Vale of Local Plan

Proposed Submission Consultation Statement November 2017


Section Title Page 1. Purpose of the document 3 Regulations The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Stages in preparing the VALP Statement of Community Involvement Sustainability Appraisal Evidence Base 2. Scope of The Plan - 2014 (Regulation 18) 10 3. Issues and Options – 2015 (Regulation 18) 14 4. Draft Plan – 2016 (Non-Statutory) 19

Appendices Page A. Consultation Methods (Table 1, Table 2) 28 B. Deposit Point Location and Opening Hours 39 C. List of Specific, General and Other Consultees 40

Tables 1. General consultation methods 28 2. Specific SCI requirements for each consultation stage 32 3. Summary of Major Issues raised through Draft Plan 35 consultation & how addressed in Proposed Submission VALP

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1. Purpose of the document

1.1 This Proposed Submission version of the consultation statement sets out how the Council has involved residents and key stakeholders in preparing the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. For each consultation stage it describes the background to the work, the various periods of consultation that have been held, along with who was invited to make representations and how. This is then followed by a summary of the main issues that were raised at each stage and how they have been addressed. It should be read alongside the Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance which also explains how we have engaged actively and constructively with stakeholders, including neighbouring authorities, about strategic issues and the outcomes achieved.


1.2 This Consultation Statement describes how the Council has undertaken community participation and stakeholder involvement in the production of the Local Plan to date, setting out how such efforts have shaped the Plan and the main issues raised during each consultation. It is produced to respond to and therefore fulfil requirements set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012, and specifically Regulation 19 and Regulation 22(1) part (c). This requires the submission to the Secretary of State of a statement setting out:

● which bodies and persons the local planning authority invited to make representations under Regulation 18; ● how those bodies and persons were invited to make representations under Regulation 18; ● a summary of the main issues raised by the representations made pursuant to Regulation 18; ● how any representations made pursuant to Regulation 18 have been taken into account; ● if representations were made pursuant to Regulation 20, the number of representations made and a summary of the main issues raised in those representations; and ● if no representations were made in Regulation 20, that no such representations were made.

The Regulation 20 representations will be documented in an update to this paper ahead of the Submission for examination.

The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan

1.3 This consultation statement is for the preparation of the Proposed Submission Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) to accompany its Regulation 19 publication. VALP is the emerging Local Plan for the district and will, once adopted, replace the 2004 District Local Plan (AVDLP) saved policies. The VALP sets out a clear strategic

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direction for the district, whilst enabling neighbourhood planning to come forward should communities so wish. The VALP also contains:

1. Housing and jobs numbers for the Local Plan period, which is through to 2033 2. Strategic vision, objectives and strategic policies – including for Aylesbury to become a Garden Town 3. Development Management Policies – including design policies, affordable housing, housing mix, employment, infrastructure delivery, green belt policy/criteria for assessing proposals within, tourism, gypsy and travellers, change of use, renewable energy and climate change. 4. Site Allocations for housing, employment, retail, gypsy and traveller sites and green infrastructure 5. Locally valued landscape designations and a reviewed green belt boundary 6. A reviewed Aylesbury town centre boundary and retail frontages 7. Detailed Infrastructure to be set out in policies and proposals in an Infrastructure Delivery Plan

1.4 The VALP has been prepared in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Policy Guidance. Consultation has been taken within the context of Paragraph 155 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which states:

“Early and meaningful engagement and collaboration with neighbourhoods, local organisations and businesses is essential. A wide section of the community should be proactively engaged, so that Local Plans, as far as possible, reflect a collective vision and a set of agreed priorities for the sustainable development of the area, including those contained in any neighbourhood plans that have been made.”

1.5 Aside from demonstrating compliance with the aforementioned Regulations this statement also highlights how AVDC has met the requirements of paragraph 155 of the NPPF and the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) (November 2013 update).

Stages in preparing the VALP

1.6 The specific stages in the plan preparation are set out below in Table 1.

Table 1: Stages of engagement in the production of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan1

SCOPE OF THE PLAN Regulation 18 A Scoping (Regulation 18) Consultation was undertaken in Spring 2014 asking for respondents to tell us if the proposed scope for the plan was correct, and if anything should not be included or was missing. Forums for communities, stakeholders and developers were held in late 2014 to share initial findings of the evidence. A ‘Call For Sites’ was commenced inviting the submission of sites that would be

1 Please note that as well as the stages outlined in table 1.0 there was also regular and on going dialogue with key stakeholders including adjoining authorities (please see the Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance (November 2017) for more information). -4- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

considered in the technical evidence to inform the VALP site allocations and overall growth capacity. ISSUES AND OPTIONS Regulation 18 In October 2015, we published a VALP Issues and Options document with a draft evidence base for comment. A Draft Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) and Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) evidence studies were published, along with other evidence to support the VALP Issues and Options. As part of this, exhibitions were held at key larger settlements in the district. The total number of respondents was 771, providing 4,480 individual responses to the questions. A summary report of the issues raised is available at: %E2%80%93-issues-and-options-consultation DRAFT PLAN Non-Statutory stage On 7 July 2016 we published the next stage of the plan, the VALP Draft Plan, including Policy Map Insets with a suite of supporting documents. This stage of the plan included a developed preferred spatial strategy, fully written policies and proposed allocations. We held an 8-week consultation on this non-statutory Draft Plan stage of VALP between July and September 2016 . This engagement was accompanied by a series of exhibitions and a report of comments received has been published. Please see: plan. More than 1,600 responses and over 5,000 comments were received. After this time, various evidence documents to inform the next stage of plan making were commissioned or finalised and published when completed. PROPOSED SUBMISSION Regulation 19 During 2017, further evidence to inform the VALP Proposed Submission stage has been completed to inform the Proposed Submission Plan including a Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment, transport, viability, landscape, open space/sports, cumulative impact assessment for Aylesbury and an updated Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment. The VALP Proposed Submission was agreed by by full Council on 18 October 2017. The plan has been published for a final period of public comment prior to being Submitted to Government for independent examination. This will take place over a six week period, from 2 November 2017 until 14 December 2017.

1.7 The above table shows how we have fully complied with the requirements in the Regulations in terms of consulting on the content of the emerging VALP. Views collected in response to our 2013 consultation on the now withdrawn Vale of Aylesbury Plan (VAP) also be fed into VALP options consultation October-December 2015. Since the formal commencement of work on the VALP, a comprehensive evidence base has been developed upon which policies and proposals within the emerging VALP has been founded and there has also been extensive engagement with local communities and stakeholders at various key stages.

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1.8 Throughout the preparation of the VALP, the Council considers it has succeeded in front- loading consultation as far as possible by continuously engaging with local communities, businesses and stakeholders. An example of this is the ‘Call For Sites’ which still continues the opportunity to submit sites for consideration in the next stage of plan making; and also the ongoing engagement with key stakeholders including County Council on evidence base documents and neighbouring councils (see Duty to Co-operate Statement of Compliance).

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

1.9 The 2013 adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) contains information on how we will consult for the different aspects of planning in Planning Policy and Development Management. This is in accordance with the legal requirements set out in the Planning Act2 and Regulations3. The purpose of the SCI is to show how and when community engagement will take place for planning and development. The SCI identifies the key groups that the Council consults with; the underlying intention being to engage with anyone who has an interest in the future of the District as a place to live, work or visit.

1.10 The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (Regulations 2012 prescribe a series of ‘Specific and General Consultation Bodies’ that the Council has to consult with during each consultation stage. Below is the group of specific and general consultation bodies. Appendix C outlines the specific organisations and other bodies that the Council considers to have an interest in the preparation of planning documents within Aylesbury Vale.

Specific Consultees ● National, regional and local government ● Parish and town councils ● Statutory bodies and groups e.g. the environment agency and English Heritage ● Emergency services ● Adjoining planning authorities ● Utility companies e.g. Water and electric companies ● National Health Service bodies ● Internal council groups including members and officers General Consultees ● National organisations e.g. the National Trust ● Local organisations and societies e.g. residents associations ● Businesses and economic groups e.g. Bucks Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership ● Environmental groups e.g. Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust ● ‘Hard to reach’ groups Other Consultees ● Individuals ● Housebuilders / Agents / Landowners / Housing Associations ● Schools / youth groups e.g. Aylesbury Youth Action

2 Those referred to are the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012; Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Town and Country Planning Act 1990; and The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010; 3 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 -6- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

1.11 The Council maintains a database of these Specific and General Consultation Bodies together with local organisations that have expressed an interest in being consulted on or kept informed of the development of planning policy. The database in live and continuously updated. The database includes all those listed as specific and general consultation bodies and others including those listed in Appendix C.

1.12 The SCI was adopted in 2013 and sets out methods of consultation for formal consultation stages including: ● Circulating material by email or letter ● Making information available on the website ● Consultation leaflet ● Workshops ● Exhibitions ● Press Release ● Newsletter ● Social Media

1.13 This submission consultation statement sets out how the Council have met the requirements of the adopted (SCI) for the preparation of the VALP. For more detail on each of the requirements of the SCI and how these have been addressed is shown in Table 2.

1.14 As well as consultation on the VALP policy document, there has also been consultation on the evidence base and supporting documents. Specifically there has been consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and on going dialogue with key stakeholders as part of the Duty to Cooperate.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

1.15 SA is an iterative process and there have been various stages throughout the preparation of the plan. The iterations of SA are listed below in Table 2. All stages, and the key findings, are summarised in the final SA Report which is published alongside the Proposed Submission VALP.

Table 2 Sustainability Appraisal Reports

Sustainability Appraisal Date Completed Information that was appraised

SA Scoping Report September 2015 Baseline information for Aylesbury Vale. This Scoping Report has been prepared as the first stage of the SA process in order to inform the environmental assessment of the plan. This report was published for consultation with the consultation bodies as required by Regulation 12 (5) of the UK SEA Regulations 2004. Reasonable Alternatives October 2015 This report assesses the reasonable alternatives SA Report stage of plan-making, also known as ‘options’. AVDC -7- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

has considered a range of different sites and policies for development within the Vale of Aylesbury. This SA Report document represents a SA of the reasonable alternatives for strategic spatial sites identified by AVDC. Assessment of July 2016 This report concentrates on the high level Reasonable Alternatives assessment of reasonable alternatives being considered as part of the planned consultation on the local plan. This document does not constitute an Environmental Report in line with the SEA Directive, it is a record of assessments of reasonable alternatives (options) for housing and mixed-use housing and employment sites in Aylesbury Vale (Aylesbury). VALP SA Report, September 2017 This report is the VALP SA Report. In line with the Technical Annexe, Non- Regulations, a report (known as the SA Report) must Technical Summary be published for consultation alongside the draft plan that essentially ‘identifies, describes and evaluates’ the likely significant effects of implementing ‘the plan, and reasonable alternatives’. The report has been taken into account, alongside consultation responses, when finalising the plan.

1.16 Representations relating to the SAs were received for the SA in December 2011 and SA August 2012 and are listed as an appendix to the SA addendum March 2012 and the SA August 2012 which form part of the final SA report.

Evidence Base

1.17 As well as consultation on the VALP document, there has also been consultation on the evidence base and supporting documents. Specifically there has been consultation with technical experts on the following:

● HELAA through steering group (versions 1, 2) and Buckinghamshire County Council ● HEDNA consulted all adjoining districts and districts in the housing market area; ● The SFRA and Water Cycle Strategy consulted the Environment Agency, Anglian Water, Thames Water and Bedford Group of Internal Drainage Boards. ● The Habitat Regulations Assessment consulted Natural England. ● The SA scoping report consulted the Environment Agency, Natural England and Historic England ● Countywide Traffic Modelling reports in 2017 for Aylesbury and jointly prepared with Buckinghamshire County Council (the Highways Authority) consulting Aylesbury Vale Advantage and Buckingham Town Council. ● Aylesbury and Buckingham strategies– consulting with AVDC and Buckinghamshire County Council ● County-wide Green Belt Review with other Buckinghamshire district councils ● Bucks Gypsy and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment

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● Infrastructure Delivery Plan- Buckinghamshire County Council, Clinical Commissioning Group, utility companies, water companies, power networks, Local Enterprise Partnerships

1.18 As well as the consultation stages outlined in this document there has been on-going dialogue between a number of stakeholders as part of the Duty to Cooperate. Further detail about this is contained within the Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance.

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2. Scope of the Plan -2014 (Regulation 18)

Public engagement on Scope of the Plan, 2014

2.1 The consultation ran from 2nd April until the 28th May 2014. This was a first part of meeting the Regulation 18 requirements on engaging on a local plan. The emphasis was to mark the commencement of preparing a new plan and get frontloaded input from communities and stakeholders before evidence was collected and issues and options generated.

2.2 There were four questions asked in this consultation:  Are all of the policy topic areas listed in the consultation document appropriate for inclusion? (if not, please say why and where else they should be covered)  Is there anything missing from the list that should be included within VALP? (please specify)  Do you have any specific suggestions about what the strategy or policies should contain? (please provide as much detail as possible)  Do you have any other comments?

2.3 In addition a ‘Call For Sites’ proforma (form) was published inviting sites to be submitted.

2.4 These particular questions were asked in order to help the Council identify the key issues in relation to plan making, and develop options, growth ranges, what kinds of development should be provided for in the plan, what infrastructure is needed and any other matters.

2.5 The following documents were produced to support the public consultation:

• Scoping Consultation (Regulation 18) - Consultation Document • Scoping Consultation (Regulation 18) - Comments Form • Call for Sites – Consultation Document and Sites Proforma

Bodies and persons invited to make representations

2.6 Appendix C contains a list of all those people and organisations consulted at this stage. This includes all those who were on our consultee database. These consultees can be grouped into the following respondent categories: ● Individuals ● Internal council groups ● Parish and town councils ● Businesses ● Housebuilders, landowners and agents ● National and local government

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● Statutory bodies and groups (including all Duty to Co-operate bodies) ● Local stakeholder groups ● Environmental groups ● Utility groups ● Schools and youth groups ● Hard-to-reach groups

How bodies and persons were invited to make representations

2.7 A consultation document and comment form was published and distributed with a letter to individuals and stakeholders already on the councils database of people who had previously commented during the plan making process or who had expressed an interest in the VALP. The consultation material was also made available on our website, at council offices, libraries and area offices, in conformity with the SCI.

2.8 The following methods were available at the is stage of consulting on the plan

Comments could be submitted in a number of ways: • Electronically via Survey Monkey: • Emailed to: [email protected] • Posted to: Planning Policy, AVDC, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF, DX 4130 Aylesbury 1

2.9 Other methods of publicity were: ● VALP Newsletter – 31 March 2014 ● Use of the Council’s website – website changes 26 March 2014, 1 April 2014 ● Weekly ‘Bulletin’ sent to all parish and town councils – weekly throughout 2014 ● Press release (2) - 7 April 2014 and 24 May 2014

Summary of the main issues identified

2.10 A detailed summary of the issues raised by organisations was made available at

2.11 The following are some of the main points raised:  Where specific site allocations have not been included in the Plan it will be necessary to provide a basis for Neighbourhood Plans and development management decisions.  The Spatial Strategy should be supported by a transport / traffic modelling assessment that takes into account development in neighbouring areas  A number of authorities may not be able to accommodate all of their identified housing needs and may be looking to Aylesbury Vale to accommodate some additional growth. Recognising that Aylesbury Vale forms part of a wider Housing Market Area that is not confined to its own administrative boundary, it is crucial that AVDC seeks to work with neighbouring authorities such as from the outset, to gain a full understanding of housing needs.  Self build opportunities should be included.

