The TIMES CatholicThe of Columbus’ Information Source June 6, 2021 • CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY • Volume 70:18

Inside this issue

Going forward: The dispensation from ’s bishops to attend Sunday and Holy Day Masses ends the weekend of June 5-6 and Bishop Robert Brennan says he is thankful while reminding the faithful that they must continue to remain charitable and patient, Page 2

Son of diocese ordained: Father Joseph Michael Fino, C.F.R, who grew up in Westerville and attended New Albany Church of the Resurrection, was ordained to the priesthood as a member of the Franciscan of the Renewal on Saturday, May 29 in New York, Page 12

Eucharistic Gathering: A two-day Eucharistic Gathering as part of the diocese’s Real Presence Real Future campaign is scheduled for Aug. 27 and 28 at St. Joseph Cathedral and St. Charles Preparatory in Columbus, Page 16


Pages 3, 9-11 Catholic Times 2 June 6, 2021 Bishop Robert Brennan Freewalt named executive director for Catholic Conference of Ohio As restrictions ease, we are The Board of Directors of the Catholic Conference of Ohio has named Jerry Freewalt as its new executive director. thankful but remain patient Freewalt has worked in the Office for Social Concerns After these difficult unnecessary burdens on others. in the Diocese of Columbus for 26 years and has served as months of the pandemic, At this point, I want to communicate my grat- director since 2018, engaging in public policy at the local, I’m very excited to wel- itude to people for all of the flexibility and pa- state and national levels. come you back to Mass tience that they’ve shown and for their kindness The Catholic Conference of Ohio is the represen- on the weekend of June and generosity while keeping one another safe. tative for the state’s bishops in 5-6, which is the Solem- In that spirit, one of the things you’ll hear me public policy initiatives. nity of Corpus Christi, a saying now is that Christian charity has to be “Jerry’s dedication and expe- special day in the life of our overarching guide going forward. That’s rience in service to the Church the Church when we give been true for these past months, and people have been recognized nation- thanks for the real pres- have shown it. ally, statewide and throughout ence of Jesus in the Eu- And as we come back, things are not going the Columbus Diocese,” Arch- charist. to be easy all the time, and we have to remem- bishop Dennis Schnurr of Cin- I welcome very much the governor’s com- ber that people are approaching this from a lot cinnati said. “The Bishops of ments a couple of weeks ago easing some of the of different angles and a lot of different expe- Ohio look forward to his lead- COVID-19 protocols and restrictions starting riences. Some people have had to deal with ership as the Conference’s new June 2, giving a three-week period during which COVID-19 in a very painful way. Let us never executive director.” those who wished to be vaccinated would have lose sight of those who have died and those who Freewalt has a strong back- the opportunity. Pastors are very happy that we mourn. Others continue to suffer with the illness ground in advocacy and pro- are able to start to open up the pews, and it’s and its effects. Still others have very legitimate gramming related to respect for Jerry Freewalt nice to see so many people back in church over fears, so this is going to take a lot of patience life, poverty, hunger, agriculture, File photo the past few weeks. That number is growing. and a lot of Christian charity. immigration, prison ministry, hu- At St. Joseph Cathedral, I’m seeing the return We are going to try to provide whatever guid- man trafficking, death penalty, persons with disabilities, inter- of visitors as well as parishioners, which is all ance we can to your from the diocesan national assistance, care for creation and other issues related really very good and very encouraging. It is a level, but we also have to recognize that one to charity and social justice. reminder that those who to go to Mass really do church is very different from another in terms He was an integral advocate for the Multi-System Youth take it seriously. of capacity and the number of people we need Custody Relinquishment Fund enacted in the 2019-20 As we hope you know, the bishops of Ohio to fit in the church for Mass. So some churches, state budget and is currently advocating for the establish- decided that the general obligation to attend if they have the room, might leave sections with ment of the OhioRISE Medicaid managed care program in Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation distancing. Others might not have that luxury. Ohio’s next state budget. When approved, the $1 billion (including the Saturday/Vigil Mass) will be re- We can’t do everything that everybody wants program will assist 60,000 youth with complex behavioral instated this weekend. us to do, but we’ve tried to be attentive to the health needs. The Church has always taught that those who needs of a broad base of people. In addition, Freewalt serves on the OhioRISE Advisory are sick, those for whom it would be dangerous We’ve already started to reduce the spacing so Board, the Ohio Children’s Behavioral Health Prevention to their health (or to someone in their care) and that we could accommodate more people based Network Stakeholder Group and the Advisory Board of those with significant concerns or anxieties for on the guidelines that are given to us. Honest- J.O.I.N. (Joint Organization for Inner-City Needs). He pre- their health or that of their families have legit- ly, I was just hoping for the day that we could viously chaired the Board of the Directors for the National imate reasons for missing Mass and therefore increase the seating capacity, even if it meant Catholic Partnership on Disability as well as the Catholic are exempt (Catechism of the , wearing the masks for a little while longer. But, Conference of Ohio’s Department of Social Concerns. 2181). happily, the current guidance from the CDC “I am honored to have the opportunity to use my gifts If you have questions or concerns, reach out to changed on the masks more quickly, lifting yet as executive director,” Freewalt said. “I look forward to your pastor or to a priest and talk it out. Anoth- another burden. I’m just very glad. Enlarging living out my vocation in this new role as a voice for the er consideration is that the threshold for being our capacity was my first priority. We want to Church in advancing the common good.” sick is a little lower. We have to be concerned be welcoming, and so that was my biggest con- He has a master’s degree in public policy and manage- for other people’s health and even for other peo- cern that we could fit everybody making every- ment from Ohio State and a bachelor’s degree ple’s confidence and comfort. We have to recog- body feel totally welcome in church. in political science from Xavier University in Cincinna- nize somebody might not be comfortable sitting While we might not need to wear masks, I ti. He and his wife, Karen, have three children. They are in front of somebody who’s coughing. That’s think I will encourage parishes to have them members of Columbus St. Margaret of Cortona Church. where the charity comes in, and Christian char- Freewalt succeeds Carolyn Jurkowitz, who is retiring ity has to guide us. St. Paul speaks about being from the Conference after 34 years. He will assume his all things to all people, and we don’t want to put See BISHOP, Page 14 new position on August 1.

Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher TWO MEN ORDAINED Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) TO PRIESTHOOD Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) Bishop Robert Brennan ordained K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer Fathers Jacob Stinnett and Stephen Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 Ondrey as priests to serve the Dio- Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 cese of Columbus on Saturday, May newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 29 at Westerville St. Paul Church. published every other week throughout the year. Subscrip- ([email protected]) CT photo by Ken Snow tion rate: $17 per year, or call and make arrangements with Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus your . Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 3 Two priests ordained for diocese By Tim Puet the priesthood, who until then were Catholic Times Reporter seated with their families, were called from the congregation and presented to the bishop by Father William Hahn, Using the theme “configured to diocesan vocations director, who de- Christ,” Bishop Robert Brennan urged clared them ready for the priesthood. the two newest priests of the Diocese Each man answered “present” as of Columbus to emulate Jesus by giv- his name was called, then walked to ing all they have for others, especially the and was seated on a stool in those who mourn and suffer, and to front of the bishop, who delivered his always retain the sense of wonder ac- homily from his chair, rather than the companying their ordination. pulpit. Bishop Brennan ordained Fathers “By your own free will, you are re- Stephen Ondrey and Jacob Stinnett sponding to the invitation of the Lord, to the priesthood on Saturday, May indeed, to be configured to Christ,” 29 at Westerville St. Paul the Apostle Bishop Brennan said. “As St. Paul Church. Father Ondrey, 43, recently says, it is Christ we proclaim – ‘for completed his training for the priest- this I labor and struggle, in accord hood at St. John XXIII National with the exercise of His power work- in Weston, Massachusetts, ing within me (from Colossians 1:24- which specializes in priestly forma- 29, the second reading for the Mass).’ tion for older men. Father Stinnett, Fathers Jacob Stinnett (front row left) and Stephen Ondrey (front row right) are joined Indeed, it is Christ we proclaim – 25, received a theology degree in May outside Westerville St. Paul Church after their ordination Mass on Saturday, May 29 by Christ crucified and risen, Christ the from the Pontifical Josephi- (back row from left) Bishop emeritus Frederick Campbell, Bishop Robert Brennan and teacher, high priest and shepherd and num. Bishop emeritus James Griffin. CT photo by Ken Snow head, living among us and leading us This was the first ordination cere- to eternal life. mony for the diocese with a large con- dained Fathers Michael Fulton, Seth was delayed for three weeks from the “So how are we configured to Je- gregation on hand since four priests Keller and Frank Brown at the ca- original date of May 23. sus? First, by looking upon Him and were ordained on May 25, 2019, at thedral before an audience limited to Following the reading of the Gos- Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral. about 70 people because of the coro- pel at Saturday’s Mass, the rite of or- Last June 13, Bishop Brennan or- navirus pandemic. That ceremony dination began as the candidates for See ORDAINED, Page 9 Father Ondrey hopes Priest, seminarian set to ‘re-energize’ faithful inspiring example By Tim Puet Mass or who By Tim Puet thing I might Catholic Times Reporter have lost Catholic Times Reporter want to do their faith for the rest during the 14 of my life?’ The decision of Ohio’s bishops to Father Jacob Stinnett says the ex- months since ample set during a difficult time at In my heart, call Catholics back to Mass atten- the pandemic I said, ‘Yes. dance on Sundays and holy days of his school by a diocesan priest and a Father Jacob Stinnett began affect- Father Stephen Ondrey seminarian who is now a priest start- I think so.’ obligation, which takes effect this ing Ohio,” Fa- That’s when I CT photo by Ken Snow coming weekend, June 5-6, is a hap- CT photo by Ken Snow ed him thinking that God might be ther Ondrey calling him to the priesthood some- started taking py coincidence for Father Stephen said. my faith more seriously. Ondrey, for it comes one week after day. “I feel that part of my mission, be- “When I was in eighth grade at “I went to Mass more often to have his ordination as a priest on Saturday, sides performing regular parish du- more encounters with the Lord, and May 29. (Columbus) Immaculate Conception ties, involves bringing God back into School, a classmate passed away af- I started being an altar server so I “I’d be enthusiastic about my first the lives of people in the secular world could be closer to the sacred mys- assignment anyway,” he said. “But ter a battle with leukemia,” Father who have been devastated by COVID Stinnett said. “Looking back, I re- teries of the Mass,” he said. “Going the return of the general obligation for and perhaps forgotten about God.” to high school at (Columbus) St. Mass attendance on those days makes call that the experience was difficult Father Ondrey, 43, has been study- for most students to process. Msgr. Charles (Preparatory School) provid- me even more eager because it means ing for the priesthood for the past four ed a great opportunity to grow in my more people will be in the pews. (Stephan) Moloney, who was pastor years at Pope St. John XXIII National there at the time, and Ty Tomson, knowledge of the faith, and a lot of “The best thing about being a priest Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts, experiences I had there confirmed my will be to celebrate Mass and to speak who was assigned to the parish as a which specializes in forming men age seminarian and is now a priest, gave vocation. the words of Eucharistic consecra- 30 and older for the priesthood. He “In high school and at the (Pontif- tion, but I’m looking forward almost us the time and the prayer resources returned to central Ohio for summer we needed to deal with the situation. ical College) Josephinum, it’s been as much to be a part of daily life at breaks, serving at Columbus St. Tim- a great joy to be constantly learning whatever parish I’m assigned to serve. “Both of them were very present othy and Zanesville St. Thomas Aqui- to us and suffered with us. It was my more about the liturgy and the theol- “Becoming a priest as the COVID nas churches. ogy of the Mass and to gain more un- pandemic appears to be subsiding of- first witness of the power and the fers a unique chance to re-energize greatness of priestly ministry, and it people who have been away from prompted me to ask, ‘Is this some- See ONDREY, Page 11 See STINNETT, Page 10 Catholic Times 4 June 6, 2021 Does advocacy matter? Yes, your voice does make a difference In the ordinary course of our lives, we implicit- the Hyde Amendment will not be included in the ly assume that advocacy makes a difference. When FAITH IN ACTION next round of appropriations. growing up, it is a natural practice for children to Mark Huddy The Charlotte Lozier Institute estimates that over seek out the more sympathetic parent and ask them 2.4 million children’s lives have been saved by the Mark Huddy is the Episcopal Moderator for to be their advocate with the more difficult one for Catholic Charities and the Office for Social Con- Hyde Amendment. A majority of Americans oppose permissions or privileges. In the network of busi- cerns in the Diocese of Columbus. use of their taxpayer dollars for abortion, and the ness relationships, it is not uncommon to seek an Hyde Amendment protects the religious freedom advocate in efforts to make a sale or to obtain a member asked about how many calls they had re- of those who, on religious grounds, do not want to promotion or a new position. The same is true in ceived and the answer was “nearly 20 over the last become complicit in facilitating abortion. Further, the spiritual realm. In the relationships that we have week.” The reality is this: Legislators keep count of rescinding the Hyde Amendment would impose a with the Blessed Trinity, Jesus is our mediator with “pro” or “con” positions from constituents on legis- pro-abortion funding policy on states that have de- the Father. And, as we have pondered more deeply lation whether transmitted by email or phone. In the cided against it. The USCCB has set the first week in the last week, the Holy Spirit is our Advocate, view of a legislator, numbers mean votes, and votes of June as the time to act. even praying for us in a language beyond our un- Please go to and derstanding. Mary, too is our advocate, as the Salve translate into keeping or losing one’s seat. Right now, the Conference first sign the petition online. Then you will receive Regina so beautifully describes. We have an under- an email from USCCB Respect Life that will allow standing of the , which in God’s economy al- of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has urgently asked our help to maintain the longstanding federal prohi- you to send a message to your U.S. Senators and lows them to advocate for us, often in a specific area Representatives in Congress. Please take this sec- for which they are recognized as a patron. What bition on taxpaying funding for abortion known as the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment has ond step as well. You will be doing what all good about advocacy in the political realm? advocates do. You will be speaking up for those Due to a growing cynicism about politics, been part of federal annual appropriations legisla- tion for 45 years. It has received bipartisan support (the unborn) that need your advocacy, you will also we sometimes hear it said that our emails and phone be speaking up for the true good of each individu- calls fall on blind eyes and deaf ears. That is not in Congress over that period and up to now has been enacted no matter which party controlled Congress al person and the good of all people (the common the case. In one instance during my tenure with good) in our nation, and you will be fulfilling the the diocese, one of our staff received a call saying, and signed into law by both Republican and Dem- ocratic presidents. However, the current House Ap- responsibilities that you have as a Christian and as “Please call off your people, we are being flooded a citizen. with calls, we have gotten the message.” Our staff propriations Committee Chair has announced that The oldest cathedral and the newest challenge It’s now the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Until today. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but for na- THE CATHOLIC DIFFERENCE In stark contrast to Vatican II’s teaching on the tive Baltimoreans of a certain vintage (like me) it George Weigel authority of bishops in chapter three of its Dogmat- is, was, and always will be “the Old Cathedral:” the George Weigel is the Distinguished Senior ic Constitution on the Church, Catholicism in the first of its kind in the United States. The genius of Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Cen- United States is being defined today by President its architect, Benjamin Latrobe, was long muted by ter in Washington, D.C. Joe Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and White House ill-conceived mid-20th century alterations; a resto- press secretary Jen Psaki (who frequently assures ration completed in 2007 recovered the extraordi- bishops named Our Lady the patroness of the United the country that the president is a devout and seri- nary play of light within the building, by which La- States under the title of the Immaculate Conception; ous Catholic, as Mrs. Pelosi often says of herself). trobe and Archbishop John Carroll sought to express it was there that they mandated the parochial school That is the issue beneath the many other issues the the Catholic commitment to religious freedom in the system, once a powerful engine for assimilating U.S. bishops will discuss when, as successors of the new American Republic. As it marked the bicente- immigrants and now the Church’s most successful bishops who held those 10 councils of Baltimore, nary of its dedication on May 31, the Baltimore Ba- anti-poverty program; it was there that the bishops silica is far more than a splendid example of Feder- they meet “virtually” in June: Who defines integral agreed to create the Catholic University of Ameri- Catholicism in the United States? The bishops, pro- al-period architecture, however. It’s also home to a ca; it was there that they authorized the Baltimore lively (and largely young) parish and an innovative claiming the settled teaching of the Church on the Catechism, which shaped in the inalienable right to life from conception until natural urban ministry, “Source of All Hope,” that conducts country for generations; and it was there that they a mission to the homeless in a deeply troubled city. death and the implications of those Gospel truths for defended the American arrangement on Church and living in with the Church? Or pol- By an order of magnitude, the Baltimore Basilica state, thereby opening a door to the Second Vatican is America’s most historic Catholic building, for it iticians who reject those truths, and then make that Council’s Declaration on Religious Freedom. was there that the bishops of the United States met 10 deviance unmistakably clear by facilitating the grave times in the 19th century to design the pastoral, litur- So a lot of history was made in the masterpiece moral evil of abortion and supporting an “Equality gical and catechetical life of the Church in the Unit- created by Archbishop Carroll’s vision and Benja- Act” that criminalizes the Bible’s teaching on the hu- ed States. Those seven provincial and three plenary min Latrobe’s design. I drank in that history early, man person? councils of Baltimore were the Catholic Church’s when, as a wide-eyed and crewcut six-year-old, I en- Who’s in charge here? most extensive and consequential exercises in what tered the first grade of the Old Cathedral’s school and In Lumen Gentium 27, Vatican II taught that bish- made my First Holy Communion there a year later. the would call “collegiality” ops are to exercise “the authority and sacred pow- Decades after that, I learned that the bishops hadn’t between the 16th-century and the er” invested in them for the “spiritual development First Vatican Council in 1869-70. And their effects come to their decisions easily in those 19th-century provincial and plenary councils. There was conten- of their flock in truth and holiness.” That, I take it, are still felt among us today. means defining truth and holiness in an integrally It was at the Old Cathedral that the U.S. bishops tion, as there has been in the Church since Acts 15. But since the bishops put an end to “trusteeism” and Catholic way. Mr. Biden, Mrs. Pelosi and Catholic established the legal structure for American Cathol- public of both parties are defining Cathol- icism, preventing the lay trustee movement from established themselves as the bottom line of eccle- siastical authority in America, there has never been icism according to the woke spirit of the age. John remaking the Church in the U.S. on a congregation- Carroll’s episcopal heirs should call them out on that. alist model. It was in the Baltimore Basilica that the any disagreement that the bishops are in charge. June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 5 When weeds smother flowers, turn to Our Lady of Good Remedy I was a young mom, working full time with small Lady of Good Remedy. children keeping me busy at all hours. FINDING FAITH IN I can imagine the heartfelt pleas that went out to And my brother-in-law gave us the most gen- her, and I can also imagine how her heart must have erous gift in the midst of the chaos: He brought a EVERYDAY LIFE gone out to those praying. Was there doubt among crew and tore out our old weedscaping and planted Sarah Reinhard any of St. John’s followers? It must have seemed lovely bushes, roses, and easy-to-care-for plants. Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mother, and like a crazy plan: Slaves weren’t cheap, and word He transformed the area surrounding our farmhouse writer in central Ohio. Get her Catholic take at must have spread that the Christians were rallying into a place of beauty. in this way. In the two years following that, though, I man- And what of the slaves themselves? To be cap- aged to let this beautiful gift fall into disrepair. Oh, seedlings with no thought of my rhododendron or tured is one thing, but to be sold into slavery, to I could have blamed my husband, though a series day lilies or joy sedum? Do I allow my faith into stand there while strangers bid on you, to be power- of injuries and work stints really placed the respon- my everyday living so that it infiltrates the world less to act on your own ... and then to see the hope sibility for this sort of thing on me. I could have around me, inspiring butterflies and birds to stop of the Trinitarians in the crowd. blamed my children, who really couldn’t be trust- and feed? Many thousands of slaves were freed thanks to ed in our front yard while my back was turned, be- So often, when I’m starting to feel hopeless about the efforts of the Trinitarians. How did they get the cause of the traffic on our state route. I could have something — like my gardening failures — I need money? I imagine it was a miracle, not so different blamed circumstances, my schedule of duties and only turn to early Church history for a change in from those occurrences in my own life, when some any number of things. perspective. In the late 12th century, there was a generosity seems to fall directly from heaven. But, really, the blame fell on me. There’s no way slavery problem with Christians: They were be- Often, the image of Our Lady of Good Remedy is around it. ing captured and sold and no one knew what to do portrayed with Mary handing a bag of money to St. That was a hard reality to face. about it. John of Matha. Often, though, the weeds serve as a reminder of St. John of Matha, though, had an idea that in- The story of Our Lady of Good Remedy is one my spiritual life. They have such a talent for getting volved Mary. First, he founded a religious order, of beauty, one that forces me to look at the weeds in, staying in and coming back to stay. Their per- the Trinitarians, to go to the slave markets and buy around my house with a different attitude, one that sistence should inspire me. the captured Christians. Then the Christians were inspires me to forgive myself and offer my short- Do I have that kind of staying power with any- set free. comings as a lesson. thing in my life, let alone things like prayer and It was a grand plan, but it required massive Mary, Our Lady of Good Remedy, guide me as I devotion? Do I allow God’s love to pollinate those amounts of money that the new order didn’t have. It search for help in my daily life. Help me to turn to around me the way the thistles spread their fuzzy was then that Mary was invoked under the title Our you when I most need help. Amen. St. Anthony of Padua wants you to find yourself By MaryBeth Eberhard ing where walls are dropped, hearts are opened and WALKING WITH THE SAINTS all encounter Jesus through an authentic encounter To be fully known is to encounter the Lord. As with one another. humans, we spend our lives seeking to be known. As a side note, if you grew up with “Tony, Tony, We see people seeking this out sometimes through on God’s provision. In him, they knew they would turn around, something’s lost and can’t be found” work, relationships and prayer. hear truth, but seeing it lived out transformed more you aren’t alone. Once, when a novice decided to I am coming to understand that to be fully known hearts than his sermons. leave the hermitage where St. Anthony taught, he is to be vulnerable enough with others that the raw- I’m always curious as to how saints lived their faith. stole St. Anthony’s book of psalms. St. Anthony ness of life is made visible in our daily life. This How can I model this? What can I physically and spir- prayed that the book would be returned, and not only vulnerability allows for a model of living that is itually do with my talent every day to glorify the Lord? was it returned, the novice came back and stayed genuine, making the gospel visible in our daily at- The answer is found in St. Anthony’s words: as part of the order. Henceforth, people invoke this tempts to keep Christ at the forefront of our lives. “Do you want to have God always in your mind? prayer asking for aid in finding a lost article. St. Anthony of Padua is often invoked for help af- Be just as he made you to be. Do not go seeking St. Anthony’s feast day is June 13. He is the pa- ter losing an object. However, this is not what made another ‘you.’” tron of the illiterate and the poor and of small him a doctor of the Church. Born in Lisbon, Por- How often do we tie ourselves up in knots trying requests and lost things. tugal to a wealthy family, he entered the religious to fit in, creating masks order of St. Augustine. After becoming a priest, he and building walls to was deeply moved by the Franciscan martyrs who fashion an image of per- A gift in your will is a legacy were brought home from Africa. fection when what is tru- to tomorrow’s priests. Desiring the simplicity of the and the ly asked of us is authen- crown of being a martyr, he asked to join the or- ticity? Become a member of The Jessing Society der and was approved, and he traveled to Morocco. Think of the relation- of the Pontifical College Josephinum by Martyrdom was not in the plans for him, as he be- ships that are most trea- including the seminary in your will. For years came sick and headed home. During the voyage, the sured to your heart, those ship went off course, and he arrived in Sicily. whom you welcome into to come, your gift will support the education of There, he ended up preaching in front of St. Fran- the messy joy of your seminarians