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No. 1347 THURSDAY, 20TH JULY, 1944 653

CONTENTS Page BILL PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Bill, 1944 - - - - - 655 GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ Chief Magistrate appointed to act as Relieving President of a District Court 661 ־ Magistrates appointed to sit as Judges of the District Court - : - 661 ־ - - - - Appointments, etc. - 661 Court Records—Intended Destruction of - - - - 661 ־ Medical Licences granted - - - - 662 ־ Dentist's Licence'granted - - - - 662 ־ ־ Midwives' Licences granted - - - . 662 Veterinary Surgeons' Licences cancelled - - - . - 662 ־ Land Valuers' Licences granted - - - - 662 State Domain to be let by Auction - - - - - 662 Land Registry Office at Jerusalem—Temporary Closure of - - - 663 ־ Adjudication of Contracts - - - - 663 Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Books lost - - • - 663 ־..־. Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - .663 ־ - - Citation Orders - - - 663 RETURNS ־ - - - Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 666 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - - - 666 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1944, of the of Petah Tiqva (Rural Area) - - _ . _ 667 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1944, of the Local Council of Petah Tiqva (Rural Area) ------668 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1944, of the Local ־ - Council of 'Emeq Hepher - - - 669 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1944, of the Local Council of ! 'Emeq Hepher - - - - • - - 670 Abstract of Estimates, 1944/45, of the Municipality of Ramie - - - 671 ־ -. NOTICES REGARDING BANKRUPTCIES, ETC. - 672

־־־.־־ - ־ CORRIGENDA - 674 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: —

Immigration (Deportation Orders) Order, 1944, under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941 673 Vesting Order No. 144, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, revoking Vesting Order No. 76 dated 8th January, 1943, in so far as it concerns the Property of a certain Person - - - - 673 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 10), 1944, under ־ ־ ־ the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 - 674 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding the Acquisition of certain Lands - ... . 674 Order under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, re- , voking an Order by the High Commissioner dated 1st April, 1942, whereby the Ex­ portation of Melons from Palestine was prohibited - - - 675 Income Tax (Forms) (Amendment) Rules, 1944, under the Income Tax Ordinance, 1941 675

(Continued) PRICE: 65 MILS. \

CONTENTS Page (Continued) Trades and Industries (Regulation) (Amendment of Schedule) Order in Council, 1944, under the Trades and Industries (Regulation) Ordinance ... 677 Roads (Width and Alignment) (Application) Order in Council, 1944, under the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance - 678 Roads (Width and Alignment) (Prohibition and Widening) Order, 1944, under the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance - - - - 678 Jerusalem (Tariffs for Public Vehicles) (Amendment) By-laws, 1944, under the Road Transport Ordinance - - - 679 Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) (Application to Arnona and Givat Eliyahu Suburbs of Jerusalem) Order in Council, 1944, under the Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) Ordinance, 1941 ------680 Defence (Protected Places) Order (No. 5), 1944, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - 681 Notice of Requisition of certain Lands by a Competent Authority, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - - - - - 681 Order No. 45 of 1944, under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, revoking certain Orders whereby the Sub-Districts of Jaffa and Ramie were declared to be infected with Fowl Plague ------682 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Parcellation Scheme within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - 682 Notice under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, re­ garding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods imported contrary to the Licensing of Imports Order, 1939 - - - - 683 Defence (Control of Establishments) Regulations, 1944, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 684 - - ־ - ־ - - 1939 Defence (Control of Matches) (Manner of Sale and Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Notice (No. 2), 1944, under the Defence (Control of Matches) Order, 1942 - - 699 Warrant of Appointment of an Officer to act as Marshal of the Supreme Court of Pal­ estine sitting in Admiralty - - - - - 700 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, appointing a Deputy Chair­ man of the Municipal Commission of to act as Chairman of the Commission - 700 20th July, 1944, THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 655


The following DRAFT OEDINANCE is made public prior to enactment in accord• ance with Article 17(1) (d) of the Palestine Order in Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order in Council, 1923. A. G. DALGLE1SH Clerk to the Advisory Council.


AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE PROVISION FOR THE RAISING OF A LOAN BY THE GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof: 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Short title. Ordinance, 1944.

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires — Interpretation. "bond" means a bond issued under the provisions of this Ordinance, payable to bearer; "Financial Secretary" means the officer appointed as such by the High Commissioner. 3. The High Commissioner may, with the permission of the Secretary Power to High of State, borrow a sum not exceeding one million pounds by the issue Commissioner to at par of not more than one hundred thousand bonds of ten pounds borrow by issue each. of bonds.

4. It shall be lawful for the Financial Secretary — Power to ((/) to provide and issue bonds in accordance with the provisions of Financial Sec• this Ordinance; retary to provide and issue bonds (b) to incur any expenditure incidental to the carrying out of the and incur expen• provisions of this Ordinance and any rules made thereunder, and diture in con• such expenditure shall be defrayed out of the general revenues of nection there• the Government of Palestine. with. 5. There shall be attached to every bond coupons (hereinafter re• Interest coupons ferred to as "interest coupons") for the payment of the interest due to be attached in each year upon the principal represented by such bond. to bonds.

6. —(1) The bonds and interest coupons shall be in such form as the Form of bonds High Commissioner may approve. and interest (2) The bonds shall-be numbered consecutively commencing with the coupons. number one, and each interest coupon shall bear the same number as the bond to which it is attached. 7. The interest upon the principal represented •by each bond shall Eate of interest be at the rate of one per centum per annum for each completed year on bonds. and shall run from the day named in the bond and shall be payable, in each year on such day or days and at such place or places as may be prescribed, to the person presenting the interest coupon who shall surrender the same for cancellation.

8. Bonds and interest coupons shall be transferable by delivery. Transfer of bonds and interest coupons to be by delivery. 9. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Stamp Duty Ordinance, Exemption from no stamp duty shall be payable on the issue of any bond or interest stamp duty. coupon. Cap. 133.

10. —(1) In this section— Drawings by lot "public holiday" has the same meaning as in the Bills of Exchange of bonds for (Legal Holidays) Order; and redemption before maturity. "the whole issue" means all the one hundred thousand bonds to be Laws of Pal., issued under the authority of this Ordinance. p. 1656. (2) During each year of the currency of the bonds there shall be drawings by lot (hereinafter called "drawings") of tickets correspond• ing to one hundred and fifty-nine bonds at each drawing, in the man• ner prescribed, and the bonds corresponding to the tickets so drawn shall be redeemed for the sums respectively specified hereunder, that is to say: — Pounds (a) the bond corresponding to the ticket first drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of 1,000 (b) the bond corresponding to the ticket next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of 500 656 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 20th July, 1944

(c) the two bonds corresponding respectively to the two tickets next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of 250 each (d) the ten bonds corresponding respectively to the ten tickets next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of 100 each (e) the twenty bonds corresponding respectively to the twenty tickets next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of 50 each (/) the one hundred and twenty-five bonds corresponding respectively to the one hundred and twenty-five tickets next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of 20 each: Provided that if at the time of any drawing the whole issue has not been sold, the sums to be paid for the redemption of the several bonds hereinbefore specified shall be the aggregate of the following sums, that is to say: — (i) a sum which bears to the sum specified in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (/) of this subsection (whichever paragraph is applic• able) less ten pounds, the same proportion as the number of bonds sold at the time of such drawing bears to one hundred thousand; and (ii) the sum of ten pounds. (3) Drawings shall take place in public on the first Wednesday in the months of March, June, September and December in each year, commencing with the first Wednesday in the month of December, 1944, and ending with the first Wednesday in the month of September, 1964: Provided that if any of the said days fixed for any drawing falls on a public holiday, such drawing shall be held on such other day as the High Commissioner shall, by notice in the Gazette, appoint.

