
Journal of Environmental Management (2002) 64, 179–197 doi:10.1006/jema.2001.0522, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Restoring grassland from degraded pinyon-juniper : effects of mechanical overstory reduction and slash treatment alternatives

Dale G. Brockway*†, Richard G. Gatewood‡ and Randi B. Paris§

† Southern Research Station, USDA Service, 520 Devall Drive, Auburn, AL 36849, USA ‡ Bandelier National Monument, USDI National Park Service, Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA § Trinity County Resource Conservation District, P.O. Box 1450, Weaverville, CA 96093, USA

Received 23 April 2001; accepted 8 October 2001

Although the distribution and structure of pinyon-juniper woodlands in the southwestern are thought to be the result of historic fluctuations in regional climatic conditions, more recent increases in the areal extent, tree density, erosion rates and loss of understory diversity are attributed to heavy by domestic livestock and interruption of the natural fire regime. Prior to 1850, many areas currently occupied by high-density pinyon-juniper woodlands, with their degraded and depauperate understories, were very likely savannas dominated by native grasses and and containing sparse tree cover scattered across the landscape. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mechanical overstory reduction and three slash treatment alternatives (removal, clustering and scattering) followed by prescribed fire as techniques for restoring grassland savannas from degraded woodlands. Plant cover, diversity, and status, litter cover and soil chemistry and erosion rates were measured prior to and for two years following experimental treatment in a degraded pinyon-juniper in central New . Treatment resulted in a significant increase in the cover of native grasses and, to a lesser degree, forbs and shrubs. Plant species richness and diversity increased most on sites where slash was either completely removed or scattered to serve as a mulch. Although no changes in soil chemistry or plant nutrient status were observed, understory biomass increased over 200% for all harvest treatments and was significantly greater than controls. While treatment increased litter cover and decreased soil exposure, this improvement did not significantly affect soil loss rates. Even though all slash treatment alternatives increased the cover and biomass of native grasses, scattering slash across the site to serve as a mulch appears most beneficial to improving plant species diversity and conserving site resources.  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.) Sarg., Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths, plant cover, species diversity, herbaceous biomass, logging slash, soil erosion.

Introduction its historical flux or whether the current occu- pancy and structure now exceed its range of natural variation (Gottfried et al., 1995). Pinyon- Pinyon-juniper woodlands currently occupy 3 mil- juniper woodlands of relatively high-density are ha in the Southwest (USDA Forest Service, thought by some to represent a ‘climax’ state 1993) and 24 million ha throughout the western that is approaching an equilibrium with climatic United States (West, 1984). However, controversy conditions. Others, noting the loss of understory exists concerning whether the present extent and grasses and forbs and resulting soil erosion associ- structure of this ecosystem are characteristic of ated with high-density pinyon-juniper woodlands, see them as a retrogressive condition resulting Ł Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] from the interaction of a changing and