in the House of Joseph. cis himself. Anthony’s humility, reverence, simplici- reality. This is the wis- ty and knowledge spoke to the learned and the simple dom of St. Anthony. He For assistance with adding the Josephinum to of heart. This did not go unnoticed, and St. Francis preached a gospel of au- an existing will or a will you are creating assigned him to teach theology to the friars. thenticity, a gospel that for the first time, please visit St. Anthony traveled, taught and lived out the challenged, humbled gospel message in such a way as to make it more and stretched those who or contact us: important who he was than what he said. People heard his words. looked to him for the ways he dealt with the every- We, too, can model his (614) 985-2325 day ups and downs of life. He modeled mercy, and example through a genu- email: [email protected] his lifestyle was one that emulated total dependence ine attempt at gospel liv- Catholic Times 6 June 6, 2021 Jubilee of Anniversaries celebrates joy of lasting marriage June is traditionally a busy month for ing to be able to witness couples cele- June 27, at 2:30 p.m. at Powell St. Joan “We are thrilled to honor Jubilari- weddings and for anniversaries of mar- brating the love they have lived since of Arc Church, 10700 Liberty Road. ans at the celebration of Mass,” said riage. During the month, the Marriage ‘I do’ and looking back on the beauty The Mass will also be livestreamed Stephanie Rapp, director of the Mar- and Family Life Office staff encounter of their marriage. I wish I could bottle for couples and family members who riage and Family Life Office. “Their engaged couples preparing for their some of that joy and share it with the prefer to attend virtually. witness to the free, total, faithful and wedding day as well as couples cele- couples preparing for marriage!” All couples observing landmark an- fruitful love of God is a blessing to brating many years of marriage. Each Bishop Robert Brennan will honor niversaries in 2021 are encouraged to their families, our community and the offers a different lens through which to long-married couples at the 2021 Ju- register for the Jubilee of Anniversaries world. I look forward to this event ev- view the sacrament of matrimony. bilee of Anniversaries, sponsored by whether they plan to attend the Mass or ery year, I am honored to be a part of Catherine Suprenant, diocesan co- the Marriage and Family Life Office not. Registered couples will receive a planning it and always leave inspired ordinator of marriage formation, said and Office of Divine Worship. congratulatory letter and personalized in my own vocation to marriage. It of working with engaged couples, Couples celebrating their 25th wed- certificate recognizing their anniver- truly is a beautiful day!” “Dreams, hopes, fears and prayers for ding anniversary and any five-year anni- sary. Couples who RSVP by June 16 To register for the Jubilee Mass, vis- the future come with the territory.” versary thereafter – as well as all couples also will be featured in the worship aid it Long-married couples, however, of- celebrating 60 years or more – are invited (available at the Mass and online) and richment or call the Marriage and fer a different perspective: “It’s a bless- to attend the Jubilee Mass held Sunday, included in The Catholic Times. Family Life Office at 614-241-2560. Vaccine mandates and Catholic In a recent statement from the National Catholic with vulnerable groups like the elderly. Bioethics Center on COVID-19 vaccines, we noted Finally, mandates sometimes can have an effect op- that the Catholic Church “neither requires nor for- MAKING SENSE OF BIOETHICS posite to what is intended. People can stubbornly dig bids” the use of vaccines, but instead urges people Father Tad Pacholczyk in their heels when certain behaviors are compelled. to “form their consciences and to carefully discern Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, PhD, earned his Jonah Berger, a marketing professor at the Univer- the moral and prudential issues involved.” doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did postdoctoral work sity of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance, at Harvard. He is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massa- A 2020 Vatican statement offers a similar conclu- chusetts, and serves as director of education at The National has noted that there is some evidence that telling sion: “Vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obliga- Catholic Bioethics Center in . See www.ncbcenter. people what to do can backfire, as with “Just Say tion” and, “therefore, it must be voluntary.” org. No”-style anti-drug campaigns that may increase That’s why, when Catholic colleges and universi- drug use among certain subgroups of young people. ties mandate COVID-19 vaccines as a condition for tolerate vaccines. Some vaccine recipients encoun- “People want to feel like they’re in control of enrollment, as several have recently done, import- ter unanticipated reactions and side effects, whether their choices,” Berger says. ant ethical conflicts and prudential concerns arise. it’s headaches, muscle aches, several days of ex- He notes, however, that once people have de- Vaccine mandates run counter to the wisdom haustion or nausea, anaphylaxis, or the rare blood scribed what they care about and believe others of encouraging individuals to make careful and clots seen among those who received the Johnson have addressed those concerns, it’s much harder for case-specific determinations regarding their person- and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. them to push back merely for the sake of resisting: al health needs. Such mandates bolster the idea that When deciding about vaccinations, other consid- “They’re (now) a participant in the process rather the judgment of a higher authority, say a university erations besides safety and side effects also come than being forced to do something,” he said. president or a politician, should be substituted for into play. Especially at Catholic and colleges, their own free and informed consent. There are ethical concerns about the way certain where we are seeking to form the next generation of In general, when I become sick, I ought to func- COVID-19 vaccines are connected to cell lines de- society’s leaders and thinkers, instead of imposing tion as the decision-maker regarding my medical rived from abortions. the requirement to get vaccinated, leaders would do treatments, even as I work closely with my health Certain populations, statistically speaking, will face better to share and explain to students the benefits care providers to receive the information I need to low risk from diseases such as COVID-19, including and risks of vaccinations – scientific and ethical – to make the best decision. Similarly, if I am healthy, otherwise healthy college-age students and children, help them decide. but face the risk of exposure to a new disease, I many thousands of whom have tested positive, but By offering evidence-based information and mor- must weigh the benefits and burdens of prophylac- most of whom have experienced only mild symptoms al principles, rather than mandates, college students tic measures like vaccines. or may have been entirely asymptomatic. Those who will be helped to clarify their own processes of in- Early in a pandemic, there can be a lot of ques- have been previously exposed to COVID-19 may de- tellectual and personal discernment and acquire the tions and uncertainty because of shifting sets of cide to delay or decline vaccination, since they already habit of making more prudent and informed choices. medical data or a growing sense of alarm and panic. have acquired some im- We may be tempted to think we can or should side- munity. line ethical or prudential concerns. For those who are more Compliments of Yet it is at precisely such a time that our ethics vulnerable to the corona- and prudential judgments become paramount, as we virus and its potentially seek to temper urgency with due diligence and to damaging effects, such DEE PRINTING, INC. confront our fears with reason and discernment. It is as people who are elder- in such a crisis moment that calm, careful and case- ly, obese, diabetic or fac- 49994999 Transamerica Transamerica Drive Drive by-case discernment becomes crucial. ing other comorbidities, Columbus, Ohio 43228 Mandating vaccines for everyone involves a it makes sense for them Columbus, Ohio 43228 flawed assumption that there are only benefits, and to consider the potential- no significant burdens, associated with getting vac- ly safer path of vaccina- 777-8700 cinated. The history of vaccine development re- tion, rather than risking minds us how vaccines, which constitute a break- a harmful (or deadly) the Murnane Family through technology and life-saving remedy in the encounter with the virus battle to improve public health, are nevertheless not itself. The same would Specializing in Catholic Church Sunday bulletins and a risk-free endeavor. hold for young people Some individuals have allergies to vaccine ingre- who are obese or diabet- Serving Columbus Diocese and others since 1974 dients. Others have immune systems that cannot ic or have regular contact June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 7 We can be like St. Joseph, ‘Guardian of the Redeemer’ By Sister John Paul Maher, OP safely to various locations as God revealed His plan, Joseph also accepted responsibility for safeguard- step by step. This took place as they moved to Beth- ing Jesus, which today we can imitate by safeguard- We are living in the Year of St. Joseph, proclaimed lehem, to Egypt and to Nazareth. ing the Holy Eucharist. We can reflect on our own by Pope Francis in his apostolic letter With a Father’s Joseph also carefully watched over who had access hearts and lives, asking God for the grace to ap- Heart or, in Latin, Patris Corde. Recently, the Holy to Jesus, such as the shepherds and the Magi, but not proach Jesus with the right dispositions of humility Father added seven titles to the Litany of St. Joseph Herod. Joseph was present as people arrived to wor- and reverence. to draw our attention to the importance of the hus- ship Jesus as the Son of God, guarding and preserv- We can also strive to practice the virtue of obedi- band of Mary and earthly father of Jesus. ing reverence for Our Lord. ence as Joseph did, ready to change our plans for the With all this emphasis, it seems to be a good idea We can learn from St. Joseph how to guard Jesus Lord, if necessary. Even if we wrestle interiorly with to reflect on St. Joseph. When Holy Mother Church in our own lives. As baptized children of God, we are knowing what to do, as Joseph did, we can trust that proposes for our veneration a new saint or encour- graced with the presence of God within us. We are the Lord will give us the direction we need to obey ages a return to devotion for a saint, there is a good sealed with the spirit of God, through Jesus Christ His Word. reason to turn to him or her for timely inspiration. by the Father, with the Holy Trinity dwelling