Reference List of Indexed Articles

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Reference List of Indexed Articles CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Discrete Mathematics 227/228 (2001) 303–447 Reference List of Indexed Articles This Reference List of Indexed Articles belongs to the Subject Index Volumes 1–200 (pp. 5–302 of this issue). 1. P. Erdös, On some extremal problems on r-graphs 1 (1971) 1–6 2. F. Harary and P.A. Ostrand, The cutting center theorem for trees 1 (1971) 7–18 3. O.J. Heilmann, D.J. Kleitman, E.H. Lieb and S. Sherman, Some positive definite functions on sets and their application to the Ising model 1 (1971) 19–27 4. G.H. Bradley, Transformation of integer programs to knapsack problems 1 (1971) 29–45 5. D. Kleitman, M. Edelberg and D. Lubell, Maximal sized antichains in partial orders 1 (1971) 47–53 6. C.J. Everett and P.R. Stein, The asymptotic number of integer stochastic matrices 1 (1971) 55–72 7. L. Nebesky, Left-right double trees 1 (1971) 73–81 8. J.W. Essam, Graph theory and statistical physics 1 (1971) 83–112 9. E.G. Whitehead Jr., Algebraic structure of chromatic graphs associated with the ramsey number N.3; 3; 3I 2/ (Note) 1 (1971) 113–114 10. E.A. Bender, A generalized q-binomial Vandermonde convolution 1 (1971) 115–119 11. J.A. Bondy, Large cycles in graphs 1 (1971) 121–132 12. J. Bosák, On the k-index of graphs 1 (1971) 133–146 14. D. de Werra, Investigations on an edge coloring problem 1 (1971) 167–179 15. D. Foata, Enumerating k-trees 1 (1971) 181–186 16. H. Lakser, The homology of a lattice 1 (1971) 187–192 17. P.E. O’Neil, Hyperplane cuts of an n-cube 1 (1971) 193–195 18. P.E. O’Neil, A constructive decomposition and Fulkerson’s characterization of permutation matrices 1 (1971) 197–201 19. W.T. Tutte, On the 2-factors of bicubic graphs 1 (1971) 203–208 20. J. Mayer, L’epaisseur du graphe complet de 46 sommets (Note) 1 (1971) 209–210 21. A. Altshuler, Polyhedral realization in R3 of triangulations of the torus and 2-manifolds in cyclic 4- polytopes 1 (1971) 211–238 22. E.G. Beltrametti, Note on the p-adic generalization of Lorentz transformations 1 (1971) 239–246 23. G.F. Clements, More on the generalized Macaulay theorem 1 (1971) 247–255 24. J. Nešetril,ˇ Homomorphisms of derivative graphs 1 (1971) 257–268 25. G. Sabidussi, Meshes on 3-connected graphs 1 (1971) 269–276 26. D.J. Wilde and J.M. Sanchez-Anton, Multivariable monotonic optimization over multivalued logics and rectangular design lattices 1 (1971) 277–294 27. A. Altshuler, Hamiltonian circuits in some maps on the torus 1 (1972) 299–314 28. J. Doyen, A note on reverse Steiner triple systems 1 (1972) 315–319 29. D. Dumont, Sur une conjecture de Gandhi concernant les nombres de Genocchi 1 (1972) 321–327 30. M. Herzog and J. Schönheim, On certain sets of divisors of a number 1 (1972) 329–332 31. G. Kreweras, Sur les partitions non croisees d’un cycle 1 (1972) 333–350 32. I. Tomescu, Le nombre maximal de 3-colorations d’un graphe connexe 1 (1972) 351–356 Elsevier Science B.V. 304 Reference List / Discrete Mathematics 227/228 (2001) 303–447 33. S.G. Williamson, The combinatorial analysis of patterns and the principle of inclusion–exclusion 1 (1972) 357–388 34. E. Balas, Ranking the facets of the octahedron 2 (1972) 1–15 35. R.L. Graham, D.E. Knuth and T.S. Motzkin, Complements and transitive closures 2 (1972) 17–29 36. D.L. Greenwell and R.L. Hemminger, Forbidden subgraphs for graphs with planar line graphs 2 (1972) 31–34 37. S. JendroLl and E. Jucovic,ˇ On a conjecture by B. Grünbaum 2 (1972) 35–49 38. K. Prikry, On a problem of Erdös, Hajnal and Rado 2 (1972) 51–59 39. A. Rosa, On reverse Steiner triple systems 2 (1972) 61–71 40. M.P. Schützenberger, Promotion des morphismes D’ensembles ordonnes 2 (1972) 73–94 41. V.E. Cazˇ anescu,ˇ Quelques propriétés algébriques des automates 2 (1972) 97–109 42. V. Chvátal and P. Erdös, A note on Hamiltonian circuits 2 (1972) 111–113 43. R. Cori and J. Richard, Enumeration des graphes planaires a l’aide des series formelles en variables non commutatives 2 (1972) 115–162 44. F. Harary, M.J. Piff and D.J.A. Welsh, On the automorphism group of a matroid 2 (1972) 163–171 45. D.J. Kleitman and B.L. Rothschild, Generalization of Kaplansky’s game 2 (1972) 173–178 46. C.H.C. Little, The parity of the number of 1-factors of a graph 2 (1972) 179–181 47. J. Spencer, Turán’s