POSTAGE PAID Rebekha Sharkie MP

Your active, local voice in Canberra Making Mayo Matter! Welcome to the summer edition of our Mayo newsletter. Since the election I and my Centre Al- liance colleagues Senators Stirling Griff and Rex Patrick have hit the ground running in the Parliament and in our advocacy for and the electorate of Mayo. In the first few sitting weeks of the 46th Parliament I introduced 10 Private Member’s Bills covering rural finance re- form, payday lending reform, real-time reporting of political donations, Nation- al Heritage Listing for the Bight, aged care staffing ratio reporting, a national database for aged care workers, phas- CAPTION ing out of long-haul sheep exports and constitutional amendments for press Rebekha is pictured in a netted Ceravolo Orchard at Nairne with local apple growers Susie Green, left, Matthew Flavell and Jody Schultz. has secured a $7.3 million netting scheme. freedom and the management of na- tional water resources. $2 million to finish Stage 1 of the We want an active and connected In our negotiations with the Govern- Mount Barker Regional Sports Hub; community and sport plays an impor- ment, Centre Alliance has secured $550,000 to upgrade facilities at the tant role in building healthy and happy $80 million to establish a world-leading Encounter Bay Sports Complex; communities. genomic cancer profiling and treatment institute in Adelaide’s medical precinct. $105,000 to build new clubrooms at Rest assured, sport is not the only the Birdwood Netball Club; sector in our community that Centre Al- Locally, we have negotiated $7.3 mil- liance is advocating for. We are lobby- lion for our growers in Mayo so they $130,000 for an amenities block at the Summertown Community Centre; ing for better health services; upgrad- can access a dollar-for-dollar netting ed road and transport infrastructure, scheme to build environmental covers $60,000 for the Mount Compass (including an upgraded freeway inter- for their orchards. Community Sports & Social Club to ad- change at Verdun and more overtaking We have also advocated for a dress new fire safety standards; and lanes on the Victor Harbor Road); and $200,000 solution to a local telecom- $30,000 for the Clarendon Netball support for our local environment and munications black spot in Cherry Gar- Club for a secure storage shelter. community organisations. dens and secured $2.77 million in These funding commitments by the much-needed funding for sporting in- Federal Government through Centre Al- Rebekha Sharkie MP frastructure in Mayo including: liance’s advocacy are wonderful news. Federal Member for Mayo

Federal Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie (08) 8398 5566 Authorised by R. Sharkie, 1/72 Gawler St, Mount Barker SA 5251. Printed by Reid Print, 1/24 Light Cres, Mount Barker SA 5251 Giving Mayo facilities a sporting chance

The Summertown Community Centre has been granted $130,000 to build a much-needed toilet block on Tregarthen Reserve. The fund- ing, secured through Rebekha’s advocacy, will enable the Sum- mertown Community Centre to replace the circa 1970s public fa- Summertown Netball Club President Hanna Heptinstall and Rebekha. Rebekha Sharkie with Birdwood Netball Club officials Amanda cilities with toilets that Schapel, Ben Walsh and Shane Mudge. meet modern standards. “Right across our community we are struggling to up- Birdwood Netball Club will receive $105,000 in grade our facilities so they meet modern standards for Federal funding to help build new clubrooms thanks health and safety, disability access and gender inclu- to Rebekha’s advocacy. siveness,” Rebekha said. “Toilets are sometimes over- The Federal grant will augment the club’s own fund- looked facilities but they are essential.” raising and in-kind community support to replace Summertown Netball Club President Hanna Heptin- the old clubroom and build a new storage shed. stall said the funding was exciting news. Club President Ben Walsh said the funding would “Now we’ll be able to meet the needs of the various make a “world of difference” to the standard of club clubs, community groups and visitors that pass through facilities, making it safer for young families and more Tregarthen Reserve and we’re excited to get started on comfortable for members. the next stage of this project,” Mrs Heptinstall said.

Rebekha was recently shown the facilities at Clarendon Netball Club’s base by members Brianna Dowding, left, Mackenzie Steer, Natalie Perkins, Kyiesha Gee, Chris Rose, and Kaitlyn Millhouse.

