NOTICES Arc Furnace Dust Processing Facilities from Outfall No

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NOTICES Arc Furnace Dust Processing Facilities from Outfall No 6917 NOTICES Arc Furnace Dust processing facilities from Outfall No. DELAWARE RIVER 004 (0.15 mgd average flow) and Outfall No. 005 (0.31 mgd). The previous docket approval (D-1967-196-2) in- BASIN COMMISSION cluded discharges from metal recovery zones (MRZs) Public Hearing and Business Meeting associated with the Palmerton Cinderbank by means of three outfalls (Outfall Nos. 015, 019 and 022); however, the docket holder no longer owns nor is responsible for The Delaware River Basin Commission (Commission) these outfalls or the discharges from these outfalls. This will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, docket does not include the Commission approval of the and a conference session and business meeting will be discharges from the MRZs associated with the Palmerton held on Wednesday, December 4, 2013. The hearing, Cinderbank by means of Outfall Nos. 15, 19 and 22. The conference session and business meeting are open to the IWTP will continue to discharge to Aquashicola Creek, a public and will be held at the Washington Crossing tributary of the Lehigh River, at River Mile 183.6—36.3— Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washing- 1.0 (Delaware River—Lehigh River—Aquashicola Creek), ton Crossing, PA. in Palmerton Borough, Carbon County, PA. The project is located within the drainage area of the section of the Public hearing. The public hearing on December 3, 2013, will begin at 1:30 p.m. Hearing items will include nontidal Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, draft dockets for the withdrawals, discharges and other which the Commission has classified as Special Protection water-related projects listed as follows. Written comments Waters. on draft dockets scheduled for hearing on December 3, 2013, will be accepted through the close of the hearing 4. Milford Borough, D-1968-100 CP-3. An application that day. After the hearing on all scheduled matters has to renew the approval of the applicant’s 0.4 mgd Milford been completed, the meeting will include an opportunity Borough WWTP and its discharge. The WWTP will for public dialogue. continue to discharge treated effluent to Harihokake Creek at River Mile 167.2—0.01 (Delaware River— The public is advised to check the Commission’s web Harihokake Creek) by means of Outfall No. 001 in site at periodically prior to the hearing Milford Borough, Hunterdon County, NJ. The project is date, as items scheduled for hearing may be postponed if located within the drainage area of the section of the additional time is deemed necessary to complete the nontidal Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, Commission’s review. which the Commission has classified as Special Protection Waters. Draft dockets are posted on the Commission’s previ- ously listed web site 10 days prior to the hearing date. 5. General Chemical Corporation, D-1969-038-3. An Additional public records relating to the hearing items application to renew the approval of the applicant’s 3.1 may be examined at the Commission’s offices. Contact mgd IWTP and its discharge. Treated effluent will con- Project Review Section assistant Victoria Lawson at (609) tinue to be discharged to Water Quality Zone 5 of the 883-9500, Ext. 216 with any questions concerning these Delaware River at River Mile 78.2, in Claymont, New items. Castle County, DE. 1. Coaldale-Lansford-Summit Hill Sewer Authority, D-1964-027 CP-2. An application to renew the approval of 6. Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, D-1980- the applicant’s 1.65 million gallon per day (mgd) 032 CP-4. An application to renew the approval of the Coaldale-Lansford-Summit Hill Sewer Authority waste- applicant’s existing groundwater withdrawal (GWD) of up water treatment plant (WWTP) and its discharge and to to 21.39 million gallons per month (mgm) from February add the WWTP to the Comprehensive Plan. The WWTP 15 through June 15 to supply the Pleasant Mount Fish will continue to discharge to Panther Creek, a tributary Cultural Station from existing Wells Nos. 1—3, completed of the Little Schuylkill River, which is a tributary of the in the Catskill Formation in the West Branch Schuykill River, at River Mile 92.5—99.0—22.0—2.4 Lackawaxen River Watershed. The requested allocation is (Delaware River—Schuylkill River—Little Schuylkill not an increase from the previous allocation. The project River—Panther Creek), in the Borough of Coaldale, is located in Mount Pleasant Township, Wayne County, Schuylkill County, PA. PA, within the drainage area of the section of the nontidal Delaware River known as the Upper Delaware, 2. Womelsdorf Sewer Authority, D-1967-084 CP-3. An which the Commission has classified as Special