B. MOSHAMMER (Geological Survey ) NW Hochlindach ABBAU SE HOCHLINDACH 8 m 0 0 0 0

m assisted by 8 ALTER ABBAU Hangschutt Hirlatzkalk, Lias-Rotkalk Karbach Gosauschichten Dachsteinkalk K. FISCHER (Solvay Ebensee), Oberjura zusammengefasst (Plassen-, Tressensteinkalk, Plattenkalk A. RANZENBACHER (Gmundner Zementwerke AG), Oberalmer Schichten) Profil nicht überhöht 100 500m Grünanger Formation Hauptdolomit R. KASSMANNHUBER (Baumit ),

Hangschutt, Schuttstrom; A. MULLEGGER (stone mason Reiterndorf) Postglazial (Holozän) Hochlindach Bergsturzmaterial, Blockwerk; Postglazial (Holozän) and N. KIENESBERGER (stone mason Grieskirchen) Talfüllung - Jüngster Talboden (Kies, Auelehm); Postglazial (Holozän) -Gruppe i.A. Untere Gosau Subgruppe (Flachwasser- gosau; Turonium - Maastrichtium

Kreide i.A.; Unter-Kreide

Oberjura (Malm)-Kalke i.A.; Ober-Jura Alter Abbau Plassenkalk, Tressensteinkalk; Ober-Jura Jura-Klastische Fazies (Oberseebrekzie, Grünangerformation, Grubhörndlbrekzie); Unter - Ober-Jura,(Olisthostromatische Kalkbrekzie mit Großschollen aus Dachsteinkalk und Hallstätter Kalk; Rotkalk); Unter - Ober-Jura Lias und Dogger-Schwellenfazies; Hirlatzkalk, Enzesfelder Kalk, Adneter Kalk und Mergel, Klauskalk; (Rotkalk); Unter - Mittel-Jura Dachsteinkalk, Lagune; Solvay Ebensee Norium - Rhätium KARBACH - HOCHLINDACH Plattenkalk und Dachsteinkalk; Norium - Rhätium Hauptdolomit, Norium (Dolomitstein, bankig); Norium Raibl-Formation, Leckkogelschichten; Unteres Karnium Wettersteinkalk; Ladinium - Unteres Karnium Gutensteiner Kalk, Dolomit: Anisium

Detail from the geological map of 1:200 000

Building of the washing and sieving processing plant at Soda is produced from the carbondioxide Karbach. In front of it loading of a cargo ship with of the calcite and the sodium of the brine. processed material. Et. 865 Ca. 60 m high Et. 845 south oriented wall which consists of Processing and Selected Products Grünanger Schichten up to about level 865 and higher up of Upper Jurassic limestone Et. 845 (mainly Oberalmer Et. 830 Schichten). Sturzschacht Right outside of the photo to the east there is an updoming of Dachsteinkalk. The roads to the quarry are not equipped for heavy load transports. Therefore all equipment for the quarry has to be shipped. Old quarry, SSW direction: Almost completed retention basin for storing Et. 830 Hochlindach Et. 815 the muddy content (< 0,04 mm) of the water 130/84 from the wet sieving process at the lake shore. The southern wall consists of dolomite bearing Plattenkalk, which is unusable for its chemical constitution and left untouched. Fissure in Dachsteinkalk within the Old Quarry Grünanger transitional zone to Tressensteinkalk Grünanger Schichten. Formation Enlarged detail of the Plattenkalk sequence Its infilling is made between thick limestone beds. Long side of up by a breccia with the photo 48 cm, tape measure 10+5 cm. components of

Hirlatzkalk and H L L

Interpretation of the facies: a i i e Dachsteinkalk e A: Reworked horizon: Limestone nodules of the n g g and red micritic g e e underlying bed C are deposited within red marls. e n n groundmass. n d d They are covered by reddish coloured dolomite d Tape measure: containing black pebbles. 25+5 cm. B: Pure dolomitic stromatolith (algal laminite) with geopetally filled vugs, i.e. in the former hollow space first some sediment is deposited. The remaining vug was closed with calcitic cement. Upper photo: Sedimentary contact of Grünanger Schichten Bedding and diagenetic C: Limestone bed, 1,5 to 2 m thick. The westerly wall of the quarry Hochlindach is made up of Grünanger Schichten which are conglomeratic at the base structures (partially calcitic (red weathered, with up to 1 cubic metre large components). overlying Dachsteinkalk on level 830. filled vugs) in the Hirlatz- Towards the north to the right contact to Tressensteinkalk (Upper Jurassic). View of the north-dipping nodular bedding plane kalk rsp. Liassic Red Lower photo: seen from below as the underlaying Limestone on level 830. Tectonically overprintet contact between massive Grünanger Schichten and thin Dachsteinkalk was removed. bedded intensively folded Tressensteinkalk. C A B C

Detail from the geological map of Talfüllung - Jüngster Talboden (Kies, Upper Austria 1:200 000 Auelehm); Postglazial (Holozän) Hypothetical NW-SE profiles of the quarry Pfeiferkogel and of the middle part of the old Rutschhang, Massenbewegung, quarry ensemble (SW part), based mainly on EGGER (1996) and WEGERER (1998). Sackungsmasse; Pleistozän - Holozän Talfüllung - Älterer Talboden (Kies, Sand); NW SE Deltaablagerungen (); Postglazial (Holozän) HASELGUPF-DECKSCHOLLE Old quarry, level 14 (630) with falling Old quarry, level 16 (660): Moräne (Würm) A shaft (the lower one). On the upper end Plassenkalk of high chemical purity in typical Jüngerer Aktueller Abbau Pfeiferkogel Eisrandterrasse (Würm) the unloading site for trucks (level 16). In light colour. Striking laterally to the left clastic sediments Dachsteinkalk: Anteil Ruhpolding-Formation; Ober-Jura the background there is the western of the Gosau group crop out implying tectonical contact. NW SE (Radiolarit - Kieselgestein); Ober-Jura Älterer 7 m

