The Manual for Collaborative observations widget v3 WIN (‘CoVenus_widget_v3_WIN’)

Version number: 3.1 OS: Windows 32/64 bits Last update: 2021/07/26 Author of the widget: Yeon Joo Lee ([email protected], [email protected])

Description of the CoVenus_widget: ‘CoVenus_widget’ is a visualization tool of Venus/Mercury/Mars observational conditions from four and from the Earth. The four spacecraft are Akatsuki (VCO), Parker (or, SOLAR PROBE PLUS, SPP), BepiColombo (Bepi), and (Solo). Locations of spacecraft are predicted conditions, so all users should use this widget to check a feasibility of own coordinated ground-based observations, and should contact spacecraft teams to confirm a final observation plan that may differ from this widget by a few min to a few hours. The difference would increase as you use outdated kernels (or widgets), so better to use always a latest version. This widget may be updated with newest available kernels that are updated irregularly. And this will be named with number # in the file namae “v2.#”.

CoVenus_widget does not require any installation process, and even can run in a USB memory stick.

How to use? (1) Unzip the downloaded file, ‘’. (2) Double click ‘CoVenus_widget_v3_WIN’. This activates IDL Virtual Machine. (3) Then, click ‘CoVenus_widget_v3_WIN’ button in Windows. (4) You will see a new window, which looks like the figure below. (5) Follow steps from 1 to 7 (yellow). 1. Select a type of figure 2. Type a specific time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mn:ss (UTC) (optional) (optional) (optional) Your jpeg image can be plotted over the planetary globes. Your image must cover (optional) Lon (-180, 180) from left to right, (optional) and Lat (90, -90) from top to bottom. (optional)

4. Type a directory to save the displayed figure 3. Click to display 6. Click to save 7. Click to close 5. Type a file name to save. Your parameters will (optional) Specify a format: .png, .jpg, .ps, .gif be saved for the next time use. References: LIR wave (Kouyama et al. 2018, LIR thermal tide (Kouyama et al. 2019, Venus Grey surface images (Magellan Team, 1997, phy_Global_4641m_v02) Venus Magellan colorized surface image (USGS Astrogeology Science Center, 2020, n_C3-MDIR_ClrTopo_Global_Mosaic_6600m) Mercury surface images (USGS Astrogeology Science Center, 2016, GS_DEM_Global_665m_v2) Mercury surface color (USGS Astrogeology Science Center, 2016, GS_ClrShade_Global_2km) Mars Viking surface images (USGS Astrogeology Science Center, 2009, bal_232m)

History of updates: 2020/03/11 BSV_widget_v1.0 is prepared. (a previous body is ‘VCO_widget_v3’) 2020/05/07 BSV_widget_WIN/LIN_v1.1 with the updated kernels 2020/06/29 BSV_widget_WIN/LIN_v2.0 - added the thermal tide image option (Kouyama et al. 2019) - updated BepiColombo’s spk kernel 2020/12/09 CoVenus_widget_v3.0_WIN/LIN - added Solo and Mars - updated Akatsuki kernel: 20201022000000-20230101000000-VNS-long_eph-sc_600sec.bsp - updated Bepi kernel: bc_mpo_fcp_00092_20181020_20251101_v01.bsp - updated Parker kernel: spp_nom_20180812_20250831_v037_RO4.bsp - Solo kernel: solo_ANC_soc-orbit_20200210-20301120_L016_V2_00025_V01.bsp 2020/07/25 BSV_widget_v3.1_WIN/LIN - updated Bepi kernel: bc_mpo_fcp_00101_20181020_20251102_v01.bsp, bc_mpo_fcp_Venus2SwingbyMTP_00001_v02.bsp

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Angelos Vourlidas for the SPP information, and the Akatsuki team for the predicted kernel. The spice kernel of BepiColombo is publicly available at (doi: 10.5270/esa-dwuc9bs). Thanks to Ko-ichiro Sugiyama, Shin-ya Murakami, Javier Peralta, Toru Kouyama, Takao M. Sato, Takehiko Satoh, Lorenz, Takeshi Imamura, Masataka Imai, Kandi Lea Jussup for help/comments on the VCO_widget series.

Contact about this widget: Send an e-mail to Yeon Joo Lee ([email protected], [email protected]).

Example image 1:

Example image 2:

Apparent size of Venus (diameter) α = solar phase angle (Sun-Venus-Observer) Sub-s/c spatial resolutions of [UVI/Akatsuki] [LIR/Akatsuki]

Example image 3:

Example image 3:

Example image 4:

Example image 5:

Example image 6:

Example image 7: