PAGE SEVEN—f Mcmsfi?ld, O., News Journal 'Kids Believed In Selves' Sunday, March 24, 1968 shirley povicli Exults East High Mentor Smith Tops Sports Editor, The Washington Post COLUMBUS (AP) - "The 26 points and grabbed 13 of over us for rebounds and that kids believed in themselves, East's 48 rebounds. was the difference," he ex- Wright By plained. especially at the end." Hart felt his team's 24th . ?,.'',„ straight victory could have The Garfield coach further That's how Columbus East been accomplished with more noted that the reason his One Blow x expanded a year ahead of us coach Bob Hart summarized Hlflflfl National |0mmendation about speeding ease had the Tigers fared bet- team stayed in a 2-3 zone was PORT MALABAR, Fla. up expansion. last time and we didn't fold his feelings after the irrepres- UPI MIAMI - The National — _ _ - . tel^Jr. alA'ty thW*\e* Afre* V»-eV throV"-«. V w.. .u.-vline. to force'East to shoot fronv< ) - Marilynn Smith lost up." O'Malley's statement is: sible Tigers, cool and deter- ..We ma(le only six of 17 League, with its bland an- This was either sheer over - •'I feel if we must expand, we mined, survived the scare of| . » b-| outside, battles to par and to 20 - mile nouncement there will be caution by The Associated That s not good at aU O have to do it now." their lives to win their second served an hour winds, but still fired "further study" of a plan to Press, or sheer naivete. The state high school Class AA "Over all we did what we a 76 Saturday to hold a one - expand to 12 teams in 1969, is three - man expansion com- Who is to be accepted as wanted, but as time went on basketball championship in' The East coach also lauded stroke lead over Mickey not telling all it knows. In mittee was not expected to the spokes- it didn't work out. East had six years Saturday night. | his guards — Howard Harris just too much muscle inside," i Wright in the S10.000 Port their panicked little hearts, make a recommendation to man, Giles or O'Malley? Con- and Randy Bias. "They have the NL clubowners know full the league. That will be done IT WAS an old- fashioned'been criticized all year but Sweeten said. 'Malabar Invitational golf well they will go to 12 teams when it counts, at the April 20 sider their contrasting roles. Giles is the lame - duck, Shootout with East winning j they did everything they were; tournment with a 36 - hole next year, matching the meeting of all the NL club- its 24th in a row because it! supposed to. They got the ball; score of 144. format of owners in Chicago, when ex- sitting - duck league presi- dent who wasn't told to retire Miss Smith, complaining of two six- club divisions plus a pansion for 1969 will be re- dominated the offensive ^^If memwT wouldn't be BOWLING TIPS 1 pennant playoff. last year but was given only boards. The final score I j h u t them," Hart being "short with my iron ;, commended and approved. i a one - year contract by the here w t 0 showed East winning 64-60, said short with my wedges." mus- it is a losing game that NL | clubowners after a succession over game Hamilton Gar- tered a 39-37, five - over par president , die -1 I of five - year contracts. Giles 76 in the second round of the field. Garfield coach Bob Swee- ADOPT hard foe of expansion, is|ff(>ffff | doesn't own a vote in NL af- ,, ,. ., „. ten was downcast but very second stop on the 1968 La- playing in his ludicrous at-i I fairs. In expansion matters, "They wouldn t quit. T.icyjlaudatory of East's victory! SMOOTH dies Professional Golf Asso- tempts to sweep under the! Expansion watchers have he is labeled an obstruction- believed they could do tne, eyen though his squad battled | STYLE ciation tour. Miss Wright, two rug the mounting evidence been given their choice of ist. According to , job, just like they have all down to the final seconds strokes down after Frida. 's ! that a 12- team National {statements by Giles and by now of the Baltimore Orioles, season," Hart said of his gut- agamst the state's top ranksd first round, picked up one of League will be in operation in Walter O'Malley, owner of Giles once told him "the Na- ty Tigers. 'Randy Smith and and } unbeaten team. them Saturday with 70-75 — 1969. ,the and t i o n a 1 League will expand Ed Ratleff took those shots at - 145. r,., , ,. .. ., , ,. a member of the expansion over my dead body." the end because they knew "EAST HAS a very fine) Giles' fiction that the they could score." ball club. They won because! The lowest round of the day .„ L. , . . '! committee. It should be an league will stick to its 1971 i easy one. .they outmanned us on the was turned in by Jan Ferrar- expansion plans was unwit-. Hart, dripping with perspir-jboards. They went on top and! is, who added a 72 to her first tingly dignified by the good,| In scoffing at 1969 expan-1 ExjHinsiOft ation but savonng every sec-, round score of 77 to finish the gray Associated Press which i sion, Giles stated, ''Thej ond of the victory in the day with 149. O'Malley, who has been room chose to report that ''the league is looking for good, steaming East dressing ,l?* ^l-Joi-c, PORT MALABAR, Fla. (UP!)—Seco-rt league's three - man expan- sound, long - term expansion pushing hard for 1969 expan- afterward, explained t h a t I; llldllolo round leaders in the Port Malabar Smith's turn- around jumper, ^ Invitational golt tournament. sion committee made no rec- plans. The American League sion, is merely the most in- RON WOLFF Marilynn Smith 63-74—1U. i with four seconds left saved! i-i |~|"j|"|- ^ i MicKey Wright 70-75—1 tS fluential clubowner in the NL, 1 tju 1 , Kathy Whitworth 71 7S—\ft ims reeling Tigers. It gave; - - ^ „ a-Debbie Austin 7375-US perhaps in all the majors. He 73-75—143 2 Wrestlers JEast a 62-58 edge after Ra-j mTTTMRTI- ,.px1 r IMITATE A SMOOTH j Sandra Haynie has also been one of base- 25- foot set sho^ COLUMBUS (Air ) Lo- ' Leslie Holbert 7] -77—143 BOWLER Jo Ann Prentice 75-73—143 I ball's advanced thinkers. He Jan Ferraris -7-72—149 Boyish Tom Shaw jhas virtually dictated that Win Crowns 75-75—150 We emphasize the 76-75—151 San Diego be admitted to the AA all- tournament team se- 75-76—151 ! National League in 1969 Nick Connor p r ob a b 1 y lected Saturday night by aition of mistakes in this 73-73—151 'For Area' lumn, but finding fault isn't, 74-73—152 made the most significant panel of sportswriters. 75-77—152 Holds Links Lead DEFIANCE - Ron Wolff, Giles' opposition is insignif- contribution in the see- saw' championship Tiger s',always the best way to im-, By RON SPEER icant when the NL clubown- Defiance College sophomore The ers choose to act. They are fourth quarter when he tipped landed Nick Connor and Edlprove. Studying the actions of PENSACOLA. Fla. (AP) — Tommy Shaw, boyish looking from Mansfield Madison, and . .r TT-.