, Mercer county, N. J. of money neeckd, balance oau romuln on.th^ prom- Mrs. VValling liaa bond- s jarse ya- • ^ . fffJliBPH J. ICTiYf’.*i IsoB. Frr furfhorlnfiifmaUdn address rietjl of Pot FiOweia at hSr aaideoce, oa 1 prol OTE8 AND REOBIPTS, NEATLY Pr E 5 e D Master In (Jhancory of N,,JL sep 26 6w iRDEB y o u r b i n d i n g . 132! Mato*najMlik, rtiitalfJn. StecktQu >tieetr«j)pC)b«Wir'ttMcK £ a o t , w h y n o t 2 H t4 lT ISAAC B. NORtOK. 0 at the Gazette Omei N at the G azette office S. M. SOHANOK, Sol ’r of Compl’t. oc l?^w