Sums payable 11. The sums payable for the redemption of bonds drawn by lot shall on redemption be printed on each bond. before maturity to be printed on bonds. Sums payable on 12. Any sum paid for the redemption of a bond drawn by lot shall redemption of be deemed not to be income for the purposes of the Income Tax Ordin• bonds before ance, 1941, and shall not be taken into account in calculating the maturity to be chargeable income of any person under that Ordinance. free of income tax. No. 23 of 1941. Bonds not drawn 13. Bonds not drawn under the provisions of section 10 shall mature, by lot redeem• for redemption at par on the 15th day of September, 1964. Such bonds able at par. shall be redeemed at such place or places as may be prescribed.

Payment of re• 14. The sum payable for the redemption of any bond shall not be demption moneys. paid except upon the surrender of such bond for cancellation.

Interest coupons 15. —(1) From and after the date prescribed for the redemption of in respect of any bond drawn by lot all interest coupons in respect of such bond bonds drawn by which are expressed to be payable on a day subsequent to such date lot to be null and shall be null and void and no interest shall thereafter be payable in void after date respect of such bond whether payment of the sum due on redemption for redemption shall have been demanded or paid or not. of bond. (2) All interest coupons expressed to be payable on a day subsequent to the redemption date of a bond drawn by lot shall remain attached to such bond at the time of its surrender for cancellation in accordance with section 14 and the value of any interest coupons as are not so attached shall be deducted from the sum payable on the redemption of such bond.

Moneys payable 16. The moneys represented by the bonds and interest coupons issued under the Ordin• under the provisions of this Ordinance and all other moneys payable ance or rules to under the provisions of this Ordinance or any rules made thereunder be a charge on shall be a charge on the general revenues and assets of the Government the general of Palestine. revenues and assets of Govern• ment of Palestine. Utilization and 17. The money borrowed under the authority of this Ordinance shall investment of be utilized as may from time to time be required— money borrowed. (a) to cover such expenditure of the Government of Palestine in the financial year 1944-1945 as has been or may be incurred in that year as a consequence of the present war, for which expenditure the revenue of the Government of Palestine is inadequate; (b) to grant loans to municipal and local councils for purposes ap• proved by the High Commissioner; 20th July, 1944. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 657

(c) to lend to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom at three per centum per annum repayable at par. 18. Where any sum is paid to the Government of Palestine in respect Appropriation to of any loan granted to a municipal or local council out of the money general revenues borrowed under the authority of this Ordinance, such sum shall be of Government of appropriated to the general revenues of the Government of Palestine. Palestine of loans repaid by municipal and local councils. 19. —(1) The High Commissioner shall on the 1st day of July, 1945, Sinking fund. and thereafter in each half-year remit to the Crown Agents such sum as he may deem sufficient for the formation of a sinking fund for the redemption of bonds for an amount equal to the aggregate of the sums utilized for the purposes specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 17, and the Crown Agents shall hold such sinking fund in trust for the Government of Palestine. (2) The Crown Agents shall invest in the purchase of such securities as may be approved by the Secretary of State any moneys remitted to them under subsection (1), and the Crown Agents shall also invest the dividends, interest or produce of such investments in the purchase of like securities and may, from time to time with the approval of the Secretary of State, change any such investments.

20. Any person who forges or alters any bond or interest coupon or Offences. any word, figure, mark, sign, signature or facsimile upon or attached to any bond or interest coupon, or who offers, utters or disposes of any bond or interest coupon knowing the same to be forged or altered, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to im• prisonment for a period not exceeding fifteen years. 21. —(1) The High Commissioner in Council may from time to time Eules. make rules for the better carrying of this Ordinance into effect, and, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, the High Commissioner in Council may make rules for or in respect of all or any of the following matters : — j (a) all matters stated or required in this Ordinance to,be prescribed; (6) the manner of effecting drawings; I (c) the manner of notifying the number of each bond drawn by lot; (d) the place or places for the payment of any moneys due in respect of bonds drawn by lot: Provided that, until varied or revoked by any such rules, the rules contained in the Schedule shall be in force.

THE SCHEDULE. (Section 21). ! I 1. These Rules may be cited as the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Rules, Citation. 1944. | 2. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires— j Interpretation. "Accountant General" means the officer appointed as such by the High Commissioner; "approved institution" means any person approved by the Financial Secretary for the purpose of selling bonds; "Board" means the Board appointed by the High Commissioner under rule 3 of these Rules; ! "drawing" means a drawing of bonds by lot in the manner provided by these Rules; j "drum" means the receptacle into which tickets are placed; j "the Ordinance" means the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Ordinance, 1944; j "vault" means the strong room approved by the Financial Secretary for the purposes of these Rules. 3. —(1) For the purposes of these Rules, there shall be a Board con• Appointment of sisting of a Chairman and such other members, not exceeding eleven Board. in number, as may be appointed by the High Commissioner. (2) The Financial Secretary shall be ex-officio Chairman of the Board, and the other members of the Board shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of their appointment but shall be eligible for re-appointment on the expiration of the term of their ap• pointment. (3) The High Commissioner may remove from office any member of the Board who in his opinion by continued absence or other cause ceases to be an effective member of the Board. 658 20th July, 1944

(4) On the death, resignation or removal from office of any member of the Board, the High Commissioner may appoint some other person to be a member of the Board for the residue of the term for which such first mentioned member was appointed, but such other person so ap• pointed shall be eligible for re-appointment on the expiration of the term of his appointment. Duties of Board 4.—(1) The Board shall attend the drawings and shall generally per- and procedure form such other duties as may be necessary for the purposes of these thereof. Rules. (2) Meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as the Chairman of the Board shall from time to time appoint. (3) Reasonable notice of the time and place of meeting shall be given to all members. (4) For the purpose of performing any duties or discharging any functions, and at any meeting of the Board, five members of the Board, of whom one shall be the Chairman of the Board, shall constitute a. quorum. (5) A record of every action taken by the Board at any meeting, thereof shall be entered in a Minute Book which shall be signed by the members of the Board present at such meeting. The Minute Book shall be deposited in the vault. Tickets. 5.—(l) There shall be a number of tickets (hereinafter called "the tickets") equal to the number of bonds issued under the authority of the Ordinance and each ticket shall be numbered consecutively com• mencing with the number one. (2) The tickets shall be made of such material as the Financial Sec• retary may decide. Drum. 6.—(l) The drum shall be made of metal and shall be capable of being revolved and shall have one door fastened by three locks. The keys of such locks shall be held by three members of the Board (here• inafter called "drum keyholders") to be nominated by the High Com• missioner and each drum keyholder shall hold the key of one only of the said locks. (2) In the event of a drum keyholder being unable to attend to his duties as such the High Commissioner may nominate another member of the Board to act temporarily as drum keyholder. (3) No person who is nominated to be a vault keyholder under rule 7 of these Rules shall be nominated to be a drum keyholder. (4) Whenever the drum is not required by the Board for the purpose of performing their duties under these Rules, it shall be kept in the vault.

Vault. 7.—(1) The vault shall have one door fastened by not less than two locks and the keys of such locks shall be held by as many persons (here• inafter called "vault keyholders") to be nominated by the High Com• missioner, as there are locks, and each vault keyholder shall hold the key of one only of the said locks. (2) In the event of a vault keyholder being unable to attend to his duties as such the High Commissioner may nominate another person to act temporarily as vault keyholder. (3) No person who is a drum keyholder shall be nominated to be a vault keyholder.

Duplicate keys 8.. Duplicate keys of the locks of the drum and the vault shall be de- of drum and posited in such places, and in the custody of such persons, as may be vault. appointed by the Financial Secretary. Such keys shall not be sur• rendered to any person by the person in whose custody they are, except on a written instruction signed by two members of the Board and countersigned by the Financial Secretary.

Tickets to be 9. The Board shall place into the drum tickets bearing the same placed into drum. numbers respectively as the bonds sold prior to the drawing, but ex• cluding tickets which have been drawn at any previous drawing.