-i-. r cs Ratlefff onn ththe teateam whileiwhileiaa goopnordi bowlebowlerr cacan bbe heloful.helpful.' Newest Saint wonder of the Pensacola Open Golf Tournament, widened genuinely distressed by the in one of East's five offensive Bill Schmidt, freshman from rebounds with four seconds to brothers Payton and Willie particularly if he or she! NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - his lead to four strokes with a hot 67 Saturday for a 130 sec- American League's split divi- Ontario, both won weight- seems to have a sound, I The New Orleans Saints of sion and play - off plan next play. That in essence was a!Townsend of Garfield also ond round total. class wrestling champion- major point in the narrow vie-; were selected, along with Mel graceful style. the National Football League . . ,. . , ., season, with its threat to the have added Brad Ecklund to "I wouldn't play in weather like this at home, said the, j d f the ^ peimant ships in the Mid- Confer- tory that almost s 1 i p p e d Foster of Lima Senior. Re- r J By thinking of how a bowl- ever - smilin____ -i:g__ _teachin. i.-^i,:.^g— pr ,»,.o fro* r.«mn«.- Golf. r* n\F, 111Tl 1 t * ences this past season. ceivmg honorable mention their coaching staff for the race. The prospect of compet- away. were Paul Howard of Limaier with good timing looks, 1968 season. Ecklund, 46, 1 He battled through bone- ing with the fan - interest in Wolff Took the top spot in ,.That Connor is out oi Senior," Howard Harris of Co- you can try to adopt some of served the last two years as the American League play - chilling winds and occasional the 145 - pound class while sight He>s tremendous," 'lumbus East and Al Vildieck this same smoothness your- offensive line coach for the off leaves NL clubowners Schmidt was the 167-pound commented Hart. Connor had| of Euclid. self-»™_-1_. It works.. Atlanta Falcons. snow flurries wearing long shuddering for special rea- champ. Wolff, named captain underwear, two sweaters, two sons. of the team by his team- pair of pants and a yellow They know the National mates finished the year with stocking cap. Broadcastin^oH»«t?«g« rCo.« , «,M»which ownn«mse a 12-3-1 record and Schmidt, Shaw was trailed by a big television rights to the major who started slowly, finished gallery attracted by his open- league games, would instant- ing round 63, which burst the ly swing away from their!,__. , 26-year-old extrovert out of pennant race to the more ex- VIpi obscurity. citin, g AL pla- y - off- • . NBTVTT* C/"I -^ * -*- ^-^-*- would pay the AL clubs extra His five - under par score revenue for such telecasts Sets Record in the second round, which with the National League was postponed from Friday, cashing in on none of the because of heavy rains, new money. Mr. O'Malley. In Australia matched the best score of the SYDNEY (UPI) - Sprinter day as bad weather sent to- who already has swung eight tals soaring. of the ten NL clubowners to Mel Pender set a record in his side, has no notion of per- the 100 meter event and "I AM PLAYING better mitting such to happen. 