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 Would like confirmation that infrastructure including roads, rail, schools and hospitals will be provided early in any development. follow population by families and business. A plan for the plan would be most helpful.  There should also be the opportunity at this stage of the process to identify sites that should not be developed: e.g. to preserve open space(s) in settlements; to prevent coalescence between settlements; to preserve a locally cherished view or area of ecological value that might not be otherwise designated.  There is no reference in the scope to biodiversity, green infrastructure or landscape issues. Planning policies should therefore encourage, as best practice, communication with and consultation of the Buckinghamshire Local Nature Partnership in order to identify and promote coherent ecological networks across Aylesbury Vale. Planning policies should therefore set a framework for the clear recording and reporting on measures to be taken for the positive management of networks of biodiversity. The spatial strategy is currently limited and needs to be expanded to make specific reference to the influence of key settlements in neighbouring authorities such as Milton Keynes. The currently proposed focus of the strategy on Aylesbury and Buckingham would potentially limit the scope to achieve development in other sustainable locations within the district.  The VALP should be positively prepared in accordance with the guidance in the NPPF and policies should provide clear guidance as to the level and location of future growth for the area. There should be a clear policy outlining how the development on specific sites should come forward to help secure the sustainability aspirations of the Council.

2.12 40 responses were received via the Survey Monkey questionnaire, and around 200 responses were received via email and post.

2.13 In terms of neighbouring authorities, we received responses from Wycombe District who sent a fairly high level response stating they were happy with overall scope and need to work with them on the VALP; Bedford Borough a similar high level response, Luton a more detailed response drawing our attention to what they had done so far and that they would be likely to look to us to help meet growth needs , Central Bedfordshire Council had no comments but thanked us for consulting them, South Bucks commented that we need to allocate more housing and work together on the Duty To Co-operate.

2.14 We had around 150 Developer Promoted Sites received at the ‘Scope of the Plan’ consultation stage. Developer responses and sites promoted (also see summary of promotions are set out at plan-call-sites-consultation) but are summarised as follows:

2.15 A number of large sites were promoted around Milton Keynes including land East of Whaddon, Salden Chase, land north of Newton Longville (and all around the north of the village) and a site east of Newton Longville, as well as Eaton Leys. A large extension called Shenley Park was also promoted at this stage.

2.16 At Winslow, a number of sites have been submitted including Verney Road and Land off Road.

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2.17 At Buckingham – a large site to the south land adjacent to the industrial estate, Land off Osier Way, Land between the A421 and Road, and south of Tingewick Road.

2.18 At Aylesbury - , Land East of Weedon Hill, Land north of Watermead, East, Land between and /, and the whole of south-west Aylesbury, Hampden Fields and a separate submission from the golf course, and a smaller site off Broughton Lane. We also had the land between A41 and the canal (Aylesbury East) and a further extension of Aylesbury East closer to the A41 roundabout/.

How the issued raised have been addressed

2.19 In terms of how the issues raised have been addressed, this is in essence commissioning further evidence gathering which was required in order to help the development of formal issues and specific options that could be consulted on at a next stage. The key areas were:

 All Call for Sites submission fed into the first two versions of the HELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment)  The Call for Sites process would continue outside the formal consultation period to allow the ongoing submission of new sites and updated information on existing sites  A new HEDNA (Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment) was prepared for an agreed Housing Market Area and methodology covering ‘Central Buckinghamshire’. This was Aylesbury Vale, Wycombe and Chiltern districts.  A report was commissioned to review the evidence base documents Aylesbury Vale Landscape Character Assessment and Aylesbury Vale Areas of Sensitive Landscapes to see if having such evidence would comply with the NPPF.

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3. Issues and Options - 2015 (Regulation 18)

Stakeholder Forums prior to Public Consultation , 11, 12 November 2015

3.1 The formal public consultation was preceded by stakeholder forums. All district members were invited to the event on 11 November whilst all parish and town councils were invited to send a representative to the 12 November event.

12 November 2015 Parish Forum - How bodies and persons were invited to make comments

3.2 An officer presentation shared information on the emerging Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment evidence, emerging work on constraints reviews and initial stages of the Housing and Economic Development Land Availability Assessment, development management policies and forward timetable. There was then a question and answer session where those attending could raise queries and comments, these were all noted down along with the answers provided. Some feedback was also provided after the event to specific questions.

3.3 There was also a facilitated table discussion which centred around the draft plan aims and the draft approach to employment. Each table again had roughly 6-8 people in the discussion and an officer leading who was taking notes on peoples comments. The discussion at the table and any questions asked were circulated in a feedback note sent out to those who attended.

3.4 An email was sent to all parish and town councils on 12 October 2015 notifying and briefing on the publication of an emerging evidence base for the VALP. These were draft reports and comments were invited on their content and factual accuracy alongside the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Issues and Options consultation which closed on 4 December 2015. The reports were:

• Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availability Assessment • Draft Settlement Hierarchy Assessment for the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan • Draft Review of Areas of Attractive Landscape and Local Landscape Areas

3.5 The Issues and Options Consultation, as well as shaping the emerging options for high level policies about development numbers and distribution, also shaped the vision for how the district will be and the ‘sense of place’ hoped to be achieved through the plan. This was particularly an issue raised by parishes at the community view stage (during VALP Strategy, 2011) but also through comments made by technical stakeholders amongst their comments on other issues. We have addressed these issues in the overall

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vision of the plan, which has then informed the strategic objectives and subsequently the VALP policies in a ‘golden thread’.

Public Exhibitions – November 2015

3.6 Public exhibitions were held as follows:

Date Venue Timing Estimated Attendance 2 November Buckingham – Villiers 11-8 50 Hotel 5 November The Bell Hotel, 11-8 130 Winslow 10 November Friars Square Shopping 11-8 80 Centre – Aylesbury 11 November Haddenham Village 1.30-9.30 200 Hall 20 November Buckingham – 11-8 100 Community Centre TOTAL ATTENDANCE 560

3.7 The feedback received at the exhibitions in the form of post-its following discussions with individual officers has been published at and-options-consultation

3.8 The panels displayed at the exhibitions are available to download at and-options-consultation

Issues and Options Public Consultation

3.9 This ran from 23 October to 4 December 2015 (6 weeks).


3.10 A letter was emailed or posted on 23 October 2015 to all statutory consultees and active consultees on our mailing list. Letters included a web link to the consultation documents and how to respond. An emailed letter was used where there is an email address other wise a print and posted paper letter. See Appendix C for who was contacted by emailed letter or posted letter on this public consultation, in accordance with our adopted SCI.

3.11 The consultation was also advertised on the Council website for the whole consultation period.

3.12 A press release was issued to the media on 8 October 2015.

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3.13 A Summary Leaflet and Poster were produced and a display was maintained at the AVDC Gateway offices from 23 October to 4 December when the consultation ended. The leaflet and poster were also used at all exhibitions to advertise on the day of the exhibition.

3.14 The primary consultation documents published as PDF documents on the Council website were the VALP Issues and Options Consultation Document and Issues and Options Comment Form.

Consultation Questions

3.15 13 questions were asked, some were a yes or no with detailed comments; some where tick box from a range of options. Some questions stated the conclusion from the evidence base but for all questions there was the opportunity to suggest alternatives, for example a different settlement hierarchy to the one in the published settlement hierarchy evidence paper.

Methods of Feedback

3.16 We received feedback by the following methods:  a ‘Survey Monkey’ questionnaire was the Council’s preferred method of feedback.  email  or write to AVDC at the Gateway offices

The Response

3.17 The total number of respondents was 771, providing 4,480 individual responses to the questions. There were also a number of new sites promoted to the Council and further information on existing sites.

Summary of the main issues identified

3.18 A detailed summary (319 pages) of the issues raised by organisations was made available at %E2%80%93-issues-and-options-consultation

3.19 There was also a published summary of responses from neighbouring councils and from utility companies. %E2%80%93-issues-and-options-consultation . These responses informed the situation on the Duty to Co-operate for ongoing engagement and also infrastructure planning.

3.20 In terms of the overall issues raised, responses largely focused on the amount of housing being proposed and the role of unmet need in that figure. The main response was that the number should be lower without any unmet need, however some responses suggested that any unmet need from the south of the county should not be accommodated in the north of Aylesbury Vale. There were a number of comments on

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the content of the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment which passed to the Council’s consultants.

3.21 There were also a significant number of comments on the implications for growth in the villages from the Settlement Hierarchy. Some considered the Settlement Hierarchy needed a major revamp, its assertions outdated and unsophisticated. Some respondents considered it inappropriate to define 31 villages of hugely different populations and facilities all as 'large'. 8 have populations in excess of 2,000; 6 have less than 800. There are over 100 villages within rural areas, providing the rich heritage that needs protecting for future generations.

3.22 In meeting the Duty to Cooperate it is important that the comments of adjacent authorities are particularly taken into account. Aylesbury Vale is a potential location for unmet need from several adjacent Council areas and this formed a significant part of the response at the Issues and Options stage. The responses recognised that the figure for unmet need is subject to confirmation from the respective authorities and so following review of those authorities constraints and supply, the need figure could change. The NPPF states that plans should be based on a strategy which seeks to meet development needs, “including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development”.

3.23 Buckinghamshire County Council made significant comments in response to the issues and options consultation and the responses to the questions are set out in Appendix 3 to the 11 May 2016 VALP Scrutiny Committee. Broadly, the County Council considered that the overall strategy should be reconsidered to direct more development away from the smaller settlements to Buckingham and the southern part of Aylesbury Vale, and that Haddenham could be a location for a new settlement. The County Council stated it fundamentally disagreed with a blanket assumption of an expansion of all larger villages and smaller villages and considers that any village expansion should be on merit and considered on a case by case basis.

How the issued raised have been addressed

3.24 The issues raised were reported to the VALP Scrutiny Committees (11 May, November 7 2016) and also what was to happen next - further or revised evidence being collated, formulating policy in response to all of the following: new evidence, the representations, views of Members at the intervening meetings, updates events such as new household projections or planning decisions on sites or neighbourhood plan progress.

3.25 In terms of how specific issues have been raised:  A new Buckinghamshire HEDNA (Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment) was prepared, including South Buckinghamshire District Council and a draft report was published in January 2016. Further reports followed in 2016.  the settlement hierarchy was revised in 2016 and a new category ‘Medium Villages’ was created taking in some of those previously classified as ‘Large’.  A new settlement option for distributing growth was considered further with a New Settlement Scoping Study commissioned and ultimately published in summer 2016.

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 Further HELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) work took place with a ‘version 3’ report finding capacity at Medium and Smaller villages.  It was acknowledged in the consultation for the forthcoming Draft Plan that infrastructure remained an evidence gap which would be filled once comments on the Draft Plan had been received.

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4. VALP Draft Plan - 2016

‘News For Parishes’ July 2016

4.1 The formal public consultation was accompanied by a request form AVDC for each parish and town council website to display a statement ‘News for Parishes’ of publicity provided by AVDC explaining the public consultation AVDC are carrying out.

4.2 There was an advertisement on mix 96 radio station on 3 June 2016 and-a-brand-new-town/

Parish and Town Council Presentation/ Q + A, July 2016

4.3 On 13 July 2016 an engagement event took place with parish and town councils held at Aylesbury Gateway. All parish and town councils were invited to send a representative, 67 people attended.

4.4 An officer presentation shared information on progress of preparing the plan, the findings of further evidence including the HEDNA, HELAA and green belt review and, the application to make Aylesbury a Garden Town. A key area discussed in both presentation and question and answers was what the emerging Draft Plan housing target and settlement hierarchy meant for individual settlements/parishes and neighbourhood plans in preparation.

Draft Plan Public Consultation

4.5 From 7 July to 5 September 2016, consultation took place on the Vale of Aylesbury Draft Plan.


4.6 See Appendix C for who was contacted by emailed letter or posted letter on 6 July 2016 on this public consultation, in accordance with our adopted SCI.

4.7 The Council webpages were changed for 7 July 2016 displaying:  the consultation document – the Draft Plan  new and updated evidence base documents including Sustainability Appraisal  How to comment – the online comment form, how to write to the Council and email us  Exhibitions to come and see displayed consultation material including the plan itself, talk to officers, make representations

4.8 A press release was made on 7 July 2016 notifying and briefing the media on the start of the public consultation period on the Draft Plan and the exhibitions that will take place. -19- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

4.9 80,000 VALP Summary Leaflets were distributed in the 'Change of bin collections days' mailing to households a month in advance of the consultation starting, at Commercial AVDC roadshows and parishes where additional exhibitions were held

4.10 45 posters printed and displayed in car parks, community centres and libraries. 4 e- bulletins sent to 30,000 residents. 1 Tweet announced the consultation on 7 July 2016.

4.11 The consultation documents including evidence base were made available electronically on a memory stick, available on request either given at exhibition or posted.

Exhibitions – July to September 2016

4.12 These included static displays at locations including the AVDC Office at The Gateway, Aylesbury and the swimming pools at Aylesbury and Buckingham, and a roadshow of manned interactive exhibitions around the Vale over the summer:

Manned Exhibition Location Dates Roadshow Haddenham Village Hall Social Centre 11 July 11-8pm Buckingham Community Centre 13 July 11-8pm Aylesbury Friar’s Square Shopping 14 July 10-5pm Centre Newton Longville Village Hall, 2 Paradise 27 July 10:30-7.30pm St. Anne’s Hall 4 August 11-8pm Aylesbury Friar’s Square Shopping 5 August 10-5pm Centre Whaddon Jubilee Hall 8 August 4-8pm Winslow Public Hall 10 August 10-8pm Aylesbury AVDC Office, The Gateway 11 August 4-8pm Weedon Bucks County Show 1 September 8.30am- 4.30pm

4.13 There was an estimated average turn out of over 350 visitors per manned exhibition event.

Consultation Questions

4.14 There were no specific consultation questions this time – it was simply inviting comments on the VALP Draft Plan and supporting evidence.

The Response

4.15 More than 1,600 responses and over 5,000 comments were received.

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Summary of the main issues identified

4.16 A summary report (57 pages) of the response and the actual response content received has been published at

4.17 A number of significant issues had been identified in the responses to the draft VALP, the headlines are as follows:

 Unmet Need

The Buckinghamshire Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) had established that to meet the Vale’s own needs, VALP should deliver 21,300 new homes between 2013 and 2033. However, the NPPF stated that “The plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development requirements, including unmet need requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development” (paragraph 182). Councils to the south of the Vale had reported they could not meet their need due to constraints such as the Green Belt and the AONB. Their unmet need was around 12,000 new homes which would bring the total need for Aylesbury Vale to a potential 33,300 dwellings.

 Achieving Expected Capacity

In order to determine how this amount of housing could be distributed the Council had published a revised settlement hierarchy and had also prepared a Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) which examined the suitability of development sites in the Vale. Combining both, the resultant capacity came to 31,642 houses. As there were not enough suitable sites to meet the settlement hierarchy requirement in many villages or in Aylesbury, further work would have to be undertaken with parish and town councils to identify suitable sites to meet capacity in the villages. These sites would then be included in the Local Plan as potential allocations to be released 12 months after the Local Plan was adopted. This, in turn, would enable parish councils to review or draw up their Neighbourhood Plans. Potentially the Woodlands site would meet the shortfall in Aylesbury.

 Employment Land over provision

The forecast requirement for B1/B2/B8 employment land was 22ha whilst the committed supply was 72ha which did not include the Woodlands element. As the allocation of further housing for the necessary workers was not appropriate, the employment provision would need to be reduced. Although an internal review of employment sites had taken place, discussions should take place with landowners before any decisions were made.

