Ulla Karttunen The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction and Mediated Reality. The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction and Mediated Reality. Ethics and Aesthetics in the dream and cream world of every-extending publicity Ulla Karttunen * University of Eastern Finland Shift in publicities My focus is on the public, published, reproduced sides of reality – existing in the contemporary world is something more than immediate presence, it very often also means touching what is already mediated. Reality, as public and social, consists not only of persons, actions and social structures; it is also made up of images and words, reflections and reproductions. I shall call these reproduced parts of reality-mediated realities. *
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[email protected] Art, Emotion and Value. 5th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics, 2011 479 Ulla Karttunen The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction and Mediated Reality. Art and science are traditional forms of reflecting and interpreting reality, but in today’s society there are also many forms of mediated reality that did not exist just a short while ago. Public realms of words and images have undergone enormous change, massive growth, and a kind of virtual urbanization. In spite of silent villages, consisting of prayer books, textual newspapers and religious imagery, we have today real publiCITIES: crowded centres and favelas consisting of advertisements, reality shows, magazines, lifestyle books, music videos, blogs and so on. This development has been made possible by various technical discoveries, inventions from photography and cinema to computers and digital reproduction. In the 19th century advertising, marketing, entertainment, celebrity culture and similar fields were either non-existent or minimal if we compare their coverage today.1 These areas are generally based on visual enjoyment, so aesthetics (with its visual orientation criticized in anti-ocularcentric2 philosophy) could have dealt with them.