Felix Putze and Peter Sanders

design experiment

Algorithmics analyze


Course Notes Engineering TU Karlsruhe October 19, 2009 Preface

These course notes cover a lecture on algorithm engineering for the basic toolbox that Peter Sanders is reading at Universitat¨ Karlsruhe since 2004. The text is compiled from slides, scientific papers and other manuscripts. Most of this material is in English so that this language was adopted as the main language. However, some parts are in German. The primal sources of our material are given at the beginning of each chapter. Please refer to the original publications for further references. This document is still work in progress. Please report bugs of any type (content, language, layout, . . . ) to [email protected]. Thank you!

1 Contents

1 Was ist Algorithm Engineering? 6 1.1 Einfuhrung¨ ...... 6 1.2 Stand der Forschung und offene Probleme ...... 8

2 Data Structures 16 2.1 Arrays & Lists ...... 16 2.2 External Lists ...... 18 2.3 Stacks, Queues & Variants ...... 20

3 Sorting 24 3.1 Basics ...... 24 3.2 Refined Quicksort ...... 25 3.3 Lessons from experiments ...... 27 3.4 Super Scalar Sample Sort ...... 30 3.5 Multiway ...... 34 3.6 Sorting with parallel disks ...... 35 3.7 Internal work of Multiway Mergesort ...... 38 3.8 Experiments ...... 41

4 Priority Queues 44 4.1 Introduction ...... 44 4.2 Binary Heaps ...... 45 4.3 External Priority Queues ...... 47 4.4 Adressable Priority Queues ...... 54

5 External Memory 57 5.1 Introduction ...... 57 5.2 The external memory model and things we already saw ...... 59 5.3 The Stxxl library ...... 60 5.4 Time-Forward Processing ...... 62 5.5 -oblivious Algorithms ...... 64

2 5.5.1 Matrix Transposition ...... 67 5.5.2 Searching Using Van Emde Boas Layout ...... 69 5.5.3 Funnel sorting ...... 71 5.5.4 Is the Model an Oversimplification? ...... 74 5.6 External BFS ...... 76 5.6.1 Introduction ...... 76 5.6.2 Algorithm of Munagala and Ranade ...... 77 5.6.3 An Improved BFS Algorithm with sublinear I/O ...... 78 5.6.4 Improvements in the previous implementat- ions of MR BFS and MM BFS R...... 81 5.6.5 A Heuristic for maintaining the pool ...... 82 5.7 Maximal Independent Set ...... 84 5.8 Euler Tours ...... 85 5.9 List Ranking ...... 86

6 van Emde Boas Trees 90 6.1 From theory to practice ...... 90 6.2 Implementation ...... 91 6.3 Experiments ...... 95

7 Shortest Path Search 98 7.1 Introduction ...... 98 7.2 “Classical” and other Results ...... 99 7.3 Highway Hierarchy ...... 102 7.3.1 Introduction ...... 102 7.3.2 Hierarchies and Contraction ...... 103 7.3.3 Query ...... 107 7.3.4 Experiments ...... 111 7.4 Transit Node Routing ...... 116 7.4.1 Computing Transit Nodes ...... 117 7.4.2 Experiments ...... 119 7.4.3 Complete Description of the Shortest Path ...... 122 7.5 Dynamic Shortest Path Computation ...... 123 7.5.1 Covering Nodes ...... 124 7.5.2 Static Highway-Node Routing ...... 126 7.5.3 Construction ...... 127 7.5.4 Query ...... 127 7.5.5 Analogies To and Differences From Related Techniques . . . . . 128 7.5.6 Dynamic Multi-Level Highway Node Routing ...... 129 7.5.7 Experiments ...... 131

3 8 Minimum Spanning Trees 137 8.1 Definition & Basic Remarks ...... 137 8.1.1 Two important properties ...... 137 8.2 Classic Algorithms ...... 138 8.2.1 Excursus: The Union-Find Data Structure ...... 141 8.3 QuickKruskal ...... 143 8.4 The I-Max-Filter algorithm ...... 144 8.5 External MST ...... 149 8.5.1 Semiexternal Algorithm ...... 150 8.5.2 External Sweeping Algorithm ...... 151 8.5.3 Implementation & Experiments ...... 153 8.6 Connected Components ...... 156

9 String Sorting 158 9.1 Introduction ...... 158 9.2 Multikey Quicksort ...... 159 9.3 ...... 160

10 Suffix Array Construction 162 10.1 Introduction ...... 162 10.2 The DC3 Algorithm ...... 162 10.3 External Suffix Array Construction ...... 165

11 Presenting Data from Experiments 170 11.1 Introduction ...... 170 11.2 The Process ...... 171 11.3 Tables ...... 172 11.4 Two-dimensional Figures ...... 172 11.5 Grids and Ticks ...... 181 11.6 Three-dimensional Figures ...... 182 11.7 The Caption ...... 183 11.8 A Check List ...... 184

12 Appendix 186 12.1 Used machine models ...... 186 12.2 Amortized Analysis for Unbounded Arrays ...... 187 12.3 Analysis of Randomized Quicksort ...... 188 12.4 Insertion Sort ...... 189 12.5 Lemma on Interval Maxima ...... 190 12.6 Random Permutations without additional I/Os ...... 191 12.7 Proof of Discarding Theorem for Suffix Array Construction ...... 192

4 12.8 Pseudocode for the Discarding Algorithm ...... 192

5 Chapter 1

Was ist Algorithm Engineering?

1.1 Einfuhrung¨

Algorithmen (einschließlich Datenstrukturen) sind das Herz jeder Computeranwendung und damit von entscheidender Bedeutung fur¨ große Bereiche von Technik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und taglichem¨ Leben. Die Algorithmik befasst sich mit der systematischen Entwicklung effizienter Algorithmen und hat damit entscheidenden Anteil an der effek- tiven Entwicklung verlaßlicher¨ und ressourcenschonender Technik. Wir nennen hier nur einige besonders spektakulare¨ Beispiele: Das schnelle Durchsuchen der gewaltigen Datenmengen des Internet (z.B. mit Google) hat die Art verandert,¨ wie wir mit Wissen und Information umgehen. Moglich¨ wurde dies durch Algorithmen zur Volltextsuche, die in Sekundenbruchteilen alle Tr- effer aus Terabytes von Daten herausfischen konnen¨ und durch Ranking-Algorithmen, die Graphen mit Milliarden von Knoten verarbeiten, um aus der Flut von Treffern relevante Antworten zu filtern. Weniger sichtbar aber ahnlich¨ wichtig sind Algorith- men fur¨ die effiziente Verteilung von sehr haufig¨ zugegriffenen Daten unter massiven Lastschwankungen oder gar Uberlastungsangriffen¨ (distributed denial of service attacks). Der Marktfuhrer¨ auf diesem Gebiet, Akamai, wurde von Algorithmikern gegrundet.¨ Eines der wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Ereignisse der letzten Jahre war die Veroffentlichung¨ des menschlichen Genoms. Mitentscheidend fur¨ die fruhe¨ Veroffentlichung¨ war die von der Firma Celera verwendete und durch algorithmische Uberlegungen¨ begrundete¨ Aus- gestaltung des Sequenzierprozesses (whole genome shotgun sequencing). Die Algorith- mik hat sich hier nicht auf die Verarbeitung der von Naturwissenschaftlern produzierten Daten beschrankt,¨ sondern gestaltenden Einfluss auf den gesamten Prozess ausgeubt.¨ Die Liste der Bereiche, in denen ausgefeilte Algorithmen eine Schlusselrolle¨ spielen, ließe sich fast beliebig fortsetzen: Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung, geografische Infor- mationssysteme, Kryptografie, Produktions-, Logistik- und Verkehrsplanung . . . Wie funktioniert nun der Transfer algorithmischer Innovation in Anwendungsbere-

6 abstrakte Algorithm realistische Modelle Modelle 1 reale Engineering 7 8

Eingaben Anwendungen Entwurf Entwurf 2 falsifizierbare Analyse Analyse3 Hypothesen 5 Experimente Algorithmentheorie Induktion Deduktion Leistungsgarantien 4 Implementierung Leistungs− garantien Implementierung Algorithmen− 6 bibliotheken Anwendungen

Figure 1.1: Zwei Sichtweisen der Algorithmik: Links: traditionell. Rechts: AE = Algo- rithmik als von falsifizierbaren Hypothesen getriebener Kreislauf aus Entwurf, Analyse, Implementierung, und experimenteller Bewertung von Algorithmen. iche? Traditionell hat sich die Algorithmik der Methodik der Algorithmentheorie bedi- ent, die aus der Mathematik stammt: Algorithmen werden fur¨ einfache und abstrakte Problem- und Maschinenmodelle entworfen. Hauptergebnis sind dann beweisbare Leis- tungsgarantien fur¨ alle moglichen¨ Eingaben. Dieser Ansatz fuhrt¨ in vielen Fallen¨ zu ele- ganten, zeitlosen Losungen,¨ die sich an viele Anwendungen anpassen lassen. Die harten Leistungsgarantien ergeben zuverlassig¨ hohe Effizienz auch fur¨ zur Implementierungszeit unbekannte Typen von Eingaben. Aufgreifen und Implementieren eines Algorithmus ist aus Sicht der Algorithmentheorie Teil der Anwendungsentwicklung. Nach allgemeiner Beobachtung ist diese Art des Ergebnistransfers aber ein sehr langsamer Prozess. Bei wachsenden Anforderungen an innovative Algorithmen ergeben sich daraus wachsende Lucken¨ zwischen Theorie und Praxis: Reale Hardware entwickelt sich durch Parallelis- mus, Pipelining, Speicherhierarchien u.s.w. immer weiter weg von einfachen Maschi- nenmodellen. Anwendungen werden immer komplexer. Gleichzeitig entwickelt die Al- gorithmentheorie immer ausgeklugeltere¨ Algorithmen, die zwar wichtige Ideen enthalten aber manchmal kaum implementierbar sind. Außerdem haben reale Eingaben oft wenig mit den worst-case Szenarien der theoretischen Analyse zu tun. Im Extremfall werden viel versprechende algorithmische Ansatze¨ vernachlassigt,¨ weil eine vollstandige¨ Anal- yse mathematisch zu schwierig ware.¨ Seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre wird deshalb eine breitere Sichtweise der Algorithmik immer wichtiger, die als algorithm engineering (AE) bezeichnet wird und bei der En- twurf, Analyse, Implementierung und experimentelle Bewertung von Algorithmen gleich- berechtigt nebeneinander stehen. Der gegenuber¨ der Algorithmentheorie großere¨ Meth-

7 odenapparat, die Einbeziehung realer Software und der engere Bezug zu Anwendun- gen verspricht realistischere Algorithmen, die Uberbr¨ uckung¨ entstandener Lucken¨ zwis- chen Theorie und Praxis, und einen schnelleren Transfer von algorithmischem Know- how in Anwendungen. Abbildung 1.1 zeigt die Sichtweise der Algorithmik als AE und eine Aufteilung in acht eng interagierende Aktivitaten.¨ Ziele und Arbeitsprogramm des Schwerpunktprogramms ergeben sich daraus in naturlicher¨ Weise: Einsatz der vollen Schlagkraft der AE Methodologie mit dem Ziel, Lucken¨ zwischen Theorie und Praxis zu uberbr¨ ucken.¨

1. Studium realistischer Modelle fur¨ Maschinen und algorithmische Probleme. 2. Entwurf von einfachen und auch in der Realitat¨ effizienten Algorithmen. 3. Analyse praktikabler Algorithmen zwecks Etablierung von Leistungsgarantien, die Theorie und Praxis einander naher¨ bringen. 4. Sorgfaltige¨ Implementierungen, die die Lucken¨ zwischen dem besten theoretischen Algorithmus und dem besten implementierten Algorithmus verkleinern. 5. Systematische, reproduzierbare Experimente, die der Widerlegung oder Starkung¨ aussagekraftiger,¨ falsifizierbarer Hypothesen dienen, die sich aus Entwurf, Anal- yse oder fruheren¨ Experimenten ergeben. Oft wird es z.B. um den Vergleich von Algorithmen gehen, deren theoretische Analyse zu viele Fragen offen lasst.¨ 6. Entwicklung und Ausbau von Algorithmenbibliotheken, die Anwendungsentwick- lungen beschleunigen und algorithmisches Know-how breit verfugbar¨ machen. 7. Sammeln von großen und realistischen Probleminstanzen sowie Entwicklung von Benchmarks. 8. Einsatz von algorithmischem Know-how in konkreten Anwendungen.

1.2 Stand der Forschung und offene Probleme

Im Folgenden beschreiben wir die Methodik des AE anhand von Beispielen.

Fallbeispiel: Routenplanung in Straßennetzen Jeder kennt diese zunehmend wichtige Anwendung: Man gibt Start- und Zielpunkt in ein Navigationssystem ein und wartet auf die Ausgabe der schnellsten Route. Hier hat das AE in letzter Zeit Losungen¨ entwickelt, die in Sekundenbruchteilen optimale Routen berechnen wo kommerzielle Losungen¨ trotz erheblich langerer¨ Rechenzeiten bisher keine Qualitatsgarantien¨ geben konnen¨ und gelegentlich deutlich daneben liegen. Auf den er- sten Blick ist das Anwendungsmodell ein klassisches und wohl studiertes Problem aus

8 der Graphentheorie: kurzeste¨ Wege in Graphen. Die altbekannte Lehrbuchlosung¨ — Di- jkstra’s Algorithmus — hatte¨ allerdings auf einem Hochleistungs-Server Antwortzeiten im Minutenbereich und ware¨ auf leistungsschwacherer¨ mobiler Hardware mit begren- ztem Hauptspeicher hoffnungslos langsam. Kommerzielle Routenplaner greifen deshalb zu Heuristiken, die annehmbare Antwortzeiten haben, aber nicht immer die beste Route finden. Auf den zweiten Blick bietet sich ein verfeinertes Problemmodell an, das die Vor- berechnung von Informationen zulasst,¨ die dann fur¨ viele Anfragen verwendet werden. Die Theorie winkt ab und beweist, dass nur eine unpraktikabel große vorberechnete Datenstruktur die Berechnung von schnellsten Routen in beliebigen Graphen beschleu- nigt. Reale Straßengraphen haben jedoch Eigenschaften, welche die Vorberechnungsidee praktikabel machen. Die Wirksamkeit dieser Ansatze¨ hangt¨ von Hypothesen uber¨ die Eigenschaft der Straßengraphen ab, wie ”‘weit weg von Start und Ziel kann man die Suche auf uberregionale¨ Straßen beschranken”’¨ oder ”‘Straßen, die vom Ziel wegfuhren,¨ darf man ignorieren”’. Solche intuitiven Formulierungen gilt es dann so zu formalisieren, dass sich daraus Algorithmen mit Leistungsgarantien entwickeln lassen. Letztlich lassen diese Hypothesen sich aber nur durch Experimente mit Implementierungen uberpr¨ ufen,¨ die realistische Straßengraphen verwenden. Letzteres ist in der Praxis schwierig, da viele Firmen nur ungern Daten an Forscher herausgeben. Besonders wertvoll ist deshalb ein frei verfugbarer¨ Graph der USA, der aus Daten im Web konstruiert wurde und jetzt fur¨ eine DIMACS Implementation Challenge zur Routenplanung Verwendung finden soll. Die Experimente decken Schwachstellen auf, die wiederum zum Entwurf verbesserter Algorithmen fuhren.¨ Zum Beispiel stellte sich heraus, dass schon wenige Langstreck- enfahrverbindungen¨ den Vorberechnungsaufwand der ersten Version des Algorithmus enorm in die Hohe¨ treiben. Trotz der Erfolge gibt es viele offene Fragen. Kann man die Heuristiken auch theo- retisch analysieren um zu allgemeineren Leistungsgarantien zu kommen? Wie vertragt¨ sich die Idee der Vorberechnung mit Anwendungsanforderungen wie Anderung¨ des Straßennetzes, Baustellen, Staus, oder verschiedenen Zielfunktionen der Benutzer? Wie lassen sich die komplexen Speicherhierarchien von Mobilgeraten¨ berucksichtigen?¨

Modelle Ein wichtiger Aspekt des AE sind Maschinenmodelle. Sie betreffen im Prinzip alle Anwendungen und sind die Schnittstelle zwischen der Algorithmik und der rasanten technologische Entwicklung mit immer komplexerer Hardware. Wegen seiner großen Einfachheit ist das streng sequentielle, mit uniformem Speicher ausgestattete von Neu- mann Maschinenmodell immer noch Grundlage der meisten algorithmischen Arbeiten. Dies ist vor allem bei der Verarbeitung großer Datenmengen ein Problem, da die Zu- griffszeit auf den Speicher sich um viele Großenordnungen¨ andert,¨ je nachdem, ob

9 auf den schnellsten Cache eines Prozessors, auf den Hauptspeicher oder auf die Fest- platte zugegriffen wird. Speicherhierarchien werden in der Algorithmik bisher meist auf zwei Schichten beschrankt¨ (I/O Modell). Dieses Modell ist sehr erfolgreich und eine Vielzahl von Ergebnissen dazu ist bekannt. Allerdings klaffen oft große Lucken¨ zwischen den besten bekannten Algorithmen und den implementierten Verfahren. Bib- liotheken fur¨ Sekundarspeicheralgorithmen¨ wie STXXL versprechen diese Situation zu verbessern. In letzter Zeit gibt es aber verstarktes¨ Interesse an weiteren immer noch einfachen Modellen zur Verarbeitung großer Datenmengen, z.B. einfache Modelle fur¨ mehrschichtige Speicherhierarchien, Datenstrommodelle, bei denen die Daten uber¨ ein Netzwerk hereinkommen, oder Sublinearzeitalgorithmen, bei denen gar nicht alle Daten beruhrt¨ werden mussen.¨ Nur punktuelle Ergebnisse gibt es bisher zu anderen komplexen Eigenschaften moderner Prozessoren, wie den Ersetzungsmechanismen von Hardwarecaches oder Sprungvorhersage. Wir erwarten, dass die Erforschung paralleler Algorithmen in nachster¨ Zeit eine Re- naissance erfahren wird, denn durch die Verbreitung von Multithreading, Multi-Core- CPUs und Clustern halt¨ die Parallelverarbeitung nun Einzug in den Mainstream der Datenverarbeitung. Die traditionellen ”‘flachen”’ Modelle fur¨ Parallelverarbeitung sind hier allerdings nur von begrenztem Nutzen, da es parallel zur Speicherhierarchie eine Hierarchie mehr oder weniger eng gekoppelter Verarbeitungseinheiten gibt.

Entwurf Eine entscheidende Komponente des AE ist die Entwicklung implementierbarer Algo- rithmen, die effiziente Ausfuhrung¨ in realistischen Situationen erwarten lassen. Le- ichte Implementierbarkeit bedeutet vor allem Einfachheit aber auch Moglichkeiten¨ zur Codewiederverwendung. Effiziente Ausfuhrung¨ bedeutet in der Algorithmentheorie gute asymptotische Ausfuhrungszeit¨ und damit gute Skalierungseigenschaften fur¨ sehr große Eingaben. Im AE sind aber auch konstante Faktoren und die Ausnutzung einfacher Prob- leminstanzen wichtig. Ein Beispiel hierzu: Der Sekundarspeicheralgorithmus¨ zur Berechnung minimaler Spannbaume¨ war der erste Algorithmus, der ein nichttriviales Graphenproblem mit Milliarden von Knoten auf m einem PC lost.¨ Theoretisch ist er suboptimal, weil er einen Faktor O(log M ) mehr Platten- zugriffe benotigt¨ als der theoretisch beste Algorithmus (dabei ist m die Anzahl der Kanten des Eingabegraphen und M der Hauptspeicher der Maschine). Auf sinnvoll konfigurierten Maschinen benotigt¨ er aber jetzt und in absehbarer Zukunft hochstens¨ ein Drittel der Plat- tenzugriffe der asymptotisch besten bekannten Algorithmen. Hat man eine Prioritatsliste¨ fur¨ Sekundarspeicher¨ zur Verfugung¨ wie in STXXL, ist der Pseudocode des Algorithmus ein Zwolfzeiler¨ und die Analyse der erwarteten Ausfuhrungszeit¨ ein Siebenzeiler.

10 Analyse Selbst einfache, in der Praxis bewahrte¨ Algorithmen sind oft schwer zu analysieren und dies ist ein Hauptgrund fur¨ Lucken¨ zur Algorithmentheorie. Die Analyse solcher Algo- rithmen ist damit ein wichtiger Aspekt des AE. Zum Beispiel sind randomisierte (zufalls- gesteuerte) Algorithmen oft viel einfacher und schneller als die besten bekannten deter- ministischen Algorithmen. Allerdings sind selbst einfache randomisierte Algorithmen oft schwer zu analysieren. Viele komplexe Optimierungsprobleme werden mittels Metaheuristiken wie (ran- domisierter) lokaler Suche oder genetischer Programmierung gelost.¨ So entworfene Al- gorithmen sind einfach und flexibel an das jeweils vorliegende Problem anpassbar. Nur ganz wenige dieser Algorithmen sind aber bisher analysiert worden obwohl Leistungs- garantien von großem theoretischen und praktischen Interesse waren.¨ Ein beruhmtes¨ Beispiel fur¨ lokale Suche ist der Simplexalgorithmus zur linearen Op- timierung — vielleicht der praktisch wichtigste Algorithmus in der mathematischen Op- timierung. Einfache Varianten des Simplexalgorithmus benotigen¨ fur¨ spezielle, konstru- ierte Eingaben exponentielle Zeit. Es wird aber vermutet, dass es Varianten gibt, die in polynomieller Zeit laufen. In der Praxis jedenfalls genugt¨ eine lineare Zahl Iterationen. Bisher kennt man aber lediglich subexponentielle erwartete Laufzeitschranken fur¨ inprak- tikable Varianten. Spielmann und Teng konnten jedoch zeigen, dass selbst kleine zufallige¨ Veranderungen¨ der Koeffizienten eines beliebigen linearen Programms genugen,¨ um die erwartete Laufzeit des Simplexalgorithmus polynomiell zu machen. Dieses Konzept der geglatteten¨ Analyse (smoothed analysis) ist eine Verallgemeinerung der average case analysis und auch jenseits des Simplexalgorithmus ein interessantes Werkzeug des AE. Zum Beispiel konnten Beier und Vocking¨ fur¨ eine wichtige Familie NP-harter Probleme zeigen, dass ihre geglattete¨ Komplexitat¨ polynomiell ist. Dieses Ergebnis erklart¨ u.a., warum das NP-harte Rucksackproblem sich in der Praxis effizient losen¨ lasst¨ und hat auch zur Verbesserung der besten Codes fur¨ Rucksackprobleme gefuhrt.¨ Es gibt auch enge Beziehungen zwischen geglatteter¨ Komplexitat,¨ Naherungsalgorithmen¨ und sogenannten pseudopolynomiellen Algorithmen, die ebenfalls ein interessanter Ansatz zur praktischen Losungen¨ NP-harter Probleme sind.

Implementierung Die Implementierung ist nur scheinbar der am klarsten vorgezeichnete und langweiligste Schritt im Kreislauf des AE. Ein Grund dafur¨ sind die großen semantischen Lucken¨ zwis- chen abstrakt formulierten Algorithmen, imperativen Programmiersprachen und realer Hardware. Ein extremes Beispiel fur¨ die semantische Lucke¨ sind viele geometrische Algorith- men, die unter der Annahme exakter Arithmetik mit reellen Zahlen und ohne explizite

11 Berucksichtigung¨ degenerierter Falle¨ entworfen sind. Die Robustheit geometrischer Al- gorithmen kann deshalb als eigener Zweig des AE betrachtet werden. Selbst Implementierungen relativ einfacher grundlegender Algorithmen konnen¨ sehr anspruchsvoll sein. Dort gilt es namlich¨ oft mehrere Kandidaten auf Grund kleiner kon- stanter Faktoren in ihrer Ausfuhrungszeit¨ zu vergleichen. Der einzige verlassliche¨ Weg besteht dann darin, alle Kontrahenten voll auszureizen, denn schon kleine Implemen- tierungsdetails konnen¨ sich zu einem Faktor zwei in der Ausfuhrungszeit¨ auswachsen. Selbst ein Vergleich des erzeugten Maschinencodes kann angezeigt sein, um Zweifelsfalle¨ aufzuklaren.¨ Oft liefern erst Implementierungen von Algorithmen einen letzten Beleg fur¨ deren Ko- rrektheit bzw. die Qualitat¨ der Ergebnisse. In der Geometrie und bei Graphenproblemen wird naturlicherweise¨ meist eine graphische Ausgabe der Ergebnisse erzeugt, wodurch Nachteile des Algorithmus oder sogar Fehler sofort sichtbar werden. Zum Beispiel wurde zur Einbettung eines planaren Graphen 20 Jahre lang auf eine Arbeit von Hopcroft und Tarjan1 verwiesen. Dort findet sich aber nur eine vage Beschrei- bung wie sich ein Planaritatstestalgorithmus¨ erweitern lasst.¨ Einige Versuche einer detaillierteren Beschreibung waren fehlerhaft. Dies wurde erst bemerkt, als die er- sten korrekten Implementierungen erstellt wurden. Lange Zeit gelang es niemandem, einen beruhmten¨ Algorithmus2 zur Berechnung von 3-Zusammenhangskomponenten (ein wichtiges Werkzeug beim Graphenzeichnen und in der Signalverarbeitung) zu implemen- tieren. Erst wahrend¨ einer Implementierung im Jahr 2000 wurden die Fehler im Algorith- mus identifiziert und korrigiert. Es gibt sehr viele interessante Algorithmen fur¨ wichtige Probleme, die noch nie im- plementiert wurden. Zum Beispiel, die asymptotisch besten Algorithmen fur¨ viele Fluss- und Matchingprobleme, die meisten Algorithmen fur¨ mehrschichtige Speicherhierarchien (cache oblivious Algorithmen) oder geometrische Algorithmen, die Cuttings oder -Netze benutzen.

Experimente Aussagekraftige¨ Experimente sind der Schlussel¨ zum Schließen des Kreises im AE- Prozess. Zum Beispiel brachten Experimente3 zur Kreuzungsminimierung beim Graphenzeichnen eine neue Qualitat¨ in diesen Bereich. Alle vorhergehenden Studien arbeiteten mit relativ dichten Graphen und wiesen jeweils nach, dass die Kreuzungszahl recht nahe an die jeweiligen oberen theoretischen Schranken herankam. In den ange-

1J. Hopcroft and R. E. Tarjan: Efficient planarity testing. J. of the ACM, 21(4):549–568, 1974. 2R. E. Tarjan and J. E. Hopcroft: Dividing a graph into triconnected components. SIAM J. Comput., 2(3):135–158, 1973. 3M. Junger¨ and P. Mutzel: 2-layer straightline crossing minimization: Performance of exact and heuris- tic algorithms. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA), 1(1):1–25, 1997.

12 sprochenen Experimenten wird dagegen auch mit optimalen Algorithmen und den in der Praxis wichtigen dunnen¨ Graphen gearbeitet. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Ergebnisse mancher Heuristiken um ein Vielfaches uber¨ der optimalen Kreuzungszahl liegen. Dieses Papier gehort¨ inzwischen zu den am meisten zitierten Arbeiten im Bereich des Graphen- zeichnens. Experimente konnen¨ auch entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Algorithmenanalyse haben: Die Rekonstruktion einer Kurve aus einer Menge von Messpunkten ist die grundlegendste Variante einer wichtigen Familie von Bildverarbeitungsproblemen. In einer Arbeit von Althaus und Mehlhorn4 wird ein scheinbar recht aufwendiges Ver- fahren untersucht, das auf dem Handlungsreisendenproblem beruht. Bei Experimenten stellte sich heraus, dass ”‘vernunftige”’¨ Eingaben zu leicht losbaren¨ Instanzen des Hand- lungsreisendenproblems fuhren.¨ Diese Beobachtung wurde dann formalisiert und be- wiesen. Gegenuber¨ den Naturwissenschaften ist das AE in der privilegierten Situation, eine Vielzahl von Experimenten schnell und vergleichsweise kostengunstig¨ durchfuhren¨ zu konnen.¨ Die Ruckseite¨ dieser Medaille ist aber eine hochgradig nichttriviale Planung, Auswertung, Archivierung, Aufbereitung und Interpretation dieser Ergebnisse. Aus- gangspunkt sollten dabei falsifizierbare Hypothesen uber¨ das Verhalten der untersuchten Algorithmen sein, die aus Entwurf, Analyse, Implementierung oder fruheren¨ Experi- menten stammen. Ergebnis ist eine Widerlegung, Bestatigung¨ oder Verfeinerung dieser Hypothesen. Diese fuhren¨ als Erganzung¨ beweisbarer Leistungsgarantien nicht nur zu besserem Verstandnis¨ der Algorithmen, sondern liefern auch Ideen fur¨ bessere Algorith- men, genauere Analyse oder effizientere Implementierung. Erfolgreiches Experimentieren hat viel mit Software Engineering zu tun. Ein mod- ularer Aufbau der Implementierungen ermoglicht¨ flexible Experimente. Geschickter Einsatz von Werkzeugen erleichtert die Auswertung. Sorgfaltige¨ Dokumentation und Versionsverwaltung erleichtert Reproduzierbarkeit — eine zentrale Anforderung wis- senschaftlicher Experimente, die bei den schnellen Modellwechseln von Soft- und Hard- ware eine große Herausforderung darstellt.

Probleminstanzen Sammlungen von realistischen Probleminstanzen zwecks Benchmarking haben sich als entscheidend fur¨ die Weiterentwicklung von Algorithmen erwiesen. Zum Beispiel gibt es interessante Sammlungen fur¨ einige NP-harte Probleme wie das Handlungsreisenden- problem, das Steinerbaumproblem, Satisfiability, Set Covering oder Graphpartition- ierung. Besonders bei den beiden ersten Problemen hat das zu erstaunlichen Durchbruchen¨ gefuhrt.¨ Mit Hilfe tiefer mathematischer Einsichten in die Struktur der

4E. Althaus and K. Mehlhorn: Traveling salesman-based curve reconstruction in polynomial time. SIAM Journal on Computing, 31(1):27–66, 2002.

13 Probleme kann man selbst große, realistische Instanzen des Handlungsreisendenproblems und des Steinerbaumproblems exakt losen.¨ Merkwurdigerweise¨ sind realistische Probleminstanzen fur¨ polynomiell losbare¨ Prob- leme viel schwerer zu bekommen. Zum Beispiel gibt es dutzende praktischer Anwendun- gen der Berechnung maximaler Flusse¨ aber die Algorithmenentwicklung muss bislang mit synthetischen Instanzen vorlieb nehmen.

Anwendungen Die Algorithmik spielt eine Schlusselrolle¨ bei der Entwicklung innovativer IT- Anwendungen und entsprechend sind anwendungsorientierte AE-Projekte aller Art eine sehr wichtiger Teil des Schwerpunktprogramms. Hier nennen wir nur einige grand chal- lenge Anwendungen, bei denen Algorithmik eine wichtige Rolle spielen konnte¨ und die ein besonderes Potential haben, einen wichtigen Einfluss auf Wissenschaft, Technik, Wirtschaft oder tagliches¨ Leben zu haben.5

Bioinformatik Neben dem bereits genannten Problem der Genomsequenzierung halt¨ die Mikrobiologie viele weitere algorithmische Herausforderungen bereit: die Berechnung der Tertiarstrukturen¨ von Proteinen; Algorithmen zur Berechnung von Stammbaumen¨ von Arten; data mining in den Daten zur Genaktivierung, die in großem Umfang mit DNA chips gewonnen werden. . . Diese Probleme konnen¨ nur in enger Ko- operation mit Molekularbiologen oder Chemikern gelost¨ werden.

Information Retrieval Die zu Beginn erwahnten¨ Indizierungs- und Rankingalgorith- men von Internetsuchmaschinen sind zwar sehr erfolgreich, lassen aber noch viel zu wunschen¨ ubrig.¨ Viele Heuristiken sind kaum publiziert, geschweige denn mit Leis- tungsgarantien ausgestattet. Nur in kleineren Systemen wird bisher ernsthaft versucht, Ahnlichkeitssuche¨ zu unterstutzen¨ und es zeichnet sich ein Rustungswettlauf¨ zwischen Rankingalgorithmen und Spammern ab, die diese zu tauschen¨ versuchen.

Verkehrsplanung Der Einsatz von Algorithmen in der Verkehrsplanung hat gerade erst begonnen. Neben einzelnen Anwendungen im Flugverkehr, wo Probleminstanzen relativ klein und das Einsparpotenzial groß ist, beschranken¨ sich diese Anwendungen auf verhaltnism¨ aßig¨ einfache, isolierte Bereiche: Datenerfassung (Netze, Straßenkate- gorien, Fahrzeiten), Monitoring und partielle Lenkung (Toll Collect, Bahnleitstande),¨

5Dessen ungeachtet wird naturlich¨ nicht erwartet, dass ein einzelnes Teilprojekt den Durchbruch bei einer grand challenge bringt, und viele Teilprojekte werden sich mit weniger spektakularen,¨ aber ebenso interessanten Anwendungen beschaftigen.¨

14 Prognose (Simulation, Vorhersagemodelle) und einfache Nutzerunterstutzung¨ (Routen- planung, Fahrplanabfrage). Das AE kann wesentlich zur Weiterentwicklung und Integra- tion dieser verschiedenen Aspekte hin zu leistungsfahigen¨ Algorithmen fur¨ eine bessere Planung und Lenkung unserer Verkehrssysteme (Lenkung durch Maut, Fahrplanopti- mierung, Linienplanung, Fahrzeug- und Personaleinsatzplanung) beitragen. Besondere Herausforderungen sind dabei die sehr komplexen Anwendungsmodelle und die daraus entstehenden riesigen Problemgroßen.¨

Geografische Informationssysteme Moderne Erdbeobachtungssatelliten und andere Datenquellen erzeugen inzwischen taglich¨ viele Terabyte an Informationen, die wichtige Anwendungen in Landwirtschaft, Umweltschutz, Katastrophenschutz, Tourismus etc. versprechen. Die effektive Verarbeitung solch gewaltiger Datenmengen ist aber eine echte Herausforderung bei der Know-how aus geometrischen Algorithmen, Parallelverar- beitung und Speicherhierarchien sowie AE mit realen Eingabedaten eine wichtige Rolle spielen wird.

Kommunikationsnetzwerke Im selben Maße wie Netzwerke immer vielseitiger und großer¨ werden, wachst¨ der Bedarf an effizienten Verfahren zu ihrer Organisation. Beson- deres Interesse gilt hier mobilen, ad-hoc und Sensornetzen, sowie Peer-to-peer Netzen und der Koordination konkurrierender Agenten mit spieltheoretischen Techniken. All diesen neuartigen Anwendungen ist gemeinsam, dass sie ohne eine zentrale Planung und Organisation auskommen mussen.¨ Viele der hier untersuchten Fragestellungen kann man als noch-nicht-Anwendungen bezeichnen. Aus der Perspektive des AE ist daran besonders interessant, dass auch prak- tische Arbeiten hier keine verlasslichen¨ Daten uber¨ Große¨ und Eigenarten der spateren¨ Anwendungssituation haben. Einerseits ergibt sich daraus ein noch großerer¨ Bedarf an beweisbaren Leistungsgarantien. Andererseits sind die Modelle vieler theoretischer Ar- beiten auf diesem Gebiet noch weiter von der Realitat¨ entfernt als sonst.

Planungsprobleme Zeitliche Ablaufe¨ in Produktion und Logistik werden stets enger, und der Bedarf an algorithmischer Unterstutzung¨ und Optimierung wachst.¨ Erste Ansatze¨ hierzu aus der Algorithmik werden durch Onlinealgorithmen (dial a ride, Scheduling) und flows over time (Routing mit Zeitfenstern, dynamische Flusse)¨ gegeben. Die Entwicklung steht jedoch erst in den Anfangen.¨ Fur¨ aussagekraftige¨ Qualitatsaussagen¨ zu Onlinealgo- rithmen muss insbesondere die kompetitive Analyse uberdacht¨ werden, die sich zu sehr am groben worst-case Verhalten orientiert. Flows over Time verlangen nach besseren Techniken, um algorithmisch moglichst¨ effizient mit der Dimension ”‘Zeit”’ umzugehen.

15 Chapter 2

Data Structures

Most material in this chapter was taken from a yet unpublished book manuscript by Pe- ter Sanders and Ulrich Mehlhorn. Some parts on external data structures were presented in [7]. Notice that during the lecture, the latter topics were covered in the talk on ex- ternal algorithms, not in the introduction on data structures. If you are unfamiliar with external memory models, please read the introduction in 5.2 or the short overview in the appendix 12.1.

2.1 Arrays & Lists

For starters, we will study how algorithm engineering can be applied to the (apparently?) easy field of sequence data structures. Bounded Arrays: Usually the most basic, built-in sequence data structure in pro- gramming languages. They have constant running time for [·]-, popBack- and pushBack- operations which remove or add an element behind the currently last entry. Their major drawback is that their size has to be known in advance to reserve enough memory. Unbounded Arrays: To bypass this often unconvenient restriction, unbounded arrays are introduced (std::vector from the C++ STL is an example). They are imple- mented on a bounded array. If this array runs out of space for new elements, a new array of double size is allocated and the old content copied. If the filling degree is reduced to a quarter by pop-operations, the array is replaced with new one, using only the half space. We can show amortized costs of O(1) for pushBack and popBack implemented that way. A proof is given in the appendix in 12.2. Note that is not possible to already shrink the array when it is half full since repeated insertion and deletion at that point would lead to costs of O(n) for a single operation. Double Linked Lists1: Figure 2.1 shows the basic building block of a linked list. A

1Sometimes singly linked lists (maintaining only a successor pointer) are sufficient and more space

16 Class Item of Element e : Element next : Handle prev : Handle invariant next→prev=prev→next=this

Figure 2.1: Prototype of a segment in doubly linked list

Figure 2.2: Structure of a double linked list list item (a link of a chain) stores one element and pointers to successor and predecessor. This sounds simple enough, but pointers are so powerful that we can make a big mess if we are not careful. What makes a consistent list data structure? We make a simple and innocent looking decision and the basic design of our list data structure will follow from that: The successor of the predecessor of an item must be the original item, and the same holds for the predecessor of a successor. If all items fulfill this invariant, they will form a collection of cyclic chains. This may look strange, since we want to represent sequences rather than loops. Sequences have a start and an end, wheras loops have neither. Most implementations of linked lists therefore go a different way, and treat the first and last item of a list differently. Unfortunately, this makes the implementation of lists more complicated, more errorprone and somewhat slower. Therefore, we stick to the simple cyclic internal representation. For conciseness, we implement all basic list operations in terms of the single operation splice depicted in Figure 2.3. splice cuts out a sublist from one list and inserts it after some target item. The target can be either in the same list or in a different list but it must not be inside the sublist. splice can easily be specialized to common methods like insert, delete,... Since splice never changes the number of items in the system, we assume that there is one special list freeList that keeps a supply of unused elements. When inserting new elements into a list, we take the necessary items from freeList and when deleting elements efficient. As they have non-intuitive semantics on some operations and are less versatile, we focus on doubly linked lists.

17 we return the corresponding items to freeList. The function checkFreeList allocates mem- ory for new items when necessary. A freeList is not only useful for the splice operation but it also simplifies our memory management which can otherwise easily take 90% of the work since a malloc would be necessary for every element inserted2. It remains to decide how to simulate the start and end of a list. The class List in Figure 2.2 introduces a dummy item h that does not store any element but seperates the first element from the last element in the cycle formed by the list. By definition of Item, h points to the first “proper” item as a successor and to the last item as a predecessor. In addition, a handle head pointing to h can be used to encode a position before the first element or after the last element. Note that there are n+1 possible positions for inserting an element into an list with n elements so that an additional item is hard to circumvent if we want to code handles as pointers to items. With these conventions in place, a large number of useful operations can be implemented as one line functions that all run in constant time. Thanks to the power of splice, we can even manipulate arbitrarily long sublists in constant time. The dummy header can also be useful for other operations. For example consider the fol- lowing code for finding the next occurrence of x starting at item from. If x is not present, head should be returned. We use the header as a sentinel. A sentinel is a dummy element in a data structure that makes sure that some loop will terminate. By storing the key we are looking for in the header, we make sure that the search terminates even if x is origi- nally not present in the list. This trick saves us an additional test in each iteration whether the end of the list is reached. A drawback of dummy headers is that it requires additional space. This seems negligible for most applications but may be costly for many, nearly empty lists. This is a typical scenario for hash tables using chaining on collisions.