0 coulisse of the higher quarry Hochlindach. 0

0 Allgäuschichten (Liasfleckenmergel, 0 m 7 Alter Bereich SW-Teil Liasbrekzie); Unter-Jura Bundesstraße Bundesstraße Lias und Dogger-Schwellenfazies; (Hauptbereich) Hirlatzkalk, Enzesfelder Kalk, Adneter

Gleis 5 Kalk und Mergel, Klauskalk; (Rotkalk); m Gleis 0 0 Unter - Mittel-Jura 0 0 m 5 Kössen-Formation, Schattwald-Formation; Rhätium Dachsteinkalk, Lagune; Norium - Rhätium Abbau Pfeiferkogel 100 500m Profile nicht überhöht Alter Bereich SW-Teil Plattenkalk; Norium - Rhätium

Quartäre Talfüllung Dachsteinkalk Hauptdolomit Mergel der Et. 672 Allgäuschichten A Plattenkalk Nor/Rhät-Grenze Et. 3 (475)

Alter Bereich PFEIFERKOGEL EBENSEE Gmundner Zementwerke NE-Teil

Sylvia-Stollen Old Quarry Ensemble

East face of the SW part of the old quarry ensemble. In the eastern View of the quarry Ebensee from the north, approximately seen from Gr. Sonnstein. protruding middle Excavated limestone is deposited temporarily part of level 3 (floor Due to activities of recultivation, like planting and staining, the old quarry- part on level 3. on level 3. To the right, there is the coulisse of with office, 475 m ensemble fits quite inconspicuously into the country. The recent > this part of the quarry. Limestone with = 2 m above sea level) quarry Pfeiferkogel is operated in terraces from bottom to top. On the left one can see the protruding middle bedding width with only a depression part which houses the Sylvia gallery. was excavated. centimetre thick marl The faces are artificially grey stained except for In its deeper grass layers in between. the lowest one. The multiple benches are planted. Partially faulted. covered eastern part Southeast corner in quarry Pfeiferkogel: Level 690, middle part, view Top presumably to the it serves as rain water Up to 4 m thick siliceous limestones towards SW: Flexures and left. The whole sequence retention basin. (Scheibelbergkalk s. l., Liassic) bendings in the tectonically belongs probably to the The walls of the form the tectonically overprinted deformed Dachsteinkalk. younger part of the Dach- depression show sediment in superposition to Dachsteinkalk. A characteristic limestone- steinkalk. The lower plane dahinter the natural, light Their ESE dipping normal faults show marl-sequence stretches of the limestone bed in the beige unweathered tectonical extension. along the face from the middle foreground to the right is colour of the part of the photo to the west identical with the one in the Dachsteinkalk, [compare the left photo] left corner of photo 45. whereas the upper and probably marks the Nor- 2 faces show the grey / Rhät boundary. It should be m Schichtunterfläche camouflage staining, identical with 45 in the old 45 einer Störung imitating natural quarry ensemble. weathering. View of level 690 Dachsteinkalkbank 177/68 from SW presenting Coarse nodular The originally highly the southwestern bedding plane of a lime- nodular bedding continuation Et. 690 stone bed, which typically plane, marked by the of the following occurs in the proximity of the 1 metre tape measure, photo to the right. limestone-marl-sequence. was smoothed by tectonic deformation. Detail of the western part in the eastern depression. Fault zone with red- Brekziierter green, sandy marls. Dachsteinkalk Dipping of the fault and of the bedding plane are perpendi- Intercalation of 0,5 m thick brownish weathered cular to each other. Pfeiferkogel marls (interpreted as marl series of the Nor / Rhät The adjacent lime- boundary rsp. as Kössen Beds) followed upwards stone to the north by a 2 m thick bedded, ochre and greyish-blue is transformed into weathered limestone-marl-alternation. The latter a fault breccia. consists of 2-4 cm black heavily bioturbated Tape measure 80 cm. layers of marl and <5-8 cm thick limestone beds.

Floor (= level 672) and quarry wall with Conveyor belt in the Sylvia gallery, which carries the levels 690 and 712 the coarsly crushed material from the quarry Even the loading of the railway in the western area Pfeiferkogel to the underground processing plant waggons is performed in the underground. of quarry Pfeiferkogel, inside the old quarry were it undergoes crushing All of the worked material is transported via seen from the south. and dry sieving. The distant exit is seen. railway to the cement plant in . To the left on the edge Sedimentary structure in the limestone-marl-sequence on of the quarry the The extracted and l. 690, interpreted as wave ripples. Width of photo: 30 cm. primary crusher is processed Dach- situated on top of steinkalk is the the falling shaft with main raw material Sohle Et. 672 its feeding device component for the for trucks. cement production. In this process The other major raw materials are marl and sandstone, both coming from the Processing quarry in the and Flysch-zone quite Et. 712 near the cement plant in Gmunden. Products Various cement types are produced for a range of applications.

Et. 690