!Inder Scrutiny

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!Inder Scrutiny Vol. 91 !Inder scrutiny ASMSO ~-SU campus cop suspended Election Results ·ct1ring bar fight investigation President/Vice President Not available BOZEMAN (AP) A Josh Stiltner was struck On-Campus Senators pus cop at Montana during an altercation and :e University has been kicked in the head after fall­ James ScheU •ended with pay while ing to the sidewalk. Matt Shoop uorities inYestigate a Stiltner was taken to St. rnnd bar incident in Patrick's Hospital where he Greek Senators 'IOUla that left a bouncer suffered a seizure and was Julie Slayton _ italized with a head in- placed on a respirator. Off-Campus Senators His condition has since An1ber Spring Scott D. Hatcher, 25, has improved to fair, officials . suspended "while we said. Hugh Bmaten Jeff Brown la in to it as a personnel Five hours before .rer," Lt. Roger Rippy of Stiltner was hurt, Hatcher Josh Ogle rersity Police said Tues- was given a citation for dis­ At-Lnrge Senators orderly conduct at another The criminal investiga­ bar. John John on s being handled by pq- Hatcher has worked for l\lykel Matt.hews 1 Missoula and Lt. Jim the University Police since Linday Schruth !Jn ayer told the July 1, 1998, and is still on ulian newspaper he ex­ his 1-year probationary pe­ . a charge of felony ag- riod, according to the MSU ited assault will be filed. employee relations office. r-arvard expels student P11nw BY Rt>LI R 01 r ilty of sexual assault ASMSU senator places a ballot in the box on Thursday. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. drawal, which would have following issue of the X) - Harvard faculty allowed him to apply for re­ Exponent for further n.nbers have voted to dis­ admission. About 250 of the coverage. - a student from Wiscon- 650 arts and sciences fac­ , who admitted that he ulty members cast votes, ll!lally assaulted a class­ and dismissal was approved e. by a wide margin, a school Bomb threat investigation contint1es While faculty mem­ spokeswoman said. BY MARTHA MIDDLEBROOKS "We evacuated (Cheever) Architecture, ''Lt. Rippy came in t; met Tuesday to deter- The dismissal vote - Expo11e111 News Edi/or at approximately 3:30p.m.," e what to do with D. essentially expulsion - and informed us (of the bomb I w Douglas, several hun­ said Rippy. ''The evacuation threat) and asked us to evacu- means Douglas can only be The Cheever . ;i students protested out­ ate. No one was panick­ readmitted to Harvard with bomb threat is not the f One student held a sign ing at all, and many of another faculty vote and if first time a bomb threat !ling "Harvard coddles "The evacuation had to be methodical, the faculty went new evidence in his favor has been called into the ists but won't hold sur- we asked employees to check around through lhe building to emerges, the spokeswoman 911 switchboard con­ ffs' hands." That faculty there desks to see if there was anything make sure all the stu- added. cerning a MSU building, ·1bers were debating the dents were out." Douglas pleaded according to police. unusual." ent's punishment was There are no sus­ guilty last year in a crimi- · "Sure its happened 1 indication of the pects at present, how­ nal court to battery and in­ before, not recently -Lt. Robert Rippy 'lersity's lack of MSU Police ever, the police depart­ decent assault, or improper though," said MSU Po­ • ssion in handling sex ment is looking at the sexual touching. The lice Lt. Robert Rippy. 1>ult cases, many demon­ tape recording to make school's administrative The bomb threat «tors said. had to be methodical, we a caller profile. board investigated and was called into the 911 switch At the end ofTuesday's asked employees to check Calling in a false bomb found the then-sophomore boards at approximately 3:25 • ting, faculty members around their desks to see if threat is a violation of state law. had committed an act of p.m. on Monday. Within min­ • d to dismiss Douglas there was anything unusual." According to Rippy report­ rape. utes the MSU police and the ~er than give him the According to Laura ing a bogus bomb threat carries Bozeman Fire Department · •r punishment of with- see Assault page 4 Underkofler administrative of­ a maximum $1,000 fine and a were on the scene. ficer in the College of Arts and one-year prison term. Spring Break!!!!!!! moe. music We're going_ crazy Exponent Cofumnist gities insb11t> Cat s Pa~con.c?'t lwi1!gs in Webe1 S/nfc! l~ I:; North ticmjol·ftm in ttfs_imorwhatever the untque s 11/mgs vj mD<?. Camlinfl in found 1 of the heck !10' vtlgot plarmerl NCAA tl111mnme11t. se page 2 see pages see photo page 7 Friday, 1\farch 12, 1999 S ..h•-.SVJT\-.