2.2 External Lists

The direct implementation of a linked list in an external memory model will have costs of 1 I/O when following a link, which leads to Θ(N) I/Os for traversing N elements. This is caused by the high degree of freedom in the allocation of list elements within memory3. A first idea to improve this is to introduce locality by requiring to store B consecutive elements together. Traversal is now only N/B = O(scan(N)) I/Os, but an insertion or deletion can cost Θ(N/B) I/Os for moving all following elements. We relax the invariant 2 to ≥ 3 B elements in every pair of consecutive blocks. Traversal is still available for ≤ 3N/B = O(scan(N)) I/Os. For inserting in block i, we have to distinguish to cases: If block i has space we pay 1 I/O and are done. If it is full but a neighbor has space, we push

2Another countermeasure to allocation overhead is scheduling many insertions at the same time, result- ing in only one malloc and possibly less cache faults as many items reside in the same memory block 3A faster traversal is possible if we use list ranking (see 5.9) as preprocessing, which can be done in O(sort(N)). Sorting with respect to each element’s rank (distance from last node) will then give a scannable representation of the list

18 //Remove ha, . . . , bi from its current list and insert it after t //. . . , a0, a, . . . , b, b0, . . . , t, t0,...) 7→ (. . . , a0, b0, . . . , t, a, . . . , b, t0,...) Procedure splice(a,b,t : Handle) assert b is not before a ∧ t 6∈ ha, . . . , bi a0 := a→prev b0 := b→next a0 →next := b0 b0 →prev := a0

b→next := t0 a→prev := t t→next := a t0 →prev := b

Figure 2.3: The splice method

Figure 2.4: The direct implementation of linked lists is not suited for external memory. an element to it for O(1) I/Os. If both neighbors are full, we split block i into 2 blocks of ≈ B/2 elements, for (amortized) costs of O(1) I/Os (≥ B/6 deletions needed to violate the invariant). For deletion from block i: if blocks i and i + 1 or blocks i and i − 1 have ≤ 2B/3 elements ⇒ merge the two blocks, again for (amortized) O(1) I/Os.

Figure 2.5: First approach: block B consecutive list elements together

19 2 Figure 2.6: Second approach: block ≥ 3 B consecutive list elements together S-List B-Array U-Array dynamic + − + space wasting pointer too large? too large? set free? time wasting cache miss + resizing worst case time (+) + − Table 2.1: Pros and cons for implementation variants of a stack

2.3 Stacks, Queues & Variants

We now want to use these general sequence types to implement another important data structure: A stack with operations push (insert at the end of the sequence) and pop (return and remove the last element) which we both want to implement with constant costs. Let us examine the alternatives: A bounded array is only feasible if you can give a tight limit for the number of inserted elements; otherwise, you have to allocate much memory in advance to avoid running out of space. A linked list comes with nontrivial memory management and a lot of cache faults (when every successor is in a different memory block). An unbounded array has no constant cost guaranty for a single operation and can consume up to twice the actually required space. So none of the basic data structures comes without major drawbacks. For an optimal solution, we need to take a hybrid approach: A hybrid stack is a linked list containing bounded arrays of size B. When the current array is full, another one is allocated and linked. We now have a dynamic data structure

... B Figure 2.7: A hybrid stack

20 Directory...

... B Elemente Figure 2.8: A variant of the hybrid stack with (small) constant worst case access time4 at the back pointer. We give up a maximum of n/B √+ B wasted space (for pointers and one empty block). This is minimized for B = Θ( n). A variant of this stack works as follows: Instead of having each block maintain a pointer to its successor, we use a directory (implemented as an unbounded array) contain- ing these. Together with two additional references to the current dictionary entry and the current position in the last block, we gain the functionality of a stack. Additionally, it is now easy to implement [·] in constant time using integer division and modulo arithmetic. The drawback of this approach is non-constant worst case insertion time (although we still have constant amortized costs). There are further specialized data structures that can be useful for certain algorithms: a FIFO queue allows insertion at one end and extraction at the other. FIFO queues are easy to implement with singly linked lists with a pointer to the last element. For bounded queues, we can also use cyclic arrays where entry zero is the successor of the last entry. Now it suffices to maintain two indices h and t delimiting the range of valid queue entries. These indices travel around the cycle as elements are queued and dequeued. The cyclic semantics of the indices can be implemented using arithmetics modulo the array size.5 Our implementation always leaves one entry of the array empty because otherwise it would be difficult to distinguish a full queue from an empty queue. Bounded queues can be made unbounded using similar techniques as for unbounded arrays. Finally, deques – allowing read/write access at both ends – cannot be implemented efficiently using singly linked lists. But the array based FIFO from Figure 2.3 is easy to generalize. Circular array can also support access using [·] (interpreting [i] as [i + h mod n]. With techniques from both the hybrid stack variant and the cyclic FIFO queue,√ we can derive a data structure with constant costs for random accesses and costs O( n) for

4although inserting at the end of the current array is still costlier 5On some machines one might get significant speedups by choosing the array size as a power of two and replacing mod by bit operations.

21 n 0 t

h b

Figure 2.9: A variant of the hybrid stack insertion/deletion on arbitrary positions: Instead of bounded arrays, we have our directory point to cyclic arrays. Random access works as above. For insertion at a random location, shift the elements in the corresponding cyclic array that follow the new element’s position. If the array was full, we have no room for the last element so it is propagated to the next cyclic array. Here, it replaces the last element (which can travel further) and the indices are rotated by one, giving the new element index 0. In the worst case, we have B elements to move in the first array and√ constant time operations for the other n/B subarrays. This is again minized for B = Θ( n). Another specialized variant we can develop is an I/O efficient stack6: We use 2 buffers of size B in main memory and a pointer to the end of the stack. When both buffers are full, we write the one containing the older elements to disk and use the freed room for new insertions. When both buffers run empty, we refill one with a block from disk. This leads to amortized I/O costs of O(1/B). Mind that only one buffer is not sufficient: A sequence of B insertions followed by alternating insertions and deletions will incur 1 I/O per operation. [image] ⇐= Table 2.2 summarizes some of the results found in this chapter by comparing running times for common operations of the presented data structures. Predictably, arrays are bet- ter at indexed access whereas linked lists have their strenghts at sequence manipulation at arbitrary positions. However, both basic approaches can implement the special opera- tions needed for stacks and queues roughly equally well. Where both approaches work, arrays are more cache efficient whereas linked lists provide worst case performance guar- antees. This is particularly true for all kinds of operations that scan through the sequence; findNext is only one example.

612.1 gives an introduction on our external memory model

22 List UArray hybr. Stack hybr. Array cycl. Array ∗ Operation √ explanation of ‘ ’ [·] n 1 n 1 1 | · | 1∗ 1 1 1 1 not with inter-list splice first 1 1 1 1 1 last 1 1 1√ 1 1 insert 1 n n √n n remove 1 n n n n ∗ ∗ pushBack 1 1 1√ 1 1 amortized pushFront 1 n n n 1∗ amortized ∗ ∗ popBack 1 1 1√ 1 1 amortized popFront 1 n n n 1∗ amortized concat 1 n n n n splice 1 n n n n findNext,. . . n n∗ n∗ n∗ n∗ cache efficient Table 2.2: Running times of operations on sequences with n elements. Entries have an implicit O(·) around them.

23 Chapter 3


The findings on how branch mispredictions affect quicksort are taken from [1]. Super Scalar Sample Sort is described in [2], Multiway Merge Sort is covered in [3], the analysis of duality between prefetching and buffered writing is from [4].

3.1 Quicksort Basics

Sorting is one of the most important algorithmic problems both practically and theoret- ically. Quicksort is perhaps the most frequently used since it is very fast in practice, needs almost no additional memory, and makes no assumptions on the distribution of the input.

Function quickSort(s : Sequence of Element): Sequence of Element if |s| ≤ 1 then return s // base case pick p ∈ s uniformly at random // pivot key a := he ∈ s : e < pi // (A) b := he ∈ s : e = pi // (B) c := he ∈ s : e > pi // (C) return concatenation of quickSort(a), b, and quickSort(c)

Figure 3.1: Quicksort (high-level implementation)

Analysis shows that Quicksort picking pivots randomly will perform an expected number of ≈ 1.4n log(n) comparisons1. A proof for this bound is given in the appendix

1With other other strategies for selecting a pivot, better constant factors can be achieved: e.g. ”median of three” reduces the expected number of comparisons to ≈ 1.2n log(n)

24 quickSort qsort i-> partition <-j 3681072459 3681072459 3681072459 1 0 2|3|6 8 7 4 5 9 2 0 1|8 6 7 3 4 5 9 2 6 8 1 0 7 3 4 5 9 0|1|2 4 5|6|8 7 9 1 0|2|5 6 7 3 4|8 9 2 0 8 1 6 7 3 4 5 9 4|5 7|8|9 0 1| |4 3|7 6 5|8 9 2 0 1|8 6 7 3 4 5 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | |3 4|5 6|7| j i | | |5 6| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 3.2: Execution of both high-level and refined version of quickSort. (Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.3) on h2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1i using the first character of a subsequence as the pivot. The right block shows the first execution of the repeat loop for partitioning the input in qSort. in 12.3. The worst case occurs if all elements are different and we are always so unlucky to pick the largest or smallest element as a pivot and results in Θ(n2) comparisons. As the number of executed instructions and cache faults is proportional to the number of comparisons, this is (at least in theory) a good measure for the total runtime of Quicksort.

3.2 Refined Quicksort

Figure 3.3 gives pseudocode for an array based quicksort that works in-place and uses several implementation tricks that make it faster and very space efficient. To make a recursive algorithm compatible to the requirement of in-place sorting of an array, quicksort is called with a reference to the array and the range of array indices to be sorted. Very small subproblems with size up to n0 are sorted faster using a simple 2 algorithm like insertion sort . The best choice for the constant n0 depends on many details of the machine and the compiler. Usually one should expect values around 10–40. An efficient implementation of Insertion Sort is given in the appendix in 12.4. The pivot element is chosen by a function pickPivotPos that we have not specified here. The idea is to find a pivot that splits the input more accurately than just choosing a random element. A method frequently used in practice chooses the median (‘middle’) of three elements. An even better method would choose the exact median of a random sample of elements. The repeat-until loop partitions the subarray into two smaller subarrays. Elements

2Some books propose to leave small pieces unsorted and clean up at the end using a single insertion sort that will be fast as the sequence is already almost sorted. Although this nice trick reduces the number of instructions executed by the processor, our solution is faster on modern machines because the subarray to be sorted will already be in cache.

25 //Sort the subarray a[`..r] Procedure qSort(a : Array of Element; `, r : N) while r − ` ≥ n0 do // Use divide-and-conquer j := pickPivotPos(a, l, r) swap(a[`], a[j]) // Helps to establish the invariant p := a[`] i := `; j := r repeat // a: ` i→ ←j r invariant 1: ∀i0 ∈ `..i − 1: a[i0] ≤ p // a: ∀ ≤ p invariant 2: ∀j0 ∈ j + 1..r: a[j0] ≥ p // a: ∀ ≥ p invariant 3: ∃i0 ∈ i..r : a[i0] ≥ p // a: ∃ ≥ p invariant 4: ∃j0 ∈ `..j : a[j0] ≤ p // a: ∃ ≤ p while a[i] < p do i++ // Scan over elements (A) while a[j] > p do j−− // on the correct side (B) if i ≤ j then swap(a[i], a[j]); i++ ; j−− until i > j // Done partitioning l+r if i < 2 then qSort(a,`,j); ` := j else qSort(a,i,r) ; r := i insertionSort(a[l..r]) // faster for small r − l

Figure 3.3: Refined quicksort

26 equal to the pivot can end up on either side or between the two subarrays. Since quicksort spends most of its time in this partitioning loop, its implementation details are important. Index variable i scans the input from left to right and j scans from right to left. The key invariant is that elements left of i are no larger than the pivot whereas elements right of j are no smaller than the pivot. Loops (A) and (B) scan over elements that already satisfy this invariant. When a[i] ≥ p and a[j] ≤ p, scanning can be continued after swapping these two elements. Once indices i and j meet, the partitioning is completed. Now, a[`..j] represents the left partition and a[i..r] represents the right partition. This sounds simple enough but for a correct and fast implementation, some subtleties come into play. To ensure termination, we verify that no single piece represents all of a[`..r] even if p is the smallest or largest array element. So, suppose p is the smallest element. Then loop A first stops at i = `; loop B stops at the last occurrence of p. Then a[i] and a[j] are swapped (even if i = j) and i is incremented. Since i is never decremented, the right partition a[i..r] will not represent the entire subarray a[`..r]. The case that p is the largest element can be handled using a symmetric argument. The scanning loops A and B are very fast because they make only a single test. On the first glance, that looks dangerous. For example, index i could run beyond the right boundary r if all elements in a[i..r] were smaller than the pivot. But this cannot hap- pen. Initially, the pivot is in a[i..r] and serves as a sentinel that can stop Scanning Loop A. Later, the elements swapped to the right are large enough to play the role of a sen- tinel. Invariant 3 expresses this requirement that ensures termination of Scanning Loop A. Symmetric arguments apply for Invariant 4 and Scanning Loop B. Our array quicksort handles recursion in a seemingly strange way. It is something like “semi-recursive”. The smaller partition is sorted recursively, while the larger partition is sorted iteratively by adjusting ` and r. This measure ensures that recursion can never go deeper than dlog n e levels. Hence, the space needed for the recursion stack is O(log n). n0 Note that a completely recursive algorithm could reach a recursion depth of n − 1 so the space needed for the recursion stack could be considerably larger than for the input array itself.

3.3 Lessons from experiments

We now run Quicksort on real machines to check if it behaves differently than our analysis on the RAM model predicted. We will see that modern hardware architecture can have influence on the runtime and try to find algorithmic solutions to these problems. In the analysis, we saw that the number of comparisons determines the runtime of Quicksort. On a real machine a comparison and the corresponding if-clause are mapped to a branch instruction. In modern processors with long execution pipelines and superscalar execution, dozens of subsequent instructions are executed in parallel to achieve a high

27 in sort Seconds / n lg n for algs: random pivot - median of 3 - exact median - skewed pivot n/10 - n/11 6.8 random pivot median of 3 exact median 6.6 skewed pivot n/10 skewed pivot n/11





5.6 nanosecs constant




4.8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 n

Figure 3.4: Runtime for Quicksort using different strategies for pivot selection peak throughput. To keep the pipeline filled, the outcome of each branch is predicted by the hardware (based on several possible heuristics). When a branch is mispredicted, much of the work already done on the instructions following the predicted branch direction turns out to be wasted. Therefore, ingenious and very successful schemes have been devised to accurately predict the direction a branch takes . Unfortunately, we are facing a dilemma here. Information theory tells us that the optimal number of n log n element comparisons for sorting can only be achieved if each element comparison yields one bit of information, i.e., there is a 50% chance for the branch to take either direction. In this situation, even the most clever branch prediction algorithm is helpless. A painfully large number of branch mispredictions seems to be unavoidable. Figure 3.4 compares the runtime of Quicksort implementations using different strate- gies of selecting a pivot. Together with standard techniques (random, median of three, ...) α-skewed pivots are used, i.e., pivots which have a rank of αn. Theory suggests 1 large constant factors in execution time for these strategies with α  2 compared to a perfect median. In practice, Figure 3.4 shows that these implementations are actually faster than those that use an (approximated) median as pivot. An explanation for this can be found in Figure 3.5: A pivot with rank close to n/2 produces many more branch mispredictions than a pivot that separates the sequence in two parts of very different sizes. The costs to flush the entire instruction pipeline outweigh

28 in sort Branch misses / n lg n for algs: random pivot - median of 3 - exact median - skewed pivot n/10 - n/11 0.44 random pivot median of 3 exact median 0.42 skewed pivot n/10 skewed pivot n/11





0.32 branch misses constant




0.24 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 n

Figure 3.5: Number of branch mispredictions for Quicksort using different strategies for pivot selection

29 the fewer partition steps of these variants.

3.4 Super Scalar Sample Sort

We now study a sorting algorithm which is aware of hardware phenomenons like branch mispredictions or superscalar execution. This algorithm is called Super Scalar Sample Sort (SSSS) which is an engineered version of Sample Sort which in turn is a generaliza- tion of Quicksort.

Function sampleSort(e = he1, . . . , eni : Sequence of Element, k : Z): Sequence of Element if n/k is “small” then return smallSort(e) // base case, e.g. quicksort let hS1,...,Sak−1i denote a random sample of e sort S // or at least locate the elements whose rank is a multiple of a hs0, s1, s2, . . . , sk−1, ski:= h−∞,Sa,S2a,...,S(k−1)a, ∞i // determine splitters for i := 1 to n do find j ∈ {1, . . . , k} such that sj−1 < ei ≤ sj place ei in bucket bj return concatenate(sampleSort(b1),..., sampleSort(bk))

Figure 3.6: Standard Sample Sort

Our starting point is ordinary sample sort. Fig. 3.6 gives high level pseudocode. Small inputs are sorted using some other algorithm like quicksort. For larger inputs, we first take a sample of s = ak randomly chosen elements. The oversampling factor a allows a flexible tradeoff between the overhead for handling the sample and the accuracy of splitting. Our splitters are those elements whose rank in the sample is a multiple of a. Now each input element is located in the splitters and placed into the corresponding bucket. The buckets are sorted recursively and their concatenation is the sorted output. A first advantage of Sample Sort over Quicksort is the number of logk n recursion levels which is by a factor log2 k smaller than the recursion depth of Quicksort log2 n. Every element is moved once during each level, resulting in less cache faults for Sample Sort. However, this alone does not resolve the central issue of branch mispredictions and only comes to bear for very large inputs. SSSS is an implementation strategy for the basic sample sort algorithm. All sequences are represented as arrays. More precisely, we need two arrays of size n. One for the original input and one for temporary storage. The flow of data between these two arrays alternates in different levels of recursion. If the number of recursion levels is odd, a final copy operation makes sure that the output is in the same place as the input. Using an array

30 i refer


o refer move B refer


Figure 3.7: Two-pass element distribution in Super Scalar Sample Sort of size n to accommodate all buckets means that we need to know exactly how big each bucket is. In radix sort implementations this is done by locating each element twice. But this would be prohibitive in a comparison based algorithm. Therefore we use an additional auxiliary array, o, of n oracles – o(i) stores the bucket index for element ei. A first pass computes the oracles and the bucket sizes. A second pass reads the elements again and places element ei into bucket bo(i). This two pass approach incurs costs in space and time. However these costs are rather small since bytes suffice for the oracles and the additional memory accesses are sequential and thus can almost completely be hidden via software or hardware prefetching3. In exchange we get simplified memory management, no need to test for bucket overflows. Perhaps more importantly, decoupling the expensive tasks of finding buckets and distributing elements to buckets facilitates software pipelining by the compiler and prevents cache interferences of the two parts. This optimization is also known as loop distribution. Theoretically the most expensive and algorithmically the most interesting part is how to locate elements with respect to the splitters. Fig. 3.8 gives pseudocode and a picture for this part. Assume k is a power of two. The splitters are placed into an array t such that they form a complete binary search tree with root t1 = sk/2. The left successor of tj is stored at t2j and the right successor is stored at t2j+1. This is the arrangement well known from binary heaps but used for representing a search tree here. To locate an element ai, it suffices to travel down this tree, multiplying the index j by two in each level and adding one if the element is larger than the current splitter. This increment is the only instruction that depends on the outcome of the comparison. Some architectures

3This is true as long as we can accommodate one buffer per bucket in the cache, limiting the parameter k. Other limiting factors are the size of the TLB (translation lookaside buffer, storing mappings of virtual to physical memory addresses) and k ≤ 256 if we want to store the bucket indices in one byte

31 s k/2 t:= hsk/2, sk/4, s3k/4, sk/8, s3k/8, s5k/8, s7k/8,...i < > for i := 1 to n do // locate each element s s j:= 1 // current tree node := root k/4 3k/4 < > < > repeat log k times // will be unrolled s s s s j:= 2j + (ai > tj) // left or right? k/8 3k/8 5k/8 7k/8 j:= j − k + 1 // bucket index < >< >< >< > |b |++ // count bucket size b b b b b b b b j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oi:= j // remember oracle

Figure 3.8: Finding buckets using implicit search trees. The picture is for k = 8. We adopt the convention from C that “x > y” is one if x > y holds, and zero else. cmp.gt p7=r1,r2 cmp.gt p6=r1,r2 (p7) br.cond .label (p6) add r3=4,r3 add r3=4,r3 .label:

Table 3.1: Translation of if(r1 > r2) r3 := r3 + 4 with branches (left) and predicated instructions (right) like IA-64 have predicated arithmetic instructions that are only executed if the previously computed condition code in the instruction’s predicate register is set. Others at least have a conditional move so that we can compute j:= 2j and then, speculatively, j0:= j+1. Then we conditionally move j0 to j. The difference between such predicated instructions and ordinary branches is that they do not affect the instruction flow and hence cannot suffer from branch mispredictions. Experiments (conducted on an Intel Itanium processor with Intel’s compiler to have support for predicated instructions and software pipelining) show that our implementa- tion of SSSS outperforms two well known library implementations for sorting. In the Experiment 32 bit random integers in the range [0, 109] were sorted4. For this first version of SSSS, several improvements are possible. For example, the current implementation suffers from many identical keys. This could be fixed without much overhead: If si−1 < si = si+1 = ··· = sj (identical splitters are an indicator for many identical keys), j > i, change si to si − 1. Do not recurse on buckets bi+1,. . . ,bj – they all contain identical keys. Now SSSS can even profit from an input like this.¡ Another disadvantage compared to quicksort is that SSSS is not inplace. One could make it almost inplace however. This is most easy to explain for the case that both input

4note that the algorithm’s runtime is not influenced by the distribution of elements, so a random distri- bution of elements is no unfair advantage for SSSS

32 18



12 Intel STL 10 GCC STL sss-sort 8

time / n log [ns] 6



0 4096 16384 65536 218 220 222 224 n

Figure 3.9: Runtime for sorting using SSSS and other algorithms




time / n log [ns] 2


0 4096 16384 65536 218 220 222 224 n Figure 3.10: Breakdown of the execution time of SSSS (divided by n log n) into phases. “FB” denotes the finding of buckets for the elements, “DIST” the distribution of the elements to the buckets, “BA” the base sorting routines. The remaining time is spent in finding the splitters etc.

33 M f i=0 i=M i=2M run sort internal

t i=0 i=M i=2M

Figure 3.11: Run formation f make things as simple as possible but no simpler f __aeghikmnst__aaeilmpsss__bbeilopssu__eilmnoprst runBuffer st ss ps st

B next internal ss Mk out t ______aaabbeeeeghiiiiklllmmmnnooppprss

Figure 3.12: Example of 4-way merging with M = 12, B = 2 and output are a sequence of blocks (compare chapter 2). Sampling takes sublinear space and time. Distribution needs at most 2k additional blocks and can otherwise recycle freed blocks of the input sequence. Although software pipelining may be more difficult for this distribution loop, the block representation facilitates a single pass implementation with- out the time and space overhead for oracles so that good performance may be possible. Since it is possible to convert inplace between block list representation and an array rep- resentation in linear time, one could actually attempt an almost inplace implementation of SSSS.

3.5 Multiway Merge Sort

We will now study another algorithm based on the concept of Merge Sort which is espe- cially well suited for . For external algorithms, an efficient sorting sub- routine is even more important than for main memory algorithms because one often tries to avoid random disk accesses by ordering the data, allowing a sequential scan. Multiway Merge Sort first splits the data into dn/Me runs which fit into main memory where they are sorted. We merge these runs until only one is left. Instead of ordinary 2- way-merging, we merge k := M/B runs in a single pass resulting in a smaller number of merge phases. We only have to keep one block (containing the currently smallest elements) per run in main memory. We maintain a priority queue containing the smallest elements of each run in the current merging step to efficiently keep track of the overall smallest element.

34 emulated disk logical block

1 2 D

physical blocks

Figure 3.13: Striping: one logical block consists of D physical blocks.

Every element is read/written twice for forming the runs (in blocks of size B) and twice for every merging phase. Access granularity is blocks. This leads to the following (asymptotically optimal) total number of I/Os: 2n 2n  l n m (1 + dlog #runse) = 1 + log := sort(n) (3.1) B k B M/B M Let us consider the following realistic parameters: B = 2MB, M = 1GB. For inputs up to a size of n = 512GB, we get only one merging phase! In general, this is the case if we can store dn/Me buffers (one for each run) of size B in internal memory (i.e., n ≤ M 2/B). Therefore, only one additional level can increase the I/O volume by 50%.

3.6 Sorting with parallel disks

We now consider a system with D disks. There are different ways to model this situation (see Figure 3.15) but all have in common that in one I/O step we can fetch up to D blocks so we can hope to reduce the number of I/Os by this factor: 2n  l n m 1 + log (3.2) BD M/B M An obvious idea to handle multiple disks is the concept of striping: An emulated disk contains logical blocks of size DB consisting of one physical block per disk. The algo- rithms for run formation and writing the output can be used unchanged on this emulated disk. For the merging step however, we have to be careful: With larger (logical) blocks the number of I/Os becomes: 2n  l n m 1 + log (3.3) BD M/BD M The algorithm will move more data in one I/O step (compared to the setup with one disk) but requires a possibly deeper recursion level. In practice, this can make the differ- ence between one or two merge phases. We therefore have to work on the level of physical

35 ...... prediction sequence ...... controls

... internal buffers

... prefetch buffers ......

Figure 3.14: The smallest element of each block triggers fetch. blocks to achieve optimal constant factors. This comes with the necessity to distribute the runs in an intelligent way among the disks and to find a schedule for fetching blocks into the merger. For starters, it is necessary to find out which block on which disk will be required next when one of the merging buffers runs out of elements. This can be computed offline when all runs are formed: A block is required the moment its smallest element is required. We can therefore sort the set of all smallest elements to get a prediction sequence. To be able to refill the merge buffers in time we maintain prefetch buffers which we fill (if necessary) while the merging of the current elements takes place. This allows parallel access of next due blocks and helps for an efficiency near 1 (i.e. fetching D blocks in one I/O step). How many prefetch buffers should we use? We first approach this question by using a simplified model ((a) in figure 3.15) where we have D read-/write-heads on one large disk. Here, D prefetch buffers suffice: In one I/O-step we can refill all buffers, transferring D blocks of size B which leads to a total (optimal) number of I/Os as in equation 3.2. If we replace the multihead model with D independent disks (each with its own right/write-head) we get a more realistic model. But now D prefetch buffers seem too few as it is possible that all next k blocks reside on the same disk which would need that many I/O steps for filling the buffers while the other disks lie idle, leading to a non-optimal efficiency. A first solution is to increase the number of prefetch buffers to kD. But that would leave us with less space for merge buffers, write buffers and other data that we have to

36 M M

1 2B D B 1 2 ... D Multihead Model independent disks [Aggarwal Vitter 88] [Vitter Shriver 94] (a) (b)

Figure 3.15: Different models for systems with several disks

prefetch buffers prediction sequence ...... internal buffers ......

Figure 3.16: Distribution of runs using randomized cycling. keep in main memory. Instead, we use the randomized cycling pattern while forming runs: For every run j, we map block i to πj(i mod D) for a random permutation πj. This makes the event of getting a “difficult“ distribution highly unlikely. With a naive prefetching strategy and random cycling, we can achieve a good perfor- mance with only O(D log D) buffers. Is it possible to even reduce this to O(D)? The prefetching strategy leaves more room for optimization. The naive approach fetches in one I/O-step the next blocks from the prediction sequence until all free buffers are filled or a disk would be accessed twice. The problem is now to find an optimal offline prefetching schedule (offline, because the prediction sequence yields the order in which the blocks on each disk are needed). For the solution, we make a digression to online buffered writing and use the principle of duality to transform our result here into a schedule for offline prefetching. In online buffered writing, we have a sequence Σ of blocks to be written to one of D

37 Sequence of blocks Σ write whenever otherwise, output one of W one block from buffers is free each nonempty queue

randomized ... mapping

... queues W/D

1 2 3 ... D

Figure 3.17: The online buffered writing problem and its optimal solution. disks. We also have W buffers, W/D for each disk. It can be shown that randomized, equally distributed writing to one of the free buffers and outputting one block of each queue if no capacity is left is an optimal strategy and achieves an expected efficiency of 1 − o(D/W ). We can now reverse this process to obtain an optimal offline prefetching algorithm called lazy prefetching: Given the prediction sequence Σ, we calculate the optimal online writing sequence T for ΣR and use T R as prefetching schedule. Note that we do not use the distribution between the disks the writing algorithm produces and that the random distribution during the writing process corresponds to random cycling. Figure 3.19 gives an example in which our optimal strategy yields a better result than a naive prefetching approach: The upper half shows the result of the example schedule from 3.18 created by inverting a writing schedule. The bottom half shows the result of naive prefetching, always fetching the next block from every disk in one step (as long as there are free buffers).

3.7 Internal work of Multiway Mergesort

Until now we have only regarded the number of I/Os. In fact, when running with several disks our sorting algorithm can very well be compute bound, i.e. prefetching D new blocks requires less time than merging them. We use the technique of overlapping to minimize wait time for whichever task is bounding our algorithm in a given environment. Take the following example on run formation (i denotes a run):

Thread A: Loop { wait-read i; sort i; post-write i}; Thread B: Loop { wait-write i; post-read i+2};

38 input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 r q p o l i f r r Σ Σ order of reading Puffer order of reading Puffer q p r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h g e r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n o R R n Σ order of writing Σ order of writing m m k j d c b a m

output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (a) (b) input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 r q r q p j j Σ Σ order of reading Puffer q order of reading Puffer h p p r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h o o R l R l Σ order of writing k Σ order of writing i m k m k j

output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (c) (d) input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 r q p o r q p o l g d Σ Σ order of reading Puffer f order of reading Puffer f e e r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h g r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h g e o c R l R l Σ order of writing i Σ order of writing i m k j m k j d

output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (e) (f) input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 r q p o l i f r q p o l i b b Σ Σ Puffer order of reading Puffer f order of reading f a a r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h g e r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h g e c R ΣR Σ order of writing i order of writing m k j d c m k j d c b

output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (g) (h) input step 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 r q p o l i f Σ order of reading Puffer a r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a n h g e

ΣR order of writing m k j d c b a

output step1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (i)

Figure 3.18: Example: Optimal randomized online writing

39 Σ a bc d e f g h i j k lm n o p q r Σ R

Eingabeschritt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 f i l o p q r

optimal e g h n

a b c d j k m

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ausgabeschritt

Eingabeschritt 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 f i l o p q r [Barve−Grove−Vitter 97] e g h n

a b c d j k m

Figure 3.19: Example: resulting offline reading schedule

During initialization, runs 1 and 2 are read, i is set to 1. Thread A sorts runs in memory and writes them to disk. Thread B will wait until run i is finished (and thread A works on i + 1) and reads the next run i + 2 into the freed space. The thread doing the more intense work will never wait for the other one. A similar result can be achieved during the merging step but this is considerably more complicated and beyond the scope of this course. As internal work influences running time, we need a fast solution for the most compute intense step during merging: A Tournament Tree (or Loser Tree) is a specialized data structure for finding the smallest element of all runs. For k = 2K , it is a complete binary tree with K levels, where each leaf contains the currently smallest element of one run. Each internal node contains the ’loser’ (i.e., the greater) of the ’competition’ between its two child nodes. Above the root node, we store the global winner along with a pointer to the corresponding run. After writing this element to the output buffer, we simply have to move the next element of its run up until there is a new global winner. Compared to general purpose data structures like binary heaps, we get exactly log k comparisons (no hidden constant factors). Similar to the implicit search trees we used for Sample Sort, Tournament Trees can be implemented as arrays where finding the parent node simply maps to an index shift to the right. The inner loop for moving from leaf to root can be unrolled and contains predictable load instructions and index computations allowing

40 1 deleteMin+ 2 insertNext 2 3 4 4 4 4 6 7 9 7 6 7 9 7 4 6 2 7 9 1 4 7 4 6 2 7 93 4 7 3

Figure 3.20: A tournament tree for (int i=(winnerIndex+kReg)>>1; i>0; i>>=1){ currentPos = entry + i; currentKey = currentPos->key; if (currentKey < winnerKey) { currentIndex = currentPos->index; currentPos->key = winnerKey; currentPos->index = winnerIndex; winnerKey = currentKey; winnerIndex = currentIndex;}}

Figure 3.21: Inner loop of Tournament Tree computation exploitation of instruction parallelism.

3.8 Experiments

Experiments on Multiway Merge Sort were performed in 2001 on a 2 × 2GHz Xeon × 2 threads machine (Intel IV with Netburst) with several 66 MHz PCI-buses, 4 fast IDE controllers (Promise Ultra100 TX2) and 8 fast IDE disks (IBM IC35L080AVVA07). This inexpensive (mid 2002) setup gave a high I/O-bandwidth of 360 MB/s. The keys consisted of 16 GByte random 32 bit integers, run size was 256 MByte, block size B was 2MB (if not otherwise mentioned). Figure 3.22 shows the running time for different element sizes (for a constant total data volume of 16 GByte). The smaller the elements, the costlier becomes internal work, espe- cially during run formation (there are more elements to sort). With a high I/O throughput and intelligent prefetching algorithms, I/O wait time never makes up for more than half of the total running time. This proves the point that overlapping and tuning of internal work are important.

41 400 run formation 350 merging I/O wait in merge phase I/O wait in run formation phase 300


200 time [s] 150



0 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 element size [byte]

Figure 3.22: Multiway Merge Sort with different element sizes

26 128 GBytes 1x merge 128 GBytes 2x merge 24 16 GBytes



18 sort time [ns/byte] 16


12 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 block size [KByte]

Figure 3.23: Performance using different block sizes

42 What is a good block size B? An intuitive approach would link B to the size of a physical disk block. However, figure 3.23 shows that B is no technology constant but a tuning parameter: A larger B is better (as it reduces the amortized costs of O(1/B) I/Os per element), as long as the resulting smaller k still allows for a single merge phase (see curve for 128GB).

43 Chapter 4

Priority Queues

The material on external priority queues was first published in [5].

4.1 Introduction

Priority queues are an important data structure for many applications, including: short- est path search (Dijkstra’s Algorithm), sorting, construction of mimimum spanning trees, branch and bound search, discrete event simulaton and many more. While the first ex- amples are widely known and also covered in other chapters, we give a short explanation of the latter two applications: The best first branch-and-bound approach to optimization elements are partial solutions of an optimization problem and the keys are optimistic es- timates of the obtainable solution quality. The algorithm repeatedly removes the best looking partial solution, refines it, and inserts zero or more new partial solutions. In a discrete event simulation one has to maintain a set of pending events. Each event happens at some scheduled point in time and creates zero or more new events scheduled to happen at some time in the future. Pending events are kept in a priority queue. The main loop of the simulation deletes the next event from the queue, executes it, and inserts newly generated events into the priority queue. Our (non-addressable) priority queue M needs to support the following operations:

Procedure build({e1, . . . , en}) M:= {e1, . . . , en} Procedure insert(e) M:= M ∪ {e} Function deleteMin e:= min M; M:= M \{e}; return e There are different approaches to implementing priority queues but most of them re- sort to an implicit or explicit tree representation which is heap-ordered1: If w is a succes- sor of v, the key stored in w is not greater than the key stored in v. This way, the overall smallest key is stored in the root. 1In 4.4 we will see implementations using a whole forest of heap-ordered trees

44 4.2 Binary Heaps

Priority queues are often implemented as binary heaps, stored in an array h where the successors for an element at position i are stored at positions 2i and 2i + 1. This is an implicit representation of a near-perfect binary tree which only might lack some leafs in the bottom level. We require that this array is heap-ordered, i.e.,

if 2 ≤ j ≤ n then h[bj/2c] ≤ h[j ].

Binary Heaps with arrays are bounded in space, but they can be made unbounded in the same way as bounded arrays are made unbounded. Asuming non-hierarchical mem- ory, we can implement all desired operations in an efficient manner: An insert puts a new element e tentatively at the end of the heap h, i.e., e is put at a leaf of the tree represented by h.[reformulated:more rendundancy, less ambiguity] ⇐= Then e is moved to an appropriate position on the path from the leaf h[n] to the root.

Procedure insert(e : Element) assert n < w n++ ; h[n]:= e siftUp(n) where siftUp(s) moves the contents of node s towards the root until the heap prop- erty[was heap condition] holds. ⇐=

Procedure siftUp(i : N) assert the heap property holds except maybe for j = i if i = 1 ∨ h[bi/2c] ≤ h[i] then return assert the heap property holds except for j = i swap(h[i], h[bi/2c]) assert the heap property holds except maybe for j = bi/2c siftUp(bi/2c)

Since siftUp will potentially move the element up to the root and perform a com- parison on every level, insert takes O(log n) time. On avergage, a constant number of comparisons will suffice. deleteMin in its basic form replaces the root with the leftmost leaf which is then sifted down (analogously to siftUp), resulting in 2 log n key comparisons (on every level, we have to find the minimum of three elements). The bottom-up heuristic suggests an improvement for that operation: The hole left by the removed minimum is “sifted down“ to a leaf (requiring only one comparison per level between the two successors of the hole), is only now replaced by the rightmost leaf which is then sifted up again (costing constant time on average, like insertion).

45 1 2 2 2 6 2 4 4 7 4 7 9 8 4 7 9 8 6 7 9 8 6 9 8 6 delete Min sift down hole 2 O(1) log(n) compare swap move 7 4 6 9 8 sift up 2 O(1) 4 6 average 7 9 8

Figure 4.1: The bottom-up heuristic int i=1, m=2, t = a[1]; m += (m != n && a[m] > a[m + 1]); if (t > a[m]) { do { a[i] = a[m]; i = m; m = 2*i; if (m > n) break; m += (m != n && a[m] > a[m + 1]); } while (t > a[m]); a[i] = t;}

Figure 4.2: An efficient version of standard deleteMin

This approach should be a factor two faster then the naive implementation. However, if the latter is programmed properly (see figure 4.2), there are no measureable differences in runtime: The given implementation has log n comparisons more than bottom-up but these are stop criterions for the loop and thus easy to handle for branch prediction. Notice how the increment of m avoids branches within the loop. [siftDown mit logn + loglogn Vergleichen] ⇐= For the initial construction of a heap there are also two competing approaches: buildHeapBackwards moves from the leaves to the root, ensuring the heap property on every level. buildHeapRecursive first fixes this properties recursively on the two subtrees of the root and then sifts the remaining node down. Here, we have the reverse situation compared to deleteMin: Both algorithms asymptotically cost O(n) time but on a real machine, the recursive variant is faster by a factor two: It is more cache efficient. Note, that a subtree with B leaves and therefore log B levels can be stored in B log B blocks of

46 Procedure buildHeapBackwards for i := bn/2c downto 1 do siftDown(i) Procedure buildHeapRecursive(i : N) if 4i ≤ n then buildHeapRecursive(2i) buildHeapRecursive(2i + 1) siftDown(i)

Figure 4.3: Two implementations for buildHeap

sorted 1 2 ... k m sequences

k−merge tournament tree data structure

buffer m m insertion buffer

Figure 4.4: A simple external PQ for n < km size B. If these blocks fit into the cache, we only require O(n/B) I/O operations.

4.3 External Priority Queues

We now study a variant of external priority queues2 which are called sequence heaps. Merging k sorted sequences into one sorted sequence (k-way merging) is an I/O effi- cient subroutine used for sorting – we saw this in chapter 3.5. The basic idea of sequence heaps is to adapt k-way merging to the related but more dynamical problem of priority queues. Let us start with the simple case, that at most km insertions take place where m is the size of a buffer that fits into fast memory. Then the data structure could consist of k sorted sequences of length up to m. We can use k-way merging for deleting a batch of the m smallest elements from k sorted sequences. The next m deletions can then be served from a buffer in constant time. A separate binary heap with capacity m allows an arbitrary mix of insertions and

2if “I/O“ is replaced by “cache fault“, we can use this approach also one level higher in the memory hierarchy

47 2 1 2 ... km 1 2 ... kmk 1 2 ... k mk

k-merge k-merge k-merge T T1 T2 3

group group group buffer 1 m buffer 2 m buffer 3 m


deletion buffer m' m insert heap

Figure 4.5: Overview of the complete data structure for R = 3 merge groups deletions by holding the recently inserted elements. Deletions have to check whether the smallest element has to come from this insertion buffer. When this buffer is full, it is sorted, and the resulting sequence becomes one of the sequences for the k-way merge. How can we generalize this approach to handle more than km elements? We cannot increase m beyond M, since the insertion heap would not fit into fast memory. We cannot arbitrarily increase k, since eventually k-way merging would start to incur cache faults. Sequence heaps make room by merging all the k sequences producing a larger sequence of size up to km. Now the question arises how to handle the larger sequences. Sequence heaps employ i−1 R merge groups G1,...,GR where Gi holds up to k sequences of size up to mk . When group Gi overflows, all its sequences are merged, and the resulting sequence is put into group Gi+1. Each group is equipped with a group buffer of size m to allow batched deletion from the sequences. The smallest elements of these buffers are deleted in batches of size m0  m. They are stored in the deletion buffer. Fig. 4.5 summarizes the data structure. We now have enough information to understand how deletion works:

DeleteMin: The smallest elements of the deletion buffer and insertion buffer are com- pared, and the smaller one is deleted and returned. If this empties the deletion buffer, it is refilled from the group buffers using an R-way merge. Before the refill, group buffers

48 with less than m0 elements are refilled from the sequences in their group (if the group is nonempty). DeleteMin works correctly provided the data structure fulfills the heap property, i.e., elements in the group buffers are not smaller than elements in the deletion buffer, and in turn, elements in a sorted sequence are not smaller than the elements in the respective group buffer. Maintaining this invariant is the main difficulty for implementing insertion.

Insert: New elements are inserted into the insert heap. When its size reaches m, its elements are sorted (e.g. using merge sort or heap sort). The result is then merged with the concatenation of the deletion buffer and the group buffer 1. The smallest resulting elements replace the deletion buffer and group buffer 1. The remaining elements form a new sequence of length at most m. The new sequence is finally inserted into a free slot of group G1. If there is no free slot initially, G1 is emptied by merging all its sequences into a single sequence of size at most km, which is then put into G2. The same strategy is used recursively to free higher level groups when necessary. When group GR overflows, R is incremented and a new group is created. When a sequence is moved from one group to the other, the heap property may be violated. Therefore, when G1 through Gi have been emptied, the group buffers 1 through i + 1 are merged, and put into G1.