Conveyance of 10.—(1) On the date fixed for a drawing, the drum shall be taken drum and draw- into possession by the Board in the presence of the three drum key• ing of tickets. holders. The drum shall be conveyed by the Board to the place where the drawing is to take place and there, at the time fixed by the Board for the drawing, the drum shall be opened by the three drum key- holders in the presence of the Board, and a person or persons selected by the Board shall draw by hand out of the drum one ticket at a time until the requisite number of tickets, as provided in section 10 of the Ordinance, have been drawn. 20th July, 1944. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 659

(2) Every ticket drawn out of the drum at a drawing in accordance with paragraph (1) of this rule shall be cancelled by the Board in such manner as the Board may decide. (3) Any tickets which are not drawn out of the drum at a drawing in accordance with paragraph (1) of this rule shall remain in the drum until the fifteenth day of September, 1964.

11. After each drawing the drum shall be locked by the three key- Drum to be holders and shall be replaced in the vault in the presence of the Board. replaced in vault. 12. The number of each bond drawn at a drawing in accordance with Publication of these Rules and the sum for which each bond so drawn will be re• results of draw• deemed shall be published by the Board by notice in the Gazette as soon ings. as may be. 13. Any person claiming any moneys in respect of any bond drawn Payment for by lot in accordance with these Rules shall present such bond to the redemption of Accountant General on or after the fourteenth day following the date bonds drawn by of publication in the Gazette of the notice referred to in rule 12 of lot. these Rules. Payment of any money due in respect of such bond shall be effected in cash at the office of the Accountant General, on demand on or after the said day and shall be made to the person who surrenders the bond to the Accountant General for cancellation. 14. The interest at the rate of one hundred mils for each bond shall Payment of be paid, on demand, on or after the fifteenth day of September in each interest. year, commencing with the year 1945, upon presentation of the relative interest coupon to any post office or approved institution and upon the surrender of such coupon for cancellation. 15. Any bonds not drawn by lot in accordance with these Rules shall Payment for re• be redeemed at par, on demand, on or after the fifteenth day of Sep• demption of tember, 1964, at the office of the Accountant General, upon the surren• bonds not drawn der of such bond for cancellation. bv lot.

OBJECTS AND REASONS. This draft Ordinance provides for the raising by the Government of Palestine, by the issue at par of one hundred thousand bearer bonds of ten Palestine Pounds each, of a loan of one million Palestine Pounds for the purpose of utilization and investment in the manner specified in clause 17. 2. The interest upon the principal represented by each bond will be at the rate of one per centum per annum (see clause 7). 3. During each year of the currency of the bonds there will be four quarterly drawings by lot of 159 bonds in each quarter, and the bonds so drawn will be redeemed by the payment of the sums specified in clause 10. The drawings will take place in public. Any bonds not drawn by lot will mature for redemption, at par, on the 15th Sep• tember, 1964 (see clause 13). 4. Any sum paid for the redemption of any bond will be free of income tax (see clause 12). L. B. GIBSON 12th July, 1944. Attorney General.

20th July, 1944. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 661

NOTICES. I. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4) (a) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed MR. CHARLES CAMPBELL EOSS, Chief Magistrate, to act as a Relieving President of a District Court, from the 19th to the 30th July, 1944, both dates inclusive. 13th July, 1944. L. A. W. OEE (G-az/5/40) • Chief Registrar. II. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exer• cise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4) (6) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed the following Magistrates to sit as Judges of the District Court: Name Bate HASSAN EFF. KATIB From 17th to 23rd July, 1944, inclusive. KHALIL EFF. SHEHADEH From 10th to 21st July, 1944, inclusive. 12th July, 1944. L. A. W. OEE (Gaz/5/40) Chief Registrar.

APPOINTMENTS, ETC. GARDINER, Assistant Controller of Heavy APPOINTMENTS. Industries, as Deputy Controller of Heavy The High Commissioner has appointed: — Industries, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1338 of the 1st June, 1944, ceased with effect MR. G. G. GRIMWOOD, Assistant District from the 6th July, 1944. Commissioner, Lydda District, to be Assistant Secretary, Secretariat, with effect from the The acting appointment of MR. J. M. FORD- HAM, Senior Assistant Director of War Produc• 10th July, 1944. tion, as Deputy Director of War Production, MR. J. J. NASNAS, Clerk, Accountant published in Palestine Gazette No. 1335 of the General's Office, to be Accountant, with effect 18th May, 1944, ceased with effect from the 6th from the 15th July, 1944. July, 1944. MR. M. ELLMAN to be Land Valuer, Depart• ment of Land Settlement, with effect from the RETIREMENT. 4th October, 1943. MR. S. JOUZY, Accountant, Accountant General's Office, retired from the public COLONEL E. H. CLARKE, Assistant Control• service with effect from the 15th July, 1944. ler of Heavy Industries, to act as Deputy Controller of Heavy Industries (Imports), with effect from the 18th May, 1944, until NOTICE. further order. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JAFFA. MR. N. I. MINDEL, Assistant Commissioner NOTICE OF INTENDED DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS for Migration, to act as Commissioner for UNDER RULE 11 OF THE ARCHIVES RULES, 1938, Migration, with effect from the 16th July, AS AMENDED. 1944, until further order. Notice is hereby given that I, WADIE MR. A. H. COUZENS, Deputy Director, De• SALAMEH, Registrar of the District Court and partment of Labour, to act as Controller of Land Court, Jaffa, intend to apply to His Man Power, with effect from the 16th July, Honour the Chief Justice, for authority under 1944, until further order. rule 11 of the Archives Rules, 1938, as amended, CAPTAIN H. G. H. FOARD, Palestine Rail• to destroy the following execution cases of the ways Liaison Unit, to act as Stores Superin• Execution Office, Jaffa : — tendent, with effect from the 2nd July, 1944, Execution cases for the year 1924: — From until further order. No. 1 to No. 2960 inclusive, except cases numbers — 1 to 2 inclusive, 7, 13, 98, 118, 135 TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. to 136 inclusive, 140, 146 to 148 inclusive, 155, 167, 185, 188, 189, 193, 215, 218, 236, 239, 252, The acting appointment of MR. J. BLUMEN- 257, 260, 287, 319, 336, 337, 396, 399, 444, 485, FELD, M.B.E., Assistant Registrar of Coopera• 496, 508, 512, 516, 527, 561, 563, 575, 584, 586, tive Societies, as Registrar of Cooperative to 589 inclusive, 627, 630, 641, 642, 647, 663, Societies, published in Palestine Gazette No. 664, 679, 704, 769, 783, 822, 863, 864, 871, 874, 1307 of the 23rd December, 1943, terminated 909, 934, 986 to 995 inclusive, 1000 to 1013 inclu• with effect from the 26th May, 1944. sive, 1037, 1071, 1095, 1109, 1119, 1124, 1129, 1132, The acting appointment of MR. S'. H. SHAW, 1136, 1144, 1146, 1153, 1157, 1173, 1175, 1196, Deputy Controller of Heavy Industries, as 1207 to 1208 inclusive, 1213, 1224, 1235, 1246, Controller of Heavy Industries, published in 1250, 1459, 1460, 1471, 1500, 1574, 1595, 1606, Palestine Gazette No. 1335 of the 18th May. 1616, 1779, 1786, 1836, 1899, 1979, 1983, 1992, 1944, ceased with effect from the 6th July, 2012, 2051, 2059, 2077, 2104, 2131, 2147, 2148, 2150, 1944. 2152, 2180, 2193, 2194, 2206, 2225, 2257, 2291, The acting appointment of MR. C. CASLÀV- 2340, 2355, 2383, 2389, 2482, 2489, 2491, 2494, SKY, Deputy Director of War Production, as 2497, 2498, 2536, 2537, 2550, 2613, 2632, 2636, Director of War Production, published in 2639, 2792, 2800, 2801, 2871, 2894, 2896, 2927, Palestine Gazette No. 1335 of the 18th May,2949 . 1944, ceased with effect from the 6th July, Execution cases for the year 1925: — From 1944. No. 1 to No. 3376 inclusive, execept cases The acting appointment of MR. E. A. numbers — 15, 20, 25, 37, 50, 99, 108, 118, 139, 662 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 20th July, 1944