1 teammates G a y 1 e Hopkins, than I ever have in my life.' Jim Kemp and Jay Silvester said Shaw, whose score at the * turned in outstanding per- half- way mark equaled the Bitter Feeling formances Saturday as U. S. tournament record and was athletes dominated the first the lowest of the pro tour this The two leagues have been day of the Australian men's year. careful not to show the bitter- track and field cham- Shaw was four shots in ness that exists between pionships. i front of lanky George Archer. them, but it is there. In a| Pender established an Aus- California stringbean w h i> tralian national record in the was a 68 for a 134 total. joint meeting of the leagues depending on last August, the AL an- 100 meters with a winning siz* and old tir* Gay Brewer had set the nounced it planned a split, time of 10.3 seconds while tournament record enroute to ten - team league in 1968. NL Hopkins had a long jump ef- victory in the 1967 tourna- clubowners, led by O'Malley, fort of 26 feet, 8% inches. His ment here. Brewer, seeking heaped abuse on AL presi- winning distance was a re- to become the first pro in five dent Joe Cronin and expan- cord but the mark was disal- years to win the same tourna- sion committee member lowed because of excessive ment three years in a row, Gabe Paul of Cleveland, for wind. was far back in the field with such action without warning Kemp, one of America's a 70-141. TOMMY SHAW ! to the NL. Also the topic was top middle distance runners, Wbitewalls PENSACOLA, Fla. (UPI) — Second • ruled out because it was not won the 400 meters event in Only $3,00 round leaders in the Pensacola Open gold i on the joint meeting agenda. tournament. 46.4 seconds while Silvester, a Tom Shaw 63-67—130 former Utah State University George Archer i Cronin and Paul and the Tony Jacklm 66-49—135 Gncinnati 'other AL powers have been athlete, took the shot put with Dave Stockton 65-70—135 a throw of 62 feet. Bobby Cole 66-70—136 j revelling at the NL discomfi- Dave Marr 66-70—136 ,ture ever since they expand- Bob Murphy 65-71—136 Gets Rice r Boa Dickscn 09-68—137 to ten teams. They have Freddie Haas 67 70—137 CINCINNATI (UPI) — The also been enjoying their ^«WHHlW' ^GF* Bob Smith 68-69—137 Cincinnati Bengals announced Badger Pair Ray Bolls 66-72—138 threat to coerce the NL into Ray Floyd 68-70—133 that defensive tackle Andy Gigby Gilbert 70-68—138 Rice, obtained from the Hous- expanding quickly. They are Steve Opperrnan 68-70—138 laughing at the suggestion Take Fourth Labron Harris 69-70—139 ton Oilers in the American Richard Martinez 69-70—139 Football League player draft, that a bitter NL might not CINCINNATI (AP) — Rich- Dick Mayer 63-71—139 play them in the 1968 World Bobby Nichols 70-69—139 had signed a contract. ard Wonders and Eugene Bie- GOOD/YEAR Gary Player 67-72—139 Series. The NBC network, Dean Beman 68-72—140 I Rice, 6- foot- 2 and 262 sack of Racine, Wis., com- Homero Blancas 70-70—1 which has given the majors a Rod Funseth 66-74_i4o| pounds, played a year and a $50 million TV contract that bined for a 1,277 series Satur- Lou Graham 70-70—140""'hal! f with Kansas City and Smaller Car Size Fred Marti 49-71—140 includes World Series games, day to take fourth place in Introducing the new AIL-WEATHER W Billy Maxwell 63-72—140 was the Chief's starting tack- has the say about this. not)the regular doubles division Lower Priced Steve Reid le in the 1967 Super Bowl. He John Schles 69-71—140 the National League. of the American Bowling Dan Sikes 69-71—140 was traded to the Oilers mid- 68-72—140 Congress Tournament. Johnny Stevens way through last season. The The expansion statements 126 - year - old Rice played to be watched between now Wonders, a 21-year-old 