Welcome to this edition of the newsletter from your Police Community Engagement Officers. We engage with community and faith groups to offer advice and assistance. We liaise with different minority groups, individuals and partners to ensure all of the communities in are safe and secure. We value the help of our policing contacts and would like to keep in touch and provide you with regular updates. Our aim is to let you know about recent community events, policing news and future activities. Please let us know if you have events or news that we could feature or assist you with. Rachel Packman & Christian Buckenham

Black Lives Matter

We are deeply saddened by the events in the US and the death of George Floyd. We are all very fortunate in Northamptonshire to have such an integrated community, with everyone working to support each other and to live in harmony. Policing by consent is fundamental to the UK; we continue to work closely with our communities building trust and confidence. As ever, please report any concerns or issues to us.

A statement from Chief Nick Adderley can be found at the link below: https://twitter.com/northantschief/status/1268222785110904848?s=12

Our Update

We hope you, your families and communities are staying safe. We appreciate that there is a lot of information and coverage of Coronavirus and we do not want to dwell on the topic for the purpose of our community newsletter. We have had to adapt our work and related activity and as you will be aware many of you have not seen us for some time but hopefully you have either heard from us or received some form of communication, if not here is our latest newsletter. We have included some information in this edition to support you and provide contact details if you require advice. There are a number of voluntary groups and official bodies that we are in contact with if you require further information and assistance.

Christian did manage to get out recently and whilst complying with social distancing restrictions and the guidance at the time managed to briefly visit a couple of places including Butt Savouries and The Fatima Trust. We would like to thank everyone that is supporting all our key workers during these unpreceded times. As you can see Abdul Haleem and The Fatima Trust are providing complimentary refreshments every day from noon to 3pm for the NHS, Health and Social Care, Fire and Police.

To contact Rachel and Christian call 101 (or if calling from outside Northamptonshire 03000 111 222) Message from Chief Pete Basham

We recognise that the Coronavirus Pandemic has presented a huge challenge to all communities across Northamptonshire. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for their compliance with the Government lockdown, which I know has been particularly challenging in light of the religious festivals during this period and the organised community events that have been cancelled.

As we navigate through this crisis, the enormous efforts of volunteer support groups co-ordinated by the council and local community groups will become even more vital as there are many social impacts of this crisis still being realised. We are working with the Council Local Resilience Forum to provide updates to key stakeholders on a weekly basis and I am meeting with IAG leads regularly to answer questions around community concerns.

I urge you all to feed in via Rachel and Christian any issues directly affecting your community so we can monitor, identify, and respond to any threats and risks directly affecting communities.

Hate Crime

Even in these unprecedented and difficult times myself and the wider REPORT HATE CRIME ON 101 Police organisation are still here and will www.REPORT-IT.ORG.Uk continue to investigate Hate Crimes and IN AN EMERGENCY CALL 999 support victims. Therefore we would urge that if you or anyone you know are a victim of hate crime it is important that you report this to us. Similarly, if you BEING YOU IS witness a hate crime or someone being NOT A CRIME. targeted it is important to also let us know. TARGETING YOU IS.

We are still working hard to investigate Abuse because of who you are, whether reports of hate crime against any physical or verbal, is a criminal offence. section of our community, and will take all reports seriously in spite of the challenges we are all facing.

Reporting can still be done in a number of ways via the 101 telephone number, online at the Northants Police website.

If you have any queries please get in touch my details are: Yemi Holman, Hate Crime Officer. Tel. 101 ext. 344576 For disability access services call 01604 888963 or Email [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter @northantspolice Join us on facebook.com/northantspolice police.uk Visit us at www.northants.police.uk

To contact Rachel and Christian call 101 (or if calling from outside Northamptonshire 03000 111 222) Positive Action

The Positive Action Team is here to help if you are looking at a career with the police. A range of support is on offer including helping you decide on the role that might suit you best; Information about the whole recruitment process from initial application through to the assessment centres; what to expect from Northamptonshire Police; Recruitment Support Workshops; Staff Support Networks information and 1:1 advice.

If you would like to know more please see the link below and/or email Matt the Positive Action Officer: matthew.toresen@northants. pnn.police.uk https://www.northants.police.uk/police-forces/northamptonshire-police/areas/ northamptonshire-force-content/ca/careers-and-volunteering/join-Northamptonshire-police/

Police Complaints

Complaints against Northamptonshire Police are handled in two ways and by different organisations depending on the seniority of the officers concerned.

All expressions of dissatisfaction about Northamptonshire Police are received by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. Our Customer Service Team will be the first point of contact for most complaints and we aim to resolve matters quickly and simply whenever we can. Regardless of the severity of your complaint, we aim to make contact with the complainant within two working days to acknowledge the complaint and to set out what the complainant can expect to happen next.

For matters that are considered less serious and that would not amount to misconduct even if proven, the Customer Service Team will aim to resolve the complaint to the complainants satisfaction by offering an explanation, an apology and by identifying any learning that will improve the service offered to members of the public. Any complaints that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant must be referred to the Professional Standards Department.

The Customer Service Team will be responsible for ensuring all expressions of dissatisfaction are properly logged, which will ensure that the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner gets a true picture of the level of complaints and can ensure that the Chief Constable is able to identify areas where service could be improved.

For more detailed advice please see the information on the Northants OPFCC website: https://www.northantspfcc.org.uk/complaints/complaints-against-northamptonshire-police/

To contact Rachel and Christian call 101 (or if calling from outside Northamptonshire 03000 111 222) Join in Carnival 2020

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To contact Rachel and Christian call 101 (or if calling from outside Northamptonshire 03000 111 222)