6th MARCH 2015


HEAD OF SERVICE & DESIGNATION. DIRECTORATE TELEPHONE NO. C Moore, Head of Financial Services Resources 01267 224121 AUTHOR & DESIGNATION DIRECTORATE TELEPHONE NO C Moore, Head of Financial Services Resources 01267 224121

The Revenue Budget 2015/16 was finalised and presented to County Council on the 24th February 2015 and the Authority has now received all the precept requirements from the Town and Councils and Police and Crime Commissioner for .

This report now concludes the formal budget setting process and requires County Council to formally set the Budget Requirement and Council Tax for 2015/16.


1. That it be noted that the Revenue Budget 2015/16, together with outlook for 2016/17 and 2017/18, and the Five Year Capital Programme (Council Fund) 2015/20 was approved by County Council on the 24th February 2015.

2. That it be noted that: a. the County Council General Fund Reserve at 31st March 2015 is estimated to be £7.338m and that the Revenue Budget for 2015/16 includes the utilisation of £138,000 from the General Fund Reserve to support the budget requirement b. the Head of Financial Services after taking account of the above confirms that the estimated level of financial reserves is adequate for the financial year 2015/16. c. the Head of Financial Services confirms that the build up of the County Council estimates for the purpose of the calculation under section 32 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 has been undertaken in a robust manner.

3. That it be noted that at its meeting on 15th December 2014, the Executive Board calculated the following amounts for the year 2015/16 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: -

(a) £70,375.70 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) () Regulations 1995, as its council tax base for the year.

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(b) COMMUNITY TAX BASE COMMUNITY TAX BASE (Col. 1) (Col. 2) (Col. 1) (Col. 2)

ABERGWILI 718.60 517.71

ABERNANT 123.34 446.19

BRONWYDD 271.74 5241.01

CILYMAENLLWYD 326.04 1901.09

CYNWYL ELFED 441.22 1535.60

EGLWYSCUMMIN 184.00 774.82

GORSLAS 1759.69 784.60


LAUGHARNE 550.16 218.44

LLANARTHNE 373.45 426.23

LLANBOIDY 414.08 507.05



LLANDYFAELOG 592.61 690.47


LLANGYNDEYRN 1276.08 557.37

LLANGUNNOR 1105.53 221.28

LLANGYNIN 125.47 607.67

LLANGYNOG 221.07 256.31

LLANLLAWDDOG 316.61 220.73

LLANPUMPSAINT 316.63 187.61



MEIDRIM 255.54 181.28

NEWCHURCH & MERTHYR 306.75 932.21

PENDINE 161.63 237.02

ST CLEARS 1251.29 TOWN 8474.66

ST ISHMAEL 720.91 7875.91

TRELECH 315.39 PEMBREY & 3159.41

WHITLAND 694.65 1352.65

CENARTH 527.52 2138.16



LLANGELER 1450.63 972.72

LLANLLWNI 310.55 834.12


LLANYCRWYS 100.03 TOTAL 70,375.70

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being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 6 of the above Regulations, as the amounts of its council tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.

4. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2015-2016 in accordance with sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: -

(a) £533,798,262 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act (including Community Council Precepts totaling £5,016,719)

(b) £200,680,366 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.

(c) £333,117,896 being the amount by which the aggregate at 4(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 4(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.

(d) £252,361,436 being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its council fund in respect of redistributed non- domestic rates, revenue support grant, or additional grant less discretionary non-domestic rate relief.

(e) £1,147.50 being the amount at 4(c) above less the amount at 4(d) above, all divided by the amount at 3 above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year.

(f) £5,016,719 being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.

(g) £1,076.22 being the amount at 4(e) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 4(f) above by the amount at 3 above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.

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BASIC BASIC COMMUNITY AMOUNT OF COMMUNITY AMOUNT OF COUNCIL COUNCIL TAX TAX £ £ 1112.46 1083.72 ABERNANT 1100.54 PENCARREG 1098.43 1108.60 NEWCASTLE EMLYN 1130.98 1094.62 CARMARTHEN 1202.53 1102.22 AMMANFORD 1120.41 1108.83 CWMAMMAN 1168.87 1114.55 LLANDEILO 1145.42 1083.21 LLANDOVERY 1139.38 1126.65 BETWS 1099.23 LLANARTHNE 1116.71 CILYCWM 1099.11 1110.13 CYNWYL GAEO 1089.12 1106.78 DYFFRYN CENNEN 1113.22 & LLANMILOE 1118.82 LLANDDEUSANT 1090.58 1109.74 LLANDYBIE 1111.24 1109.87 LLANEGWAD 1090.70 1113.07 LLANFAIR AR Y BRYN 1093.30 1108.78 LLANFIHANGEL ABERBYTHYCH 1106.72 1101.33 LLANFYNYDD 1103.33 LLANGYNOG 1109.12 LLANGADOG 1109.13 1097.65 LLANGATHEN 1103.53 1098.22 LLANSADWRN 1103.40 & LLANYBRI 1112.27 LLANSAWEL 1100.21 1096.71 LLANWRDA 1121.89 1111.44 MANORDEILO & SALEM 1090.03 NEWCHURCH & MERTHYR 1097.67 MYDDFAI 1091.94 1130.49 QUARTER BACH 1139.96 1136.87 TALLEY 1105.75 ST ISHMAEL 1118.76 LLANELLI TOWN 1170.62 1076.22 LLANELLI RURAL 1200.61 1134.06 PEMBREY & BURRY PORT 1170.22 1092.33 KIDWELLY 1162.81 LLANFIHANGEL-AR-ARTH 1117.91 LLANEDI 1169.05 LLANFIHANGEL RHOS Y CORN 1111.47 LLANGENNECH 1168.97 1097.16 LLANNON 1206.76 1111.64 PONTYBEREM 1172.91 1118.58 TRIMSARAN 1141.99

being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 4(g) above, the amounts of the special items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council's area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.

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(i) 2015/16 COMMUNITY BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H BAND I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ABERGWILI 741.64 865.25 988.85 1112.46 1359.67 1606.89 1854.10 2224.92 2595.74 ABERNANT 733.69 855.98 978.26 1100.54 1345.10 1589.67 1834.23 2201.08 2567.93 BRONWYDD 739.07 862.24 985.42 1108.60 1354.96 1601.31 1847.67 2217.20 2586.73 CILYMAENLLWYD 729.75 851.37 973.00 1094.62 1337.87 1581.12 1824.37 2189.24 2554.11 CYNWYL ELFED 734.81 857.28 979.75 1102.22 1347.16 1592.10 1837.03 2204.44 2571.85 EGLWYSCUMMIN 739.22 862.42 985.63 1108.83 1355.24 1601.64 1848.05 2217.66 2587.27 GORSLAS 743.03 866.87 990.71 1114.55 1362.23 1609.91 1857.58 2229.10 2600.62 HENLLANFALLTEG 722.14 842.50 962.85 1083.21 1323.92 1564.64 1805.35 2166.42 2527.49 LAUGHARNE 751.10 876.28 1001.47 1126.65 1377.02 1627.38 1877.75 2253.30 2628.85 LLANARTHNE 744.47 868.55 992.63 1116.71 1364.87 1613.03 1861.18 2233.42 2605.66 LLANBOIDY 740.09 863.43 986.78 1110.13 1356.83 1603.52 1850.22 2220.26 2590.30 LLANDDAROG 737.85 860.83 983.80 1106.78 1352.73 1598.68 1844.63 2213.56 2582.49 LLANDDOWROR & LLANMILOE 745.88 870.19 994.51 1118.82 1367.45 1616.07 1864.70 2237.64 2610.58 LLANDYFAELOG 739.83 863.13 986.44 1109.74 1356.35 1602.96 1849.57 2219.48 2589.39 LLANGAIN 739.91 863.23 986.55 1109.87 1356.51 1603.15 1849.78 2219.74 2589.70 LLANGYNDEYRN 742.05 865.72 989.40 1113.07 1360.42 1607.77 1855.12 2226.14 2597.16 LLANGUNNOR 739.19 862.38 985.58 1108.78 1355.18 1601.57 1847.97 2217.56 2587.15 LLANGYNIN 734.22 856.59 978.96 1101.33 1346.07 1590.81 1835.55 2202.66 2569.77 LLANGYNOG 739.41 862.65 985.88 1109.12 1355.59 1602.06 1848.53 2218.24 2587.95 LLANLLAWDDOG 731.77 853.73 975.69 1097.65 1341.57 1585.49 1829.42 2195.30 2561.18 LLANPUMSAINT 732.15 854.17 976.20 1098.22 1342.27 1586.32 1830.37 2196.44 2562.51 LLANSTEFFAN & LLANYBRI 741.51 865.10 988.68 1112.27 1359.44 1606.61 1853.78 2224.54 2595.30 LLANWINIO 731.14 853.00 974.85 1096.71 1340.42 1584.14 1827.85 2193.42 2558.99 MEIDRIM 740.96 864.45 987.95 1111.44 1358.43 1605.41 1852.40 2222.88 2593.36 NEWCHURCH & MERTHYR 731.78 853.74 975.71 1097.67 1341.60 1585.52 1829.45 2195.34 2561.23 PENDINE 753.66 879.27 1004.88 1130.49 1381.71 1632.93 1884.15 2260.98 2637.81 ST CLEARS 757.91 884.23 1010.55 1136.87 1389.51 1642.15 1894.78 2273.74 2652.70 ST ISHMAEL 745.84 870.15 994.45 1118.76 1367.37 1615.99 1864.60 2237.52 2610.44 TRELECH 717.48 837.06 956.64 1076.22 1315.38 1554.54 1793.70 2152.44 2511.18