Mount Compass Community Sports & Social Club Secretary Clarendon Netball Club can now lock up their Hannah Stone, left, Club President Perrin Hicks and committee equipment in a secure shelter thanks to a $30,000 member Tom Edwards show the straw ceiling to Rebekha. grant secured by Rebekha. The Federal funding will allow the club to build a pur- Mount Compass Community Sports & Social Club pose-built shed and permanent barbecue shelter to ca- can finally address an urgent council directive to ter for the needs of the 150-member club. meet new fire safety standards thanks to a $60,000 “Members have worked hard to maintain their pres- grant secured through the advocacy of Rebekha. ence in Clarendon so I am pleased that this grant will The grant means the club can now replace the old allow them to upgrade their shedding and provide cov- straw thatched ceiling inside their main building and er for the barbecue and canteen,” Rebekha said. install water tanks and equipment for CFS use. Clarendon Netball Club President Chris Rose wel- Club President Perrin Hicks said the Federal fund- comed the announcement. ing and the advocacy were greatly appreciated. “Having shedding and shelter that is permanent, lock- “We are a not-for-profit organisation run by volun- able and waterproof, will be an amazing and much- teers who all know that any financial assistance is needed addition to our facilities and it will also benefit greatly appreciated as every dollar earned comes the tennis club and any other sporting codes looking at directly from our members,” Mr Hicks said. joining the recreation grounds,” Ms Rose said.

@makemayomatter makemayomatter

Giving Mayo facilities a sporting chance First Stronger $2M for Mount Barker Regional Sports Hub Communities Rebekha has welcomed the announce- funds released ment of $2 million to finish off the Stage 1 The first nine of 20 of the Mount Barker Regional Sports Hub grant applications project costed at just over $23 million. selected for Mayo The extra funds, negotiated by Centre under the Stronger Alliance in recent months, will add to the Communities Program $8 million pledged by the Federal Gov- have been announced ernment in 2018; the $8.15 million con- by the Government. tribution from the Mount Barker District Every electorate in Council; $3.775 million from the State Australia receives an Government and $300,000 from peak allocation of $150,000 sporting bodies. to share among eligi- It means the Council now has the full ble groups for small amount to build an oval for AFL football capital projects. and cricket with changerooms and light- The grants are select- ing, two synthetic soccer pitches with ed in Mayo by an in- change rooms and lighting, storage sheds Rebekha and Mount Barker Mayor Ann Ferguson dependent committee and other infrastructure such as parking, at the site of the Mount Barker Sports Hub. set up by Rebekha. fencing, stormwater and landscaping. “We want an active and connected com- The successful appli- “With the population of the Mount Bark- munity and sport plays an important role cants to date include; er district expected to grow from around in building healthy communities.” Aldinga Bay Bowl- 34,000 to 55,500 by 2036, we need to Mount Barker Mayor Ann Ferguson said ing Club - $8,380 for meet the demand for recreational facilities securing the funds for Stage 1 was a vi- mowing equipment. as well as upgrading our road networks sion initiated by the Mount Barker Football Mylor Citizens and waste water facilities,” Rebekha said. Club in collaboration with the Council. Friendship Club - $8,500 to install $550,000 to upgrade Encounter Bay Football Club airconditioning. Callington Recrea- The Encounter Bay Football Club can tion Park - $6,685 for upgrade its clubrooms and change rooms an electronic score- thanks to a $550,000 grant secured board. through Rebekha’s advocacy. Willunga Bowling The funds will help the club upgrade the Club - $5,696 for existing change rooms and build SANFL compliant amenities for female players shade structures. and umpires. Mount Barker Tennis The grant will also enable the club to Club -$5,000 to build extend its clubrooms, kitchen and can- an undercover area. teen facilities and make them compliant Rebekha discusses the planned extension of the Aldinga Bay Surf Life to disability access requirements as well facilities for the Encounter Bay Football Club and Saving Club - $5542 as upgrading the fire water supply and fire affiliated netball and cricket clubs with Steer- for a pop-up kitchen. equipment to new national standards. ing Committee members Ray Clarke and Don Rumbelow and Former President Cameron Hallett. Yankalilla Hockey “Encounter Bay Football Club has risen Club - $4,000 for to the challenge and has done a huge said the funding announcement was great solar panels. amount of planning and engagement with news for members. Parawa Progress As- their members on this project,” Rebekha “The Encounter Bay Football Club is ex- sociation - $2,637 to said. cited to receive this generous contribution install airconditioning. “I was happy to advocate on their behalf from the Federal Government with the with the Morrison Government and I am help and support of Rebekha Sharkie,” Mr Houghton Districts extremely pleased that the club now has Hallett said. Football Club - $2,500 a contribution towards their masterplan.” to upgrade canteen “This is our first big step in the funding facilities. Former Club President Cameron Hallett process of our important project. @MakeMayoMatter