4-PLY NYLON CORD college ball at Texas South- and April are those of student at the University of Now Glasses ern O'Malley, the NL's greatest Wisconsin, set the pace with • Your best tire buy in its price range ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. achiever, not those of Giles. a 192-237-211—640 series. Bie- • Extra mileage Tufsyn Rubber the figurehead league presi- (AP) — Ed Kranepool, New sack, 23. a production control • Track tested for 100 miles at 100 miles per hoar 630x13 bfackwair York Mets, first baseman, Leading Slaher dent who wasn't even invited clerk, had a 637. tubeicst plus $1.81 to a recent top- 20 level Fed* Ex. Tax and visited an eye doctor for an American had 1,092 stakes old tir« astigmatism problem in both i races in 1967, compared to meeting of clubowners. Giles' Ted Bakatselos and Don eyes and it was prescribeprebuuueujjd Ei n g i1 a nu d with 186. France mantle of office merely Wray of Detroit rule the dou- "GOODYEAR NATION-WIDE 'NO LIMIT GUARANTEE" No limit on months. No limit on mita. THIS GUARANTEE any of mort than cloaks his ineffectuality in ex- bles division with the 1,296 to- No limit »s to roads. No limit *s to so*«

50-yard high hurdles — 1, Duane Hill, (Kazmier, Gioviazzi, Kostk, Johnston), 50-yard high hurdles — 1, Krapt, Au- Mansfield Senior, 6.6, 2, Steward, Mans- 3-180; 2, Shelby, 3-194; 3, Woosfer, rora, 7.1; 2, Brown, Mapleton; 3, Strang, field Madison, 3, Curren, Shelby; 4, 3-21 7; i, Ashland, 3:22.4, 5, Wadsworth, Hillsdale; 4, Kok, Plymouth; 5, Schmidt, Class AA Leech, Wadsworth; 5, Larkin, Cleveland 3-260. Newcomerstown NO MONEY DOWN • EASY TERMS • FREE MOUNTING! TEAM SCORING Rhodes Spring medley relay — 1, Mapleton Distance medley relay — 1, Cleveland (Jewell, Claypool, Briggs- Murtaugh), Cleveland Rhodes, 45; Shelby, 39, Rhodes (Gaunter, Kazmier, Wilson, Wit- 2;39 8; 2, Newcomerstown, 2:41 8; 2, Au- Discontinued RANCH-COMMERCIAL TRUCK THE Mansfield Senior, 37; Ashland, 24; Wads- tig), 11 075; 2, Wadsworth, 11:25.0; 3, BRAKE & ALIGNMENT SERVICE SPECIAL worth, 17; Wooster, 16; Mansfield Mad,- Class A rora, J-42.1; 4, Hillsdale, 2 485; 5, Plym- Ashland, 11-296; 4, Mansfield Madison, I louth, 2:490 This Month Only son, 13, Mansfield Malabar, 11, Coshoc- 11 330; 5 Mansfield Senior, 11.338 TEAM SCORING ton, 6 Spring medley relay 1, Cleveland1 Mapleton, 54; Aurora, 53; Newcomers 50-yard low hurdles — 1, Brown, Ma- Any U.S. auto plut parts. Add $2 for One mile run - 1. Trumpower, Mans- Rhodes, (Koztk, Franzinger, Gioviazzi, town, 44; Hillsdale, 28; Plymouth, 12; pleton, 6.7; 2, Krapf, Aurora, 3, Clark, I 6.00 x 16 tube-type blactcwall, torsion bars. Add JZ f.eld Senior, 4.493., 2, Goldsmith, Ash- Johnston), 2333; 2, Wooster, 2-36.2, 3, Mt. Vernon St. Vincent, 6; Crestline, 5, Plymouth, 4, Meyers, Hillsdale; 5, Snad-| plus Fed.Ex.Tax $2.37 and if disassembly and land, 451.3; 3, Yarman, Shelby, 5.00.0; Wadsworth, 2:40.0; 5, Crestview, 4. er, Newcomerstown. She ay, 2-375; 4, recappable casing. $095 reassembly of self- 4, Franz, Wadsworth, 5 01 3; 5, Holland, Ashland, 2.41 7. One mile run — 1, Goon, Mapleton, 1 Two mile relay — 1, Newcomerstown Reg. adjusting brakes It 5:01.0; 2, Walton, Aurora, 5:02.8; 3, Dur- T»-lm ftar.lfi.Tn Wooster, S-Oi 5. 