CBC have opened a consultation regarding the schools within the Woburn Sands area. This includes the five lower schools in Woburn Sands, Aspley Guise, , Ridgemont and Woburn and Fulbrook Middle School. This is known as the Fulbrook Pyramid.

In common with other areas across Central , the proposed plan is for the schools in the Fulbrook Pyramid to move to a primary/secondary system. This will mean in the future that pupils will be able attend both primary and secondary school in their local area.

All the information about the draft plan and proposed changes is available online at The public and stakeholders can also submit their views on this website. The consultation is open for 12 weeks, so feedback can be submitted at any time up to 5pm 15 April 2020.

At their meeting on the 3rd February, the PC asked the Clerk to seek the opinion of the local schools and the Councillors would share their thoughts for collation ahead of the next meeting on the 2nd March.

Schools response:

Aspley Guise Lower School The school governors will be writing an official response to the consultation in due course. We will happily send you a copy of this response. However, this will not be until after 24th February. In the mean time I can say that overall, governors are in favour of the plan for Aspley Guise to become a primary school. Jamie Brown Headteacher

Fullbrook Middle School This is something for which Fulbrook has been asking for some time. It evidently fits in with our proposal to become an extended secondary, on which we consulted in January 2019 and for which we had an overwhelmingly positive response. We feel that being able to provide both primary and secondary education for local families is vital and indeed crucial for the future viability of Fulbrook. However, we must remain sensitive to the situation in which three of our feeder lower schools find themselves...


In short, the support of CBC for Fulbrook's plans to become a secondary is greatly appreciated and we hope that all stakeholders will share the opinion that this is the right move for the schools of Woburn Sands and Aspley Guise, namely Fulbrook, Swallowfield and Aspley Guise. Fulbrook is very willing to support the three smaller lower schools of Woburn, Husborne and for as long as is necessary. Indeed, the plan is for the school to retain the Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from these three schools in the short term at the very least. Best wishes, Sam Clancy Headteacher

Councillors comments:

Cllr Davis:

• The proposed increase in the size of Aspley Guise lower school is 55% (135 to 210). How can this be possible on the current site with a single-track access road? Already the ‘school run’ is a crowded and dangerous undertaking. • The proposed increase in the size of Fulbrook Middle School is 75% (440 to 600, then 770) Once again access via Weathercock Lane is stretched to capacity now – let alone when the pupil population is increased.

Cllr Bailey:

• I am broadly supportive of the plans and proposals.

Cllr Bird:

• No Comment

Cllr Clarke:

• Yes I think we the PC should take an active part in commenting and contributing to the subject.

• Whilst essentially, I agree with most of the proposed changes designed to accommodate increased pupil loading and/or choice or opportunity for


parents/children, I do have some concerns. Mainly regarding the proposed 'Federation' status whereby Husborne Crawley, Ridgemont and Woburn Lower schools are to be amalgamated and moved to a new combined site. Effectively this means those schools/buildings will be closed, and the children destined for them sent to the new relocated combined premises. Forgive me if I have got this wrong, but surely this is hardly providing choice and opportunity. Rather it is a negative step, taking away valuable local assets and damaging to these small rural communities.

• I am also concerned as to the future of these schools and buildings concerned. They are all superb historic buildings steeped in history, Woburn and Ridgemont in particular. To see any of them closed as a school; in my view would be tragic, ending a long historical era in primary education. This all brings back memories as I attended Husborne Crawley at primary level. Principally as part of a deliberate re allocation and campaign on behalf of my own and other parents to keep it open as long ago as 1968! I should have been sent to Aspley Guise. I think the PC should support the concept of keeping these rural village schools open and local, and preserving an educational heritage.

• My only other comment is the effect of increased school traffic and travelling directly resulting from the proposals, and any local closures.