Since being elected in given 2016 Rebekha has:

275 speeches asked YOUR VOICE IN PARLIAMENT 37 questions in As a part of Centre Alliance, Rebekha Sharkie is responsible for introduced Question Time the following portfolios: Family and Community Services, Disability Services, Housing, Ageing, Education, Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 16 Indigenous Affairs, Arts, Sport and Youth. pieces of submitted legislation 231 questions in Friends of Climate Action writing Rebekha and some of her Crossbench colleagues have Private re-established the Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action in the Members’ Bills 46th Parliament. Rebekha has introduced 10 The group is Co-chaired by Private Member’s Bills in the Rebekha and , the 46th Parliament relating to: Member for Indi, with Zali Steg- National water resources: gall, the Member for Warringah, Proposing a Constitutional Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action conve- as Deputy Chair, with the aim of amendment so the Common- nors Rebekha, Helen Haines and , providing a non-partisan forum wealth manages resources recently met with UNICEF Australia Young Am- for Parliamentarians to hear from such as the Murray River; bassadors Lachlan Arthur and Steve Muan who Press freedom protections: presented the UNICEF Australia Young Ambas- experts on climate change sci- sadors 2019 report ‘A Climate for Change’. ence and policy. Proposing a Constitutional amendment to enshrine free- News from the House dom of expression; Heritage listing for the Bight: Child care change: After To ensure stringent environ- taking a petition from mental protections when as- Woodside parents all the sessing drilling applications; way to the Education Aged care staffing ratios: Minister, Rebekha has Requiring public reporting of welcomed Government staffing levels at each facility; moves to tweak its year- Aged care worker database: old child care reform pack- To provide checks and safe- age. One of the changes guards for providers hiring involves extending the Rebekha speaks at a press conference hosted by the aged care workers; timeframe for cancelling Australia Institute and Crossbench members. Rural finance reforms: To an enrolment from eight provide financial protections weeks to 14 weeks so Federal ICAC: In the first sitting weeks of the for mum and dad farmers; 46th Parliament Rebekha and her colleagues parents who only use holi- Live sheep export ban: To day care no longer have to Senators Stirling Griff and Rex Patrick stood phase out long-haul sheep re-enrol every school term. with Crossbench members and retired Judge exports over five years; David Harper from the Australia Institute’s Na- Men’s Shed: On behalf of Political donation reforms: tional Integrity Committee to call for a National To impose ‘real-time’ report- the Yankalilla Men’s Shed, Integrity Commission with “real teeth”. Rebekha used Question ing of political donations; Time to ask when prom- The Committee has put forward an imple- Payday lending reforms: To ised portable defibrillators mentation plan for a more robust National In- provide protections for vul- would be delivered to tegrity Commission than the one proposed by nerable Australians accessing Men’s Sheds around the the Government, which can be accessed on short-term finance. country. The answer from the Australia Institute website Raising the age of criminal Health Minister Greg Hunt “This is a once in a generation opportunity so responsibility to 14 years. was “early in the New let’s do it once and let’s do it right,” Rebekha For more details please visit Year”. said. PH: 08 8398 5566 [email protected]

