Felix Putze and Peter Sanders design experiment Algorithmics analyze implement Course Notes Algorithm Engineering TU Karlsruhe October 19, 2009 Preface These course notes cover a lecture on algorithm engineering for the basic toolbox that Peter Sanders is reading at Universitat¨ Karlsruhe since 2004. The text is compiled from slides, scientific papers and other manuscripts. Most of this material is in English so that this language was adopted as the main language. However, some parts are in German. The primal sources of our material are given at the beginning of each chapter. Please refer to the original publications for further references. This document is still work in progress. Please report bugs of any type (content, language, layout, . ) to
[email protected]. Thank you! 1 Contents 1 Was ist Algorithm Engineering? 6 1.1 Einfuhrung¨ . .6 1.2 Stand der Forschung und offene Probleme . .8 2 Data Structures 16 2.1 Arrays & Lists . 16 2.2 External Lists . 18 2.3 Stacks, Queues & Variants . 20 3 Sorting 24 3.1 Quicksort Basics . 24 3.2 Refined Quicksort . 25 3.3 Lessons from experiments . 27 3.4 Super Scalar Sample Sort . 30 3.5 Multiway Merge Sort . 34 3.6 Sorting with parallel disks . 35 3.7 Internal work of Multiway Mergesort . 38 3.8 Experiments . 41 4 Priority Queues 44 4.1 Introduction . 44 4.2 Binary Heaps . 45 4.3 External Priority Queues . 47 4.4 Adressable Priority Queues . 54 5 External Memory Algorithms 57 5.1 Introduction . 57 5.2 The external memory model and things we already saw .