Winter 1997 State of the Association Vol. 12, No.1

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Winter 1997 State of the Association Vol. 12, No.1 Winter 1997 State of the Association Vol. 12, No.1 working hard along with our Section Chairs for Secretary-Treasurer, Vicki Ebbeck and to develop a stimulating academic and Jim Whelan: for Health Psychology Chair. professional development program. We are Prances Flint and Carole Oglesby: and for again anticipating that you are submitting Student Representative, Bob Harmison and your best and finest research papers. Thad Leffingwell. These individuals are symposia, and colloquia to be presented at vying for critical leadership roles in the the conference, We hope that you are organization, but as members you occupy passionately collaborating. with colleagues, an even bigger leadership responsibility ­ students, and individuals representing voting who your future leaders will be. varying perspectives of the field when submitting programs and ideas. Remember I ani personally asking each and every Gathering MoMentum For AAASP 1997 10 share with any Executive Board member one of you to exercise your right and any insigIl1S as to how we can make our responsibility to vote. In past years only My theme for the year, "passionate conferences even better than they consis. about 25% of the membership has partici­ collaboration," is focused upon our efforts tently have been in the past. paled in voting combining borh mail-in and to continue to enhance the applied sport on-site voting. There are numerous psychology know ledge base and to enhance Keynote speakers for the San Diego opportunities to vote. and it's simple, so professional development and image. program include Bruce Abernethy from there's really not a good excuse for not Indeed these efforts have been initiated and Australia (Coleman Griffith lecture). doing so. Afler reading the candidate's maintained through the "'AAASP spirit" in Richard Steadman (Health Psyehology). position statements, simply mail in the many and varied ways over the years. My Gloria Balague (Intervention/Performance). ballot 011 the back page of this newsletter hope is that we continue to garner momcn­ and Jay Co-akley (Socia! Psychology). this week, especially if you will not be tum to realize our hopes and dreams in Shelley Wiechman, our Student Rcpresen­ attending this year's conference. But Penny building the knowledge base and increasing tative on the Executive Board. is also McCullagh tells me you will all be in our professional visibility. Dialogues about working very hard 10 pull together exciting attendance. so in lieu of voting by mail you any and all issues related to the develop­ and meaningful programs.targeted for can vole right there on the beach in San ment and sustenance of the field should student members. I am also anticipating Diego. You will be handed 11 ballot and continue, but conflict resolution rather than increased visibility of Measurement. envelope when you register for the center­ connie! should ultimately prevail. As ViC Intervention. and Lifespan issues that I have cnce. The trick is to vote then and there. move forward into our 12th year as an identified as areas needing our added because despite 634 attendees at the international organization that has made a attention in the coming years to enter the Williamsburg conference v.'e still had a low significant impact on the field, let's keep in next millennium. return rete. So do it now: read the candi­ mind the importance of passionate dates' starcmenrs. decide who to vote for. collaboration, .. an appropriate and timely We have added two new services to and vote) Send all your ballots to Len means of achieving our common goals as facilitate conference and program manage­ Zaichkcwsky. President-Elect, Boston SPOlt psychologists. ment. areas that have traditionally required University, 605 Commonwealth Avenue, enormous amounts of time on the purl of Boston. MA 02215. LeaderibjpJ)LAAA.s.PJYl~mbers. executive board members. First, as John We are pleased to present to you in this Salmela outlined in the Fall 1996 newslct­ .C onf'eC~!l£Ll",)-PJJll.~ newsletter issue the lineup of quality tel'. we reformatted the submission forms Penny McCullagb, Past-President. is candidates who generously agreed to run for for conference papers so that entries can be responsible for this year's conference office. Candidates for president-elect coded for various areas (e.g., section, program in San Diego. She has been include Bonnie Berger and Robin Vcalcy: Maureen Weiss, Continued on Page 20. AAASP Winter 1997 ~ Vol. 12, Number 1 1997 AAASP Structure AAASP Newsletter Staff President-Elect President Past President LeonardZaichkowsky Maureen Weiss PennyMcCullagh Publications Director Dale Pease PUblications Director secretary-Treasurer Student Representative Universityof Houston Da/ePease