0301–4797/02/020179C19 $35.00/0  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. 180 D. G. Brockway et al. historical management practices. Much of what is Prior to European settlement, fluctuations in the now pinyon-juniper woodland may have once been range of pinyon-juniper woodlands were largely mostly juniper , dominated by grasses and a result of climatic change and , with forbs and containing perhaps no more than 10–15 periodic fire as an important disturbance agent trees/ha. Interruption of ecological processes, such (Leopold, 1924; Pieper, 1993; Betancourt, 1996). as periodic fire, and implementation of manage- Much of this ecosystem was characterized by ment activities, such as heavy grazing, may have savanna-like , with high-density wood- led to the existing condition of extensive high- confined to rocky ridges, hillslopes and flats density pinyon-juniper woodlands. where fine fuels were insufficient to carry fire Studies of pollen, packrat middens, dry caves, (O’Rourke and Ogden, 1969; West, 1984; Swetnam lake sediments and archaeological sites have been and Brown, 1992; Wood and Javed, 1992; Miller useful in documenting the substantial expansion and Rose, 1995). However, during the past 150 and contraction in the range of pinyon-juniper years, juniper trees have increased both in distri- woodlands as climate has changed during the bution and density throughout their range (Parker, past several thousand years (Van Devender et al., 1945; Johnsen, 1962; Tausch et al., 1981; West, 1984; Mehringer and Wigand, 1990; Gottfried 1984; Erramouspe, 1994) and have aggressively et al., 1995). During periods of increased moisture invaded grasslands, , sagebrush , (4000–1900 BP), juniper expanded down moun- aspen and riparian communities (Parker, 1945; tain slopes into more xeric communities (Wigand, West, 1984; Eddleman, 1987; Miller and Rose, 1987) and grass occupancy increased, resulting in 1995). Pinyon-juniper woodland has expanded its periodic fires that maintained low-density open range five-fold and increased its density 6–20 times stands of pinyon and juniper trees in associ- (Cottam and Stewart, 1940), with densities now ation with herbaceous understories (Miller and averaging 338 trees per ha (Miller and Rose, 1995). Wigand, 1994). As the climate became warmer and Most present day woodlands are <100 years old. drier (1900–1000 BP), juniper occupancy declined Climate, grazing and fire are the major factors and grass and levels persisted (Davis, 1982; most often linked to expansion of pinyon-juniper Wigand, 1987; Wigand and Rose, 1990; Wigand woodlands (Miller and Wigand, 1994). Favourable and Nowak, 1992). Although pinyon pine expanded climate during the late 1800s and early 1900s dramatically around 1000 BP, subsequent (Antevs, 1938; Graumlich, 1985), promoted vigor- and fire (700–500 BP) led to a widespread decrease ous juniper growth (Fritts and Xiangdig, 1986) and of pinyon and juniper (Wigand and Rose, 1990). stimulated increases in grasses and forbs which Increased winter precipitation beginning in the increased the potential for fire. However, heavy 1500s initiated a re-expansion of juniper woodland, grazing by domestic livestock reduced understory which with some fluctuation in the early 1800s, fuels and caused a decrease in fire frequency, sharply increased in the 1900s (Mehringer and facilitating expansion of pinyon-juniper woodland Wigand, 1990). Since Anglo-European settlement and increases in tree density (Johnsen, 1962; of the Southwest began around 1850, temperatures Burkhardt and Tisdale, 1976; Young and Evans, have increased and pinyon-juniper woodlands have 1981; Evans, 1988). Pre-settlement fire frequen- initiated another expansion episode (Ghil and cies ranged from 15 to 25 years (Agee, 1993), Vantgard, 1991). Variation in the regional cli- with junipers <50 years old easily killed by fire mate has caused several local episodes of juniper (Burkhardt and Tisdale, 1976). Periodic fire main- expansion and contraction (Betancourt, 1987) and tained trees and shrubs at relatively low densities global climate change has been recently linked to and restricted woody to sites containing low extensive and rapid displacement of plant commu- levels of fuel (Miller and Wigand, 1994). However, nities along the ecotone with encroaching juniper removal of fine fuels by grazing as early as the woodlands (Allen and Breshears, 1998). Cultural mid-1800s and suppression of fire since the mid- impacts of Native Americans and Spanish settlers 1900s have been major factors in reducing fire from fuelwood harvesting and grazing were rela- frequency (Wright et al., 1979; Savage and Swet- tively small and dispersed, resulting in only minor nam, 1990). Livestock may have also contributed declines in pinyon-juniper occupancy and slight to juniper expansion through dissemination, increases in soil erosion rates. Major ecological reducing competition from preferred forage species changes occurred in the Southwest with arrival of and increasing safe sites for juniper seedling estab- Anglo-European settlers, their large herds of lishment. Reduced competition from herbaceous and sheep and coincidental in the late forage species has been implicated in predispos- 1800s and mid-1900s (Gottfried et al., 1995). ing plant communities to juniper invasion (Cottam Restoring grassland savannas 181 and Stewart, 1940). A combination of frequent fire history of livestock grazing and fire suppression, and competition from cool- grasses can effec- the overstory was mechanically reduced to 15 tively exclude juniper during the critical period of trees/ha and three slash treatment alternatives seedling establishment. were applied as a prelude to re-introducing fire in During the past 50 years in central New Mexico, this ecosystem. In measuring the post-treatment climate has varied from very dry at mid- century, changes in vascular plant cover, diversity, biomass, causing high juniper mortality, to very wet over the foliar nutrition, litter cover, soil chemistry and ero- recent 20 years, favouring juniper expansion (Got- sion, the objectives of this study were to (1) assess tfried et al., 1995; Betancourt, 1996). Increased the effectiveness of mechanical overstory reduction levels of atmospheric CO2 are also thought to as a method of decreasing competition between have contributed to the expansion of pinyon-juniper trees and desirable understory plant species, (2) woodlands in the Southwest (Johnson et al., 1993; evaluate the efficacy of slash treatment alterna- Polley et al., 1993). Since cool-season C3 plants tives for stabilizing surface soils, conserving site respond more favourably to increased CO2 concen- and improving plant growth and diver- trations than do warm-season C4 species (Bazzaz sity and (3) determine whether mechanical over- et al., 1985), higher CO2 may increase growth story reduction and slash treatment can serve as a of cool-season junipers at the expense of asso- viable procedure for restoring grassland savannas ciated warm-season grasses (Miller and Wigand, from degraded pinyon-juniper woodlands. 1994). Other southwestern woody plants, such as creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) and mesquite (), have also expanded their Methods ranges and invaded native grasslands during the past century, indicating that expanded juniper occupancy may be only one component of a much Study site broader ecological trend across the region (Buffin- gton and Herbel, 1965; Grover and Musick, 1990; This experiment was conducted on the Mountainair Schlesinger et al., 1990; Virginia et al., 1992). Yet Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest in considering the highly dynamic nature of semiarid Torrence County, central New Mexico. The study grasslands and woodlands, it is quite likely that site is located near the Abo Unit of the Salinas the theory of multiple stable states applies to these Pueblo Mission National Monument (34° 300 N, ecosystems (Friedel, 1988; Westoby et al., 1989; 106° 300 W), adjacent to the Manzano Mountains Laycock, 1991). Unlike the earlier site potential and is typical of pinyon-juniper woodland in concept (Dyksterhuis, 1949; Humphrey, 1949) that this region. The climate is semiarid and annual considers all range conditions with reference to precipitation is highly variable, averaging 400 mm, a ‘climax’ condition, this more recent theory pos- with about 60% of this arriving as summer tulates the existence of numerous conditions in thundershowers (Bourlier et al., 1970). Average which a vegetation assemblage may persist for a monthly temperatures range from 8°Cto19°Cfor prolonged time period (Friedel, 1991; George et al., the April to September period and from 1°Cto 1992; Tausch et al., 1993). These states are sepa- 10°C during October to March. rated from one another by thresholds that may be The study area is approximately 1950 m above overcome by a single disturbance or sequence of sea level on a broad, north–south trending ridge multiple disturbance events that move a floristic adjoining the Manzano Mountains in the Basin assemblage in a non-linear fashion from one long- and Range Province. The numerous ridges and term stable state to another. Although, the current canyons in this locale are drained toward the Rio episode of juniper expansion into grasslands may Grande by a number of intermittently flowing and simply be its re-establishment on sites previously highly eroded arroyos. Surface slopes at the study occupied by woodland (Samuels and Betancourt, site range from nearly level (0–2%) to moderately 1982; Dick-Peddie, 1993), many of these lands, inclined (up to 9%). The surface geology is under- because of human interference with natural pro- lain by the Abo Formation which dates to the cesses, contain degraded pinyon-juniper woodlands Lower Permian. This 275 m thick consists that could benefit substantially from ecological of red and reddish-brown crossbedded siltstone restoration to grassland savannas. and medium to fine-grained sandstone overlying In a pinyon-juniper woodland, containing a rel- shale, siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate. Soils atively dense overstory, depauperate herbaceous developed as in parent materials that are understory and eroded surface soils following a residuum weathered from fine-grained sandstone 182 D. G. Brockway et al. and shale. The predominant soil is Encierro chan- Cultural treatments which cause large-scale soil nery loam (Lithic Argiustoll, clayey, mixed, mesic), disturbance, such as anchor chaining, have been which is low in water holding capacity and has a proven effective in removing larger juniper trees medium to high runoff rate. Gravel and larger rock (Miller and Wigand, 1994). However, such meth- fragments occur over the surface and throughout ods also stimulate regeneration of juniper seedlings the profile of this shallow soil, which ranges in and exacerbate soil loss, thereby defeating the thickness from 13 to 51 cm above bedrock (Bourlier primary objectives of grassland savanna restora- et al., 1970). Plant root development is correspond- tion. Therefore, methods which reduce competition ingly restricted. from woody overstory plants while protecting the Vegetation on this eroded, shallow range site soil surface are essential to achieving ecological consisted of a relatively dense overstory and restoration. sparse understory, which resulted in bare soil In April 1995, a randomized complete block exposure approaching 70%. The overstory ranged experimental design was established on the study from 2 to 3 m in height and was dominated by site. Four experimental treatments were replicated one-seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma), with in four blocks distributed across the 16 ha study lesser amounts of pinyon pine (Pinus edulis). area. Each 1 ha (100 mð100 m) block contained four Commonly observed shrubs included broom - 0Ð25 ha (50 mð50 m) plots. Aside from the unhar- weed (), skunkbush sumac vested control plots, all treatments consisted of (Rhus trilobata) and pricklypear cactus (Opun- mechanical removal of the overstory juniper trees tia spp.). Blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), black leaving a residual density of 15 trees/ha. This was grama (Bouteloua eripoda), galleta (Hilaria jame- accomplished in summer 1996 using chainsaws sii), ring muhly (Mulenbergia torreyi), sideoats and the larger juniper stems were removed from grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), purple three- the site for use as fuelwood. Treatment of resid- awn ( purpurea) and sand dropseed ual slash consisted of (1) evenly scattering slash (Sporobolus cryptandrus) were among the promi- materials across the entire plot as a mulch to nent graminoids. Associated forbs included sage- protect the soil surface and provide ameliorated wort wormwood (Artemesia campestris), rose- microsites for understory plants, (2) leaving slash heath (Chaetopappa ericoides), catseye (Cryptan- clustered around the base of each cut juniper tree, tha spp.), fleabane (Erigeron spp.), spurge (Euphor- to simulate the typical result of a fuelwood har- bia spp.), pepperweed (Lepidium spp.), flax (Linum vest and (3) completely removing all slash from the spp.) blackfoot (Melampodium leucanthum), plot, to discern whether slash management pro- woolly indianwheat (Plantago purshii), linear- vides any additional benefits to soil or understory leaved tansy mustard (Sisymbrium linearifolium), recovery over simply reducing direct competition silverleaf nightshade (Solanum eleagnifolium), from overstory junipers. scarlet globemallow (Sphraeralcea coccinea)and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). Measurements