in our Last, we cannot imagine Joseph’s good example One of the new titles attributed to St. Joseph is souls. We, too, can become guardians of the Redeem- apart from the influence of Mary. We recall that in “Guardian of the Redeemer.” In 1989, Pope John er and safeguard the mystery of God by living our God’s plan for Joseph’s salvation and the salvation of Paul II paid special tribute to St. Joseph in an ap- baptismal call to holiness. the world, He intended that Joseph know and experi- ostolic exhortation titled Guardian of the Redeemer or, in Latin, Redemptoris Custos, in which he called We can imitate St. Joseph by choosing locations to ence the accompaniment of Mary. Joseph a “guardian of the mystery of God.” visit that are welcoming to God and His ways rath- With Joseph, let us call upon Mary to help us guard The exhortation is a beautiful meditation, based on er than those that have no room for Him, in a spiri- the Redeemer in our lives. Let us ask Joseph and Scripture and writings of the Church fathers, which tual sense. For example, places might remind us of Mary to help us recognize and guard the image of gives insight into God’s choice to include Joseph in past behaviors we want to avoid or do not help us Jesus in others. By the prayers of Joseph and Mary, His plan for salvation. It is ideal spiritual reading as to make good choices. When possible, we can avoid may we act in a way that makes it easier for the pres- the Church invites us to look to Joseph this year. It those places and chose alternate routes to preserve ence of the Redeemer to remain in our lives and in can be found online in the Vatican’s papal writings. the peace of God in our hearts. This puts into practice the lives of those around us. It is wonderful to think about Joseph being chosen the virtue of prudence and foresight, as St. Joseph Sister John Paul Maher, OP, is the principal at as a “guardian of the mystery of God” and guardian did, when he adapted his journey home from Egypt Worthington St. Michael School and a member of the of Jesus. Scripture describes Joseph as guiding Jesus to avoid Archelaus (Matthew 2:19-23). Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. The rite way to reach out to others This column is the sixth in a series of eight arti- er every day. When a Christian family has strong people outside our homes will be genuine (instead cles on the “Liturgy of the Domestic Church” that family rituals, they practice the prophetic mission of self-aggrandizing) and properly ordered (instead will take you through aspects of making your home of baptism by modeling Christian attitudes toward of competing with our domestic-church life). a domestic church and living Catholic family life. work, leisure, relationships and faith. The second way to practice the Rite of Reaching For questions or to learn more, contact the Dioc- Finally, the Rite of Reaching Out lets God use your Out is by thinking about others while being a family esan Marriage & Family Life Office at 614-241- family to bless others. This rite helps families prac- at home. This practice helps us remember that ev- 2560 or [email protected]. tice the royal mission of baptism. Jesus, the King of erything we’ve been given by God — our food, your Kings, humbled himself and served us. To reign with clothing, your furniture, your toys — doesn’t be- By Dr. Greg Popcak Christ is to serve with Christ (cf. Lumen Gentium, long to us. They belong to God. The Church teaches No. 36). We share in Jesus’ royal dignity by using our that Christians are stewards — not absolute owners In these columns, I’ve been describing the Lit- gifts to make other’s lives easier and more pleasant. — of the things God has given us. We are to care for urgy of Domestic Church Life, a model of family When it comes to serving others, we automatically the things we have so that when we are done using spirituality that helps Catholic families “bring Jesus think of all the things we can do in our parish or com- them we can pass them along in good condition to home” and makes the faith the source of the warmth munity, but even without leaving your house, there is others who may need them. Thinking about others in our homes. still a lot your family can do to be a blessing to others. while being a family at home means regularly ask- Liturgy is an act of worship God uses to heal the The first way to practice the Rite of Reaching ing if you can prepare a little extra food for a sick damage sin does to our relationships with him and Out is to practice generously and cheerfully serv- or disabled neighbor, or if — together as a family others. The Liturgy of the Eucharist facilitates our ing one another at home. Did you ever notice how — you can go through the gently used toys, clothes union with God and makes communion with others much easier it can be to be kind to strangers than to and other things you no longer need and pass them possible. The Liturgy of Domestic Church Life en- the members of our own households? The Rite of along to your brothers and sisters in Christ. ables us to take this eucharistic grace home and heal Reaching Out helps families remember that authen- Other simple, practical ways your family can prac- the damage sin tries to do to our households. tic Christian service must begin with serving your tice the Rite of Reaching Out include inviting people As you’ve read previously, the Liturgy of Do- closest neighbor — your family. Ask yourself:Do to your home for fun and godly fellowship, encour- mestic Church life has three “rites,” each of which you respond promptly, generously, and consistently aging each other to be intentionally thoughtful and represents a different way God wants to heal our to each other’s needs? kind to the people you encounter throughout your families and strengthen our relationships with him • Do you serve each other cheerfully (instead of day and, of course, serving together as a family in and each other. grudgingly)? your parish and community. All of these things are The Rite of Christian Relationships helps families • Do you see the chores and tasks you do around simple ways family life, itself, becomes a ministry. leave behind the selfish — and sometimes sinful — the house as ways to say, “I love you!” to your fam- God wants to bless others through you and through ways we treat each other and learn how to care for ily, and “Thank you for this blessing!” to God? Or your family. By practicing the Rite of Reaching Out, each other with the love of Christ. By living out do you think of them as “just stuff that has to get your family life can become the powerful ministry Christ’s sacrificial love, this rite helps us practice done so you can get to the other more fun/more im- of the Church that it’s meant to be. the priestly mission of our baptism. portant stuff.” Dr. Greg Popcak is the executive director of the The Rite of Family Rituals encourages families to The more we practice loving, generous, cheerful Peyton Institute for Domestic Church Life Learn take a little time to work, play, talk and pray togeth- service at home, the more the service we give to more at Catholic Times 8 June 6, 2021 St. Ignatius’ ‘Spiritual Exercises’ led Father Magree to priesthood By Tim Puet the Roman Rite and Catholic Times Reporter ANSWERING GOD’S CALL the Divine Liturgy in Answering God’s Call profiles the life of a priest, deacon or the Byzantine Rite, St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of professed religious sister in or from the Diocese of Columbus. which is used by the Jesus (the Jesuit order) lived 500 years ago, but he Melkite Church and other Eastern Catho- continues to impact the Church through the Jesuits, 1990s, the family began going to weekend Masses one of whom is Pope Francis, and through his Spir- lic churches. at Columbus St. Patrick Church. This is Father itual Exercises, which have led countless people to Father Magree attended Fifth Avenue Elementa- an encounter with Jesus. Magree’s second ry School and Monroe in Columbus year as a One of those whose life took a different path after and went to high school at Columbus St. Charles making a retreat according to the Exercises is Fa- member at Preparatory School, graduating in 1996. College, where he is ther Michael Magree, SJ, a Columbus native who “Since my family took the faith seriously, I had has been teaching theology at since teaching two cours- the opportunity to know several good priests who es for this semester. 2019. were the first to get me to consider the priesthood,” “I had started thinking about the priesthood in A class titled Per- Father Michael Magree he said. “These included the late Msgr. Donald spectives in Western middle school and high school but didn’t take any Schulz and Msgr. Frank Lane, both former pastors concrete steps in that direction until I attended Culture serves as an at St. Andrew, the late Msgr. Thomas Gallen, who introduction to the- Franciscan University at Steubenville and met Fa- taught at St. Charles for nearly 50 years, and a series ther Richard Tomasek, a Jesuit, at a Vocations Day ology and philos- of outstanding Dominican priests at St. Patrick’s.” ophy and has 25 students who meet for six hours program,” Father Magree said. Father Tomasek at He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in philoso- the time was director of spiritual formation at the per week in three sessions – two in 90 minutes and phy and classics at Franciscan in 2000 and a Master one of three hours. A second class, on the theology Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, a po- of Arts degree in classics from Ohio State Universi- sition he held from 1996 to 2004. He died in 2011. of pilgrimage, has nine students and meets for two ty in 2001, and then entered the Society of Jesus in hours every other week, concluding with a 10-day “I didn’t know there were any Jesuits in Colum- 2002. After two years at the Jesuit novitiate in Syr- bus, so seeing Father Tomasek was a surprise,” Fa- hiking and backpacking trip in the West, which will acuse, New York, he continued his studies at Ford- end at the Mother Cabrini Shrine in suburban Den- ther Magree said. “He introduced me to the Spiritual ham University in New York City, earning a Master Exercises, and this changed my whole relationship ver. of Arts degree in philosophical resources in 2007. Most of Father Magree’s academic specialties in- with Christ. Jesuit formation for the priesthood usually in- volve the study of early , and his doctor- “The Exercises invite you to imagine yourself volves a time known as the regency that follows al thesis examined how early Christians interpreted as being with Christ at the time He lived, to be a philosophy studies and precedes concentration on witness to the miracles He performed and to His theology. Father Magree’s regency was at St. Jo- Philippians 2:7 – “(Jesus) emptied Himself, taking death and resurrection, and to follow the Apostles’ seph’s Preparatory School in Philadelphia, where the form of a slave, coming in human likeness and example by giving up worldly honors and living a he taught theology and classics and directed the found