For cached memory, where the speed of internal computation matters, it is also crucial how to implement the operation of k-way merging. How is can be done in an efficient way is described in the chapter about Sorting (3.7).

Analysis We will now give a sketch for the I/O analysis of our priority queues. Let i denote the number of insertions and an upper bound to the number of deleteMin operations. i First note that Group Gi can overflow at most every m(k − 1) insertions: The only complication is the slot in group G1 used for invalid group buffers. Nevertheless, when groups G1 through Gi contain k sequences each, this can only happen if

R X m(k − 1)kj−1 = m(ki − 1) j=1

 I  insertions have taken place. Therefore, R = logk m groups suffice. Now consider the I/Os performed for an element moving on the following canoni- cal data path: It is first inserted into the insert buffer and then written to a sequence in group G1 in a batched manner, i.e., 1/B I/Os are charged to the insertion of this element. Then it is involved in emptying groups until it arrives in group GR. For each emptying operation, the element is involved into one batched read and one batched write, i.e., it is

49 insert(3 ) v u w v u w s n t s n t r m p r m p q g o q c o k j f l c h x k j f l h i e g i

e b d b d b

b a x a 3 (a) Inserting element 3 leads to overflow of insert heap: it is merged with deletion buffer and group buffer 1 and then inserted into group 1 v u w v u w s n t s n t r m p k r m p q c o j q c o x k j f l h x g l h e g i e f i

d b d b b b

a 3 a 3 (b) Overflow in group 1: all old elements are merged and inserted in next group v u w n o p s n t m q k r m p k l r j q c o j i s w x g l h x g h t u v e f i e f c

d b d b b b

a 3 a 3 (c) Overflow in group 2: all old elements are merged and inserted in next group n o p n o p m q m q k l r k l r j i s w d j i s w x g h t u v x b g h t u v e f c e b f c

d b b 50 a 3 a 3 (d) Group buffers are invalid now: merge and inserted them to group 1

Figure 4.6: Example of an insertion on the sequence heap n o p n o p m q m q k l r k l r d j i s w d j i s w x b g h t u v x b g h t u v e b f c e b f c

a 3 (a) Deletion of two elements empties insert heap and deletion buffer n o p n o p m q m q k l r k l r d j i s w d j i s w x b g h t u v x t u v e b f c e

b g h f c

(b) Every Group fills its buffer via k-way-merging, the deletion buffer is filled from group buffers via M-way-merging

Figure 4.7: Example of a deletion on the sequence

51 charged with 2(R − 1)/B I/Os for tree emptying operations. Eventually, the element is read into group buffer R yielding a charge of 1/B I/Os for. All in all, we get a charge of 2R/B I/Os for each insertion. What remains to be shown (and is ommited here) is that the remaining I/Os only contribute lower order terms or replace I/Os done on the canonical path. For example, we save I/Os when an element is extracted before it reaches the last group. We use the costs charged for this to pay for swapping the group buffers in and out. Eventually, we have O(sort(I)) I/Os. In a similar fashion, we can show that I operations inflict I log I key comparisons on average. As for sorting, this is a good measure for the internal work, since in efficient implementations of priority queues for the comparison model, this number is close to the number of unpredictable branch instructions (whereas loop control branches are usually well predictable by the hardware or the compiler), and the number of key comparisons is also proportional to the number of memory accesses. These two types of operations often have the largest impact on the execution time, since they are the most severe limit to instruction parallelism in a super-scalar processor.

Experiments We now present the results of some experiments conducted to compare our sequence heap with other priority queue implementations. Random 32 bit integers were used as keys for another 32 bits of associated information. The operation sequence used was (Insert − deleteMin − Insert)N (deleteMin − Insert − deleteMin)N . The choice of this sequence is nontrivial as it can have measurable influence (factor two and more) on the performance. Figure 4.9 show this: Here we have the sequence (Insert (deleteMin Insert)s)N (deleteMin (Insert deleteMin)s)N for several val- ues of s. For larger s, the performance gets better when N is large enough. This can be explained with a “locality effect“: New elements tend to be smaller than most old elements (the smallest of the old elements have long been removed before). Therefore, many elements never make it into group G1 let alone the groups for larger sequences. Since most work is performed while emptying groups, this work is saved. So that these instances should come close to the worst case. To make clear that sequence heaps are nevertheless still much better than binary or 4-ary heaps, Figure 4.9 additionally contains their timing for s = 0. The parameters chosen for the experiments where m0 = 32, m = 256 and k = 128 on all machines tried. While there were better settings for individual machines, these global values gave near optimal performance in all cases.

52 bottom up binary heap 200 bottom up aligned 4-ary heap sequence heap



50 (T(deleteMin) + T(insert))/log N [ns]

0 1024 4096 16384 65536 218 220 222 223 N

Figure 4.8: Runtime comparison for several PQ implementations (on a 180MHz MIPS R10000)

s=0, binary heap s=0, 4-ary heap s=0 s=1 128 s=4 s=16

64 (T(deleteMin) + T(insert))/log N [ns] 32 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 218 220 222 223 N

Figure 4.9: Runtime comparison for different operation sequences

53 a b a


Figure 4.10: Link: Merge to trees preserving the heap property

Figure 4.11: Cut: remove subtree and add it to the forest

4.4 Adressable Priority Queues

For adressable Priority Queues, we want to add the following functionality to the interface of our basic data structure:

Function remove(h : Handle) e:= h; M:= M \{e}; return e Procedure decreaseKey(h : Handle, k : Key) assert key(h) ≥ k; key(h):= k Procedure merge(M 0) M:= M ∪ M 0

This extended interface is required to efficiently implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm for shortest paths or the Jarnik-Prim Algorithm for calculating Minimum Spanning Trees (both make use of the decreaseKey operation). It is not possible to extend our hitherto approach to become adressable as keys are constantly swapped in our array for deleteMin and other operations. For this domain, we implement priority queues as a set of heap-ordered trees and a pointer for finding the tree containing the globally minimal element. The elementary form of these priority queues is called Pairing Heap. With just two basic operations, we can implement adressable priority queues: Now we can already give a high-level implementation of all necessary operations:

Procedure insertItem(h : Handle) newTree(h) Procedure newTree(h : Handle) forest:= forest ∪ {h} if e < min then minPtr:= h Procedure decreaseKey(h : Handle, k : Key) key(h):= k

54 if h is not a root then cut(h) Function deleteMin : Handle m:= minPtr forest:= forest \{m} foreach child h of m do newTree(h) Perform a pairwise link of the tree roots in forest return m Procedure merge(o : AdressablePQ) if minPtr > o.minPtr then minPtr:= o.minPtr forest:= forest ∪ o.forest o.forest:= ∅

An insert adds a new single node tree to the forest. So a sequence of n inserts into an initially empty heap will simply create n single node trees. The cost of an insert is clearly O(1). A deleteMin operation removes the node indicated by minPtr. This turns all children of the removed node into roots. We then scan the set of roots (old and new) to find the new minimum. To find the new minimum we need to inspect all roots (old and new), a potentially very costly process. We make the process even more expensive (by a constant factor) by doing some useful work on the side, namely combining some trees into larger trees. Pairing heaps do this by just doing one step of pairwise linking of arbitrary trees. There are variants doing more complicated operations to prove better theoretical bounds. We turn to the decreaseKey operation next. It is given a handle h and a new key k and decreases the key value of h to k. In order to maintain the heap property, we cut the subtree rooted at h and turn h into a root. Cutting out subtrees causes the more subtle problem that it may leave trees that have an awkward shape. While Pairing heaps do nothing to prevent thiss, some variants of addressable priority queues perform additional operations to keep the trees in shape. The remaining operations are easy. We can remove an item from the queue by first decreasing its key so that it becomes the minimum item in the queue and then perform a deleteMin. To merge a queue o into another queue we compute the union of roots and o.roots. To update minPtr it suffices to compare the minima of the merged queues. If the root sets are represented by linked lists, and no additional balancing is done, a merge needs only constant time. Pairing heaps are the simplest form of forest-based adressable priority queues. A more elaborated and (in theory, at least) faster variant are Fibonacci Heaps. They maintain a rank (initially zero, denoting the number of its children) for every element, which is increased for root nodes when another tree is linked to them and a mark flag that is set when the node lost a child due to a decreaseKey. Root nodes of the same rank are

55 parent

data rank mark left sibling Fibonacci Heap right sibling one child

left sibling or parent data Pairing Heap right sibling

one child

Figure 4.12: Structure of one item in a Pairing Heap or a Fibonacci Heap. linked after a deleteMin to limit the number of trees. If a cut is executed on a node with an already marked parent, the parent is cut as well. These rules lead to an amortized complexity of O(log n) for deleteMin an O(1) for all other operations. However, both the constant factors and the worst case performance for a single operation are high, making Fibonacci Heaps a mainly theoretical tool. In addition, more metainformation per node increases the memory overhead of Fibonacci Heaps.

56 Chapter 5

External Memory Algorithms

The introduction of this chapter is based on [6]. The sections on time-forward process- ing, graph algorithms and cache oblivious algorithms use material from the book chap- ters [10], [8] and [9]. The cache oblivious model was first presented in [11]. The section on is based on [19]. The external BFS section is from [12] for the presenta- tion of the algorithm and from [13] for tuning and experiments. Additional material in multiple sections is from [7].

5.1 Introduction

Massive data sets arise naturally in many domains. Spatial data bases of geographic information systems like GoogleEarth and NASA’s World Wind store terabytes of geographically-referenced information that includes the whole Earth. In computer graph- ics one has to visualize huge scenes using only a conventional workstation with limited memory. Billing systems of telecommunication companies evaluate terabytes of phone call log files. One is interested in analyzing huge network instances like a web graph or a phone call graph. Search engines like Google and Yahoo provide fast text search in their data bases indexing billions of web pages. A precise simulation of the Earth’s climate needs to manipulate with petabytes of data. These examples are only a sample of numerous applications which have to process huge amount of data. For economical reasons, it is not feasible to build all of the computer’s memory of the fastest type or to extend the fast memory to dimensions that could hold all relevant data. Instead, modern computer architectures contain a memory hierarchy of increasing size, decreasing speed and costs from top to bottom: On top, we have the registers integrated in the CPU, a number of caches, main memory and finally disks, which are often referenced as external memory as opposed to internal memory. The internal memories of computers can keep only a small fraction of these large data sets. During the processing the applications need to access the external memory (e. g.

57 Figure 5.1: schematic construction of a hard disk hard disks) very frequently. One such access can be about 106 times slower than a main memory access. Therefore, the disk accesses (I/Os) become the main bottleneck. The reason for this high latency is the mechanical nature of the disk access. Figure 5.1 shows the schematic construction of a hard disk. The time needed for finding the data position on the disk is called seek time or (seek) latency and averages to about 3–10 ms for modern disks. The seek time depends on the surface data density and the rotational speed and can hardly be reduced because of the mechanical nature of hard disk technology, which still remains the best way to store massive amounts of data. Note that after finding the required position on the surface, the data can be transferred at a higher speed which is limited only by the surface data density and the bandwidth of the interface connecting CPU and hard disk. This speed is called sustained throughput and achieves up to 80 MByte/s nowadays. In order to amortize the high seek latency one reads or writes the data in chunks (blocks). The block size is balanced when the seek latency is a fraction of the sustained transfer time for the block. Good results show blocks containing a full track. For older low density disks of the early 90’s the track capacities were about 16-64 KB. Nowadays, disk tracks have a capacity of several megabytes. Operating systems implement the so called virtual memory mechanism that provides an additional working space for an application, mapping an external memory file (page file) to virtual main memory addresses. This idea supports the Random Access Machine model in which a program has an infinitely large main memory with uniform random access cost. Since the memory view is unified in operating systems supporting virtual memory, the application does not know where its working space and program code are located: in the main memory or (partially) swapped out to the page file. For many appli- cations and algorithms with non-linear access pattern, these remedies are not useful and

58 even counterproductive: the swap file is accessed very frequently; the data code can be swapped out in favor of data blocks; the swap file is highly fragmented and thus many random input/output operations (I/Os) are needed even for scanning.

5.2 The external memory model and things we already saw

If we bypass the virtual memory mechanism, we cannot apply the RAM model for analy- sis anymore since we now have to explicitly handle different levels of memory hierarchy, while the RAM model uses one large, uniform memory. Several simple models have been introduced for designing I/O-efficient algorithms and data structures (also called external memory algorithms and data structures). The most popular and realistic model is the Parallel Disk Model (PDM) of Vitter and Shriver. In this model, I/Os are handled explicitly by the application. An I/O operation transfers a block of B consecutive bytes from/to a disk to amortize the latency. The application tries to transfer D blocks between the main memory of size M bytes and D independent disks in one I/O step to improve bandwidth. The input size is N bytes which is (much) larger than M. The main complexity metrics of an I/O-efficient algorithm in this model are:

• I/O complexity: the number of I/O steps should be minimized (the main metric),

• CPU work complexity: the number of operations executed by the CPU should be minimized as well.

The PDM model has become the standard theoretical model for designing and analyzing I/O-efficient algorithms. There are some “golden rules” that can guide the process of designing I/O efficient algorithms: Unstructured memory access is often very expensive as it comes with 1 I/O per operation whereas we want 1/B I/Os for an efficient algorithm. Instead, we want to scan the external memory, always loading the next due block of size B in one step and N processing it internally. An optimal scan will only cost scan(N) := Θ( D·B ) I/Os. If the data is not stored in a way that allows linear scanning, we can often use sorting to reorder and than scan it. As we saw in chapter 3, external sorting can be implemented N N with sort(N) := Θ( D·B · logM/B B ) I/Os. A simple example of this technique is the following task: We want to reorder the elements in an array A into an array B using a given “rank” stored in array C. This should be done in an I/O efficient way.

int[1..N] A,B,C; for i=1 to N do A[i]:=B[C[i]];

59 CPU


Memory M


Disk 1Disk i Disk D

Figure 5.2: Vitter’s I/O model with several independent disks

The literal implementation would have worst case costs of Ω(N) I/Os. For N = 106, this would take ≈ T = 10000 seconds ≈ 3 hours. Using the sort-and-scan technique, we can lower this to sort(N) and the algorithm would finish in less than a second:

SCAN C: (C[1]=17,1), (C[2]=5,2), ... SORT(1st): (C[73]=1,73), (C[12]=2,12), ... par SCAN : (B[1],73), (B[2],12), ... SORT(2nd): (B[C[1]],1), (B[C[2]],2), ...

We already saw some I/O efficient algorithms using this model in previous chapters: Chapter 2 presented an external stack, a large section of chapter 3 dealt with external sort- ing and in chapter 4 we saw external priority queues. Chapter 8 will present an external approach to minimal spanning trees. In this chapter, we will see some more algorithms, study how these algorithms and data structures can be implemented in a convenient way using an algorithm library and learn about other models of external computation.

5.3 The Stxxl library

The Stxxl library is an algorithm library aimed to speed up the process of implement- ing I/O-efficient algorithms, abstracting away the details of how I/O is performed. Many high-performance features are supported: disk parallelism, explicit overlapping of I/O and

60    Applications           STL−user layer Streaming layer   vector, stack, set  Containers:  priority_queue, map Pipelined sorting,   Algorithms: sort, for_each, merge zero−I/O scanning         Block management (BM) layer   typed block, block manager, buffered streams,   block prefetcher, buffered block writer TXXL S      Asynchronous I/O primitives (AIO) layer    files, I/O requests, disk queues,   completion handlers  

   Operating System  

Figure 5.3: three layer structure of the Stxxl library computation, external memory algorithm pipelining to save I/Os, improved utilization of CPU resources (many of these techniques are introduced in Chapter 3 on external sort- ing). The high-level algorithms and data structures of our library implement interfaces of the well known C++ Standard Template Library (STL). This allows to elegantly reuse the STL code such that it works I/O-efficiently without any change, and to shorten the devel- opment times for the people who already know STL. Our STL-compatible I/O-efficient implementations include the following data structures and algorithms: unbounded array (vector), stacks, queue, deque, priority queue, search tree, sorting, etc. They are all well- engineered and have robust interfaces allowing a high degree of flexibility. Stxxl is a layered library consisting of three layers (see Figure 5.3): The lowest layer, the Asynchronous I/O primitives layer (AIO layer), abstracts away the details of how asynchronous I/O is performed on a particular operating system. Other existing external memory algorithm libraries only rely on synchronous I/O APIs or allow reading ahead sequences stored in a file using the POSIX asynchronous I/O API. These libraries also rely on uncontrolled operating system I/O caching and buffering in order to overlap I/O and computation in some way. However, this approach has significant performance penalties for accesses without locality. Unfortunately, the asynchronous I/O APIs are very different for different operating systems (e.g. POSIX AIO and Win32 Overlapped I/O). Therefore, we have introduced the AIO layer to make porting Stxxl easy. Porting the whole library to a different platform requires only reimplementing the AIO layer using native file access methods and/or native multithreading mechanisms. The Block Management layer (BM layer) provides a programming interface emulat- ing the parallel disk model. The BM layer provides an abstraction for a fundamental

61 concept in the external memory algorithm design — a block of elements. The block man- ager implements block allocation/deallocation, allowing several block-to-disk assignment strategies: striping, randomized striping, randomized cycling, etc. The block management layer provides an implementation of parallel disk buffered writing, optimal prefetching HSV01], and block caching. The implementations are fully asynchronous and designed to explicitly support overlapping between I/O and computation. The top of Stxxl consists of two modules. The STL-user layer provides external mem- ory sorting, external memory stack, external memory priority queue, etc. which have (almost) the same interfaces (including syntax and semantics) as their STL counterparts. The Streaming layer provides efficient support for pipelining external memory algorithms. Many external memory algorithms, implemented using this layer, can save a factor of 2–3 in I/Os. For example, the algorithms for external memory suffix array construction implemented with this module require only 1/3 of the number of I/Os which must be per- formed by implementations that use conventional data structures and algorithms (either from Stxxl STL-user layer, LEDASM, or TPIE). The win is due to an efficient interface that couples the input and the output of the algorithm–components (scans, sorts, etc.). The output from an algorithm is directly fed into another algorithm as input, without needing to store it on the disk in-between. This generic pipelining interface is the first of this kind for external memory algorithms.

5.4 Time-Forward Processing

This section is based on material from [10]. Time-Forward Processing is an elegant technique for solving problems that can be expressed as a traversal of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) from its sources to its sinks. Problems of this type arise mostly in I/O-efficient graph algorithms, even though applica- tions of this technique for the construction of I/O-efficient data structures are also known. Formally, the problem that can be solved using time-forward processing is that of eval- uating a DAG G: Let φ be an assignment of labels φ(v) to the vertices of G. Then the goal is to compute another labelling ψ of the vertices of G so that for every vertex v ∈ G, label ψ(v) can be computed from labels φ(v) and ψ(u1), . . . , ψ(uk), where u1, . . . , uk are the in-neighbors of v. As an illustration, consider the problem of expression-tree evaluation. For this prob- lem, the input is a binary tree T whose leaves store real numbers and whose internal vertices are labelled with one of the four elementary binary operations +, −, ∗,/. The value of a vertex is defined recursively. For a leaf v, its value val(v) is the real number stored at v. For an internal vertex v with label ◦ ∈ {+, −, ∗,/}, left child x, and right child y, val(v) = val(x) ◦ val(y). The goal is to compute the value of the root of T . Cast in terms of the general DAG evaluation problem defined above, tree T is a DAG whose

62 ∗ 48

+ − 8 6

/ ∗ 7 1 2 6 7 1

24 2 3 24 2 3

(a) (b)

Figure 5.4: (a) The expression tree for the expression ((4 / 2) + (2 ∗ 3)) ∗ (7 − 1). (b) The same tree with its vertices labelled with their values. edges are directed from children to parents, labelling φ is the initial assignment of real numbers to the leaves of T and of operations to the internal vertices of T , and labelling ψ is the assignment of the values val(v) to all vertices v ∈ T . For every vertex v ∈ T , its label ψ(v) = val(v) is computed from the labels ψ(x) = val(x) and ψ(y) = val(y) of its in-neighbors (children) and its own label φ(v) ∈ {+, −, ∗,/}. In order to be able to evaluate a DAG G I/O-efficiently, two assumptions have to be satisfied: (1) The vertices of G have to be stored in topologically sorted order. That is, for every edge (v, w) ∈ G, vertex v precedes vertex w. (2) Label ψ(v) has to be com- putable from labels φ(v) and ψ(u1), . . . , ψ(uk) in O(sort(k)) I/Os. The second condition is trivially satisfied if every vertex of G has in-degree no more than M. Given these two assumptions, time-forward processing visits the vertices of G in topo- logically sorted order to compute labelling ψ. Visiting the vertices of G in this order guar- antees that for every vertex v ∈ G, its in-neighbors are evaluated before v is evaluated. Thus, if these in-neighbors “send” their labels ψ(u1), . . . , ψ(uk) to v, v has these labels and its own label φ(v) at its disposal to compute ψ(v). After computing ψ(v), v sends its own label ψ(v) “forward in time” to its out-neighbors, which guarantees that these out-neighbors have ψ(v) at their disposal when it is their turn to be evaluated. The implementation of this technique due to Arge is simple and elegant. The “send- ing” of information is realized using a priority queue Q. When a vertex v wants to send its label ψ(v) to another vertex w, it inserts ψ(v) into priority queue Q and gives it priority w. When vertex w is evaluated, it removes all entries with priority w from Q. Since every in-neighbor of w sends its label to w by queuing it with priority w, this provides w with the required inputs. Moreover, every vertex removes its inputs from the priority queue before it is evaluated, and all vertices with smaller numbers are evaluated before w. Thus,

63 at the time when w is evaluated, the entries in Q with priority w are those with lowest priority, so that they can be removed using a sequence of DELETEMIN operations. Using the buffer tree of Arge to implement priority queue Q,INSERT and  DELETEMIN operations on Q can be performed in O (1/B) · logM/B(|E|/B) I/Os amortized because priority queue Q never holds more than |E| entries. The total num- ber of priority queue operations performed by the algorithm is O(|E|), one INSERT and one DELETEMIN operation per edge. Hence, all updates of priority queue Q can be processed in O(() sort(|E|) I/Os. The computation of labels ψ(v) from labels φ(v) and ψ(u1), . . . , ψ(uk), for all vertices v ∈ G, can also be carried out in O(sort(|E|)) I/Os, using the above assumption that this computation takes O(() sort(k)) I/Os for a single vertex v. Hence, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 1 Given a DAG G = (V,E) whose vertices are stored in topologically sorted order, graph G can be evaluated in O(sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os, provided that the compu- tation of the label of every vertex v ∈ G can be carried out in Osort(deg−(v)) I/Os, where deg−(v) is the in-degree of vertex v.

5.5 Cache-oblivious Algorithms

Have a look at table 5.1, whiches gives size and other attributes of different levels in the memory hierarchy for various systems. How can we write portable code that runs efficiently on different multilevel caching architectures? Not only is the external memory model restricted to two levels of memory, for most algorithms we have to explicitly give values for M and B which are different on every level and system. The cache oblivious model suggests a solution: We want to design algorithms that are not given M and B and that nevertheless perform well on every memory hierarchy. The ideal cache oblivious memory model is a two level memory model. We will assume that the faster level has size M and the slower level always transfers B consecutive words of data to the faster level. These two levels could represent the memory and the disk, memory and the cache, or any two consecutive levels of the memory hierarchy. In this chapter, M and B can be assumed to be the sizes of any two consecutive levels of the memory hierarchy subject to some assumptions about them (For instance the inclusion property which we will see soon). We will assume that the processor can access the faster level of memory which has size M. If the processor references something from the second level of memory, an I/O fault occurs and B words are fetched into the faster level of the memory. We will refer to a block as the minimum unit that can be present or absent from a level in the two level memory hierarchy. We will use B to denote the size of a block as in the external memory model. If the faster level of the memory is full (i.e. M is full), a block gets evicted to make space.

64 Pentium 4 Pentium III MIPS 10000 AMD Athlon Itanium 2 Clock rate 2400 MHz 800 MHz 175 MHz 1333 MHz 1137 MHz L1 data cache size 8 KB 16 KB 32 KB 128 KB 32 KB L1 line size 128 B 32 B 32 B 64 B 64 B L1 associativity 4-way 4-way 2-way 2-way 4-way L2 cache size 512 KB 256 KB 1024 KB 256 KB 256 KB L2 line size 128 B 32 B 32 B 64 B 128 B L2 associativity 8-way 4-way 2-way 8-way 8-way TLB entries 128 64 64 40 128 TLB associativity full 4-way 64-way 4-way full RAM size 512 MB 256 MB 128 MB 512 MB 3072 MB Table 5.1: some exemplary cache and memory configurations

The ideal cache oblivious memory model enables us to reason about a two level mem- ory model like the external memory model but prove results about a multi-level memory model. Compared with the external memory model it seems surprising that without any memory specific parametrization, or in other words, without specifying the parameters M,B, an algorithm can be efficient for the whole memory hierarchy, nevertheless it is possible. The model is built upon some basic assumptions which we enumerate next. Optimal replacement: The replacement policy refers to the policy chosen to replace a block when a cache miss occurs and the cache is full. In most hardware, this is imple- mented as FIFO, LRU or Random. The model assumes that the cache line chosen for replacement is the one that is accessed furthest in the future. This is known as the optimal off-line replacement strategy. Two levels of memory: There are certain assumptions in the model regarding the two levels of memory chosen. They should follow the inclusion property which says that data cannot be present at level i unless it is present at level i + 1. Another assumption is that the size of level i of the memory hierarchy is strictly smaller than level i + 1. Full associativity: When a block of data is fetched from the slower level of the memory, it can reside in any part of the faster level. Automatic replacement: When a block is to be brought in the faster level of the memory, it is automatically done by the OS/hardware and the algorithm designer does not have to care about it while designing the algorithm. Note that we could access single blocks for reading and writing in the external memory model, which is not allowed in the cache oblivious model.

We will now examine each of the assumptions individually. First we consider the optimal replacement policy. The most commonly used replacement policy is LRU (least recently used). We have the following lemma, whose proof is omitted here:

65 Lemma 2 An algorithm that causes Q∗(n, M, B) cache misses on a problem of size n us- ∗ M ing a (M,B)-ideal cache incurs Q(n, M, B) ≤ 2Q (n, 2 ,B) cache misses on a (M,B) cache that uses LRU or FIFO replacement. This is only true for algorithms which follow a regularity condition. An algorithm whose cache complexity satisfies the condition Q(n, M, B) ≤ O(Q(n, 2M,B)) is called regular (All algorithms presented in this chapter are regular). Intuitively, algorithms that slow down by a constant factor when memory (M) is reduced to half, are called regular. It immediately follows from the above lemma that if an algo- rithm whose number of cache misses satisfies the regularity condition does Q(n, M, B) cache misses with optimal replacement then this algorithm would make Θ(Q(n, M, B)) cache misses on a cache with LRU or FIFO replacement. The automatic replacement and full associativity assumption can be implemented in software by using LRU implementation based on hashing. It was shown that a fully associative LRU replacement policy can be implemented in O(1) expected time using M O( B ) records of size O(B) in ordinary memory. Note that the above description about the cache oblivious model proves that any optimal cache oblivious algorithm can also be optimally implemented in the external memory model. We now turn our attention to multi-level ideal caches. We assume that all the levels of this cache hierarchy follow the inclusion property and are managed by an optimal replacement strategy. Thus on each level, an optimal cache oblivious algorithm will incur an asymptotically optimal number of cache misses. From Lemma 2, this becomes true for cache hierarchies maintained by LRU and FIFO replacement strategies. Apart from not knowing the values of M,B explicitly, some cache oblivious algo- rithms (for example optimal sorting algorithms) require a tall cache assumption. The tall cache assumption states that M = Ω(B2) which is usually true in practice. Recently, compiler support for cache oblivious type algorithms have also been looked into. In cache oblivious algorithm design some algorithm design techniques are used ubiq- uitously. One of them is a scan of an array which is laid out in contiguous memory. N Irrespective of B, a scan takes at most 1 + d B e I/Os. The argument is trivial and very similar to the external memory scan algorithm. The difference is that in the cache oblivi- ous setting the buffer of size B is not explicitly maintained in memory. In the assumptions of the model, B is the size of the data that is always fetched from level 2 memory to level 1 memory. The scan does not touch the level 2 memory until its ready to evict the last loaded buffer of size B already in level 1. Hence, the total number of times the scan algorithm will force the CPU to bring buffers from the level 2 memory to level 1 memory N is upper bounded by 1 + d B e. Another common approach in the cache oblivious model are divide and conquer al- gorithms. Why does divide and conquer help in general for cache oblivious algorithms? Divide and conquer algorithms split the instance of the problem to be solved into several subproblems such that each of the subproblems can be solved independentally. Since the

66 B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8r,s 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17A 18 19 B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 70 71s,r 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 90C 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Figure 5.5: cache aware matrix transposition using block access algorithm recurses on the subproblems, at some point of time, the subproblems fit inside M and subsequent recursion, fits the subproblems into B.

5.5.1 Matrix Transposition We will see the recursive approach in our first example, dealing with matrix transposition. We will first give an algorithm using the external memory model that requires the knowledge of M and B. We than have the opportunity to compare both implementations (cache aware and oblivious) experimentically.

The naive matrix transposition algorithm: for (i=0; i

67  C1  A = A1 A2  C = C2

CO_Transpose(A,C) { CO_Transpose(A1,C1); CO_Transpose(A2,C2); }

Figure 5.6: pseudo code for cache oblivious matrix transposition void transpose(int x, int delx, int y, int dely, ElementType I[N][P], ElementType O[P][N]) { if((delx == 1) \&\& (dely == 1)) { O[y][x] = I[x][y]; return; } if(delx >= dely){ int xmid = delx / 2; transpose(x,xmid,y,dely,I,O); transpose(x+xmid,delx-xmid,y,dely,I,O); return; } // Similarly cut from ymid into two subproblems ... }

Figure 5.7: C code for cache oblivious matrix transposition transposes it to the output matrix O. ElementType1 can be any element type , for instance long. The code works by divide and conquer, dividing the bigger side of the matrix in the middle and recursing. It is short, easy to understand and contains no tuning parameters that have to be tweaked for every new setup. The algorithm is always I/O efficient:

Let the input be a matrix of N × P size. There are three cases:

1In all our experiments, ElementType was set to long.

68 log2 N Naive CA CO log2 N Naive CA CO 10 0.21 0.10 0.08 10 0.14 0.12 0.09 11 0.86 0.49 0.45 11 0.87 0.42 0.47 12 3.37 1.63 2.16 12 3.36 1.46 2.03 13 13.56 6.38 6.69 13 13.46 5.74 6.86 Table 5.2: Running time of naive, cache aware (CA) and cache oblivious (CO) matrix transposition for B = 32 and B = 128

Case I: max{N,P } ≤ αB In this case, NP Q(N,P ) ≤ + O(1) B Case II: N ≤ αB < P In this case, ( O(1 + N) if αB ≤ P ≤ αB Q(N,P ) ≤ 2 2Q(N,P/2) + O(1) N ≤ αB < P Case III: P ≤ αB < N Analogous to Case II. Case IV: min{N,P } ≥ αB  O(N + P + NP ) if αB ≤ N,P ≤ αB  B 2 Q(N,P ) ≤ 2Q(N,P/2) + O(1) P ≥ N 2Q(N/2,P ) + O(1) N ≥ P

NP The above recurrence solves to Q(N,P ) = O(1 + B ).

There is a simpler way to visualize the above mess.√ Once the recursion makes the matrix small enough such that max(N,P ) ≤ αB ≤ β M (here β is a suitable constant), or such that the submatrix (or the block) we need to transpose fits in memory, the number of I/O faults is equal to the scan of the elements in the submatrix. A packing argument of these not so small submatrices (blocks) in the large input matrix shows that we do not do too many I/O faults compared to a linear scan of all the elements. Table 5.2 shows the result of an experiment performed on a 300 MHz UltraSPARC-II with 2 MB L2 cache, 16 KB L1 cache, page size 8 KB and 64 TLB entries. The (tuned) cache aware implementation is slightly slower than the cache oblivious one, but both outperform the naive implementation.

5.5.2 Searching Using Van Emde Boas Layout In this section we report a method to speed up simple binary searches on a balanced binary tree. This method could be used to optimize or speed up any kind of search on

69 Figure 5.8: memory layout of cache oblivious search trees

Figure 5.9: BFS structre of cache oblivious search trees a tree as long as the tree is static and balanced. It is easy to code, uses the fact that the memory consists of a cache hierarchy, and could be exploited to speed up tree based search structures on most current machines. Experimental results show that this method could speed up searches by a factor of 5 or more in certain cases! It turns out that a balanced binary tree has a very simple layout that is cache-oblivious. By layout here, we mean the mapping of the nodes of a binary tree to the indices of an array where the nodes are actually stored. The nodes should be stored in the bottom array in the order shown for searches to be fast and use the cache hierarchy. Given a complete binary tree, we describe a mapping from the nodes of the tree to positions of an array in memory. Suppose the tree has N items and has height h = log N + 1. Split the tree in the middle, at height h/2. This breaks the tree into a top recursive subtree of√ height bh/2c and several bottom subtrees B√1,B2, ..., Bk of height dh/2e. There are N bottom recursive subtrees, each of size N. The top subtree occupies the top part in the array of allocated nodes, and then the Bi’s are laid out. Every subtree is recursively laid out. Another way to see the algorithm is to run a breadth first search on the top node of

70 √ the tree and run it till N nodes are in the BFS, see Fig.√ 5.9. The figure shows the run of the algorithm for the first BFS when the tree size is N. Then the tree consists of the part that is covered by the BFS and trees hanging out. BFS can now be recursively run on each tree, including the covered part. Note that in the second level of recursion, the √ 1 tree size is N √and the BFS will cover only N 4 nodes since the same algorithm is run on each subtree of N. The main idea behind the algorithm is to store recursive sub-trees in contiguous blocks of memory. Lets now try to analyze the number of cache misses when a search is performed. We can conceptually stop the recursion at the level of detail where the size of the subtrees has size ≤ B. Since these subtrees are stored contiguously, they at most fit in two blocks. (A block can not span three blocks of memory when stored). The height of these subtrees is  log N  log B. A search path from root to leaf crosses O log B = O(logB N) subtrees. So the total number of cache misses is bounded by O(logB N). We did a very simple experiment to see how in real life, this kind of layout would help. A vector was sorted and a binary search tree was built on it. A query vector was generated with random numbers and searched on this BST which was laid out in pre-order. Why we chose pre-order compared to random layout was because most people code a BST in either pre/post/in-order compared to randomly laying it (Which incidentally is very bad for cache health). Once this query was done, we laid the BST using Van Emde Boas Layout and gave it the same query vector. The experiment reported in Fig. 5.10 were done on a Itanium dual processor system with 2GB RAM. (Only one processor was being used)

5.5.3 Funnel sorting Funnel sorting is a cache oblivious sorting strategy. We will describe a simplifcation called lazy funnelsort, which was introduced by Brodal and Fagerberg [18]. Funnelsort, in turn, is a sort of lazy mergesort. This algorithm will be our first application of the tall-cache assumption (see 5.5. For simplicity, we assume that M = Ω(B2). The same results can be obtained when M = Ω(B1+γ) by increasing the constant 3; refer to [18] for details. Interestingly, optimal cache-oblivious sorting is not achievable without the tall- cache assumption. The heart of the funnelsort algorithm is a static data structure which we call a funnel. For now, we treat a K-Funnel as a black box that merges K sorted lists 3  K3 K3  of total size K using O B logM/B B + K memory transfers. The space occupied by a K-Funnel is Θ(K2). Once we have such a fast merging procedure, we can sort using a K-way mergesort. How should we choose K? The larger the K, the faster the algorithm, because we cannot predict the optimal (M/B) multiplicity of the merge. This property suggests choosing K = N, in which case the entire sorting algorithm is in the merge. In fact, however, a

71 Figure 5.10: Comparison of Van Emde Boas searches with pre-order searches on a bal- anced binary tree. Similar to the last experiment, this experiment was performed on a Itanium with 48 byte node size.

K-Funnel is fast only if it is fed at least K3 elements. Also, a K-Funnel occupies Θ(K2) space, and we want a linear-space algorithm. Thus, we choose K = N 1/3. Now the sorting algorithm proceeds as follows:

1. Split the array into K = N 1/3 contiguous segments each of size N/K = N 2/3.

2. Recursively sort each segment.

3. Apply the K-Funnel to merge the sorted segments.

Memory transfers are made just in Steps 2 and 3, leading to the recurrence: 1/3 2/3 N 1/3 T (N) = N T (N ) + O B logM/B N/B + N

72 2 2/3 k 4 ' !1!k 3 )'   2 L k 1 2k 2

L2 3 R k

L k


2/3   '   8    k

Figure 5.11: Example of a funnel merger

2 The base case is T (O(B )) = O(B) because the√ tall-cache assumption says that M ≥ B2. Above the base case, N = Ω(B2), so B = N, and the N/B log ... cost dominates the N 1/3 cost. 2 1/3 The recursion tree has N/B leaves, each costing O B logM/B B + B = O(B) memory transfers, for a total leaf cost of O(N/B). The root divide-and-merge cost is N  O B logM/B N/B , which dominates the recurrence. Thus, modulo the details of the funnel, we have proved the following theorem:

Theorem 3 Assuming M = Ω(B2), funnelsort sorts N comparable elements in N  O B logM/B N/B memory transfers. It can also be shown that the number of comparisons is O(N log N); see [18] for details. Now, how do K-Funnels look like? Our goal is to develop a K-Funnel which merges  K3 K3  2 K sorted lists of total size K3 using O B logM/B B + K memory transfers and Ω(K ) space. A K-Funnel is a complete binary tree with K leaves, stored according to the van Emde√ Boas layout we saw in 5.5.2. Thus, each of the recursive subtrees of a K-Funnel is a K-funnel. In addition to the nodes, edges in a K-Funnel store buffers; see figure 5.11. √The edges at the middle level of a K-Funnel, partitioning the funnel into two recursive K-subfunnels, have size K3/2 each, for a total buffer size of K2 at that level. Buffers within the subfunnels are recursively smaller. We store these buffers of size K3/2 in the

73 recursive layout alongside the recursive pK-subfunnels within the K-Funnel. The buffers can be stored in an arbitrary order along with the recursive subtrees. For consistency in describing the algorithms, we view a K-Funnel as having an ad- ditional buffer of size K3 along the edge connecting the root of the tree to its imaginary parent. To maintain the lemma above that the storage is O(K2), this buffer is not actually stored; rather, it can be viewed as the output mechanism. The algorithm to fill this buffer above the root node, thereby merging the entire input, is a simple recursion. We merge the elements in the buffers along the left and right children edges of the node, as long as those two buffers remain nonempty. (Initially, all buffers are empty.) Whenever either of the buffers be- comes empty, we recursively fill it. At the bottom of the tree, a leaf buffer (a buffer immediately below a leaf) corresponds to one of the input lists. For the analysis on K-Funnels, we refer to [18].

5.5.4 Is the Model an Oversimplification? In theory, both the cache oblivious and the external memory models are nice to work with, because of their simplicity. A lot of the work done in the external memory model has been turned into practical results as well. Before one makes his hand “dirty” with implementing an algorithm in the cache oblivious or the external memory model, one should be aware of practical things that might become detrimental to the speed of the code but are not caught in the theoretical setup. Here we list a few practical glitches that are shared by both the cache oblivious and the external memory model. The ones that are not shared are marked2 accordingly. A reader that wants to use these models to design practical algorithms and especially one who wants to write code, should keep these issues in mind. Code written and algorithms designed keeping the following things in mind, could be a lot faster than just directly coding an algorithm that is optimal in either the cache oblivious or the external memory model. TLBo: TLBs are caches on page tables, are usually small with 128-256 entries and are like just any other cache. They can be implemented as fully associative. The model does not take into account the fact that TLBs are not tall. Concurrency: The model does not talk about I/O and CPU concurrency, which automat- ically looses it a 2x factor in terms of constants. The need for speed might drive future uniprocessor systems to diversify and look for alternative solutions in terms of concur- rency on a single chip, for instance the hyper-threading3 introduced by Intel in its latest Xeons is a glaring example. On these kind of systems and other multiprocessor systems,

2A superscript ’o’ means this issue only applies to the cache oblivious model. 3One physical processor Intel Xeon MP forms two logical processors which share CPU computational resources The software sees two CPUs and can distribute work load between them as a normal dual proces- sor system.