Protection application to renew the approval of the applicant’s 0.475 Waters. mgd Womelsdorf Sewer Authority WWTP and its dis- charge. The WWTP will continue to discharge treated 7. United States Department of Justice, D-1983-007 wastewater effluent to the Tulpehocken Creek at River CP-4. An application to renew the approval of the appli- Mile 92.47—76.5—24.1 (Delaware River—Schuylkill cant’s existing GWD of up to 9.61 mgm to supply the River—Tulpehocken Creek), in Heidelberg Township, applicant’s Federal correctional institution from existing Berks County, PA. Wells Nos. PW-1, PW-2 and ES-1 completed in the glacial outwash sands and gravels of the Basher Kill aquifer. The 3. Horsehead Corporation, D-1967-196-3. An applica- requested allocation is not an increase from the previous tion to renew approval of the applicant’s Horsehead allocation. The project is located in the Town of Deerpark, Corporation Palmerton—East Plant industrial wastewa- Orange County, NY within the drainage area of the ter treatment plant (IWTP) and its discharges. The IWTP section of the nontidal Delaware River known as the will continue to discharge noncontact cooling water Upper Delaware, which the Commission has classified as (NCCW) and boiler blow-down generated by the Electric Special Protection Waters. PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 43, NO. 47, NOVEMBER 23, 2013 6918 NOTICES 8. Summit Hill Water Authority, D-1984-003 CP-4. An treated effluent to Wolf Creek, above the Blue Marsh application to renew the approval of the applicant’s Reservoir, at River Mile 92.47—76.8—15.6—5.1—2.3 existing GWD of up to 9.8 mgm to supply the applicant’s (Delaware River—Schuylkill River—Tulpehocken Creek— public water system from existing Wells Nos. 1—4, Northkill Creek—Wolf Creek) by means of Outfall No. completed in the Mauch Chunk Formation. The total 001, in Upper Bern Township, Berks County, PA. allocation approved by this docket is a reduction in the previous allocation of 13.8 mg/30 days contained in its 15. Rivercrest Homeowners Association, D-2001-045 prior approval. The wells are located in the White Bear CP-3. An application to renew approval of the applicant’s Creek Watershed in Summit Hill Borough, Carbon 0.112 mgd Rivercrest WWTP and its seasonal discharges County, PA, within the drainage area of the section of the to surface water and by means of spray irrigation. The nontidal Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, WWTP will continue to discharge treated effluent to an which the Commission has classified as Special Protection unnamed tributary (UNT) of the Schuylkill River at River Waters. Mile 92.47—36.3—0.8 (Delaware River—Schuylkill River—UNT Schuylkill River), in Upper Providence 9. Catasauqua Borough, D-1987-060 CP-4. An applica- Township, Montgomery County, PA. tion to renew the approval of the applicant’s existing GWD of up to 41.33 mgm to supply the applicant’s public 16. Westfall Township Municipal Authority, D-2002-023 water supply distribution system from existing Wells Nos. CP-5. An application to renew the approval of the appli- 1, 2 and 4, completed in the Epler Formation. The cant’s 0.374 mgd Westfall Township Municipal Authority requested allocation is not an increase from the previous WWTP and its discharge. The WWTP will continue to allocation. The wells are located in the Catasauqua Creek discharge treated effluent to the Delaware River in Water Watershed in Catasauqua Borough, Lehigh County, PA, Quality Zone 1C at River Mile 252.5 in Westfall Town- within the drainage area of the section of the nontidal ship, Pike County, PA, within the drainage area of the Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, which is section of the nontidal river known as the Middle Dela- classified as Special Protection Waters. ware, which the Commission has classified as Special Protection Waters. 10. Orwigsburg Borough, D-1992-005 CP-3. An applica- tion to renew the approval of the applicant’s existing 17. Strausser Enterprises, Inc., D-2002-043-2. An appli- GWD of up to 11.8 mgm to supply the applicant’s public cation to renew the approval of the applicant’s existing water system from existing Wells Nos. 1—4, which are GWD of up to 9.31 mgm to irrigate the applicant’s golf completed in the Hamilton Group. The total allocation course from existing Wells Nos. ITW-1—ITW-4 completed provided by this docket is a slight reduction in the in the Allentown and Leithsville Formations. The re- allocation of 12.0 mgm (11.6 mg/30 days) contained in its quested allocation is not an increase from the previous prior approval. The wells are located in the Manhannon allocation. The wells are located in the Delaware River Creek Watershed in Orwigsburg Borough, Schuylkill Watershed in Forks Township, Northampton County, PA, County, PA.
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