DRAFT AONB Partnership Committee Minutes of the meeting at SWT Callow Rock Quarry Offices, Gorge, Cheddar, BS27 3DQ 28th September 2011


Partnership Committee: Cllr Dawn Hill County Council (Chair) Sarah Jackson Mendip Hills AONB Sue Murtagh B&NES Council Officer Richard Curry B&NES Parishes Representative Nigel Taylor Somerset Parishes Representative Cllr Dennis Davey District Council Don Kinsey Parishes Representative Paul Harley Mendip Society Andy Mayled National Trust Cllr Ann Harley North Somerset Council (Vice‐Chair) Chris Edwards Somerset County Council Officer Chris Mayes Natural England Michele Bowe Somerset Wildlife Trust (late entry)

Other Attendees: Andy Mallender Mendip Hills AONB Jonathon Richards AONB Planning Liaison Officer Tori Chubb SWAN (minutes) Baz Hamblin Town Council David Clarkson Somerset Wildlife Trust

Apologies received from: Cllr Ron Forrest Council Chris Head West of England ‐ SWAN (The South West ACRE Network) Janice Gardiner Avon Wildlife Trust David Clark Mendip District Council Officer James Small National Farmers Union Representative Cllr Elfan Ap Rees North Somerset Council Julie Cooper Sedgemoor District Council Officer Cllr John Bull Bath and North East Somerset Council

Summary of Actions Item No Item Actions 3. Officer Support Send out AONB Planning Application Referral guidelines to SJ Group councils with cover letter from Chairman 8. Date of next Send out booking forms and information for the Annual SJ meeting Forum

Item No Item Notes Action 1. Apologies Apologies noted from a number of members (listed above)

1 2. Minutes of the These were noted as a true and accurate record of the meeting held 30th previous meeting. Proposed by Nigel Taylor and seconded June and actions by Cllr Dennis Davey.

The actions from the previous minutes were completed as follows: 1) An addendum to the minutes has been recorded and sent to NSC. 2) The Chair and SJ have held a very positive meeting with North Somerset Council (David Turner and John Flannigan), and a follow up letter has been sent. NSC have committed to a £10,000 contribution this year and will contribute to the Management Plan Review costs in 2012 ‐2013. 3) It was confirmed that the Somerset Wildlife Trust have taken the lead for a Somerset based LNP, and there is a West of England proposal as well. SM noted that the full bid for WoE will be completed in October, and as the area potentially covers 3 key landscapes and crosses boundaries, mechanisms will be needed for appropriately dealing with these areas. They are committed to working together and this is a key part of the bid. In response to a query from BH, CM gave a brief description of LNPs and NIAs and reiterated DEFRA’s message that successful bids need to work closely across existing boundaries. SJ noted that regarding a potential Mendip NIA, the area that would be suitable would be the National Character Area (NCA ‐ which covers the whole of the Mendips) therefore it would be more appropriate to focus on the NCA work that CM is undertaking and awareness of this work. It may however be something that would be appropriate in the future. 4) Regarding the issue of noisy sports/activities it was confirmed that this could not be addressed at a national level. There is currently a consultation on the National Planning Policy and icore strategies. 5) The action regarding signage will be covered later in the meeting, however NT commented that he had seen a lot of support for the issue, the only problem is funding. He has approached Brian Perry and Angela Yeoman (of the local quarries) who have confirmed there is nothing available from their Aggregate Levy at present. Another option to be explored is Singleton Birch, AH also suggested the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Chair suggested

2 Viridor might be a possibility for some villages. CM noted that the Heritage Lottery were heading towards an under ‐spend, and had set up a new fund for capital works for buildings to display ‘hidden heritage’ for example.

3. Officer Support CE confirmed that he was the officer replacing Barry Group – Paper A James. He confirmed that the Statement of Intent was in Chris Edwards, the process of being signed off and that his copy would Somerset County hopefully be done shortly. The Statement of Intent is being Council used instead of the Memorandum of Agreement as it is simpler and has less tie in should circumstances change.

Regarding the draft Programme for the Partnership Annual Forum, SJ confirmed that she was in the process of approaching ‘Mendip Moments’ as Martin Thatcher of ‘Thatchers’ are unable to make the date, but other than that the programme should stand. It will be held at Folly Farm and will link to the work CM is doing on the NCAs – linking to well managed landscapes and the benefits to people, businesses and communities. The Economic Development Officers from each LA have been invited to contribute during the workshop stage. The booking forms will be sent out during the 1st week of October. Suggestions for other speakers included a Lavender Farm and Cheddar Ales, although Mendip Moments will be approached first. Bristol Water and Fernhill Farm have already signed up.

SJ confirmed that JR has decided to stay within post for the Mendip Hills. SJ and JR have discussed possible services to charge for aswell as possibilities for sharing existing resources across the South West as there are AONBs without Planning Officers who would like the service provided. SJ &JR are attending a SW meeting on 17th October regarding this subject.