 Green Belt

A review of the Green Belt had identified an area to the north east of Wendover that could be allocated for housing. Without this, Wendover would have virtually no new

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housing despite it being a sustainable location for development and strategic settlement. The review had also suggested that an element of Halton Camp should be excluded from the Green Belt, that a new area of Green Belt could be designated to the west of Leighton Buzzard and an area to the east of be excluded. The Council was proposing to implement the first two proposals.

 Gypsies and Travellers

Government Planning Policy requires the Council to include provision for traveller sites in the local plan. A revised definition of travellers for planning purposes had been produced by Government, and an update of the joint Bucks traveller needs assessment had been undertaken. Initial analysis suggested that the need had risen from the previous assessment of 57 pitches. There were currently enough temporary sites to provide for 55 pitches. The suggested sites were included in the draft plan but further provision would be required and it had been suggested that the larger housing sites would be required to include a provision for a small number of pitches.

 Neighbourhood Plans

It was acknowledged that the Vale had a large number of neighbourhood plans either in place or in preparation. The new local plan could not override the non strategic policies in those plans and the current site allocations could only be altered if there were very good reasons to do so. As the new local plan would be setting out new settlement requirements there would be an opportunity to update neighbourhood plans to meet new targets for housing requirements. Any surplus suitable sites would be retained as reserve sites against any future shortage of housing supply.

 Retail Development

Evidence prepared by consultants did not support significant retail development in Aylesbury or the other strategic developments. However, this evidence had been prepared before the scale of development envisaged in the Vale and at Aylesbury. New evidence was being sought to inform the local plan, but would not be available before the consultation period of the draft plan. In the meantime, the Council had been taking a progressive approach and had identified a site for retail development. The new evidence would be available prior to submission of the local plan.

 New Settlement

Two options for the new settlement were being considered; Haddenham and Winslow. Further work would be undertaken in relation to matters such as traffic impacts before it could be determined which option would be selected for inclusion in the pre submission VALP. The consultants report set out some options for further consideration.

 Garden Town

The Council considered that Aylesbury could qualify as a Garden Town due to a number of factors including the amount of development envisaged, need/potential for improved transport links and continuing development of the town centre. A specific

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policy had been included in the draft local plan. The Council had been pursuing an application to Government for Garden Town Status.

 Development Management Policies

The draft local plan included a full suite of development management policies for consultation. They did not carry any weight at present and could be revised prior to submission including any Government planning policy requirements. This would include the new starter homes requirement which had just received Royal Assent. The following policies were noted as being of particular interest:-

 Affordable Housing Policy (S6) – this would require 31% affordable housing.  The County Council’s parking standards (T1).  Policies to protect town and village centres (D10), and  The inclusion of an overall design policy (BE2).

Call For Sites – Updated position, July 2016

4.18 The Call For Sites webpage (which begun at the end of the ‘Scope of the Plan’ consultation with those sites submitted and kept updated periodically with new site thereafter) was updated on 6 July 2016 with the following text. The text included a link to a summary report of all the basic information of the sites promoted, a set of location maps showing the location of all the sites and a ‘Call For Sites’ form to send in more sites. So as at 6 July, we had 407 sites promoted under the ‘Call For Sites’ process and those received at the Draft Plan would be added to those numbers. Due to other work commitments the Call For Sites summary report and maps were not updated after 6 July 2016 but all sites submitted during 2016 up to the end of the Draft Plan consultation period were assessed in the HELAA study of capacity and maps and site details shown in that report.

In spring 2014, we carried out a Call for Sites consultation. We asked developers and landowners to promote sites, for any use, to be considered in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP). Sites submitted up to 5 September 2016 were included in HELAA version 4. Sites submitted after this time will be included in future reviews of the Plan after its adoption.

There are currently 407 sites promoted as of 6 July 2016, as outlined in the summary report. The sites promoted do not indicate where we think future development should be, they are just the views of site promoters.

To submit a site, please complete the following form.

How the issued raised have been addressed

4.19 The issues raised were reported to a VALP Scrutiny Committee ( November 7 2016) and also what was to happen next - further or revised evidence being collated, formulating policy in response to all of the following: new evidence, the representations, views of Members at the intervening meetings, updates events such as new household projections or planning decisions on sites or neighbourhood plan progress. Table 3 to

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this consultation statement sets out the main issues and a council response as work proceeded towards the Proposed Submission plan.

Website statement- December 2016

4.20 Changes to the VALP forward timetable and a likely reduction in housing numbers and a new capacity approach for the villages were advertised on the Council website in December 2016.

Changes to the Draft Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2016/17

The timetable for preparing the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) was extended to ensure that all essential evidence was in place before we submitted it for examination. The key reason for the delay was due to the complexity of the Sustainability Appraisal (carried out by external consultants) and the task taking longer than predicted as a result. This is a critical piece of evidence which has to feed into the content of the Plan and, as such, we had to ensure there was sufficient time for this to be done thoroughly and to enable its findings to be taken into account. There were a number of significant changes to the context of the Draft Plan after it was published in summer 2016, including:

 The total number of houses we needed to plan for was reduced from 33,000 to around 27,000 due to an update to our housing requirements and other districts finding more capacity.  As a result of the reduction in our housing figures, we suggested that the consideration of a new settlement should be deferred until we know the route of the Oxford- Cambridge Expressway.  We moved away from the proposed percentage approach to apportioning development to settlements, and instead used a capacity-led approach. Please see the following .

The changes are set out in more detail in the December 2016 VALP Scrutiny Committee minutes

VALP Progress Updates- April 2017

4.21 On 7 April 2017, a ‘Submission Draft Update’ was published on the Council website to update on a short delay to the timetable towards Proposed Submission to allow for the completion of further evidence gathering to be completed (particularly Transport evidence, the Sustainability Appraisal, SFRA Level 2 and Sequential Test on Flood risk) and to be able to take account of the findings of those studies. On 21 April 2017 an Explanatory Note was published on the Council website to explain the changing approach being considered for the VALP to determining the level of development in the villages as a number of queries have been raised over how the approach will apply to those areas currently preparing neighbourhood plans.

May 2017 Reconsultation

4.22 As part of our process of continuous quality checking, it came to our attention that some local plan consultees may not have received specifically addressed communication at -24- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

the time the draft VALP was published for consultation. In order to ensure that everyone who may have wished to comment on the draft plan was able to do so, we wrote to these consultees to invite them to make comments if they had not already done so. This was done via email for those consultees who had provided an email address, and by letter to those who had only provided a postal address.

4.23 The first paragraph of the letter sent out was as follows:

Last summer we undertook public consultation on a draft Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. This involved a flyer to all households in the Vale, ten public consultation events, static exhibitions and coverage in the local media. As part of our process of continuous quality checking, it has come to our attention that some local plan consultees may not have received specifically addressed communication at the time the draft VALP was published for consultation last summer. In case you had not been aware that the plan had been published for consultation, we are giving you the opportunity to comment now on the draft VALP before it is finalised in the next few months. If you have already responded, please be assured that your comments are being taken into account and there is no need to comment again.

The Response

4.24 Summary of responses to VALP further consultation May 2017 A total of 17 responses were received as follows: Utilities (CLH Pipeline x2), Parish Council (1), residents (5) developer/agent/landowner interest (9).

Summary of the main issues identified A report has been published on the Council website

4.25 The following is a selection of key issues raised in the May 2017 consultation:

Parish Council note that North Marston is a small village with few facilities available. They consider the school would be unable to cope with housing growth, noting that the transport network is poor and their village lacks the capacity to support a larger amount of housing. • Concern about agreeing housing numbers for Aylesbury Vale before Wycombe, Chiltern and South Bucks have consulted on a housing figure for their areas. • Uncertain implications of the Housing White Paper. • Homes on newly built estates are too expensive and out of reach to normal people. Council representatives should say what is needed, otherwise find a builder who will. • The new homes being built are bland in design terms. Even though land is expensive and in demand, straight roads with terraced houses make more housing. • Ecology: with the decline of bees and other useful insects, each house should have a small front garden and a larger one at the back and include a safe place for small children to play.

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• All houses built should be for people who were born, reside or have connections with this area. Young people have to move far away to find a home. • Concern about not receiving consultation material last year. • CLH Pipeline submitted two maps regarding a pipeline that runs through the borough.

4.26 Further site promotions were received in the May 2017 reconsultation:

 Land at  New Settlement at Haddenham  Land at Aylesbury Golf Club,  Land South West of Weston Turville  Land at Hollingdon Road, Hollingdon  Land at Finmere Aerodrome Tingewick  Land adjacent To Raven Crescent and Linnet Drive, Westcott

4.27 Issues raised by site promoters include the following:

 Further consideration should be given to identifying and meeting Objectively Assessed (Housing) Needs (OAN).  Talk to neighbouring authorities to ensure unmet needs are met.  A capacity led approach won’t deliver the OAN. While understanding the capacity for each settlement is important, this should not be a limiting factor to development.  The Draft Local Plan, as currently written, is unsound with respect to delivery. The proposed phasing of the housing requirement does not plan positively to address the District’s short-term housing need and would fail to provide a five year supply of deliverable housing. The Plan over relies on the delivery of very large allocations, which will be slow to deliver and vulnerable to unanticipated delays.  Limitations of 10 year migration trends. In line with Professor Simpson’s research referred to in the HEDNA, it would be more prudent to use the existing demographic profile from the 2014-based projections rather than the 10-year adjusted projections.  Following the LPEG report and the Housing White Paper (Fixing our Broken Housing Market), a common OAN methodology is to be published for consultation. Were this based on an LPEG approach there would be an uplift of 2,624 dwellings above the current proposals for Aylesbury Vale. The Council should follow this approach in relation to migration trends in any subsequent consultation of the VALP.  The Council would be unwise to halt progress on identifying a location for a new settlement until a Local Plan review as this important component of the requirement for the District should be planned for in the current Plan Period.  Haddenham can take more growth than indicated in the January 2017 HELAA and September 2016 VALP consultation draft. Evidence points towards Haddenham as the most appropriate location for a new settlement, which should be included as a preferred option in the Submission Local Plan and favour an approach which would increase growth to the village, over proposals for a new standalone settlement.

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 Would expect to see the inclusion of high level infrastructure and projects needed to support the Local Plan and wider strategic initiatives planned for the Aylesbury area. Evidence supports the use of the existing social and community infrastructure at Haddenham to enable increased growth in the village.  Growth south and west of Aylesbury has been sterilised by the proposed route for HS2. Therefore, the focus for new development needs to be elsewhere.  The restriction to only allow further development in exceptional circumstances at Bierton and Western Turville in paragraph 4.78 does not allow for the flexibility the NPPF requires.  Wendover cannot be completely divorced from a strategy for development, though the Council should be mindful of the Housing White Paper with regard to Green Belt.  Support Draft Policy S3, insofar as it allows for future development at the village of Westcott.  Policy D7 and D8: The wording of D8 is very restrictive for villages that have opportunities to provide small scale development. Such development should be proportionate to the size of the village and have no outstanding material considerations to address.  Disagree that smaller villages and settlements have not been allocated any level of residential development in the Plan. Development should be distributed evenly across the District to spread the impact of new homes across services and facilities available. The development of a small scale residential scheme in a small village will assist in the provision of homes for local people as the community grows.  Support aspects of Draft Policy D7 with regards to directing new development to the edge of existing settlements. However the Policy is unsound as parts are inconsistent with national planning policy and the Framework’s objective to significantly boost housing supply. The wording of the second paragraph is vague and should be revised.  Due to cost it can often be difficult to deliver specialist housing for older people in parallel to traditional residential development. Specialist housing for older people such as Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRS’s) often require greenfield sites that may not otherwise come forward for general housing. The Plan must therefore be sufficiently flexible to support the development of specialist housing for older people to meet identified need.  The Plan should reflect national guidance and make provision for the redevelopment of existing employment sites, including Vale Industrial Estate, in order to meet housing needs. Draft Policy E2 conflicts with the NPPF in applying a level of protection outside key employment areas and which may not be required to be retained for employment.  Clarity sought with regard to the number of new homes that RAF Halton could deliver and whether new homes replacing those on the barracks would count as ‘new homes’.

4.28 In terms of response to the issues raised at the Draft Plan stage – please see Table 3 below.

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Appendix A

Statement of Community Involvement Consultation

Since the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted there have been changes to the Regulations or national policy which in some cases have superseded the SCI. Table 5 below is an extract of the consultation requirements identified in the SCI 2013 for Aylesbury Vale. The last column identifies how the various stages of consultation took into account the requirements of SCI and where there is divergence it explains why. The key points are that overall the consultation has followed the principles of the SCI and that consultation has been proportionate to the issues involved in the plan.

Table 1: General consultation methods

ACTIVITY METHOD PURPOSE OUTCOME CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN FOR VALP Circulating This includes an emailed or posted ♦ Liaison ♦ Greater ♦ All consultees on the consultation database material by letter with links to the Council’s ♦ Communication understanding of were contacted. Those who had email email (or online comment facility (since ♦ Consultation new process, key address were sent an email, those without letter where Draft Plan stage) or comment form ♦ Participation stages and dates email were sent the material by post. no email is (prior to Draft Plan). Copies of the ♦ Comments ♦ Documents for the VALP consultations were available) consultation documents are sent received provided at deposit points, which were to identified groups and ♦ Refine content of libraries, area offices and the main Council organisations. Letters were sent to documents offices. other identified groups and individuals advising how to obtain a copy and where copies are available to view. The letter, comment form and consultation documents material were also available in written form and on memory stick.

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Making All information relating to the ♦ Communication ♦ Greater ♦ A separate webpage for the Vale of information preparation of the VALP will be ♦ Consultation understanding of Aylesbury Plan has been created available on made available on the Council’s new process, key the website website stages and dates n/vale-aylesbury-local-plan-valp%20 and is The ♦ Comments regularly updated through each of the website will be regularly updated received consultation stages. All draft consultation to inform of the current situation ♦ Refine content of documents, questionnaires and comments regarding VALP production, and documents form/online comment facility have been will include links to other websites made available via the website. that contain useful planning information. All draft consultation documents will be on the website, along with any links to an online consultation system (since draft plan) comment forms and/or questionnaires (pre-draft plan). The Council will accept comments submitted by e-mail, provided that they are received by the date specified in the consultation material

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Press releases Public notices, and press releases ♦ Communication ♦ Greater will be sent where appropriate to ♦ Consultation understanding of ♦ The VALP consultation had an article in the the relevant local newspapers, new process, key Bucks Herald newspaper and was advertised such as the Bucks Herald, the stages and dates on mix 96 radio station on 14 October 2015 Buckingham and Winslow ♦ Comments (Issues & Options) 3 June 2016 (Draft Plan). Advertiser, the Milton Keynes received Citizen and the Leighton Buzzard ♦ Refine content of ♦ There were Press Releases issued on 7 April Observer. Where appropriate, documents 2014 and 8 October 2015 press releases will also be sent to the local radio stations and regional TV news.

Newsletter It is important that the whole ♦ Communication ♦ Greater ♦ The town and parish council and district articles / community is kept informed at key ♦ Consultation understanding of wide public consultation had an article in features stages of VALP production. The new process, key editions of the Aylesbury Vale Times Council will place articles as stages and dates newsletter for each stage of consultation. appropriate that explain the ♦ Comments ♦ ‘Aylesbury Vale Times’ is delivered to process and set out progress in received households in the district by the Royal Mail relevant publications, such as the ♦ Refine content of and put on the website at free magazine regularly sent to documents every household in the District. es .