Site history and experimental treatments In June 1995, plant cover, species diversity, lit- ter cover, understory biomass, foliar nutritional Although the study area had been grazed by status, soil chemical properties and erosion mea- domestic livestock for many decades, a seasonal surements were conducted on all plots to assess the grazing system was first implemented in 1969, pretreatment status of this ecosystem. Repeated which allowed 30 cattle to graze the site for post-treatment measurements were then com- 9 months each year. More recently, the graz- pleted during October 1996 and 1997 to ascertain ing season was reduced to 7 months per year to the ecological changes resulting from fuelwood avoid possible resource degradation resulting from harvesting and slash treatment alternatives. Soil heavy utilization. Because of deteriorating under- exposure, litter cover and total foliar cover of all story vegetation and soil conditions on the site, all plant species (vertical projection of canopy) was grazing was suspended from 1995 until mid-1997. measured using the method of community struc- While cattle grazing contributed to the decrease ture analysis (Pase, 1981) along two 25 m transects in cover, competition for limited (oriented east and west) within each plot. Identi- site resources from a relatively dense juniper over- fication and nomenclature for plant species were story was also thought to be a principal cause consistent with taxonomic authorities (Hitchcock, for decline in the understory plant community. 1950; Humphrey, 1956; Hermann, 1966; Nickerson Restoring grassland savannas 183 et al., 1976; Weber, 1976; Kartesz et al., 1994). time sequence of repeated measurements was then Aboveground herbaceous understory biomass was undertaken. A repeated measures ANOVA, using quantified on three randomly selected 1 m2 sam- initial conditions as covariates, was used to eval- pling subplots within each larger treatment plot. uate time and treatment effects and interactions. The standing biomass of understory plants was Treated responses were compared to the untreated destructively sampled by clipping all understory response using orthogonal polynomials. Since pre- herbaceous vegetation at the groundline and plac- treatment rates were not available, soil erosion ing samples into paper bags. Soils were sampled to was evaluated using an analysis of variance rather a depth of 15 cm, using a 5 cm diameter coring than the analysis of covariance. Statistical analysis device, at 5 m intervals along two 25 m tran- of the time and treatment interaction for computed sects (oriented parallel to the plant transects) diversity indices was completed using the bootstrap within each plot. Soil stability (loss or aggrada- technique PROC MULTTEST in SAS (Efron and tion) was estimated through erosion bridge mea- Tibshirani, 1993; Westfall and Young, 1993; SAS surements (Shakesby, 1993), using four 2 m long Institute, 1996). Adjusted P-values, which main- erosion bridges installed in the interstitial spaces tain a constant Type I error across the full range on each plot. of comparisons, were used to determine significant All herbaceous plant samples were dried to a differences among means (10 000 bootstrap itera- constant mass in a force draft oven at 75°Cfor tions were used). A probability level of 0Ð05 was 48 hours and weighed. These data were then used to discern significant differences. used to construct biomass estimates for understory vegetation relative to experimental treatment. These samples were subsequently ground in a Results Wiley mill using a 20 mesh screen and chemically analyzed to determine the concentrations of N, Foliar cover changes P,K,Ca,Mg,Na,Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,BandAl present in the plant tissue. Data on the foliar The foliar cover of juniper was dramatically cover of each species were summarized as estimates reduced in 1996 by mechanical treatment (Table 1). for each plot and analyzed by treatment and This fuelwood harvest, which left a residual over- change through time. These cover data were used story density of 15 trees/ha, decreased juniper cover as importance values to compute several indices by 94–97% with no evidence of recovery during sub- of alpha diversity, including species richness, sequent growing . Since juniper comprised species evenness and species diversity (Ludwig a vast majority of the overstory, total tree cover and Reynolds, 1988). Species richness is the was correspondingly reduced. However, no signif- total number of species present (N0), evenness icant reductions were observed for pinyon pine. describes how abundance is distributed among The effect of the overstory removal treatment on species (modified Hill ratio, E5), approaching one shrubs was to produce an increase in foliar cover when all species are of equal abundance and through time on all harvested plots. This increase declining toward zero when few species dominate, was largely the result of expanding coverage of and species diversity mathematically combines the most prominent shrub, broom snakeweed, from species richness and evenness components into approximately 1% to ½3% cover. Overall woody a single numeric value (Shannon index, H’). Soil plant cover on the control plots remained stable samples were air dried, passed through a 2 mm throughout this period. sieve to remove coarse fragments and chemically Following overstory reduction, the foliar cover analyzed to measure NO3-N, NH4-N, total N, of graminoids on all harvested plots was signifi- P and K, exchangeable Ca, Mg and Na, SAR, cantly greater than on controls (Table 1). While electrical conductivity, pH and organic matter grass cover on control plots expanded by about content. Soil erosion data for the 3-growing-season 150% in subsequent growing seasons, increases time period were summarized by plot and analyzed on the harvested plots were consistently greater, by treatment. approaching 250%. Significant linear increases in All data for dependent variables were summa- graminoid cover occurred through time on all har- rized as estimates of the mean for each plot and vested plots; however, there were no significant these means were then used to estimate the mean differences among the methods of slash treatment. and variance for each of the four treatments. For With increases in the cover of other grasses not sig- each dependent variable, a comparison of differ- nificant, blue grama and black grama appear to be ences among experimental treatments and over the the principal graminoids responsible for the above 184 D. G. Brockway et al.

Table 1. Plant cover response to overstory thinning and slash treatments (% cover)

