STARS SIGN CI6RGE * + .•••••• ^•-—— JHHH VICOTiger Ace ieen to Change To Replace C. Bernier George Vico stepped bark Into City Dump Into Baseball Mecca Thursday hen he was signed by the Hol­ lywood Stars of the P a eI f I c Three Fields Const League to replace Oarloa Bernier, tho Stars' hard-hitllng For Baseball utflolder, who wag mispemled for the season Wednesday for To Be Built slapping an umpire. St'cps toward milking Torranco Vlco, who playi-d In the ma- Hravon for small baseball jors with the Detroit Tigers In players were taken Tuesday and '40, had played this n the City Council granted on with the San Francisco Babe Ruth and Little Seals and Sacramento Soloni pies a five year lease of for- mtll an eyo Injury put him out city dump land at Plaza Del >f Bollon. Recently, he lias boon > and Border Ave, for the writing hero for thn Domingup* tola] price of $5. >and and Water Co. and part. Now all that Is needed Is a Imo for q,<*wr Mnpliw leord Agtn- AUG. 16, 1954 TORRANCE HERALD five .vinter of hard work by dads of oy. He was chief Instructor W«d. he young diamond stars, accord- rosday at tho local baseball «h> ng to Ken Roberts, secretary nlo for boys. >f the Llttlo League executive Board. Tim big Hluggmr started hi Marines Aim For Summer Baseball ans call for construction of "ft field Friday for th« Star* Little League fields and one (IT'THM Plloln) It hough ho In a flrst-basemtn. full-size ball diamond for Babe HOMERS ARE EASY . . . Sayo nig Ocorge Vlco, former first hasenmn wit li the Pet roll Tigers, 'Ion cornered muoh n«w«p«p«« Ruth play. nuw with the, Hollywood Stars, to young Toby Vennhle at thn Torn men bnseball cllnlo