Public Hold exhibition and consultation ♦ Communication ♦ Greater ♦ 5 public exhibitions took place between 2 exhibitions material to display information ♦ Consultation understanding of and 11 November 2015 – each at Aylesbury, and at staffed exhibitions, to ♦ Participation new process, key Winslow, Haddenham, two in Buckingham respond to queries and show stages and dates ♦ 10 public exhibitions held across the district people how they can make their ♦ Comments July-September 2016 including the Bucks views known. County Show, main settlements in the -30- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

received district – Aylesbury, Buckingham, Newton ♦ Refine content of Longville, Winslow, Haddenham, documents Wendover, Whaddon Workshops Workshops and/or focus groups ♦ Liaison ♦ Greater and Forums will be held with key stakeholders ♦ Communication understanding of ♦ A forum/workshop with parish and town in order to discuss key issues ♦ Consultation new process, key councils was held on 11 November 2015 on/relating to the VALP. ♦ Participation stages and dates ♦ 13 July 2016 – Forum/workshop with parish ♦ Comments and town councils received ♦ 4 October 2017 – Parish and town council ♦ Refine content of forum – seminar to receive information, an documents advance briefing and ask questions of officers Information Posters or flyers advertising that ♦ Communication ♦ Greater ♦ Issues and Options stage had a poster and stands / the Council is seeking community ♦ Consultation understanding of leaflets advertising the consultation Parish involvement may be placed in new process, key ♦ The leaflets and posters at the Draft Plan noticeboards information stands and/or parish stages and dates stage and ‘Aylesbury Vale Times’ newsletter noticeboards. ♦ Comments article are designed so that parish councils received can easily circulate with their communities ♦ Refine content of e.g. putting it on their own noticeboards. documents Social Media The Council will also advertise in ♦ Liaison ♦ Greater ♦ 7 July 2016 – Tweet from AVDC Twitter social media channels that it is ♦ Communication understanding of page regarding consultation on the Draft seeking community involvement in ♦ Consultation new process, key plan consultation on the plan. ♦ Participation stages and dates 16 June 2016 – AVDC Facebook page about ♦ Comments Cabinet supporting the Draft plan going received forward to Full council on 28 June for ♦ Refine content of decision documents

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Table 6 below is an extract of the specific requirements for each consultation stage identified in the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 2006. The last column identifies how the various stages of consultation took into account the requirements of SCI.

Table 2: Specific SCI requirements for each consultation stage

ACTIVITY STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN FOR VALP CONSULTATION AND ENGAGEMENT NOTIFICATION (WHAT WE MAY DO OVER AND ABOVE (WHAT WE MUST DO) THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS) Preparation of a Local ● Notify specific, general and ● Produce a newsletter to brief parish ● AVDC fulfilled the Regulation 18 Plan (Regulation 18) other consultation bodies on and town councils requirements in a ‘scope of the plan’ Invite comments about the intention to produce the ● Produce a consultation leaflet and consultation in April-May 2014 and what the plan should VALP via email or letter and response form where appropriate ‘Issues and Options’ in October contain invite comments on what the ● Hold exhibitions with consultation 2015. plan should contain. material where appropriate e.g. where ● There was also a ‘Call For Sites’ ● Publish notification that a plan site allocations and proposed consultation held in April-May 2014 is being prepared on the ● Engage with county, district and parish and sites continued to be accepted Council website councillors through workshops and throughout the rest of the plan forums where appropriate preparation period including outside ● Publish notification that a plan is being formal consultation stages. prepared through social media (e.g. ● There were Press Releases issued on Facebook, Twitter) 7 April 2014 and 8 October 2015 ● Give notice by press release ● A forum with parish and town councils was held on 11 November 2015 ● Articles were placed in Aylesbury Vale Times and Vale of Aylesbury Plan newsletter ● All ‘specific’, ‘general’ and ‘other’ consultees and consultees on the

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consultation database were notified for both ‘Scope of the Plan’ and ‘Issues and Options’ consultations ● All consultation material was made available on the Council website. ● 5 public exhibitions took place between 2 and 11 November 2015 – each at Aylesbury , Winslow, Haddenham, two in Buckingham ● Advertised on mix 96 radio station on 14 October 2015 (Issues & Options) Draft Plan published and ● This was a non-statutory ● This stage was not a statutory ● All ‘specific’, ‘general’ and ‘other’ representations invited consultation stage so there consultation stage and therefore is not consultees and consultees on the were no statutory identified in the SCI consultation database were notified requirements ● Focused briefing for parish and town councils 13 July 2016 ● Advertised on mix 96 radio station on 3 June 2016 ● 10 exhibitions held across the district July-September 2016, with an estimated average turn out of over 350 visitors per event ● 3 static mini displays ● 300 man hours spent helping residents with their queries and concerns face to face, at the exhibitions ● 18 social media posts, promoting attendance to individual exhibitions

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● web, email and telephone queries handled by officers. ● 12,401 individual people viewed the VALP website pages advertising the consultation and where the documents could be viewed ● 1 animated video posted our Facebook page generated 2,942 views ● 1,978 direct email / letters sent to past participants ● 80,000 VALP leaflets distributed in the 'Change of bin collections days' mailing to households a month in advance of the consultation starting, at Commercial AVDC roadshows and parishes where additional exhibitions were held ● 45 posters printed for display in car parks, community centres and libraries ● 4 e-bulletins sent to 30,000 residents ● 1 Tweet announcing the consultation 7 July 2016 ● Press Release 7 June 2016 ● Reconsult April 2017 – letters sent to selected consultees who may not have received specifically addressed communication at the time the draft

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VALP was published for consultation last summer.

Table 3: Summary of Major Issues raised through Draft Plan consultation & how addressed in Proposed Submission Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan

Major Issue raised in Draft Plan consultation Council’s response in Proposed Submission VALP Where specific site allocations have not been included in the Plan it will Neighbourhood Plan allocations are included within the VALP be necessary to provide a basis for Neighbourhood Plans and development management decisions. The Spatial Strategy should be supported by a transport / traffic The District & County Council have undertaken extensive traffic modelling assessment that takes into account development in modelling and transport analysis throughout the consultation stages of neighbouring areas. the Plan. The Transport Topic Paper provides further detail of the three stages of transport modelling undertaken which included consideration of surrounding areas. Overall, the results of the various transport modelling studies have supported and underpinned the growth proposals and distribution of development as proposed within the proposed VALP Strategy.

A number of authorities may not be able to accommodate all of their All through the process of producing VALP the Council has worked fully identified housing needs and may be looking to Aylesbury Vale to with all neighbouring authorities. The Duty to Cooperate Topic Paper accommodate some additional growth. Recognising that Aylesbury identifies all those interactions. Vale forms part of a wider Housing Market Area that is not confined to its own administrative boundary, it is crucial that AVDC seeks to work In accordance with requirements set out in the NPPF, the Council, with neighbouring authorities such as Milton Keynes from the outset, alongside other Buckinghamshire authorities, commissioned a series of to gain a full understanding of housing needs. reports to identify the Buckinghamshire housing market and functional economic areas, as well as a Housing and Economic Development Needs

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Assessment (HEDNA).

The reports identify that Aylesbury Vale sits within a best-fit housing market area that includes Wycombe, Chiltern and South Bucks districts. There was a recognition that Aylesbury town sat within its own area but within a wider strategic housing market area. Aylesbury Vale also has links with housing markets in neighbouring areas, such as Milton Keynes. The HEDNA starts by considering the Government’s population projections and determining whether they need to be varied to reflect local circumstances. Following uplifts, the number of new houses required across the housing market area is 46,200, with 19,400 required in Aylesbury Vale. Wycombe and Chiltern/South Bucks District Councils have carried out comprehensive capacity assessments, and cannot accommodate all of their housing need in their own districts, and as such there is an element of unmet needs required to be accommodated in Aylesbury Vale. Wycombe District’s unmet need figure is 2,250 and Chiltern/South Bucks Districts’ unmet need figure is 5,750. This gives a total of 27,400 dwellings to be accommodated in Aylesbury Vale between 2013 and 2033. Self build opportunities should be included. Paragraphs 5.51 – 53 & Policy H5 specifically relate to custom/self build housing; Policy AGT3 Aylesbury North of A41 includes a specific requirement for custom & self build units to be included in the overall housing allocation Would like confirmation that infrastructure including roads, rail, Provision and the timing of Infrastructure is a key component of the schools and hospitals will be provided early in any development. Follow Plan. Paragraphs 3.36 – 48 & Policy S5 relate to the strategic approach population by families and business. A plan for the plan would be most taken by the Plan towards infrastructure provision. Specific detail is helpful. included within Chapter 11 of the Plan and supported by the Infrastructure Delivery Plan which identifies the necessary & critical requirements needed to deliver the Plan. There should also be the opportunity at this stage of the process to The Local Plan can micro manage every single site or aspect within the

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identify sites that should not be developed: e.g. to preserve open District, however it can and does lead on principles /policies which must space(s) in settlements; to prevent coalescence between settlements; be taken into account when considering development or other to preserve a locally cherished view or area of ecological value that proposals. In this context a key objective of the Plan is that, the Council might not be otherwise designated. will manage development in a way that ensures the protection and enhancement of the district’s built, natural and historic environment, landscape and biodiversity. Planning positively for biodiversity and green infrastructure, the overall approach will minimise development on high- quality agricultural land, conserve and enhance areas of sensitive landscape including the Chilterns AONB and designated local landscapes, and achieve high-quality design and building at appropriate densities. Other documents will have a part to play including Neighbourhood Plans, adopted Conservation Area documents and relevant Supplementary Planning Documents prepared to provide greater detail to the policies in VALP. There is no reference in the scope to biodiversity, green infrastructure The VALP seeks to conserve and enhance the district’s biodiversity or landscape issues. Planning policies should therefore encourage, as through the protection and improvement of the terrestrial and water best practice, communication with and consultation of the environments and fauna and flora, relative to their importance. The Buckinghamshire Local Nature Partnership in order to identify and district geodiversity will also be protected, commensurate with the value promote coherent ecological networks across Aylesbury Vale. Planning and importance the site has. Chapter 9 relates to the Natural policies should therefore set a framework for the clear recording and Environment - Policy NE2 Biodiversity & geodiversity outlines how the reporting on measures to be taken for the positive management of Council will ensure protection and enhancement of the natural networks of biodiversity. environment.

In addition paragraph 9.17 commits the Council to “In order to achieve criterion (a) of the policy below(NE2), a supplementary planning document (SPD) will be prepared, working with the other Buckinghamshire councils, on a mechanism to achieve ’no net loss and net gain’. The SPD will consider the possibilities of adopting a biometrics calculator to quantify gains and losses and consider the threshold of development this should apply to, how the system will be managed and

-37- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

monitored The VALP should be positively prepared in accordance with the VALP has been prepared in accordance with the NPPF and relevant guidance in the NPPF and policies should provide clear guidance as to references throughout the Plan make reference to the associated the level and location of future growth for the area. There should be a paragraph within the Framework. clear policy outlining how the development on specific sites should All the site allocation policies included within VALP sets out key come forward to help secure the sustainability aspirations of the development and land use requirements and site specific requirements Council. which need to be complied with to secure the development (Chapter 4 Strategic Delivery) The spatial strategy is currently limited and needs to be expanded to Concentration of development reflects the stand out sustainable make specific reference to the influence of key settlements in locations presented by Aylesbury & Buckingham. The Submission VALP neighbouring authorities such as Milton Keynes. The currently proposed spatial strategy takes full account of neighbouring authorities. Policy D- focus of the strategy on Aylesbury and Buckingham would potentially NLV001 Salden Chase allocates land for 1,855 houses (and other uses) limit the scope to achieve development in other sustainable locations immediately to the south west of Milton Keynes. within the district. Table 1 in Submission VALP shows the spread of housing allocations in the Plan at the most sustainable locations across the District

-38- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

Appendix B

Deposit Point Location and Opening Hours

Deposit Points Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday AVDC Customer Service Centre at the 9.00 – 9.00 – 9.00 – 9.00 – 9.00 – Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury Closed 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.00 HP19 8FF Aylesbury Library Walton Street, Aylesbury 9.30 – 9.30 – 9.30 – 9.30 – 9.30 – 9.30 - HP20 1UU 17.00 19.00 17.00 14.00 17.00 16.00 T: 01296 382415 E: [email protected] Aylesbury Study Centre, New County Hall Walton Street, Aylesbury 10.00 – 10.00 – 10.00 – 9.30 – 10.00 – 10.00 – HP20 1UU 17.00 17.00 17.00 19.30 17.00 14.00 T: 01296 382415 E: [email protected] Beacon Villages Community Library 2.00 – 10.00 – 14.00 – 14.00 – 10.00 – , Old Town Hall High Street Closed 17.00 12.00 17.00 19.00 13.00 Buckingham Library 10.00 – 10.00 – 10.00 – 10.00 – 10.00 – Closed Verney Close, Buckingham 19.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 14.00 MK18 1JP Haddenham Community Library 9.00 – 9.00 – 9.00 – 9.30 – Banks Park, Banks Road, Haddenham Closed Closed HP17 8EE 17.00 17.00 17.00 13.00

10.00 – 10.00 – 10.00 – Community Library 13.00 13.00 10.00 – High Street, Long Crendon Closed 13.00 14.00 Closed 14.00 – 14.00 – 13.00 HP18 9AF – 17.00 17.00 17.00

Steeple Claydon Community Library 14.30 – Queen Catherine Road 14.30 – 14.30 – 9:30 – Closed 17.30 Closed , MK18 2PY 17.30 17.30 12.30

Wendover Community Library 9.30 – 9.30 – 9.30 – 10.00 – High Street, Wendover Closed Closed HP22 6DU 17.00 17.00 19.00 16.00

Wing Community Library 14.00 – 10.00 – Closed Closed 14.00 – 10.00 – Village Hall, Leighton Road 19.00 13.00 13.00 Wing, LU7 0NN 17.00 Winslow Community Library 9.30 – 9.30 – 9.30 – 13.00 – 9.30 – Park Road Closed 17.00 17.00 17.00 13.00 Winslow, MK18 3DL 17.00

-39- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement

Appendix C (see Separate PDF document)

List of Specific, General and Other Consultees

(in addition to the above, a large number of individual residents have been consulted and are listed on a live maintained consultation database by the Council.)