Control Slash removed Slash clustered Slash scattered Adjusted meana

Trees 1995 24Ð517Ð516Ð625Ð5 1996 18Ð30Ð80Ð11Ð55Ð1 1997 21Ð50Ð00Ð71Ð55Ð9 Adjusted meana 19Ð60Ð8b 1Ð0b 0Ð7b One-seed juniper 1995 22Ð016Ð516Ð125Ð5 1996 18Ð30Ð80Ð01Ð55Ð1 1997 21Ð50Ð00Ð21Ð55Ð8 Adjusted mean 22Ð84Ð8b 5Ð7b 9Ð5b Pinyon pine 1995 0Ð01Ð00Ð50Ð0 1996 0Ð00Ð00Ð10Ð00Ð0 1997 0Ð00Ð00Ð50Ð00Ð1 Adjusted mean 0Ð20Ð40Ð20Ð2 Shrubs 1995 0Ð51Ð71Ð00Ð1 1996 0Ð00Ð30Ð60Ð10Ð2c 1997 1Ð06Ð52Ð83Ð53Ð5c Adjusted mean 15Ð32Ð617Ð4 Broom snakeweed 1995 0Ð01Ð71Ð00Ð1 1996 0Ð00Ð30Ð60Ð10Ð2c 1997 0Ð56Ð52Ð83Ð53Ð3c Adjusted mean 0Ð13Ð61Ð81Ð6 Graminoids 1995 7Ð912Ð213Ð08Ð9 1996 9Ð727Ð416Ð611Ð716Ð3c 1997 20Ð238Ð035Ð030Ð630Ð9c Adjusted mean 11Ð035Ð2b 29Ð6b 28Ð6b Blue grama 1995 5Ð68Ð510Ð37Ð1 1996 7Ð016Ð016Ð611Ð711Ð2c 1997 20Ð238Ð035Ð030Ð618Ð9c Adjusted mean 14Ð418Ð011Ð915Ð8 Black grama 1995 1Ð21Ð40Ð71Ð0 1996 2Ð03Ð91Ð62Ð02Ð4c 1997 7Ð03Ð94Ð85Ð25Ð2c Adjusted mean 4Ð95Ð31Ð6b 3Ð4 Galleta 1995 0Ð30Ð20Ð80Ð1 1996 0Ð31Ð71Ð00Ð80Ð9 1997 0Ð95Ð23Ð82Ð83Ð2 Adjusted mean 0Ð63Ð52Ð12Ð0 Ring muhly 1995 0Ð41Ð41Ð10Ð3 1996 0Ð33Ð00Ð60Ð11Ð0 1997 0Ð54Ð22Ð00Ð51Ð8 Adjusted mean 1Ð12Ð60Ð81Ð0 Forbs 1995 1Ð40Ð40Ð50Ð9 1996 2Ð12Ð41Ð02Ð11Ð9 1997 0Ð62Ð81Ð31Ð61Ð6 Adjusted mean 0Ð53Ð2b 1Ð51Ð7 aPost-treatment mean adjusted by analysis of covariance. b Significantly different from untreated control plots, PÄ0Ð05. c Significant change through time following treatment, PÄ0Ð05. Restoring grassland savannas 185 result. But, because of the high variability in cover cover of forbs were not observed, but significant measurements for individual grass species, when differences among the methods of slash treatment adjusted for initial conditions, single species differ- were noted. Slash removal following fuelwood har- ences among treatments were generally not signif- vest resulted in a significant rise in forb cover. icant and thus largely time driven (P<0Ð05). Only However, overall forb presence on the site remained for the clustered slash treatment was black grama very low at <3% cover. cover found to be significantly less than on other treatments. Following harvest, grasses expanded into newly available growing spaces which were Plant diversity dynamics formerly adjacent to and beneath the crowns of junipers. The smallest increase in grass cover was A total of 41 vascular plant species were found noted on control plots where the juniper over- on the Abo study plots (Table 2). With very few story continued to dominate the plant community. tree species present in this plant community, Significant increases through time in the foliar one-seed juniper dominated the overstory prior to

Table 2. Plant species present on the Abo study site, Cibola NF

Scientific name Common name

Trees Juniperus monosperma one-seed juniper Pinus edulis pinyon pine Shrubs Gutierrezia sarothrae broom snakeweed Opuntia spp. pricklypear cactus Rhus trilobata skunkbush sumac Graminoids Aristida purpurea purple threeawn Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama Bouteloua eripoda black grama Bouteloua gracilis blue grama Deschampsia spp. hairgrass Distichlis spicata inland saltgrass Elymus elymoides longleaf squirreltail Eragrostis cilianensis stinking lovegrass Festuca octoflora six-weeks fescue Hilaria jamesii galleta Kolaria cristata junegrass Lycurus phleoides wolftail Muhlenbergia torreyi ring muhly Oryzopsis micrantha little ricegrass Panicum obtusum vine mesquite Schedonnardus paniculatus tumblegrass Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed Forbs Artemesia campestris sagewort wormwood Chaetopappa ericoides roseheath Chenopodium graveolens ragleaf goosefoot Cryptantha spp. catseye Erigeron spp. fleabane Euphorbia fendleri Fendler spurge Euphorbia spp. spurge Lepidium spp. pepperweed Linum spp. flax Melampodium leucanthum plains blackfoot Nama dichotomum nama Physalis spp. groundcherry Plantago purshii woolly indianwheat Portulaca oleracea pursley Sisymbrium linearifolium linear-leaved tansy mustard Solanum eleagnifolium silverleaf nightshade Sphraeralcea coccinea scarlet globemallow Taraxacum officinale dandelion Verbena spp. verbena

Total plant speciesD41. 186 D. G. Brockway et al. fuelwood harvest. Juniper remained the principal in 1997. The largest increase for the Shannon tree following treatment, but was now widely diversity index (H’), from 0Ð85 to 1Ð34, was observed scattered at intervals approximating 20–30 m, on scattered-slash plots. Plant species evenness simulating a grassland savanna condition. Very was unaffected by fuelwood harvest and slash few shrubs were present on this site, with broom treatment alternatives during this time. snakeweed being the only species having more than a trace occurrence. The variety of graminoids is evident; however, only a few such as blue grama, Understory biomass black grama, galleta and ring muhly appeared to be abundant. Sideoats grama, purple threeawn The standing biomass of herbaceous understory and sand dropseed were well represented on some plants increased progressively through time on all portions of the site. Few forb species were present treatments (Table 4). While pretreatment values and, with none being prominent, they typically ranged from 320 to 429 kg/ha, post-treatment persisted at very low levels prior to and following levels varied from 630 to 1034 kg/ha following the treatment. 1997 growing season. Although biomass on control During the 1996 and 1997 growing seasons, plots increased by 70%, that on the scattered-slash species richness (N ) was significantly greater 0 plots rose by 132%, that on the slash-removed plots than controls only on plots where slash had been grew by 141% and that on the clustered-slash plots completely removed following fuelwood harvest increased by 215% during this period. Herbaceous (Table 3). Although representing a 50% rise, the plant biomass on all fuelwood harvested plots was increase from 8 species before treatment to 12 significantly greater than the biomass measured species is indicative of the overall low richness on unharvested controls. in this plant community. During 1996, species richness also increased significantly on plots where slash was evenly scattered as a mulch; however, these values declined to near pre-treatment levels Plant nutrients and soil chemistry by 1997. Richness remained unaffected on plots where slash was clustered following harvest. Nutrient concentrations in understory plant foliage Fuelwood harvest and slash treatment alter- were unaffected by fuelwood harvest and slash natives caused no significant changes in plant treatment alternatives (Table 5). Although levels species diversity relative to untreated control plots of Fe were somewhat high, total N, Zn and B (Table 3). Diversity did progressively increase were generally low and P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Mn, through time on all but the clustered-slash treat- Cu and Al were quite variable, all values fell ment, with increases becoming significant for the within the normal range for such plants. Exper- scattered-slash plots by 1996 and the control plots imental treatments also resulted in no significant changes in surface soil chemistry (Table 6). With concentrations of Ca high and values for NO -N, Table 3. Plant species richness, diversity and evenness 3 responses to overstory thinning and slash treatments NH4-N, Mg, Na and SAR relatively low, levels of total N, P, K, organic matter and pH were Control Slash Slash Slash within the normal range for arid and semiarid removed clustered scattered soils. Number of species: 1995 7Ð58Ð08Ð38Ð3 ab bTable 4. Understory herbaceous plant biomass response 1996 10Ð012Ð3 8Ð310Ð8to overstory thinning and slash treatments (kg/ha) 1997 7Ð510Ð8a 7Ð59Ð8 Shannon index: Control Slash Slash Slash Adjusted a 1995 0Ð97 1Ð24 1Ð16 0Ð85 removed clustered scattered mean 1996 1Ð14 1Ð41 0Ð97 1Ð27b 1995 369Ð5 429Ð0 320Ð5 385Ð5 1997 1Ð30b 1Ð46 1Ð14 1Ð34b 1996 338Ð3 558Ð0 503Ð5 449Ð8 462Ð4c Modified hill ratio: 1997 629Ð8 1034Ð0 1009Ð5 895Ð3 892Ð1c 1995 0Ð61 0Ð81 0Ð68 0Ð62 Adjusted 482Ð3 809Ð4b 742Ð4b 674Ð9b 1996 0Ð65 0Ð63 0Ð67 0Ð72 meana 1997 0Ð77 0Ð68 0Ð71 0Ð63 a Post-treatment mean adjusted by analysis of covariance. a Significantly different from untreated control plots, PÄ0Ð05. b Significantly different from untreated control plots, PÄ0Ð05. b Significant change through time following treatment, PÄ0Ð05. c Significant change through time following treatment, PÄ0Ð05. Restoring grassland savannas 187