human in appearance.” life of service in response to His invitation, ‘Come, choir from 2007 to 2010. He then attended Bos- “This always has been a difficult passage to un- follow Me.’” ton College for three years, receiving a Master of derstand because St. Paul seems to be asserting Father Magree, 42, is the oldest of three sons and Divinity degree in 2013. He was ordained to the something very strange here,” he said. “Even after three daughters of Barbara and the late Paul Magree, priesthood on June 9 of that year at Fordham by 2,000 years, Scripture scholars are very much in who formed a musical duo known as Barbara-Paul Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Donato of the Archdio- disagreement over what it means.” that played throughout the Midwest singing pop cese of Newark, New Jersey. Father Magree said being a priest gives him the hits for about five years. He returned to St. Joseph’s Prep for a year as opportunity to be constantly moved by people’s re- After Father Magree’s birth, his father became chaplain and a religion teacher and earned his li- sponses when he celebrates Mass. “I continue to be a music teacher, first at Johnstown-Monroe Ju- centiate in sacred theology at Boston College in amazed by how much love and desire people have nior and High and later at Jones Middle 2014. That was followed by doctoral studies at the for the sacraments,” he said. “I always felt a great School in Upper Arlington, with his mother at home University of Notre Dame, from which he received love for Mass and the sacraments, but it’s remark- throughout the day to care for the growing family. his doctor of philosophy degree in 2019. able to see how other people also are moved by The Magrees lived in what now is known as Co- During his five years at Notre Dame, he served as them and how much joy they give.” lumbus’ Short North area and were members of Co- a weekend assistant for Masses at several parishes Boston College has a daily 10 p.m. Mass for stu- lumbus St. Church but spent time in the South Bend, area and became famil- dents, with Father Magree serving as its celebrant at Columbus St. Andrew Church because Paul was iar with the Melkite Church, one of the Eastern Rite once a week and hearing confessions for a half-hour music director for a Sunday folk Mass there. In the churches in union with the Holy Father. He has fac- before Mass. “Being able to administer the Sacra- ulties (permission) to celebrate both the Mass in ment of Reconciliation has been a tremendous, un- expectedly moving blessing,” he said. “It’s a time when people make themselves so vulnerable and offers me a wonderful chance to witness God’s grace at work.” He said his current role as a teacher gives him great satisfaction but recognizes he could be called 80% COVID Deaths from OH facilities, we’re 0% to other forms of service at any time. “Part of a Je- 1 Hr. up to 24 Hr. Care suit’s vocation involves always being willing to be We send you the Best Home Caregivers sent to where the need of the Church is greatest, and Rates as low as $15.21 an hour! I’m ready for that,” he said. “But the Jesuits have Beautifully “We Do Things Your Way” given me this mission I love, and I fully intend to 614-80-ANGEL (614-802-6435) continue it for 10 years, 20 years or even for the rest 614-276-1439 Call or text for info. of my life.” June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 9

ORDAINED, continued from Page 3 listening for His voice in love.” The bishop noted that for the Gos- pel of the Mass, Fathers Stinnett and Ondrey had chosen John’s account of Jesus’ first appearance to the Apostles in the Upper Room. “You bring us back, by your choice of the Gospel, to the locked room on that Easter Sun- day night,” he said. “The Apostles regarded Jesus with amazement. He stands before them in glory. He speaks ‘Shalom’ – a word of peace, a word of friendship, a word of mercy, trust and love. He appears be- fore them with His wounds, the marks of His entering into the human state all the way, even to death, dying on a cross. “God entered the world not in some Fathers Ty Tomson (foreground) and Matt Hoover invest Father Priests from the Diocese of Columbus, the Pontifical College Jose- disinterested way or like a tourist Jacob Stinnett with the stole and chasuble worn by a priest. phinum and the Archdiocese of Boston lay their hands on the new passing through, but He stepped into CT photos by Ken Snow priests as part of the Rite of Ordination. the real world, the messy world – yes, the divided and tense world to live our us in prayer through livestreaming, I ture of the new priests with stoles and thanks to all those involved in the or- lives and bear our burdens. have seen how you bring Jesus over chasubles symbolizing their transition dination and gave a special greeting “This year, we are reading largely and over again. I know your good- from the diaconate to the priesthood. thanking Deacon Eugene Joseph for from the Gospel of Mark, and I am ness. I witness your generosity, your Each newly ordained priest chose his perseverance and patience. Dea- struck by how Jesus does not hold humility, your genuine concern for two priests to do the vesting. Father con Joseph also was to have been or- back from being fully involved, get- God’s people. I know your love for Ondrey’s vesting priests were Fa- dained to the diocesan priesthood on ting into the nitty-gritty of human God. ther Antonio Carvalho, administrator Saturday, but because of COVID-re- life, walking patiently, listening atten- “And, of course, we are most con- of his home parish, Columbus Holy lated travel issues, he was with his tively, speaking in truth and charity figured to Christ as we stand before Name Church, and Msgr. William to bring healing and liberation,” the His altar and pronounce the words, Fay of Pope St. John XXIII Seminary. parents at their home in the United bishop said. “Be configured to Christ ‘This is My body, given up for you. Vesting Father Stinnett were the pas- Kingdom watching the livestream by looking upon Him with amaze- This is My blood, poured out for you.’ tor of his home parish, Father Mat- video of the ceremony. He will be or- ment and love. What a profound gift that is, but what thew Hoover of Columbus Immacu- dained at a later date. “We are further configured by the a tremendous responsibility, or to use late Conception Church, and Father Following the conclusion of the way we ourselves then step deeply St. Paul’s word, ‘stewardship.’ Never Tyron Tomson, pastor of Lancaster Mass and the closing procession, the into human experience and pouring lose the amazement, the love and the St. Bernadette and Bremen St. Mary new priests returned to the altar to out our lives as He did – with every joy you experience before Christ to- churches. pose for pictures and give individual nuance of our being, yes, rejoicing in day,” Bishop Brennan said. After Bishop Brennan anointed the blessings to family and friends. suffering for the sake of His flock.” Following the homily, Fathers On- new priests’ hands with sacred chrism, Music for the ordination ceremony The bishop cited the choice by drey and Stinnett, who still were dea- a chalice and a paten were presented was provided by members of the ca- Fathers Stinnett and Ondrey of the cons at that point, declared they would to the bishop by Father Ondrey’s sis- thedral choir, directed by Dr. Richard prophet Isaiah’s words, “The spirit of faithfully serve the people through ter, Dorothy Leone of San Diego, and Fitzgerald; cathedral organist Aman- the Lord is upon me. He has sent me administration of the sacraments and Father Stinnett’s mother, Nancy Stin- da Mole; and the Cathedral Brass. to bring good tidings, to heal, to pro- performance of other priestly du- nett of Columbus. Victoria Ondrey, claim liberty, release, comfort” for the ties. The men then each knelt before Father Ondrey’s mother, was unable The day after their ordination, the first reading of the Mass. the bishop and promised obedience to attend because of illness. new priests celebrated Masses of “In your priestly service, that is, in to him and his successors. They had Bishop Brennan then handed the Thanksgiving and delivered their first the celebration of the sacraments as made similar promises before Bishop chalice and paten to the newly or- homilies as priests at their home par- well as the pouring of your lives in Brennan when he ordained them as dained priests to signify their shar- ishes. Father Ondrey’s first assign- humble, loving service, you are in- deacons one year ago. ing in Christ’s sanctifying mystery of ment as a priest will be as parochial deed configured to Christ in the very After their declaration, the congre- transforming bread and wine into his vicar of Pickerington St. Elizabeth Se- same way,” the bishop said. gational chanted the Litany of the body and blood. This was followed ton Parish, and Father Stinnett will be “The prophetic message goes on to Saints, during which the soon-to-be by a fraternal kiss of peace from the vicar at Chillicothe St. Mary and St. speak of placing on those who mourn priests prostrated themselves on the bishop and all other priests on hand, Peter churches and Waverly St. Mary … the oil of gladness in place of floor before the altar in a gesture of concluding the ordination portion of Church. mourning, a glorious mantle instead supplication symbolizing their un- the Mass. Georgetown University’s Center for of a listless spirit. You see, Christ is worthiness. The newly ordained then joined Applied Research in the Apostolate, a the balm of healing and mercy. He Following completion of the lita- their fellow priests at the altar to con- national nonprofit social science re- lifts burdens by bearing them with ny, each man knelt before the bishop, tinue celebrating the Liturgy of the and for his people. … By configuring who laid his hands on their heads in Eucharist and to pronounce the words search center that studies the Catholic yourselves to Christ, you bring that the traditional sign of ordination, with of consecration for the first time. At Church, said the diocese’s two new balm of Christ. You bring Jesus Him- the more than 60 priests of the diocese communion, each of the new priests priests are among 472 men who have self. in attendance repeating that gesture presented the Eucharist to his family been or will be ordained this year in “It is a joy and honor to ordain you individually. members. the United States from or re- priests today,” the bishop continued. This was followed by the bishop’s Just before the conclusion of the ligious orders. The comparable total “Like so many here today and joining prayer of ordination and the investi- Mass, Bishop Brennan expressed his for 2020 was 448. Catholic Times 10 June 6, 2021

Stephen Ondrey and Jacob Stinnett kneel in front of Bishop Robert Stephen Ondrey (left) and Jacob Stinnett rise during the election and presentation of the candidates for Brennan before they approach the altar to be ordained as priests for the priesthood on Saturday, May 29 at Westerville St. Paul Church. CT photos by Ken Snow the Diocese of Columbus.