74 coherence misses might become an issue. This is hard to capture in the cache oblivious model and for most algorithms that have been devised in this model already, concurrency is still an open problem. A parallel cache oblivious model would be really welcome for practitioners who would like to apply cache oblivious algorithms to multiprocessor sys- tems. Associativityo: The assumption of the fully associative cache is not so nice. In reality caches are either direct mapped or k-way associative (typically k = 2, 4, 8). If two ob- jects map to the same location in the cache and are referenced in temporal proximity, the accesses will become costlier than they are assumed in the model (also known as cache interference problem). Also, k−way set associative caches are implemented by using more comparators. Instruction/Unified Caches: Rarely executed, special case code disrupts locality. Loops with few iterations that call other routines make loop locality hard to exploit and plenty of loopless code hampers temporal locality. Issues related to instruction caches are not modeled in the cache oblivious model. Unified caches (e.g. the latest Intel Itanium chips L2 and L3 caches) are used in some machines where instruction and data caches are merged(e.g. Intel PIII, Itaniums). These are another challenge to handle in the model. Replacement Policyo: Current operating systems do not page more than 4GB of memory because of address space limitations. That means one would have to use legacy code on these systems for paging. This problem makes portability of cache oblivious code for big problems a myth! In the experiments reported in this chapter, we could not do external memory experimentation because the OS did not allow us to allocate array sizes of more than a GB or so. One can overcome this problem by writing one’s own paging system over the OS to do experimentation of cache oblivious algorithms on huge data sizes. But then its not so clear if writing a paging system is easier or handling disks explicitly in an application. This problem does not exist on 64-bit operating systems and should go away with time. Multiple Diskso: For “most” applications where data is huge and external memory al- gorithms are required, using Multiple disks is an option to increase I/O efficiency. As of now, the cache oblivious model does not take into account the existence of multiple disks in a system. Write-through cacheso: L1 caches in many new CPUs is write through, i.e. it transmits a written value to L2 cache immediately. Write through caches are simpler to manage and can always discard cache data without any bookkeeping (Read misses can not result in writes). With write through caches (e.g. DECStation 3100, Intel Itanium), one can no longer argue that there are no misses once the problem size fits into cache! Victim Caches implemented in HP and Alpha machines are caches that are implemented as small buffers to reduce the effect of conflicts in set-associative caches. These also should be kept in mind when designing code for these machines. Complicated Algorithmso and Asymptotics: For non-trivial problems the algorithms

75 can become quite complicated and impractical, a glaring instance of which is sorting. The speed by which different levels of memory differ in data transfer are constants! For instance the speed difference between L1 and L2 caches on a typical Intel pentium can be around 10. Using an O() notation for an algorithm that is trying to beat a constant of 10, and sometimes not even talking about those constants while designing algorithms can show up in practice). For instance there are “constants” involved in simulating a fully associative cache on a k-way associative cache. Not using I/O concurrently with CPU can make an algorithm loose another constant. Can one really afford to hide these constants in the design of a cache oblivious algorithm in real code? Despite these limitations the model does perform very well for some applications, but might be outperformed by more coding effort combined with cache aware algorithms. Here’s an intercept from an experimental paper by Chatterjee and Sen:

Our major conclusion are as follows: Limited associativity in the mapping from main memory addresses to cache sets can significantly degrade run- ning time; the limited number of TLB entries can easily lead to thrashing; the fanciest optimal algorithms are not competitive on real machines even at fairly large problem sizes unless cache miss penalties are quite high; low level performance tuning “hacks”, such as register tiling and array alignment, can significantly distort the effect of improved algorithms, ...

5.6 External BFS

The material of this section was taken from [12].

5.6.1 Introduction Large graphs arise naturally in many applications and very often we need to traverse these graphs for solving optimization problems. Breadth first search (BFS) is a fundamental graph traversal strategy. It decomposes the input graph G = (V,E) of n nodes and m edges into at most n levels where level i comprises all nodes that can be reached from a designated source s via a path of i edges, but cannot be reached using less than i edges. Typical real-world applications of BFS on large graphs (and some of its generalizations like shortest paths or A∗) include crawling and analyzing the WWW, route planning using small navigation devices with flash memory cards and state space exploration. BFS is well-understood in the RAM model. There exists a simple linear time algo- rithm (hereafter refered as IM BFS) for the BFS traversal in a graph. IM BFS keeps a set of appropriate candidate nodes for the next vertex to be visited in a FIFO queue Q. Furthermore, in order to find out the unvisited neighbours of a node from its adjacency list, it marks the nodes as either visited or unvisited. Unfortunately, even when half of the

76 L(t−2) L(t−1) L(t) b d f a a a N(b) c c d d d d a s a N(c) b b d c e e e e e N( L(t−1) )− dupl. − L(t−1) − L(t−2)

Figure 5.12: A phase in the BFS algorithm of Munagala and Ranade. Level L(t) is composed out of the disjoint neighbor vertices of level L(t − 1) excluding those vertices already existing in either L(t − 2) or L(t − 1). graph fits in the main memory, the running time of this algorithm deviates significantly from the predicted RAM performance (hours as compared to minutes) and for massive graphs, such approaches are simply non-viable. As discussed before, the main cause for such a poor performance of this algorithm on massive graphs is the number of I/Os it in- curs. Remembering visited nodes needs Θ(m) I/Os in the worst case and the unstructured indexed access to adjacency lists may result in Θ(n) I/Os.

5.6.2 Algorithm of Munagala and Ranade We turn to the basic BFS algorithm of Munagala and Ranade [14], MR BFS for short. Let L(t) denote the set of nodes in BFS level t, and let |L(t)| be the number of nodes in L(t).MR BFS builds L(t) as follows: let A(t) := N(L(t − 1)) be the multi-set of neighbor vertices of nodes in L(t−1); N(L(t−1)) is created by |L(t−1)| accesses to the adjacency lists, one for each node in L(t − 1). Since the graph is stored in adjacency-list representation, this takes O (|L(t − 1)| + |N(L(t − 1))|/B) I/Os. Then the algorithm re- moves duplicates from the multi-set A. This can be done by sorting A(t) according to the node indices, followed by a scan and compaction phase; hence, the duplicate elimination takes O(sort(|A(t)|) I/Os. The resulting set A0(t) is still sorted. Now the algorithm computes L(t) := A0(t)\{L(t−1)∪L(t−2)}. Fig. 5.12 provides an example. Filtering out the nodes already contained in the sorted lists L(t−1) or L(t−2) is possible by parallel scanning. Therefore, this step can be done using   O sort |N(L(t − 1))|  + scan |L(t − 1)| + |L(t − 2)|  I/Os. P P Since t |N(L(t))| = O(|E|) and t |L(t)| = O(|V |), the whole execution of MR BFS requires O(|V | + sort(|E|)) I/Os. The correctness of this BFS algorithm crucially depends on the fact that the input graph is undirected. Assume that the levels L(0),...,L(t − 1) have already been com- puted correctly. We consider a neighbor v of a node u ∈ L(t − 1): the distance from s

77 to v is at least t − 2 because otherwise the distance of u would be less than t − 1. Thus v ∈ L(t − 2) ∪ L(t − 1) ∪ L(t) and hence it is correct to assign precisely the nodes in A0(t) \{L(t − 1) ∪ L(t − 2)} to L(t).

Theorem 4 BFS on arbitrary undirected graphs can be solved using O(|V | + sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os.

5.6.3 An Improved BFS Algorithm with sublinear I/O The MM BFS algorithm of Mehlhorn and Meyer [15] refines the approach of Munagala and Ranade [14]. It trades-off unstructured I/Os with increasing the number of iterations in which an edge may be involved. MM BFS operates in two phases: in a first phase it preprocesses the graph and in a second phase it performs BFS using the information gathered in the first phase. We first sketch a variant with a randomized preprocessing. Then we outline a deterministic version.

The Randomized Partitioning Phase

The preprocessing step partitions the graph into disjoint connected subgraphs Si, 0 ≤ i ≤ K, with small expected diameter. It also partitions the adjacency lists accordingly, i.e., it constructs an external file F = F0F1 ... Fi ... FK−1 where Fi contains the adjacency lists of all nodes in Si. The partition is built by choosing master nodes independently and uniformly at random with probability µ = min{1, p(|V | + |E|)/(B · |V |)} and running a local BFS from all master nodes “in parallel” (for technical reasons, the source node s is made the master node of S0): in each round, each master node si tries to capture all unvisited neighbors of its current sub-graph Si; this is done by first sorting the nodes of the active fringes of all Si (the nodes that have been captured in the previous round) and then scanning the dynamically shrinking adjacency-lists representation of the yet unexplored graph. If several master nodes want to include a certain node v into their partitions then an arbitrary master node among them succeeds. The selection can be done by sorting and scanning the created set of neighbor nodes. The expected number of master nodes is K := O(1 + µ · n) and the expected shortest- path distance (number of edges) between any two nodes of a subgraph is at most 2/µ. Hence, the expected total amount of data being scanned from the adjacency-lists repre- sentation during the “parallel partition growing” is bounded by X X := O( 1/µ · (1 + degree(v))) = O((|V | + |E|)/µ). v∈V The total number of fringe nodes and neighbor nodes sorted and scanned during the par- titioning is at most Y := O(|V | + |E|). Therefore, the partitioning requires O(scan(X) + sort(Y )) = O(scan(|V | + |E|)/µ + sort(|V | + |E|))

78 expected I/Os. After the partitioning phase each node knows the (index of the) subgraph to which it belongs. With a constant number of sort and scan operations MM BFS can reorganize the adjacency lists into the format F0F1 ... Fi ... F|S|−1, where Fi contains the adjacency lists of the nodes in partition Si; an entry (v, w, S(w), fS(w)) from the adjacency list of v ∈ Fi stands for the edge (v, w) and provides the additional information that w belongs to subgraph S(w) whose subfile FS(w) starts at position fS(w) within F. The edge entries of each Fi are lexicographically sorted. In total, F occupies O((|V | + |E|)/B) blocks of external storage.

The BFS Phase In the second phase the algorithm performs BFS as described by Munagala and Ranade (Section 5.6.2) with one crucial difference: MM BFS maintains an external file H (= hot adjacency lists); it comprises unused parts of subfiles Fi that contain a node in the current level L(t − 1).MM BFS initializes H with F0. Thus, initially, H contains the adjacency list of the root node s of level L(0). The nodes of each created BFS level will also carry identifiers for the subfiles Fi of their respective subgraphs Si. When creating level L(t) based on L(t − 1) and L(t − 2),MM BFS does not ac- cess single adjacency lists like MR BFS does. Instead, it performs a parallel scan of the sorted lists L(t − 1) and H and extracts N(L(t − 1)); In order to maintain the in- variant that H contains the adjacency lists of all vertices on the current level, the sub- files Fi of nodes whose adjacency lists are not yet included in H will be merged with H. This can be done by first sorting the respective subfiles and then merging the sorted set with H using one scan. Each subfile Fi is added to H at most once. After an ad- jacency list was copied to H, it will be used only for O(1/µ) expected steps; after- wards it can be discarded from H. Thus, the expected total data volume for scanning H is O(1/µ · (|V | + |E|)), and the expected total number of I/Os to handle H and Fi is O (µ · |V | + sort(|V | + |E|) + 1/µ · scan(|V | + |E|)). The final result follows with µ = min{1, pscan(|V | + |E|)/|V |}.

Theorem 5 ([15]) External memory BFS on undirected graphs can be solved using   O p|V | · scan(|V | + |E|) + sort(|V | + |E|) expected I/Os.

The Deterministic Variant In order to obtain the result of Theorem 5 in the worst case, too, it is sufficient to modify the preprocessing phase as follows: instead of growing subgraphs around randomly se- lected master nodes, the deterministic variant extracts the subfiles Fi from an Euler Tour around a spanning tree for the connected component Cs that contains the source node s.

79 s 0 2/µ

4 6 0 4 2 4 7 4 0 6 1 8 1 5 1 3 1 6 0

2 7 1 0 4 2 7 6 1 8 5 3

8 5 3

Figure 5.13: Using an Euler tour around a spanning tree of the input graph in order to obtain a partition for the deterministic BFS algorithm.

Observe that Cs can be obtained with the deterministic connected-components algorithm of [14] using O((1 + log log(B · |V |/|E|)) · sort(|V | + |E|)) = O(p|V | · scan(|V | + |E|) + sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os. The same number of I/Os suffices to compute a (minimum) spanning tree Ts for Cs [20]. After Ts has been built, the preprocessing constructs an Euler tour around Ts using a constant number of sort- and scan-steps [16]. Then the tour is broken at the root node s; the elements of the resulting list can be stored in consecutive order using the deterministic list ranking algorithm of [16]. This takes O(sort(|V |)) I/Os. Subsequently, the Euler tour can be cut into pieces of size 2/µ in a single scan. These Euler tour pieces account for subgraphs Si with the property that the distance between any two nodes of Si in G is at most 2/µ − 1. See Fig. 5.13 for an example. Observe that a node v of degree d may be part of Θ(d) different subgraphs Si. However, with a constant number of sorting steps it is possible to remove multiple node appearances and make sure that each node of Cs is part of exactly one subgraph Si. Eventually, the reduced subgraphs Si are used to create the reordered adjacency-list files Fi; this is done as in the randomized preprocessing and takes another O(sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os. Note that the reduced subgraphs Si may not be connected any more; however, this does not matter as our approach only requires that any two nodes in a subgraph are relatively close in the original input graph. The BFS-phase of the algorithm remains unchanged; the modified preprocessing, however, guarantees that each adjacency-list will be part of the external set H for at most 2/µ BFS levels: if a subfile Fi is merged with H for BFS level L(t), then the BFS level of any node v in Si is at most L(t) + 2/µ − 1. Therefore, the adjacency list of v in Fi will be kept in H for at most 2/µ BFS levels.

Theorem 6 ([15]) External memory BFS on undirected graphs can be solved using   O p|V | · scan(|V | + |E|) + sort(|V | + |E|) I/Os in the worst case.

80 5.6.4 Improvements in the previous implementat- ions of MR BFS and MM BFS R The computation of each level of MR BFS involves sorting and scanning of neighbours of the nodes in the previous level. Even if there are very few elements to be sorted, there is a certain overhead associated with initializing the external sorters. In particular, while the Stxxl stream sorter (with the flag DStxxl SMALL INPUT PSORT OPT) does not incur an I/O for sorting less than B elements, it still requires to allocate some memory and does some computation for initialization. This overhead accumulates over all levels and for large diameter graphs, it dominates the running time. This problem is also inherited by the BFS phase of MM BFS4. Since in the pipelined implementation of [17], we do not know in advance the exact number of elements to be sorted, we can’t switch between the external and the internal sorter so easily. In order to get around this problem, we first buffer the first B elements and initialize the external sorter only when the buffer is full. Otherwise, we sort it internally. In addition to this, we make the graph representation for MR BFS more compact. Except the source and the destination node pair, no other information is stored with the edges.

Designing MM BFS D

Graph class n m Long clusters Random clusters Grid(214 × 214) 228 229 51 28 Table 5.3: Time taken (in hours) by the BFS phase of MM BFS D with long and random clustering

As for list ranking, we found Sibeyn’s algorithm (we talk about in 5.9) promising as it has low constant factors in its I/O complexity. Sibeyn’s implementation relies on the operating system for I/Os and does not guarantee that the top blocks of all the stacks re- main in the internal memory, which is a necessary assumption for the asymptotic analysis of the algorithm. Besides, its reliance on internal arrays and swap space puts a restriction on the size of the lists it can rank. The deeper integration of the algorithm in the Stxxl framework, using the Stxxl stacks and vectors in particular, made it possible to obtain a scalable solution, which could handle graph instances of the size we require while keeping the theoretical worst case bounds. 4We use MM BFS R to refer to the randomized variant and MM BFS D for the deterministic variant of MM BFS

81 Figure 5.14: Schema depicting the implementation of our heuristic

To summarize, our Stxxl based implementation of MM BFS D uses our adaptation of Sibeyn’s algorithm for list ranking the Euler tour around the minimum√ spanning tree computed by EM MST. The Euler tour is then chopped into sets of B consecutive nodes which after duplicate removal gives the requisite graph partitioning. The BFS phase re- mains similar to MM BFS R. Quality of the spanning tree The quality of the spanning tree computed can have a significant impact on the clustering and the disk layout of the adjacency list after the deterministic preprocessing, and consequently on the BFS phase. For instance, in the case of grid graph, a spanning tree containing a list with elements in a snake-like row major order produces long and narrow clusters, while a “random” spanning tree is likely to result in clusters with low diameters. Such a “random” spanning tree can be attained by assigning random weights to the edges of the graph and then computing a minimum spanning tree or by randomly permuting the indices of the nodes. The nodes in the long and narrow clusters tend to stay longer in the pool and therefore, their adjacency lists are scanned more often. This causes the pool to grow external and results in larger I/O volume. On the other hand, low diameter clusters are evicted from the pool sooner and are scanned less often reducing the I/O volume of the BFS phase. Consequently as Table 5.3 shows, the BFS phase of MM BFS D takes only 28 hours with clusters produced by “random” spanning tree, while it takes 51 hours with long and narrow clusters.

5.6.5 A Heuristic for maintaining the pool As noted above, the asymptotic improvement and the performance gain in MM BFS over MR BFS is obtained by decomposing the graph into low diameter clusters and maintain- ing an efficiently accessible pool of adjacency lists which will be required in the next few levels. Whenever the first node of a cluster is visited during the BFS, the remaining nodes

82 of this cluster will be reached soon after and hence, this cluster is loaded into the pool. For computing the neighbours of the nodes in the current level, we just need to scan the pool and not the entire graph. Efficient management of this pool is thus, crucial for the perfor- mance of MM BFS. In this section, we propose a heuristic for efficient management of the pool, while keeping the worst case I/O bounds of MM BFS. For many large diameter graphs, the pool fits into the internal memory most of the time. However, even if the number of edges in the pool is not so large, scanning all the edges in the pool for each level can be computationally quite expensive. Hence, we keep a portion of the pool that fits in the internal memory as a multi-map hash table. Given a node as a key, it returns all the nodes adjacent to the current node. Thus, to get the neighbours of a set of nodes we just query the hash function for those nodes and delete them from the hash table. For loading the cluster, we just insert all the adjacency lists of the cluster in the hash table, unless the hash table has already O(M) elements. Recall that after the deterministic preprocessing, the elements are stored on the disk in the order in which they appear on the Euler tour around√ a spanning tree of the input graph. The Euler tour is then chopped into clusters with B elements (before the duplicate removal)√ ensuring that the maximum distance between any two nodes in the cluster is at most B − 1. However, the fact that the contiguous elements on the disk are also closer in terms of BFS levels is not restricted to intra-cluster adjacency lists. The adjacency lists that come alongside the requisite cluster will also be required soon and by caching these other adjacency lists, we can save the I/Os in the future. This caching is particularly√ beneficial when the pool fits in the internal memory. Note that we still load the B node clusters in the pool, but keep the remaining elements√ of the block in the pool-cache. For the line graphs, this means that we load the B nodes in the internal pool, while keeping the remaining O(B) adjacency lists which we get in the same block, in the pool- cache, thereby reducing the I/O complexity for the BFS traversal on line graphs to the computation of a spanning tree. We represent the adjacency lists of nodes in the graph as a Stxxl vector. Stxxl al- ready provides a fully associative vector-cache with every vector. Before doing an I/O for loading a block of elements from the vector, it first checks if the block is already there in the vector-cache. If so, it avoids the I/O loading the elements from the cache instead. Increasing the vector-cache size of the adjacency list vector with a layout computed by the deterministic preprocessing and choosing the replacement policy to be LRU provides us with an implementation of the pool-cache. Figure 5.14 depicts the implementation of our heuristic.

83 5.7 Maximal Independent Set

In this section we describe a simple technique proposed in [21] that can be used to make internal memory graph algorithms of a sufficiently simple structure I/O-efficient. For this technique to be applicable, the algorithm has to compute a labelling of the vertices of the graph, and it has to do so in a particular way. We call a vertex labelling algorithm A single-pass if it computes the desired labelling λ of the vertices of the graph by visiting every vertex exactly once and assigns label λ(v) to v during this visit. We call A local if label λ(v) can be computed in O(sort(k)) I/Os from labels λ(u1), . . . , λ(uk), where u1, . . . , uk are the neighbors of v whose labels are computed before λ(v). Finally, al- gorithm A is presortable if there is an algorithm that takes O(sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os to compute an order of the vertices of the graph so that A produces a correct result if it visits the vertices of the graph in this order. The technique we describe here is applicable if algorithm A is presortable, local, and single-pass. So let A be a presortable local single-pass vertex-labelling algorithm computing some labelling λ of the vertices of a graph G = (V,E). In order to make algorithm A I/O- efficient, the two main problems are to determine an order in which algorithm A should visit the vertices of G and devise a mechanism that provides every vertex v with the labels of its previously visited neighbors u1, . . . , uk. Since algorithm A is presortable, there exists an algorithm A0 that takes O(sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os to compute an order of the vertices of G so that algorithm A produces the correct result if it visits the vertices of G in this order. Assume w.l.o.g. that this ordering of the vertices of G is expressed as a numbering. We use algorithm A0 to number the vertices of G and then derive a DAG G0 from G by directing every edge of G from the vertex with smaller number to the vertex with larger number. DAG G0 has the property that for every vertex v, the in-neighbors of v in G0 are exactly those neighbors of v that are labelled before v. Hence, labelling λ can be computed using time-forward processing. In particular, by the locality of A, the label λ(v) of every vertex can be computed in O(sort(k)) I/Os from the labels λ(u1), . . . , λ(uk) of 0 its in-neighbors u1, . . . , uk in G , which is a simplified version of the condition for the applicability of time-forward processing. This leads to the following result.

Theorem 7 [21] Every graph problem P that can be solved by a presortable local single- pass vertex labelling algorithm can be solved in O(sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os. An important observation to be made is that in this application of time-forward pro- cessing, the restriction that the vertices of the DAG to be evaluated have to be given in topologically sorted order does not pose a problem because the directions of the edges are chosen only after fixing an order of the vertices that is to be the topological order. In order to compute a maximal independent set S of a graph G = (V,E) in internal memory, the following simple algorithm can be used: Process the vertices in an arbitrary order. When a vertex v ∈ V is visited, add it to S if none of its neighbors is in S.

84 Translated into a labelling problem, the goal is to compute the characteristic function χS : V → {0, 1} of S, where χS(v) = 1 if v ∈ S, and χS(v) = 0 if v 6∈ S. Also note that if S is initially empty, then any neighbor w of v that is visited after v cannot be in S at the time when v is visited, so that it is sufficient for v to inspect all its neighbors that are visited before v to decide whether or not v should be added to S. The result of these modifications is a vertex-labelling algorithm that is presortable (since the order in which the vertices are visited is unimportant), local (since only previously visited neighbors of v are inspected to decide whether v should be added to S, and a single scan of labels χS(u1), . . . , χS(uk) suffices to do so), and single-pass. This leads to the following result.

Theorem 8 Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), a maximal independent set of G can be found in O(sort(|V | + |E|)) I/Os and linear space.

5.8 Euler Tours

An Euler tour of a tree T = (V,E) is a traversal of T that traverses every edge exactly twice, once in each direction. Such a traversal is useful, as it produces a linear list of vertices or edges that captures the structure of the tree. Hence, it allows standard parallel or external memory algorithms to be applied to this list, in order to solve problems on tree T that can be expressed as some function to be evaluated over the Euler tour. Formally, the tour is represented as a linked list L whose elements are the edges in the set {(v, w), (w, v): {v, w} ∈ E} and so that for any two consecutive edges e1 and e2, the target of e1 is the source of e2. In order to define an Euler tour, choose a circular order of the edges incident to each vertex of T . Let {v, w1},..., {v, wk} be the edges incident to vertex v. Then let succ((wi, v)) = (v, wi+1), for 1 ≤ i < k, and succ((wk, v)) = (v, w1). The result is a circular linked list of the edges in T . Now an Euler tour of T starting at some vertex r and returning to that vertex can be obtained by choosing an edge (v, r) with succ((v, r)) = (r, w), setting succ((v, r)) = null, and choosing (r, w) as the first edge of the traversal. List L can be computed from the edge set of T in O(sort(N)) I/Os: First scan set E to replace every edge {v, w} with two directed edges (v, w) and (w, v). Then sort the resulting set of directed edges by their target vertices. This stores the incoming edges of every vertex consecutively. Hence, a scan of the sorted edge list now suffices to compute the successor of every edge in L.

Theorem 9 An Euler tour L of a tree with N vertices can be computed in O(sort(N)) I/Os. Given an unrooted (and undirected) tree T , choosing one vertex of T as the root de- fines a direction on the edges of T by requiring that every edge be directed from the

85 parent to the child. The process of rooting tree T is that of computing these directions explicitly for all edges of T . To do this, we construct an Euler tour starting at an edge (r, v) and compute the rank of every edge in the list. For every pair of opposite edges (u, v) and (v, u), we call the edge with the lower rank a forward edge, and the other a back edge. Now it suffices to observe that for any vertex x 6= r in T , edge (parent(x), x) is traversed before edge (x, parent(x)) by any Euler tour starting at r. Hence, for ev- ery pair of adjacent vertices x and parent(x), edge (parent(x), x) is a forward edge, and edge (x, parent(x)) is a back edge. That is, the set of forward edges is the desired set of edges directed from parents to children. Constructing and ranking an Euler tour starting at the root r takes O(sort(N)) I/Os. Given the ranks of all edges, the set of forward edges can be extracted by sorting all edges in L so that for any two adjacent vertices v and w, edges (v, w) and (w, v) are stored consecutively and then scanning this sorted edge list to discard the edge with higher rank from each of these edge pairs. Hence, a tree T can be rooted in O(sort(N)) I/Os. Instead of discarding back edges, it may be useful to keep them, but tag every edge of the Euler tour L as either a forward or back edge. Using this information, well-known la- bellings of the vertices of T can be computed by ranking list L after assigning appropriate weights to the edges of L. For example, consider the weighted ranks of the edges in L af- ter assigning weight one to every forward edge and weight zero to every back edge. Then the preorder number of every vertex v 6= r in T is one more than the weighted rank of the forward edge with target v; the preorder number of the root r is always one. The size of the subtree rooted at v is one more than the difference between the weighted ranks of the back edge with source v and the forward edge with target v. To compute a postorder numbering, we assign weight zero to every forward edge and weight one to every back edge. Then the postorder number of every vertex v 6= r is the weighted rank of the back edge with source v. The postorder number of the root r is always N. After labelling every edge in L as a forward or back edge, the appropriate weights for computing the above labellings can be assigned in a single scan of list L. The weighted ranks can then be computed in O(sort(N)) I/Os, by 10. Extracting preorder and postorder numbers from these ranks takes a single scan of list L again. To extract the sizes of the subtrees rooted at the vertices of T , we sort the edges in L so that opposite edges with the same endpoints are stored consecutively. Then a single scan of this sorted edge list suffices to compute the size of the subtree rooted at every vertex v. Hence, all these labels can be computed in O(sort(N)) I/Os for a tree with N vertices.

5.9 List Ranking

List ranking and the Euler tour technique (5.8) are two techniques that have been applied successfully in the design of PRAM algorithms for labelling problems on lists and rooted

86 (a)


Figure 5.15: Example input and output for the list ranking task trees and problems that can be reduced efficiently to one of these problems. Given the similarity of the issues to be addressed in parallel and external memory algorithms, it is not surprising that the same two techniques can be applied in I/O-efficient algorithms as well. Let L be a linked list, i.e., a collection of vertices x1, . . . , xN such that each vertex xi, except the tail of the list, stores a pointer succ(xi) to its successor in L, no two vertices have the same successor, and every vertex can reach the tail of L by following successor pointers. Given a pointer to the head of the list (i.e., the vertex that no other vertex in the list points to), the list ranking problem is that of computing for every vertex xi of list L, its distance from the head of L, i.e., the number of edges on the path from the head of L to xi. In internal memory this problem can easily be solved in linear time using the following algorithm: Starting at the head of the list, follow successor pointers and number the vertices of the list from 0 to N − 1 in the order they are visited. Often we use the term “list ranking” to denote the following generalization of the list ranking problem, which is solvable in linear time using a straightforward generalization of the above algorithm: Given a function λ : {x1, . . . , xN } → X assigning labels to the vertices of list L and a multiplication ⊗ : X × X → X defined over X, compute a label φ(xi) for each      vertex xi of L such that φ xσ(1) = λ xσ(1) and φ xσ(i) = φ xσ(i−1) ⊗ λ xσ(i) , for 1 < i ≤ N, where σ : [1,N] → [1,N] is a permutation so that xσ(1) is the head of L and  succ xσ(i) = xσ(i+1), for 1 ≤ i < N. Unfortunately the simple internal memory algorithm is not I/O-efficient: Since we have no control over the physical order of the vertices of L on disk, an adversary can easily arrange the vertices of L in a manner that forces the internal memory algorithm

87 to perform one I/O per visited vertex, so that the algorithm performs Ω(N) I/Os in total. On the other hand, the lower bound for list ranking shown in [16] is only Ω(perm(N)). Next we sketch a list ranking algorithm proposed in [16] that takes O(sort(N)) I/Os and thereby closes the gap between the lower and the upper bound. We make the simplifying assumption that multiplication over X is associative. If this is not the case, we determine the distance of every vertex from the head of L, sort the vertices of L by increasing distances, and then compute the prefix product using the inter- nal memory algorithm. After arranging the vertices by increasing distances from the head of L, the internal memory algorithm takes O(scan(N)) I/Os. Hence, the whole procedure still takes O(sort(N)) I/Os, and the associativity assumption is not a restriction. Given that multiplication over X is associative, the algorithm of [16] uses graph contraction to rank list L as follows: First an independent set I of L is found so that |I| = Ω(N). Then the elements in I are removed from L. That is, for every element x ∈ I with predecessor y and successor z in L, the successor pointer of y is updated to succ(y) = z. The label of x is multiplied with the label of z, and the result is assigned to z as its new label in the compressed list. It is not hard to see that the weighted ranks of the elements in L − I remain the same after adjusting the labels in this manner. Hence, their ranks can be computed by applying the list ranking algorithm recursively to the com- pressed list. Once the ranks of all elements in L − I are known, the ranks of the elements in I are computed by multiplying their labels with the ranks of their predecessors in L. If the algorithm excluding the recursive invocation on the compressed list takes O(sort(N)) I/Os, the total I/O-complexity of the algorithm is given by the recurrence I(N) = I(cN) + O(sort(N)), for some constant 0 < c < 1. The solution of this re- currence is O(sort(N)). Hence, we have to argue that every step, except the recursive invocation, can be carried out in O(sort(N)) I/Os. Given independent set I, it suffices to sort the vertices in I by their successors and the vertices in L−I by their own IDs, and then scan the resulting two sorted lists to update the weights of the successors of all elements in I. The successor pointers of the predecessors of all elements in I can be updated in the same manner. In particular, it suffices to sort the vertices in L − I by their successors and the vertices in I by their own IDs, and then scan the two sorted lists to copy the successor pointer from each vertex in I to its predecessor. Thus, the construction of the compressed list takes O(sort(N)) I/Os, once set I is given.

Theorem 10 A list of length N can be ranked in O(sort(N)) I/Os. List ranking alone is of very limited use. However, combined with the Euler tour technique, it becomes a very powerful tool for solving problems on trees that can be expressed as functions over a traversal of the tree or problems on general graphs that can be expressed in terms of a traversal of a spanning tree of the graph. An important application is the rooting of an undirected tree T , which is the process of directing all edges of T from parents to children after choosing one vertex of T as the root. Given a

88 rooted tree T (i.e., one where all edges are directed from parents to children), the Euler tour technique and list ranking can be used to compute a preorder or postorder numbering of the vertices of T , or the sizes of the subtrees rooted at the vertices of T . Such labellings are used in many classical graph algorithms, so that the ability to compute them is a first step towards solving more complicated graph problems.

89 Chapter 6 van Emde Boas Trees

The original description of this search tree was published in [22], the implementation study can be found in [23].

6.1 From theory to practice

Sorted lists with an auxiliary data structure that support the following operations on a sorted sequence s: build: Build the data structure from a set of elements insert: Insert an element remove: Delete an element specified by a key or by a reference to that element. locate: Given a key k, find the smallest element e in s such that e ≥ k. If such an element does not exist, return an indication of this fact, i.e., a handle to a dummy element with key ∞. range query: Return alle elements in s with key in a specified range [k, k0].

Sorted sequences are one of the most versatile data structures. In current algorithm li- braries, they are implemented using comparison based data structures such as ab-trees, red-black trees, splay trees, or skip lists. These implementations support insertion, dele- tion, and search in time O(log n) and range queries in time O(k + log n) where n is the number of elements and k is the size of the output. For w bit integer keys, a theoretically attractive alternative are van Emde Boas stratified trees (vEB-trees) that replace the log n by a log w: A vEB tree T for storing subsets M of w = 2k+1 bit integers stores the set directly if |M| = 1. Otherwise it contains a root (hash) table r such that r[i] points to a k 2k vEB tree Ti for 2 bit integers. Ti represents the set Mi = {x mod 2 : x ∈ M ∧ x 

90 2k = i}.1 Furthermore, T stores min M, max M, and a top data structure t consisting of k  k a 2 bit vEB tree storing the set Mt = x  2 : x ∈ M . This data structure takes space O(|M| log w) and can be modified to consume only linear space. It can also be combined with a doubly linked sorted list to support fast successor and predecessor queries. However, for a long time there was no known implementation of vEB-trees that could compete with comparison based data structures used in algorithm libraries. The following describes a specialized and highly tuned version of vEB-trees for storing 32-bit integers that can often outperform the classic data structures in terms of runtime. Figure 6.1 outlines the transformation from a general vEB-tree to our specialized ver- sion. The starting point were vEB search trees as described above but we arrive at a nonrecursive data structure: We get a three level search tree. The root is represented by an array of size 216 and the lower levels use hash tables of size up to 256. Due to this small size, hash functions can be implemented by table lookup. Locating entries in these tables is achieved using hierarchies of bit patterns. The main operation we are interested in is locate(y). locate returns min(x ∈ M : y ≤ x). Note that for plain lookup, a hash table would be faster than every data structure discussed here. [todo: example figure with detailed explanation] ⇐=

6.2 Implementation

Root Table The root-table r contains a plain array with one entry for each possible value of the 16 most significant bits of the keys. r[i] = null if there is no x ∈ M with x[16..31] = i. If |Mi| = 1, it contains a pointer to the element list item corresponding to the unique element of Mi. Otherwise, r[i] points to an L2-table containing Mi = {x ∈ M : x[16..31] = i}. The two latter cases can be distinguished using a flag stored in the least significant bit of the pointer.2 Note that the root-table only uses 256kB memory and therefore easily fits into the cache.


An L2-table ri stores the elements in Mi. If |Mi| ≥ 2 it uses a hash table storing an entry with key j if ∃x ∈ Mi : x[8..15] = j. Let Mij = {x ∈ M : x[8..15] = j, x[16..31] = i}. If |Mij| = 1 the hash table entry points to the element list and if |Mij| ≥ 2 it points to an L3-table representing Mij using

1We use the C-like shift operator ‘’, i.e., x  i = x/2i. 2This is portable without further measures because all modern systems use addresses that are multiples of four (except for strings).

91 (a) The abstract definition (b) Efficient inner-level lookup structures

(c) Removed recursion (d) Replace large hash table with an array

(e) Allow range queries

Figure 6.1: Evolution of the vEB data structure

92 a similar trick as in the root-table.


An L3-table rij stores the elements in Mij. If |Mij| ≥ 2, it uses a hash table storing an entry with key k if ∃x ∈ Mij : x[0..7] = k. This entry points to an item in the element list storing the element with x[0..7] = k, x[8..15] = j, x[16..31] = i.

Auxiliary data structures To locate an element x in the data structure we first lookup i = x[16 ... 31] in the root-table. If r[i] 6= null and y ≤ max Mi, we can proceed to the next level of the 3 tree . Otherwise, we have to find the subtree Mr with r = min {k : k ≥ i ∧ Mk 6= null } (If no such j exists, we return ∞). To do this efficiently, we need some additional data structures. For every level L of the tree, we have some top data structures: t1 and t2 for every level, t3 only for root level. We explain that concept for the root level. To find r, we first use t1, which is a bit table containing a flag for every possible subtree of the root table, indicating if Mi 6= null . Via i div n we find the machine word a (of length n) in which i is located and check if it contains r by setting bits ≤ i to zero and checking for the most significant bit4. Only if a = 0 we have to inspect another word. To do that, we jump to t2 in which every entry is an logical or over 32 bits in t1. Analogously to t1 we try to find the first nonnull word right of a. Again, we check only the word containing i and switch to t3 (every entry is logical or over 32 bits in t2) if unsuccessful. t3 is 64 bit small and can be searched efficiently.

If we need to access L2 (when the located subtree contains more than one element), we calculate j = x[8..15]. j is our key for an hash table to locate the entry corresponding to x in L2. Repeat the procedure described above and possibly inspect L3 in the same manner. Figure 6.2 gives pseudo code for locate.

Our hash tables use open addressing with linear probing. The table size is always a power of two between 4 and 2565. The size is doubled when a table of size k contains more than 3k/4 entries and k < 256. The table shrinks when it contains less than k/4 entries. Since all keys are between 0 and 255, we can afford to implement the hash function as a full lookup table h that is shared between all tables. This lookup table is

3We have to store the maximum of every subtree to do this efficiently 4Finding the position of the most significant bit can be implemented in constant time by converting the number to floating point and then inspecting the exponent. In our implementation, two 16-bit table lookups turn out to be somewhat faster. 5Note that this is much smaller than for the original definition as we removed the large hash table from the top layer

93 //return handle of min x ∈ M : y ≤ x Function locate(y : N): ElementHandle if y > max M then return ∞ // no larger element i := y[16..31] // index into root table r if r[i] = null ∨y > max Mi then return min Mt1.locate(i) if Mi = {x} then return x // single element case j := y[8..15] // key for L2 hash table at Mi if r [j] = null ∨y > max M then return min M 1 i ij i,ti .locate(j) if Mij = {x} then return x // single element case 1 return rij[tij.locate(y[0..7])] // L3 Hash table access

//find the smallest j ≥ i such that tk[j] = 1 Method locate(i) for a bit array tk consisting of n bit words 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 //n = 32 for t , t , ti , tij; n = 64 for t ; n = 8 for ti , tij //Assertion: some bit in tk to the right of i is nonzero j := i div n // which n bit word in b contains bit i? a := tk[nj..nj + n − 1] // get this word set a[(i mod n) + 1..n − 1] to zero // erase the bits to the left of bit i if a = 0 then // nothing here → look in higher level bit array j := tk+1.locate(j) // tk+1 stores the or of n-bit groups of tk a := tk[nj..nj + n − 1] // get the corresponding word in tk return nj + msbPos(a)

Figure 6.2: Pseudo code for locating the smallest x ∈ M with y ≤ x. initialized to a random permutation h : 0..255 → 0..255. Hash function values for a table of size 256/2i are obtained by shifting h[x] i bits to the right. Note that for tables of size 256 we obtain a perfect hash function, i.e., there are no collisions between different table entries.

The worst case for all input sizes is if there are pairs of elements that only differ in the 8 least significant bits and differ from all other elements in the 16 most significant bits. In this case, hash tables and top data structures at levels two and three are allocated for each such pair of elements. This example shows that the faster locate comes at the price of potentially larger memory overhead.

94 1000 Time for locate [ns]

100 orig-STree LEDA-STree STL map (2,16)-tree STree

256 1024 4096 16384 65536 218 220 222 223 n

Figure 6.3: Locating randomly distributed keys

6.3 Experiments

We now compare several implementations of search tree like data structures. As compar- ison based data structures we use the STL std::map which is based on red-black trees and ab tree from LEDA which is based on (a, b)-trees with a = 2, b = 16 which fared best in a previous comparison of search tree data structures in LEDA. The implementations run under Linux on a 2GHz Intel Xeon processor with 512 KByte of L2-cache using an Intel E7500 Chip set. The machine has 1GByte of RAM and no swap space to exclude swapping effects. We use the g++ 2.95.4 compiler with optimization level -O6. We report the average execution time per operation in nanosec- onds on an otherwise unloaded machine. The average is taken over at least 100 000 executions of the operation. Elements are 32 bit unsigned integers plus a 32 bit integer as associated information. Figure 6.3 shows the time for the locate operation for random 32 bit integers and independently drawn random 32 bit queries for locate. Already the comparison based

95 STL map (hard) (2,16)-tree (hard) STree (hard) STree (random)

1000 Time for locate [ns]


64 256 1024 4096 16384 216 218 220 222 223 n

Figure 6.4: Locating on a hard instance

96 data structures show some interesting effects. For small n, when the data structures fit in cache, red-black trees outperform (2, 16)-trees indicating that red-black trees execute less instructions. For larger n, this picture changes dramatically, presumably because (2, 16)-trees are more cache efficient. Our vEB tree (called STree here) is fastest over the entire range of inputs. For small n, it is much faster than comparison based structures up to a factor of 4.1. For random inputs of this size, locate mostly accesses the root-top data structure which fits in cache and hence is very fast. It even gets faster with increasing n because then locate rarely has to go to the second or even third level t2 and t3 of the root-top data structure. For medium size inputs there is a range of steep increase of execution time because the L2 and L3 data structures get used more heavily and the memory consumption quickly exceeds the cache size. But the speedup over (2, 16)-trees is always at least 1.5. For large n the advantage over comparison based data structures is growing again reaching a factor of 2.9 for the largest inputs. Figures 6.3 shows the result for an attempt to obtain close to worst case in- puts for our vEB tree. For a given set size |M| = n, we store Mhard = 8 8 25 {2 i∆, 2 i∆ + 255 : i = 0..n/2 − 1} where ∆ = b2 /nc. Mhard maximizes space con- sumption of our implementation. Furthermore, locate queries of the form 28j∆ + 128 for random j ∈ 0..n/2 − 1 force the vEB tree to go through the root table, the L2-table, both levels of the L3-top data structure, and the L3-table. As to be expected, the comparison based implementations are not affected by this change of input. For n ≤ 218, the vEB tree is now slower than its comparison based competitors. However, for large n we still have a similar speedup as for random inputs.