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2015/16 COMMUNITY BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H BAND I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ WHITLAND 756.04 882.05 1008.05 1134.06 1386.07 1638.09 1890.10 2268.12 2646.14 CENARTH 728.22 849.59 970.96 1092.33 1335.07 1577.81 1820.55 2184.66 2548.77 LLANFIHANGEL-AR-ARTH 745.27 869.49 993.70 1117.91 1366.33 1614.76 1863.18 2235.82 2608.46 LLANFIHANGEL RHOS Y CORN 740.98 864.48 987.97 1111.47 1358.46 1605.46 1852.45 2222.94 2593.43 LLANGELER 731.44 853.35 975.25 1097.16 1340.97 1584.79 1828.60 2194.32 2560.04 LLANLLWNI 741.09 864.61 988.12 1111.64 1358.67 1605.70 1852.73 2223.28 2593.83 LLANYBYDDER 745.72 870.01 994.29 1118.58 1367.15 1615.73 1864.30 2237.16 2610.02 LLANYCRWYS 722.48 842.89 963.31 1083.72 1324.55 1565.37 1806.20 2167.44 2528.68 PENCARREG 732.29 854.33 976.38 1098.43 1342.53 1586.62 1830.72 2196.86 2563.00 NEWCASTLE EMLYN 753.99 879.65 1005.32 1130.98 1382.31 1633.64 1884.97 2261.96 2638.95 CARMARTHEN 801.69 935.30 1068.92 1202.53 1469.76 1736.99 2004.22 2405.06 2805.90 AMMANFORD 746.94 871.43 995.92 1120.41 1369.39 1618.37 1867.35 2240.82 2614.29 CWMAMMAN 779.25 909.12 1039.00 1168.87 1428.62 1688.37 1948.12 2337.74 2727.36 LLANDEILO 763.61 890.88 1018.15 1145.42 1399.96 1654.50 1909.03 2290.84 2672.65 LLANDOVERY 759.59 886.18 1012.78 1139.38 1392.58 1645.77 1898.97 2278.76 2658.55 BETWS 732.82 854.96 977.09 1099.23 1343.50 1587.78 1832.05 2198.46 2564.87 CILYCWM 732.74 854.86 976.99 1099.11 1343.36 1587.60 1831.85 2198.22 2564.59 CYNWYL GAEO 726.08 847.09 968.11 1089.12 1331.15 1573.17 1815.20 2178.24 2541.28 DYFFRYN CENNEN 742.15 865.84 989.53 1113.22 1360.60 1607.98 1855.37 2226.44 2597.51 LLANDDEUSANT 727.05 848.23 969.40 1090.58 1332.93 1575.28 1817.63 2181.16 2544.69 LLANDYBIE 740.83 864.30 987.77 1111.24 1358.18 1605.12 1852.07 2222.48 2592.89 LLANEGWAD 727.13 848.32 969.51 1090.70 1333.08 1575.46 1817.83 2181.40 2544.97 LLANFAIR AR Y BRYN 728.87 850.34 971.82 1093.30 1336.26 1579.21 1822.17 2186.60 2551.03 LLANFIHANGEL ABERBYTHYCH 737.81 860.78 983.75 1106.72 1352.66 1598.60 1844.53 2213.44 2582.35 LLANFYNYDD 735.55 858.15 980.74 1103.33 1348.51 1593.70 1838.88 2206.66 2574.44 LLANGADOG 739.42 862.66 985.89 1109.13 1355.60 1602.08 1848.55 2218.26 2587.97 LLANGATHEN 735.69 858.30 980.92 1103.53 1348.76 1593.99 1839.22 2207.06 2574.90 LLANSADWRN 735.60 858.20 980.80 1103.40 1348.60 1593.80 1839.00 2206.80 2574.60 LLANSAWEL 733.47 855.72 977.96 1100.21 1344.70 1589.19 1833.68 2200.42 2567.16