Vikki Krane Shelley Wiechman Associate Editors Interventlon!Performance Eileen Udry Health Psychology Enhancement Social Psychology Universityof Oregon John Hail John Salmela Bob Brustad Deborah Rhea Iowa State University JntemntinolPerformance Health Pm:hnlogy Enb,q....ment Social Psychology James Whelan John Heit, Chair John Salmela, Chair Bob Brustad, Chair University ofMemphis Gloria Balague Damon Burton Sally White Bob McGowan Deidre Connelly Cindy Pemberton Technical Editors WesleySime Jim Taylor Mary Fry Astrid Williams Beryl Bailey Katie Kilty Natalie Durand-Bush Judy Van Raalte Universityof Houston Aynsley Smith Tracy Shaw Alan Smith Continuing Education Certifi<;atinn Review Certified Consultants Laura Finch, Chair Bonnie Berger, Chair Rich Gordin, Chair Jeff Martin Peg Richardson Craig Wrisberg Journal of Applied Sport Greg Dale Jean Williams Bill Thierfelder Psychology Editor Gloria Solomon Kate Hays Betty Kelley Albert Carron Christy Greenleaf Trent Petrie MaryAnn Kane Ralph vemacchia Associate Editors Jim Taylor Diversity Ethics Qrg8nizationfQutwcb AI Petitpas Emily Claspell, Chair Andy Meyers, Co-chair Linda Petlichknff, Chair Diane Gill Jane Henderson Dan Gould, Co-chair Larry Alford Kevin Spink Kelly Crace Edward Etz.el Heather Barber Gil Smith Kirsten Peterson Laura Kenow Elinor Smith James Whelan Tom Hanson Jane Miner Thad Leffingwell From the Publications NCAA Concerns Development International Relations Director Craig Wrisberg,Chair Karen Cogan, Chair Gloria Bolague, Chair Charlie Hardy Diane Gill JoanDuda Just a Reminder - Keith Henschen Sean McCann Glyn Roberts Rick McGuire Jerry Larson Susan Jackson Ifyou have not received Ron Smith John Noble Mi-Sook Kim AAASP newsletters and other mailouts, Jean Williams Susan Walter please check with Vikki Krane, David Yukeisan Secretary. Treasurer at Bowling Maison with l1SQC past President's Council Bob Singer (APA Liaison) Green State University. Her office Jean Williams Penny McCullagh. Chair JohnSiIva has the membership records including Bob Weinberg current addresses. ThePublications Larry Brawley Office does not have this information. Charles Hardy For mail outs, the mailing labels are Tara Scanlan provided by the Secretary-Treasurer's Ron Smith office. Checking with VikJd's officefirst Daniel Gould will save time andfrustration for all Michael Sachs ofus. Jean Williams TIumks, Dale Pease 2 AAASP Winter 1997 - Vol. 12, Number 1 Journal ofApplied Sport Psychology Editorial Staff r---------------------------------- -- I LtoR: At Petupas, Associate Editorfor Clinical/Counseling Jim Taylor, Associate Editorfor Performance Enhancement Albert Carron, Editor Kevin Spink, Associate EdiJor for Health Psychology Diane Gill, Associate Editorfor Social Psychology The lQurnal ofApplied Sport Psychology is the officialpublication ofthe Associati-On for the Advancement ofAppliedSport PsycJw/ogy "Let's Go Surfing" AAASP Conference in San Diego September- 24-28, 1997 Major Speakers: Coleman Grffftrh Lecture: Dr-, Bruce Abernethy University of" Queensland Australia Health Psychology: Dr. Richard Steadman Steadman Hawkins Clinic Vail, Colorado InterventionfPerforlllan(.~e Dr. Gloria Balague Enhancement: University of Chicago Soctal Psychology: Dr..Jay Coakley University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Conference Coordinator: Dr. Penny McCullagh, University ofColorado at Boulder You can find out more information. about th.e Conference on the Web http://spot.colorado.edul-aaaspl AAASP Winter 1997 ~ Vol. 12, Number 1 3 Executive Board Nmninations President-Elect Bonnie Berger Robin S. Vealey Biography Biography Bonnie G. Berger is Associate Dean in the College of Health Dr. Robin S. vealey is Associate Professor in the Department Sciences and a Professor in the School of Physical and Health Educa­ of Physical Education. Health, and Sport Studies at Miami Univer­ tion at the University of Wyoming. Her research focuses on physical sity. Dr. Vealey has published one book and over 25 journal activity and quality oflife as indicated by mood enhancement stress articles and book chapters, and has presented over 90 professional reduction, enjoyment of exercise. andparticipation in high-risk sports. lectures nationally as well as internationally in the areas of self­ She has written I book (Fr~~,Weight1i..for Women, Simon & Schuster), confidence, competitive anxiety, coaching effectiveness. and mental 42 refereed articles, 10 book chapters, and presently is co..authoring a training in sport. Dr. vealey has worked as a consultant for the textbook on exercise psychology. Dr. Berger has given more than 80 U.S. Nordic Ski Team, U.S. Field Hockey, various elite level presentations at national and international conferences (including 25 golfers, and athletes and teams at Miami University and the greater at AAASP) as well as
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