Screening White Nationalists, Persecuted Victims, and Populist Enablers
RESPONDING TO HATE Screening White Nationalists, Persecuted Victims, and Populist Enablers Lawrence Baron From the end of World War II until 1980, the specter As incidents of racist terrorism escalate and of neo-Nazis has haunted the cinematic imagination. populist politicians exploit the discontent Tainted by the Third Reich’s crimes, fugitive Nazi that fuels it, filmmakers have tried to explain war criminals and new generations of white suprem- the attraction of white supremacy without acists served as sinister villains for action, espionage, inadvertently condoning it ... horror, and science fiction films about fringe conspiracies to found a white utopia. The majority What unites white extremists and populists is outrage of these films were American B movies. With a few over their perceived cultural, economic, and political exceptions, like Pressure Point (1962), they provided displacement by foreigners, non-Christians, and escapist entertainment about fanatics whose people of color. They attribute the erosion of white ideology and transgressions remained intriguingly power to everything from corporate capitalism, evil, but practically irrelevant. These motion pictures demographic decline, and Jewish conspiracies to typically dissociated American political realities from mass immigration, multilateralism, the outsourcing of neo-Nazi cabals by setting them in Argentina, industrial jobs to Third World countries, and policies Austria, Brazil, Germany, dystopian futures, or aimed at achieving gender and racial diversity alternate pasts. and equality. Although screen neo-Nazis continue to be portrayed To convey the appeal of white nationalism, the as ideologues, mad scientists, or thugs, historical dangers it poses, and its potential to expand its docudramas and psychosocial films constitute an influence, directors have resorted to three approaches increasing portion of the movies about neo-Nazis that are not always mutually exclusive.
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