97 Chapter 7

Shortest Path Search

The overview of classical algorithms was taken from [30]. The section on highway hierarchies is mainly based on material from [31] and [32]. The material on transit node routing was taken from [33] and the section on dynamic highway routing is from [34]. More and newer material can be found on Dominik Schultes’ website: http://algo2.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/schultes/hwy/.

Some material from this chapter (especially on Highway Hierarchies) was not covered during the lecture in 2007. For self-containment, we include these paragraphs for further studies. In the following chapter, these supplemental sections are marked with an asterisk: *.

7.1 Introduction

Computing shortest paths in graphs (networks) with nonnegative edge weights is a classi- cal problem of computer science. From a worst case perspective, the problem has largely been solved by Dijkstra in 1959 who gave an algorithm that finds all shortest paths from a starting node s using at most m + n priority queue operations for a graph G = (V,E) with n nodes and m edges. However, motivated by important applications (e.g., in transportation networks), there has recently been considerable interest in the problem of accelerating shortest path queries, i.e., the problem to find a shortest path between a source node s and a target node t. In this case, Dijkstra’s algorithm can stop as soon as the shortest path to t is found. A classical technique that gives a constant factor speedup is bidirectional search which simultaneously searches forward from s and backwards from t until the search frontiers meet. All further speedup techniques either need additional information (e.g., geometry information for goal directed search) or precomputation. There is a trade-off between the

98 time needed for precomputation, the space needed for storing the precomputed informa- tion, and the resulting query time. In particular, from now on we focus on shortest paths in large road networks where we use ‘shortest’ as a synomym for ‘fastest’. The graphs used for North America or Western Europe already have around 20 000 000 nodes so that significantly superlinear preprocessing time or even slightly superlinear space is prohibitive. To our best knowl- edge, all commercial applications currently only compute paths heuristically that are not always shortest possible. The basic idea of these heuristics is the observation that shortest paths “usually” use small roads only locally, i.e., at the beginning and at the end of a path. Hence the heuristic algorithm only performs some kind of local search from s and t and then switches to search in a highway network that is much smaller than the complete graph. Typically, an edge is put into the highway network if the information supplied on its road type indicates that it represents an important road.

7.2 “Classical” and other Results

The following section gives a short review of older speedup techniques.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm The classical algorithm for route planning—maintains an array of tentative distances D[u] ≥ d(s, u) for each node. The algorithm visits (or settles) the nodes of the road network in the order of their distance to the source node and maintains the invariant that D[u] = d(s, u) for visited nodes. We call the rank of node u in this order its Dijkstra rank rs(u) = r. When a node u is visited, its outgoing edges (u, v) are relaxed, i.e., D[v] is set to min(D[v], d(s, u) + w(u, v)). Dijkstra’s algorithm terminates when the target node is visited. The size of the search space is O(n) and n/2 (nodes) on the average. We will assess the quality of route planning algorithms by looking at their speedup com- pared to Dijkstra’s algorithm, i.e., how many times faster they can compute shortest-path distances.

Priority Queues. Dijkstra’s algorithm can be implemented using O(n) priority queue operations. In the comparison based model this leads to O(n log n) execution time. In other models of computation and on the average, better bounds exist. However, in practice the impact of priority queues on performance for large road networks is rather limited since cache faults for accessing the graph are usually the main bottleneck. In addition, our experiments indi- cate that the impact of priority queue implementations diminishes with advanced speedup

99 techniques since these techniques at the same time introduce additional overheads and dramatically reduce the queue sizes.

Bidirectional Search Bidirectional Search executes Dijkstra’s algorithm simultaneously forward from the source and backwards from the target. Once some node has been visited from both direc- tions, the shortest path can be derived from the information already gathered. In a road network, where search spaces will take a roughly circular shape, we can expect a speedup around two —one disk with radius d(s, t) has twice the area of two disks with half the ra- dius. Bidirectional search is important since it can be combined with most other speedup techniques and, more importantly, because it is a necessary ingredient of the most efficient advanced techniques.

Geometric Goal Directed Search (A∗) The intuition behind goal directed search is that shortest paths ‘should’ lead in the general direction of the target. A∗ search achieves this by modifying the weight of edge (u, v) to w(u, v) − π(u) + π(v) where π(v) is a lower bound on d(v, t). Note that this manipu- lation shortens edges that lead towards the target. Since the added and subtracted vertex potentials π(v) cancel along any path, this modification of edge weights preserves short- est paths. Moreover, as long as all edge weights remain nonnegative, Dijkstra’s algorithm can still be used. The classical way to use A∗ for route planning in road maps estimates d(v, t) based on the Euclidean distance between v and t and the average speed of the fastest road anywhere in the network. Since this is a very conservative estimation, the speedup for finding quickest routes is rather small.

Heuristics In the last decades, commercial navigation systems were developed which had to handle ever more detailed descriptions of road networks on rather low-powered processors. Ven- dors resolved to heuristics still used today that do not give any performance guarantees: use A∗ search with estimates on d(u, t) rather than lower bounds; do not look at ‘unimpor- tant’ streets, unless you are close to the source or target. The latter heuristic needs careful hand tuning of road classifications to produce reasonable results but yields considerable speedups.

100 Small Separators Road networks are almost planar, i.e., most edges intersect only at nodes. Hence, tech- niques developed for planar graphs will often also work√ for road networks. Using O(n log2 n) space and preprocessing time, query time O( n log n) can be achieved for directed planar graphs without negative cycles. Queries accurate within a factor (1 + ) can be answered in near constant time using O((n log n)/) space and preprocessing time. Most of these theoretical approaches look difficult to use in practice since they are com- plicated and need superlinear space. The first published practical approach to fast route planning uses a set of nodes V1 whose removal partitions the graph G = G0 into small components. Now consider the overlay graph G1 = (V1,E1) where edges in E1 are shortcuts corresponding to shortest paths in G that do not contain nodes from V1 in their interior. Routing can now be re- stricted to G1 and the components containing s and t respectively. This process can be iterated yielding a multi-level method. A limitation of this approach is that the graphs at higher levels become much more dense than the input graphs thus limiting the benefits gained from the hierarchy. Also, computing small separators and shortcuts can become quite costly for large graphs.

Reach-Based Routing

Let R(v) := maxs,t∈V Rst(v) denote the reach of node v where Rst(v) := min(d(s, v), d(v, t)). Gutman [35] observed that a shortest-path search can be stopped at nodes with a reach too small to get to source or target from there. Variants of reach- based routing work with the reach of edges or characterize reach in terms of geometric distance rather than shortest-path distance. The first implementation had disappointing speedups and preprocessing times that would be prohibitive for large networks.

Edge Labels The idea behind edge labels is to precompute information for an edge e that specifies a set of nodes M(e) with the property that M(e) is a superset of all nodes that lie on a shortest path starting with e. In an s–t query, an edge e need not be relaxed if t 6∈ M(e). In [26], M(e) is specified by an angular range. More effective is information that can distinguish between long range and short range edges. In [27] many geometric containers are evaluated. Very good performance is observed for axis parallel rectangles. A disadvantage of geometric containers is that they require a complete all-pairs shortest- path computation. Faster precomputation is possible by partitioning the graph into k regions that have similar size and only a small number of boundary nodes. Now M(e) is represented as a k-vector of edge flags [29, 28] where flag i indicates whether there is a

101 shortest path containing e that leads to a node in region i. Edge flags can be computed using a single-source shortest-path computation from all boundary nodes of the regions.

Landmark A∗ Using the triangle inequality, quite strong bounds on shortest-path distances can be ob- tained by precomputing distances to a set of around 20 landmark nodes that are well distributed over the far ends of the network [24]. Using reasonable space and much less preprocessing time than for edge labels, these lower bounds yield considerable speedup for route planning.

Precomputed Cluster Distances (PCD) In [25], we give a different way to use precomputed distances for goal-directed search. We partition the network into clusters and then precompute the shortest connection between any pair of clusters U and V , i.e., minu∈U,v∈V d(u, v). PCDs cannot be used together with A∗ search since reduced edge weights can become negative. However, PCDs yield upper and lower bounds for distances that can be used to prune search. This gives speedup comparable to landmark-A∗ using less space.

7.3 Highway Hierarchy

7.3.1 Introduction Our first approach is based on the idea to compute exact shortest paths by defining the notion of local search and highway network appropriately. This is very simple. We define local search to be a search that visits the H closest nodes from s (or t) where H is a tuning parameter. This definition already fixes the highway network. An edge (u, v) ∈ E should be a highway edge if there are nodes s and t such that (u, v) is on the shortest path from s to t, v is not within the H closest nodes from s, and u is not within the H closest nodes from t. So far, the highway network still contains all the nodes of the original network. How- ever, we can prune it significantly: Isolated nodes are not needed. Trees attached to a biconnected component can only be traversed at the beginning and end of a path. Simi- larly, paths consisting of nodes with degree two can be replaced by a single edge1. The result is a contracted highway network that only contains nodes of degree at least three. We can iterate the above approach, define local search on the highway network, find a

1note that this list of possible contractions was only used in an early version of the algorithm but still gives a good idea where contraction might be useful.

102 “superhighway network”, contract it, . . . We arrive at a multi-level highway network — a highway hierarchy. The next section formalizes some of these ideas.

7.3.2 Hierarchies and Contraction Graphs and Paths. We expect a directed graph G = (V,E) with n nodes and m edges (u, v) with nonnegative weights w(u, v) as input. We assume w.l.o.g. that there are no self-loops, parallel edges, and zero weight edges in the input—they could be dealt with easily in a preprocessing step. The length w(P ) of a path P is the sum of the weights of the edges that belong to P . P ∗ = hs, . . . , ti is a shortest path if there is no path P 0 from s to t such that w(P 0) < w(P ∗). The distance d(s, t) between s and t is the length 0 0 of a shortest path from s to t. If P = hs, . . . , s , u1, u2, . . . , uk, t , . . . , ti is a path from s 0 0 0 0 to t, then P |s0→t0 = hs , u1, u2, . . . , uk, t i denotes the subpath of P from s to t .

Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to solve the single source short- est path (SSSP) problem, i.e., to compute the shortest paths from a single source node s to all other nodes in a given graph. It is covered by virtually any textbook on algorithms, so that we confine ourselves to introducing our terminology: Starting with the source node s as root, Dijkstra’s algorithm grows a shortest path tree that contains shortest paths from s to all other nodes. During this process, each node of the graph is either unreached, reached, or settled. A node that already belongs to the tree is settled. If a node u is set- tled, a shortest path P ∗ from s to u has been found and the distance d(s, u) = w(P ∗) is known. A node that is adjacent to a settled node is reached. Note that a settled node is also reached. If a node u is reached, a path P from s to u, which might not be the shortest one, has been found and a tentative distance δ(u) = w(P ) is known. Nodes that are not reached are unreached. A bidirectional version of Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to find a shortest path from a given node s to a given node t. Two Dijkstra searches are executed in parallel: one searches from the source node s in the original graph G = (V,E), also called forward −→ −→ graph and denoted as G = (V, E ); another searches from the target node t backwards, ←− ←− ←− i.e., it searches in the reverse graph G = (V, E ), E := {(v, u) | (u, v) ∈ E}. The ←− reverse graph G is also called backward graph. When both search scopes meet, a shortest path from s to t has been found. A highway hierarchy of a graph G consists of several levels G0,G1,G2,...,GL, where the number of levels L + 1 is given. We provide an inductive definition:

0 • Base case (G0,G0): level 0 (G0 = (V0,E0)) corresponds to the original graph G; 0 furthermore, we define G0 := G0.

103 0 • First step (G` → G`+1, 0 ≤ ` < L): for given neighbourhood radii, we will define 0 the highway network G`+1 of a graph G`.

0 • Second step (G` → G`, 1 ≤ ` ≤ L): for a given set B` ⊆ V` of bypassable nodes, 0 we will define the core G` of level ` (This is the contraction step).

First step (highway network). For each node u, we choose a nonnegative neighbour- → ← hood radius r` (u) for the forward graph and a radius r` (u) ≥ 0 for the backward graph. To avoid some case distinctions, for any direction ∈ {→, ←}, we set the neighbour- 0 hood radius r` (u) to infinity for u 6∈ V` and for ` = L. 0 → The level-` neighbourhood of a node u ∈ V` is N` (u) := 0 → {v ∈ V` | d`(u, v) ≤ r` (u)} with respect to the forward graph and, analogously, ← 0 ← ← N` (u) := {v ∈ V` | d` (u, v) ≤ r` (u)} with respect to the backward graph, where d (u, v) denotes the distance from u to v in the forward graph G and d←(u, v) := d (v, u) ` ←− ` ` ` in the backward graph G`. 0 0 The highway network G`+1 = (V`+1,E`+1) of a graph G` is the subgraph of G` in- 0 duced by the edge set E`+1: an edge (u, v) ∈ E` belongs to E`+1 iff there are nodes 0 s, t ∈ V` such that the edge (u, v) appears in some shortest path hs, . . . , u, v, . . . , ti from 0 → ← s to t in G` with the property that v 6∈ N` (s) and u 6∈ N` (t). The definition of the highway network suggests that we need an all pairs shortest path search to find all its edges, which would be very time-consuming. Fortunately, it is possible to design an efficient algorithm that performs only ‘local search’ from each node. The main idea is that it is not necessary to look at node pairs s, t that are very far apart: Suppose that (u, v) ∈ E1 is witnessed by source and target nodes s and t. If → ← d(s, u)  r` (s) and d(v, t)  r` (t), then we may expect that there are other witnesses s0 and t0 that are much closer to the edge (u, v). → ← For each node s0 ∈ V , we compute and store the values r` (s0) and r` (s0). This can be easily done by a Dijkstra search from each node s0 that is aborted as soon as H nodes have been settled. Then, we start with an empty set of highway edges E1. For each node s0, two phases are performed: the forward construction of a partial shortest path tree B and the backward evaluation of B. The construction is done by a single source shortest path (SSSP) search from s0; during the evaluation phase, paths from the leaves of B to the root s0 are traversed and for each edge on these paths, it is decided whether to add it to E1 or not. The crucial part is the specification of an abort criterion for the SSSP search in order to restrict it to a ‘local search’. Phase 1: Construction of a Partial Shortest Path Tree* A Dijkstra search from s0 is executed. During the search, a reached node is either in the state active or passive. The source node s0 is active; each node that is reached for the first time (insert) and each reached node that is updated (decreaseKey) adopts the activation state from its (tentative) parent in the shortest path tree B. When a node p is settled using the path hs0, s1, . . . , pi,

104 Figure 7.1: Instead of a complete all-to-all shortest path search, we can identify all high- way edges by a local search for each node, visiting only its close neighbors.


s0 s1 p N(p)

Figure 7.2: The abort criterion for finding highway edges ensures local search.

105 then p’s state is set to passive if |N(s1) ∩ N(p)| ≤ 1. When no active unsettled node is left, the search is aborted and the growth of B stops. Phase 2: Selection of the Highway Edges* During Phase 2, all edges (u, v) are added to E1 that lie on paths hs0, . . . , u, v, . . . , t0i in B with the property that v 6∈ N(s0) and u 6∈ N(t0), where t0 is a leaf of B. This can be done in time O(|B|).

Speeding Up Construction* An active node v is declared to be a maverick if d(s0, v) > f · dH (s0), where f is a parameter. Normally, the search cannot be aborted before the search radius reaches d(s0, v) because we have to proof that we found the shortest path. Now, when all active nodes are mavericks, the search from passive nodes is no longer continued. This way, the construction process is accelerated and E1 becomes a superset of the highway network. Hence, queries will be slower, but still compute exact shortest paths. The maverick factor f enables us to adjust the trade-off between construction and query time. Long-distance ferries are a typical example of mavericks.

Second step (core)* For a given set B` ⊆ V` of bypassable nodes, we define the set S` of shortcut edges that bypass the nodes in B`: for each path P = hu, b1, b2, . . . , bk, vi with u, v ∈ V` \ B` and bi ∈ B`, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, the set S` contains an edge (u, v) with 0 0 0 w(u, v) = w(P ). The core G` = (V` ,E`) of level ` is defined in the following way: 0 0 0 0 V` :=V` \ B` and E` := (E` ∩ (V` × V` )) ∪ S`.

Contraction of a Graph In order to obtain the core of a highway network, we contract it, which yields several advantages. The search space during the queries gets smaller since bypassed nodes are not touched and the construction process gets faster since the next iteration only deals with the nodes that have not been bypassed. Furthermore, a more effective contraction allows us to use smaller neighbourhood sizes without compromising the shrinking of the highway networks. This improves both construction and query times. However, bypassing nodes involves the creation of shortcuts, i.e., edges that represent the bypasses. Due to these shortcuts, the average degree of the graph is increased and the memory consumption grows. In particular, more edges have to be relaxed during the queries. Therefore, we have to carefully select nodes so that the benefits of bypassing them outweigh the drawbacks. An intuive justification for contraction is the following consideration, which was in fact the basis of contraction in an earlier version of Highway Hierarchies: Imagine a long path where the inner nodes have no other edges. It is possible to contract this path to a single edge between the starting and the end node and still receive all shortest paths. Another example of contractable structures are attached trees where every shortest path to a node outside has to go through the root. We give an iterative algorithm that combines the selection of the bypassable nodes B` with the creation of the corresponding shortcuts. We manage a stack that contains

106 contracted network = non−bypassed nodes + shortcuts bypassed nodes

Figure 7.3: Contraction a graph seperates bypassable components from the core.

all nodes that have to be considered, initially all nodes from V`. As long as the stack is not empty, we deal with the topmost node u. We check the bypassability criterion #shortcuts ≤ c · (degin(u) + degout(u)), which compares the number of shortcuts that would be created when u was bypassed with the sum of the in- and outdegree of u. The magnitude of the contraction is determined by the parameter c. If the criterion is fulfilled, the node is bypassed, i.e., it is added to B` and the appropriate shortcuts are created. Note that the creation of the shortcuts alters the degree of the corresponding endpoints so that bypassing one node can influence the bypassability criterion of another node. Therefore, all adjacent nodes that have been removed from the stack earlier, have not been bypassed, yet, and are bypassable now are pushed on the stack once again. It happens that shortcuts that were created once are discarded later when one of its endpoints is bypassed.

7.3.3 Query Our highway query algorithm is a modification of the bidirectional version of Dijkstra’s algorithm. For now, we assume that the search is not aborted when both search scopes meet. We only describe the modifications of the forward search since forward and back- ward search are symmetric. In addition to the distance from the source, the key of each node includes the search level and the gap to the next applicable neighbourhood border. The search starts at the source node s in level 0. First, a local search in the neighbourhood of s is performed, i.e., the gap to the next border is set to the neighbourhood radius of s in level 0. When a node v is settled, it adopts the gap of its parent u minus the length of the edge (u, v). As long as we stay inside the current neighbourhood, everything works as usual. However, if an edge (u, v) crosses the neighbourhood border (i.e., the length of the

107 → N1 (u) level 1

u entrance point to level 0 s entrance point to level 1 level 0 → N0 (s) entrance point to level 2

Figure 7.4: A schematic diagram of a highway query. Only the forward search is depicted. edge is greater than the gap), we switch to a higher search level `. The node u becomes an entrance point to the higher level. If the level of the edge (u, v) is less than the new search level `, the edge is not relaxed—this is one of the two restrictions that cause the speedup in comparison to Dijkstra’s algorithm (Restriction 1). Otherwise, the edge is relaxed. If the relaxation is successful, v adopts the new search level ` and the gap to the border of the neighbourhood of u in level ` since u is the corresponding entrance point to level `. Figure 7.4 illustrates this process. To increase the speedup and make use of the contracted graph, we introduce another 0 restriction (Restriction 2): when a node u ∈ V` is settled, all edges (u, v) that lead to a bypassed node v ∈ B` in search level ` are not relaxed.

A detailed example* Figure 7.5 gives a detailed example of the forward search of a highway query. The search starts at node s. The gap of s is initialised to the distance from s to the border of the neighbourhood of s in level 0. Within the neighbourhood of s, the search process corresponds to a standard Dijkstra search. The edge that leads to u leaves the neighbourhood. It is not relaxed due to Restriction 1 since the edge belongs only to level 0. In contrast, the edge that leaves s1 is relaxed since its level allows to switch to level 1 in the search process. s1 and its direct successor are bypassed nodes in level 1. Their neighbourhoods are unbounded, i.e., their neighbourhood radii are infinity so that 0 the gap is set to infinity as well. At s1, we leave the component of bypassed nodes and enter the core of level 1. Now, the search is continued in the core of level 1 within the 0 neighbourhood of s1. The gap is set appropriately. Note that the edge to v is not relaxed 0 due to Restriction 2 since v is a bypassed node. Instead, the direct shortcut to s2 = s2 is used. Here, we switch to level 2. In this case, we do not enter the next level through a component of bypassed nodes, but we get directly into the core. The search is continued 0 in the core of level 2 within the neighbourhood of s2. And so on. Despite of Restriction 1, we always find the optimal path since the construction of the

108 ∞ → N0 (s)


shortcut        0 0  ss 1 s1 s2 =s2  Restriction 2 v  Restriction 1 → 0 → 0  N1 (s1) N2 (s2) u

Figure 7.5: A detailed example of a highway query. Only the forward search is depicted. Nodes in level 0, 1, and 2 are vertically striped, solid, and horizontally striped, respec- tively. In level 1, dark shades represent core nodes, light shades bypassed nodes. Edges in level 0, 1, and 2 are dashed, solid, and dotted, respectively. highway hierarchy guarantees that the levels of the edges that belong to the optimal path are sufficiently high so that these edges are not skipped. Restriction 2 does not invalidate the correctness of the algorithm since we have introduced shortcuts that bypass the nodes that do not belong to the core. Hence, we can use these shortcuts instead of the original paths.

−→ ←− The Algorithm.* We use two priority queues Q and Q, one for the forward search and one for the backward search. The key of a node u is a triple (δ(u), `(u), gap(u)), the (tentative) distance δ(u) from s (or t) to u, the search level `(u), and the gap gap(u) to the next applicable neighbourhood border. A key (δ, `, gap) is less than another key (δ0, `0, gap0) iff δ < δ0 or δ = δ0 ∧ ` > `0 or δ = δ0 ∧ ` = `0 ∧ gap < gap0. Figure 7.6 contains the pseudo-code of the highway query algorithm.

Speeding Up the Search in the Topmost Level. Let us assume that we have a distance 0 table that contains for any node pair s, t ∈ VL the optimal distance dL(s, t). Such a table 0 0 can be precomputed during the preprocessing phase by |VL| SSSP searches in VL. Using the distance table, we do not have to search in level L. Instead, when we arrive at a −→ ←− node u ∈ V 0 that ‘leads’ to level L, we add u to a set I or I depending on the search L −→ ←− direction; we do not relax the edge that leads to level L. After the sets I and I have −→ ←− been determined, we consider all pairs (u, v), u ∈ I , v ∈ I, and compute the minimum path length D := d0(s, u) + dL(u, v) + d0(v, t). Then, the length of the shortest s-t-path is the minimum of D and the length of the tentative shortest path found so far (in case that the search scopes have already met in a level < L).

109 input: source node s and target node t −→ ←− 1 Q.insert(s, (0, 0, r→(s))); Q.insert(t, (0, 0, r←(t))); −→ ←− 0 0 2 while (Q ∪ Q 6= ∅) do { 3 ∈ {→, ←}; // select direction

4 u := Q.deleteMin(); 0 0 5 if gap(u) 6= ∞ then gap := gap(u) else gap := r`(u)(u);

6 foreach e = (u, v) ∈ E do { 7 for (` := `(u), gap := gap0; w(e) > gap; `++ )

gap := r`+1(u); // go “upwards” 8 if `(e) < ` then continue; // Restriction 1 0 9 if u ∈ V` ∧ v ∈ B` then continue; // Restriction 2 10 k := (δ(u) + w(e), `, gap − w(e));

11 if v ∈ Q then Q.decreaseKey(v, k); else Q.insert(v, k); 12 } 13 }

Figure 7.6: The highway query algorithm. Differences to the bidirectional version of Dijkstra’s algorithm are marked: additional and modified lines have a framed line number; in modified lines, the modifications are underlined.

110 7.3.4 Experiments Environment and Instances. The experiments were done on one core of an AMD Opteron Processor 270 clocked at 2.0 GHz with 4 GB main memory and 2 × 1 MB L2 cache, running SuSE Linux 10.0 (kernel 2.6.13). The program was compiled by the GNU C++ compiler 4.0.2 using optimisation level 3. We use 32 bits to store edge weights and path lengths. We deal with the road networks of Western Europe2 and of the USA (without Hawaii) and Canada. Both networks have been made available for scientific use by the company PTV AG. The original graphs contain for each edge a length and a road category, e.g., motorway, national road, regional road, urban street. We assign average speeds to the road categories, compute for each edge the average travel time, and use it as weight. We report only the times needed to compute the shortest path distance between two nodes without outputting the actual route. In order to obtain the corresponding subpaths in the original graph, we are able to extract the used shortcuts without using any extra data. However, if a fast output routine is required, we might want to spend some addi- tional space to accelerate the unpacking process. For details, we refer to the full paper. Table 7.3.4 summarises the properties of the used road networks and key results of the experiments.

Parameters. Unless otherwise stated, the following default settings apply. We use the contraction rate c = 1.5 and the neighbourhood sizes H as stated in Tab. 7.3.4—the same neighbourhood size is used for all levels of a hierarchy. First, we contract the original graph. Then, we perform four iterations of our construction procedure, which determines a highway network and its core. Finally, we compute the distance table between all level-4 core nodes. In one test series (Fig. 7.7), we used all the default settings except for the neighbour- hood size H, which we varied from 40 to 90. On the one hand, if H is too small, the shrinking of the highway networks is less effective so that the level-4 core is still quite big. Hence, we need much time and space to precompute and store the distance table. On the other hand, if H gets bigger, the time needed to preprocess the lower levels increases because the area covered by the local searches depends on the neighbourhood size. Fur- thermore, during a query, it takes longer to leave the lower levels in order to get to the topmost level where the distance table can be used. Thus, the query time increases as well. We observe that we get good space-time tradeoffs for neighbourhood sizes around 60. In particular, we find that a good choice of the parameter H does not vary very much from graph to graph. In another test series (Tab. 7.3.4a), we did not use a distance table, but repeated the construction process until the topmost level was empty or the hierarchy consisted of 15

214 countries: at, be, ch, de, dk, es, fr, it, lu, nl, no, pt, se, uk

111 Europe USA/CAN USA (Tiger) #nodes 18 029 721 18 741 705 24 278 285 INPUT #directed edges 42 199 587 47 244 849 58 213 192 #road categories 13 13 4 average speeds [km/h] 10–130 16–112 40–100 PARAM. H 50 60 60 CPU time [min] 15 20 18 PREPROC. ∅overhead/node [byte] 68 69 50 CPU time [ms] 0.76 0.90 0.88 #settled nodes 884 951 1 076 #relaxed edges 3 182 3 630 4 638 QUERY speedup (CPU time) 8 320 7 232 7 642 speedup (#settled nodes) 10 196 9 840 11 080 worst case (#settled nodes) 8 543 3 561 5 141

Table 7.1: Overview of the used road networks and key results. ‘∅overhead/node’ ac- counts for the additional memory that is needed by our highway hierarchy approach (di- vided by the number of nodes). The amount of memory needed to store the original graph is not included. Query times are average values based on 10 000 random s-t-queries. ‘Speedup’ refers to a comparison with Dijkstra’s algorithm (unidirectional). Worst case is an upper bound for any possible query in the respective graph.

Figure 7.7: Preprocessing and query performance depending on the neighbourhood size H. levels. We varied the contraction rate c from 0.5 to 2. In case of c = 0.5 (and H = 50), the shrinking of the highway networks does not work properly so that the topmost level is still very big. This yields huge query times. In earlier implementations we used a larger neighbourhood size to cope with this problem. Choosing larger contraction rates

112 PREPROCESSING QUERY PREPROC. QUERY contr. time over- time #settled #relaxed# time over- time #settled rate c deg. [min] head ∅ [ms] nodes edgeslevels [min] head [ms] nodes 0.5 89 27 3.2 176.05 242 156 505 0865 16 68 0.77 884 1 16 27 3.7 1.97 2 321 8 9317 13 28 1.19 1 290 1.5 13 27 3.8 1.58 1 704 7 9359 13 27 1.51 1 574 2 13 28 3.9 1.70 1 681 811 607 13 27 1.62 1 694 (a) (b) Table 7.2: Preprocessing and query performance for the European road network depend- ing on the contraction rate c (a) and the number of levels (b). ‘overhead’ denotes the average memory overhead per node in bytes. reduces the preprocessing and query times since the cores and search spaces get smaller. However, the memory usage and the average degree are increased since more shortcuts are introduced. Adding too many shortcuts (c = 2) further reduces the search space, but the number of relaxed edges increases so that the query times get worse. In a third test series (Tab. 7.3.4b), we used the default settings except for the number of levels, which we varied from 5 to 11. In each test case, a distance table was used in the topmost level. The construction of the higher levels of the hierarchy is very fast and has no significant effect on the preprocessing times. In contrast, using only five levels yields a rather large distance table, which somewhat slows down the preprocessing and increases the memory usage. However, in terms of query times, ‘5 levels’ is the optimal choice since using the distance table is faster than continuing the search in higher levels.

Fast vs. Precise Construction. During various experiments, we came to the conclusion that it is a good idea not to take a fixed maverick factor f for all levels of the construction process, but to start with a low value (i.e. fast construction) and increase it level by level (i.e. more precise construction). For the following experiments, we used the sequence 0, 2, 4, 6,....

Best Neighbourhood Sizes. For two levels ` and ` + 1 of a highway hierarchy, the 0 0 shrinking factor is the ratio between |E`| and |E`+1|. In our experiments, we observed that the highway hierarchies of the USA and Europe were almost self-similar in the sense that the shrinking factor remained nearly unchanged from level to level when we used the same neighbourhood size H for all levels. We kept this approach and applied the same H iteratively until the construction led to an empty highway network. Figure 7.8 demonstrates the shrinking process for Europe. For most levels, we observe an almost constant shrinking factor (which appears as a straight line due to the logarithmic scale of the y-axis). The greater the neighbourhood size, the greater the shrinking factor. The

113 Figure 7.8: Shrinking of the highway networks of Europe. For different neighbourhood 0 sizes H and for each level `, we plot |E`|, i.e., the number of edges that belong to the core of level `.

first iteration (Level 0→1) and the last few iterations are exceptions: at the first iteration, the construction works very well due to the characteristics of the real world road network (there are many trees and lines that can be contracted); at the last iterations, the highway network collapses, i.e., it shrinks very fast, because nodes that are close to the border of the network usually do not belong to the next level of the highway hierarchy, and when the network gets small, almost all nodes are close to the border.

Multilevel Queries. Table 7.3.4 contains average values for queries, where the source and target nodes are chosen randomly. For the two large graphs we get a speedup of more than 2 000 compared to Dijkstra’s algorithm both with respect to (query) time3 and with respect to the number of settled nodes. For our largest road network (USA), the number of nodes that are settled during the search is less than the number of nodes that belong to the shortest paths that are found. Thus, we get an efficiency that is greater than 100%. The reason is that edges at high levels will often represent long paths containing many nodes.4 For use in applications it is unrealistic to assume a uniform distribution of queries in large graphs such as Europe or the USA. On the other hand, it would be hardly more realistic to arbitrarily cut the graph into smaller pieces. Therefore, we decided to measure

3It is likely that Dijkstra would profit more from a faster priority queue than our algorithm. Therefore, the time-speedup could decrease by a small constant factor. 4The reported query times do not include the time for expanding these paths. We have made measure- ments with a naive recursive expansion routine which never take more than 50% of the query time. Also note that this process could be radically sped up by precomputing unpacked representations of edges.

114 Figure 7.9: Multilevel Queries. For each road network and each Dijkstra rank on the x-axis, 1 000 queries from random source nodes were performed. The results are repre- sented as box-and-whisker plot: each box spreads from the lower to the upper quartile and contains the median, the whiskers extend to the minimum and maximum value omitting outliers, which are plotted individually. It is important to note that a logarithmic scale is used for the x-axis. local queries within the big graphs: For each power of two r = 2k, we choose random sample points s and then use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the node t with Dijkstra rank rs(t) = r. We then use our algorithm to make an s-t query. By plotting the resulting statistics for each value r = 2k, we can see how the performance scales with a natural measure of difficulty of the query. Figure 7.9 shows the query times. Note that the median query times are scaling quite smoothly and the growth is much slower than the exponential increase we would expect in a plot with logarithmic x axis, linear y axis, and any growth rate of the form rρ for Dijkstra rank r and some constant power ρ. The curve is also not the straight line one would expect from a query time logarithmic in r. Note that for the largest rank, query times are actually decreasing. A possible explanation is that these queries will have at least one of source or destination node at the border area of the map where the road network is often not very dense (e.g. northern Norway). This plot was done without using distance tables which would also cut the costs at some point where every query will move to the highest level and then resort to the table.

Worst Case Upper Bounds. By executing a query from each node of a given graph to an added isolated dummy node and a query from the dummy node to each actual node in the backward graph, we obtain a distribution of the search spaces of the forward and backward search, respectively. We can combine both distributions to get an upper bound for the distribution of the search spaces of bidirectional queries: when F→(x) (F←(x))

115 1014 Europe





Frequency 10



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Search Space

Figure 7.10: Histogram of upper bounds for the search spaces of s-t-queries. denotes the number of source (target) nodes whose search space consists of x nodes in a P forward (backward) search, we define F↔(z) := x+y=z F→(x) ·F←(y), i.e., F↔(z) is the number of s-t-pairs such that the upper bound of the search space size of a query from s to t is z. In particular, we obtain the upper bound max {z | F↔(z) > 0} for the worst case without performing all n2 possible queries. Figure 7.10 visualises the distribution F↔(z) as a histogram.

7.4 Transit Node Routing

When you drive to somewhere ‘far away’, you will leave your current location via one of only a few ‘important’ traffic junctions. For graphs representing road networks, this means: First, there is a relatively small set of transit nodes, about 10 000 for the US road network, with the property that for every pair of nodes that are ‘not too close’ to each other, the shortest path between them passes through at least one of these transit nodes. Second, for every node, the set of transit nodes encountered first when going far—we call these access nodes—is small (about 10). We will now try to exploit this property. To simplify notation we will present the approach for undirected graphs. However, the method is easily generalised to directed graphs and our highway hierarchy implementa- tion already handles directed graphs. Consider any set T ⊆ V of transit nodes, an access mapping A : V → 2T , and a locality filter L : V × V → {true, false}. We require that

116 ¬L(s, t) implies that the shortest path distance is d(s, t) = min {d(s, u) + d(u, v) + d(v, t): u ∈ A(s), v ∈ A(t)} . (7.1) Equation 7.1 implies that the shortest path between nodes that are not near to each other goes through transit nodes at both ends. In principle, we can pick any set of transit nodes, any access mapping, and any locality filter fulfilling Equation (7.1) to obtain a transit node query algorithm: Assume we have precomputed all distances between nodes in T . If ¬L(s, t) then compute d(s, t) using Equation (7.1). Else, use any other routing algorithm. Of course, we want a good choice of (T , A, L). T should be small but allow many global queries, L should efficiently identify as many of these global query pairs as possi- ble, and we should be able to store and evaluate A efficiently. We can apply a second layer of generalised transit node routing to the remaining local queries (that may dominate some real world applications). We have a node set T2 ⊃ T , T2 an access mapping A2 : V → 2 , and a locality filter L2 such that ¬L2(s, t) implies that the shortest path distance is defined by Equation 7.1 or by

d(s, t) = min {d(s, u) + d(u, v) + d(v, t): u ∈ A2(s), v ∈ A2(t)} . (7.2) In order to be able to evaluate Equation 7.2 efficiently we need to precompute the local connections from {d(u, v): u, v ∈ T2 ∧ L(u, v)} which cannot be obtained using Equation 7.1. In an analogous way we can add further layers.

7.4.1 Computing Transit Nodes Computing Access Nodes: Backward Approach. Start a Dijkstra search from each transit node v ∈ T . Run it until all paths leading to nodes in the priority queue pass over another node w ∈ T . Record v as an access node for any node u on a shortest path from v that does not lead over another node in T . Record an edge (v, w) with weight d(v, w) for a transit graph G[T ] = (T ,ET ). When this local search has been performed from all transit nodes, we have found all access nodes and the distance table can be computed using an all-pairs shortest path computation in G[T ].

Layer 2 Information is computed similarly to the top level information except that a search on the transit graph G[T2] can be stopped when all paths in the priority queue pass over a top level transit node w ∈ T . Level 2 distances from each node v ∈ T2 can be stored space efficiently in a static hash table. We only need to store distances that actually improve on the distances obtained going via the top level T .

117 Computing Access Nodes: Forward Approach. Start a Dijkstra search from each node u. Stop when all paths in the shortest path tree are ‘covered’ by transit nodes. Take these transit nodes as access points of u. Applied naively, this approach is rather inefficient. However, we can use two tricks to make it efficient. First, during the search we do not relax the edges leaving transit nodes. This leads to the computation of a superset of the access points. Fortunately, this set can be easily reduced if the distances between all transit nodes are already known: if an access point v0 can be reached from u via another access point v on a shortest path, we can discard v0. Second, we can only determine the access point sets A(v) for all nodes v ∈ T2 and the sets A2(u) for all nodes u ∈ V . Then, for any node u, A(u) can be computed as S A(v). v∈A2(u) Again, we can use the reduction technique to remove unnecessary elements from the set union.

Locality Filters. There seem to be two basic approaches to transit node routing. One that starts with a locality filter L and then has to find a good set of transit nodes T for which L works. The other approach starts with T and then has to find a locality filter that can be efficiently evaluated and detects as accurately as possible whether local search is needed. One ap- proach that we found very effective is to use the information gained when computing the distance table for layer i + 1 to define a locality filter for layer i. For example, we can i compute the radius r (u) of a circle around every node u ∈ Ti+1 that contains for each entry d(u, v) in the layer-(i + 1) table the meeting point of a bidirectional search between u and v. We can use this information in several ways. We can (pre)compute conserva- i i tive circle radii for arbitrary nodes v as r (v) := max {||v − u||2 + r (u): u ∈ Ai+1(v)}. Note that even if we are not able to store the information gathered during a precomputa- tion at layer i + 1, it might still make sense to run it in order to gather the more compact locality information.

Combining with Highway Hierachies Nodes on high levels of a highway hierarchy have the property that they are used on short- est paths far away from starting and target nodes. ‘Far away’ is defined with respect to the Dijkstra rank. Hence, it is natural to use (the core of) some level K of the highway hierarchy for the transit node set T . Note that we have quite good (though indirect) con- trol over the resulting size of T by choosing the appropriate neighbourhood sizes and the appropriate value for K =: K1. In our current implementation this is level 4, 5, or 6. In addition, the highway hierarchy helps us to efficiently compute the required information. Note that there is a difference between the level of the highway hierarchy and the layer of transit node search.

118 u v ri(u)


Figure 7.11: Example for the extension of the geometric locality filter. The grey nodes constitute the set Ai+1(v).

We can also combine the techniques of distance tables (many-to-many queries) with tran- sit nodes. Roughly, this algorithm first performs independent backward searches from all transit nodes and stores the gathered distance information in buckets associated with each node. Then, a forward search from each transit node scans all buckets it encounters and uses the resulting path length information to update a table of tentative distances. This approach can be generalised for computing distances at layer i > 1. We use the for- ward approach to compute the access point sets (In our case, we do not perform Dijkstra searches, but highway searches).

7.4.2 Experiments Environment, Instances, and Parameters The experiments were done on one core of an AMD Opteron Processor 270 clocked at 2.0 GHz with 8 GB main memory and 2 × 1 MB L2 cache, running SuSE Linux 10.0 (kernel 2.6.13). The program was compiled by the GNU C++ compiler 4.0.2 using op- timisation level 3. We deal with the same networks we already used for experiments on Highway Hierarchies. We assign average speeds to the road categories, compute for each edge the average travel time, and use it as weight. In addition to this travel time metric, we perform experiments on variants of the European graph with a distance metric and the unit metric. We use two variants of the transit node approach: Variant economical aims at a good compromise between space consumption, preprocessing time and query time. Economi- cal uses two layers and reconstructs the access node set and the locality filter needed for the layer-1 query using information only stored with nodes in T2, i.e., for a layer-1 query

119 with source node s, we build the union S A(u) of all layer-1 access nodes of all u∈A2(s) layer-2 access nodes of s to determine on-the-fly a layer-1 access node set for s. Simi- larly, a layer-1 locality filter for s is built using the locality filters of the layer-2 access nodes. Variant generous accepts larger distance tables by choosing K = 4 (however us- ing somewhat larger neighbourhoods for constructing the hierarchy). Generous stores all information required for a query with every node. To obtain a high quality layer-2 filter L2, the generous variant performs a complete layer-3 preprocessing based on the core of level 1 and also stores a distance table for layer 3. Since it has turned out that a better performance is obtained when the preprocessing starts with a contraction phase, we practically skip the first construction step (by choosing neighbourhood sets that contain only the node itself) so that the first highway network virtually corresponds to the original graph. Then, the first real step is the contraction of level 1 to get its core. Note that compared to numbers presented on Highway Hierar- chies, we use a slightly improved contraction heuristic, which sorts the nodes according to degree and then tries to bypass the node with the smallest degree first.