\C Gallatin Valley needs >o.>=u:>'I-.. ~~"-J· ASS\M\LATlON TRA\N\NG-... r'\IOI> econon1ic gro,vth for survival To the Editor to roise the yearly average in­ come in this area. It is the This is an editorial in re­ wealthy that do not desire gard to the question of the week growth because they have al­ printed in last week's E1:pone11t. ready obtained it, restaurant The quest ion was; do you sup­ and service owners who abuse port corporate growth in the students by hmng and firing Gallatin VallPy? To the student because they know the area who replied " o. we already has a large Yolume of desper­ haYe enough Californians here.'' ate st udcnts. Perhaps you are You are a prC'..iudice nitv•·it; I am just ignorant as well because surprised you just didn't :;ay too you are ::;atisfied with 19k per many African ,\mericans or yt>ar \\ith a college degree Nati\'C Amencans. .Are we not \\'hy should so many all equals as human beings? I qualified graduate::; struggle was also under the impre:<:<ion to li\·e here'? \\'e ha\'e many that thi,.; wa,.; a serYice orien­ talt>nted people who must tated statt• that deJ)('nded on the mO\'l' out of state to get aht>ad monie::; brought in by Califor­ in lifl' and this is sad Wt> need nians and other state::- for that dt'YPlopment: it 1s a fact of :<ur­ rnattt'r 'fourism is the lifeblood \ ind that people must come to BY GOl..U tot hi,.; strug:glingeconomic com­ tNms with. KPep l\lontana­ Si.ME'S SCUN munity. which for some reason l\lontana and you will be a JtlSTL\Kt refuse::; to acknowledge that hungry l\1ontanan because we growth is inescapable. Years JUSt don't haYe the jobs to stay NATIVE ago farmers thought automo­ and be aboYe the economic biles were a joke, farmers wives po\'erty level \Ve have the thought sewing machines were land, airport. and people re­ for rich people, but how many sources to be a growing yet Capturing the fever for Montanans have these items conservative communitv. now? Growth 1s a fact of life Would it not be in a Monta~­ whether you agree with it or ans best interest to stay if the not, just ask the former Soviet jobs were aYailable? Sooner or the flavor of Spring Bre• Union. later the only real jobs will be To the student who did Uni\'ersity staff, which b.\ the 0 K., this i::; it! We're right in the course, anyone would be able to Jes not want further growth in the way is mo ·tly composed of out middle of il! Or actually, by this time it'::; all ___ (fill-in-the-blank) after more Gallatin Valley, it must be nice of slate transplants, go figure? ju::;t nbout over. It's mid-term::;, eYervone is 4 hours of shut-eye). to come from a wealthy fam­ Ste"e -' ewman going through it and the anxiety l~\'el on 3) It is abo crucial to spend at ily! I assume you do b~cause History l\.fajor campus has almost been explo:;iYe! It sucks. hours doing absolutely nothing (prE why else would you not want :\1SC but in college this experience 1sjust a giYen. laying on the courh while havrng a It"s n pnrt of college life that \\e\•e nll be­ per::;on bring you ALL nece::;:;;1ties) 1!! Th,• fu.1)(menr ,, pubbshld most Tuesdaus and Fndays throughout the come accustomed to dealing with. Although, RPmembering the E:ssence of aroc!lmlc year ·nd 1s cffi/iaud u;f/,i :he Assnnaud Srude~ts of it doe::m't make it any less complicated when Break. .\!ol''Jna Srau l n11;asq the unPxpected time actually arises 1) Read absolutely NOTHI~G i:.dnona. Po cy The Fx;x>nen• \\ e mes feedb.lck from its ,1ud:ence Responses should be So. in maintninmg the same ::.tate of !es:;, it's a trh·ial commercializ1..d nu tm to St:B R ios m c.'l.re 01 the editor'" enller 1 Letter to the Editor mind as everyone or some semblat ur a GJe" Edi r a Letters sho d be 2.50.300 .,, rds ui length and ed toM ' oul be loni;c: :.han 700 words Tue ExoonC!!! 1-c>e!\'es the el:oe on campus thi:s Enquiresque jo1 'lght' edi• r re e am rn.renals s b!llllled Sub1lll"51ons should include week, I have abso­ 2) \\'ate}; Ll1e a th : n.lI!l< "le n~be· nnd address Anonym~us sub!lllssions lutely nothing pro­ \\il 10• I" ted )n •t •· :! ·'le c -~•"ts p.1ges J.re :;tnctiy ANDREA JORDAN / teleYis1on shoi thooe CJ! the author 11 " .n w.1y repre ,en• tl1e Exponent, AS~lSli or ~!SU phetic lo expound Exponent C o/umnist '"1 demand complel Editor • 994-2455 upon this week.
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