Father Jacob Stinnett (center) stands at the altar for the first time as a Father Jacob Stinnett lays his hands on Bishop Bishop Robert Brennan (center) hands a chalice priest during the consecration while surrounded by bishops, priests and Robert Brennan for a first blessing as a newly and paten to Father Stephen Ondrey, signifying servers at the ordination Mass. ordained priest. that he is now ordained.

STINNETT, continued from Page 3 derstanding of the beauty and year of study at the Josephi- seven years at the Josephinum, hearts to me. The Franciscan being able to bare their souls ceremony of all the traditions num in preparation for the receiving a Bachelor of Arts sisters who have a convent to Christ through you.” that go into it.” priesthood. He is living at St. degree in philosophy from the there are a beautiful witness He said that besides Msgr. For the past several months, Pius until beginning his first institution in 2017 and a Mas- to the power of God. I’ve Moloney and Fathers Tomson Father Stinnett has been shar- assignment as a priest in July. ter of Divinity degree in May. tried to go back to Chillicothe and Hahn, two other priests ing his theological insights in “One of the biggest things During summer breaks, a couple times a semester who have been influential in a column written for the bul- I’ve learned during the past he served at Catholic Youth since I was stationed there.” his preparation for ordination letin at Reynoldsburg St. Pius year has been the importance Summer Camp and Newark Father Stinnett said that be- have been Father Jan Sulli- X Church, the parish he has of praying for the people of St. Francis de Sales, Hilliard sides the opportunity to cel- van, pastor of Zanesville St. been serving during his final the parish I serve and bringing St. Brendan the Navigator, ebrate Mass, what he looks Thomas Aquinas Church, and their intentions before God,” Chillicothe St. Peter, Wash- forward to most as a priest is Father David J. Young, pastor he said. “It makes me feel ington Court House St. Col- “being a mediator between the at Reynoldsburg St. Pius. much more God-centered. man of Cloyne and Waverly people and God, and through “Father Sullivan was pastor “Another significant thing St. Mary churches. my own simple actions, bring- at Newark St. Francis when has been taking part in some “One of the most memora- ing the blessings and graces of I was there and has been a of the joys of family life in ble of those assignments was God to them. I’m amazed at the great help and support and the parish. I’ve performed the summer I spent at Chilli- powerful things that can hap- friend,” he said. “I’ve learned several baptisms and assisted cothe, which at the time was pen because of the acts a priest so much this year with Father at weddings, confirmations, part of a group of parishes is able to perform. Young’s help. His pastoral First Communions and funer- which also included the ones “I’m also enthusiastic als. I’ve seen how these are in Washington Court House about the chance to do fami- presence has given me great Congratulations wonderful opportunities for and Waverly,” Father Stinnett ly ministry. Families always understanding of what to do whole families to encounter said. have been important to the when I become a pastor in the Fr. Jacob Stinnett Jesus and for me to be a chan- “Father (William) Hahn Church, and that’s now more future. nel for the Lord.” (pastor there at the time, now true than ever. One thing I’m “After so many years of Father Stinnett, 25, is the diocesan vocations director) a little anxious about is hear- working toward ordination, The IC community is so very son of Mark and Nancy Stin- had me involved in several ing confessions. It has to be I’ve reached that goal,” Father nett of Columbus and has one ministries. The people there one of the most powerful and Stinnett said. “I’m excited at proud of you. Ordained May younger sister, Anna. After were very welcoming, were humbling things a priest can the chance to begin serving a 29, 2021. graduating from St. Charles eager to have a young man to witness – the great weight parish and fulfilling whatever in 2014, he has spent the past help them and opened their that’s taken from people by role God has for me.” June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 11

ONDREY, continued from Page 3 Three other men from the Diocese ly practicing the faith after his visit of Columbus – Jason Fox, Peterclaver to Medjugorje, but he never thought Kiviiri and Aaron Yohe – will be en- of becoming a priest until he began tering their third year at the seminary attending Columbus Holy Name in the fall. Church and coming into contact with Father Ondrey was ordained as a Father Antonio Carvalho, the parish deacon in April 2020 at the seminary. administrator. The ordination was to have taken Father Carvalho encouraged him to place one month later in Columbus, consider the priesthood, and through but it occurred ahead of schedule be- research, he learned about Pope St. cause the pandemic had forced the John XXIII Seminary. Father Paul state’s bishops to order all Ohio Cath- Noble, former diocesan vocations di- olic churches be closed to public wor- rector, connected him with Father Dan ship from mid-March to the end of Olvera, who was attending the semi- May last year. nary at the time and now is parochial Candidates for the priesthood who vicar of Mount Vernon St. Vincent de have been ordained to the diaconate Paul Church. spend their final year of theological “Once I met him and others like studies serving a particular parish. Fa- him,” Father Ondrey said, “I realized I ther Ondrey was assigned to St. Ag- was not alone and that those of us who atha Church in Milton, Massachusetts answer God’s call later in life provide for that period. a unique service to the Church.” “I had the privilege to assist at bap- Asked what he thought his biggest tisms, first communions and confir- Father Stephen Ondrey (center) participates in the consecration at Mass for the first time challenge as a priest might be, Father mations, helped engaged couples pre- Ondrey said, “Probably dealing with pare for marriage, taught confirmation after being ordained to the priesthood. Behind him on the altar at Westerville St. Paul the experience of death and mourning, classes and officiated at wake- ser Church are Bishop Robert Brennan (left) and Bishop emeritus James Griffin. for I’ve been fortunate not to have vices,” he said. “Most of the funeral CT photo by Ken Snow seen too much of that in my family. services in the Archdiocese of Boston Another challenge will be engaging in were cut short and limited to family ther was employed for many years by has not made a definitive statement dialogue with others and helping them members because of the pandemic, so the Franklin County Child Support about the apparitions. discover God’s message of love, mer- that complicated things. Enforcement Agency. Father Ondrey said he began ful- cy and truth.” “COVID presented a real challenge Father Ondrey attended Hamilton on how to minister to people when Township High School and is a 1995 there wasn’t much opportunity for graduate of Hilliard High School. He one-on-one time, and in Massachu- received a Bachelor of Science degree setts, the state standards related to from Otterbein University in 1999, crowd limits and so forth were stricter worked as a genetics researcher at than they were in Ohio. Ohio State University for three years “But we got by as well as we could. and then decided to become a dentist. My parish had great attendance on He graduated from Ohio State’s Col- Ash Wednesday. Those who wanted lege of Dentistry in 2007, did a one- to avoid the crowds still were able to year residency at Miami Valley Hos- CONGRATULATIONS receive ashes in their cars after the pital in Dayton and followed that with regular service. work at several dental offices in Ohio. REV. STEPHEN ONDREY “The seminary took appropriate During a dental assignment in Day- ON YOUR ORDINATION TO PRIESTHOOD precautions to avoid a COVID out- ton, he met a Catholic woman named break within the community, which Jeannie Brown who changed his life. included the seminarians eating alone “Jeannie had a great joy about the in their rooms instead of being togeth- faith, particularly about a place I had er in the refectory,” he said. “That de- never heard of called Medjugorje, tracted from some of the usual com- which she has visited about 10 times,” munity formation that goes on outside he said. “She invited me to a pilgrim- of the classroom.” age there in 2011, and at Medjugorje I Father Ondrey and his twin brother, found a peace and joy I had been miss- James, are the youngest of four sons ing for years. I returned to the Church and two daughters of James and Ve- there, had my first confession in 23 ronica Ondrey. James Ondrey spent years and began going to daily Mass.” 20 years in the U.S. Navy and, like Medjugorje, in Bosnia-Herzegovi- most children of military families, na, attracts