Main Results Table 7.3 gives the preprocessing times for both road networks and both the travel time and the distance metric; in case of the travel time metric, we distinguish between the economical and the generous variant. In addition, some key facts on the results of the preprocessing, e.g., the sizes of the transit node sets, are presented. It is interesting to observe that for the travel time metric in layer 2 the actual distance table size is only about 0.1% of the size a naive |T2| × |T2| table would have. As expected, the distance metric yields more access points than the travel time metric (a factor 2–3) since not only junctions on very fast roads (which are rare) qualify as access point. The fact that we have to increase the neighbourhood size from level to level in order to achieve an effective shrinking of the highway networks leads to comparatively high preprocessing times for the distance metric. Table 7.4 summarises the average case performance of transit node routing. For the travel time metric, the generous variant achieves average query times more than two or- ders of magnitude lower than highway hierarchies alone. At the cost of a factor 2.4 in query time, the economical variant saves around a factor of two in space and a factor of 3.5 in preprocessing time. Finding a good locality filter is one of the biggest challenges of a highway hierarchy based implementation of transit node routing. The values in Tab. 7.4 indicate that our filter is suboptimal: for instance, only 0.0064% of the queries performed by the economical variant in the US network with the travel time metric would require a local search to answer them correctly. However, the locality filter L2 forces us to perform local searches in 0.278% of all cases. The high-quality layer-2 filter employed by the generous variant

120 layer 1 layer 2 layer 3 metric variant |T | |table| |A| |T2| |table2| |A2| |T3| |table3| space time [× 106] [× 106] [× 106] [B/node] [h] eco 12 111 147 6.1 184 379 30 4.9 –– 111 0:59 USAtime gen 10 674 114 5.7 485 410 204 4.2 3 855 407 173 244 3:25 dist eco 15 399 237 17.0 102 352 41 10.9 –– 171 8:58 eco 8 964 80 10.1 118 356 20 5.5 –– 110 0:46 EURtime gen 11 293 128 9.9 323 356 130 4.1 2 954 721 119 251 2:44 dist eco 11 610 135 20.3 69 775 31 13.1 –– 193 7:05

Table 7.3: Statistics on preprocessing for the highway hierarchy approach. For each layer, we give the size (in terms of number of transit nodes), the number of entries in the distance table, and the average number of access points to the layer. ‘Space’ is the total overhead of our approach.

layer 1 [%] layer 2 [%] layer 3 [%] metric variant correct stopped correct stopped correct stopped query time eco 99.86 98.87 99.9936 99.7220 – – 11.5 µs USA time gen 99.89 99.20 99.9986 99.9862 99.99986 99.99984 4.9 µs dist eco 98.43 91.90 99.9511 97.7648 – – 87.5 µs eco 99.46 97.13 99.9908 99.4157 – – 13.4 µs EUR time gen 99.74 98.65 99.9985 99.9810 99.99981 99.99972 5.6 µs dist eco 95.32 81.68 99.8239 95.7236 – – 107.4 µs Table 7.4: Performance of transit node routing with respect to 10 000 000 randomly cho- sen (s, t)-pairs. Each query is performed in a top-down fashion. For each layer i, we report the percentage of the queries that is answered correctly in some layer ≤ i and the percentage of the queries that is stopped after layer i (i.e., ¬Li(s, t)). is considerably more effective, still the percentage of false positives is about 90%. For the distance metric, the situation is worse. Only 92% and 82% of the queries are stopped after the top layer has been searched (for the US and the European net- work, respectively). This is due to the fact that we had to choose the cores of levels 6 and 4 as layers 1 and 2 since the shrinking of the highway networks is less effective so that lower levels would be too big. It is important to note that we concentrated on the travel time metric—since we consider the travel time metric more important for practical applications—, and we spent comparatively little time to tune our approach for the dis- tance metric. For example, a variant using a third layer (namely levels 6, 4, and 2 as layers 1, 2, and 3), which is not yet supported by our implementation, seems to be promising. Nevertheless, the current version shows feasibility and still achieves an improvement of a factor of 71 and 56 (for the US and the European network, respectively) over high- way hierarchies alone. We use again a box-and-whisker plot to account for variance in

121 s] economical µ generous Query Time [ 5 10 20 40 100 300 1000 5 10 20 40 100 300 1000

25 26 27 28 29 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224

Dijkstra Rank

Figure 7.12: Query times for the USA with the travel time metric as a function of Dijkstra rank. query times. For the generous approach, we can easily recognise the three layers of transit node routing with small transition zones in between: For ranks 218–224 we usually have ¬L(s, t) and thus only require cheap distance table accesses in layer 1. For ranks 212– 216, we need additional look-ups in the table of layer 2 so that the queries get somewhat more expensive. In this range, outliers can be considerably more costly, indicating that occasional local searches are needed. For small ranks we usually need local searches and additional look-ups in the table of layer 3. Still, the combination of a local search in a very small area and table look-ups in all three layers usually results in query times of only about 20 µs. In the economical approach, we observe a high variance in query times for ranks 215– 216. In this range, all types of queries occur and the difference between the layer-1 queries and the local queries is rather big since the economical variant does not make use of a third layer. For smaller ranks, we see a picture very similar to basic highway hierarchies with query time growing logarithmically with Dijkstra rank.

7.4.3 Complete Description of the Shortest Path For a given node pair (s, t), in order to get a complete description of the shortest s-t-path, we first perform a transit node query and determine the layer i that is used to obtain the shortest path distance. Then, we have to determine the path from s to the forward access point u to layer i, the path from the backward access point v to t, and the path from u to

122 v. In case of a local query, we can fall back on a normal highway search. Currently, we provide an efficient implementation only for the case that the path goes through the top layer. In all other cases, we just perform a normal highway search. The effect on the average times is very small since more than 99% of the queries are correctly answered using only the top search (in case of the travel time metric; cp. Tab. 7.4). When a node s and one of its access points u are given, we can determine the next node on the shortest path from s to u by considering all adjacent nodes s0 of s and checking whether d(s, s0) + d(s0, u) = d(s, u). In most cases, the distance d(s0, u) is directly available since u is also an access point of s0. In a few cases—when u is not an access point of s0—, we have to consider all access points u0 of s0 and check whether d(s, s0) + d(s0, u0)+d(u0, u) = d(s, u). Note that d(u0, u) can be looked up in the top distance table. Using this subroutine, we can determine the path from s to the forward access point u and from the backward access point v to t. A similar procedure can be used to find the path from u to v. However, in this case, we consider only adjacent nodes u0 of u that belong to the top layer as well because only for these nodes we can look up d(u0, v). Since there are shortest paths between top layer nodes that leave the top layer—we call such paths hidden paths—, we execute an additional preprocessing step that determines all hidden paths and stores them in a special data structure (after the used shortcuts have been expanded). Whenever we cannot find the next node on the path to v considering only adjacent nodes in the top layer, we look for the right hidden path that leads to the next node in the top layer. In Tab. 7.5 we give the additional preprocessing time and the additional disk space for the hidden paths and the unpacking data structures. Furthermore, we report the additional time that is needed to determine a complete description of the shortest path and to traverse5 it summing up the weights of all edges as a sanity check—assuming that the distance query has already been performed. That means that the total average time to determine a shortest path is the time given in Tab. 7.5 plus the query time given in Tab. 7.4.

7.5 Dynamic Shortest Path Computation

The successful methods we saw until now are static, i.e., they assume that the network— including its edge weights—does not change. This makes it possible to preprocess some information once and for all that can be used to accelerate all subsequent point-to-point queries. However, real road networks change all the time. In this section, we address two such dynamic scenarios: individual edge weight updates, e.g., due to traffic jams, and switching between different cost functions that take vehicle type, road restrictions, or driver preferences into account.

5Note that we do not traverse the path in the original graph, but we directly scan the assembled descrip- tion of the path.

123 preproc. space query # hops [min] [MB] [µs] (avg.) USA 4:04 193 258 4 537 EUR 7:43 188 155 1 373 Table 7.5: Additional preprocessing time, additional disk space and query time that is needed to determine a complete description of the shortest path and to traverse it summing up the weights of all edges—assuming that the query to determine its lengths has already been performed. Moreover, the average number of hops—i.e., the average path length in terms of number of nodes—is given. These figures refer to experiments on the graphs with the travel time metric using the generous variant.

7.5.1 Covering Nodes We now introduce the concept of “covering nodes”, which will be useful later.

Problem Definition. During a Dijkstra search from s, we say that a settled node u is covered by a node set V 0 if there is at least one node v ∈ V 0 on the path from the root s to u. A queued node is covered if its tentative parent is covered. The current partial shortest-path tree T is covered if all currently queued nodes are covered. All nodes v ∈ V 0 ∩ T that have no 0 parent in T that is covered are covering nodes, forming the set CG(V , s). The crucial subroutine of all algorithms in the subsequent sections takes a graph G, 0 0 a node set V , and a root s and determines all covering nodes CG(V , s). We distinguish between four different ways of doing this.

Conservative Approach. The conservative variant (Fig. 7.13 (a)) works in the obvious way: a search from s is stopped as soon as the current partial shortest-path tree T is covered. Then, it is straight- forward to read off all covering nodes. However, if the partial shortest-path tree contains one path that is not covered for a long time, the tree can get very big even though all other branches might have been covered very early. In our application, this is a critical issue due to long-distance ferry connections.

Aggressive Approach. As an overreaction to the above observation, we might want to define an aggressive vari- ant that does not continue the search from any covering node, i.e., some branches might

124 svwxyu suvwxy

(a) conservative (b) aggressive

wake suvwxy suvwxy stall (c) stall-in-advance (d) stall-on-demand

Figure 7.13: Simple example for the computation of covering nodes. We assume that all edges have weight 1 except for the edges (s, v) and (s, x), which have weight 10. In each case, the search process is started from s. The set V 0 consists of all nodes that are represented by a square. Thick edges belong to the search tree T . Nodes that belong to 0 the computed superset CG(V , s) of the covering nodes are highlighted in grey. Note that the actual covering node set contains only one node, namely u. be terminated early, while only the non-covered paths are followed further on. Unfortu- nately, this provokes two problems. First, we can no longer guarantee that T contains 0 only shortest paths. As a consequence, we get a superset CG(V , s) of the covering nodes, which still can be used to obtain correct results. However, the performance will be im- paired. In Section 7.5.2, we will explain how to reduce a given superset rather efficiently in order to obtain the exact covering node set. Second, the tree T can get even bigger since the search might continue around the covering nodes where we pruned the search.6 In our example (Fig. 7.13 (b)), the search is pruned at u so that v is reached using a much longer path that leads around u. As a consequence, w is superfluously marked as a covering node.

Stall-in-Advance Technique. If we decide not to prune the search immediately, but to go on ‘for a while’ in order to stall other branches, we obtain a compromise between the conservative and the aggressive variant, which we call stall-in-advance. One heuristic we use prunes the search at node z when the path explored from s to z contains p nodes of V 0 for some tuning parameter p. Note that for p := 1, the stall-in-advance variant corresponds to the aggressive variant. In our example (Fig. 7.13 (c)), we use p := 2. Therefore, the search is pruned not until w is settled. This stalls the edge (s, v) and, in contrast to (b), the node v is covered. Still, the search is pruned too early so that the edge (s, x) is used to settle x.

6Note that the query algorithm of the separator-based approach virtually uses the aggressive variant to compute covering nodes. This is reasonable since the search can never ‘escape’ the component where it started.

125 Stall-on-Demand Technique. In the stall-in-advance variant, relaxing an edge leaving a covered node is based on the ‘hope’ that this might stall another branch. However, our heuristic is not perfect, i.e., some edges are relaxed in vain, while other edges which would have been able to stall other branches, are not relaxed. Since we are not able to make the perfect decision in advance, we introduce a fourth variant, namely stall-on-demand. It is an extension of the aggressive variant, i.e., at first, edges leaving a covered node are not relaxed. However, if such a node u is reached later via another path, it is woken up and a breadth-first search (BFS) is performed from that node: an adjacent node v that has already been reached by the main search is inserted into the BFS queue if we can prove that the best path P found so far is suboptimal. This is certainly the case if the path from s via u to v is shorter than P . All nodes encountered during the BFS are marked as stalled. The main search is pruned at stalled nodes. Furthermore, stalled nodes are never marked as covering nodes. The stalling process cannot invalidate the correctness since only nodes are stalled that otherwise would contribute to suboptimal paths. In our example (Fig. 7.13 (d)), the search is pruned at u. When v is settled, we assume that the edge (v, w) is relaxed first. Then, the edge (v, u) wakes the node u up. A stalling process (a BFS search) is started from u. The nodes v and w are marked as stalled. When w is settled, its outgoing edges are not relaxed. Similarly, the edge (x, w) wakes the stalled node w and another stalling process is performed.

7.5.2 Static Highway-Node Routing Multi-Level Overlay Graph.

For given highway-node sets V =: V0 ⊇ V1 ⊇ ... ⊇ VL, we give a definition of the multi-level overlay graph G = (G0,G1, ..., GL): G0 := G and for each ` > 0, we have G` := (V`,E`) with E` := {(s, t) ∈ V` × V` | ∃ shortest path P = hs, u1, u2, . . . , uk, ti in G`−1 s.t. ∀i : ui 6∈ V`}.

Node Selection We can choose any highway node sets to get a correct procedure. However, the efficiency of both the preprocessing and the query very much depends on the highway node sets. Roughly speaking, a node that lies on a lot of shortest paths should belong to the node set of a high level. In a first implementation, we use the set of level-` core nodes of the highway hierarchy of G as highway node set V`. In other words, we let the construction procedure of the highway hierarchies decide the importance of the nodes.

126 7.5.3 Construction The multi-level overlay graph is constructed in a bottom-up fashion. In order to con- struct level ` > 0, we perform for each node s ∈ V` a Dijkstra search in G`−1 that is stopped as soon as the partial shortest-path tree is covered by V` \{s}. For each path P = hs, u1, u2, . . . , uk, ti in T with the property that ∀i : ui 6∈ V`, we add an edge (s, t) with weight w(P ) to E`.

Theorem 11 The construction algorithm yields the multi-level overlay graph.

Faster Construction Heuristics. Using the above construction procedure, we en- counter the same performance problems and provide similar solutions than for the High- way Hierarchies: if the partial shortest-path tree contains a path that is not covered by a highway node for a long time, the tree can get very big even though all other branches might have been covered very early. In particular, we observed this behaviour in the Euro- pean road network for long-distance ferry connections and for some long dead-end streets in the Alps. It is possible to prune the search at any settled node that is covered by V` \{s}. However, applying this aggressive pruning technique has two disadvantages. First, we can no longer guarantee that T contains only shortest paths. As a consequence, we obtain a superset of E`, which does not invalidate the correctness of the query, but which slows it down. Second, the tree T can get even bigger since the search might continue on slower roads around the nodes where we pruned the search. It turns out that a good compromise is to prune only some edges at some nodes. We use two heuristic pruning rules. First, if for the current covered node u and some constant ∆, we have d(s, u) + ∆ < min {δ(v) | v reached, not settled, not covered by V` \{s}}, then u’s edges are not relaxed. Second, if on the path from s to the current node u, there are at least p nodes in some level ` (for some constant p), then all edges (u, v) in levels < ` are pruned. After efficiently computing a superset of an overlay edge set E`, we can apply a fast reduction step to get rid of the superfluous edges: for each node u ∈ V`, we perform a search in G` (instead of G`−1) till all adjacent nodes have been settled. For any node v that has been settled via a path that consists of more than one edge, we can remove the edge (u, v) since a (better) alternative that does not require this edge has been found.

7.5.4 Query The query algorithm is a bidirectional procedure: the backward search works completely analogously to the forward search so that it is sufficient to describe only the forward search. The search is performed in a bottom-up fashion. We perform a Dijkstra search from s in G0 and stop the search as soon as the search tree is covered by V1. From all covering nodes, the search is continued in G1 until it is covered by V2, and so on. In

127 the topmost level, we can abort when forward and backward search meet. Figure 7.14 contains the pseudo-code of the query algorithm for the forward direction.

input: source node s; VL+1 := ∅; // to avoid case distinctions S0 := {s}; δ0(s) := 0; for ` := 0 to L do 0 0 0 V` := V` ∪ {s }; // s is a new artificial node 0 0 0 E` := E` ∪ {(s , u) | u ∈ S`}; w(s , u) := δ`(u); 0 0 0 0 perform Dijkstra search from s in G` := (V` ,E`), stop when search tree is covered by V`+1; S`+1 := ∅; foreach covering node u do add u to S`+1; 0 δ`+1(u) := d(s , u);

Figure 7.14: The query algorithm for the forward direction.

Theorem 12 The query algorithm always finds a shortest path.

7.5.5 Analogies To and Differences From Related Techniques Transit Node Routing. Let us consider a Dijkstra search from some node in a road network. We observe that some branches are very important—they extend through the whole road network—, while other branches are stalled by the more important branches at some point. For instance, there might be all types of roads (motorways, national roads, rural roads) that leave a certain region around the source node, but usually the branches that leave the region via rural roads end at some point since all further nodes are reached on a faster path using motorways or national roads. The transit node routing exploits this observation: not all nodes that separate different regions are selected as transit nodes, but only the nodes on the important branches. Multi-level highway node routing uses the same argument to select the highway nodes. However, the distances from each node to the neighbouring highway nodes are not pre- calculated but computed during the query (using an algorithm very similar to the prepro- cessing algorithm for transit node routing). Moreover, the distances between all highway nodes are not represented by tables, but by overlay graphs. The algorithms to construct the overlay graphs and to compute the distance tables for transit node routing (except for the topmost table) are very similar. The fact that multi-level highway node routing relies on less precomputed data allows the implementation of an efficient update operation.

128 Multi-Level Overlay Graphs. In contrast to transit node and multi-level highway node routing, in the original multi-level approach all nodes that separate different regions are selected, which leads to a comparatively high average node degree. This has a negative impact on the performance. Let us consider the original approach with the new selection strategy, i.e., only ‘important’ nodes are selected. Then, the graph is typically not decom- posed into many small components so that the following performance problem arises in the query algorithm. From the highway/separator nodes, only edges of the overlay graph are relaxed. As a consequence, the unimportant branches are not stalled by the important branches. Thus, since the separator nodes on the unimportant branches have not been selected, the search might extend through large parts of the road network. To sum up, there are two major steps to get from the original to the new multi-level approach: first, select only ‘important’ nodes and second, at highway/separator nodes, do not switch immediately to the next level, but keep relaxing low-level edges ‘for a while’ until you can be sure that slow branches have been stalled.

Highway Hierarchies. We use the preprocessing of the highway hierarchies in order to select the highway nodes for our new approach. However, this is not the sole connection between both methods. In fact, we can interpret multi-level highway node routing as a modification of the highway hierarchy approach. (In particular, our actual implementation is a modification of the highway hierarchy program code.) An overlay graph can be represented by shortcut edges that belong to the appropriate level of the hierarchy. There are two main differences. First, the neighbourhood of a node is defined in different ways. In case of the highway hierarchies, for a given parameter H, the H closest nodes belong to the neighbourhood. In case of multi-level highway node routing, all nodes belong to the neighbourhood that are settled by a search that is stopped when the search tree is covered by the highway node set. Second, in case of the highway hierarchies, we decide locally when to switch to the next level, namely when the neighbourhood is left at some node. In case of multi-level highway node routing, we decide globally when to switch to the next level, namely when the complete search tree (not only the current branch) is covered by the highway node set7. By this modification, important branches can stall slow branches.

7.5.6 Dynamic Multi-Level Highway Node Routing Various Scenarios We could consider several types of changes in road networks, e.g.,

7This is a simplified description. As mentioned in Section 7.5.4, we enhance the query algorithm by some rules in order to deal with special cases like long-distance ferry connections more efficiently.

129 a) The structure of the road network changes: new roads are built, old roads are de- molished. That means, edges can be added and removed. b) A different cost function is used, which means that potentially all edge weights change. For example, a cost function can take into account different weightings of travel time, distance, and fuel consumption. With respect to travel time, we can think of dif- ferent profiles of average speeds for each road category. In addition, for certain vehicle types there might be restrictions on some roads (e.g., bridges and tunnels). For many ‘reasonable’ cost functions, properties of the road network (like the inherent hierarchy) are possibly weakened, but not completely destroyed or even inverted. For instance, both a truck and a sports car—despite going different speeds—drive faster on a motorway than on an urban street. c) An unexpected incident occurs: the travel time of a certain road or several roads in some area changes, e.g., due to a traffic jam. That means, a single or a few edge weights change. While a traffic jam causes a slow-down, the cancellation of a traffic jam causes a speed-up so that we have to deal with both increasing and decreasing edge weights. d) The edge weights depend on the time of day according to some function known in advance. For example, such a function takes into account the rush hours. The following paragraphs deal with type b) and c), respectively. We do not (explicitly) handle type a) since the addition of a new edge is a comparatively rare event in practical applications and the removal can be emulated by an edge weight change to infinity. Type d) is not (yet) covered by our work. In case of type c), we can think of a server and mobile scenario: in the former, a server has to react to incoming events by updating its data structures so that any point- to-point query can be answered correctly; in the latter, a mobile device has to react to incoming events by (re)computing a single point-to-point query taking into account the new situation. In the server scenario, it pays to invest some time to perform the update operation since a lot of queries depend on it. In the mobile scenario however, we do not want to waste time for updating parts of the graph that are irrelevant to the current query. In this paper, we concentrate on the server scenario.

Complete Recomputation The more time-consuming part of the preprocessing is the determination of the highway node sets. As stated above, we assume that the application of a different profile of average speeds will not completely invalidate the hierarchical properties of the road network, i.e., a node that has been very important usually will not get completely unimportant and vice versa when a different vehicle type is used. Thus, we can still expect a good query per- formance when keeping the highway node sets and recomputing only the overlay graphs. In order to do so, we do not need any additional data structures. We can directly use the static approach omitting the first preprocessing step (the determination of the highway

130 input: set of edges Em with modified weight; m m define set of modified nodes: V0 := {u | (u, v) ∈ E }; foreach level ` ≥ 1 do m V` := ∅; S ` foreach node v ∈ m A do u ∈V`−1 u repeat construction step from v; m if something changes, put v to V` ;

Figure 7.15: The update algorithm that deals with a set of edge weight changes. node sets).

Updating a Few Edge Weights Similar to the previous paragraph, when a single or a few edge weights change, we keep the highway node sets and update only the overlay graphs. In contrast to the previous sce- nario, we do not have to repeat the complete construction from scratch, but it is sufficient to perform the construction step only from nodes that might be affected by the change. Certainly, a node v whose partial shortest-path tree of the initial construction did not con- tain any node u of a modified edge (u, x) is not affected: if we repeated the construction step from v, we would get exactly the same partial shortest-path tree and, consequently, the same result. During the first construction (and all subsequent update operations), we manage sets ` Au of nodes whose level-` preprocessing might be affected when an outgoing edge of u changes: when a level-` construction step from some node v is performed, for each node ` u in the partial shortest-path tree, we add v to Au. Note that these sets can be stored explicitly (as we do it in our current implementation) or we could store a superset, e.g., by some kind of geometric container (a disk, for instance). Figure 7.15 contains the pseudo-code of the update algorithm.

Theorem 13 After the update operation, we have the same situation as if we had repeated the complete construction procedure from scratch.

7.5.7 Experiments Environment and Instances. The experiments were done on one core of a single AMD Opteron Processor 270 clocked at 2.0 GHz with 8 GB main memory and 2 × 1 MB L2 cache, running SuSE Linux

131 10.0 (kernel 2.6.13). The program was compiled by the GNU C++ compiler 4.0.2 using optimisation level 3. We deal with the road network of Western Europe which was already used in the last sections. It consists of 18 029 721 nodes and 42 199 587 directed edges. The original graph contains for each edge a length and a road category. There are four major road categories (motorway, national road, regional road, urban street), which are divided into three subcategories each. In addition, there is one category for forest and gravel roads. We assign average speeds (130, 120, ..., 10 km/h)8 to the road categories, compute for each edge the average travel time, and use it as weight. We call this our default speed profile. Experiments which we did on a US and Canadian road network of roughly the same size (provided by PTV as well) show exactly the same relative behaviour as in section 7.3.4, namely that it is slightly more difficult to handle North America than Europe (e.g., 20% slower query times). We give detailed results only for Europe. For now, we report the times needed to compute the shortest-path distance between two nodes without outputting the actual route. Note that we could also output full path descriptions. The query times are averages based on 10 000 randomly chosen (s, t)-pairs. In addition to providing average values, we use the methodology from 7.9 in order to plot query times against the ‘distance’ of the target from the source, where in this context, the Dijkstra rank is used as a measure of distance: for a fixed source s, the Dijkstra rank of a node t is the rank w.r.t. the order which Dijkstra’s algorithm settles the nodes in. Such plots are based on 1 000 random source nodes. After performing a lot of preliminary experiments, we decided to apply the stall-in-advance technique to the construction and update process (with p := 1 for the construction of level 1 and p := 5 for all other levels) and the stall-on-demand technique to the query.

Highway Hierarchy Construction. In order to determine the highway node sets, we construct seven levels of the highway hierarchy using our default speed profile and neighbourhood size H = 70. This can be done in 16 minutes. For all further experiments, these highway-node sets are used.

Static Scenario. The first data column of Tab. 7.6 contains the construction time of the multi-level overlay graph and the average query performance for the default speed profile. Figure 7.16 shows the query performance against the Dijkstra rank. The disk space overhead of the static variant is 8 bytes per node to store the additional edges of the multi-level overlay graph and the level data associated with the nodes. Note that this overhead can be further reduced to as little as 2.0 bytes per node yielding query times of 1.55 ms (Tab. 7.9). The

8we call this our speed profile

132 speed profile default (reduced) fast car slow car slow truck distance constr. [min] 1:40 (3:04) 1:41 1:39 1:36 3:56 query [ms] 1.17 (1.12) 1.20 1.28 1.50 35.62 #settled nodes 1 414 (1 382) 1 444 1 507 1 667 7 057 Table 7.6: Construction time of the overlay graphs and query performance for different speed profiles using the same highway-node sets. For the default speed profile, we also give results for the case that the edge reduction step (Section 7.5.2) is applied.

any road type motorway national regional urban |change set| + − ∞ × + − ∞ × + ∞ + ∞ + ∞ 1 2.7 2.5 2.8 2.6 40.0 40.0 40.1 37.3 19.9 20.3 8.4 8.6 2.1 2.1 1000 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.4 8.4 8.1 8.3 8.1 7.1 7.1 5.3 5.3 2.0 2.0 Table 7.7: Update times per changed edge [ms] for different road types and different update types: add a traffic jam (+), cancel a traffic jam (−), block a road (∞), and multiply the weight by 10 (×). Due to space constraints, some columns are omitted.

affected #settled nodes query time [ms] |change set| queries absolute relative init search total 1 0.6 % 2 347 (1.7) 0.3 2.0 2.3 10 6.3 % 8 294 (5.9) 1.9 7.2 9.1 100 41.3 % 43 042 (30.4) 10.6 36.9 47.5 1 000 82.6 % 200 465 (141.8) 62.0 181.9 243.9 10 000 97.5 % 645 579 (456.6) 309.9 627.1 937.0 Table 7.8: Query performance depending on the number of edge weight changes (select only motorways, multiply weight by 10). For ≤ 100 changes, 100 different edge sets are considered; for ≥ 1 000 changes, we deal only with one set. For each set, 1 000 queries are performed. We give the average percentage of queries whose shortest-path length is affected by the changes, the average number of settled nodes (also relative to zero changes), and the average query time, broken down into the init phase where the reliable levels are determined and the search phase.

133 preprocessing static queries updates dynamic queries time space time #settled compl. single #settled nodes method [min] [B/node] [ms] nodes [min] [ms] 10 chgs. 1000 chgs. HH pure 17 28 1.16 1 662 17 – –– StHNR 19 8 1.12 1 382 3 – –– StHNR mem 24 2 1.55 2 453 8 – –– DynHNR 18 32 1.17 1 414 2 37 8 294 200 465 DynALT-16 (85) 128 (53.6) 74 441 (6) (2 036) 75 501 255 754 Table 7.9: Comparison between pure highway hierarchies, three variants of highway- node routing (HNR), and dynamic ALT-16 [36]. ‘Space’ denotes the average disk space overhead. We give execution times for both a complete recomputation using a similar cost function and an update of a single motorway edge multiplying its weight by 10. Fur- thermore, we give search space sizes after 10 and 1 000 edge weight changes (motorway, ×10) for the mobile scenario. Time measurements in parentheses have been obtained on a similar, but not identical machine. Query Time [ms] 0 1 2 0 1 2

211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Figure 7.16: Query performance against Dijkstra rank for the default speed profile, with edge reduction. Each box represents the three quartiles box-and-whisker plot

134 total disk space9 of 32 bytes per node also includes the original edges and a mapping from original to internal node IDs (that is needed since the nodes are reordered by level).

Changing the Cost Function. In addition to our default speed profile, Tab. 7.6 also gives the construction and query times for a few other selected speed profiles (which have been provided by the company PTV AG) using the same highway-node sets. Note that for most road categories, our profile is slightly faster than PTV’s fast car profile. The last speed profile (‘distance’) vir- tually corresponds to a distance metric since for each road type the same constant speed is assumed. The performance in case of the three PTV travel time profiles is quite close to the performance for the default profile. Hence, we can switch between these profiles without recomputing the highway-node sets. The constant speed profile is a rather diffi- cult case. Still, it would not completely fail, although the performance gets considerably worse. We assume that any other ‘reasonable’ cost function would rank somewhere be- tween our default and the constant profile.

Updating a Few Edge Weights (Server Scenario).

` In the dynamic scenario, we need additional space to manage the affected node sets Au. Furthermore, the edge reduction step is not yet supported in the dynamic case so that the total disk space usage increases to 56 bytes per node. In contrast to the static variant, the main memory usage is considerably higher than the disk space usage (around a factor of two) mainly because the dynamic data structures maintain vacancies that might be filled during future update operations. We can expect different performances when updating very important roads (like mo- torways) or very unimportant ones (like urban streets, which are usually only relevant to very few connections). Therefore, for each of the four major road categories, we pick 1 000 edges at random. In addition, we randomly pick 1 000 edges irrespective of the road type. For each of these edge sets, we consider four types of updates: first, we add a traffic jam to each edge (by increasing the weight by 30 minutes); second, we cancel all traffic jams (by setting the original weights); third, we block all edges (by increasing the weights by 100 hours, which virtually corresponds to ‘infinity’ in our scenario); fourth, we mul- tiply the weights by 10 in order to allow comparisons to [36]. For each of these cases, Tab. 7.7 gives the average update time per changed edge. We distinguish between two change set sizes: dealing with only one change at a time and processing 1 000 changes simultaneously.

9The main memory usage is somewhat higher. However, we cannot give exact numbers for the static variant since our implementation does not allow to switch off the dynamic data structures.

135 As expected, the performance depends mainly on the selected edge and hardly on the type of update. The average execution times for a single update operation range between 40 ms (for motorways) and 2 ms (for urban streets). Usually, an update of a motorway edge requires updates of most levels of the overlay graph, while the effects of an urban- street update are limited to the lowest levels. We get a better performance when several changes are processed at once: for example, 1 000 random motorway segments can be updated in about 8 seconds. Note that such an update operation will be even more efficient when the involved edges belong to the same local area (instead of being randomly spread), which might be a common case in real-world applications.

Updating a Few Edge Weights (Mobile Scenario). Table 7.8 shows for the most difficult case (updating motorways) that using our modified query algorithm we can omit the comparatively expensive update operation and still get acceptable execution times, at least if only a moderate amount of edge weight changes occur. Additional experiments have confirmed that, similar to the results in Tab. 7.7, the performance does not depend on the update type (add 30 minutes, multiply by 10, ...), but on the edge type (motorway, urban street, ...) and, of course, on the number of updates.

Comparisons. Highway-node routing has similar preprocessing and query times as pure highway hier- archies, but (in the static case) a significantly smaller memory overhead. Table 7.9 gives detailed numbers, and it also contains a comparison to the dynamic ALT approach [36] with 16 landmarks. We can conclude that as a stand-alone method, highway-node routing is (clearly) superior to dynamic ALT w.r.t. all studied aspects.10

10Note that our comparison concentrates on only one variant of dynamic ALT: different landmark sets can yield different tradeoffs. Also, better results can be expected when a lot of very small changes are involved. Moreover, dynamic ALT can turn out to be very useful in combination with other dynamic speedup techniques yet to come.

136 Chapter 8

Minimum Spanning Trees

The section on the I-Max-Filteralgorithm is based on [37]. The external memory algo- rithm is described in [38] and the addition on connected components was taken from [6].

8.1 Definition & Basic Remarks

Consider a connected1 undirected graph G = (V,E) with positive edge weights c : E → R+.A minimum spanning tree (MST) of G is defined by a set T ⊆ E of edges such that P the graph (V,T ) is connected and c(T ) := e∈T c(e) is minimized. It is not difficult to see that T forms a tree2 and hence contains n − 1 edges. Because MSTs are such a simple concept, they also show up in many seemingly unre- lated problems such as clustering, finding paths that minimize the maximum edge weight used, or finding approximations for harder problems like TSP.

8.1.1 Two important properties The following two properties are the base for nearly every MST algorithm. On an abstract level they even suffice to formulate the algorithms by Kruskal and Prim presented later.

Cut Property: Consider a proper subset S of V and an edge e ∈ {(s, t):(s, t) ∈ E, s ∈ S, t ∈ V \ S} with minimal weight. Then there is an MST T of G that contains e.

Proof: Consider any MST T 0 of G. Since T 0 is a tree, T 0 contains a unique edge e0 ∈ T 0 connecting a node from S with a node from V \ S. Furthermore, T 0 \{e0} defines a spanning trees for S and V \ S and hence T = (T 0 \{e0}) ∪ {e} defines a spanning

1If G is not connected, we may ask for a minimum spanning forest — a set of edges that defines an MST for each connected component of G. 2In this chapter we often identify a set of edges T with a subgraph of (V,T ).

137 1 5 2 9 7 2 4 3

Figure 8.1: The cut property

1 5 2 9 7 2 4 3

Figure 8.2: The cycle property tree. By our assumption, c(e) ≤ c(e0) and therefore c(T ) ≤ c(T 0). Since T 0 is an MST, we have c(T ) = c(T 0) and hence T is also an MST. Cycle Property: Consider any cycle C ⊆ E and an edge e ∈ C with maximal weight. Then any MST of G0 = (V,E \{e}) is also an MST of G.

Proof: Consider any MST T of G. Since trees contain no cycles, there must be some edge e0 ∈ C \ T . If e = e0 then T is also an MST of G0 and we are done. Otherwise, T 0 = {e0} ∪ T \{e} forms another tree and since c(e0) ≤ c(e), T 0 must also form an MST of G.

8.2 Classic Algorithms

The well known Jarnik-Prim algorithm starts from an (arbitrary) source node s and grows a minimum spanning tree by adding one node after the other, using the cut property. The set S is the set of nodes already added to the tree. This choice guarantees that the smallest edge leaving S is not in the tree yet. This high-level description is of course not suited for implementation. The main chal- lenge is to find (u, v) from the cut property efficiently. To this end, the algorithm 8.4 maintains the shortest connection between any node v ∈ V \ S to S in an (adresseable) priority queue q. The smallest element in q gives the desired edge. To add a new node to S, we have to check its incident edges whether they give improved connections to nodes in V \ S. Note that by setting the distance of nodes in S to zero, edges connecting s with a node v ∈ S will be ignored as required by the cut property. This small trick saves a comparison in the innermost loop. It may be interesting to study the form of graph representation we need for the Jarnik- Prim algorithm. The graph is accessed when we add a new node to the tree and scan

138 T:= ∅ S:= {s} for arbitrary start node s repeat n − 1 times find (u, v) fulfilling the cut property for S S:= S ∪ {v} T := T ∪ {(u, v)}

Figure 8.3: Abstract description of the Jarnik-Prim algorithm

Function jpMST(V, E, w): Set of Edge dist=[∞,..., ∞] : Array [1..n] // dist[v] is distance of v from the tree pred : Array of Edge // pred[v] is shortest edge between S and v q : PriorityQueue of Node with dist[·] as priority dist[s] := 0; q.insert(s) for any s ∈ V for i := 1 to n − 1 do do u := q.deleteMin() // new node for S dist[u] := 0 foreach (u, v) ∈ E do if c((u, v)) < dist[v] then dist[v] := c((u, v)); pred[v] := (u, v) if v ∈ q then q.decreaseKey(v) else q.insert(v) return {pred[v]: v ∈ V \{s}}

Figure 8.4: The Jarnik-Prim algorithm using priority queues

139 1 n 5=n+1 1 5 2 V 1 3 5 7 9 9 7 2 E 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 4 3 c 5 9 5 7 7 2 2 9 1 m 8=m+1

Figure 8.5: Adjacency Array

T := ∅ // subforest of the MST foreach (u, v) ∈ E in ascending order of weight do if u and v are in different subtrees of T then T := T ∪ {(u, v)} // Join two subtrees return T

Figure 8.6: An abstract description of Kruskal’s algorithm its edges for new or cheaper connections to nodes outside the tree. An adjacency array (a static variant of the well-known adjacency list) supports this mapping from nodes to incident edges: We maintain the edges in a sorted array, first listing all neighbors of node 1 (and the costs to reach them), then all neighbors of node 2, etc. A second array maintains a pointer for every node leading to the first incident edge. This representation is very cache efficient for our application (in contrast to e.g. a linked list). On the downside, we have to store every edge twice and receive a very static data structure. For analysing the algorithm’s runtime, we have to study the number of priority queue operations (all other instructions run in O(n + m)). We obviously have n deleteMin operations, costing O(log n) each. As every node is regarded exactly once, every edge is regarded exactly once resulting in O(m) decreaseKey operations. The latter can be implemented in amortized time O(1) using Fibonacci Heaps. In total, we have costs of O(m + n log n). This result is partly theoretical as practical implementations will often resort to simpler pairing heaps for which the analysis is still open. Another classic algorithm is due to Kruskal: Again, correctness follows from from the cut property (set S as one of the subtrees connected by (u, v)). For an efficient implementation of this algorithm we need a fast way to determine whether two nodes are in the same subtree. We use the Union-Find data structure for this task: It maintains disjoint sets (in our case containing the subtrees of T ) whose union is V . It allows near-constant operations to identify the subtree a node is in (via the find- operaton) and to merge two subtrees using link. A more general overview over Union-

140 T : UnionFind(n) sort E in ascending order of weight kruskal(E) Procedure kruskal(E) foreach (u, v) ∈ E do u0:= T.find(u) v0:= T.find(v) if u0 6= v0 then output (u, v) T.link(u0, v0)

Figure 8.7: Kruskal’s algorithm using union-find

Find is given in 8.2.1. Using Union-Find, we have a running time of O(sort(m) + mα(m, n)) = O(m log m) where α is the inverse Ackermann function. The necessary graph representation is very simple: An array of edges is enough and can be sorted and scanned very cache efficiently. Every edge is represented only once. Which of these two algorithms is better? As often, there is no easy answer to this question. Kruskal wins for very sparse graphs while Prim’s algorithm is more suited for dense graphs. The switching point is unclear and is heavily dependant on the input representation, the structure of the graphs, etc. Systematic experimental evaluation is required.

8.2.1 Excursus: The Union-Find Data Structure

A partition of a set M into subsets M1,..., Mk has the property that the subsets are disjoint and cover M, i.e., Mi ∪ Mj = ∅ for i 6= j and M = M1 ∪ · · · ∪ Mk. For example, in Kruskal’s algorithm the forest T partitions V into subtrees — including trivial subsets of size one for isolated nodes. Kruskal’s algorithms performs two operations on the partition: Testing whether two elements are in the same subset (subtree) and joining two subsets into one (inserting an edge into T ). The union-find data structure maintains a partition of the set 1..n and supports these two operations. Initially, each element is in its own subset. Each subset is assigned a leader element (or representative). The function find(i) finds the leader of the subset containing i; link(i, j) applied to leaders of different partitions joins these two subsets. Figure 8.8 gives an efficient implementation of this idea. The most important part of the data structure is the array parent. Leaders are their own parents. Following parent

141 Class UnionFind(n : N) // Maintain a partition of 1..n parent=h1, 2, . . . , ni : Array [1..n] of 1..n gen=h0,..., 0i : Array [1..n] of 0.. log n // generation of leaders Function find(i : 1..n): 1..n // picture ‘before’ if parent[i] = i then return i else i0 := find(parent[i]) parent[i] := i0 // path compression return i0 // picture ‘after’ Procedure link(i, j : 1..n) // picture ‘before’ assert i and j are leaders of different subsets if gen[i] < gen[j] then parent[i] := j // balance else parent[j] := i if gen[i] = gen[j] then gen[i]++ Procedure union(i, j : 1..n) if find(i) 6= find(j) then link(find(i), find(j))

Figure 8.8: An efficient Union-Find data structure maintaining a partition of the set {1, . . . , n}. references leads to the leaders. The parent references of a subset form a rooted tree, i.e., a tree with all edges directed towards the root.3 Additionally, each root has a self- loop. Hence, find is easy to implement by following the parent references until a self-loop is encountered. Linking two leaders i and j is also easy to implement by promoting one of the leaders to overall leader and making it the parent of the other. What we have said so far yields a correct but inefficient union-find data structure. The parent references could form long chains that are traversed again and again during find operations. Therefore, Figure 8.8 makes two optimizations. The link operation uses the array gen to limit the depth of the parent trees. Promotion in leadership is based on the seniority principle. The older generation is always promoted. It can be shown that this measure alone limits the time for find to O(log n). The second optimization is path compression. A long chain of parent references is never traversed twice. Rather, find redirects all nodes it traverses directly to the leader. It is possible to prove that these two optimizations together make the union-find data structure “breath-takingly” efficient —

3Note that this tree may have very different structure compared to the corresponding subtree in Kruskal’s algorithm.