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2015/16 COMMUNITY BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H BAND I LLANWRDA 747.93 872.58 997.24 1121.89 1371.20 1620.51 1869.82 2243.78 2617.74 MANORDEILO & SALEM 726.69 847.80 968.92 1090.03 1332.26 1574.49 1816.72 2180.06 2543.40 MYDDFAI 727.96 849.29 970.61 1091.94 1334.59 1577.25 1819.90 2183.88 2547.86 QUARTER BACH 759.97 886.64 1013.30 1139.96 1393.28 1646.61 1899.93 2279.92 2659.91 TALLEY 737.17 860.03 982.89 1105.75 1351.47 1597.19 1842.92 2211.50 2580.08 LLANELLI TOWN 780.41 910.48 1040.55 1170.62 1430.76 1690.90 1951.03 2341.24 2731.45 LLANELLI RURAL 800.41 933.81 1067.21 1200.61 1467.41 1734.21 2001.02 2401.22 2801.42 PEMBREY & BURRY PORT 780.15 910.17 1040.20 1170.22 1430.27 1690.32 1950.37 2340.44 2730.51 KIDWELLY 775.21 904.41 1033.61 1162.81 1421.21 1679.61 1938.02 2325.62 2713.22 LLANEDI 779.37 909.26 1039.16 1169.05 1428.84 1688.63 1948.42 2338.10 2727.78 LLANGENNECH 779.31 909.20 1039.08 1168.97 1428.74 1688.51 1948.28 2337.94 2727.60 LLANNON 804.51 938.59 1072.68 1206.76 1474.93 1743.10 2011.27 2413.52 2815.77 PONTYBEREM 781.94 912.26 1042.59 1172.91 1433.56 1694.20 1954.85 2345.82 2736.79 TRIMSARAN 761.33 888.21 1015.10 1141.99 1395.77 1649.54 1903.32 2283.98 2664.64

being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 4(h) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

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5. That it be noted for the year 2015/16 that the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys has stated the following amounts in a precept issued to the Council, in accordance with Sections 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below: -

Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band Band A B C D E F G H I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

133.38 155.61 177.84 200.07 244.53 288.99 333.45 400.14 466.83

6. That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 4(i) and 5 above, the Council in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2015/16 for each of the categories of dwellings shown overleaf:-