-40- VALP Proposed Submission Consultation Statement Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Martin Jacobs Village Society Scottish Gas Networks UK Power Networks Mr Keith Gray Aylesbury Town Council PC Y Dinton With Ford And Mr Keith Gray PC & A Y Upton Parish Council Savills (on behalf of Mr Matthew Dawber A Berryfields Developers) Pegasus Group (on behalf Mr Neil Tiley A of Jeremy Elgin) Cllr Alan Taylor C Y Cllr Alan Sherwell C Y Cllr A Bond C Y Cllr A Cole C Y Cllr Bill Chapple C Y Cllr Bill Chapple C Y Cllr B Foster C Y Mr Andrew Cole C Y Cllr Julie Ward AVDC Councillor C Y Cllr Carole Paternoster C Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Leader of the Cllr Edith Bald Conservative Group - C Y Milton Keynes Council Cllr Gary Powell AVDC Councillor C Y Cllr Janet Blake C Y Cllr Jenny Bloom C Y Cllr Judy Brandis C Y Cllr J Chilver C Y Mr John Chilver C Y Cllr Judy Brandis AVDC Councillor C Y Cllr Liz Gifford Milton Keynes Council C Y

Cllr M Edmonds C Y Cllr M Rand C Y Cllr Neil Blake C Y Cllr Netta Glover C Y Cllr P Cooper C Y Cllr R Khan C Y Cllr S Chapple C Y Cllr Sandra Jenkins AVDC Councillor C Y Cllr S Lambert C Y Cllr T Hussain C Y Cllr T Mills C Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Warren Whyte AVDC Councillor C Y Buckinghamshire County DC Rachel Wileman Council Mr Ian DC Manktelow Wycombe District Council Chiltern/South Bucks Mr Graham DC Winwright District Councils Mr John DC Cheston Milton Keynes Council Central Bedfordshire Mr Jason DC Longhurst Council

Mr Andy South Northamptonshire DC D'Arcy Council

Mr Colin West Northamptonshire DC Staves Joint Planning Unit Laura Wood DC Dacorum Borough Council South Oxfordshire District Mr Gary DC Palmer Council Mr David DC Peckford Cherwell District Council Mr Kevin Owen Luton Borough Council DC Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Gill DC Cowie Bedford Borough Council Mr Adrian DC Roche Oxford City Council Northamptonshire County Mr Mark DC Chant Council Oxfordshire County Linda DC Currie Council Hertfordshire County Mr Paul DC Donovan Council Mr Charles DC Routh Natural England Victoria DC Bennett Highways England

Michelle DC Y Kidd Environment Agency Mr Martin DC Y mall Historic England Homes and Communities Mr Andrew Pearson DC Y Agency Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

NHS Chiltern & Aylesbury Mr Philip Vale Clinical DC Y Murray Commissioning Groups

Hilary South East Midlands Local DC Y Chipping Economic Partnership Buckinghamshire and Mr Richard Thames Valley Local DC Y Harrington Economic Partnership

Buckinghamshire and Nicola Thomas DC Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership DC Y Sir/Madam Civil Aviation Authority DC Y Sir/Madam Network Rail Chiltern Area of Outstanding Natural Lucy Murfett DC Y Beauty Conservation Board Katie DC Y Balaam University of Buckingham Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Charles DC Y Pugh National Trust The East-West Rail Patrick DC Y O'Sullivan Consortium Sir/Madam Office of Rail and Road DC Y Sir/Madam Milton Keynes CCG DC Y Herts Valleys Clinical Caroline Raut DC Y Commissioning Group Aylesbury Vale District Mrs Amanda Johnstone LA Council Buckinghamshire County Abigail Alderson LA Council Chris Schmidt-Reid Wycombe District Council LA Milton Keynes Council - LA Development Plans Aylesbury Town Centre Diana Fawcett LA Partnership West Oxfordshire District LA Council Chiltern and South Bucks Mr Graham Winwright LA District Council Mr Ian Manktelow Wycombe DC LA Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Wokingham Borough Mr James McCabe LA Council Ms Jeanne Crabtree LA Mr John Chapman Dacorum Borough Council LA Oxfordshire County Linda Currie LA Council Central Bedfordshire LA Council South Northamptonshire Mr Michael Warren LA Council Northampton Borough N Banks LA Council Buckinghamshire & N Thomas Milton Keynes Natural LA Environment Partners Hertfordshire County Mr Paul Donovan LA Council South Bucks District Mr Peter Beckford LA Council Milton Keynes Council - LA Plan MK Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Cherwell District Council LA South Oxfordshire District Mr Gary Palmer LA Council Northampton Borough LA Council - Planning Northamptonshire County LA Council - Planning

Mr Paul Paul Stimpson Slough Borough Council LA

South Northamptonshire LA Council - Planning Policy

Wokingham Borough LA Council Garry & Mr & Mrs Page LA Pauline Buckinghamshire County R Wileman LA Council Buckinghamshire County SA Sharp LA Council Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Buckinghamshire County S Goldensmith LA Council Buckinghamshire County Council - Strategic LA Planning Dacorum Borough Council LA Buckinghamshire County ST Walford LA Council Sue Scott Bracknell Forest Council LA

Buckinghamshire County Ms Ironmonger LA Council (Public Health) Mr John Bercow MP Member of Parliament MP Y Mr D Lidington Member of Parliament MP Y Mr Iain Stewart Member of Parliament MP Y Mr Victor Savage Savage & Partners ORG Y Newton Longville Save Ms Jan Blackhall ORG Y Our Village Group Aston Hill Residents ORG Y Association Aylesbury Golf Club ORG Y Centre Ltd Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Bedfordshire Police ORG Y Authority Bucks Badger Group ORG Y Community ORG Y Infant School NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning ORG Y Group Parish Church Of St Peter ORG Y & St Paul - Church warden Young Enterprise - Board ORG Y Member Evenley PC ORG Y Great Missenden Parish ORG Y Council - Clerk Waterstock PC ORG Y Catesby Estates Ltd ORG Y Anna Baker Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd ORG Y

Mr Alan Divall West Waddy ADP LLP ORG Y Amanda Jacobs West Waddy ADP ORG Y Mr Adam Ross Broadway Malyan ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Adam Ross Nexus Planning Ltd ORG Y

Mr Andy Birch Hallam Land Management ORG Y Brooke Smith Planning ORG Y Consultants Ltd Mr Adrian Cattell Paul Newman Homes ORG Y Mr Adam Kindred CBRE ORG Y Mr Adam Pyrke Colliers CRE ORG Y Mr Adam Murray Coda Planning ORG Y David Ames Associates ORG Y Overstone Combined ORG Y School Wendover C of E Junior ORG Y School Youth Concern ORG Y (Aylesbury) Mr Adrian Cole Brown & Merry ORG Y Mr Adrian Harford AOTRA ORG Y Buttery & Watson ORG Y Rapleys LLP ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Age Concern (Bucks) ORG Y Stupples ORG Y RG & P Ltd - Planning Mr Alan Hardwick ORG Y Consultant Robinson and Hall LLP ORG Y Alexander Munro Robinson & Hall LLP ORG Y Alexia Kemp Bell Cornwell LLP ORG Y Anna Kwiatkowski John D Wood And Co ORG Y Alan Cooper Mr Alan Cooper ORG Y Cabinetmaker Ltd Mr Alastair Shankland Pegasus Planning Group ORG Y Business Link ORG Y Kia Johnson Vincent and Associates ORG Y Homes And Communities Alexander Pelling ORG Y Agency Elma Martin Martin Family ORG Y Alice Kirkham MRTPI Planner ORG Y Alice Suttie Boyer Planning ORG Y Mr Alvin Mark Lindley Clearwater Properties ORG Y Alison Walker Wates Developments ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Amanda Walker D P Architects ORG Y Brooke Smith Planning ORG Y Consultants Ltd Mr Andrew Blackwell Bidwells ORG Y Mr Andrew Elliott Silverstone Estates ORG Y Mr Andrew Hattersley Smiths Gore ORG Y Mr Andrew Holloway Bidwells ORG Y Mr Andrew Packe Smiths Gore ORG Y Homes And Communities Mr Andrew Pearson ORG Y Agency Mr Andrew Stothard Kier Homes ORG Y Kirkby Diamond (on Mr Andrew Wright behalf of Trustees of FJ ORG Y Wallis) Milton Keynes Friends of Mr Andrew Lockley ORG Y the Earth Mr Andrew Dean Global manufacturer ORG Y South Northamptonshire Mr Andy D'Arcy ORG Y Council AB Planning & Mr Andrew Bateson ORG Y Development Ltd Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Bletchley Park Area Angela Ravn-Aagaard ORG Y Residents Association AnnWebCom ORG Y Anna Anna Stott Indigo Planning ORG Y Ms A Hargreaves GVA Grimley ORG Y

Buckingham Canal Society ORG Y

Mr Malcolm Davies Trek Bicycle Corporation ORG Y

Mr Alistair Wilkinson David Coles Architects Ltd ORG Y

Mr Alastair Wilson BCM ORG Y Mr Andrew Wintersgill David Lock Associates ORG Y National Farmers Union - ORG Y Aylesbury Branch Jan Molyneux Molyneux Planning ORG Y Beverly Bateman Firstplan ORG Y Mr Ben Borthwick Turley Associates ORG Y Hastoe Housing B Carroll ORG Y Association Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Bell Cornwell LLP ORG Y Mr Ben Read Hunter Page Planning ORG Y Mr Ben Bird Sterling Homes ORG Y Cole Flatt and Partners ORG Y Berryfields Church Of ORG Y England Primary School

Barwood Development Beth Entwistle ORG Y Securities Limited Nathaniel Lichfield & Mr Brian Haynes Partners - Economics ORG Y Consultant Lambert Smith Hampton - ORG Y Birmingham Office

Mr Bob Hollingsworth Three Valleys Water PLC ORG Y Mr Bob Sharples Sport England ORG Y Weston Turville - North ORG Y East Residents Planning & Development Mr Bob Reynolds ORG Y Partnership Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Bob Langton Nigel Moor Planning ORG Y RPS Planning and Mr Richard Boother ORG Y Development Faulks, Perry, Culley & Mr Brett Coles ORG Y Rech Carter Jonas - Associate Mr Brian Flynn ORG Y SWMK Consortium Jan Molyneux Brill Society ORG Y Mr Stephen Norman BSN Consultancy Ltd ORG Y Buckinghamshire ORG Y Archaeological Society Barbara Wilkes ORG Y Chris Lee Kodiak Land ORG Y C Lindsay Nexus Planning Ltd ORG Y Christopher Pallet Mr C Pallet ORG Y Chartered Surveyors The Chiltern Society ORG Y Candace Cosby ORG Y Herts Valleys Clinical Caroline Raut ORG Y Commissioning Group Ms Catherine Wray Carter Jonas LLP ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

The Churches ORG Y Conservation Trust Showman's Guild of Great Mrs Hennigan ORG Y Britain Charlotte Goodrum Daniel Watney LLP ORG Y JG, CA & SG Chapman ORG Y (Farming Partnership) Mr Charles Craft ORG Y

Mr Charles Pugh National Trust ORG Y

Mr Charles Robinson DLP Planning Limited ORG Y

Mr Charles Routh Natural England ORG Y Coda Planning Ltd - Senior Mr Charles Dunn ORG Y Planner Charlotte Cater Barton Willmore ORG Y

Charlotte Chappell ORG Y

Complete Construction ORG Y Management Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

NHS Chiltern & Aylesbury Mr Philip Murray Vale Clinical ORG Y Commisioning Groups First City Limited ORG Y Kirkby Diamond (on Chris Green behalf of Trustees of FJ ORG Y Wallis) McGough Planning Chris Mcgough Consultants Limited - ORG Y Director EDaN (, Christine Yates Dagnall & ) ORG Y community projects Chris Thomas Chris Thomas Ltd ORG Y Mr Christian Orr Hollins Strategic Land ORG Y Mr Christopher Ashley Brown & Co ORG Y Oxon and Bucks Rail Chris Wright ORG Y Action Committee Roger Coy Partnership ORG Y Claire Cain Campaign For Real Ale ORG Y Clare Garrad Cerda Planning ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Optimis Consulting on Claudia Dietz behalf of Peter Dean ORG Y Estates Shenley Brook End & ORG Y Tattenhoe Parish Council Tring Town Council ORG Y Tring Rural PC ORG Y Buckinghamshire Mr Clinton Green ORG Y Healthcare NHS Trust Mr Clive Gorton Catalyst Housing Group ORG Y Hampden Fields Action Mr Clive Evans ORG Y Group Cara Marshall Environment Bank ORG Y Buckinghamshire Forum ORG Y of Faiths CM Moore The Moore Corporation ORG Y

Royal Society For Mr Colin Wilkinson ORG Y Protection Of Birds (RSPB)

Mr Colin Clare Landplan Consulting Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Colin Bloxham The RSA Thame Group ORG Y Buckingham West End Mr Colin Boddy ORG Y Bowls Club Coleen Carter University Of Buckingham ORG Y

Bierton, Broughton And ORG Y Gardening Society Natural England - ORG Y consultations Stratus Environmental ORG Y Limited The British Wind Energy ORG Y Association Nigel Moor Planning ORG Y Banner Homes ORG Y C Pane Deloitte Real Estates ORG Y Homes And Communities Mr Craig Johns ORG Y Agency Mr Craig Noel Strutt and Parker ORG Y Mr Craige Burden Persimmon Homes ORG Y Destin8 Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

British Gas plc. (Southern) ORG Y Bellcross Homes ORG Y January's Consultant Mr Colin Brown ORG Y Surveyors Chilterns Conservation C White ORG Y Board Haddenham Safe Walking ORG Y And Cycling Group D Veasey Nexus Planning Ltd ORG Y Mr Damien Holdstock Entec UK Ltd ORG Y L7 Enterprises Ltd ORG Y Oxford Health NHS Mr Daniel Leveson ORG Y Foundation Trust Persimmon Homes Mr Daniel Pryor ORG Y Midlands Ian Jewson Planning Ltd ORG Y Mr Daniel Washington G L Hearn Ltd ORG Y Mr Darren Stanbridge Strutt & Parker LLP ORG Y Mr Dave Giblin Quainton Electrical ORG Y Mr David Alderson WYG ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr David Bainbridge Bidwells ORG Y Mr David Bell LDA Design ORG Y Brown Associates - Mr David J Brown Planning and Property ORG Y Consultants Mr David Butler Fieldstead Insolvency LLP ORG Y Parkwood Consultancy Mr David Edmonds ORG Y Services Chiltern Railways - Mr David Heathfield Business Planning ORG Y Manager Mr David Hodgetts Indigo Planning ORG Y

Mr David Lazenby The Garden Centre Group ORG Y

Mr David Louis Field Sales Solutions ORG Y

Mr David Martin Ether Solutions ORG Y Mr David Maxwell Capita ORG Y Mr David Maxwell GL Hearn ORG Y Mr David Murray-Cox Barton Willmore ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr David O'Reilly Welbeck Land Limited ORG Y Mr David Shepherd ORG Y Mr David Staniland Knight Frank ORG Y Mr David Wetherill Turley Associates ORG Y Mr David Wilson Paradigm Housing ORG Y Mr David Campbell Anstiss Trust ORG Y Delta Planning ORG Y Star Planning and ORG Y Development D F Annison & Associates Mr David Annison ORG Y Limited Mr David Lander Boyer Planning Ltd ORG Y Ms Diane Bowyer DPDS Planning ORG Y Debbie Bull Box Technologies ORG Y Debbie Ormerod Asset Wise ORG Y Deborah Yerby Pinpoint Solutions ORG Y Denise Mancer Arnold White Estates ORG Y

Denison Investments Ltd ORG Y Mr Derek Bromley Bidwells ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Di Kennard NHS ORG Y EBLEX Agriculture and Mr Dick Van Leeuwen Horticulture Development ORG Y Board Dilys Dilys P Phillips Planning Service ORG Y Ministry Of Defence - Senior Safeguarding ORG Y Manager Mr Paul Ketteridge ORG Y D Jackson Savills ORG Y Dramatic Edge Stunts ORG Y Thomas Hickman's Charity ORG Y Daniella Daniella Persaud Savills ORG Y G L Hearn Ltd ORG Y Mono Consultants Limited ORG Y WIC Clark ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Rural Solutions (On behalf of Nick Moore, Brian and Harrison, Malcolm Cotton, Mr Duncan Hartley ORG Y Pauline and Jane Allum, Mr Ben Marten and Mr Andrew Threipland)

Crest Strategic Projects - Mr Duncan Innes Regional Development ORG Y Director Pike Smith And Kemp Mr Duncan Lang ORG Y Rural Red Kite Development ORG Y Consultancy Mr Eddie Rixon ORG Y Buckingham Access For All Mr Ed Grimsdale ORG Y Group Mr Edmund H Phillips Planning Services ORG Y EGG UK Property Limited - ORG Y Managing Elaine Connolly Bellway Homes ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Elisabeth Leedham Fisher German ORG Y Ellie Smith DLP Planning Limited ORG Y Vodafone And O2 (CTIL) ORG Y Emily Hale Bloor Homes ORG Y River Thame Conservation Emily Godfrey ORG Y Trust Emma Fellowes Barton Willmore ORG Y