SCHOOLS OUT & ABOUT IN MAYO CONNECTING CHERRY GARDENS Cherry Gardens will soon have better mobile and data services thanks to a $200,000 grant se- cured by Rebekha. The grant will go to- wards a $350,000 Re- gional Digital Connectiv- ity Infrastructure project At Parliament House Rebekha met Samantha Moyle Rebekha is pictured with members of to set up 4G equipment from Kangarilla, who teaches at Brighton Secondary CREST Earth, a group of Encounter School and received the Prime Minister’s Prize for Lutheran College students at Victor on the existing NBN Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools, Harbor who give up their lunch hours tower on a site near the and Sarah Finney of Bridgewater, who teaches at to do initiatives to make their school, Blackwood Golf Course. Stirling East Primary School and was presented with their community and the world a better the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science place. The Group’s next project will be The State Government Teaching in Primary Schools. a beach clean-up at Granite Island early has been asked to con- in the 2020 school year. tribute $50,000 to the project and the remain- PICTURED RIGHT: ing funds will be raised This painting by Port Elliiot Primary School via a competitive tender Year 4 student Jack process with telecom- Mitchell is now hang- munication companies. ing in Rebekha’s of- fice in Canberra after “The Cherry Gardens the local MP spotted community has worked Rebekha presents the Torres Strait Island the artwork at the together to find a solu- and Aboriginal flags to Victor Harbor 2019 SALA School Investigator College students Sophie tion to their telecommu- Art Show for South nication issues. There Hollingworth, left, Jackson Robertshaw Coast schools. and Shannen Becket. are many black spots in Mayo and I will continue my advocacy to address $7.3M netting scheme to future-proof fruit industry them,” Rebekha said. Rebekha has negotiated a $7.3 million grower community which has been do- Mobile black spots and scheme to help apple, pear and cherry ing it tough in the last couple of sea- digital connectivity is- growers in Mayo future-proof their or- sons with severe hailstorms causing sues are important pub- chards with environmental covers. immense destruction,” Rebekha said. lic safety issues for all The dollar-for-dollar scheme will allow “Following consultation with indus- regional electorates and orchardists to apply for up to $300,000 try, I went to the Government with this require appropriate col- in funding to offset the cost of netting. scheme and I am pleased that they laboration from industry “This scheme will provide long-term have considered the evidence for our and government.” certainty and sustainability for our case and agreed to fund the program.” GRANT WRITING WORKSHOPS FREE for all community groups needing advice on grant applications Hosted by Rebekha Sharkie MP and with specialist speakers

PORT ELLIOT Tuesday 28 January 2020 1pm to 3pm STIRLING Wednesday 29 January 2020 1pm to 3pm McLAREN VALE Thursday 30 January 2020 1pm to 3pm Secure your place now: OUT AND ABOUT IN MAYO

Members of the Yankalilla Men’s Shed serve up some morning Rebekha with members of the Strathalbyn branch of the tea during a visit by Rebekha to view their new kitchen area. Pink Plus Support Group for women touched by cancer.

Rebekha caught up with members of the Aldinga Rebekha and Madhawa Surf Life Saving Club to talk about the rebuilding Rupasinghe congratulate Suba and re-equipping of their clubrooms. Senewirathna on obtaining her Australian citizenship.

Penneshaw Progress Association members Jayne Bates and Betty McAdam show Rebekha the new suspension bridge along the Kangaroo Island Sculpture Trail.

Rebekha with two of the “Gumeracha Garden Fairies” Julie Olsen and Libby Barber.

Rebekha presents a new flag to Wistow Community Association President Sam Haines and Vice President Brian Stewart.

Pictured left: Celebrating the 125th Siblings Gordon and Sam Rich from Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in Wombaroo in Mount Barker. This local SA at the WAB State Conference family business produces scientifically- held in Hahndorf. formulated nutrition for animals & birds. Making Mayo Matter! POST: PO Box 1601, Mount Barker SA 5251 PHONE: 08 8398 5566 Electorate Office 1/72 Gawler Street, Mount Barker Satellite office 26 Hindmarsh Road, Victor Harbor Authorised by R. Sharkie, 1/72 Gawler St, Mount Barker SA 5251. Printed by Reid Print, 1/24 Light Cres, Mount Barker SA 5251.