Safe Sleep and Bulletin Board Kit Instructions The purpose of this bulletin board kit is to increase client education and awareness of how vaccines can reduce the risk of sleep-related infant death and addresses misconceptions that vaccines cause SIDS. The bulletin board is titled Safe Sleep and Vaccines. This kit can be printed, cut to fit and displayed in your office. The kit comes with sets of pictures of dads and moms, babies in a safe sleep environment and babies receiving . Choose pictures of each set and display as suggested in the template below. If you have any questions about the bulletin board kit or if you’d like to send us a picture of your bulletin board, email the Infant Safe Sleep Program at [email protected]. Template

Safe Sleep and Vaccines Banner

Choose one Safe Sleep safe sleep picture Breastfeeding and Safe Sleep Bann

MDHHS MDHHS Alliance for Resources I Vaccinate CDC Immunization Safe Sleep in Michigan (AIM)

Completed Bulletin Board

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Get Vaccinated On Time, Every Time

Vaccines help protect your baby from 14 serious diseases by age 2.

Go to all check-ups to keep vaccines on track.

Follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) schedule for safe, proven disease protection:

Don’t skip or space out vaccines. Get all doses on time to protect your baby from serious diseases.

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Follow the Safe Sleep Guidelines

Always place your baby on his or her back for all sleep times— naps and night, until their first birthday.

Place your baby in a crib, bassinet, or pack 'n play with a firm mattress and tight-fitting sheet.

Do not use pillows, blankets, soft toys, or crib bumpers.

Dress baby in a sleep sack or pajamas to match the room temperature.

Make sure no one smokes around your baby.

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Know the Facts About Vaccines and SIDS Vaccines DO NOT cause SIDS

Babies get vaccines at 2 and 4 months which is also a peak age for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This made some people question if vaccines cause SIDS.

Many studies have been done and found that vaccines do not cause SIDS.

Vaccines are constantly monitored for safety.

Vaccines Help Protect Against SIDS

Vaccination is associated with reducing SIDS by 50%*!

Higher rates are associated with lower SIDS deaths*.

Vaccines protect against germs that may affect your baby's breathing, such as germs that cause , pneumonia, and the flu.

Vaccinated babies = healthier babies! Font size

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Credit: Heather Hazzan, SELF Magazine

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Credit: Foundation of Biomedical Research

Credit: Cedars-Sinai Font size

Credit: Safe to Sleep® Flickr Album

Credit: Safe to Sleep® Flickr Album Font size

Credit: Safe to Sleep® Flickr Album

Font size Credit: Safe to Sleep® Flickr Album

Credit: National Institute for Children's Health Quality, Safe Sleep and Breastfeeding Images Font size

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Credit: Safe to Sleep® Flickr Album

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Credit: Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan


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The MDHHS Infant Safe Sleep Program provides resources on infant safe sleep practices. Visit to learn more.

I Vaccinate provides information and tools based on real medical science and research to help Michigan parents protect their kids. Visit

*For a list of studies and resources on vaccines and safe sleep, as well as other vaccine information, visit and select "Vaccine Information for the Public."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a webpage dedicated to information on the vaccine schedule, information on vaccine-preventable diseases, answers to commonly asked questions, and more. Visit .

The Alliance for Immunization in Michigan (AIM) coalition is focused on improving all facets of immunization services in Michigan. AIM serves as a source of accurate and credible vaccine information for health care providers and the general public through maintaining an up-to-date website. Visit