Emma Pattison Fisher German ORG Y SSR Planning (Smith Stuart ORG Y Reynolds) Garden History Society ORG Y National Trust - general ORG Y enquiries Paradigm Housing ORG Y The Aylesbury Vale ORG Y Terence O'Rourke ORG Y Connolly Homes ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

The Twentieth Century ORG Y Society Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes ORG Y Environmental Records Centre Mr Eric Sergeant Quainton Dairy Ltd ORG Y Pegasus Group - Principal Felicity Tozer ORG Y Planner Aragon Land and Planning Francis Caldwell ORG Y Ltd Mr Fraser Castle Bruton Knowles ORG Y Phillips Planning Services Mr Frazer Hickling ORG Y Limited Mr Fred Davey ASLPDS ORG Y Mr Gareth Johns Smiths Gore ORG Y Mr Gary Tucker Taylor Wimpey ORG Y Mr Gavin Gallagher Barton Willmore ORG Y Bond Brothers ORG Y Gemma Care Barton Willmore ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Gemma Whitehouse ORG Y

Mr Geoff Armstrong Armstrong Rigg Planning ORG Y North Bucks Parishes Mr Geoff Culverhouse ORG Y Planning Consortium Geoff Hart Training and Mr Geoff Hart ORG Y Development Ltd. Mr Geoff Gardner Gardner Planning Ltd ORG Y Mr George Percy Sworders ORG Y

Georgina Tibbs Barton Willmore ORG Y Mr Geraint Jones Pegasus Group ORG Y Mr Giles Monks ORG Y Gillian Large Thames Valley Police ORG Y Gina Manning Guinness South ORG Y Ginny Hall Mono Consultants Limited ORG Y Ginny Hope NHS England ORG Y G & J Johns Savills ORG Y Aylesbury Reference The Librarian ORG Y Library Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Gordon Wiseman Premier Foods ORG Y Mr Graham Watts The Wendover Society ORG Y Smith Jenkins Ltd ORG Y Mr Graham Beck Luken Beck ORG Y Mr Greg Shaw Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y Ms Hayley Allen Guinness South ORG Y Graham Seabrook Mr Graham Seabrook RIBA ORG Y Architects Limited Alder King Property G Tuffnell ORG Y Consultants Haddenham Village Mr Graham Tyack ORG Y Society Bloomsbury Planning & Mr Guy Gibbeson ORG Y Design Thames Valley Housing Mr Guy Burnett ORG Y Association G Warriner Turley Associates ORG Y Dr Keith Milmer ORG Y Hollie Howe Savills ORG Y Aylesbury Town Centre ORG Y Partnership Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Buchanan Land and the West of Haddenham ORG Y Landowners Mr Harry Sedman Origin 3 Ltd ORG Y Hayley Davis Terence O'Rourke ORG Y HD Planning ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield & H Cross ORG Y Partners Mr Kevin Morrissey ORG Y Combined School Helen Delaitre NHS ORG Y Sanctuary Housing Helen Harding ORG Y Association Helen Harris Cushman & Wakefield ORG Y Helen Maxwell Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y

Helen Sampson Strutt & Parker LLP ORG Y Hampden Fields Action Mr & Mrs John & Pat Mott ORG Y Group Mr Henry Diamond Kirkby & Diamond ORG Y John Phillips Planning Mr H Venners ORG Y Consultancy Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Nathaniel Lichfield & H Fortune ORG Y Partners Mr Richard Marks University of Cambridge ORG Y

Mr Howard Jones The Tapping Family Trust ORG Y

Adrian C Hoy Architectural Mr Adrian Hoy Design And Planning ORG Y Consultant Heather Pugh David Lock Associates ORG Y The Widow Turpin's ORG Y Charity Robinson and Hall LLP ORG Y Mr Iain Stevenson Carter Jonas ORG Y AH Corporate Finance Ltd. ORG Y

Mr Ian Garlington Stoke Mandeville Hospital ORG Y Mr Ian Gillespie Carter Jonas ORG Y Mr Ian Mitchell Kier Homes ORG Y Canal And River Trust And Mr I Runeckles ORG Y Fourth Avenue Estates Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Ian Tant Barton Willmore LLP ORG Y

Mr Ian Taylor CgMs Consulting ORG Y

I Anderson Iceni Projects Limited ORG Y Mr Ian Foll Arnold White Estates ORG Y Mr Ian Johnson Luken Beck ORG Y Blue Sky Planning ORG Y Buckinghamshire Ms Taylor ORG Y Community Foundation Buckinghamshire Mind ORG Y CLH Pipeline System Ltd ORG Y

Milton Keynes Council of Mrs Clare Walton ORG Y Voluntary Organisations

Community Impact Bucks ORG Y Campaign to Protect Rural ORG Y England Davies & Co ORG Y Dean Lewis Estates ORG Y Mr D Fowler En-Site Limited ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

National Playing Fields ORG Y Association First Plan ORG Y The Greensand Trust ORG Y Land Planning Group ORG Y Landscope Land & ORG Y Property Ltd Mk & Bucks Sports ORG Y Partnership Levvel Ltd ORG Y Newton Longville Mrs Lesley Abraham ORG Y Community Association National Federation Of ORG Y Gypsy Liaison Groups Phillippa Martin-Moran Optimis Estates ORG Y Planning Potential ORG Y Mr Robert Mitchell Richborough Estates ORG Y South East Midlands Local ORG Y Enterprise Partnership Sovereign HA ORG Y Mr David Barnes Star Planning ORG Y TFM Readers ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Aylesbury Society ORG Y Wilbraham Associates ORG Y Limited ZKS Martial Arts ORG Y Buckingham Society ORG Y Robinson and Hall LLP ORG Y Jake Collinge Planning Mr Jake Collinge ORG Y Consultancy Ltd Mr James Griffiths Kier ORG Y Mr James Hollyman Harris Lamb ORG Y Mr James Holmes Aitchison Raffety ORG Y Persimmons Homes Mr James Matcham ORG Y Thames Valley Mr James McConnell Bellway Homes ORG Y Mr James Millard Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y

Mr James Paynter John Drake & Co ORG Y

Mr Anthony Franklin ORG Y Home Builders Federation Mr James Stevens ORG Y Ltd Brickhill Properties ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Thames Valley Chamber Mr James Hay ORG Y Of Commerce Mr James Dowson The DMC Advantage ORG Y Three ORG Y Jane Gardner Marrons Planning ORG Y

Jane Hennell The Canal & River Trust ORG Y Jane Hull Forestry Commission ORG Y Jane Lock-Smith Cube Design Ltd ORG Y Homes And Communities Jane Webster ORG Y Agency White Young Green Jayne Elliott ORG Y Planning Edgars Limited ORG Y J Buttel David Coles Architects Ltd ORG Y J Chantler Bierton Action Group ORG Y Corylus Planning & ORG Y Environmental Limited Beacon Villages Society ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Sedrup Green Residents Mr Jeffrey Charles Emmett ORG Y Association Jennifer Thomas Strutt & Parker LLP ORG Y Jennifer Smith MRTPI Smith Jenkins ORG Y Jennifer & Mr & Mrs Groom ORG Y Gerald Mr Jeremy Biggins WSP Developments Ltd ORG Y Mr Jeremy Pyatt WYG ORG Y Mr Jeremy Sawtell Strutt & Parker LLP ORG Y Buckinghamshire Jerry Unsworth ORG Y Advantage Mr John Curtis JFC Developments ORG Y JFL Planning ORG Y Doherty Baines ORG Y J J Foster David Lock Associates ORG Y Aims (South West) ORG Y Limited Mr Jon Gateley Savills ORG Y Land and Partners Limited ORG Y J Haines Savills ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Jim Voute MH Education ORG Y Mr Jim Malkin JMI Planning Ltd ORG Y Jo Unsworth Smiths Gore ORG Y Joanne Russell Barton Willmore ORG Y

Joanne Spendlove Berrys ORG Y Regeneration Homes Joanne Winter ORG Y Limited Jodi Stokes Persimmon Homes ORG Y

Mr Joe Kerby Spitfire Bespoke Homes ORG Y Mr John Coleman William Davis Limited ORG Y Mr John Holden Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y Minshull Architectural Mr John Minshull ORG Y Design Buckingham and River Mr John Oldfield ORG Y Ouzel IDB Mr John Purser Defence Estates South ORG Y Mr John Sylvester Bierton Action Group ORG Y Mr Johnathan Rainey Pegasus Group - Director ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

J F Heady W F Heady & Sons ORG Y Mr Jon Balaam The Greensand Trust ORG Y Vale of Aylesbury Housing Mr Jon Hobbs ORG Y Trust Mr Jon Jennings Strutt & Parker LLP ORG Y Mr Jonathan Burrow Rosebery Estates ORG Y Mr Jonathan Proctor Stephenson Harwood ORG Y Bucks Floating Support Mr Joseph J Jones ORG Y Gypsy Council Define ORG Y Mr John Bell Edlesborough Surgery ORG Y J Richards Dandara Ltd ORG Y J & J Design ORG Y JS Irvine Savills ORG Y J Terry Bell Cornwell LLP ORG Y Judith Ashton Associates ORG Y Day Lewis Planning ORG Y Limited Mr Julian King Julian P King Architect ORG Y Mr Julian Pacey Pacey Land Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Julie Laaser Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y J Waite Kemp And Kemp ORG Y Mr James Waterhouse Iceni Projects Limited ORG Y Buckinghamshire Fire & J Williams Rescue Service ORG Y Headquarters J Williams Vail Williams ORG Y Mr James Yeoman Savills ORG Y K Brody Woods Hardwick Ltd ORG Y Gladman Developments K Waters ORG Y Ltd Lands Improvement ORG Y Holdings Plc ORS ORG Y Hampden Fields Action Mrs Katherine Simonds ORG Y Group The Buckingham Society - Kathy Robins ORG Y Chair Katie Balaam University Of Buckingham ORG Y K Bishop ORG Y Kuma Environmental ORG Y Design Ltd Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Keir Price Spitfire Bespoke Homes ORG Y

Mr Kenny Durrant Strutt and Parker ORG Y Mr Kevin Dixon Kier Ventures ORG Y Mr Kevin Watson Indigo Planning ORG Y

K Gleeson Lambert Smith Hampton ORG Y Mr Roger Edwards Buckingham Society ORG Y Buckinghamshire Mr Kingsley Grimble ORG Y Healthcare NHS Trust Kit Vincent Vincent and Associates ORG Y Jones BA (Hons), Msc, Kemp & Kemp - Ms Katherine ORG Y MRTPI Development Surveyor Katherine Jones Savills ORG Y K Matthews Firstplan ORG Y Brooke Smith Planning ORG Y Consultants Ltd Gladman Developments Laura Tilston ORG Y Ltd Laws And Fiennes ORG Y Mrs Susan Langton HE Administrator ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Strutt and Parker (on Laura Dudley-Smith behalf of Mr Talbot ORG Y WGR009) Edgars Limited ORG Y Laura King Drivers Jonas ORG Y Wilbraham Associates ORG Y Limited Mr Lee Scott Smiths Gore ORG Y Mr Lee Randall LMR Designs ORG Y Mr George Crutcher George Crutcher Planning ORG Y Mr Lewis Benn BT Openreach ORG Y Greaves Project ORG Y Management Limited January's Consultant ORG Y Surveyors Jackson Planning ORG Y PRP Architects ORG Y Lorraine Hughes GVA Grimley ORG Y Louise Larking Fox Lloyd Jones ORG Y Louise Steele Framptons Town Planning ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Ms Louise Ward Aragon Housing ORG Y Garthur (London Ltd) ORG Y Mr Lachlan Robertson Savills ORG Y Iceni Projects Limited (On behalf of Cogent Land & Mr Leo Scarfe ORG Y Barratt & David Wilson Homes Lucy Brown Mace Group ORG Y Mr Luke Mosson Knight Frank LLP ORG Y Mr Luke Simpson RPS Group Plc ORG Y Land and Partners ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield & Layla Vidal-Martin ORG Y Partners M Twigg Fox Land And Property ORG Y MacIntyre Housing ORG Y Association Ms Maggie Kempson Director ORG Y Davis Planning ORG Y Mr David Parker DP Architects ORG Y Hawkins Eades Planning ORG Y Mr John Cutler Iceni Projects Limited ORG Y Mr Robin Currey Company Director ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Taylor French ORG Y Developments Ltd Willis Dawson Holdings ORG Y Ltd Edlesborough School ORG Y

Mr Marc Hourigan Hourigan Connolly ORG Y Mr Marc Rawcliffe Arc 7 ORG Y Ms Marcia Cosby Kent Brushes ORG Y Marianna Beckwith Chocolate Box Coaching ORG Y Mr Mark Furnish Sport England ORG Y Mr Mark Harris DLP Planning Limited ORG Y Mr Mark Hyde MRTPI AIEMA Carter Jonas ORG Y Mr Mark Jackson DTZ Pieda Consulting ORG Y Mr M Kenton BP Plc ORG Y Mr Mark Kingsley Taylor Wimpey ORG Y Defence Estates North - Mr Mark Limbrick Construction Support ORG Y Team Mr Mark McGovern SSA Planning Limited ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Mark Schmull Smiths Gore ORG Y Camplan ORG Y Mr Mark Longworth DPD Architects ORG Y Define (on behalf of Bovis Mr Mark Rose ORG Y Homes) Mr Mark Underwood Drivers Jonas LLP ORG Y

Mr Martin Bolt Highways England ORG Y

Mr Martin Friend Vincent and Gorbing ORG Y

Mr Martin Small English Heritage ORG Y

Mr Martin Small Historic England ORG Y

Mr Martin Giles Martin Giles Associates ORG Y Aylesbury Vale Green Mary Hunt ORG Y Party Mr Matt Sutton Westhall Estates ORG Y Mr Matthew Fox GVA ORG Y Mr Matthew Leach BT Openreach ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

The Planning Bureau Mr Matthew Shellum ORG Y Limited Mr Matthew Smith Marrons Planning ORG Y

Mr M Whitehead Bloor Homes ORG Y M Bottomley Deloitte Real Estates ORG Y Aylesbury Vale Multi- ORG Y Cultural Centre M Corcoran Inland Homes ORG Y Melissa Balk Bidwells ORG Y Mr Michael Emett Cala Homes ORG Y Mr Mervyn Dobson Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y

Mr Michael Calder Capita Symonds ORG Y mr Michael Jenner Carter Jonas ORG Y Mr Michael Knott Barton Willmore ORG Y

Mr Michael Robson Cerda Planning Limited ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Kirkwells Town Planning Mr Michael Wellock And Sustainable ORG Y Development

Michelle Kidd The Environment Agency ORG Y GVA Midlands ORG Y Mr Mike Bodkin Strutt & Parker ORG Y Mr Mike Robinson Carter Jonas ORG Y Chilmark Consulting Ltd ORG Y Mr Mike Taylor GVA ORG Y Gregory Gray Associates ORG Y Mr Mike Beard Wendover Society ORG Y Michael Gregory Mr Michael Gregory ORG Y Architects Gleeson Developments M Jackson ORG Y Limited Mary Wilkinson ORG Y Milton Keynes Economic ORG Y Partnership M Moraru Iceni Projects Limited ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Mohammed Haque Catalyst Housing Group ORG Y Montpelier Ltd ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield and Mr M Pochin-Hawkes ORG Y Partners Dr & Mrs M Dr and Mrs M Scully TRI London ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield & M Spry ORG Y Partners Mr Martin Wilkinson Brocksmoor Projects Ltd ORG Y

M Wood Lambert Smith Hampton ORG Y Mr Mike Woolner First Plan ORG Y Gladman Developments Ms Nicole Penfold ORG Y Ltd Nancy Rosendale GVA Grimley ORG Y Development Planning Mr Neil Arbon ORG Y and Design Services Ltd Nayan Gandhi RPS Group ORG Y Highways England ORG Y N Dexter Savills ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