142 Procedure quickKruskal(E : Sequence of Edge) if m ≤ βn then kruskal(E) // for some constant β else pick a pivot p ∈ E E≤:= he ∈ E : e ≤ Ei // partitioning a la E>:= he ∈ E : e > Ei // quicksort quickKruskal(E≤) 0 E>:= filter(E>) 0 quickKruskal(E>) Function filter(E) make sure that leader[i] gives the leader of node i // O(n)! return h(u, v) ∈ E : leader[u] 6= leader[v]i

Figure 8.9: The QuickKruskal algorithm the amortized cost of any operation is almost constant.

8.3 QuickKruskal

As Kruskal’s algorithm becomes less attractive for dense graphs, we propose a variant that uses a quicksort-like recursion to deal with those instances: When the average degree is bounded by some constant β (i.e. the graph is sparse) we know that Kruskal’s algorithm performs well. Else, we determine a MST recursively on the smallest edges of the graph, resulting in a set of connected components. Now the sec- ond recursion only has to regard those heavy edges connecting two different components, the others are filtered out. The filtering subroutine makes again use of the Union-Find data structure: We have leader[v] := find(v) to determine the connected component node v is in. Note that n find operations have a running time of O(n)4. We can now attempt an average-case analysis of QuickKruskal: We assume that the weights are unique and randomly chosen, the pivot has median weight. Let T (m) denote the expected execution time for m edges. For m ≤ βn, our base case, we have T (m) = O(m log m) = O(n log n). In the general case, we have costs of O(m + n) = Ω (m) for partitioning and filtering. E≤ has a size of m/2 for an optimal pivot. The key observation here is that the number of edges surviving the filtering is only linear in n.

4this can be shown using amortized analysis: Every element accessed once during a find operation will be a direct successor of its root node, resulting in constant costs for subsequent requests. O(n) is less than the general bound on n union-find operations

143 R:= random sample of r edges from E F :=MST(R) // Wlog assume that F spans V L:= ∅ // “light edges” with respect to R foreach e ∈ E do // Filter C := the unique cycle in {e} ∪ F if e is not heaviest in C then L:= L ∪ {e} return MST((L ∪ F ))

Figure 8.10: A simplified filtering algorithm using random samples

This leads to T (m) = Ω (m)+T (m/2)+T (2n). Since for β ≥ 2, the second recursion will already fall back to the base case, we have the linear recurrence T (m) = Ω (m) + m  n log n + T (m/2) which solves (using stanard techniques) to O m + n log n log n . A hard instance for QuickKruskal would consist of several very dense components consisting of light edges which are connected by heavy edges which would not be sorted out during filtering as the first recursion will concentrate on local MSTs within the components. More concrete: Consider the fully connected graph Kx2 (for x ∈ N) where 4 every node is replaced with another Kx. This graph has O(2x ) edges. Let the “outer“ edges have weight 2 whereas the “inner“ edges have weight 1. The first recursion of QuickKruskal will only regard edges within the Kx components but completely ignore the heavy edges so none of them is filtered out.

8.4 The I-Max-Filter algorithm

A similar approach also resorts to filtering, but the subgraph does not consist of the lightest edges but of a random sample: While Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms make use of the Cut Property, this code’s cor- rectness is guaranteed by the Cycle Property. Its performance depends on the size of L mn and F . It can be shown that if r edges are chosen, we expect only r edges to survive the filtering5. The tricky part in implementing this algorithm is how to determine the heaviest edge in C. We exploit that by renumbering nodes according to the order in which they are added to the MST by the Jarnik-Prim algorithm, heaviest edge queries can be reduced

5this is because for every edge not to be filtered has to be in MST ({e} ∪ R), which has ≤ n elements. n The probability of survival therefore is ≤ r , as r edges are regarded

144 989898 98 75 75 75 56 34 52 7777 7777 77 80 Level 3

98 98 9898 1565 75 75 77 77 77 41 6274 76 80 Level 2

8856 30 98 65 65 7575 52 52 77 7774 74 76 80 Level 1

88 5630 98 15 65 75 56 34 52 77 4162 74 76 80 Level 0

Figure 8.11: Example of a layers array for interval maxima. The suffix sections are marked by an extra surrounding box. to simple interval maximum queries. A proof for this claim can be found in 12.5. We therefore reduced the problem to efficiently compute interval maxima: Given an array a[0] . . . a[n − 1], we explain how max a[i..j] can be computed in con- stant time using preprocessing time and space O(n log n). The emphasis is on very simple and fast queries since we are looking at applications where many more than n log n queries are made. This algorithm might be of independent interest for other applications. Slight modifications of this basic algorithm are necessary in order to use it in the I-Max-Filter algorithm. They will be described later. In the following, we assume that n is a power of two. Adaption to the general case is simple by either rounding up to the next power of two and filling the array with −∞ or by introducing a few case distinctions while initializing the data structure. Consider a complete binary tree built on top of a so that the entries of a are the leaves (see level 0 in Figure 8.11). The idea is to store an array of prefix or suffix maxima with every internal node of the tree. Left successors store suffix maxima. Right successors store prefix maxima. The size of an array is proportional to the size of the subtree rooted at the corresponding node. To compute the interval maximum max a[i..j], let v denote the least common ancestor of a[i] and a[j]. Let u denote the left successor of v and let w denote the right successor of v. Let u[i] denote the suffix maximum corresponding to leaf i in the suffix maxima array stored in u. Correspondingly, let w[j] denote the prefix maximum corresponding to leaf j in the prefix maxima array stored in w. Then max a[i..j] = max(u[i], w[j]). We observed that this approach can be implemented in a very simple way using a log(n) × n array preSuf. As can be seen in Figure 8.11, all suffix and prefix arrays in one layer can be assembled in one array as follows

 max(a[2`b..i]) if b is odd preSuf[`][i] = max(a[i..(2` + 1)b − 1]) otherwise where b = i/2`.

145 //Compute MST of G = ({0, . . . , n − 1} ,E) Function I-Max-Filter-MST(E): set of Edge√ E0 := random sample from E of size mn E00 := JP-MST(E0) Let jpNum[0..n − 1] denote the order in which JP-MST added the nodes Initialize the table preSuf[0.. log n][0..n − 1] //Filtering loop forall edges e = (u, v) ∈ E do ` := msbPos(jpNum[u]⊕jpNum[v]) 00 if we < preSuf[`][jpNum[u]] and we < preSuf[`][jpNum[v]] then add e to E return JP-MST(E00)

Figure 8.12: The I-Max-Filter algorithm.

Furthermore, the interval boundaries can be used to index the arrays. We simply have max a[i..j] = max(preSuf[`][i], preSuf[`][j]) where ` = msbPos(i ⊕ j); ⊕ is the bit- wise exclusive-or operation and msbPos(x) = blog2 xc is equal to the position of the most significant nonzero bit of x (starting at 0). Some architectures have this operation in hardware6; if not, msbPos(x) can be stored in a table (of size n) and found by table lookup. Layer 0 is identical to a. A further optimization stores a pointer to the array preSuf[`] in the layer table. As the computation is symmetric, we can conduct a table lookup with indices i, j without knowing whether i < j or j < i. To use this data structure for the I-Max-Filter algorithm we need a small modification since we are interested in maxima of the form max a[min(i, j) + 1.. max(i, j)] without knowing which of two endpoints is the smaller. Here we simply note that the approach still works if we redefine the suffix maxima to exclude the first entry, i.e., preSuf[`][i] = max(a[i + 1..(2` + 1) i/2` − 1]) if i/2` is even. We can now return to the original problem of finding an MST. Figure 8.12 gives a detailed implementation of the I-Max-Filteralgorithm: The I-Max-Filter algorithm√ computes MSTs in expected time mTfilter + O(n log n + nm) where Tfilter is the time required to query the filter about one edge. The algorithms we saw until now all had specific requirements for the graph repre- sentation. The I-Max-Filter algorithm can be implemented to work well with any rep- resentation that allows sampling edges in time linear in the sample size and that allows fast iteration over all edges. In particular, it is sufficient to store each edge once. Our implementation for I-Max-Filter uses an array in which each edge appears once as (u, v) with u < v and the edges are sorted by source node (u).7

6One trick is to use the exponent in a floating point representation of x. 7These requirements could be dropped at very small cost. In particular, I-Max-Filter can work efficiently

146 Experiments I-Max-Filter should work well for dense graphs where m  n log n. We try to prove this claim in experiments. Both algorithms, JP and I-Max-Filter were implemented in C++ and compiled using GNU g++ version 3.0.4 with optimization level -O6. We use a SUN-Fire-15000 server with 900 MHz UltraSPARC-III+ processors. We performed measurements with four different families of graphs, each with ad- justable edge density ρ = 2m/n(n − 1). A test instance is defined by three parameters: the graph type, the number of nodes and the density of edges (the number of edges is computed from these parameters). Each reported result is the average of ten executions of the relevant algorithm; each on a different randomly generated graph with the given parameters. Furthermore, the I-Max-Filter algorithm is randomized because the sample graph is selected at random. Despite the randomization, the variance of the execution times within one test was consistently very small (less than 1 percent), hence we only plot the averages. Worst-Case: ρ · n(n − 1)/2 edges are selected at random and the edges are assigned weights that cause JP to perform as many Decrease Key operations as possible. Linear-Random: ρ·n(n−1)/2 edges are selected at random. Each edge (u, v) is assigned the weight w(u, v) = |u − v| where u and v are the integer IDs of the nodes. Uniform-Random: ρ · n(n − 1)/2 edges are selected at random and each is assigned an edge weight which is selected uniformly at random. Random-Geometric: Nodes are random 2D points in a 1 × y rectangle for some stretch factor y > 0. Edges are between nodes with Euclidean distance at most α and the weight of an edge is equal to the distance between its endpoints. The parameter α indirectly controls density whereas the stretch factor y allows us to interpolate between behavior similar to class Uniform-Random and behavior similar to class Linear-Random. Fig. 8.13 shows execution times per edge on the SUN for two graph families Worst- Caseand Uniform-Random for n = 10000 nodes and varying density. We can see that I- Max-Filter is up to 2.46 times faster than JP. The speedup is smaller for Uniform-Random graphs. The reason is that for “average” inputs JP needs to perform only a sublinear num- ber of decrease-key operations so that the part of code dominating the execution time of JP is scanning adjacency lists and comparing the weight of each edge with the distance of the target node from the current MST. There is no hope to be significantly faster than that. Hence, when we say that I-Max-Filter outperforms JP this is with respect to space con- sumption, simplicity of input conventions and worst-case performance guarantees rather than average case execution time. On very sparse graphs, I-Max-Filter is up to two times slower than JP, because with a completely unsorted edge array or with an adjacency array representation that stores each edge only in one direction. The latter only needs space for m + n node indices and m edge weights.

147 600





Time per edge [ns] 100 Prim Filter 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Edge density 600





Time per edge [ns] 100 Prim Filter 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Edge density

Figure 8.13: Worst-Case and Uniform-Random graphs, 10000 nodes on a SUN machine.

148 1 5 2 1 7 (was {2,3}) 1 9 7 9 9 2 (was {4,3}) 2 output {1,2} 2 output {2,3} 4 3 5 4 3 7 4

Figure 8.14: Example for node contraction

√ mn = Θ(m) and as a result both the sample graph and the graph that remains after the filtering stage are not much smaller than the original graph. The runtime is therefore comparable to two runs of JP on the input.

8.5 External MST

After studying and extending some classic algorithms for graphs in main memory, we now consider another approach. We start with a simple randomized algorithm using a graph contraction operation, develop an even simpler variant and step by step generate an external algorithm for huge graphs. Contracting is defined as follows: If e = (u, v) ∈ E is known to be an MST edge, we can remove u from the problem by outputting e and identifying u and v, e.g., by removing node u and renaming an edge of the form (u, w) to a new edge (v, w). By remembering where (v, w) came from, we can reconstruct the MST of the original graph from the MST of the smaller graph. With this operation, we can use Boruvka’s Algorithm which consists of repeated ex- ecution of Boruvka Phases: In each phase, find the lightest incident edge for each node. The set C of these edges can be output as part of the MST (because of the Cut property). Now contract these edges, i.e., find a representative node for each connected component of (V,C) and rename an edge {u, v} to {componentId(u), componentId(v)}. This rou- tine at least halves the number of nodes (as every edge is picked at most twice) and runs in O(m)8. In total, if we contract our graph until only one node is left, we have a runtime of O(m log n). On our way to an external MST algorithm we will use a simpler variant of Boruvka’s Algorithm which does not use phases — Sibeyn’s algorithm: In the iteration when i nodes are left (note that i = n in the first iteration), the expected degree of a random node is at most 2m/i. Hence, the expected number of edges, Xi, inspected in iteration i is at most 2m/i. By the linearity of expectation, the total expected

8We can use Union-Find again: m operations to construct all components by merging and another m operations to find the edges between different components

149 for i := n downto n0 + 1 do pick a random node v find the lightest edge (u, v) out of v and output it contract (u, v)

Figure 8.15: High level version of Sibeyn’s MST algorithm.

Factor 8 node reduction (3× Boruvka or sweep algorithm) // O(m + n) R ⇐ m/2 random edges F ⇐ MST (R) [Recursively] mn/8 Find light edges L (edge reduction) // O(m + n), E[|L|] ≤ m/2 = n/4 T ⇐ MST (L ∪ F ) [Recursively]

Figure 8.16: Outline of a randomized linear time MST algorithm. number of edges processed is ! X X X 2m X 1 X 1 X 1 E[ X ] = E[X ] ≤ = 2m = 2m − i i i i i i n0

0 n = 2m(H − H 0 ) ≤ 2m(ln n − ln n ) = 2m ln n n n0 where Hn = ln n + 0.577 ··· + O(1/n) is the n-th harmonic number. The techniques of sampling and contraction can lead to a (impractical) randomized linear time algorithm, developed by Karger, Klein and Tarjan. It is presented in 8.16 but not studied in detail. Its analysis depends again on the observation that clever sampling will lead to an expected number of unfiltered (light) edges linear in n. The complicated step is the fourth, done in linear time using table lookups. The expected runtime for this algorithm is given by T (n, m) ≤ T (n/8, m/2) + T (n/8, n/4) + c(n + m), which is fulfilled by T (n, m) = 2c(n + m).

8.5.1 Semiexternal Algorithm A first step for an algorithm that can cope with huge graphs stored on disk is a semiexter- nal algorithm: We use Kruskal’s Algorithm but incorporate an external sorting algorithm. We then just have to scan the edges and maintain the union-find array in main memory.

150 π : random permutation V → V sort edges (u, v) by min(π(u), π(v)) for i := n downto n0 + 1 do pick the node v with π(v) = i find the lightest edge (u, v) out of v and output it contract (u, v)

Figure 8.17: High level implementation for graph contraction with sweeping

sweep line output relink

... u v


Figure 8.18: Sweeping scans through the randomly ordered nodes, removes one, outputs its lightest edge and relinks the others

This only requires one 32 bit word per node to store up to 0..232 − 32 = 4 294 967 264 nodes. There exist asymptotically better algorithms but these come with discouraging constant factors and significantly larger data structures.

8.5.2 External Sweeping Algorithm We can use the semiexternal algorithm while n < M − 2B. For larger inputs, we cannot store the additional data structures in main memory. To deal with those graphs, we use again the technique of node reduction via contraction until we can resort to our semiex- ternal algorithm. This algorithm is a more concrete implementation of Sibeyn’s algorithm from Fig- ure 8.5. We replace random selection of nodes by sweeping the nodes in an order fixed in advance. We assume that nodes are numbered 0..n − 1. We first rename the node indices using a random permutation π : 0..n − 1 → 0..n − 1 and then remove renamed nodes in the order n−1, n−2,. . . , n0. This way, we replace random access by sorting and scanning the nodes once. The appendix (in section 12.6) describes a procedure to create a random permutation on the fly without additional I/Os. There is a very simple external realization of the sweeping algorithm based on priority queues of edges. Edges are stored in the form ((u, v), c, eold) where (u, v) is the edge in the current graph, c is the edge weight, and eold identifies the edge in the original graph.

151 Q: priority queue // Order: max node, then min edge weight foreach ({u, v} , c) ∈ E do Q.insert(({π(u), π(v)} , c, {u, v})) current := n + 1 loop ({u, v} , c, {u0, v0}) := Q.deleteMin() if current6= max {u, v}then if current= M + 1 then return output {u0, v0} , c current := max {u, v} connect := min {u, v} else Q.insert(({min {u, v} , connect} , c, {u0, v0}))

Figure 8.19: Sweeping algorithm implementation using Priority Queues

The queue normalizes edges (u, v) in such a way that u ≥ v. We define a priority order 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ((u, v), c, eold) < ((u , v ), c , eold) iff u > u or u = u and c < c . With these conventions in place, the algorithm can be described using the simple pseudocode in Figure 8.19. If eold is just an edge identifier, e.g. a position in the input, an additional sorting step at the end can extract the actual MST edges. If eold stores both incident vertices, the MST edge and its weight can be output directly. With optimal external priority queues, this implementation performs n ≈ sort(10m log M ) I/Os. The priority queue implementation unnecessarily sorts the edges adjacent to a node where we really only care about the smallest edge coming first. We now describe an implementation of the sweeping algorithm that has internal work linear in the total I/O volume. We first make a few simplifying assumptions to get closer to our implementation. The representation of edges and the renaming of nodes works as in the priority queue implementation. As before, in iteration i, node i is removed by outputting the lightest edge incident to it and relinking all the other edges. We split the node range n0..n − 1 into k = O(M/B) equal sized external buckets, i.e., subranges of size (n − n0)/k and we define a special external bucket for the range 0..n0 − 1. An edge (u, v) with u > v is always stored in the bucket for u. We assume that the current bucket (that contains i) completely fits into main memory. The other buckets are stored externally with only a write buffer block to accommodate recently relinked edges. When i reaches a new external bucket, it is distributed to internal buckets — one for each node in the external bucket. The internal bucket for i is scanned twice. Once for finding the lightest edge and once for relinking. Relinked edges destined for the current external bucket are immediately put into the appropriate internal bucket. The remaining edges are put into the write buffer of their external bucket. Write buffers are flushed to

152 currentexternalexternal semiexternal



Figure 8.20: Sweeping with buckets disk when they become full. When only n0 nodes are left, the bucket for range 0..n0 − 1 is used as input for the semi-external Kruskal algorithm. Nodes with very high degree (> M) can be moved to the bucket for the semiexternal case directly. These nodes can be assigned the numbers n0 + 1, n0 + 2,. . . without danger of confusing them with nodes with the same index in other buckets. To accomodate these additional nodes in the semiexternal case, n0 has to be reduced by at most O(M/B) since for m = O(M 2/B) there can be at most O(M/B) nodes with degree Ω(M).

8.5.3 Implementation & Experiments Our external implementation makes extensive use of the Stxxl9 and uses many techniques and data structures we already saw in earlier chapters. The semiexternal Kruskal and the priority queue based sweeping algorithm become almost trivial using external sorting and external priority queues. The bucket based implementation uses external stacks to represent external buckets. The stacks have a single private output buffer and they share a common pool of additional output buffers that facilitates overlapping of output and internal computation. When a stack is switched to reading, it is assigned additional private buffers to facilitate prefetching. The internal aspects of the bucket implementation are also crucial. In particular, we need a representation of internal buckets that is space efficient, cache efficient, and can grow adaptively. Therefore, internal buckets are represented as linked lists of small blocks that can hold several edges each. Edges in internal buckets do not store their source node because this information is redundant. For experiments we use three families of graphs: Instance families for random graphs with random edge weights and random geometric graphs where random points in the unit

9see chapter 5

153 2x Xeon 4 Threads 400x64 Mb/s Intel 1 GB E7500 DDR Chipset 128 RAM 2x64x66 Mb/s PCI−Busses 4x2x100 Controller MB/s Channels 8x45 8x80 MB/s GB

Figure 8.21: Setup for experiments on external MST square are connected to their d closest neighbors. In order to obtain a simple family of planar graphs, we use grid graphs with random edge weights where the nodes are arranged in a grid and are connected to their (up to) four direct neighbors10. The experiments have been performed on a low cost PC-server (around 3000 Euro in July 2002) with two 2 GHz Intel Xeon processors, 1 GByte RAM and 4 × 80 GByte disks (IBM 120GXP) that are connected to the machine in a bottleneck-free way. This machine runs Linux 2.4.20 using the XFS file system. Swapping was disabled. All programs were compiled with g++ version 3.2 and optimization level -O6. The total computer time spend for the experiments was about 25 days producing a total I/O volume of several dozen Terabytes. Figure 8.22 summarizes the results for the bucket implementation. The curves only show the internal results for random graphs — at least Kruskal’s algorithm shows very similar behavior for the other graph classes. Our implementation can handle up to 20 million edges. Kruskal’s algorithm is best for very sparse graphs (m ≤ 4n) whereas the Jarn´ık-Prim algorithm (with a fast imple- mentation of pairing heaps) is fastest for denser graphs but requires more memory. For n ≤ 160 000 000, we can run the semiexternal algorithm and get execution times within a factor of two of the internal algorithm.11 The curves are almost flat and very similar for all three graph families. This is not astonishing since Kruskal’s algorithm is not very dependent on the structure of the graph. Beyond 160 000 000 nodes, the full external al-

10Note that for planar graphs we can give a bound of O(sort(n)) if we deal with parallel edges: When scanning the internal bucket for node i, the edges (i, v) are put into a hash table using v as a key. The corresponding table entry only keeps the lightest edge connecting i and v seen so far. 11Both the internal and the semiexternal algorithm have a number of possibilities for further tuning (e.g., using integer sorting or a better external sorter for small elements). But none of these measures is likely to yield more than a factor of 2.

154 Figure 8.22: Execution time per edge for m ≈ 2 · n (top),m ≈ 4 · n (center), m ≈ 8 · n (bottom). “Kruskal“ and “Prim“ denote the results of these internal algorithms on the “random“ input.

155 gorithm is needed. This immediately costs us another factor of two in execution time: We have additional costs for random renaming, node reduction, and a blowup of the size of an edge from 12 bytes to 20 bytes (for renamed nodes). For random graphs, the execution time keeps growing with n/M. The behavior for grid graphs is much better than predicted. It is interesting that sim- ilar effects can be observed for geometric graphs. This is an indication that it is worth removing parallel edges for many nonplanar graphs.12 Interestingly, the time per edge de- creases with m for grid graphs and geometric graphs. The reason is that the time for the semiexternal base case does not increase proportionally to the number of input edges. For example, 5.6 · 108 edges of a grid graph with 640 · 106 nodes survive the node reduction, and 6.3 · 108 edges of a grid graph with twice the number of edges. Another observation is that for m = 2560 · 106 and random or geometric graphs we get the worst time per edge for m ≈ 4n. For m ≈ 8n, we do not need to run the node reduction very long. For m ≈ 2n we process less edges than predicted even for random graphs simply because one MST edge is removed for each node.

8.6 Connected Components

We modify and extend the bucket version of the bucket algorithm to get the connected components of an exernal graph. As in the spanning forest algorithm, the input is an unweighted graph represented as a list of edges. The output of the algorithm is a list of entries (v, c), v ∈ V , where c is the connected component id of node v, at the same time c is the id of a node belonging to the connected component. This special node c is sometimes called the representative node of a component. The algorithm makes two passes over adjacency lists of nodes (left-to-right pass v = n − 1..0 and right-to- left v = 0..n − 1, v ∈ V ), relinking the edges such that they connect node v with the representative node of its connected component. If there are k = O(M/B)) external memory buckets then bucket i ∈ {0..k − 1} contains the adjacent edges (u, v), u > v of nodes ui−1 < u < ui, where ui is the upper (lower) bound of node ids in bucket i(i+1). Additionally, there are k question buckets and k answer buckets with the same bounds. A question is a tuple (v, r(v)) that represents the assignment of node v to a preliminary representative node r(v). An answer is a tuple (v, r(v)) that represents the assignment of node v to an ultimate representative node. Function b : V → {0..k − 1} maps a node id to the coresponding bucket id according to the bucket bounds. The bucket implementation is complemented with the following steps. During the processing of node v, the algorithm assigns r(v) tentatively the id of its neighbor with the smallest id. If no neighbor exists then r(v) := v. After processing

12Very few parallel edges are generated for random graphs. Therefore, switching off duplicate removal gives about 13 % speedup for random graphs compared to the numbers given.

156 the bucket i we post the preliminary assignments (v, r(v)) of nodes v, ui−1 < v . ui to question bucket b(r(v)) if r(v) does not belong to bucket i. Otherwise we can update r(v) with r(r(v)). If the new r(v) belongs to bucket i than it is the ultimate representative node of v and (v, r(v)) can be written to the answer bucket b(v), otherwise we post question (v, r(v)) to the appropriate question bucket. Note that the first answer bucket is handled differently as it is implemented as the union-find data structure in the base case. For v in the union-data structure r(v) is the id of the leader node of the union where v belongs to. The connected component algorithm needs an additional right-to-left scan to determine the ultimate representatives which have not been determined in the previous left-to-right scan. The buckets are read in the order 0..k − 1. For each (v, r(v)) in question bucket i we update r(v) with the ultimate representative r(r(v)) looking up values in answer bucket i. The final value (v, r(v)) is appended to answer bucket b(v). After answering all questions in bucket i, the content of answer bucket i is added to the output of the connected component algorithm. If one only needs to compute the component ids and no spanning tree edges then the implementation does not keep the original edge id in the edge data structure. It is sufficient to invert randomization for the node ids in the output, which can be done with the chosen randomization scheme without additional I/Os. Due to this measure the total I/O volume and the memory requirements of the internal buckets are reduced such that the block size of the external memory buckets can be made larger. All this leads to an overall performance improvement.

157 Chapter 9

String Sorting

This chapter is based on [39].

9.1 Introduction

The task is to sort a set R = {s1, s2, . . . , sn} of n (non-empty) strings into the lexico- graphic order. N is the total length of strings, D the total length of distinguishing prefixes. The distinguishing prefix of a string s in R is the shortest prefix of s that is not a prefix of another string (or s if s is a prefix of another string). It is the shortest prefix of s that determines the rank of s in R. A sorting algorithm needs to access every character in the distinguishing prefixes, but no character outside the distinguishing prefixes. We can evaluate algorithms using different alphabet models: In an ordered alphabet, only comparisons of characters are allowed. In an ordered alphabet of constant size, a multiset of characters can be sorted in linear time using counting sort. An integer alphabet is {1, . . . , σ} for integer σ ≥ 2. Here, sorting a multiset of k characters can be done in O(k + σ) time with the same algorithm. We have the following simple lower bounds for sorting using these models: If we use a standard sorting algorithm for strings, the worst case requires Θ(n log n) string comparisons. Let si = αβi, where |α| = |βi| = log n. This means D = Θ(n log n).

alignment all allocate alphabet alternate alternative

Figure 9.1: Example on distinguishing prefixes.

158 alphabet lower bound ordered Ω(D + n log n) constant Ω(D) integer Ω(D) Table 9.1: Simple lower bounds for string sorting using different alphabet models al p habet al i gnment al i gnment al g orithm al l ocate al i as al g orithm al l ocate =⇒ al t ernative al l al i as al p habet al t ernate al t ernative al l al t ernate

Figure 9.2: One partitioning step in multikey quicksort, with pivot ’l’ in ’allocate’

Our lower bound is Ω(D + n log n) = Ω(n log n), but standard sorting has costs of Θ(n log n) · Θ(log n) = Θ(n log2 n). In the next sections, we try to approach the lower bound for string sorting.

9.2 Multikey Quicksort

Multikey Quicksort [40] performs in every recursion level a ternary partitioning of the data elements. In contrast to the standard algorithm, the pivot is not a whole key (which would be a complete word), but only the first character following the common prefix shared by all elements. We will now analyse the algorithm given in pseudo code in figure 9.3. The running time is dominated by the comparisons done in the partitioning step. We will use amortized analysis to count these comparisons. If s[` + 1] 6= p[` + 1], we charge the comparison on s. Assuming a perfect choice for the pivot element, we see that the total charge on s for this type of comparison is ≤ log n, as the parition containing s is at least halved. If we have s[` + 1] = p[` + 1], we charge the comparison on s[` + 1]. After that, s[` + 1] becomes part of the common prefix in its partition and will never again be chosen as pivot character. Therefore, the charge on s[` + 1] is ≤ 1 and the total charge on all characters is ≤ D. Combining this with the above result, we get a total runtime of O(D + n log n). The only flaw in the above analysis is the assumption of a perfect pivot. Like in the analysis of standard quicksort, we can show that the expected number of 6= comparisons is 2n ln n when using a random pivot character.

159 Function Multikey-quicksort(R : Sequenceof String, ` : Integer): Sequence of String //` is the length of the common prefix in R if |R| ≤ 1 then return R choose pivot p ∈ R R< := {s ∈ R | s[` + 1] < p[` + 1]} R= := {s ∈ R | s[` + 1] = p[` + 1]} R> := {s ∈ R | s[` + 1] > p[` + 1]} Multikey-quicksort(R<, `) Multikey-quicksort(R=, `+1) Multikey-quicksort(R>, `) return concatenation of R<, R=, and R>

Figure 9.3: Pseudocode for Multikey Quicksort

9.3 Radix Sort

Another classic string sorting algorithm is radix sort. There exist two main variants: LSD- first radix sort starts from the end of the strings (Least Significant Digit first) and moves backward by one position in each step, until the first character is reached. In every phase, it partitions all strings according to the character at the current position (one group for every possible character). When this is done, the strings are recollected, starting with the group corresponding to the “smallest” character. For correct sorting, this has to be done in a stable way within a group. The LSD variant accesses all characters (as we have to reach the first character of each word for correct sorting), which implies costs of Ω(N) time. This is poor when D  N. MSD-first radix sort on the other hand starts from the beginning of the strings (Most Significant Digit first). It distributes the strings (using counting sort) to groups according to the character at the current position and sorts these groups recursively (increasing the position of the relevant character by 1). Then, all groups are concatenated, in the order of the corresponding characters1. This variant accesses only distinguishing prefixes. What is the running time of MSD-first radix sort? Partitioning a group of k strings in σ buckets takes O(k + σ) time. As the total size of the partitioned groups is D, we have O(D) total time on constant alphabets. The total number of times any string is assigned to a group is D (the total size of all groups created while sorting). For every non-trivial partitioning step (where not all

1When implementing this algorithm, many ideas used for Super Scalar Sample Sort (e.g. the two-pass- approach to determine the optimal bucket size) will also help for MSD-first radix sort. In fact, MSD-first radix sort inspired the development of SSSS

160 a .0 al p habet . al g orithm al i gnment g .1 al i gnment . al l ocate i 2 al i as . al g orithm . al l ocate =⇒ l .2 =⇒ al t ernative . al l p .1 al i as . al p habet al t ernate t .2 al t ernative . al l z 0 al t ernate Figure 9.4: Example of one partitioning phase in MSD-first radix sort using counting sort for allocation alphabet lower bound upper bound algorithm multikey ordered Ω(D + n log n) O(() D + n log n) quicksort constant Ω(D) O(() D) radix sort radix sort + integer Ω(D) O(() D + n log σ) multikey quicksort

Figure 9.5: Overview on upper and lower bounds using different alphabet models characters are equal), additional costs of O(σ) for creating groups occur. Obviously, the number of non-trivial partitionings is ≤ n. We therefore have costs of O(D + nσ), which becomes O(D) for constant alphabets. When dealing with integer alphabets, another improvement helps lowering the running time: When k < σ, where k is the number of strings to be partitioned in a certain step, switch to multikey quicksort. This results in a running time of O(D + n log σ).

Table 9.5 gives an overview over the results of this chapter. Some gaps could be closed, others require more elaborated techniques beyond this text.

161 Chapter 10

Suffix Array Construction

The description of the DC3 algorithm was taken from [41]. Material on external suffix array construction is from [42].

10.1 Introduction

The suffix tree of a string is a compact trie of all the suffixes of the string. It is a powerful data structure with numerous applications in computational biology and elsewhere. One of the important properties of the suffix tree is that it can be constructed in linear time in the length of the string. The classical linear time algorithms require a constant alphabet size, but Farach’s algorithm works also for integer alphabets, i.e., when characters are polynomially bounded integers. The suffix array is a lexicographically sorted array of the suffixes of a string. For several applications, a suffix array is a simpler and more compact alternative to suffix trees. The suffix array can be constructed in linear time by a lexicographic traversal of the suffix tree, but such a construction loses some of the advantage that the suffix array has over the suffix tree. We introduce the DC3 algorithm, a linear-time direct suffix array construction algorithm for integer alphabets. The DC3 algorithm is simpler than any suffix tree construction algorithm. In particular, it is much simpler than linear time suffix tree construction for integer alphabets.

10.2 The DC3 Algorithm

The DC3 algorithm has a following structure: 1. Recursively construct the suffix array of the suffixes starting at positions i mod 3 6= 0. This is done by reduction to the suffix array construction of a string of two thirds the length, which is solved recursively.

162 1 1 1 2 3 46 5 7 8 9 0 1 position m i s si s s ip p i input s suffixes mod 2 suffixes mod 0 i s si s s i p p i 0 0 s si s s i p p i triples 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 triple names 33 2 1 55 4 s20 recursive call 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 SA20 20 4 3 21 7 6 5 SA sorted suffixes mod 1 sorted suffixes mod 0, 2,SA20 1 10 7 4 11 8 6 2 9 5 3 position in s mi7 pi0 si5 si6 pp1 ss6 ss7 repr. for 0−1 compare m4 p1 s2 s3 i0 i5 i6 i7 repr. for 2−1 compare merge 11 8 6 2 110 9 7 4 5 3 suffix array SA

Figure 10.1: The DC3 algorithm applied to s = mississippi. First get all suffixes with index mod 3 = 0, 2. Group their characters to triples and map these meta-characters to an integer alphabet. Use the resulting string as input for a recursive call. The result contains at position i the index of the suffix with rank i. Sort the suffixes with index mod 3 = 1 (using the rank of the following suffix). Merge both results.

2. Construct the suffix array of the remaining suffixes using the result of the first step.

3. Merge the two suffix arrays into one.

If we would halve the string length for recursion, step three would be very difficult and costly. Surprisingly, the use of two thirds instead of half of the suffixes in the recursion makes the last step almost trivial: a simple comparison-based merging is sufficient. For example, to compare suffixes starting at i and j with i mod 3 = 0 and j mod 3 = 1, we first compare the initial characters, and if they are the same, we compare the suffixes starting at i + 1 and j + 1 whose relative order is already known from the first step. Algorithm DC3

Input The input is a string T = T [0, n) = t0t1 ··· tn−1 over the alphabet [1, n], that is, a sequence of n integers from the range [1, n]. For convenience, we assume that tn = tn+1 = tn+2 = 0. The restriction to the alphabet [1, n] is not a serious one. For a string T over any alphabet, we can first sort the characters of T , remove duplicates, assign a rank to each character, and construct a new string T 0 over the alphabet [1, n] by renaming

163 the characters of T with their ranks. Since the renaming is order preserving, the order of the suffixes does not change.

Output For i ∈ [0, n], let Si denote the suffix T [i, n) = titi+1 ··· tn−1. We also extend the notation to sets: for C ⊆ [0, n], SC = {Si | i ∈ C}. The goal is to sort the set S[0,n] of suffixes of T lexicographically. The output is the suffix array SA[0, n] of T , a permutation of [0, n] defined by

SA[i] = |{j ∈ [0, n] | Sj < Si}| .

Step 0: Construct a sample For k = 0, 1, 2, define

Bk = {i ∈ [0, n] | i mod 3 = k}.

Let C = B1 ∪ B2 be the set of sample positions and SC the set of sample suffixes. Step 1: Sort sample suffixes For k = 1, 2, construct the strings

Rk = [tktk+1tk+2][tk+3tk+4tk+5] ... [tmax Bk tmax Bk+1tmax Bk+2]

whose characters are triples [titi+1ti+2]. Note that the last character of Rk is always

unique because tmax Bk+2 = 0. Let R = R1 R2 be the concatenation of R1 and R2. Then the (nonempty) suffixes of R correspond to the set SC of sample suf- fixes: [titi+1ti+2][ti+4ti+5ti+6] ... corresponds to Si. The correspondence is order preserving, i.e., by sorting the suffixes of R we get the order of the sample suffixes SC . To sort the suffixes of R, first radix sort the characters of R. If all characters are different, the order of characters gives directly the order of suffixes. Otherwise, we use the technique of renaming the characters with their ranks, and then sort the suffixes of the resulting string using Algorithm DC3. Once the sample suffixes are sorted, assign a rank to each suffix. For i ∈ C, let rank(Si) denote the rank of Si in the sample set SC . Additionally, define rank(Sn+1) = rank(Sn+2) = 0. For i ∈ B0, rank(Si) is undefined.

Step 2: Sort nonsample suffixes Represent each nonsample suffix Si ∈ SB0 with the pair (ti, rank(Si+1)). Note that rank(Si+1) is always defined for i ∈ B0. Clearly we have, for all i, j ∈ B0,

Si ≤ Sj ⇐⇒ (ti, rank(Si+1)) ≤ (tj, rank(Sj+1)).

The pairs (ti, rank(Si+1)) are then radix sorted.

164 Step 3: Merge The two sorted sets of suffixes are merged using a standard comparison-

based merging. To compare suffix Si ∈ SC with Sj ∈ SB0 , we distinguish two cases:

i ∈ B1 : Si ≤ Sj ⇐⇒ (ti, rank(Si+1)) ≤ (tj, rank(Sj+1))

i ∈ B2 : Si ≤ Sj ⇐⇒ (ti, ti+1, rank(Si+2)) ≤ (tj, tj+1, rank(Sj+2))

Note that the ranks are defined in all cases.

Theorem 14 The time complexity of Algorithm DC3 is O(n). Proof: Excluding the recursive call everything can clearly be done in linear time. The recursion is on a string of length d2n/3e. Thus the time is given by the recurrence T (n) = T (2n/3) + O(n), whose solution is O(n).

10.3 External Suffix Array Construction

In this section we are trying to engineer algorithms for suffix array construction that work on huge inputs using the external memory model.

The Doubling Algorithm Figure 10.2 gives pseudocode for the doubling algorithm. The basic idea is to replace characters T [i] of the input by lexicographic names that respect the lexicographic order of the length 2k substring T [i, i + 2k) in the k-th iteration. In contrast to previous variants of this algorithm, our formulation never actually builds the resulting string of names. Rather, it manipulates a sequence P of pairs (c, i) where each name c is tagged with its position i in the input. To obtain names for the next iteration k + 1, the names for T [i, i + 2k) and T [i + 2k, i + 2k+1) together with the position i are stored in a sequence S and sorted. The new names can now be obtained by scanning this sequence and comparing adjacent tuples. Sequence S can be build using consecutive elements of P if we sort P using the pair (i mod 2k, i div 2k). Previous formulations of the algorithm use i as a sorting criterion and therefore have to access elements that are 2k characters apart. Our approach saves I/Os and simplifies the pipelining optimization described in Section 10.3. The algorithm performs a constant number of sorting and scanning operations for sequences of size n in each iteration. The number of iterations is determined by the logarithm of the longest common prefix.

Theorem 15 The doubling algorithm computes a suffix array using O(sort(n) dlog maxlcpe) I/Os where maxlcp := max0≤i

165 Function doubling(T ) S:= h((T [i],T [i + 1]), i): i ∈ [0, n)i 1 for k := 1 to dlog ne do sort S 2 P := name(S) 3 invariant ∀(c, i) ∈ P : c is a lexicographic name for T [i, i + 2k) if the names in P are unique then return hi :(c, i) ∈ P i 4 k k sort P by (i mod 2 , i div 2 )) 5 0 S:= h((c, c ), i): j ∈ [0, n), 6 (c, i) = P [j], (c0, i + 2k) = P [j + 1]i Function name(S : Sequence of Pair) q:= r:= 0; (`, `0):= ($, $) result:= hi foreach ((c, c0), i) ∈ S do q++ if (c, c0) 6= (`, `0) then r:= q; (`, `0):= (c, c0) append (r, i) to result return result

Figure 10.2: The doubling algorithm.