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2015/16 COMMUNITY BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H BAND I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ABERGWILI 875.02 1020.86 1166.69 1312.53 1604.20 1895.88 2187.55 2625.06 3062.57 ABERNANT 867.07 1011.59 1156.10 1300.61 1589.63 1878.66 2167.68 2601.22 3034.76 BRONWYDD 872.45 1017.85 1163.26 1308.67 1599.49 1890.30 2181.12 2617.34 3053.56 CILYMAENLLWYD 863.13 1006.98 1150.84 1294.69 1582.40 1870.11 2157.82 2589.38 3020.94 CYNWYL ELFED 868.19 1012.89 1157.59 1302.29 1591.69 1881.09 2170.48 2604.58 3038.68 EGLWYSCUMMIN 872.60 1018.03 1163.47 1308.90 1599.77 1890.63 2181.50 2617.80 3054.10 GORSLAS 876.41 1022.48 1168.55 1314.62 1606.76 1898.90 2191.03 2629.24 3067.45 HENLLANFALLTEG 855.52 998.11 1140.69 1283.28 1568.45 1853.63 2138.80 2566.56 2994.32 LAUGHARNE 884.48 1031.89 1179.31 1326.72 1621.55 1916.37 2211.20 2653.44 3095.68 LLANARTHNE 877.85 1024.16 1170.47 1316.78 1609.40 1902.02 2194.63 2633.56 3072.49 LLANBOIDY 873.47 1019.04 1164.62 1310.20 1601.36 1892.51 2183.67 2620.40 3057.13 LLANDDAROG 871.23 1016.44 1161.64 1306.85 1597.26 1887.67 2178.08 2613.70 3049.32 LLANDDOWROR & LLANMILOE 879.26 1025.80 1172.35 1318.89 1611.98 1905.06 2198.15 2637.78 3077.41 LLANDYFAELOG 873.21 1018.74 1164.28 1309.81 1600.88 1891.95 2183.02 2619.62 3056.22 LLANGAIN 873.29 1018.84 1164.39 1309.94 1601.04 1892.14 2183.23 2619.88 3056.53 LLANGYNDEYRN 875.43 1021.33 1167.24 1313.14 1604.95 1896.76 2188.57 2626.28 3063.99 LLANGUNNOR 872.57 1017.99 1163.42 1308.85 1599.71 1890.56 2181.42 2617.70 3053.98 LLANGYNIN 867.60 1012.20 1156.80 1301.40 1590.60 1879.80 2169.00 2602.80 3036.60 LLANGYNOG 872.79 1018.26 1163.72 1309.19 1600.12 1891.05 2181.98 2618.38 3054.78 LLANLLAWDDOG 865.15 1009.34 1153.53 1297.72 1586.10 1874.48 2162.87 2595.44 3028.01 LLANPUMSAINT 865.53 1009.78 1154.04 1298.29 1586.80 1875.31 2163.82 2596.58 3029.34 LLANSTEFFAN & LLANYBRI 874.89 1020.71 1166.52 1312.34 1603.97 1895.60 2187.23 2624.68 3062.13 LLANWINIO 864.52 1008.61 1152.69 1296.78 1584.95 1873.13 2161.30 2593.56 3025.82 MEIDRIM 874.34 1020.06 1165.79 1311.51 1602.96 1894.40 2185.85 2623.02 3060.19 NEWCHURCH & MERTHYR 865.16 1009.35 1153.55 1297.74 1586.13 1874.51 2162.90 2595.48 3028.06 PENDINE 887.04 1034.88 1182.72 1330.56 1626.24 1921.92 2217.60 2661.12 3104.64 ST CLEARS 891.29 1039.84 1188.39 1336.94 1634.04 1931.14 2228.23 2673.88 3119.53 ST ISHMAEL 879.22 1025.76 1172.29 1318.83 1611.90 1904.98 2198.05 2637.66 3077.27 TRELECH 850.86 992.67 1134.48 1276.29 1559.91 1843.53 2127.15 2552.58 2978.01