JR commented that a number of different things had been considered, although a key issue was whether they would fit within the remit of the AONB and the Partnership Committee including providing consistency of approach across the area and avoiding conflict with LA’s who are already charging for advice. He highlighted following possible options: • Advising on specific projects such as Neighbourhood Plans • Specialist advice to community based groups or individuals and ‘brokering’ appropriate schemes.

3 • Organising training and seminars on planning issues • Promoting visiting lectures within university courses • Pre‐application advice on AONB issues

The issue is that the administration and other costs of some of these options would outweigh the income generated, or they are functions that would naturally be performed as part of the AONB’s activities. He concluded that it is very difficult to find additional sources of income within Planning Services. PH noted the importance of the AONB maintaining an independent voice to ensure planning independence.

AH noted an incidence where JR wasn’t consulted as part of the planning process in NS, and her concern that any planning application needs to go through the AONB. She also commented that there may be an opportunity for the AONB to do some work around Neighbourhood Plans where parishes have completed a Parish Plan and need assistance in feeding that into the Neighbourhood Plan. DH commented that one of the difficulties is lack of knowledge of what needs to go into the Plan, and potential conflict within communities.

NT commented that a steadfast LDF core strategy that states specifically that the ANOB will be directly referenced where appropriate will be advantageous when the National Planning and Policy Framework comes in. DH commented that there are difficulties with the level of detail between the LDF and the Neighbourhood Plans and that it is a long and difficult process.

SJ reported that there are AONB guidelines for referrals that all the LA’s signed up to for any planning application that will potentially have a significant impact on the SJ landscape. This process has been working well, but it may be timely to send these out as a reminder of the process to refresh memories and for any new personnel. SM noted that if this reminder was to come from the Partnership Chairman it would have added impact. The Chair also commented that it might be helpful for Planning Officers to have a training session from JR on the AONB to help raise awareness.

CE noted that the group had recommended that the Partnership approve the Mendip Hills AONB Approach set out in 8.0, and briefly ran through the points therein.

4 SJ noted that regarding the office relocation, now that the 4 year funding from DEFRA has been confirmed there would be benefits of being with a like minded organisation (the Wildlife Trust, who also have offices here) in a purpose built office location rather than the current restrictive and difficult working environment. Most importantly, the rental costs would be reduced. The move would take place by March 2012 or potentially sooner. The Devon report is awaiting some changes and will then be circulated to everybody. There is a SW proposal to commission work to look into setting up a national AONB fund to hold and distribute funds to AONBs eg from joint bids to HLF. The AONB has been asked to contribute £150 towards the cost of the commissioned piece of work.

SJ is also looking into setting up a Trust Fund, as the lack of this is causing problems in securing various sources of funding. She and the Chair will be looking at a draft model with the assistance of Devon, and a proposal will be put to the Partnership before Christmas with the intention of having something set up before April 2012. This would open up more sources of funding including visitor payback schemes.

PH commented on the benefits of charities and funding with reference to the Strawberry Line project.

BH commented that the King John’s Hunting Lodge Museum have set up the Friends of Axbridge in order to keep fundraising separate , and also on the possibility of getting input from tourism businesses based in the area. He suggested that SJ attend a Chambers of Commerce meeting to explore the possibility of funding for AONB projects.

The Chair and PH noted that ‘visitor payback’ schemes have been welcomed by people in other areas, but that it was necessary to get the right vehicle and specific projects identified.

The relocation to SWT Callow Rock Quarry Offices was proposed by NT and seconded by AH. All members in favour.

The Chair noted some minor changes to the Partnership Terms of Reference: NSC is still a Partner but not a funding Partner, and the change of sponsorship from Natural England to DEFRA – revised Terms of Reference proposed

5 by RC and seconded by DD

4. Mendip Hills AONB There followed a presentation by Andy Mallender of the Delivery Plan work of the AONB officers to date. The following points 2011/12 were noted: • The ‘Sustain Blackdown’ project now has 2 parts – i) AONB Unit ‘Discover Blackdown’ and ‘Conserve Blackdown’. A presentation new bid has been submitted to the HLF for ‘Discover Blackdown’ under the guidance of the HLF officers, omitting capital works and increasing the percentage of funding in order to release funds for ‘Conserve Blackdown’. This will allow the whole project to go ahead. • All 15 of the previous Young Rangers have completed the course. Several also made presentations to their schools, helping to raise awareness. There were 31 applications for 15 places on the new intake. These new Young Rangers have started their activities already. • Practical volunteering tasks are running well. Volunteer hours are up on last year. A project assistant is being recruited based on a previous volunteer role. The Volunteer Rangers have been representing the AONB at various events as well as completing practical tasks.

SJ ran through the SDF grants awarded so far and commented that it had been a slow year for applications. The October deadline is not currently being promoted due to level of interest from parishes in the ‘Gateway Project’. There will be 4 visitor map boards at Lake, the National Trust shop Cheddar, and the Axbridge layby. There will also be portable pull up banners at 3 other locations. All of these will be paid for from the core AONB budget. There will shortly be an information package sent out to the Parish Councils regarding the village entry signs, and the possibility of a 50% grant from the SDF. The signs are likely to be max of £1000. Although cheaper signs could be sought it was felt the quality and durability were of utmost importance for this project. Costings for cast iron finger posts are also be sought and parishes approached for their interest in this work.