Table 5. Understory plant foliar nutrition response to Litter cover, soil exposure and erosion overstory thinning and slash treatments (mg/kg)

Control Slash Slash Slash Litter cover on fuelwood harvested plots was removed clustered scattered significantly increased over that on controls, with a rise during the 1996 year of treatment and N a significant decline by the end of the following 1995 6575 7550 7425 6300 1997 6575 6353 7240 7055 growing season (Table 7). The percentage of bare Adjusted meana 6978 5741 6759 7744 soil correspondingly decreased during this period, resulting in significantly less soil exposure on P 1995 500 575 500 450 harvested plots than on control plots. Despite this 1997 899 1050 1362 1071 decline in exposed soil, no significant differences Adjusted mean 847 1626 1310 599 in soil erosion rates were observed (Table 8). Although the mean soil loss during this period on K 1995 2350 3575 3000 2575 harvested plots ranged from 1Ð2to3Ð5mmandthat 1997 4609 4099 4211 4912 on controls averaged 0Ð2 mm, the high variability Adjusted mean 4929 3672 4134 5095 among measurements rendered these differences Ca nonsignificant. 1995 3225 4800 3400 4775 1997 2666 3303 2766 3069 Adjusted mean 2871 3117 2928 2889 Discussion Mg 1995 1150 1500 1300 1425 1997 778 855 905 853 Effects on foliar cover Adjusted mean 777 856 905 853 Na Fuelwood harvest, which left a residual density of 1995 125 225 175 175 15 trees/ha in this pinyon-juniper woodland, dra- 1997 156 159 149 145 matically reduced overstory cover from as high as Adjusted mean 149 166 149 145 25% to <2%, creating a plant community struc- Fe ture similar to that of a savanna. The abrupt 1995 1100 1391 1466 1886 decrease in competition from the dominant over- 1997 856 718 636 681 story species on this shallow soil allowed grass to Adjusted mean 1175 779 631 306 rapidly expand from as low as 9% cover to as high as Mn 38% cover within two growing seasons. The inverse 1995 96 119 109 114 relationship that frequently exists between over- 1997 49 55 57 57 story cover and understory cover in pinyon-juniper Adjusted mean 55 50 57 55 woodlands has been long recognized (Parker, 1945; Zn Pieper, 1993; Erramouspe, 1994; Tausch and West, 1995 32 33 29 28 1995; White et al., 1997), with groundcover in 1997 20 24 18 17 very dense stands being nearly absent (Tausch Adjusted mean 21 25 17 15 and Tueller, 1990). This interspecific competition Cu effect appears greatest on sites with shallow soils 1995 6 7 6 6 (<60 cm), since juniper trees have widely spreading 1997 14 28 15 15 lateral root systems that are able to out-compete Adjusted mean 13 65 9 9 many herbaceous species for limited nutrient and B water resources (Johnsen, 1962; Gottfried et al., 1995 12 17 14 14 1995; Wilcox et al., 1996b). The dynamics of water 1997 26 25 30 22 Adjusted mean 28 22 30 21 availability is highly related to the pattern of veg- etation in semiarid pinyon-juniper environments, Al with lower soil temperatures and rates of evapora- 1995 228 310 316 406 tion resulting in greater soil water content beneath 1997 896 849 693 739 Adjusted mean 1289 874 690 324 tree canopies than in the interstitial spaces (Wilcox and Breshears, 1995; Breshears et al., 1998). Hori- a Post-treatment mean adjusted by analysis of covariance. zontal variations in soil moisture across a site are b Significantly different from untreated control plots, PÄ0Ð05. as important in discerning plant-water relation- ships as those associated with depth in the soil 188 D. G. Brockway et al.

Table 6. Soil chemistry response to overstory thinning and slash treatments

Control Slash Slash Slash removed clustered scattered

NO3-N (mg/kg) 1995 3Ð93Ð83Ð84Ð3 1997 1Ð21Ð01Ð21Ð2 Adjusted meana 1Ð21Ð01Ð21Ð2

NH4-N (mg/kg) 1995 0Ð30Ð20Ð20Ð2 1997 2Ð02Ð42Ð02Ð4 Adjusted mean 2Ð12Ð41Ð92Ð4 Total N (mg/kg) 1995 1400 1278 1396 1337 1997 640 998 950 1143 Adjusted mean 411 653 802 1089 Total P (mg/kg) 1995 295 309 289 300 1997 271 335 289 283 Adjusted mean 272 332 291 282 Total K (mg/kg) 1995 1469 2357 1806 1316 1997 1555 1758 1874 1687 Adjusted mean 1705 1409 1835 1924 Exch. Ca (meq/100g) 1995 49 53 50 53 1997 24 25 21 31 Adjusted mean 24 25 22 30 Exch. Mg (meq/100g) 1995 1Ð41Ð51Ð51Ð4 1997 2Ð22Ð02Ð22Ð1 Adjusted mean 2Ð22Ð02Ð22Ð0 Exch. Na (meq/100g) 1995 0Ð02 0Ð13 0Ð05 0Ð07 1997 0Ð04 0Ð04 0Ð04 0Ð05 Adjusted mean 0Ð05 0Ð02 0Ð04 0Ð05 SAR 1995 0Ð01 0Ð07 0Ð03 0Ð04 1997 0Ð12 0Ð21 0Ð23 0Ð14 Adjusted mean 0Ð01 0Ð36 0Ð20 0Ð14 Elec. Cond. (dS/m) 1995 0Ð60 0Ð67 0Ð63 0Ð67 1997 0Ð25 0Ð28 0Ð24 0Ð27 Adjusted mean 0Ð26 0Ð27 0Ð24 0Ð26 pH 1995 7Ð43 7Ð35 7Ð37 7Ð40 1997 8Ð03 8Ð03 7Ð99 8Ð06 Adjusted mean 7Ð94 8Ð11 8Ð03 8Ð02 Organic Matter (%) 1995 2Ð59 2Ð38 2Ð68 2Ð54 1997 1Ð53 1Ð35 1Ð72 1Ð71 Adjusted mean 1Ð58 1Ð17 1Ð87 1Ð70

a Post-treatment mean adjusted by analysis of covariance. b Significantly different from untreated control plots, PÄ0Ð05. profile (Breshears, 1993). Except for higher initial drier pinyon-juniper sites: overstory cover 20–30%, grass cover (10%) on our study area, pretreatment understory cover <5% and exposed soil nearly 70% conditions were very similar to those described for (Miller and Wigand, 1994). Restoring grassland savannas 189