theorem for k-graphs 2 (1972) 183–186 48. W. Taylor, On the coloration of cubes 2 (1972) 187–190 49. B. Baker and R. Shostak, Gossips and telephones 2 (1972) 191–193 50. B. Brainerd, On a class of languages occurring in the study of theatre 2 (1972) 195–198 51. R.A. Duke, On the genus and connectivity of Hamiltonian graphs 2 (1972) 199–206 52. P. Erdös, A. Meir, V.T. Sós and P. Turán, On some applications of graph theory, I 2 (1972) 207–228 53. P. Hell and A. Rosa, Graph decompositions, handcuffed prisoners and balanced P -designs 2 (1972) 229– 252 54. L. Lovász, Normal hypergraphs and the perfect graph conjecture 2 (1972) 253–267 55. B. Manvel, Reconstruction of maximal outerplanar graphs 2 (1972) 269–278 56. Y. Poupard, Etude et denombrement paralleles des partitions non-croisees d’un cycle et des decoupages d’un polygone convexe 2 (1972) 279–288 57. H.L. Abbott, Lower bounds for some Ramsey numbers 2 (1972) 289–293 58. L. Babai, Automorphism groups of planar graphs, I 2 (1972) 295–307 59. D.H. Doehlert and V.L. Klee, Experimental designs through level reduction of the d-dimensional cuboctahedron 2 (1972) 309–334 60. A.S. Fraenkel, J. Levitt and M. Shimshoni, Characterization of the set of values f.n/DTnαU;nD 1; 2;::: 2 (1972) 335–345 61. S.A. Greibach, A generalization of Parikh’s semilinear theorem 2 (1972) 347–355 62. L. Haskins and S. Gudder, Height on posets and graphs 2 (1972) 357–382 63. A. Kotzig, Decompositions of complete graphs into regular bichromatic factors 2 (1972) 383–387 64. J.W. Moon, Embedding tournaments in simple tournaments 2 (1972) 389–395 65. A.L. Whiteman, Skew Hadamard matrices of Goethals-Seidel type 2 (1972) 397–405 66. J.C. Fournier and M. Las Vergnas, Une classe d’hypergraphes bichromatiques (Note) 2 (1972) 407–410 67. E.F. Assmus Jr. and H.F. Mattson Jr., On weights quadratic-residue codes 3 (1972) 1–20 68. E.F. Assmus Jr. and H.F. Mattson Jr., Contractions of self-orthogonal codes 3 (1972) 21–32 69. P. Camion, Linear codes with given authomorphism groups 3 (1972) 33–45 70. Ph. Delsarte, Weights of linear codes and strongly regular normed spaces 3 (1972) 47–64 71. J.M. Goethals and S.L. Snover, Nearly perfect binary codes 3 (1972) 65–88 72. M.Y. Hsiao, Incomplete block design codes for ultra high speed computer applications 3 (1972) 89–108 73. S. Johnson, Upper bounds for constant weight error correcting codes 3 (1972) 109–124 74. H.W. Lenstra Jr., Two theorems on perfect codes 3 (1972) 125–132 75. F.J. MacWilliams, Cyclotomic numbers, coding theory and orthogonal polynomials 3 (1972) 133–151 76. F.J. MacWilliams, N.J.A. Sloane and J.G. Thompson, Good self dual codes exist 3 (1972) 153–162 77. J.L. Massey, M.K. Sain and J.M. Geist, Certain infinite Markov chains and sequential decoding 3 (1972) 163–175 78. R.J. McEliece, Weight congruences for p-ary cyclic codes 3 (1972) 177–192 79. J.K. Omura, Iterative decoding of linear codes by a modulo-2 linear program 3 (1972) 193–208 Reference List / Discrete Mathematics 227/228 (2001) 303–447 305 80. V. Pless, A classification of self-orthogonal codes over GF.2/ 3 (1972) 209–246 81. W.J. Rosenberg, Consecutive zeros in convolutional codewords 3 (1972) 247–264 82. N.J.A. Sloane, A survey of constructive coding theory, and a table of binary codes of highest known rate 3 (1972) 265–294 83. A. Blass, Complexity of winning strategies 3 (1972) 295–300 84. V. Chvatal, P. Erdös and Z. Hedrlin, Ramsey’s theorem and self-complementary graphs 3 (1972) 301–304 85. F.H. Clarke, A graph polynomial and its applications 3 (1972) 305–313 86. R. Cori, Sur la rationalité de certaines séries génératrices 3 (1972) 315–331 87. J.P. Deschamps, Parametric solutions of Boolean equations 3 (1972) 333–342 88. H. Hanani, D.K. Ray-Chaudhuri and R.M. Wilson, On resolvable designs 3 (1972) 343–357 89. M. Hochberg, Restricted Sperner families and s-systems 3 (1972) 359–364 90. C.L. Lawson, Transforming triangulations 3 (1972) 365–372 91. M. Trehel, Graphes des complements et classes de branches dans un ensemble ordonne fini resultant d’un produit contracte 3 (1972) 373–379 92. J.H. van Lint and H.J. Ryser, Block designs with repeated blocks 3 (1972) 381–396 93. W.D. Wallis, A doubling construction for Room squares 3 (1972) 397–399 94. J. Dubois, Polytopes de transport symetriques 4 (1973) 1–27 95. P. Erdös and P.E.
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