220, 240, 244, 248, 249, 319, 538, 544, 547, 581, Medical Services under section 5 of the 604, 615, 625, 638, 654, 710, 735, 744, 756, 788, Dentists Ordinance: — 819, 823, 832, 835, 885, 897, 899, 936, 954, 959, Licence 968, 982, 1002, 1005, 1018, 1025, 1027, 1056, 1077, No. Name Address 1085, 1102, 1205, 1218, 1226, 1324, 1345, 1355, 1356, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1368 to 1371 inclusive, D.981 Ioina Beider Tel Aviv 1373 to 1374 inclusive, 1398, 1403 to 1405 inclu• III. sive, 1426, 1431, 1518, 1527, 1531, 1575, 1593, MIDWIVES' LICENCES. 1606, 1614, 1633, 1645, 1690, 1783, 1799, 1894, Licences to practise midwifery granted dur• 1898, 1917, 1923, 1941, 1950, 1969, 2000, 2001, 2035, 2063, 2073, 2093, 2115, 2116, 2120, 2143, 2144, ing the month of June, 1944, by the Director 2149, 2152, 2176, 2195, 2214, 2217, 2220, 2234, of Medical Services under section 5 of the 2262, 2358, 2405, 2406, 2445, 2450, 2451, 2453, Midwives Ordinance: — 2456, 2476, 2490, 2498, 2509, 2510 to 2525 inclu• Licence sive, 2567, 2587, 2642, 2657, 2728, 2729, 2743, No. Name Address 2777, 2811, 2820, 2890, 2976, 2977, 3041, 3054, M.745 Najla El-Yafi Jerusalem 3194, 3196, 3224, 3236, 3247 to 3249 inclusive, M.746 Fawzieh Hassanein Haifa 3256, 3261, 3264, 3287 to 3288 inclusive, 3297, 5th July, 1944. E.S.F. HENNESSEY 3300, 3301, 3308, 3317, 3334, 3335, 3337, 3340, (Gaz/23/40) for Acting Director, Medical Services. 3342, 3373, 3375, 3376. Objections, if any, to the destruction of NOTICE. these cases should be submitted to me within Notice is hereby given that the undermen• one month of the publication of this notice tioned licences to practise veterinary surgery in the Gazette, failing which such authority and medicine have been cancelled on account will be applied for. of the departure of the holders from Pal• Dated this 10th day of July, 1944. estine : — W. SALAMBH Licence Name of Holder (Gaz/32/40) Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. No. Date of Issue

NOTICES. 34 24th June, 1930 Sydney Joseph Gilbert I. 35 24 June, 1930 Joseph Mario Smith, MEDICAL LICENCES. O.B.E. Licences to practise medicine granted during 82 18th May, 1936 Bayoumi Bayoumi El Nasari the month of June, 1944, by the Director of Muhammad Shukri Medical Services under section 4(2) of the 101 1st July, 1941 4th January, Roderick Macgregor Medical Practitioners Ordinance: — 107 1943 Licence 108 4th January, William Orr. No. Name Address 1943 DR.3495 Joseph E. Neugroschl Tel Aviv 12th July, 1944. H. B. BINNS DR.3496 Kurt Epstein Ramatayim (Gaz/7/40) Acting Chief Veterinary Officer. DR.3497 Feliks Bornsztein Tel Aviv DR.3498 Jakob Bauer M.E.F. NOTICE. DR.3499 Mendel Wirtheim C.M.E. LAND VALUERS' LICENCES. DR.3500 Jacob Lazebnik Tel Aviv The undermentioned are licensed to practise DR.3501 Yetta Feldhuhn as land valuers in Palestine under the Land Vilner Tel Aviv Valuers Ordinance : — DR. 3502 George Lichtwitz Nahariya DR.3503 Emanuel Sperber Jerusalem Licence Licence Name Town DR.3505 Malka, Marie Sigal- No. expires on Gluckmann Tel Aviv 87 Mr. J. Hashem Jerusalem 30.6.49 II. Mr. David Avni Haifa 30.6.49 DENTIST'S LICENCE. 11th July, 1944. M. C. BENNETT Licence to practise dentistry granted during (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. the month of June, 1944, by the Director of

NOTICE. STATE DOMAIN TO BE LET BY AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that the following State property will be let by public auction: — Govern• No. of Description Block Parcel Area Term Location ment Property of Property No. No. Ds. Mt Share From To

E/Beer/2(3) Khirbat el Malia, Plain land In whole 103.638 1.10.44 30.9.47 Beersheba

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Beersheba, from 9 a.m. on Tuesday, the 1st August, 1944, to 12 noon on Thursday, the 31st August, 1944, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained on application from the District Offices, Beersheba Sub-District. 11th July, 1944. M. C. BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. 20th July, 1944. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 663

NOTICE. ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACT. The contract! for the supply of 12,500 yards The land registry office at Jerusalem will be of brown drill to the Palestine Police Force closed from and including the 14th day of has been awarded to Messrs. Jerushalmy Bros. July, 1944, until further notice. Ltd., H. Spie'gel Ltd. and Palestine Cotton Mills Ltd. at 362.5 mils per yard, 56" wide. 14th July, 1944. C. L. HORTON (L/55/44). Acting Director of Land Registration. Period of contract is 8 weeks. J. L. FLETCHER (Gaz/64/42) Controller of Light Industries.


Tenders Board Description of Service Name of Contractor

District Engineer, Supply of 180 m3 stone chippings to Salama— Mr. Ch. Chanoeh Jaffa District Wilhelma Road Kms. 58—59 of Tel Aviv P.W.D. Headquarters Supply, delivery and stacking of 400 m3 hard Mr. Hilmi Abu Mizzi Yahudi chipping stones to Kms. 65.749 Sha'aban of Gaza —70.000 of Julis—Bureir—Gaza Road.

NOTICE. an order declaring the succession to Isaac DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. (Itzhaq) Polani, deceased, and that the said PALESTINE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT application will be heard at the District Court of Haifa on Friday, the 28th day of July, 1944, BOOKS LOST. at 9 a.m. The following deposit books are reported to have been lost : — All persons claiming any interest must ap• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Office Number Name of Depositor order will be made as to the Court seems right. Jerusalem 1225 Mrs. Stefanie Satori Dated this 7tji day of July, 1944. Jaffa 249 Mr. A.W. Kirby D. H. YOUSEF (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa As the books are valueless to any person other than their owners, the finders are hereby II. requested to return them to the Postmaster IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. General (Savings Bank), General Post Office, P. P. 75/44. Jerusalem. In the matter of Isaac David Blanca (known also as Zaki o:c Jizhaq Blanga or Blanka) of PALESTINE CURRENCY NOTES. Payment of the value of the following mutilated Haifa, represer.ted by Messrs. El Lipschitz and currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. R. Knoch, advocates, Haifa. Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Rose of any of these notes should communicate with the Blanga (or Blanca or Blanka) née Pinto of Currency Officer, Jerusalem. Haifa has applied to the District Court of Number Haifa for an o|rder declaring the succession to Value Name of Claimant of Note Isaac David Blanca (known also as Zaki or Jizhaq Blanga !or Blanka) of Haifa and that M.127295/ LP.l Mohamed Eff. Turki, Haifa the said application will be heard at the Dis• J.858950 trict Court of !Haifa on Thursday, the 27th N.517912 LP.l Mr. Hans Levy, Haifa day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. C.460388 LP.5 Mrs. Halima Allan, Jeru• salem All persons claiming any interest must ap• L.446777 LP.l | Mr. Kamel M. Shalabi, pear at the said place and time, otherwise such P.402810 LP.l r Jaffa order will be made as to the Court seems right. B.748304 500 Mils Mr. Shukri Said, Jerusalem Dated this 7th day of July, 1944. H.952771 LP.l Mr. Ezzat Isa Ghurani, Beit Jala D. H. YOUSEF B.062186 LP.5 Klinger's Bank, Safad (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. F.607936/ LP.l General Manager, The B.412562 Agricultural Mortgage III. Co. of Palestine Ltd., IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. Jerusalem. Estate Case No. 23/44.

