From: Bowen Island Municipality Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:08 AM To: Hope Dallas Subject: FW: City of North Vancouver Council Resolution of April 8 2019 Attachments: 05 01 Small Business Property Assessment and Taxation Letter CNV.pdf; Small Business Property Taxation Resolution Attachment.pdf From: Jan Khubyar <
[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:04 AM Subject: City of North Vancouver Council Resolution of April 8 2019 To: City Clerk Office Please see attachments for your information. Thank you. Jan Jan Khubyar Clerk Typist III, City Clerk’s Department t: 604.998.3296 | e:
[email protected] City of North Vancouver 141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1H9 Reception: 604.985.7761 | MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, 141 WEST 14th STREET, NORTH VANCOUVER, BC, ON MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2019 REPORTS 9. Assessment Averaging and Assessment Phasing Options – File: 05-1950-01-0001/2019 Report: Director, Finance, March 27, 2019 Moved by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor McIlroy PURSUANT to the report of the Director, Finance, dated March 27, 2019, entitled “Assessment Averaging and Assessment Phasing Options”: THAT the Mayor, on behalf of Council, write to the BC Minister of Finance to request a review of the “property’s highest and best use” methodology for property assessment purposes to reduce the impact this practice is having on small businesses in Metro Vancouver; AND THAT a copy of the letter to BC Minister of Finance be forwarded to North Shore Members of the Legislative Assembly, the Lower Lonsdale Business Improvement Association, the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and Metro Vancouver municipalities.