CIVIL WAR RE-ENACTMENT AND ENCAMPMENT MILITARY REGULATIONS  All participants must be sixteen (16) years of age or older to serve as soldiers. Persons younger than sixteen (16) may serve as functional field musicians if proficient as such, but not as color-bearers, messengers, etc. and must be twelve (12) or older.

 WOMEN PORTRAYING SOLDIERS. The Museum endeavors to faithfully represent the life and times of the 19th century. During the war, women who served in the ranks as men did so only as long as they were not detected. We will follow that fact of life. Women, who wish to participate as enlisted men, may do so as long as they are not detected. Just as in the 19th century, if they are "discovered" they will be asked to change to civilian dress.

 The museum and the event committee have designated overall Union and Confederate commanders and coordinators to facilitate the event. They will organize the participants and designate the command structure of those units. NO other officers above the rank of Captain will be allowed to participate in the event or on the battlefield without prior approval. All officers must have the proper and accoutrements specific for an appropriate military impression.

 A museum staff person will be responsible for the inspection of artillery pieces prior to Saturday’s battle. NO EXCEPTIONS. At any time during the weekend, museum staff may inspect any arms, including small arms and artillery pieces, for safety reasons even if this inspection causes the battles to start later than planned.

 To participate in a battle requires check-in prior to 9:00am on Saturday and participation in all formations unless excused by museum management and the respective military commanders.

 Also required is a safety and uniform inspection and a signed "release from liability" waiver, which is included in your registration materials.

 Colors must be of full size and of proper construction for the period the event is portraying. . SMALL ARM AND SHEATH KNIFE REGULATIONS

o MUSKETS: 3-band Enfield or Springfield with leather sling correct for musket.

o NO shotguns, Zouave rifles or other two band muskets will be allowed.

o No modern or non-authentic weapons will be allowed.

o Other pieces considered correct for the period are allowed.

o CARBINES: Only cavalrymen may carry carbines.

o PISTOLS: Only officers, cavalrymen and artillerymen may carry pistols/revolvers. All revolvers MUST remain unloaded. Firing of pistols/revolvers is only allowed by mounted cavalrymen.

o There must be NO discharge of weapons other than during organized battles, drills and/or demonstrations. o SHEATH KNIVES: Must remain sheathed at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS.

 SMALL ARM AMMUNITION REGULATIONS o CARTRIDGES: Approximately 60 grains, black powder and properly rolled in tan or white paper. All rounds must be as authentic looking as possible. NO coin wrappers, tape or staples.

o All cartridges must be made up in advance. No bulk or loose powder (even in powder flasks) will be allowed on the grounds.

o All rounds must be inspected and approved prior to the battle.


o Full-scale artillery is preferred. ¾ scale will be considered on an individual basis. Absolutely no mortars are allowed.

o Cannon barrels must be in good condition and free from pitting or other structural damage.

o Carriages must be in good condition and free from cracks in their check pieces or the trail. Wheels must be in good condition, free of dry rot, major separations or large cracks.

o Each artillery piece shall be equipped with a limber.

o Ammunition boxes must be in good condition and with a complete copper cover. The boxes must be free of loose powder.

o Artillery must use friction primers or locks. Firing by handguns, fuses, lighters, cigars, etc. is not permitted.

o Charges shall consist of black powder and aluminum foil only. Charges are to be made from 1F or cannon-grade black powder only - no additives, no flour, no Pyrodex, etc. No charge may be larger than 3 oz. of powder per inch of bore.

o Museum management has the right to correct what they believe to be unsafe and/or inappropriate actions or equipment.

o All charges must be inspected and approved prior to the battle. o Firing shall be in accordance with guidelines set by the military coordinators of the host units.

o Crew members must be at least 16 years of age to work any position on the piece.

o The designated Artillery Safety Officer(s) shall inspect all guns and crews for safety. Noted deficiencies shall be corrected before participation is allowed. The Artillery Safety Officer(s) have ultimate authority concerning all matters related to Artillery safety and authorization for Artillery participation in Battle scenarios.

o As a thank you from the museum, artillery units will be reimbursed $100 per gun for the purchase of powder with a maximum of 6 paid guns per side. Note: only those guns fired during the field battle will be reimbursed.



. No cavalryman will be made to perform any activity that they do not feel can be performed in a safe manner to themselves and/or others. . Firearm inspection of cavalry weapons will be performed prior to every battle.