Table 7. Litter cover and soil exposure response to cover increases were primarily the result of release overstory thinning and slash treatments (% cover or from overstory competition and perhaps only sec- exposure) ondarily benefited by disturbance of surface soils Control Slash Slash Slash Adjusted during harvest. The progressive increase in grass removed clustered scattered meana cover across all plots through time, indicates that some benefit may have been provided by resting Litter the site from grazing during this period. 1995 25Ð621Ð215Ð129Ð7 1996 19Ð928Ð218Ð036Ð625Ð0c 1997 17Ð013Ð07Ð225Ð215Ð6c Adjusted 15Ð022Ð9b 21Ð3b 21Ð9b Influence on diversity meana Soil Pinyon-juniper environments are frequently char- 1995 65Ð263Ð870Ð560Ð6 acterized by seasonal water deficits, low soil fer- c 1996 62Ð542Ð767Ð250Ð855Ð8 tility, shallow rocky soils which limit available 1997 61Ð739Ð653Ð740Ð148Ð8c Adjusted 61Ð942Ð3b 55Ð3b 49Ð6b rooting space and low to moderate species diver- mean sity (Gottfried et al., 1995). The 41 species overall and the fewer than one dozen species recorded on a Post-treatment mean adjusted by analysis of covariance. each plot are indicative of the low plant diversity b Significantly different from untreated control plots, PÄ0Ð05. c Significant change through time following treatment, PÄ0Ð05. on this study site. Plant species diversity is largely determined by interspecific competition interacting with site productivity, microsite heterogeneity and Table 8. Soil erosion response (mm) to overstory thinning disturbance regimes (Tilman, 1982). Plant com- and slash treatments (1995 to 1997) munity structure of juniper-invaded grasslands Control Slash Slash Slash typically shifts from being dispersed over the site removed clustered scattered to being highly aggregated (Carrara and Carroll, 1979) and plant species richness in such wood- Mean soil loss 0Ð23Ð51Ð51Ð2 Range 2Ð1 1Ð3 1Ð2 3Ð1 lands is known to decline as juniper dominance to to to to increases in the overstory (Koniak and Everett, 3Ð012Ð15Ð85Ð91982). Changes in plant community structure and decreases in understory species are greatest on sites having shallow soils (40–60 cm) and/or Juniper reduction in the overstory was also southerly aspects (Cottam and Stewart, 1940; related to increases in the cover of shrubs, prin- Johnsen, 1962; Tress and Klopatek, 1987). Plant cipally broom snakeweed, and forbs. Since these diversity dynamics on our study site reflected the increases were small, it is unclear whether they shallow soils present (13–51 cm) and the result- were driven by relief from competition with ing relatively more intense levels of interspecific juniper or resulted from soil disturbance related competition. to fuelwood harvesting activities which created Plant species richness generally increased dur- favourable microsites for their modest expansion. It ing the 1996 growing season and then declined the appears as though slash removal following harvest following year to near pretreatment values. This was the only treatment that significantly benefit- rise was significant only on plots where slash was ted forb cover during this period. Stirring of the completely removed or scattered as a mulch and soil surface was greater on these plots than on the not at all evident where slash was left clustered other treatments where slash remained on-site. around the base of harvested trees. Since species Except for steadily increasing its cover through richness during both 1996 and 1997 was signifi- time, broom snakeweed appears to follow a simi- cantly greater than controls only on the plots where lar, though nonsignificant, pattern as that of forbs. slash was completely removed following fuelwood As a well known ‘increaser’ on grazed range sites, harvest, it is quite likely that decreasing competi- the small increases in the cover of snakeweed were tion from overstory junipers did not by itself have very likely facilitated by soil disturbance during a major impact upon plant species numbers dur- wood harvesting. By contrast for graminoids, the ing this period. Rather, disturbance of the soil significant differences between harvested plots and during slash removal was also necessary to cre- controls, the relatively similar response pattern to ate microsites favourable for the establishment of harvest and the absence of differences related to additional species. Modest increases in the cover alternative slash treatments indicates that grass of forbs, broom snakeweed and some graminoids 190 D. G. Brockway et al. appear to be associated with this general rise. herbaceous plant biomass dramatically increased The Shannon index indicates a general increase from 300–400 kg/ha to 900–1000 kg/ha. These val- through time in species diversity for all treatments ues are of similar magnitude to those reported except where slash was left clustered. Only on the elsewhere in New Mexico for a range of pinyon- controls and on plots where slash was scattered juniper woodland sites (Pieper, 1995). With herbs as a mulch was this rise significant. While our being minor, this herbaceous biomass was princi- experimental treatment may have had some ben- pally composed of various grasses that responded eficial effects upon diversity, more likely the com- positively to being released from competition with plete rest from grazing during this period allowed overstory junipers. However, herbaceous biomass plant diversity to modestly improve on this site. also increased progressively through time across Diversity losses elsewhere have been attributed to the entire site, including the unharvested control excessive grazing (Milton et al., 1994). Although plots. This overall trend may be indicative of the fuelwood harvesting has dramatically reduced the benefits derived from resting the site from livestock juniper presence on this site, the lack of any sig- grazing during this period. nificant response in species evenness indicates a general absence of change in the relative domi- nance and resource allocation among understory Nutrient dynamics plant species. In focusing on the vascular plants in this pinyon- It was not surprising that foliar nutrient levels juniper woodland, only low levels of diversity and soil chemical properties were unaffected by were recorded. However, substantially greater fuelwood harvest and slash management alter- diversity exists in these ecosystems when soil biota natives during the initial time interval following in various microhabitats are considered (Dindal, treatment. Significant redistribution of nutrients 1990; Whitford, 1991). Cryptogamic crusts, which among the components of an ecosystem is typi- are composed of cyanobacteria, lichens, mosses, cally associated with a multi-year latency period. green algae and fungi, are also prominent features Therefore, the early changes observed in vascular of pinyon-juniper woodlands (Belnap, 1990; West, plant cover, diversity and productivity were most 1990). In addition to stabilizing surface soils likely the result of reallocation of available water (Belnap and Gardner, 1993) and conserving site resources among the remaining plants. As resid- nutrients and water (Loftin and White, 1996), these ual organic debris decomposes and is consumed by biotic crusts also contribute to the diversity of these future prescribed fires, changes in the vegetation ecosystems. It is worth noting that these crusts are pattern will very likely also be related to shifts in easily broken by the mechanical action of livestock nutrient allocation among plant species. While tree hooves (Brown, 1994). removal and slash burning is known to affect the rates of nutrient mineralization and nitrification in the soils of pinyon-juniper woodlands (DeBano Herbaceous biomass et al., 1987), leaving slash on the ground to gradu- ally decay along with other litter permits a slower Herbaceous understory production is known to release of nutrients and retards the loss of nitrogen decline as crown cover increases in the over- from the ecosystem (Evans, 1988). Slash scattered story of pinyon-juniper woodlands (Arnold et al., upon the soil also aids in nutrient conservation by 1964). Indeed, more intense competition from the acting as concentration points for nutrients lost increasing presence of juniper in combination with from source areas elsewhere on the site (Ludwig excessive livestock grazing is widely thought to be and Tongway, 1995). responsible for the overall decline in herbaceous Nutrients in semiarid woodlands, productivity on such (Milton et al., and grasslands are typically clustered in associ- 1994). Therefore, overstory reduction or removal ation with vegetation, while the surrounding areas is one possible means of increasing understory of exposed soil are frequently resource depleted productivity (Gottfried and Severson, 1994). How- and function as source areas for soil erosion (Hook ever, at least two-thirds of the overstory crown et al., 1991; Bolton et al., 1993; Kieft, 1994; White cover must be removed to achieve any substantial et al., 1997). Juniper trees influence site nutrient increase in the growth of understory plants (Fowler distribution by extracting nutrients from intersti- and Witte, 1987). tial spaces between trees and concentrating them Overstory reduction, leaving a residual density of beneath the tree canopy (Klopatek, 1987a,b), form- 15 trees/ha, created a savanna-like condition where ing ‘fertility islands’ (Garcia-Moya and McKell, Restoring grassland savannas 191