50-yard low hurdles — 1, Mill, Mans- I (Little, Autl, Zeigler, Ripley), 9.10.4, 2, • Built for Sin needed. bm, St. Vincent, 5:050; 4, Garn, Hills- Ftlci IliemiMiTk* $9.95 50-yard dash — 1, Koztk, Cleveland field Senior, 63; 2, Stewart, Mansfield I Mapleton, 9.12.9, 3, Augora, 9.24.6; 4, long, Madison, 3, King, Mapsfield Malabar, 4, dale, 5:06.5; 5, Marolatt, Newcomers- 6.70-15 (6-PR) $18.95 $2.43 .. Adjus8t brakes, add fluid, test, ' Hillsdale, 9.33.5; 5, Crestview, 9.40.2. dependable Rhodes, 5.5:1; 2, Walker, Mansfield Sen- town, 5:10.0. ior, 5.6, 3, Fisher, Shelby, 5.7; 4, Clay- Mlazovsky, Cleveland Rhodes; 5, Curren, service with 7.00-15 (6-PR) $22.95 $2.89 Distance medley relay — 1, Aurora, Inspect front wheel bearings. ton, AJiland, 58; 5, Culhver, Mansfield Shelby. High jump — 1, Stewart, Aurora, 5- triple-tough I (Delgado, Pearson, S?rvadi, Hartman), 6.50-16 (6-PR) $18.S5 $2.66 Align front-end. Rotate tires. Two mile relay — 1, Cleveland Rhodes feet, 9-mches; 2, Badager, Hillsdale, 5-4; 3-T Nylon Malabar, 5.9. 11:23.2; 2, Newcomerstown, 11:32.9; 3, 8.25-20 (10-PR) $42.00 $6.20 (Owca, Caunter, Wittig, Wilson), S.57.5; 3, Schmidt, Newcomerstown, 5-4; 4, cord body Balance both front wheels. Mapleton, 11:44.4; 4, Hillsdale, 11:58.9; 5, Shot put - 1, McLane, Coshocton, 54- 2, Ashland, 9:040; 3, Shelby, 9:08.0; 4, Clark, Plymouth, 5-4; 5, Hornyak, Crest- feet, 5Vi-inches; 2, Wood, Ashland, 50 9'A; Wooster, 9:10.7; 5, Mansfield Senior, view, 5-2. Crestview, 12:21.3. 3, Hamman, Shelby, 49-7; 4. Griffin, 9:37.4. Shof put — 1, Rickner, Aurora, 45-feeU Spring relay — 1, Mapleton (Claypool, Cleveland Rhodes, 48-8%; 5, Viar, Woos- Spring relay — 1, Mansfield Senior 1-inch; 2, Treat, Newcomerstown, 43-7%; Jewell, Brown, Hickey), 1:55.3; 2, New- comerstown, 1:54.4; 3, Hillsdale, 1:56.45; ter, (Wittmer, Hood, Stilwell, Hill), 1:53.2; 2, 3, McKean, Crestline, 41-4; 4, Reynolds, 4, Aurora, 1:58.2; S, Crestline, 2:01.3. Long jump - 1, Kooken, Shelby, IV- Shelby, 1.53.35; 3, Cleveland Rhodes, Mapleton, 41-1; 5, Hiner, Hillsdale, 40-10. SERVICE feet, ll-mches; 2, Franzinger, Cleveland 1:54.4, 4, Wadsworth, 1:54.2, 5, Ashland, Long lump — 1, Swlgert, Newcomers- Two mile run — 1, Hayes, Newcomers- Rhodes, 19-9'/j; 3, Gulliver, Mansfield Ma- 1.58.0. town, 19-feef, SVi-inches; 2, Mickey, Ma- town, 10:55.0; 2, , Bright, Mapleton, I labar, 19-8'i; 4, weitzel, Wooster, 19-Pi; Two mile run — 1, Larue, Mansfield pieton, 18-11%; 3, Myers, Hillsdale, 18-11; 11:16.4; 3, Durbin, St. Vincent, 11:19.4; 4,, 5, Poorbaugh, Ashland, 18-1 IVs. Sen.or, 10.30.3, 2, Miller, Mansfield Mala- 4, Griffith, Aurora, 18-9%; 5, Adams, MacArthur, Aurora, 11:213; 5, Histed,' Crestline, 11:21.8. High jump - 1, Knapp, Shelby, 5-feet, ! bar, 10:38.0; 3, Newman, Cleveland Plymouth, 17-10. ( STORE Rhodes, 10.423; 4, Strickling, Ash'and, GOODYEAR 3-inches; 2, Rabatin, Wadswor"-, 5-4; 3, 50-yard dash — Claypool, Mapleton, 1400-yard relay — 1, Aurora (Renszel, Zuppas, Wooster, 5-4; 4, Stewart, Mans- 10:55.3; 5, Schopp, Mansfield Madison, 5.7; 2, Myers, Hillsdale, 5.75; 3, Nesbau- Denk, Walton, Pearson), 3:23.1; 2, New- 183 Park Avenue East • 524-0551 • Open Monday A Friday 1:30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M.; Daily 8:30 A.M. • 5:30 P.M. field Madison, 5-4; 5, Blakely, Mansfield 11.054. mer, Aurora, 5.8; 4, Ames, Newcomers- comerstown, 3:27.0; 3, Mapleton, 3:31.7; Senior, 5-4. ! 1600-yard relay — 1, Cleveland Rhodes town, 6.1; 5, Henry, Plymouth, 6.15; 4, Plymouth, 3:33 7; 5, Creslview, 3:39.0. NEWSPAPER! NEWSPAPER!