27th June, 1944. C. F WOLFE In the mattelr of the succession to Jaber (Gaz/14/40) Currency Officer. (alias Gabriel) Elias Kotia of Maturin (Ven• ezuela), deceased. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF SUCCESSION. Petitioner: Mitri A. Mubayyed, represen• I. ted by George E. Berouti, Barrister-at-Law of ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. Jaffa. File No. 74/44. Let all persons take notice that Mitri A. In the matter of Isaac (Itzhaq) Polani of Mubayyed of Haifa has applied to the District Haifa, deceased. Court of Jaffa !for an order declaring the suc• Petitioner: Chaja Polani, represented by cession to Jabe|r (alias Gabriel) Elias Kotia D. Bar Rav Hay and Dr. D. Erdstein, ad• of Maturin (Venezuela), deceased, and that the vocates, Haifa. said application will be heard at the above- Let all persons take notice that Chaja Polani mentioned Court on the 11th day of September, has applied to the District Court of Haifa for 1944, at 9 a.m. 664 20th July, 1944

All persons claiming any interest must ap­ of Ramat Gan has applied to the District Court pear at the said place and time, otherwise such of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the suc­ order will be made as to the Court seems right. cession to Hayim Wiesen (alias Chaim Wiesen) of Hadar, near Tel Aviv, deceased, and that Dated this 10th day of July, 1944. the said application will be heard at the Dis­ trict Court of Tel Aviv on the 26th day of July, W. SALAMEH 1944, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/32/40) Registrar, District Court, Jaffa All persons claiming any interest must ap­ IV. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Probate No. 28/44. Dated this 4th day of July, 1944. In the matter of Aaron Winograd of Tel W. SALAMEH Aviv, deceased. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Petitioner: Hana Lea Winograd of Tel Aviv, represented by Mr. J. Abrahami, ad­ VII. vocate of Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Hana Estate Case No. 209/44. Lea Winograd has applied to the District In the matter of the succession to Shaul Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the Tchernichovsky of 89, Achad-Haam Street, Tel succession to Mr. Aaron Winograd of Tel Aviv, Aviv. * deceased, and that the said application will be Petitioner: Mrs. Izolda Vilensky (Tcher­ heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the nichovsky) of Haifa, Hadar Hacarmel. 24th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Izolda All persons claiming any interest must ap­ Vilensky (Tchernichovsky) of Haifa has ap­ pear at the said place and time, otherwise such plied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order will be made as to the Court seems right. order declaring the succession to Shaul Tcher­ Dated this 5th day of July, 1944. nichovsky of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District W. SALAMEH Court of Tel Aviv on the 26th day of July, (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 1944, at 9 a.m. V. All persons claiming any interest must ap- I pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Probate File No. 149/44. Dated this 7th day of July, 1944. In the matter of the succession to Simha Bonem Frankel (alias Symcha Binem Frein- W. SALAMEH kiel), deceased. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Petitioners: Mrs. Hadassa (Hudessa) Fran­ kel, Asher (Uszer) Frankel and Mordechai VIII. (Mordka) Frankel, represented by their at­ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. torneys J. Serlin and A. Rosental, advocates, Probate File No..-216/44. of 54, Achad Ha'am Street, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the succession to Natan Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Hadas­ Mechel Holzer of Tel Aviv, deceased. sa (Hudessa) Frankel, Mr. Asher (Uszer) Frankel and Mr. Mordechai (Mordka) Frankel Let all persons take notice that Fani Holzer, have applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv Willi Ho'lzer and Horst Holzer have applied to for an order declaring the succession to Simha the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order Bonem Frankel (alias Symcha Binem Frein- declaring the succession to Natan Mechel kiel) of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said Holzer of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the application will be heard at the above Court said application will be heard at the above on the 27th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. I Court on the 4th day of August, 1944, at 9 I a.m. The application relates only to the miri immovable property of the deceased. I All persons claiming any interest must ap- j pear at the said place and time, otherwise such All persons claiming any interest must ap­ J order will be made as to the Court seems pear at the said place and time, otherwise such I right. order will be made as to the Court seems right. ! Dated this 11th day of July, 1944. Dated this 14th day of July, 1944. ׳' - I ' W. SALAMEH I (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. W. SALAMEH (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. IX. VI. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Probate Filé No. 220/44. Prob. 190/44. In the matter of Guillaume Salomon of Tel In the matter of Hayim Wiesen (alias Chaim Aviv, deceased. Wiesen) of Hadar, near Tel Aviv, deceased. ! Petitioner: Mrs. Rosa Salomon of Tel Aviv. Petitioner: Yehiel Wiesen of Ramat Gan, j Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Rosa represented by P. Shwartzman, advocate, Tel Salomon has applied to the District Court of Aviv. i Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession Let all persons take notice that Yehiel Wiesen ! to Guillaume Salomon of Tel Aviv, deceased, 20th July, 1944. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 665 and that the said application will be heard at said Court in ten days from the date of pub­ the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 24th day lication, and show cause, if any they have, why of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. an order of administration of all and singular All persons claiming any interest must ap­ the movable property, rights, credits and mulk pear at the said place and time, otherwise such and miri immovable property of Adele Wicha­ order will be made as to the Court seems right. lewski should not be granted unto Leib Wichal­ ewski, as, in default thereof, the Court will Dated this 7th day of July, 1944. proceed to grant the same accordingly.

W. SALAMEH Dated this 7th day of July, 1944. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. W. SALAMEH (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. CITATIONS FOB ORDERS OF ADMINISTRATION.

I. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP TEL AVIV. I. Probate File No. 98/1944. In the matter of the estate of Zion Reuven IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Salem, also known as Zion Reuven Saleem, and File No. 199/44. also known as Zion Saleem, of Magdiel, de­ In the matter of appointment of guardians ceased. over the minors Shoshana and Dalya Drapkin. Petitioner: Miriam Salem. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby In virtue of an order of the District Court cite all and all manner of persons to appear va bearing this date, I do hereby cite ״,of Tel Aviv any and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court within ten days from the date said Court in ten days from the date of pub­ of publication hereof, and show cause, if any lication hereof, and show cause, if any they they have, why an order appointing Mr. H. have, why an order of administration of all Dinstein, advocate of Tel Aviv, as guardian and singular, the movable property, rights and over the persons and property of the said credits of Tufaha Fathi, Farha Arvili and minors should not be made, as, in default Samha, wife of Salem son of Menashe A'ami thereof, such order will be made as to the Court in the estate of said deceased, should not be seems right. granted to Miriam Salem, also known as Dated this 7th day of July, 1944. Miriam Saleem of Magdiel, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the W. SALAMEH same accordingly. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv.

Dated this 6th day of July, 1944. II.

W. SALAMEH IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. File No. 212/44. In the matter of the application of Edward II. Zvi Fellman for an order for the appointment IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. of guardians over the property of the minors Pr. File No. 166/44. Ora (Helen) Fellman and Yinon () In the matter of Chaia Katzin (alias Chaia Fellman. Katziniene), deceased, and In virtue of an order of the District Court In the matter of a petition of Mrs. Ruth of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby Kark, represented by her attorney Dr. Raphael cite all and all manner of persons to appear Rabinowitz, advocate, of 46, Lilienblum Street, in the said Court in ten days from the date of Tel Aviv. publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of guardianship of all and In virtue of an order of the District Court singular the movable property, rights, credits of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby and mulk immovable property and miri im­ cite all and all manner of persons to appear in movable property of the minors Ora (Helen) the said Court in ten days from the date of Fellman and Yinon (Israel) Fellman should publication hereof, and show cause, if any they not be granted unto Rabbi Mordehai Reiseman, have, why an order of administration of all Abraham Fellman and Edward Zvi Fellman, and singular the movable property, rights and as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed credits of Chaia Katzin (alias Chaia Katzin­ to grant the same accordingly. iene) should not be granted unto Mrs. Ruth Kark, as, in default thereof, the Court will W. SALAMEH proceed to grant the same accordingly. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv.