1970). The levels of nutrients (C, N, P, K, Ca, are subject to accelerated erosion while others Mg, Na, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn), rates of N mineral- are undergoing little or no soil loss (Davenport ization, numbers of nitrifying bacteria and various et al., 1998). Apparently, summer thunderstorms physical and chemical properties of the soil have are the most important source of surface runoff on been found to be significantly higher and more many pinyon-juniper sites (Wilcox et al., 1996a). favourable beneath tree canopies than in the inter- Soil loss through water erosion is a prominent stitial spaces (Barth, 1980; Everett et al., 1986; pathway by which pinyon-juniper woodlands lose Klopatek, 1987a,b; Klopatek and Klopatek, 1987; nutrient resources, thus progressively degrading Klopatek et al., 1990; Davenport et al., 1996). Once site productivity (Baker et al., 1995). Large exports established this spatial pattern is apparently quite of soil and nutrients did not appear to be a problem persistent, since the differential distribution of on our study site, during this time period. nutrient resources between impoverished intersti- tial spaces and enriched areas formerly beneath the canopy is still evident 5 to 8 years following Restoring the savanna ecosystem tree harvest (Thran and Everett, 1987). Extensive evidence indicates that pinyon-juniper ecosystems have been highly variable in their range Litter cover, soil exposure and erosion of occupancy and physiognomy during past mil- lennia, as climate change has broadly influenced Fuelwood harvest produced an immediate increase plant growth and natural fire regimes (Betancourt, in litter cover which resulted in a significant 1987, 1996; Betancourt et al., 1993; Miller and decrease in soil exposure on the study site. Wigand, 1994). A semiarid site at various points in Although finer logging slash materials began to time may have been occupied by native grassland, disappear through by the second savanna or pinyon-juniper woodland, depending post-treatment season, the amount of exposed on the prevailing environmental conditions and/or soil continued to decline as the cover of living activities of aboriginal people. However, the pro- plants, principally understory grasses, progres- gressive expansion of pinyon-juniper woodlands sively increased. Also, since no significant differ- into semiarid grasslands during the past century ences for litter cover or soil exposure were noted has caused substantial concern about declines in among the slash treatment alternatives (remov- understory plant diversity and productivity and ing, clustering, scattering), it is possible that the increases in soil erosion and nutrient loss (Parker, cover of living understory plants is as important in 1945; Johnsen, 1962; West, 1984; Davenport et al., providing soil protection as is the residual coarse 1996). Juniper invasion of grasslands may also debris and fine litter left on-site following over- adversely affect the hydrological cycle by promoting story reduction. In the long-term, the cover of living soil compaction, decreased infiltration, increased plants (including cryptogams) may very likely be surface water runoff, increased interception loss more important to soil protection than slash or of precipitation and increased evapotranspiration litter. However, slash cover does provide a degree which result in lower levels of available soil mois- of protection against soil erosion (Evans, 1988) by ture (Angell and Miller, 1994; Miller and Wigand, preventing sheet erosion and creating debris dams 1994). While one may argue that the recent trend which slow the rate of runoff from a site (Ernest of juniper expansion is yet another in a long series et al., 1993). Scattering slash across a harvested of fluctuations in this quite changeable ecosys- site, was elsewhere found to result in the least tem, evidence to the contrary suggests that the surface runoff and sediment loss (Wood and Javed, current situation is a result of human interfer- 1992). ence with natural ecological processes, principally Although no significant differences in soil erosion heavy grazing by non-native that have rates were discernable among the experimental reduced fine fuels to levels so low as to almost treatments, there was a fairly consistent pattern of completely thwart the life functions in these ecosys- small soil losses. Since our erosion measurement tems that are dependent upon periodic fire (Grover bridges were located within intercanopy areas, and Musick, 1990; Jeltsch et al., 1996). Continuing it was surprising that high rates of soil loss fire suppression efforts by humans have further were not observed, as soils in interstitial spaces facilitated development of high-density woodlands, are known to have greater erosion rates than for which there are few historical analogs except those beneath the tree canopy (Wilcox et al., those present on rocky sites with fuels insuffi- 1996b). However, many pinyon-juniper woodlands cient to sustain a fire. Therefore, as an artifact of 192 D. G. Brockway et al. human management, high-density pinyon-juniper forbs by providing partial shade for microsites, woodlands may be appropriately considered as can- stabilizing the soil surface from erosion and armor- didates for ecological restoration to lower-density ing microsites against close grazing by ungulates woodlands or savannas, where scattered pinyon (Loftin et al., 1995). On a larger scale, restora- pines and juniper trees coexist with a vigorous tion efforts might be best pursued by implementing understory of native grasses and forbs which will treatments which create a vegetation mosaic across contribute to soil stabilization and conservation of the landscape. This would result in the widest site nutrient and water resources. variety of ecological conditions, ranging from grass- While grassland savannas are known to persist lands to savannas to open woodlands to dense for long periods in semiarid ecosystems (Risser, woodlands, and ensure that many diverse 1995), it is worth noting that selection of this are provided for numerous resident and transient condition as the preferred ecological status of a . Although techniques such as creating particular site is somewhat arbitrary and based on numerous ‘sunspots’ (0Ð51 ha patch-clearcuts) the objectives of the manager. A wide range could be employed to increase edge and of tree densities naturally occur in this ecosystem, augment understory plant production and diver- providing managers with a variety of options rang- sity in woodlands (Evans, 1988), juniper removal ing from no trees in a grassland to a low number across larger contiguous areas may sometimes be per unit area typical of a savanna to a moder- appropriate when benefits are intended for obligate ate number characteristic of an open woodland. grassland species. Restoration neither implies returning this ecosys- Mechanical treatments provide an effective tem to conditions prevailing during pre-Columbian means of more rapidly restoring pinyon-juniper times nor any other arbitrarily chosen point in woodland to a grassland savanna ecosystem than history. The now widespread occurrence of non- could be achieved by other means such as fire native species, extirpation of native species and alone. Indeed, with larger junipers fairly resis- our lack of detailed data concerning understory tant to fire and understory fuels often insufficient and overstory composition, structure and function to carry fire, intervention by mechanical means during these early times would make such attempts may be essential for achieving restoration (phase generalized efforts that might overlook key ecosys- I). The restored site can then be more quickly tem components and processes. Rather, restoration scheduled for fire maintenance (phase