N Duckworth Hallam Land Management ORG Y Mr Neil Aitchison Aitchison Raffety ORG Y Mr Neil Cottrell Cala Management Ltd ORG Y

Mr Neil Craft Bromford Housing Group ORG Y Mr Neil Wells DTZ Pieda Consulting ORG Y Mr N Edwards ORG Y Berkshire, Mr Neil Rowntree Buckinghamshire & ORG Y Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust

N Freer David Lock Associates ORG Y N Hubbard Savills ORG Y Barwood Land And ORG Y Estates Mr Nick Bowman Berrys ORG Y Haddenham Village N.J Lock ORG Y Society Mr Nick Stafford DLP Planning Limited ORG Y Smith Jenkins Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Nick Shute Nick Shute Associates ORG Y Nicky Wadely NHS England ORG Y Thomas Eggar LLP - Nicola Gooch ORG Y Solicitor Nicole Stacey Carter Jonas LLP ORG Y Mr Nigel Abbott Cluttons LLP ORG Y Mr Nigel Bates Bluemark Projects Limited ORG Y Buckinghamshire Mr Nigel Torneberge ORG Archaelogical Society Mr Nigel Johnston Boyer Planning ORG Y Mr Nigel Moor Nigel Moor Planning ORG Y NJC Moore Rural Solutions ORG Y Bierton, Broughton & ORG Y Hulcott Action Group N Rowley Savills - Director ORG Y N Stafford David Lock Associates ORG Y Mr Nigel Ward NB Ward Ltd ORG Y Mr Oliver Bell Nexus Planning Ltd ORG Y Aston Clinton Combined ORG Y School Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Bedgrove Infant School ORG Y

Bedgrove Junior School ORG Y CE ORG Y Combined School Whaddon C of E School ORG Y Action4Youth ORG Y Aylesbury Grammar ORG Y School Ashmead Combined ORG Y School Barker Parry Town Mr Steven Barker ORG Y Planning Limited Bearbrook Combined ORG Y School Bierton C of E Combined ORG Y School Booker Park School ORG Y Bourton Meadow School ORG Y

Brill CE Combined School ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Brookmead School ORG Y

Broughton Junior School ORG Y

Broughton Infant School ORG Y ORG Y Combined ORG Y School Dagnall School ORG Y Village ORG Y School School ORG Y ORG Y The Grange School ORG Y Grenville Combined ORG Y School Haddenham Infant School ORG Y

Haddenham Junior School ORG Y Haddenham St Marys C of ORG Y E Infant School Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Halton Combined School ORG Y

Haydon Abbey School ORG Y High Ash C of E Combined ORG Y School Combined School ORG Y John Hampden School ORG Y Long Crendon School ORG Y C of E ORG Y School Mandeville Upper School ORG Y

Marsh Gibbon CE School - ORG Y Acting Headteacher C of E Infant ORG Y School C of E School ORG Y Newton Longville C of E ORG Y Combined School North Marston C of E ORG Y School Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Oakley C of E Combined ORG Y School C of E School ORG Y ORG Y Quainton C of E Combined ORG Y School Sir Henry Floyd Grammar ORG Y School St Edwards Catholic Junior ORG Y School St Josephs R C Infant ORG Y School St Louis Catholic ORG Y Combined School St Mary's C of E School ORG Y St Michael's C of E ORG Y Combined School Stone C of E Combined ORG Y School C of E School ORG Y

Thomas Hickman School ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Turnfurlong Infant School ORG Y

Turnfurlong Junior School ORG Y Twyford C of E School ORG Y Village ORG Y Primary School Waddesdon C of E School ORG Y Wescott C of E School ORG Y Weston Turville C of E ORG Y School - Headteacher Whitchurch Combined ORG Y School C of E ORG Y Combined School Winslow C of E Combined ORG Y School Mr Oliver Beales Knight Frank LLP ORG Y Mr Oliver Taylor Strutt and Parker ORG Y PJSA Ltd ORG Y Malcolm Scott Mr Oliver Dove ORG Y Consultants Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Oliver Kubicki Light Wood Property ORG Y OMD HomeCounties ORG Y Limited Mr Oliver Taylor Gleeson ORG Y Mr P Bowsher The Parks Trust ORG Y Pam Dawson The Guinness Trust ORG Y Connells Land and Pat Pat Beales ORG Y Planning East-West Rail Mr Patrick O'Sullivan ORG Y Consortium Mr Paul Burrell Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y Mr Paul Doyle Bloor Homes ORG Y Mr Paul Johnson Berrys ORG Y Mr Paul Keywood Turley Associates ORG Y Mr Paul Paul McCann Cala Homes ORG Y Mr Paul Paul Quelch Connells ORG Y Sedgwick Associates ORG Y Apex Planning ORG Y Mr Paul Paul Ormerod Asset Wise ORG Y Francis Jackson Homes - ORG Y Land & Planning Manager Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Paul Hems Hexon Planning ORG Y Mr Paul Paul Shearman ORG Y Mr Paul Paul Phipps Whiteacre Ltd ORG Y P Chambers David Lock Associates ORG Y Corylus Planning & ORG Y Environmental Limited Berkshire, Penny Silverwood Buckinghamshire & ORG Y Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust

Mr Peter Atkins Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y

Mr Peter Bateman Framptons Town Planning ORG Y Mr Peter Challis Sustrans South East ORG Y Mr Peter Frampton Framptons Town Planning ORG Y Smith Gore Planning - ORG Y Peterborough PD Projects Ltd - Dr Peter C Dunton ORG Y Managing Director P Glazebrook Hallam Land Management ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

PHD Chartered Town ORG Y Planners Mr Phil Thompson Catalyst Housing Group ORG Y

Mr Phil Cummings Beacon Villages Society ORG Y British Pipeline Agency Mr Phil Hirst ORG Y (BPA) Mr Philip Smith Brian Barber Associates ORG Y Buckinghamshire Business ORG Y First Mr Phillip Wright PRP Architects ORG Y Mr P Wright PRP Architects ORG Y Optimis Consulting Ltd ORG Y Pippa Cheetham O & H Properties Ltd ORG Y DPDS - Planinfo Research ORG Y Team Barton Willmore - ORG Y Planning Secretaries Sport England (South East ORG Y Region) Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Chilterns Conservation Lucy Murfett ORG Y Board John Phillips Planning ORG Y Consultancy Northern Trust - Planning ORG Y Dr Malcolm Bell MB Planning & PROWS ORG Y Mr Ross Anthony Theatres Trust ORG Y Woods Hardwick Ltd - ORG Y Planning The Coal Authority ORG Y NHS England - Head of GP ORG Y Premises Anglian Water Services ORG Y Limited Joanna Male Gregory Gray Associates ORG Y

Environment Agency - ORG Y Wallingford Planware Ltd ORG Y Sidleys ORG Y Helen Prangley Prangley Planning Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Meeson Williams Phillips Mr Paul Paul Semple ORG Y Limited Aquatic Sports and Mr P Frederick Leisure Park Development ORG Y Scheme


R Gray Woods Hardwick Ltd ORG Y Woods Hardwick Planning Mr Richard Murdock ORG Y Ltd Leybourne Estates - Rachel Collinge ORG Y Senior Planner

Protect Aylesbury Vale ORG Y Against Noise (PAVAN) RB2 Architects ORG Y Watermead Homes R Clarke ORG Y Limited Aston Clinton Parish Mr Colin Read ORG Y Planning Natural England - Reading ORG Y planning Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Rebecca Leaman Roger Tym & Partners ORG Y

Barwood Development Rebecca Mitchell ORG Y Securities Limited

Rebecca Burnhams Drivers Jonas LLP ORG Y Bucks Vision ORG Y Mr/M s I Evans Oxford Health NHS ORG Y Revera Limited ORG Y Renu Prashar GVA ORG Y

Alder King (Minton Health Rosanna Fox ORG Y Representative) - Planner

Mr Richard Butler Bidwells ORG Y Mr Richard Harrington Bucks Thames Valley LEP ORG Y Buckinghamshire Mr Richard Harrington ORG Y Advantage Mr Richard Tilley CgMs ORG Y Mr Richard Walker Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y Rihards Sobols LDA Design ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Robert Linnell Savills ORG Y Forestry Commission Mr Rob Gazzard ORG Y (Forest Enterprise) Mr Robert Barber Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y

Mr Robert Love Bidwells ORG Y Mr Robert Phillips Smiths Gore ORG Y Persimmon Homes North Mr Robert Taylor ORG Y London Pomery Planning ORG Y Consultants Federation of Small Robyn Bourne ORG Y Businesses Mr Rod Pearson The Guinness Trust ORG Y Mr Roger Welchman Armstrong Rigg Planning ORG Y Apt Planning Ltd ORG Y Corran (Wakefield) ORG Y Estates Roma Shallow Bidwells ORG Y Ros Woodhall WYG ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

David Wilson Homes - Mr Ross Blumire ORG Y Strategic Planner Mr Ross Leal Kirkby & Diamond ORG Y Mr Ross Leal RLA Planning ORG Y Mr Ross Middleton CC Town Planning ORG Y

Roy Buttery Development Mr Roy Buttery ORG Y Consultant Mr Richard Reynolds Roxylight Holdings Ltd ORG Y Ruth Scott Scott Travel Ltd ORG Y R Stockford Iceni Projects Limited ORG Y DLP Planning Ltd - Rugby ORG Y office Buckinghamshire Business ORG Y First Ruth Hewitt Admiral Costumes ORG Y R White Cala Homes ORG Y Mr Steven Brown Woolf Bond Planning ORG Y Mr Steven Doel Nexus Planning Ltd ORG Y Sally Stroman Smith Jenkins ORG Y Sam Mogridge Martin Grant Homes ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Samuel Dix Smith Jenkins ORG Y Mr & Mrs S & D Barton Willmore Barton Willmore ORG Y Bucks Healthcare NHS Samita Kirve ORG Y Trust Sam Tiffin Progress Planning ORG Y Santosh Kirve NEC Europe Ltd ORG Y Sara Dutfield Barton Willmore LLP ORG Y Sara Dutfield Turley Associates ORG Y Sara Jones Delta Planning ORG Y Sarah Aldous Langdon Estates Ltd ORG Y Sarah Beale Terence O'Rourke ORG Y Sarah Butterfield WYG ORG Y Sarah Conlan Crest Strategic Projects ORG Y Sarah Ladler Gurney Bierton Action Group ORG Y Sarah Hamilton-Foyn Pegasus Plannning Group ORG Y Sarah Jinks William Davis Limited ORG Y Sarah Walker Westongrove Partnership ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Sarah Winkelman MK Dons ORG Y AKT Planning & ORG Y Architecture Sarah Simpson Bircham Dyson Bell LLP ORG Y British Racing Drivers' ORG Y Club (BRDC) S Chamberlin Gleeson Homes Ltd ORG Y ORG Y Mrs Pamela D Dunton PD Projects Ltd ORG Y C Phillips Robinson and Hall ORG Y S Fenton Savills ORG Y Sha Sha Carter Allison The PACE Centre ORG Y Leith Planning ORG Y Rydon Homes ORG Y Sarah Hunt Kemp And Kemp LLP ORG Y Mr Simon Cherrill Kirkby & Diamond ORG Y

Mr Simon Dackombe Thames Valley Police ORG Y Strutt & Parker LLP (Stoke Mr Simon Handy ORG Y Mandeville) Mr Simon Kibblewhite Strutt & Parker LLP ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Chartered Surveyor and Mr Simon Milliken ORG Y Town Planner Mr Simon Russell Amethyst Planning ORG Y Mr Simon Scarisbrick Brasier Freeth ORG Y John Philips Planning Mr Simon Sharp ORG Y Consultancy Cheddington Residents Mr Simon Vessey ORG Y Association Mr Simon Warner Fisher German ORG Y DLA Town Planning Ltd ORG Y Foston Estates ORG Y Proctor Chartered Mr Simon Proctor ORG Y Surveyors Urban Selfbuild Ltd ORG Y Willis Dawson Holdings Mr Simon Willis ORG Y Ltd Rapleys LLP ORG Y S Karat First Plan ORG Y Buckinghamshire S Kidd ORG Conservation Trust Berry Morris ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Federation Of Small Businesses (South Bucks ORG Y And Aylesbury) Sophia Waugh Quod ORG Y Country Land & Business ORG Y Association English Heritage South ORG Y East Region Anglian Water Services ORG Y Limited Mr Spencer Claye Gallagher Estates ORG Y Taylor Wimpey (South Stephanie Moffat ORG Y Midlands) Stephanie O'Callaghan Quod ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield & Mr Stephen Robinson ORG Y Partners Mr Steve Brown Paradigm Housing ORG Y Homes And Communities Mr Steve Collins ORG Y Agency Mr Steve Ramsden Taylor Wimpey ORG Y Mr S Bowles HFP Architects ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Steven Kay ORG Y

DLP Planning Limited ORG Y Gleeson Strategic Land ORG Y Earthworks Conservation ORG Y Volunteers Mr Stuart Roberts Sovereign HA ORG Y Mr Stuart Williamson Amec Foster Wheeler ORG Y Planning Potential ORG Y Alliance Environmental ORG Y Planning Ltd Silas Silas Willoughby Dominic Lawson ORG Y Ms Sylvie Eames ORG Y Banner Homes Central Ltd ORG Y - Land Manager T Rumble Woolf Bond Planning ORG Y Gladman Developments T Snape ORG Y Ltd Flight Centre ORG Y Ltd Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Tim Coleby Peter Brett Associates LLP ORG Y T Collins Gleeson Strategic Land ORG Y Mr Terry Cavender Buckingham Canal Society ORG Y Homes And Communities Mr Terry Fuller ORG Y Agency rg+p Ltd ORG Y Ford Village Society ORG Y Mr Thomas Hatch Capita Symonds ORG Y Mr Thomas Southgate Terence O'Rourke ORG Y Mrs Camilla Blakey Solicitor ORG Y Mr Tim Burden Turley Associates ORG Y Mr Tim Byrne Jones Lang LaSalle ORG Y Mr Tim Northey Rectory Homes Limited ORG Y RPS Planning & Mr Tim Watton ORG Y Development Taylor French Mr Tim West ORG Y Developments Ltd Master Golfer Property TK Bannister ORG Y Limited Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Traveller Law Reform ORG Y Project Mr Toby Haselwood Sworders ORG Y Roger Coy Partnership ORG Y Mr Tom Ormesher National Farmers Union ORG Y

Mr Tom Rider CALA Homes (Chiltern) Ltd ORG Y Howard Sharp And ORG Y Partners LLP Mr Tom Hutchinson Land and Partners Ltd ORG Y Mr Tom Bartlett Milton Keynes College ORG Y High Speed 2 Limited (HS2 ORG Y Ltd) Network Rail - Town ORG Y Planning Mr Tristan Peck Bletsoes ORG Y T Thornewill Hallam Land ORG Y T Watson Savills ORG Y Urban & Rural Planning ORG Solutions Val Coleby Smiths Gore ORG St Mary's Church ORG Y Haddenham Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Vicki Richardson Walton And Co ORG Y Victoria Bennett Highways England ORG Y

Victoria Chase Indigo Planning ORG Y Barton Willmore on Viral Desai Behalf of A2 Dominion ORG and Garden Cities LLP VTC Highway & Transport Mr John Carruthers ORG Y Consultancy Barwood Land And ORG Y Estates North Bucks Parishes ORG Y Planning Consortium West Northamptonshire ORG Y Joint Planning Unit Mr Will Lingard Turley Associates ORG Y Manor Oak Homes - Mr William Main ORG Y Director Mr Will R Phillips Planning Service ORG Y Bernwood Residents Mr Will Sadler ORG Y Group Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Campaign to Protect Rural ORG Y England Mr Will Abbott FRICS FAAV WJA Rural Practice ORG Y W J Hoare ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield & Zahra Alrashed ORG Y Partners Pioneer Housing & Z Stiles ORG Y Development Consultants