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2015/16 COMMUNITY BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H BAND I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ WHITLAND 889.42 1037.66 1185.89 1334.13 1630.60 1927.08 2223.55 2668.26 3112.97 CENARTH 861.60 1005.20 1148.80 1292.40 1579.60 1866.80 2154.00 2584.80 3015.60 LLANFIHANGEL-AR-ARTH 878.65 1025.10 1171.54 1317.98 1610.86 1903.75 2196.63 2635.96 3075.29 LLANFIHANGEL RHOS Y CORN 874.36 1020.09 1165.81 1311.54 1602.99 1894.45 2185.90 2623.08 3060.26 LLANGELER 864.82 1008.96 1153.09 1297.23 1585.50 1873.78 2162.05 2594.46 3026.87 LLANLLWNI 874.47 1020.22 1165.96 1311.71 1603.20 1894.69 2186.18 2623.42 3060.66 LLANYBYDDER 879.10 1025.62 1172.13 1318.65 1611.68 1904.72 2197.75 2637.30 3076.85 LLANYCRWYS 855.86 998.50 1141.15 1283.79 1569.08 1854.36 2139.65 2567.58 2995.51 PENCARREG 865.67 1009.94 1154.22 1298.50 1587.06 1875.61 2164.17 2597.00 3029.83 NEWCASTLE EMLYN 887.37 1035.26 1183.16 1331.05 1626.84 1922.63 2218.42 2662.10 3105.78 CARMARTHEN 935.07 1090.91 1246.76 1402.60 1714.29 2025.98 2337.67 2805.20 3272.73 AMMANFORD 880.32 1027.04 1173.76 1320.48 1613.92 1907.36 2200.80 2640.96 3081.12 CWMAMMAN 912.63 1064.73 1216.84 1368.94 1673.15 1977.36 2281.57 2737.88 3194.19 LLANDEILO 896.99 1046.49 1195.99 1345.49 1644.49 1943.49 2242.48 2690.98 3139.48 LLANDOVERY 892.97 1041.79 1190.62 1339.45 1637.11 1934.76 2232.42 2678.90 3125.38 BETWS 866.20 1010.57 1154.93 1299.30 1588.03 1876.77 2165.50 2598.60 3031.70 CILYCWM 866.12 1010.47 1154.83 1299.18 1587.89 1876.59 2165.30 2598.36 3031.42 CYNWYL GAEO 859.46 1002.70 1145.95 1289.19 1575.68 1862.16 2148.65 2578.38 3008.11 DYFFRYN CENNEN 875.53 1021.45 1167.37 1313.29 1605.13 1896.97 2188.82 2626.58 3064.34 LLANDDEUSANT 860.43 1003.84 1147.24 1290.65 1577.46 1864.27 2151.08 2581.30 3011.52 LLANDYBIE 874.21 1019.91 1165.61 1311.31 1602.71 1894.11 2185.52 2622.62 3059.72 LLANEGWAD 860.51 1003.93 1147.35 1290.77 1577.61 1864.45 2151.28 2581.54 3011.80 LLANFAIR AR Y BRYN 862.25 1005.95 1149.66 1293.37 1580.79 1868.20 2155.62 2586.74 3017.86 LLANFIHANGEL ABERBYTHYCH 871.19 1016.39 1161.59 1306.79 1597.19 1887.59 2177.98 2613.58 3049.18 LLANFYNYDD 868.93 1013.76 1158.58 1303.40 1593.04 1882.69 2172.33 2606.80 3041.27 LLANGADOG 872.80 1018.27 1163.73 1309.20 1600.13 1891.07 2182.00 2618.40 3054.80 LLANGATHEN 869.07 1013.91 1158.76 1303.60 1593.29 1882.98 2172.67 2607.20 3041.73 LLANSADWRN 868.98 1013.81 1158.64 1303.47 1593.13 1882.79 2172.45 2606.94 3041.43 LLANSAWEL 866.85 1011.33 1155.80 1300.28 1589.23 1878.18 2167.13 2600.56 3033.99

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2015/16 COMMUNITY BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H BAND I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ LLANWRDA 881.31 1028.19 1175.08 1321.96 1615.73 1909.50 2203.27 2643.92 3084.57 MANORDEILO & SALEM 860.07 1003.41 1146.76 1290.10 1576.79 1863.48 2150.17 2580.20 3010.23 MYDDFAI 861.34 1004.90 1148.45 1292.01 1579.12 1866.24 2153.35 2584.02 3014.69 QUARTER BACH 893.35 1042.25 1191.14 1340.03 1637.81 1935.60 2233.38 2680.06 3126.74 TALLEY 870.55 1015.64 1160.73 1305.82 1596.00 1886.18 2176.37 2611.64 3046.91 LLANELLI TOWN 913.79 1066.09 1218.39 1370.69 1675.29 1979.89 2284.48 2741.38 3198.28 LLANELLI RURAL 933.79 1089.42 1245.05 1400.68 1711.94 2023.20 2334.47 2801.36 3268.25 PEMBREY & BURRY PORT 913.53 1065.78 1218.04 1370.29 1674.80 1979.31 2283.82 2740.58 3197.34 KIDWELLY 908.59 1060.02 1211.45 1362.88 1665.74 1968.60 2271.47 2725.76 3180.05 LLANEDI 912.75 1064.87 1217.00 1369.12 1673.37 1977.62 2281.87 2738.24 3194.61 LLANGENNECH 912.69 1064.81 1216.92 1369.04 1673.27 1977.50 2281.73 2738.08 3194.43 LLANNON 937.89 1094.20 1250.52 1406.83 1719.46 2032.09 2344.72 2813.66 3282.60 PONTYBEREM 915.32 1067.87 1220.43 1372.98 1678.09 1983.19 2288.30 2745.96 3203.62 TRIMSARAN 894.71 1043.82 1192.94 1342.06 1640.30 1938.53 2236.77 2684.12 3131.47

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