II). The next in this context was primarily focused on restor- phase of this study will examine the differential ing the functional processes that will sustain the recovery effects in this ecosystem resulting from numerous ecological, economic and social values fuelwood harvest and slash treatments followed by associated with this ecosystem. In achieving func- prescribed burning as contrasted with those result- tional restoration, the objective was to employ fuel- ing from treatment with prescribed fire alone. wood harvesting as a means of (1) reducing use of site resources by highly competitive junipers while retaining the pinyon pine component in the over- Conclusion story, (2) encouraging establishment and growth of understory herbaceous plants and (3) utilizing slash to slow surface runoff, stabilize soils and con- Within two growing seasons, fuelwood harvest- serve site nutrients and water. By stabilizing and ing which left a residual overstory density of 15 protecting the physical environment and rebalanc- trees/ha caused substantial changes in a relatively ing composition among overstory and understory dense pinyon-juniper woodland that had a depau- plant species, this effort sought to improve biologi- perate herbaceous understory and nearly 70% bare cal productivity and diversity. soil exposure. The decline in juniper was associated Restoring biological diversity is perhaps the with increases in foliar cover of graminoids, forbs greatest challenge to restoration efforts, with even and broom snakeweed. Plant species richness and the best examples able to restore only a frac- diversity generally increased following treatment, tion of the natural plant species richness (Allen, while species evenness remained unaffected during 1995). The plant community response following this period. The standing biomass of herbaceous juniper removal in woodlands is quite variable and plants (primarily grasses) progressively increased highly dependent upon understory conditions prior through time and was significantly greater on to harvest (Miller and Wigand, 1994). However, all harvested plots than on uncut controls. Foliar evenly scattering residual logging slash across a nutrient status and soil chemical properties were harvested site will promote growth of grasses and not affected by treatment. Litter cover significantly Restoring grassland savannas 193 increased and bare soil exposure decreased on all Allen, C. D. and Breshears, D. D. (1998). Drought- harvested plots, but rates of soil erosion remained induced shift of a forest-woodland ecotone: rapid land- low and unaffected by treatment. scape response to climate variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 95, 14839–14842. Generally, very few differences resulted from Allen, E. B. (1995). Restoration ecology: limits and pos- application of the slash management alternatives, sibilities in arid and semiarid lands. In Proceedings of indicating that relief from intense competition the Wildland Shrub and Arid Land Restoration Sym- with junipers was the primary effect of exper- posium (B. A. Roundy, E. D. McArthur, J. S. Haley and imental treatment. Complete removal of slash D. K. Mann, eds), pp. 7–15. Ogden, UT: USDA For- est Service Intermountain Research Station General following fuelwood harvest appeared to require Technical Report INT- 315. greater levels of on-site activity and likely resulted Angell, R. F. and Miller, R. F. (1994). Simulation in somewhat more disturbance of the soil surface of leaf conductance and transpiration in Juniperus than other alternatives. The resulting availabil- occidentalis. Forest Science 40, 5–17. ity of new microsites for plant establishment and Antevs, E. (1938). Rainfall and tree growth in the Great Basin. Carnegie Institution of Publication growth quite possibly contributed to the signifi- No. 469 New York: American Geographic Society cantly higher degree of species richness on these Special Publication No. 21. plots following harvest. Conversely, leaving slash Arnold, J. F., Jameson, D. A. and Reid, E. H. (1964). The clustered at the base of harvested trees required Pinyon-Juniper Type in Arizona: Effects of Grazing, lower levels of on-site activity and likely resulted Fire and Tree Control. Washington, DC: USDA Forest Service Production Research Report 84. in less disturbance of the soil surface. Lower diver- Baker, M. B., DeBano, L. F. and Ffolliott, P. F. (1995). sity values for this alternative are consistent with Soil loss in pinyon-juniper ecosystems and its influence this conclusion. Scattering slash across the plots on site productivity and desired future condition. following harvest also required appreciable on-site In Desired Future Conditions for Pinyon-Juniper activity and likely resulted in a fair degree of dis- Ecosystems (D. W. Shaw, E. F. Aldon and C. LoSapio, eds), pp. 9–15. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service turbance of the soil surface. In addition to creating Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station new favourable microsites, much of the area was General Technical Report RM-258. also covered by slash which served as a mulch, Barth, R. C. (1980). Influence of pinyon pine trees on soil ameliorating environmental conditions. This dual chemical and physical properties. Soil Science Society effect very likely accounted for the significant of America Journal 44, 112–114. increases in species richness and plant diversity Bazzaz, F. A., Garbutt, K. and Williams, W. E. (1985). Effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide con- observed on slash-scattered plots following treat- centration on plant communities. In Direct Effects of ment. Therefore, while the difference among slash Increasing Carbon Dioxide on Vegetation (B. R. Strain treatment alternatives appears modest, we rec- and J. D. Cure, eds), pp. 155–170. Washington, DC: ommend evenly scattering slash across harvested US Dept. of Energy ER-0238. pinyon-juniper sites as the preferred means of ame- Belnap, J. (1990). Microbiotic crusts: their role in past and present ecosystems. Park Science 10, 3–4. liorating microsite conditions, abating soil loss, Belnap, J. and Gardner, J. S. (1993). Soil microstructure conserving nutrient and water resources and aug- in soils of the Colorado plateau: the role of the menting plant productivity and diversity. cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Great Basin Naturalist 53, 40–47. Betancourt, J. L. (1987). Paleoecology of pinyon-juniper woodlands: summary. In Proceedings of the Pinyon- Acknowledgements juniper Conference (R. L. Everett, ed.), pp. 129–139. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research Station General Technical Report INT-215. The authors express their appreciation to Frank Mar- Betancourt, J. L. (1996). Long- and short-term climate tinez of the Cibola National Forest for administrative influences on southwestern shrublands. In Proceed- support and coordination. We also thank Lawrence ings of the Ecosystem Dynamics in a Abeita and Ruben Leal for assistance in data collec- Changing Environment Conference (J. R. Barrow, tion. We are also grateful to Sam Loftin, Roy Jemison E. D. McArthur, R. E. Sosebee and R. J. Tausch, and two anonymous reviewers for comments quite useful eds), pp. 5–9. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service Inter- in improving this manuscript. mountain Research Station General Technical Report INT-338. Betancourt, J. L., Pierson, E. A., Rylander, K. A., Fairchild-Parks, J. A. and Dean, J. S. (1993). Influence References of history and climate on New Mexico pinyon-juniper woodlands. In Managing Pinyon-Juniper Ecosystems for and Social Needs (E. F. Aldon and Agee, J. K. (1993). of Pacific Northwest D. W. Shaw, eds), pp. 42–62. Fort Collins, CO: USDA . 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