JR noted that he had been dealing with a diverse range of planning issues including input to national consultations and a response to the National Planning Policy Framework, and at a more local level, documents such as the LDF etc. Other issues have included a solar development near , the Leisure Dome near WSM and 2 urban

6 villages on the edge of WSM. The last of these has a major potential impact, but also possible benefits in terms of green infrastructure to mitigate development. He has also dealt with many requests for advice from Parish Councils which are likely to increase with the Localism Agenda, and has been working with the Quantock Hills AONB on some large proposals on the that will impact on the views of the Mendips.

ii)Partnership It was noted that the Somerset Levels hadn’t achieved Updates ‘World Heritage Site’ designation due to a variety of factors.

CM confirmed that there was an announcement due tomorrow on the NG proposed pylon route.

The issue of fracking was also mentioned, but was considered unresolved at present.

DK commented that it would be advantageous to promote AONB to smaller parish councils. NT noted that SJ had been very proactive in attending many Parish Council meetings, and that where a request was made, the officers always tried to attend. SJ also commented that the Annual Forum was aimed at promoting the AONB across the wider Mendip Hills area.

NT noted that in his role as Portfolio Holder for People and Places he has written a paper to promote the extension of the AONB area to put before Cabinet in the new year. This paper should have the support of MDC (although without funding). He commented that he would welcome the support of other authorities.

MB commented that the AWT has been working very closely with the quarry companies, and that they are very open to the idea of working with the landscape.

DK noted that are close to the A road route being downgraded, which will affect traffic. There was some discussion over the point that traffic redirected from one area is likely to impact on another, and that all areas are dealing with heavier traffic than the roads were designed for. The Chair noted that she had raised the problem of SatNavs directing lorries down in appropriate routes with SCC and believed that they had now been updated.

7 The issue of solar panels was raised by PH. He noted that there had been a reduction in applications since the subsidy changed in April

CM noted the regarding NEs AONB boundary designation and review work, only one case at a time would be looked at, partly due to resources but partly due to the lessons learnt and precedence set by each case affecting the next. He noted that time spent building evidence is well spent as better evidence in advance will find favour. Note: since the meeting an update from the NE lead officer John Butterfield on AONB boundary reviews has been sent to all councils

MB commented that following on from their June presentation the SWT Living Landscape funding ends in March 2012. There are currently 2 bids going through, 1 to Viridor and 1 to the SITA trust. As both these look at connectivity modeling and issues they will hopefully provide supporting evidence should a boundary review take place.

5. Presentation – CM noted the following points: Mendip Hills • The original 159 National Character Areas (NCA) were National Character completed in the 1990’s to define the character of the Area – Chris Mayes, landscape. Natural England • The boundaries of each area will not change with this current piece of work. The NCA covering the AONB covers the whole of the Mendip Hills. • The driver for the update includes the need to take a more integrated approach to the environment, how the environment benefits us and how our decision making affects the landscape. It is a holistic approach, and hopefully a real world approach that operates on a number of scales: at a national level, but also giving a local context. • They will include a review of the original documents but take a slightly different approach, describing what we need to be doing and where the opportunities lie, including ‘Statements of Environmental Opportunity’. • NE are hoping that these documents will help to direct change and management of the landscape, and that partners and other organisations will find something within the NCA’s that is useful to them. • There will be a number of different headings to cover all aspects of the identity and nature of each area. These will include an NCA profile which will be web

8 based in order to be amended quickly and regularly • As each section will be supported by data this will provide a potentially valuable evidence base for the AONB, as well as potentially for planning departments etc. • CM is the lead advisor and author for South England and will have 59 areas to author, and he will be looking for ways to effectively engage with organisations such as the Partnership Committee for assistance, support and verification of information. • The NCAs will direct Natural England’s work. They are supported by DEFRA and other sister organisations but there will not be a formal consultation • The NCAs should be drafted by September 2012 and an example (Sherwood) should be released in the next week or so. They will eventually be downloadable.

SJ commented that the AONB Management Plan will feed into this, and then the NCA will help to inform the Management Plan when it is reviewed. It will also be useful to have such detailed and extensive information ‘cut to’ the Mendip area. The Chair commented it would also help with planning issues.

6. National Association SJ noted that nationally there is a lot of interest from this of AONBs – Paper B government in AONBs, and significant support from DEFRA Sarah Jackson, seeing partnerships as vehicles for delivery and a AONB Unit sustainable approach to management of the landscape.

7. A.O.B PH commented with reference to an article in a previous newsletter regarding Archimedes Screws, the Queen is apparently installing 2 and possibly others. 8. Date of next The Annual Forum will be held on the 10th November at SJ meeting Folly Farm, booking forms will be sent out shortly. The next meeting date is the 15th March 2012, however it was felt that a sooner meeting would be required – date to follow.