Boughton Butler Mr Andrew Boughton ORG Y Architecture and Planning Dr Holder The Victorian Society ORG Y University of Buckingham Dr Tampsell ORG Y Business School Miss Campbell The Georgian Group ORG Y Miss Toohig Dinton C of E School ORG Y Mr Adam Kidd Rapinet ORG Y Buckingham Enterprise Mr Adams ORG Y Hub Knox Johnson Sports Mr Adler ORG Y Centre Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Stoke Mandeville Mr Ainsworth ORG Y Combined School Nathaniel Lichfield and Mr Ames ORG Y Partners Mr Anstey C R J Anstey ORG Y Mr Barnes Aylesbury Canal Society ORG Y

Mr Benjamin Bird Sterling Property Group ORG Y Mr Boyd JB Planning Associates ORG Y Mr Brocklebank CB Richard Ellis Ltd ORG Y Broughton Mr Browne Pastures/Oakfield Rd ORG Y Action Group Mr Bullock Gerald Eve ORG Y Michael Shanley Homes Mr Burnett ORG Y (Head Office) Mr Campion Cherwell Gospel Hall Trust ORG Y

Mr Carnaby Wendover Branch Library ORG Y Aylesbury and District Mr Clover ORG Y Citizens Advice Bureau Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Terence O'Rourke Mr Cobley ORG Y Planning Consultants Mr Crammond FPD Savills ORG Y Mr Dackombe RPS Design ORG Y Mr De Lotbiniere GVA Grimley ORG Y WSP Development & Mr Downes ORG Y Transportation Ltd Mr Dudley Aylesbury Vale Dial-a-ride ORG Y Mr Ed Kemsley Peacock and Smith Ltd ORG Y Colin Buchanan & Mr Firth ORG Y Partners Mr Fox Workaid ORG Y Nathaniel Lichfield and Mr Gallagher ORG Y Partners Buckinghamshire Mr Ghirelli ORG Y Archaelogical Society Vale of Aylesbury Housing Mr Gill ORG Y Trust Mr Green National Grid plc ORG Y Mr Hallett Berkeley Homes ORG Y South Central Ambulance Mr Hancock ORG Y Service Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Hightown Praetorian & Mr Hanson ORG Y Churches HA Mr Hart Bierton Sports Centre ORG Y Linkline Maintenance Mr Henrick ORG Y Services Ltd. Aylesbury Vale Transport Mr Higgs ORG Y Users Group Mr Hoile Elmhurst Junior School ORG Y Mr Humphreys Tourism South East ORG Y Mr Jackson Lambert Smith Hampton ORG Y

Mr Jarman Lawn Tennis Association ORG Y Mr K Partington Aylesbury Golf Centre ORG Y The Waddesdon Estate Mr Langton ORG Y Office Mr Legge The Chiltern Society ORG Y Mr Littman Jones Lang LaSalle ORG Y Mr M Rodnight Welch Allyn UK Ltd ORG Y

Mr Mann Powergen Plc ORG Y Bucks Nature Mr McVeigh ORG Y Conservation Forum Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Berkshire, Mr Miller Buckinghamshire and ORG Y Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust Mr Norris ORG Y (Boarding) William Harding Mr Osman ORG Y Combined School RPS Planning and Mr Patel ORG Y Development Mr Penman Wendover Society ORG Y Mr Philcox Kemp & Kemp ORG Y Mr Phillips GVA Grimley LLP ORG Y WSP Development And Mr Purcell ORG Y Transportation Mr Purton David Lock Associates ORG Y Mr R Buttery Buttery & Watson ORG Y Mr Riches Buckingham Business Club ORG Y Mr Ross Turley Associates ORG Y Mr Sawtell Strutt & Parker ORG Y Mr Serjeant C R J Anstey ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Shirley DP9 ORG Y

Mr Smith National Gypsy Council ORG Y Mr Stow Rail Future ORG Y Planning and General Mr Swann ORG Y Services DIO Land Management Mr T Ashley-Smith ORG Y Services Vale Countryside Mr Talbot ORG Y Volunteers Mr Taylor Carington Estates Limited ORG Y Mr Thomas Thomas D M C ORG Y Mr Treston Bovis Homes ORG Y Long Crendon Mr Walker ORG Y Preservation Society Bernard Williams Mr Wall ORG Y Associates Mr Warden Hallam Land Management ORG Y Mr Watson Highways England ORG Y Mr Watson Phillips Planning Services ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Westwood Kynaston School ORG Y Mr Wheal Wendover Arm Trust ORG Y The National Trust - Mr Wheeler Thames & Solent Regional ORG Y Office Mr Whild Terence O'Rourke Ltd ORG Y Mr Woolf Woolf Bond Planning LLP ORG Y Mr York Terence O'Rourke ORG Y Mr/Mrs Morrow Phillips Planning Services ORG Y Mr/Ms Gilliland Mono Consultants Ltd ORG Y Mr/Ms Lewis Avanti Hairdressing Ltd ORG Y Mrs Adams Jardines Club Ltd ORG Y Mrs Bamford Henry H Bletsoe & Son ORG Y

Mrs Chadbund Steeple Claydon School ORG Y Stocklake Park Mrs Cutler ORG Y Community School Cheddington History Mrs Cutlers ORG Y Society Mrs Dimic Akeley C of E School ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mrs Downie Wing Branch Library ORG Y Roundwood Primary Mrs Eales ORG Y School Long Crendon Branch Mrs Featherstone ORG Y Library Mrs Godwin C-MAC ORG Y Mrs Hadden Tingewick Infant School ORG Y Mrs Howse ORG Y Mrs Hughes C of E School ORG Y Buckingham Primary Mrs Jones ORG Y School Mrs Keane Elmhurst Infant School ORG Y Mrs M Dodwell Guinness South ORG Y Mrs Mitchell ORG Y Thornborough Infant Mrs Rothero ORG Y School Mrs Rowan Oak Green School ORG Y Mrs Talbot Cuddington C of E School ORG Y Mrs Unsworth Hives Planning ORG Y Mrs Watkiss First City Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mrs Wickham British Horse Society ORG Y Ms Adcock Bidwells ORG Y Bucks Federation of Ms Alsford ORG Y Women's Institutes Ms Bowman Places for People ORG Y Ms Downing Guinness South ORG Y Ms Durkin Peacock & Smith ORG Y Buckingham Library Ms Gassor Group (BucksCC Libraries ORG Y & Heritage) Ms Greening Department For Transport ORG Y Buckingham, Winslow and Ms Harding District Citizens Advice ORG Y Bureau Nathaniel Lichfield and Ms Hill ORG Y Partners Ms Jackson Kirkby & Diamond ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Berkshire, Ms Lyons Buckinghamshire & ORG Y Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust

Ms Mumford David Tucker Associates ORG Y The London Planning Ms Murphy ORG Y Practice LLP Bedgrove Residents' and Ms Saunders ORG Y Community Association Ms Scanlan Tetlow King Planning ORG Y British Trust Conservation Ms Smith ORG Y Volunteers Ms Southwood Terence O'Rourke ORG Y Ms Spencer Sovereign HA ORG Y Ms Turner Jones Day ORG Y Beacon Villages Ms West Community Library ORG Y () Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Berkshire, Ms Willets Buckinghamshire & ORG Y Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust Ms Wyatt RTPI ORG Y Sara Butler Aylesbury Youth Action ORG Y

The Librarian Aylesbury Lending Library ORG Y

Centre for The Librarian ORG Y Buckinghamshire Studies Haddenham Branch The Librarian ORG Y Library The Librarian Steeple Claydon Library ORG Y Aylesbury Methodist ORG Y Church Aylesbury Old Town ORG Y Resident's Association Aylesbury United West ORG Y Indian Association BPTW Partnership ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Buckinghamshire Earth ORG Y Heritage Group

Civil Aviation Authority ORG Y (safeguarding) Colony Planning ORG Y Country Landowners ORG Y Association Crest Strategic Projects ORG Y Crossrail Ltd ORG Y Crown Estate Office ORG Y

Diocese of Oxford ORG Y English Rural Housing ORG Y Association Fairview New Homes Ltd ORG Y

Health & Safety Executive ORG Y Hertfordshire Police ORG Y Authority House of Fraser ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

John Colet School ORG Y NPower ORG Y Oxford 2 Cambridge Arc ORG Y

Virgin Media ORG Y

Weston Turville Golf Club ORG Y

Mr James Chatterton William Davis Ltd ORG Y

Mr John Coleman William Davis Ltd ORG Y

Mr Paul Curtis Brown and Co ORG Y Ms Portia Banwell Alder King ORG Y

Liz Pickering ORG Y Department for Education Crime Prevention & Ms Anne Chalmers ORG Y Design Advisor Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Ms Amy Atkins Rectory Homes Ltd ORG Y

Mr Russell Crow Richborough Estates Ltd ORG Y

Jeanette Baxter ORG Y

Mr Daniel Andrews Indigo Planning ORG Y

Kenya Hill Indigo Planning ORG Y

Town Planning / Local Rapleys LLP ORG Y Plans dept

Town Planning / Local Rapleys LLP ORG Y Plans dept Mr John Colemand William Davis Ltd ORG Y Mr James Chatterton William Davis Ltd ORG Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Ms Fahimifar Indigo Planning ORG Y Sara Mr Paul Curtis Brown and Co ORG Y

Piddington Parish Council ORG Y

Newton Purcell with PC Y Shelswell Parish Meeting Parish Karen Barker PC Y Council Parish Mr Nick Morgan PC Y Meeting Andrea Curtis Twyford Parish Council PC Y Parish Adele Berthet PC Y Council AJ Collett Parish Meeting PC Y

Gawcott with Mr Alan D White PC Y Parish Council

Alex Matthews Thornton Parish Meeting PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Hardwick Parish Council / Ann Marie Davies PC Y Whitchurch Parish Council

Ashendon Parish Council PC Y Parish Zandy Ayres PC Y Council Aynho PC PC Y B Daytonn Aylesbury Town Council PC Y Bucks Association of Local PC Y Councils Mr Lawrence Odell Parish Meeting PC Y Boarstall Parish Meeting - PC Y Clerk Aylesbury Vale Mr Bob Carvery Association of Local PC Y Councils Brill Parish Council PC Y Parish Council PC Y

Chearsley Parish Council PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Chetwode Parish Meeting PC Y Leckhampstead Parish CJ Newnham PC Y Council Swanbourne Parish PC Y Council Little Horwood Parish Mandy Cliffe PC Y Council Parish Sue Severn PC Y Council Sue Severn Adstock Parish Council PC Y Sue Severn Berryfields Parish Council PC Y

Fiona Lippman Buckland Parish Council PC Y Coldharbour Parish PC Y Council Eaton Bray PC PC Y Edlesborough Parish Penny Pataky PC Y Council Ellesborough Parish PC Y Council Great Horwood Parish Mandy Cliffe PC Y Council Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Fiona Lippmann Halton Parish Council PC Y

Great And Little Kimble PC Y cum Marsh Parish Council Parish Carole Jackman PC Y Council Parish Council PC Y North Marston Parish Rachel Callander PC Y Council Stone With Bishopstone And Hartwell Parish PC Y Council Parish PC Y Council Waddesdon Parish PC Y Council Ella Jones Wendover Parish Council PC Y Weston Turville Parish Sarah Copley PC Y Council Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr Sean Carolan Winslow Town Council PC Y Steeple Claydon Parish Mr Nick Osgerby PC Y Council Swanbourne Parish Mr Clive Rodgers PC Y Council Little Horwood Parish Mr Mark Cowdrey PC Y Council Parish Council PC Y and Fenny Delia Shephard PC Y Stratford Town Council Launton Parish Council PC Y Parish Meeting PC Y Drayton Parslow Parish PC Y Council Parish Council PC Y Ellen Sayer Akeley Parish Council PC Y Mr Graham Juniper Aldbury Parish Council PC Y

Mr Geoffrey Heath Parish Meeting PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Preston Bissett Parish GPJ Murrell PC Y Council Mr Graeme Markland Thame Town Council PC Y Grendon Underwood Ruth Millard PC Y Parish Council Haddenham Parish Sue Gilbert PC Y Council Helen Hupton Council PC Y

Hillesden Parish Council PC Y Hulcott Parish Council PC Y Ickford Parish Council PC Y Wingrave with Rebecca Biley PC Y Parish Council

Bridget Kinght Ivinghoe Parish Council PC Y

Jane Eden Aylesbury Town Council PC Y Joanne Wills Towersey PC PC Y Mr John Mole Oakley Parish Council PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Planning Prospects (on Mr Robert Barnes behalf of Greenway Land A LLP) Great Brickhill Parish Karen Barker PC Y Council Mr Ken Trew Cuddington Parish Council PC Y Woburn Sands Town I Stapleton PC Y Council Long Crendon Parish PC Y Council Parish PC Y Meeting Ludgershall Parish Council PC Y East Claydon Parish Lynne Stacey PC Y Council Maids Moreton Parish Ruth Millard PC Y Council Leighton-Linslade Town Mr Mark Saccoccio PC Y Council Dinton with Ford and Mr Michael Henderson PC Y Upton Parish Council Mursley Parish Council PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Mr John Hamilton Nash Parish Council PC Y Newton Longville Parish Mr Mike Galloway PC Y Council Slapton Parish Council PC Y Aston Abbotts Parish Kate Curry PC Y Council Watermead Parish Noreen Shardlow PC Y Council Oakley Parish Council PC Y Thame Town Council PC Y Oving Parish Council PC Y Parish PC Y Meeting Deborah O’Brien Padbury Parish Council PC Y Cholesbury-cum-St PC Y Leonards Parish Council Bierton with Broughton Margret Smith PC Y PC Marsworth Parish Council PC Y Laurie Eagling Pitstone Parish Council PC Y Janette Eustace Parish Council PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Suzanne Lindsey Whaddon Parish Council PC Y Parish PC Y Council Slapton Parish Council PC Y Aston Clinton Parish PC Y Council Cheddington Parish Margret Smith PC Y Council Parish Meeting PC Y

Quainton Parish Council PC Y Sharron Sharron Chalcraft Finmere PC PC Y Stoke Mandeville Parish PC Y Council Parish Council PC Y

Mrs J Hunt Stoke Mandeville PC PC Y

Stratton Audley PC PC Y Chilton Parish Council PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Longwick-cum-Ilmer PC Y Parish Council Tingewick Parish Council PC Y

Mr Christopher Wayman Buckingham Town Council PC Y Thornborough Parish PC Y Council Worminghall Parish Tracey Skates PC Y council Venetia Davies Cuddington Parish Council PC Y Parish Victoria Firth PC Y Council Wingrave with Rowsham Viv Lynch PC Y Parish Council

Ruth Millard Weedon Parish Council PC Y

Westbury Parish Council PC Y

Mr Alan Lambourne Westcott Parish Council PC Y Wing Parish Council PC Y Type of contact C = Councillor PC = Parish Council LA = Local Authority Parish Title First name Surname Company Councillor Organisation MP = Member of Parliament Council ORG = Organisation D C = Duty to CoOperate A = Agent

Savills A Thames Water Utilities Buckingham Park Parish PC & A Y Council Churches Together Churches Together Group Group TEOCO - Aircom Faisal Bin Feroze International Mr George Bethell Rectory Homes Limited Ashley House Plc Ashley House Plc