Paolo Gallina – Porter Creek Centre

Paolo Gallina is a long-time Yukoner who lives in Porter Creek Centre with his wife, Sarah, his four young daughters and his father.

Paolo has a background in tourism, sport management and community investment. He was the Marketing Manager for the Canada Winter Games in in 2007, he worked on Hockey Day in Canada with Outside the Cube, and he promoted culture and tourism at Canada’s Northern House during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010. Since 2005, Paolo has been a volunteer with Team Yukon as their Communications Manager, as Team Yukon represents the territory at multi-sport events throughout Canada and other northern countries. He has also provided communications support to Ministers across all three territories for these sporting events.

Paolo is currently the Community Investment Manager at Northwestel, with a sponsorship and investment portfolio that spans all three territories, in the areas of aboriginal culture, mental health and wellness and youth initiatives. His entire career in the Yukon has centered on building relationships, building trust and, finding common ground across a spectrum of community, social and corporate interests. He hopes to translate this experience into territorial politics by responding to people’s concerns quickly, and by helping to bring a resolution to their issue back to them. Paolo’s values and skillset fit very well with the Yukon Liberals’ team, as Paolo is focused on working with all groups in the territory on a wide range of social and economic issues.

Paolo wants to ensure that all Yukon children have the educational foundation and opportunities to obtain meaningful work and to be supported to grow into productive members of society who respect nature, who appreciate Yukon tradition and culture, and who understand the importance of giving back to the community. He wants to be part of a government that provides realistic options for healthcare and life care for seniors.

Paolo’s hobbies center on family activities and include coaching softball and supporting community activities that his daughters are involved in. He also plays hockey and can often be found mountain biking and skiing at Mt. Sima with his wife and children.

Connect with Paolo Phone: (867) 332-1463

E-mail: [email protected]