W. SALAMEH HI. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. III. Pr. 219/44. IN• THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. In the matter of the appointment of guard­ Pr. File No. 211/44. ians over the minor child Shifra Radzynier. In the matter of Adele Wichalewski, de­ Petitioners: Szulim Radzynier and Jochwet ceased...... Radzynier, through their attorney D. S. Kos- sowsky-Shachor, advocate of Tel Aviv. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing this day, I do hereby cite In virtue of an order of the District Court of all and all manner of persons to appear in the Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby 666 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 20th July, 1944

cite all and all manner of persons to appear sim Abadi, named therein, or, in the alter­ in the said Court in ten days from the date of native, why an order of administration with publication hereof, and show cause, if any they the will annexed of all and singular the mov­ have, why an order should not be issued ap­ able property, rights, credits and mulk im­ pointing Szulim Radzynier and Jochwet Radzy- movable property and miri immovable prop­ nier of Tel Aviv guardians over Shifra Radzy­ erty of Abraham Abadi, deceased, should not nier, the minor child of the said petitioners, as, be granted unto Nissim Abadi, as, in default in default thereof, the Court will proceed to thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the grant the same accordingly. same accordingly. Dated this 7th day of July, 1944. Dated this 7th day of July, 1944.

W. SALAMEH D. H. YOUSEF (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa.

CITATION FOR AN ORDER APPOINTING CURATORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Civil File No. 212/44. SUMMARY. In the matter of Haya (Alice) Roginsky and For week ending midnight 15.7.44 the appointment of curators. 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Petitioners: Rabbi Meir Berlin of Tel Aviv The following restrictions are at present in force: — and Israel Zilberdik, through their attorney Date D. S. Kossowsky-Shachor, advocate of Tel Against Port restrictions Aviv. enforced

Let all persons take notice that the above Plague Arrivals from Ismailia and. petitioners, through their attorney D. S. Kos­ District by air, land and sowsky-Shachor, advocate, have applied to the sea routes 17.4.44 District Court of Tel Aviv for an order pro­ Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by hibiting Haya (Alice) Roginsky from dealing air route- 9.9.36 with her property and appointing Rabbi Meir Smallpox Arrivals from Calcutta by Berlin of Tel Aviv and Israel Zilberdik curat­ air route 19.2.38 ors, and that the District Court of Tel Aviv Smallpox Arrivals from Iraq by will hear the said application on the 25th day land and air routes 11.11.40 Smallpox of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Arrivals from Bombay by air route 9.9.40 All persons claiming any interest in the Smallpox Arrivals from Iran by land said property must appear at the said place and air routes 1.7.42 and time, otherwise such order will be made as Smallpox Arrivals from Syria and to the Court seems right. the Lebanon by land, air and sea routes 22.11.42 Dated this 6th day of July, 1944. Smallpox Arrivals from Turkey by W. SALAMEH land, air and sea routes 13.5.43 (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Smallpox Arrivals from Delhi by air route 7.6.43 Smallpox Arrivals from Egypt by CITATION FOR PROBATE OR ALTERNATIVELY FOR land, air and sea routes 26.5.43 ORDER OF ADMINISTRATION WITH THE WILL ANNEXED. 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. Pr. No. 47/44. Small Date Place Typhus In the matter of Abraham Abadi of Tiberias, pox notified deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court Jerusalem 2 11.7.44 of Haifa, of 30th June, 1944, I do hereby cite Haifa la 12.7.44 all and all manner of persons to appear in the Haifa 14.7.44 said Court in ten days from the date of pub­ , Haifa S/D 14.7.44 lication hereof, and show cause, if any they , Jenin S/D 15.7.44 have, why the last will of Abraham Abadi, de­ ceased, should not be proved, approved and re­ a) Imported f om Acre. gistered, and probate thereof granted to Nis-


The following unclaimed goods lying in the stores of the Levant Bonded Warehouses Com­ pany, Jaffa, will be sold if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Description Consignee Whence Steamer, etc. arrival

Caldea 15.9.39 5 packages cardboard Anglo-Palestine Bank Trieste 00 4713/17 Attiki 18.10.39 1 case samples E. S. 1 L.L: Kamenos, Jaffa Port Said (ex Japan) ׳ LOCAL COUNCIL OF PETAH TIQVA (RURAL AREA).


Approved Actual Over the Approved Actual Over the Under the RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. Estimates Receipts Estimates Estimates Payments Estimates Estimates

£P. £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils

L. Rates, Licences, Taxes, etc. 1,318 1,466.543 148.543 1. General Administration 510.000 508.431 — 1.569

2. Receipts for Specific Services 1,072 1,297.414 225.414 '2. Health Services 160,000 159.778 — 0.222

3. Miscellaneous — 18.290 18.290 3. Safety Services 889.931 874.163 — 15.768

4. Reimbursements — 16.329 16.329 4. Public Works Recurrent 92.000 85.670 — 6.330

5. Miscellaneous 928.080 857.947 — 70.133

6. Reimbursements 16.329 16.329

2,390 2,798.576 408.576 2,580.011 2,502.318 16.329 94.022

Advances 8.000 Advances 8.000

Cash Balance on 1.4.43 651.275 Cash Balance on 31.3.44 947.533 ׳

Total 3,457.851 Total 3,457.851

A. SHAPIRO PERETZ PASCAL Accountant. President. Under my direction an examination has been made of the above accounts with the books and vouchers 30th April, 1944. relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering report dated the 6th June, 1944. R. F. PINDER 6th Junej 1944. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF PETAH TIQVA (RURAL AREA). ! o> ! Ol I 00 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 31ST MARCH, 1944. LIABILITIES. ASSETS.

- £P. Mils £P. Mils Surplus Funds 947.533 Cash : — At Anglo-Palestine Bank, Ltd., Petah Tiqva 947.533

Total 947.533 Total 947.533

A. SHAPIRO PERETZ PASCAL Under my direction an examination has been made of the above accounts with the books and vouchers President. 30th April, 1944. Accountant. relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering report dated the 6th June, 1944. R. F. PINDER 6th June, 1944. Municipal Auditor.


Expended Balance Amount Repaid Outstanding Purpose Item Year Terms to date in hand

£P.mils £P.mils £P.mils £ P.mils £ P.mil s NIL Balance in hand as per Statement of Total outstanding Assets and Liabilities

RATE ACCOUNT, ETC. £P.Mils £P.Mils Arrears at 31st March, 1943 4,877.543 Assessment for 1943/44 2,199.913 7,077.456 Less—Collections 1943/44 as per accounts 2,734.957 Amounts written-off 2,734.957 Arrears at 31st March, 1944. 4,342.499

In so far as it is possible to ascertain from the subsidiary records, the Local Council has no commitments and/or outstanding debts. In this connection a reference is invited to paragraphs 9 and 11 of the Report dated 6th June, 1944.

R. F. PINDER 6th June, 1944. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF


Approved Actual Over the Under the Approved Actual Under the RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Estimates Receipts Estimates Estimates Estimates Payments Estimates

£P. £P.Mils Mils £ P.Mils £P. £P.Mils £P.Mils

1. Rates and Licences 3,469 3,525.410 56.410 1. General Administration 624 604.613 19.387 2. Fees of Office, Receipts for Specific 2. Premiums and Gratuities Services 76.444 76.444 3. Health Services 592 582.841 9.159 3. Revenue from Council's Property 4. Safety Services 1,359 1,351.730 7.270 4. Interest 5. Social Services 80 6.500 73.500 5. Water Supply 6. Engineering 70 66.147 3.853 6. Miscellaneous 130 47.427 82.573 7. Public Works Recurrent 130 127.510 2.490 Total Ordinary Revenue 3,599 3,649.281 132.854 82.573 8. Miscellaneous 489 392.478 96.522 7. Contribution to Roads 50 54.290 4.290

8. Grant-in-Aid

Total Extraordinary Revenue 50 54.290 4.290 ?,344 3,131.819 212.181

9. Loan Account Advances 75.000 3,649 3,703.571 137.144 82.573 Deposits 12.000 Balance as at 31.3.44: £P.MUs Advances 75.000 Cash in hand 112.378 Balance b/f to 1.4.43 245.620 At Bank 692.994 805.372

Total 4,024.191 Total 4,024.191

A. BEN ARIEH A. BRAVERMAN Accountant President Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 9th June, 1944. R. F. PINDER 9th June, 1944. Municipal Auditor LOCAL COUNCIL OF 'EMEQ HEPHER. STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 31ST MARCH, 1944. LIABILITIES ASSETS

£P.Mils £P.Mils

Deposits 4.305 Cash: — £ P.Mils In hand 112.378 Surplus Funds 802.567 At Bank 692.994 805.372

Advances 1.500

Total 806.872 Total 806.872

A. BEN ARIEH A. BEAVEEMAN Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers Accountant President relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Eeport dated the 9th June, 1944. E. F. PINDEE 9th June, 1944. Municipal Auditor.


