PRIZEWINNING POLITICAL CARTOONS 2008 EDITION TW-Eca07efm.Qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 2 TW-Eca07efm.Qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 3
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TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 1 PRIZEWINNING POLITICAL CARTOONS 2008 EDITION TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 2 TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 3 PRIZEWINNING POLITICAL CARTOONS 2008 EDITION Edited by Dean P. Turnbloom Original illustrations by Lucas P. Turnbloom Pelican Publishing Company GRETNA 2008 TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 4 Copyright © 2008 Edited by Dean P. Turnbloom All rights reserved The word “Pelican” and the depiction of a pelican are trademarks of Pelican Publishing Company, Inc., and are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Prizewinning political cartoons / edited by Dean P. Turnbloom ; original illustrations by Lucas P. Turnbloom. -- 2008 ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-1-58980-586-6 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. World politics--21st century- -Caricatures and cartoons. I. Turnbloom, Dean P. D862.P75 2008 909.83'1--dc22 2007048234 Printed in Canada Published by Pelican Publishing Company, Inc. 1000 Burmaster Street, Gretna, Louisiana 70053 TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 5 Contents Foreword ..............................................................................................................6 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................7 The Pulitzer Prize ..............................................................................................11 2007 Pulitzer Prize Winner........................................................................12 2007 Pulitzer Prize Nominee ....................................................................18 2007 Pulitzer Prize Nominee ....................................................................26 National Headliner Awards ..............................................................................37 2007 National Headliner Award Winner..................................................38 2007 National Headliner Award—Second Place ....................................44 2007 National Headliner Award—Third Place ........................................50 Society of Professional Journalists—Sigma Delta Chi Awards ........................57 2007 Sigma Delta Chi Award Winner ......................................................58 Overseas Press Club—Thomas Nast Award ......................................................63 2007 Thomas Nast Award Winner ............................................................64 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards ............................................................71 2007 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award Winner................................72 Scripps Howard National Journalism Awards ..................................................79 2007 Scripps Howard National Journalism Award Winner ....................80 2007 Scripps Howard National Journalism Award Finalist ....................81 2007 Scripps Howard National Journalism Award Finalist ....................89 John Fischetti Editorial Cartoon Competition Awards....................................95 2007 Fischetti Award Winner ....................................................................96 2007 Fischetti Award—Honorable Mention ............................................99 2007 Fischetti Award—Honorable Mention ..........................................102 National Press Foundation—Clifford K. and James T. Berryman Award for Editorial Cartoons ..........................................................................105 2007 Clifford K. and James T. Berryman Award Winner ......................106 The Herblock Prize ..........................................................................................111 2007 Herblock Prize Winner ..................................................................112 The Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award ....................................................119 Index ................................................................................................................127 TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 6 Foreword Editorial cartooning is a marriage between satire Who can forget the image of the segmented and allusion. As a visual art, its purpose is to illumi- snake with the words “Join or Die”? With it, nate complex issues in an easily understandable Franklin made a powerful impression on colonial format and to elevate the public consciousness. America. Thomas Nast was instrumental in bring- Martin Luther took advantage of the medium dur- ing down the powerful “Boss” Tweed with his ing the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Tammany Hall cartoons. Woodcuts by Lucas Cranach the Elder contrasted It’s because of my admiration for the art and the images of the familiar New Testament story of Jesus artists that I have undertaken to produce this book. I chasing the moneychangers from the Temple with believe the editorial cartoon is an important facet of the then contemporary image of the Pope writing the journalism profession. It should be the one indis- indulgences for the wealthy landowners. Although pensable item on the editorial page. Unfortunately this is the earliest example I could find, I would not today, however, the staff editorial cartoonist is disap- be surprised if an archeologist someday uncovers a pearing from the pages of many newspapers. It is my cave painting in which Grok lampoons Mook’s pre- feeble hope that by illustrating, instructing, and pro- historic political pandering. moting the art and the artists I can, in some small I’ve been a fan of cartooning since I was a wee way, contribute to the public’s understanding and lad; as I grew older and more politically and appreciation of the art. socially aware, I became enamored with the art of Therefore, this book is dedicated to the staff edi- editorial cartooning. I grew to admire the edito- torial cartoonist. I believe that when people under- rial cartoonists and their ability to make complex stand the importance of the work these cartoonists issues easily understood while simultaneously do, they can begin to lobby their local newspapers driving home a particular point of view. and stop the hemorrhage of this classic art form. A good editorial cartoonist can take an issue, So, it is with great pleasure and admiration that local or national, and sway public opinion or at I present some of the most coveted awards for edi- least make an arguable point. Two examples that torial cartooning along with this year’s award win- come to mind are Benjamin Franklin and ners, a selection of the country’s most successful Thomas Nast although there are many others. and celebrated editorial cartoonists. Dean P. Turnbloom TW-ECA07eFM.qxp 12/21/2007 4:28 PM Page 7 Acknowledgments Obviously, a book of this sort doesn’t come associated with the various awards who were so help- about without the help and support of a lot of peo- ful and kind while I gathered information and ple. I would like to acknowledge and thank all of images. My fear is that in the process of writing this the people who helped me compile this book. book I may not have captured them all, so I apologize First, I want to thank my wife, Nanette; without in advance for the oversight. The following people her loving support and gentle encouragement, this were also instrumental in aiding the book’s comple- book would not have been possible. tion. For the Pulitzer Prize: Claudia Stone Weissburg Next I would like to thank each of the cartoonists and Professor Gissler; for the National Headliner for allowing me to use their work in this book (to Award: Debbie Schurman and Paul Merkoski; for the avoid any semblance of favoritism, I list in alphabet- Thomas Nast Award: Aimee Reinhart and Sonya Frye; ical order): Nick Anderson, Clay Bennett, Matt for the Berryman Award: Bob Meyers and Kashmir Davies, Walt Handelsman, Mike Keefe, Mike Lester, Hill; the Sigma Delta Chi Award: Heather Porter, Mike Luckovich, Jim Morin, Jean Planteureux, Andrew Farkas, and Terry Harper; the Fischetti David Pope, Alfredo Sabat, Steve Sack, Mike Award: Jim Sulski; the Herblock Prize: Frank Thompson, Signe Wilkinson, and Adam Zyglis. Swoboda and Marcela Brane; the Lurie Award: Without their generosity and talent, I would have Ranan Lurie and Marco Amitrano. had nothing to celebrate with this book. Of these Also, a special thanks to Ranan Lurie, whose cartoonists, I single out Nick Anderson for the extra early encouragement and kind words made me help and encouragement he gave me and Clay think this work might have some potential after all. Bennett for his advice and editing tips. Lastly, I want to thank the long line of staff A special thanks to Marianne Sugawara and editorial cartoonists who have made their indeli- Andrea Fryrear of Creators Syndicate for their spe- ble mark on journalism locally and nationally. It cial assistance. is their profession and art that this small book I also want to thank all of the wonderful people celebrates..