Pipelining The I/O volume of the doubling algorithm from Figure 10.2 can be reduced significantly by observing that rather than writing the sequence S to external memory, we can directly feed it to the sorter in Line (1). Similarly, the sorted tuples need not be written but can be directly fed into the naming procedure in Line (2) which can in turn forward it to the sorter in Line (4). The result of this sorting operation need not be written but can directly yield tuples of S that can be fed into the next iteration of the doubling algorithm. To motivate the idea of pipelining let us first analyze the constant factor in a naive implementation of the doubling algorithm from Figure 10.2. For simplicity assume for now that inputs are not too large so that sorting m words can be done in 4m/DB I/Os using two passes over the data. For example, one run formation phase could build sorted runs of size M and one multiway merging phase could merge the runs into a single sorted sequence. Line (1) sorts n triples and hence needs 12n/DB I/Os. Naming in Line (2) scans the triples and writes name-index pairs using 3n/DB + 2n/DB = 5n/DB I/Os. The

166 naming procedure can also determine whether all names are unique now, hence the test in Line (3) needs no I/Os. Sorting the pairs in P in Line (4) costs 8n/DB I/Os. Scanning the pairs and producing triples in Line (5) costs another 5n/DB I/Os. Overall, we get (12 + 5 + 8 + 5)n/DB = 30n/DB I/Os for each iteration. This can be radically reduced by interpreting the sequences S and P not as files but as pipelines similar to the pipes available in UNIX. In the beginning we explicitly scan the input T and produce triples for S. We do not count these I/Os since they are not needed for the subsequent iterations. The triples are not output directly but immediately fed into the run formation phase of the sorting operation in Line (1). The runs are output to disk (3n/DB I/Os). The multiway merging phase reads the runs (3n/DB I/Os) and directly feeds the sorted triples into the naming procedure called in Line (2) which generates pairs that are immediately fed into the run formation process of the next sorting operation in Line (3) (2n/DB I/Os). The multiway merging phase (2n/DB I/Os) for Line (3) does not write the sorted pairs but in Line (4) it generates triples for S that are fed into the pipeline for the next iteration. We have eliminated all the I/Os for scanning and half of the I/Os for sorting resulting in only 10n/DB I/Os per iteration — only one third of the I/Os needed for the naive implementation. Note that pipelining would have been more complicated in the more traditional formulation where Line (3) sorts P directly by the index i. In that case, a pipelining formulation would require a FIFO of size 2k to produce shifted sequences. When 2k > M this FIFO would have to be maintained externally causing 2n/DB additional I/Os per iteration, i.e., our modification simplifies the algorithm and saves up to 20 % I/Os.

Let us discuss a more systematic model: The computations in many external memory algorithms can be viewed as a data flow through a directed acyclic graph G = (V = F ∪ S ∪ R,E). The file nodes F represent data that has to be stored physically on disk. When a file node f ∈ F is accessed we need a buffer of size b(f) = Ω (BD). The streaming nodes s ∈ S read zero, one or several sequences and output zero, one or several new sequences using internal buffers of size b(s).1 The Sorting nodes r ∈ R read a sequence and output it in sorted order. Sorting nodes have a buffer requirement of b(r) = Θ(M) and outdegree one2. Edges are labeled with the number of machine words w(e) flowing between two nodes.

Theorem 16 The doubling algorithm from Figure 10.2 can be implemented to run using sort(5n) dlog(1 + maxlcp)e + O(sort(n)) I/Os. Proof: The following flow graph shows that each iteration can be implemented using

1Streaming nodes may cause additional I/Os for internal processing, e.g., for large FIFO queues or priority queues. These I/Os are not counted in our analysis. 2We could allow additional outgoing edges at an I/O cost n/DB. However, this would mean to perform the last phase of the sorting algorithm several times.

167 input 3N 2N 2n output 1 2,10 3,11 4 5 6 7 8 9

2n P 2n Figure 10.3: Data flow graph for the doubling + discarding. The numbers refer to line numbers in Figure 12.4. The edge weights are sums over the whole execution with N = n log dps. sort(2n) + sort(3n) ≤ sort(5n) I/Os. The numbers refer to the line numbers in Fig- ure 10.2

3n 2n streaming node 1 2 4 5 sorting node

After dlog(1 + maxlcp)e iterations, the algorithm finishes. The O(sort(n)) term accounts for the I/Os needed in Line 0 and for computing the final result. Note that there is a small technicality here: Although naming can find out “for free” whether all names are unique, the result is known only when naming finishes. However, at this time, the first phase of the sorting step in Line 4 has also finished and has already incurred some I/Os. Moreover, the convenient arrangement of the pairs in P is destroyed now. However we can then abort the sorting process, undo the wrong sorting, and compute the correct output.


k k Let ci be the lexicographic name of T [i, i + 2 ), i.e., the value paired with i at iteration k k k in Figure 10.2. Since ci is the number of strictly smaller substrings of length 2 , it is a k+1 k non-decreasing function of k. More precisely, ci − ci is the number of positions j such k k k k that cj = ci but cj+2k < ci+2k . This provides an alternative way of computing the names given in Figure 12.3. k k k Another consequence of the above observation is that if ci is unique, i.e., cj 6= ci h k for all j 6= i, then ci = ci for all h > k. The idea of the discarding algorithm is to take advantage of this, i.e., discard pair (c, i) from further iterations once c is unique. A key to this is the new naming procedure in Figure 12.3, because it works correctly even if we exclude from S all tuples ((c, c0), i), where c is unique. Note, however, that we cannot exclude ((c, c0), i) if c0 is unique but c is not. Therefore, we will partially discard k k (c, i) when c is unique. We will fully discard (c, i) = (ci , i) when also either ci−2k or k ci−2k+1 is unique, because then in any iteration h > k, the first component of the tuple h h h ((ci−2h , ci ), i − 2 ) must be unique. The final algorithm is given in Figure 12.4.

168 Theorem 17 Doubling with discarding can be implemented to run using sort(5n log dps) + O(sort(n)) I/Os. The proof for theorem 17 and pseudocode can be found in 12.7 and 12.8 in the ap- pendix.

169 Chapter 11

Presenting Data from Experiments

11.1 Introduction

A paper in experimental algorithmics will often start by describing the problem and the experimental setup. Then a substantial part will be devoted to presenting the results to- gether with their interpretation. Consequently, compiling the measured data into graphs is a central part of writing such a paper. This problem is often rather difficult because several competing factors are involved. First, the measurements can depend on many pa- rameters: problem size and other quantities describing the problem instance; variables like number of processors, available memory describing the machine configuration used; and the algorithm variant together with tuning parameters such as the cooling rate in a simulated annealing algorithm. Furthermore, many quantities can be measured such as solution quality, execution time, memory consumption and other more abstract complexity measures such as the number of comparisons performed by a sorting algorithm. Mathematically speaking, we sample function values of a mapping f : A → B where the domain A can be high- dimensional. We hope to uncover properties of f from the measurements, e.g., an estimate of the time complexity of an algorithm as a function of the input size. Measurement errors may additionally complicate this task. As a consequence of the the multitude of parameters, a meaningful experimental setup will often produce large amounts of data and still cover only a tiny fraction of the pos- sible measurements. This data has to be presented in a way that clearly demonstrates the observed properties. The most important presentation usually takes place in confer- ence proceedings or scientific journals where limited space and format restriction further complicate the task. This paper collects rules that have proven to be useful in designing good graphs. Al- though the examples are drawn from the work of the author, this paper owes a lot to discussions with colleagues and detailed feedback from several referees. Sections 11.3–

170 11.7 explains the rules. The stress is on Section 11.4 where two-dimensional figures are discussed in detail. Instead of an abstract conclusion, Section 11.8 collects all the rules in a check list that can possibly be used when looking for teaching and as a source of ideas for improving graphs.

11.2 The Process

In a simplified model of experimental algorithmics a paper might be written using a “wa- terfall model”. The experimental design is followed by a description of the measurement which is in turn followed by an interpretation. In reality, there are numerous feedbacks involved and some might even remain visible in a presentation. After an algorithm has been implemented, one typically builds a simple yet flexible tool that allows many kinds of measurements. After some explorative measurements the researcher gets a basic idea of interesting parameter settings. Hypotheses are formed which are tested using more ex- tensive measurements using particular parameter ranges. This phase is the scientifically most productive phase and often leads to new insights which lead to algorithmic changes which influence the entire setup. It should be noted that most algorithmic problems are so complex that one cannot expect to arrive at an ultimate set of measurements that answers all conceivable ques- tions. Rather, one is constantly facing a list of interesting open questions that require new measurements. The process of selecting the measurements that are actually performed is driven by risk and opportunity: The researcher will usually have a set of hypotheses that have some support from measurements but more measurements might be important to confirm them. For example, the hypothesis might be “my algorithm is better than all the others” then a big risk might be that a promising other algorithm or important classes of problem instances have not been tried yet. A small risk might be that a tuning param- eter has so far been set in an ad hoc fashion where it is clear that it can only improve a precomputation phase that takes 20 % of the execution time. An opportunity might be a new idea of the authors’ that an algorithm might be useful for a new application where it was not originally designed for. In that case, one might consider to include problem instances from the new application into the measurements. At some point, a group of researchers decides to cast the current state of results into a paper. The explorative phase is then stopped for a while. To make the presentation concise and convincing, alternative ways to display the data are designed that are compact enough to meet space restrictions and make the conclusions evident. This might also require additional measurements giving additional support to the hypotheses studied.

171 11.3 Tables

Tables are easier to produce than graphs and perhaps this advantage causes that they are often overused. Tables are more difficult to interpret and too large for large data sets. A more detailed explanation why tables are often a bad idea has been given by McGeoch and Moret [51]. Nevertheless, tables have their place. Tufte [59] gives the rule of thumb that “tables usually outperform a graph for small data sets of 20 numbers or less”. Tables give very accurate values which make it easier to check whether some experiments can be reproduced. Furthermore, one sometimes wants to present some quantities, e.g., solution quality, as a function of problem instances which cannot be meaningfully arranged on the axis of a graph. In that case, a graph or bar chart may look nicer but does not add utility compared to a more accurate and compact table. Often a paper will contain small tables with particularly important results and graphs giving results in an abstract yet less accurate way. Furthermore, there may be an appendix or a link to a web page containing larger tables for more detailed documentation of the results.

11.4 Two-dimensional Figures

As our standard example we will use the case that execution time should be displayed as a function of input size. The same rules will usually apply for many other types of variables. Sometimes we mention special examples which should be displayed differently.

The x-Axis The first question one can ask oneself is what unit one chooses for the x-axis. For ex- ample, assume we want to display the time it takes to broadcast a message of length k in some network where transmitting k0 bytes of data from one processor to another takes 0 time t0 + k . Then it makes sense to plot the execution time as a function of k/t0 because for many implementations, the shape of the curve will then become independent of t0. More generally, by choosing an appropriate unit, we can sometimes get rid of one degree of freedom. Figure 11.1 gives an example. The variable defining the x-axis can often vary over many orders of magnitude. There- fore one should always consider whether a logarithmic scale is appropriate for the x-axis. This is an accepted way to give a general idea of a function over a wide range of values. One will then choose measurement values√ such that they are about evenly spaced on the x-axis, e.g., powers of two or powers of 2. Figures 11.3, 11.5, and 11.6 all use powers of two. In this case, one should also choose tic marks which are powers of two and not powers of ten. Figures 11.1 and 11.4 use the “default” base ten because there is no choice of input sizes involved here.

172 1.8 P=64 1.7 P=1024 P=16384 * *

)/T 1.6 ∞ * ,T 1

* 1.5



1.2 improvement min(T 1.1

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 k/t0 Figure 11.1: Improvement of the fractional tree broadcasting algorithm [57] over the best of pipelined binary tree and sequential pipeline algorithm as a function of message transmission time k over startup overhead t0. P is the number of processors. (See also Section 11.4 and 11.4)

173 Sometimes it is appropriate to give more measurements for small x-values because they are easily obtained and particularly important. Conversely, it is not a good idea to measures using constant offsets (x ∈ {x0 + i∆ : 0 ≤ i < imax}) as if one had a linear scale and then to display the values on a logarithmic scale. This looks awkward because points are crowded for large values. Often there will be too few values for small x and one nevertheless wastes a lot of measurement time for large inputs. A plain linear scale is adequate if the interesting range of x-values is relatively small, for example if the x-axis is the number of processors used and one measures on a small machine with only 8 processors. A linear scale is also good if one wants to point out periodic behavior, for example if one wants to demonstrate that slow-down due to cache conflicts get very large whenever the input size is a multiple of the cache size. However, one should resist the temptation to use a linear scale when x-values over many orders of magnitude are important but the own results look particularly good for large inputs. Sometimes, transformations of the x-axis other than linear or logarithmic make sense. For example, in queuing systems one is often interested in the delay of requests as the system load approaches the maximum performance of the system. Figure 11.2 gives an example. Assume we have a disk server with 64 disks. Data is placed randomly on these disks using a hash function. Assume that retrieving a block from a disk takes one time unit and that there is a periodic stream of requests — one every (1 + )/64 time units. Using queuing theory one can show that the delay of a request is approximately proportional to 1/ if only one copy of every block is available. Therefore, it makes sense to use 1/ as the x-value. First, this transformation makes it easy to check whether the system measured also shows this behavior linear in 1/. Second, one gets high resolution for arrival rates near the saturation point of the system. Such high arrival rates are often more interesting than low arrival rates because they correspond to very efficient uses of the system.

The y-Axis Given that the x-axis often has a logarithmic scale, we often seem to be forced to use a logarithmic scale also for the y-axis. For example, if the execution time is approximately some power of the problem size, such a double-logarithmic plot will yield a straight line. However, plots of the execution time can be quite boring. Often, we already know the general shape of the curve. For example, a theoretical analysis may tell us that the execu- tion time is between T (n) = Ω (n) and T (n) = O(nPolylog(n)). A double-logarithmic plot will show something very close to a diagonal and discerns very little about the Poly- log term we are really interested in. In such a situation, we transform the y-axis so that a priori information is factored out. In our example above we could better display T (n)/n and then use a linear scale for the y-axis. A disadvantage of such transformations is that they may be difficult to explain. However, often this problem can be solved by finding a good term describing the quantity displayed. For example, “time per element” when

174 8 nonredundant mirror 7 ring shortest queue ring with matching shortest queue 6


4 average delay 3


1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1/ε

2 shortest queue hybrid lazy sharing 1.8 matching


1.4 average delay


1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1/ε

Figure 11.2: Comparison of eight algorithms for scheduling accesses to parallel disks using the model described in the text (note that “shortest queue” appears in both figures). Only the two algorithms “nonredundant” and “mirror” exhibit a linear behavior of the access delay predicted by queuing theory. The four best algorithms are based on random duplicate allocation — every block is available on two randomly chosen disks and a scheduling algorithm [55] decides which copy to retrieve. (See also Section 11.4)

175 bottom up binary heap 200 bottom up aligned 4-ary heap sequence heap



50 (time per operation)/log N [ns]

0 1024 4096 16384 65536 218 220 222 223 N

Figure 11.3: Comparison of three different priority queue algorithms [58] on a MIPS R10000 processor. N is the size of the queue. All algorithms use Θ(log N) key com- parisons per operation. The y-axis shows the total execution time for some particular operation sequence divided by the number of deletion/insertion pairs and log N. Hence the plotted value is proportional to the execution time per key comparison. This scaling was chosen to expose cache effects which are now the main source of variation in the y-value. (See also Sections 11.4 and 11.4.) one divides by the input size, “competitive ratio” when one divides by a lower bound, or “efficiency” when one displays the ratio between an upper performance bound and the measured performance. Figure 11.3 gives an example for using such a ratio. Another consideration is the range of y-values displayed. Assume ymin > 0 is the minimal value observed and ymax is the maximal value observed. Then one will usually choose [ymin, ymax] or (better) a somewhat larger interval as the displayed range. In this case, one should be careful however with overinterpreting the resulting picture. A change of the y-value by 1 % will look equal to a change of y-value of 400 %. If one wants to support claims such as “for large x the improvements due to the new algorithm become very large” using a graph, choosing the range [0, ymax] can be a more sound choice. (At least if ymax/ymin is not too close to one. Some of the space “wasted” this way can often be used for placing curve labels.) In Figure 11.2, using ymin = 1 is appropriate since no request can get an access delay below one in the model used. The choice of the the maximum y value displayed can also be nontrivial. In particular, it may be appropriate to clip extreme values if they correspond to measurement points

176 which are clearly useless in practice. For example, in Figure 11.2 it is not very interesting to see the entire curve for the algorithm “nonredundant” since it is clearly outclassed for large 1/ anyway and since we have a good theoretical understanding of this particular curve. A further degree of freedom is the vertical size of the graph. This parameter can be used to achieve the above goals and the rule of “banking to 45◦”: The weighted average of the slants of the line segments in the figure should be about 45◦.1 Refer to [47] for a detailed discussion. The weight of a segment is the x-interval bridged. There is good empirical and mathematical evidence that graphs using this rule make changes in slope most easily visible. If banking to 45◦ does not yield a clear insight regarding the graph size, a good rule of thumb is to make the graph a bit wider than high [59]. A traditional choice is to use the golden ratio, i.e., a graph that is 1.62 times wider than high.

Arranging Multiple Curves An important feature of two-dimensional graphs is that we can place several curves in a single graph as in Figures 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3. In this way we can obtain a high information density without the disadvantages of three-dimensional plots. However, one can easily overdo it resulting in a chaos of undecipherable points and lines. How many curves fit into one pictures depends on the information density. When curves are very smooth, and have few points where they cross each other, as in Figure 11.2, up to seven curves may fit in one figure. If curves are very complicated, even three curves may be too much. Often one will start with a straight-forward graph that turns out to be too ugly for publication. Then one can use a number of techniques to improve it:

• Remove unnecessary curves. For example, Figure 11.2 from [55] compares only eight algorithms out of eleven studied in this paper. The remaining three are clearly outclassed or equivalent to other algorithms for the measurement considered. • If several curves are too close together in an important range of x-values, consider using another y range or scale. If the small differences persist and are important, consider to use a separate graph with a magnification. For example, in Figure 11.2 the four fastest algorithms were put into a separate plot to show the differences between them. • Check whether several curves can be combined into one curve. For example, as- sume we want to compare a new improved algorithm with several inferior old algo- rithms for input sizes on the x-axis. Then it might be sufficient to plot the speedup

1This is one of the few things described here which are are not easy to do with gnuplot. But even keeping the principle of banking to 45◦ in mind is helpful.

177 of the new algorithm over the best of the old algorithms; perhaps labeling the sec- tions of the speedup curve so that the best of the old algorithms can be identified for all x-values. Figure 11.1 gives an example where the speeup of one algorithm over two other algorithms is shown. • Decrease noise in the data as described in Section 11.4. • Once noise is small, replace error bars with specifications of the accuracy in the caption as in Figure 11.6. • Connect points belonging to the same curves using straight lines. • Choose different point styles and line styles for different curves. • Arrange labels explaining point and line styles in the “same order”2 as they appear in the graph. Sometimes one can also place the labels directly at the curves. But even then the labels should not obscure the curves. Unfortunately, gnuplot does not have this feature so that we could not use it in this paper. • Choose the x-range and the density of x-values appropriately.

Sometimes we need so many curves that they cannot fit into one figure. For example, when the cross-product of several parameter ranges defines the set of curves needed. Then we may finally decide to use several figures. In this case, the same y-ranges should usually be chosen so that the results remain comparable. Also one should choose the same point styles and line styles for related curves in different figures, e.g., for curves belonging to the same algorithm as for the “shortest queue” algorithm in Figure 11.2. Note that tools such as gnuplot cannot do that automatically. The explanations of point and line styles should avoid cryptic abbreviations whenever possible and at the same time avoid overlapping the curves. Both requirements can be reconciled by placing the explanations appropriately. For example, in computer science, curves often go from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. In that case, the best place for the definition of line and point styles is the upper left corner.

Arranging Instances If measurements like execution time for a small set of problem instances are to be dis- played, a bar chart is an appropriate tool. If other parameters such as the algorithm used, or the time consumed by different parts of the algorithm should be differentiated, the bars can be augmented to encode this. For example, several bars can be stacked in depth using three-dimensional effects or different pieces of a bar can get different shadings.3

2For example, one could use the order of the y-values at the larges x-value as in Figure 11.3. 3Sophisticated fill styles give us additional opportunities for diversification but Tufte notes that they are often too distracting [59].

178 If there are so many instances that bar charts consume too much space, a scatter plot can be useful. The x-axis stands for a parameter like problem size and we plot one point for every problem instance. Figure 11.4 gives a simple example. Point styles and colors can be used to differentiate different types of instances or variations of other parameters such as the algorithm used. Sometimes these points are falsely connected by lines. This should be avoided. It not only looks confusing but also wrongly suggests a relation between the data points that does not exist.



n / active set size 10

1 1 10 100 1000 n/m Figure 11.4: Each point gives the ratio between total problem size and “core” problem size in a fast algorithm for solving set covering problems from air line crew scheduling [43]. The larger this ratio, the larger the possible speedup for a new algorithm. The x- axis is the ratio between the number of variables and number of constraints. This scale was chosen to show that there is a correlation between these two ratios that is helpful in understanding when the new algorithm is particularly useful. The deviating points at n/m = 10 are artificial problems rather different from typical crew scheduling problems. (See also Section 11.4.)

How to Connect Measurements Tools such as gnuplot allow us to associate a measured value with a symbol like a cross or a star that clearly specifies that point and encodes some additional information about the measurement. For example, one will usually choose one point symbol for each displayed curve. Additionally, points belonging to the same curve can be connected by a straight line. Such lines should usually not be viewed as a claim that they present a good interpo- lation of the curve but just as a visual aid to find points that belong together. In this case, it

179 is important that the points are large enough to stand out against the connecting lines. An alternative is to plot measurements points plus curves stemming from an analytic model as in Figure 11.5. The situation is different if only lines and no points are plotted as in Figure 11.1. In this case, it is often impossible to tell which points have been measured. Hence such a lines-only plot implies the very strong claim that the points where we measured are irrelevant and the plotted curve is an accurate representation of the true behavior for the entire x-range. This only makes sense if very dense measurements have been performed and they indeed form a smooth line. Sometimes one sees smooth lines that are weighted averages over a neighborhood in the x-coordinates. Then one often uses very small points for the actual measurements that form a cloud around this curve. A related approach is connecting measured points with interpolated curves such as splines which are more smooth than lines. Such curves should only be used if we actually conjecture that the interpolation used is close to the truth.

Measurement Errors Tools allow us to generalize measured points to ranges which are usually a point plus an error bar specifying positive and negative deviations from the y-value.4 The main question from the point of view of designing graphs is what kind of deviations should be displayed or how one can avoid the necessity for error bars entirely. Let us start with the well behaved case that we are simulating a randomized algo- rithm or work with randomly generated problem instances. In this case, the results from repeated runs are independent identically distributed random variables. In this case, pow- erful methods from statistics can be invoked. For example, the point itself may be the average of the measured values and the error bar could be the standard deviation or the standard error [53]. Figure 11.5 gives an example. Note that the latter less well known quantity is a better estimate for the difference between the average and the actual mean. By monitoring the standard error during the simulation, we can even repeat the measure- ment sufficiently often so that this error measure is below some prespecified value. In this case, no error bars are needed and it suffices to state the bound on the error in the caption of the graph. Figure 11.6 gives an example. The situation is more complicated for measurements of actual running times of deter- ministic algorithms, since this involves errors which are not of a statistical nature. Rather, the errors can stem from hidden variables such as operating system interrupts, which we cannot fully control. In this case, points and error bars based on order statistics might be more robust. For example, the y value could be the median of the measured values and the error bar could define the minimum and the maximum value measured or values 4Uncertainties in both x and y-values can also be specified but this case seems to be rare in Algorithmics.

180 20 Measurement log n + log ln n + 1 log n




0 32 1024 32768 n Figure 11.5: Number of iterations that the dynamic load balancing algorithm random polling spends in its warmup phase until all processors are busy. Hypothesized upper bound, lower bound and measured averages with standard deviation [54, 56]. (See also Sections 11.4 and 11.4.) exceeded in less than 5 % of the measurements. The caption should explain how many measurements have been performed.

11.5 Grids and Ticks

Tools for drawing graphs give us a lot of control over how axes are decorated with num- bers, tick marks and grid lines. The general rule that is often achieved automatically is to use a few round numbers on each axis and perhaps additional tick marks without numbers. The density of these numbers should not be too high. Not only should they appear well separated but they also should be far from dominating the visual appearance of the graph. When a very large range of values is displayed, we sometimes have to force the system to use exponential notation on a part of the axis before numbers get too long. Figure 11.6 gives an example for the particularly important case of base two scales. Sometimes we may decide that reading off values is so important in a particular graph that grid lines should be added, i.e., horizontal and vertical lines that span the entire range of the graph. Care must be taken that such grid lines to not dilute the visual impression of the data

181 3 n=65536 n=256 n=16 2.5 n=4



max Load - m/n 1


0 16 64 256 1024 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 m Figure 11.6: m Balls are placed into n bins using balanced random allocation [44, 45]. The difference between maximal and average load is plotted for different values of m and n. The experiments√ have been repeated at least sufficiently often to reduce the standard error (σ/ repetitions [53]) below one percent. In order to minimize artifacts of the random number generator, we have used a generator with good reputation and very long period (219937 − 1) [49]. In addition, some experiments were repeated with the Unix generator srand48 leading to almost identical results. (See also Section 11.4.) points. Hence, grid lines should be avoided or at least made thin or, even better, light gray. Sometimes grid lines can be avoided by plotting the values corresponding to some particularly important data points also on the axes. A principle behind many of the above considerations is called Data-Ink Maximization by Tufte [59]. In particular, one should reduce non-data ink and redundant data ink from the graph. The ratio of data ink to total ink used should be close to one. This principle also explains more obvious sins like pseudo-3D bar charts, complex fill styles, etc.

11.6 Three-dimensional Figures

On the first glance, three-dimensional figures are attractive because they look sophisti- cated and promise to present large amounts of data in a compact way. However there are many drawbacks.

182 • It is almost impossible to read absolute values from the two-dimensional projection of a function. • In complicated functions interesting parts may be hidden from view. • If several functions are to be compared, one is tempted to use a corresponding number of three-dimensional figures. But in this case, it is more difficult to interpret differences than in two-dimensional figures with cross-sections of all the functions.

It seems that three-dimensional figures only make sense if we want to present the general shape of a single function. Perhaps three-dimensional figures become more interesting using advanced interactive media where the user is free to choose viewpoints, read off precise values, view subsets of curves, etc.

11.7 The Caption

Graphs are usually put into “floating figures” which are placed by the text formatter so that page breaks are taken into account. These figures have a caption text at their bottom which makes the figure sufficiently self contained. The captions explains what is displayed and how the measurements have been obtained. This includes the instances measured, the algorithms and their parameters used, and, if relevant the system configuration (hardware, compiler,. . . ). One should keep in mind that experiments in a scientific paper should be reproducible, i.e., the information available should suffice to repeat a similar experiment with similar results. Since the caption should not become too long it usually contains explicit or implicit references to surrounding text, literature or web resources.

183 11.8 A Check List

In the following we summarize the rules discussed above. This list has the additional beneficial effect to serve as a check list one can refer to for preparing graphs and for teaching. The Section numbers containing a more detailed discussion are appended in brackets. The order of the rules has been chosen so that in most cases they can be applied in the order given. • Should the experimental setup from the exploratory phase be redesigned to increase conciseness or accuracy? (11.2) • What parameters should be varied? What variables should be measured? How are parameters chosen that cannot be varied? (11.2) • Can tables be converted into curves, bar charts, scatter plots or any other useful graphics? (11.3, 11.4) • Should tables be added in an appendix or on a web page? (11.3) • Should a 3D-plot be replaced by collections of 2D-curves? (11.6) • Can we reduce the number of curves to be displayed? (11.4) • How many figures are needed? (11.4) • Scale the x-axis to make y-values independent of some parameters? (11.4) • Should the x-axis have a logarithmic scale? If so, do the x-values used for measur- ing have the same basis as the tick marks? (11.4) • Should the x-axis be transformed to magnify interesting subranges? (11.4) • Is the range of x-values adequate? (11.4) • Do we have measurements for the right x-values, i.e., nowhere too dense or too sparse? (11.4) • Should the y-axis be transformed to make the interesting part of the data more visible? (11.4) • Should the y-axis have a logarithmic scale? (11.4) • Is it be misleading to start the y-range at the smallest measured value? (11.4) • Clip the range of y-values to exclude useless parts of curves? (11.4) • Can we use banking to 45◦? (11.4) • Are all curves sufficiently well separated? (11.4) • Can noise be reduced using more accurate measurements? (11.4) • Are error bars needed? If so, what should they indicate? Remember that measure- ment errors are usually not random variables. (11.4, 11.4)

184 • Use points to indicate for which x-values actual data is available. (11.4) • Connect points belonging to the same curve. (11.4,11.4) • Only use splines for connecting points if interpolation is sensible. (11.4,11.4) • Do not connect points belonging to unrelated problem instances. (11.4) • Use different point and line styles for different curves. (11.4) • Use the same styles for corresponding curves in different graphs. (11.4) • Place labels defining point and line styles in the right order and without concealing the curves. (11.4) • Captions should make figures self contained. (11.7) • Give enough information to make experiments reproducible. (11.7)

185 Chapter 12


12.1 Used machine models

In 1945 John von Neumann introduced a basic architecture of a computer. The design was very simple in order to make it possible to build it with the limited hardware tech- nology of the time. Hardware design has grown out of this in most aspects. However, the resulting programming model was so simple and powerful, that it is still the basis for most programming. Usually it turns out that programs written with the model in mind also work well on the vastly more complex hardware of todays machines. The variant of von Neumann’s model we consider is the RAM (random access ma- chine) model. The most important features of this model are that it is sequential, i.e., there is a single processing unit, and that it has a uniform memory, i.e., all memory accesses cost the same amount of time. The memory consists of cells S[0], S[1], S[2], . . . The “. . . ” means that there are potentially infinitely many cells although at any point of time only a finite number of them will be in use. We assume that “reasonable” functions of the input size n can be stored in a single cell. We should keep in mind however, that that our model allows us a limited form of parallelism. We can perform simple operations on log n bits in constant time. The external memory model is like the RAM model except that the fast memory is limited in size to M words. Additionally, there is an external memory with unlimited size. There are special I/O operations that transfer B consecutive words between slow and fast memory. For example, the external memory could be a hard disk, M would then be the main memory size and B would be a block size that is a good compromise between low latency and high bandwidth. On current technology M = 1GByte and B = 1MByte could be realistic values. One I/O step would then be around 10ms which is 107 clock cycles of a 1GHz machine. With another setting of the parameters M and B, we could model the smaller access time differences between a hardware cache and main memory.

186 12.2 Amortized Analysis for Unbounded Arrays

Our implementation of unbounded arrays follows the algorithm design principle “make the common case fast”. Array access with [·] is as fast as for bounded arrays. Intuitively, pushBack and popBack should “usually” be fast — we just have to update n. However, a single insertion into a large array might incur a cost of n. We now show that such a situation cannot happen for our implementation. Although some isolated procedure calls might be expensive, they are always rare, regardless of what sequence of operations we execute.

Lemma 18 Consider an unbounded array u that is initially empty. Any sequence σ = hσ1, . . . , σmi of pushBack or popBack operations on u is executed in time O(m).

Corollary 19 Unbounded arrays implement the operation [·] in worst case constant time and the operations pushBack and popBack in amortized constant time. To prove Lemma 18, we use the accounting method. Most of us have already used this approach because it is the basic idea behind an insurance. For example, when you rent a car, in most cases you also have to buy an insurance that covers the ruinous costs you could incur by causing an accident. Similarly, we force all calls to pushBack and popBack to buy an insurance against a possible call of reallocate. The cost of the insurance is put on an account. If a reallocate should actually become necessary, the responsible call to pushBack or popBack does not need to pay but it is allowed to use previous deposits on the insurance account. What remains to be shown is that the account will always be large enough to cover all possible costs. Proof: Let m0 denote the total number of elements copied in calls of reallocate. The total cost incurred by calls in the operation sequence σ is O(m + m0). Hence, it suffices to show that m0 = O(m). Our unit of cost is now the cost of one element copy. We require an insurance of 3 units from each call of pushBack and claim that this suffices to pay for all calls of reallocate by both pushBack and popBack. We prove by induction over the calls of reallocate that immediately after the call there are at least n units left on the insurance account.

First call of reallocate: The first call grows w from 1 to 2 after at least onecall of pushBack. We have n = 1 and 3 − 1 = 2 > 1 units left on the insurance account. For the induction step we prove that 2n units are on the account immediately before the current call to reallocate. Only n elements are copied leaving n units on the account — enough to maintain our invariant. The two cases in which reallocate may be called are analyzed separately.

187 pushBack grows the array: The number of elements n has doubled since the last reallocate when at least n/2 units were left on the account by the induction hypothe- sis (this holds regardless of the type of operation that caused the reallocate). The n/2 new elements paid 3n/2 units giving a total of 2n units for insurance. popBack shrinks the array: The number of elements has halved since the last reallocate when at least 2n units were left on the account by the induction hypothesis. Since then, n/2 elements have been removed and n/2 elements have to be copied. After paying for the current reallocate, 2n − n/2 = 3/2n > 2(n/2) are left on the account.

12.3 Analysis of Randomized Quicksort

To analyze the running time of quicksort for an input sequence s = he1, . . . , eni we focus on the number of element comparisons performed. Other operations contribute only constant factors and small additive terms in the execution time. Let C(n) denote the worst case number of comparisons needed for any input sequence of size n and any choice of random pivots. The worst case performance is easily deter- mined. Lines (A), (B), and (C) in Figure 3.1. can be implemented in such a way that all elements except for the pivot are compared with the pivot once (we allow three-way comparisons here, with possible outcomes ‘smaller’, ‘equal’, and ‘larger’). This makes n − 1 comparisons. Assume there are k elements smaller than the pivot and k0 elements larger than the pivot. We get C(0) = C(1) = 0 and

C(n) = n − 1 + max {C(k) + C(k0) : 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, 0 ≤ k0 < n − k} .

By induction it is easy to verify that n(n − 1) C(n) = = Θn2 . 2 The worst case occurs if all elements are different and we are always so unlucky to pick the largest or smallest element as a pivot. The expected performance is much better.

Theorem 20 The expected number of comparisons performed by quicksort is

C¯(n) ≤ 2n ln n ≤ 1.4n log n .

We concentrate on the case that all elements are different. Other cases are easier because a pivot that occurs several times results in a larger middle sequence b that need not be processed any further.

188 0 0 0 Let s = he1, . . . , eni denote the elements of the input sequence in sorted order. Ele- 0 0 ments ei and ej are compared at most once and only if one of them is picked as a pivot. Hence, we can count comparisons by looking at the indicator random variables Xij, i < j 0 0 where Xij = 1 if ei and ej are compared and Xij = 0 otherwise. We get

n n n n n n ¯ X X X X X X C(n) = E[ Xij] = E[Xij] = prob(Xij = 1) . i=1 j=i+1 i=1 j=i+1 i=1 j=i+1

The middle transformation follows from the linearity of expectation. The last equa- tion uses the definition of the expectation of an indicator random variable E[Xij] = ¯ prob(Xij = 1). Before we can further simplify the expression for C(n), we need to determine this probability. 2 Lemma 21 For any i < j, prob(X = 1) = . ij j − i + 1 0 0 Proof: Consider the j − i + 1 element set M = {ei, . . . , ej}. As long as no pivot from 0 0 M is selected, ei and ej are not compared but all elements from M are passed to the same recursive calls. Eventually, a pivot p from M is selected. Each element in M has the same 0 0 chance 1/|M| to be selected. If p = ei or p = ej we have Xij = 1. The probability for 0 0 this event is 2/|M| = 2/(j − i + 1). Otherwise, ei and ej are passed to different recursive calls so that they will never be compared.

Now we can finish the proof of Theorem 20 using relatively simple calculations.

n n n n n n−i+1 X X X X 2 X X 2 C¯(n) = prob(X = 1) = = ij j − i + 1 k i=1 j=i+1 i=1 j=i+1 i=1 k=2 n n n X X 2 X 1 ≤ = 2n = 2n(H − 1) ≤ 2n(ln n + 1 − 1) = 2n ln n . k k n i=1 k=2 k=2 Pn For the last steps, recall the properties of the harmonic number Hn := k=1 1/k ≤ ln n + 1.

12.4 Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort maintains the invariant that the output sequence is always sorted by choos- ing an arbitrary element of the input sequence but taking care to insert this element at the right place in the output sequence. Figure 12.1 gives an in-place array implementation of insertion sort. This implementation is straightforward except for a small trick that allows

189 the inner loop to use only a single comparison. When the element e to be inserted is smaller than all previously inserted elements, it can be inserted at the beginning without further tests. Otherwise, it suffices to scan the sorted part of a from right to left while e is smaller than the current element. This process has to stop because a[1] ≤ e. Insertion Sort has a worst case running time of Θ(n2) but is nevertheless a fast algorithm for small n.

Procedure insertionSort(a : Array [1..n] of Element) for i := 2 to n do invariant a[1] ≤ · · · ≤ a[i − 1] // a: 1..i − 1: sorted i..n: unsorted //Move a[i] to the right place e := a[i] // a: sorted e i + 1..n if e < a[1] then // new minimum for j := i downto 2 do a[j] := a[j − 1] // a: sorted > e i + 1..n a[1] := e // a: e sorted > e i + 1..n else // Use a[1] as a sentinel for j := i downto −∞ while a[j − 1] > e do a[j] := a[j − 1] a[j] := e // a: ≤ e e > e i + 1..n

Figure 12.1: Insertion sort

12.5 Lemma on Interval Maxima

Lemma 22 Consider an MST T = ({0, . . . , n − 1} ,ET ) where the JP algorithm (JP) adds the nodes to the tree in the order 0,..., n − 1. Let ei, 0 < i < n denote the edge used to add node i to the tree by the JP algorithm. Let wi, denote the weight of ei. Then, for all nodes u < v, the heaviest edge on the path from u to v in T has weight maxu

190 u u 3 3 4 8 v 4 8 1 1 v' v' 5 5 v

0 1 4 35 8 0 1 4 35 8

Case 1: v' < u Case 2: v' > u

Figure 12.2: Illustration of the two cases of Lemma 22. The JP algorithm adds the nodes from left to right.

Case v0 ≤ u: By the induction hypothesis, the heaviest edge on the path from v0 to u is maxv0 u: By the induction hypothesis, the heaviest edge on the path between u and 0 v has weight maxu

Lemma 22 also holds when we have the MSF of an unconnected graph rather than the MST of a connected graph. When JP spans a connected component, it selects an arbitrary node i and adds it to the MSF with wi = ∞. Then the interval maximum for two nodes that are in two different components is ∞, as it should be.

12.6 Random Permutations without additional I/Os

For renaming nodes, we need a (pseudo)random permutation π : 0..n − 1 → 0..n − 1. Assume√ for now that n is a square so that we can represent a node i as a pair (a, b) with i = a + b n. Our permutations are constructed√ from Feistel permutations, i.e., permutations√ of the√ form πf ((a, b√)) = (b, a+f(b) mod n) for some random mapping f : 0.. n−1 → 0.. n − 1. Since n is small, we can afford to implement f using a lookup table filled with random elements. For example, for n = 232 the lookup table for f would require only 128 KByte. It is known that a permutation π(x) = πf (πg(πh(πl(x)))) build by chaining four Feistel permutations is “pseudorandom” in a sense useful for cryptography. The same holds if the innermost and outermost permutation is replaced by an even simpler permutation. In our implementation we use just two stages of Feistel-Permutations. It is an interesting question what provable performance guarantees for the sweep algorithm or other algorithmic problems can√ be given for such permutations. A permutation π0 on 0.. d ne2 − 1 can be transformed to a permutation π on 0..n − 1 by iteratively applying π0 until a value below n is obtained. Since π0 is a permutation, this

191 process must eventually terminate. If π0 is random, the expected number of iterations is close to 1 and it is unlikely that more than three iterations are necessary for any input.

12.7 Proof of Discarding Theorem for Suffix Array Con- struction

Proof: We prove the theorem by showing that the total amount of data in the different steps of the algorithm over the whole execution is as in the data flow graph in Figure 10.3. The nontrivial points are that at most N = n log dps tuples are processed in each sorting step over the whole execution and that at most n tuples are written to P . The former follows from the fact that a suffix i is involved in the sorting steps as long as it has a non- unique rank, which happens in exactly dlog(1+dps(i))e iterations. To show the latter, we note that a tuple (c, i) is written to P in iteration k only if the previous tuple (c0, i − 2k) was not unique. That previous tuple will become unique in the next iteration, because it is represented by ((c0, c), i − 2k) in S. Since each tuple turns unique only once, the total number of tuples written to P is at most n.

12.8 Pseudocode for the Discarding Algorithm

Function name2 (S : Sequence of Pair) q:= q0:= 0; (`, `0):= ($, $) result:= hi foreach ((c, c0), i) ∈ S do if c 6= ` then q:= q0:= 0; (`, `0):= (c, c0) else if c0 6= `0 then q0:= q; `0:= c0 append (c + q0, i) to result q++ return result

Figure 12.3: The alternative naming procedure.

192 Function doubling + discarding(T ) S:= h((T [i],T [i + 1]), i): i ∈ [0, n)i 1 sort S 2 U:= name(S) //undiscarded 3 P := hi //partially discarded F := hi //fully discarded for k := 1 to dlog ne do mark unique names in U 4 k k sort U by (i mod 2 , i div 2 ) 5 merge P into U; P := hi 6 S:= hi; count:= 0 foreach (c, i) ∈ U do 7 if c is unique then if count < 2 then append (c, i) to F else append (c, i) to P count:= 0 else let (c0, i0) be the next pair in U append ((c, c0), i) to S count++ if S = ∅ then sort F by first component 8 return hi :(c, i) ∈ F i 9 sort S 10 U:= name2 (S) 11

Figure 12.4: The doubling with discarding algorithm.

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