Expended Balance Item Year Amount Repaid Outstanding Purpose Terms to date in hand

£P.mils £ P.mils £P.mils £P.mils £ P.mils NIL

RATE ACCOUNT, ETC. £P.MUs £P.Mils Arrears at 31st March, 1943 285.650 Assessment for 1943/44 3,270.351 3,556.001 Less—Collection for 1943/44 3,195.473 Amounts written-off during 1943/44 3,195.473 Arrears at 31st March, 1944 360.528

In so far as it is possible to ascertain from the subsidiary records, the Local Council has no commitments and/or outstanding debts.

In this connection a reference is invited to paragraph 13 of the Eeport.

A. BEN AEIEH A. BEAVEEMAN E. F. BINDER Accountant President Municipal Auditor THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347.




Actual Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue HEADS OF REVENUE for the year for the year for the year for the year 1942/43 1943/44 1943/44 1944/45

LP. LP. LP. Mils LP.

1. Rates, Licences, Taxes, etc. 2,376 4,510 3,770.698 5,348

2. Fees of Office, Receipts for Specific Services 2,122 2,676 3,558.695 5,844

3. Revenue from Municipal Property 241 . 475 258.400 5,235

4. Interest ...... 69 70 90.937 100

5. Water Supply 1,781 3,031 2,923.102 3,412

6. Miscellaneous - - 236 295 402.114 447

7. Social Aid . . . - . — — 872.646 4,900

Total 6,825 11,057 11,876.592 25,286

8. Contribution to Roads, etc. 10 30 113.855 122

Aid by Government 350 350 350.000 3,850־Grant-in .9

Total Extraordinary 360 380 463.855 3,972

10. Loan Account - - — — . — —

Total Revenue 7,185 11,437 12,340.447 29,258


Actual Estimated Actual Estimated Expenditure HEADS OF EXPENDITURE Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure for the year for the year for the year for the year 1942/43 1943/44 1943/44 1944/45

LP. LP. LP. Mils LP.

1. General Administration 1,459 2,149 1,897.015 2,641

2. Pensions and Gratuities .... — — — —

3. Health Services ..... 2,535 4,258 3,509.473 6,107

4. Safety Services ..... 12 112 15.200 312

5. Education - - - - - 61 1,250 50.000 5,375

5,600 — — — - ־ - ־ - Social Services .6

7. Engineering and Public Amenities 337 443 405.625 738

675 602.958 625 387 - - - ־ Public Works Recurrent .8

9. Repayment of Loans and Interest (a) Loan repayment — — — (b) Interest Charges on Loan ! -

10. Water Supply Charges - 1,511 6,088 5,506.170 4,064

11. Miscellaneous ..... 361 598 430.281 691

Total Ordinary 6,663 15,523 12,416.722 26,203

12. Public Works Extraordinary 181 845 179.608 1,300

—. — — ־-— • - ־ Loan and Works .13

Total Expenditure 6,844 16,368 12,596.330 27,503 672 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 20th July, 1Ö44



Estimated Surplus at 31st March, 1944 (1) 5,316.110 (Actual Surplus on 31st March, 1943 (2) ^P.5,591.993)

Estimated Eevenue from 1st April, 1944, to 31st March, 1945.

Ordinary LP. 25,286

Extraordinary LP. 3,972 29,258.000

Total 34,574.110

Estimated Expenditure from 1st April, 1944, to 31st March, 1945.

Ordinary LP. 26,203

Extraordinary LP. 1,300 27,503.000

Estimated Surplus at 31st March, 1945 (3) 7,071.110

Total 34,574.110

(1) End of Current year. (2) End of Previous year. (3) End of year for which estimates are being submitted.

BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. Debtor's Name : Zorach Plotnitzky. Debtor's Name: Dr. Moses Rubin (also known Address : 13, Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv. as Robert) Gruberg, deceased. Description : Sausage factory owner. Address: Jerusalem. Court: District Court, Tel Aviv. Description: Late veterinary officer in the Number of Matter : 33/38. Municipality of Jerusalem. Last Day for Receiving Proofs: Within 21 Court: District Court, Jerusalem. days from date of publication. Number of Matter : 120 of 1939. Name of Trustee: Israel Shochat advocate. Amount per £P. : oh mils. Address: 40, Lilienblum Street, P.O. Box First, Final or Otherwise: First and final. 371, Tel Aviv. When Payable: Within 21 days from the date H. KANTEOVITCH of publication. (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Where Payable: Office of Administrator Gen• eral, Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, Jeru• salem. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. H. KANTEOVITCH NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND. (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. Debtor's Name : Yechiel Kogan. Address: 131, Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Aviv. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Description: Advertising agent. NOTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEE. Court: Chief Magistrate's Court of Tel Aviv. Number of Matter: 195 of 1938. Debtor's Name : Bishara Custandi. Last Day for Receiving Proofs: 2nd August, Address : 'Ajami Quarter, Jaffa. 1944. Description: Teacher. Name of Trustee: Administrator General, Court: District Court of Jaffa. Official Receiver. Number of Matter :• 200/40. Address: P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem. Trustee's Name: Mr. F.S. Saba. Address : P.O.B. 577, Jerusalem. H. KANTEOVITCH Description: Certified accountant. (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. Date of Release : 14th July, 1944. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. H. KANTEOVITCH NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND. (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Debtor's Nanie: Ahmad Ibrahim Salahi. Address : Souk Salahi, Jaffa. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Description: Landowner. RECEIVING ORDER, FIRST MEETING AND PUBLIC Court: District Court, Jaffa. EXAMINATION. Number of Matter : 40/41. Debtor's Name: Osman Mustafa. Last Day for Receiving Proofs: 28th July, Address: Surda, Ramallah. 1944. Description: Farmer. Name of Trustees: 1. George E. Beiruti. Court: District Court, Jerusalem. 2. J. Sadmon. Number of Matter : 50/44. Address: New Issaf Building, Issaf Street, Date of Filing Petition: 1st April, 1944. P.O.B. 142, Jaffa. Date of Receiving Order: 14th May, 1944. H. KANTEOVITCH Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition: (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. Debtor's. 20th July, 1944. 673

Date of First Meeting: 27th July, 1944. pany, and his single signature shall Hour: 10 a.m. bind the company. Place: Office of the Administrator General, III. Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Date of Public Examination: 17th September, "IPSCO" TUBE MANUFACTURING LIMITED. 1944. Notice is hereby given that at an extraordin­ Hour: 9 a.m. ary general meeting held on the 10th of July, Place : District Court, Jerusalem. 1944, the following persons have been appointed directors of the above company : H. KANTROVITCH Mr. Max Herrmann of Tel Aviv (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Dr. Hans Lewin of Tel Aviv Dr. Arthur Stein of Ramatayim NOTICES. Dr. Meir Waldmann of Jerusalem. The following notices are published at the risk of the The joint signatures of any 2 of the above- dvertisers and their publication does not iviply any named directors shall bind the company. certificate as to correctness or authority. Any previous notice regarding the directors I. of the company is hereby cancelled. JACOB JAPHET AND CO., LTD. It has furthermore been resolved that Dr. List of persons authorised to sign on behalf Siegmund Wassermann, advocate of Tel Aviv, of the company: shall be attorney of the company, and that his Managing Directors: single signature shall bind the company. Dr. Alfred Feuchtwanger IV. Mr. Robert C. Loewi. ; MIDDLE EAST STONEWARE WORKS LIMITED. Holders of General Procuration : Notice is hereby given that at an extraordin­ Mr. Franz Bamberger Dr. Gerhard Muenzner ary general meeting held on the 10th of July, Dr. Ernst Nebenzahl 1944, the following persons have resigned their Mr. Fritz Nussbaum I office and have ceased to be directors of the Mr. Julius Rosswald company : 1. Mr. Eliezer Avishai-Minsky of Jerusalem, Mr. Heinrich Schinagel. 2. Mr. Hermann Tamary of Tel Aviv. Any document, signed under the name of the company by any two of j the persons named The following persons are now directors of above shall be binding upon the company. the above company : Furthermore, a document relating to any 1. Mr. Wolfgang Meyer-Michael of Haifa, usiness transacted in the company's branch 2. Dr. Arthur Stein of Ramatayim, office at Tel Aviv shall also be binding on the 3. Dr. Siegmund Wassermann of Tel Aviv. company if signed under the name of the com- The joint signatures of any 2 of the above- any by any one of the persons named above named directors shall binct the company. jointly with Dr. Raya Greenberg, Holder of Any previous notice regarding the directors Special Procuration. of the company is hereby cancelled. Besides, Dr. Ernst Nebenzahl is authorised It has furthermore been resolved that Dr. to appear on behalf of the company before any Siegmund Wassermann, advocate of Tel Aviv, and Registry and to sign all or any docu­ shall be attorney of the company, and that his ments relating to any land transactions what­ single signature shall bind the company. soever, such as purchase, sale, partition, mort­ V. gage, discharge of mortgage or transfer of any description. CANCELLATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. The "Ipsco" Industrial Producers and Sup­ II. pliers Co. Ltd. hereby give notice that the IPSCO" INDUSTRIAL PRODUCERS AND SUPPLIERS ! Power of Attorney given by the said company COMPANY LTD. I to Mr. Hermann Tamary and attested by the Notice is hereby given of the following I Notary Public of Tel Aviv on the'1st of Nov­ hanges in the management of the above com- ember, 1942, is cancelled, and the said Mr. any: Hermann Tamary is no longer entitled to do 1. Dr. Robert Gidion and Mr. Chaim Goali any acts binding the company under the said ave resigned their offices and have ceased to power of attorney. e directors of the company. Any power of attorney of any kind what­ 2. At the extraordinary general meeting of soever given or issued under the hand of the he 10th July, 1944, the following resolutions said Mr. Hermann Tamary -under the said : Power of Attorney shall be null and void and •••׳ :•ere passed (a) Mr. Hermann Tamary is no longer en­ shall have no longer any effect whatsoever. " titled to bind the company by his sole vi; signature. •:: "HAMOVIL" GOODS TRANSPORT COMPANY LTD. (b) The following persons are members of Notice is hereby given of the following de­ the Board of Directors: cisions taken at the company's general meeting Mr. Max Herrmann held on the 10th July, 1944: Dr. Arthur Stein 1) The Board of Directors shall consist of Mr. Hermann Tamary Aryeh Goldsmidt The joint signatures of any two of the Shlomo Reis abovenamed directors shall bind the com­ Moshe-Chaim Fahn. pany. 2) Thé joint signatures of any two of the (c) Dr. Siegmund Wassermann, advocate of above directors together with the seal of Tel Aviv, shall be attorney of the com­ the company shall bind the company. 674 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1347. 20th July, 1944

VII. II- PALCOMIN LIMITED. Palestine Gazette No. 1346 of the 13th July, EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION TO WIND-UP 1944, page 638, right column. The name of COMPANY. the private company File No. P.C./2175, notice of incorporation of which appears in that col­ At an extraordinary general meeting of the umn should read "Eng. M. Wlodawski and E. abovenamed company, duly convened and held Kremer Ltd." and not as published. at 30, Achad Haam Street, Tel Aviv, on the 4th July, 1944, the following extraordinary NOTICE. resolution was duly passed : — SUBSCRIPTION RATES. RESOLUTION. The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current That the company Palcomin Ltd., be wound prices, through all booksellers and news-agents in up, and that Mr. Benzion Cohen, Public Ac­ Palestine or from the Government Printing and Sta­ countant-Auditor, be appointed and is hereby tionery Office, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription appointed liquidator of the company. rates are as follows: — Half-yearly Yearly VIII. £P.Mils £P.Mils "ATZMON" BONDED WAREHOUSES LTD. Palestine 1.800 3.000 Notice is hereby given that at the general Abroad 2.625 4.500 meeting of the said company, held at Tel Aviv Applications accompanied by remittances (Cash, on the 29th June, 1944, Messrs. Moshe Sherman Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to the and Itzchak Dankner were elected sole direc­ Government Printer, .B. 293, Jerusalem. tors of the company for the period 1st July, ADVERTISEMENTS. 1944—30th June, 1946. During the aforesaid The following are the authorised publication rates for period the joint signature of the said Messrs. notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: — Moshe Sherman and Itzchak Dankner shall P. Mils׳£ bind the company, and they alone shall be en­ For every \ of a column or part thereof \'. 938 titled to represent the company in all matters Exceeding \ and not exceeding J column 1.875 before any administrative authorities, Courts Exceeding J and not exceeding f column 2.813 and the Land Registry Office. Exceeding f and not exceeding 1 column 3.750

IX. All notices and advertisements must be prepaid. SADAN LTD. It is notified for general information that notices intended for publication in the Palestine Gazette should The abovenamed company gives hereby no­ be addressed, together with the appropriate publication tice that its Board of Directors is composed of fees, direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, the following gentlemen: Jerusalem. 1. Dr. Wolf Bitter. Notices of registration of* Companies, Cooperative 2. Eng. Felix Belkin. Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not'be accepted 3. Zvi Hershenharts. for publication unless submitted through the appropriate 4. Shmuel Smargon. Registrar. The company shall be bound only by the Orders with regard to the administration of the estate joint signatures of two directors, provided that of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders one of them be the signature of Dr. Wolf Bit­ issued under the Companies Ordinance, or in accordance ter or Mr. Felix Belkin and the other be the with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and signature of Mr. Zvi Hershenhartz or Mr. notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships Shmuel Smargon. will not be inserted unless passed fo rpublication by the Court or Registrar. This notice stands in place of any previous notice, notably the notice published in Pales­ Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be accepted unless signed by the partners named therein tine Gazette No. 1008 of 16th May, 1940. or by their legal representatives. X. The signature or representative character of a signa­ "ERKA" INVESTMENT & HOLDING CO. LTD. tory must be verified by a declaration made by an advocate. Notice is hereby given that at the annual general meeting of the above company held on A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by the 30th May, 1944, the following persons were all the partners or by their legal representatives,•must be accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an elected as the directors of the company: advocate to the effect that the notice is given hy1 pur­ Mr. Rudyard Kroener. suance of the terms of the partnership ,to which it Mr. Heinz Brodek. relates. Mr. Hans Brauer. The following notices and advertisements will be It was further resolved that the signature of published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers either Mr. Rudyard Kroener or Mr. Heinz and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or • ׳־:Brodek on behalf of the company shall bind the authority company in all its affairs and business. Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Di­ CORRIGENDA. rectors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from I. Companies or Cooperative Societies. Palestine Gazette No. 1346 of the 13th July, No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or 1944, page 636, right column, notice under the Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1936, regarding Isaac Order of the Court or of the Registrar, will be inserted Zalel. For "Date of Public Examination" ap­ unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate pearing in the 7th line of the notice read that to the best of his knowledge the statement made in "Date of Receiving Order", the notice or advertisement is true.