. Stallions will not be permitted.

. Women shall not be precluded from participation if a proper impression of a cavalryman is made.

. All horses must have current (dated within one year) negative Coggins papers to participate in event. Papers must be shown to a museum official prior to bringing horses into the village. Failure to present current negative Coggins papers or refusal to allow for the inspection of animals constitutes grounds for expulsion from the event. If an attendee does not have an up-to-date coggins test but is still planning on attending, they must contact the director of special events at the museum at least one week prior to the event in order to schedule a qualified vet to be on the premises to conduct test. All vet expenses will be the responsibility of the animal’s owner.

. Members of the public are not allowed on or to ride any cavalryman’s mount during the event.

. All horses must be securely picketed and not left unattended during the event. Picket line watches may be detailed during the hours of darkness and at any other time the cavalry commander deems it necessary for the physical safety of the cavalry units or event spectators.

. All horses will be picketed in the designated cavalry camp with the exception of staff horses designated by the command adjutant.

. No horse will be allowed to be picketed in any vehicle parking area at any time (with the exception of the area behind the maintenance barn).

. During public hours, movement of horsemen should be done in unit size formations unless part of a scheduled activity. These formations are encouraged during public hours both as a warm-up prior to the main battle and as added entertainment for museum visitors.

. Any scheduled demonstration(s) will be done in a prescribed location at the museum.

. All horses will be dismounted prior to entering any authorized camp area and led into the designated picket area.

. With the exception of a designated combat area, absolutely no mounted individual will allow a horse to enter a camp area above the gait of a controlled walk.

. Inexperienced riders and green horses will be identified to the cavalry commander by the unit senior member present prior to participating in any aspect of the event.

. No person under the age of 16 will mount a horse as a combatant or serve in a mounted capacity.

. Physical abuse of horses as specified by New York state laws prevailing at the event will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the event.

. As a thank you from the museum, the mounted cavalry units will be reimbursed $50 for each horse, in addition to being provided filled water troughs and hay. o DURING BATTLE

. Unruly or uncontrollable horses will be ordered to leave the battlefield.

. Cavalry should advance as organized units. Individual horsemen should not be on the field, except as staff or unit couriers, or as part of an organized unit.

. All troops will be responsible to a unit officer.

. At no time will cavalry units be allowed to override infantry or artillery lines.

. Cavalry should maintain at least a 15-foot interval between infantry and artillery troops, being especially careful of those simulating casualties. All activity will be restricted to a walk or trot whenever working in areas where there are casualties on the ground.

. REVOLVERS: Only officers, cavalry and artillery re-enactors may carry revolvers. All revolvers MUST remain unloaded except for Mounted Cavalry. Cavalry may fire revolvers while mounted. Otherwise revolvers may not be fired.

. Any close order combat between cavalry or between cavalry and infantry/artillery must be coordinated with the opposing unit commanders prior to the battle and observed by a museum official. Only individuals participating in the prearranged activity will be allowed in the scenario during the battle. Please respect the 15-foot rule stated above.

. In close contact between cavalry units, firing directly at each other will not be allowed while the units are engaged.

. Mounted troops must be at all times aware of the location of the spectators. Do not ride within ten yards of the spectator line.


o FOOTWEAR: Period footwear such as brogans is preferred. Black boots with rawhide laces are acceptable for children under 16. Work boots, cowboy boots, moccasins and bare feet are not acceptable at any age.


. UNION: Light or dark blue wool pants, dark blue wool, sack, shell or frock coat. Zouaves and Berdans are accepted.

. CONFEDERATE: Period uniform for proper unit depiction.

o : Forage , or . Hardee hat is acceptable for dress or if your unit wore the Hardee in the Field (Federal). No straw in the Federal ranks.

o ACCOUTREMENTS: Usual leather gear: Cartridge box with tins and appropriate plate, cap box, leather belt with appropriate plate, bayonet and scabbard, smooth side or bulls eye canteen, black tarred or muslin haversack.

o EYEWEAR: No modern eyewear is to be worn during the event; contact lenses are acceptable.

o CAMP-EQUIPMENT: Authentic gear for both garrison and campaign style camping.

A FINAL NOTE: Event administrators will have the right to correct what they believe to be inappropriate equipment or actions. In all matters of controversy, the staff of the Genesee Country Village & Museum will have final say. We thank you in advance for following these guidelines and assisting us in providing the public & living historians with an accurate portrayal of life during the .