about 3 million visitors a Father Ondrey lived in several places year and has been designated a pon- POPE ST. JOHN XXIII NATIONAL SEMINARY while growing up. tifical shrine with Vatican oversight. Very Rev. Brian R. Kiely, Faculty, He was born in Pittsburgh to a Cath- Visionaries claim to have seen thou- olic family that settled in Columbus sands of Marian apparitions there Seminarians and Staff after his father, who had spent time since June 1981, when six teenagers 558 South Avenue • Weston, MA 02493 in the city earlier as a naval public re- said they saw the Blessed Mother ap- lations officer, retired from the Navy. pear to them while they were herding 781.899.5500 • Following his military career, his fa- sheep. The Catholic Church to date Catholic Times 12 June 6, 2021 Vocation didn’t go by the book for Westerville native By Doug Bean After graduating from Westerville es while considering his next steps. Catholic Times Editor North, Father Fino went off to college Several scripture passages, including at Miami University in Oxford, where the Lord asking the rich young man to he majored in English literature and To suggest to Joseph Michael Fino give up everything and follow Him, received a bachelor’s degree in 2007. during his school years in Westerville “really hit me. I knew that’s what I “My thinking was that I want to that he might one day consider the wanted to do, whatever that meant, as impact young people and be a teach- priesthood would have seemed like a married man or as a priest, I want- er, and the subject that I thought you fiction to a future English literature ed to follow Him, and I wanted it to could talk about deeper things was major. cost everything. And the idea of doing English,” he said. Religious life was not what he en- something kind of radical like that was During his first two years at Miami, visioned for his future, but God plants attractive.” Father Fino and several Young Life seeds in mysterious ways. On May 29, He remembers attending a Mass at leaders traveled regularly to Leba- 2021, Joseph Michael Fino became Columbus Immaculate Conception non, Ohio, about 30 miles east, to Father Joseph Michael Fino, C.F.R., Church commemorating the appari- minister to high school students. But when he was ordained to the priest- tions of Our Lady at Lourdes, France, after his freshman year, he began to hood at St. Patrick Cathedral in New and being impressed by a beautiful explore more deeply the teachings of York by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the young family sitting in front of him. the Catholic Church after discussions archbishop of New York. “I was praying about this question of with Adam Pasternack, a friend from Father Fino is a member of the Fran- priesthood and marriage, and looking back home and a former crew team- ciscan Friars of the Renewal, which is at the cross behind the altar, and I heard mate in high school. based in the New York area. He re- the Lord invite me with the words from “At one point, he told me what the ceived the sacrament of holy orders Father Joseph Michael Fino, C.F.R., was the Scripture that He said to Peter: Catholic Church believes about the along with four others the religious ordained as a priest on Saturday, May 29 ‘Joe, do you love Me more than these?’ Eucharist, that the bread and the wine order and six men from the Archdioc- And I said yes, and he said, ‘Feed my at Mass become the body and blood of at St. Patrick Cathedral in New York by esan of New York. lambs.’ It was very decisive.” Jesus Christ, and I thought that sound- Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Father Joseph Mi- The 36-year-old will celebrate By that time, he heard about a group ed a little bit weird,” Father Fino said. chael is a Westerville native who attended a first Mass of thanksgiving at 2 p.m. of friars in New York who wore beards “I definitely made my first - commu New Albany Church of the Resurrection. Sunday, June 6 at New Albany Church and sandals and habits. So he looked nion, but that was a total news flash. Photo courtesy Catholic New York of the Resurrection, his home parish. them up on the internet and arranged I didn’t understand or realize that was Father Fino attended Mark Twain several vocations visits. something that Catholics believed. Elementary, Walnut Springs Middle “I knew (Pasternack) believed it, Mary Church, “and then one day, “I liked that they lived together in School and Westerville North High and he was a normal person, credible probably about a year after this whole community, I liked the witness of the School. He was baptized at Columbus person. And I also thought it sounded thing began, I was coming to see that habit, I like the intentionality with a St. Timothy Church and received the really important. I guess it’s true that the Catholic Church was probably prayer life,” he said. sacraments of first communion, first my personal relationship with Jesus right, as probably who she claims to In 2008, he entered the Franciscan penance and confirmation at Church Christ can’t be any more personal be,” he said. Friars of the Renewal as a postulant, of the Resurrection. He is the son of than coming into me. And I also knew “Then one day, when I received spending part of that year in Harlem. Steve and Toni Fino, and he has two that if it’s not true, then my friend here communion and the priest put the host A year as a novitiate in Newark, New married older sisters, Jamie McClel- is worshiping a piece of bread, and in my hand and I put it on my tongue, Jersey, followed postulancy. In March land and Jessica Roads. that’s not good.” I went back to my pew and I knew 2010, he professed his first vows to “Faith wasn’t super important in our Determining whether Jesus is real- with a real clarity and a real certainty the order. He lived in while home,” he said. “I remember I was in ly present in the Eucharist became a that this was Christ – that He takes the working at a homeless shelter and then eighth grade and had some questions project during his sophomore year of form of bread to become one with me. went to Nicaragua for about 1 ½ years about God. I remember asking my college. “So I read John 6 a lot. I talk- That was a very moving moment. And as a chaplain at hospitals and prisons parents: ‘If God is supposed to be an ed to Catholic friends, and I talked to I decided this is where I have to be.” before returning to New Jersey. all-loving God, why does he send peo- Protestant friends,” he recalled. “And, He went back to confession and He made his final vows in 2014 and ple to hell for all eternity? That doesn’t at one point, someone introduced me became involved in Catholic campus began a two-year pre-theology program sound like a loving thing to do.’ to the Fathers of the Church. ministry during his junior and senior in 2015. He completed his studies for “One of my older sisters at that time “I was reading what the Fathers years. Also during that time, he start- the priesthood in May at St. Joseph’s was involved in Young Life (a non-de- were saying and the origin of different ed reading the writings of Pope St. Seminary in Yonkers, New York. nominational Christian organization) churches, and, as far as I could tell, John Paul II on marriage and family While in seminary, his apostol- in high school. And so she said, ‘Why the Catholic Church was the only one life, Theology of the Body, and love ic assignments included service in don’t you come? You can ask the lead- that really claimed to be founded by and responsibility. neighborhood family programs at St. ers your questions, and I’m sure they Jesus Christ. The other churches, you Being a father and husband had al- Francis Center and at Calvary Hospi- can help you understand this stuff.’ So know, have their own founders.” ways been attractive to him, but “then tal, both in the Bronx; neighborhood that’s really where I met the Lord.” More research and more praying led I found myself doing this discernment evangelization; and at the Westchester Father Fino regularly attended Father Fino back to Mass after attend- thing that young Catholic men are al- County Department of Correction in Young Life activities throughout ing various Protestant churches. “And ways doing,” he said. Fatherhood and Valhalla, New York. high school and encountered Christ I would pray, ‘Jesus, I need you to tell priesthood both still appealed to him through the college students minis- This fall, one of Father Fino’s duties me something, like, I need to know, as he approached graduation while he tering to the group. “I decided in my will be to assist the chaplain at Cardinal and I need to be sure,’” he said. was looking into programs to teach in junior year of high school that I want Spellman High School in the Bronx. Though he had not gone back to an inner-city high school. to follow Christ like these leaders in “There’s something about the pov- confession since making his first one He moved back to Columbus and Young Life,” he said. “I started pray- erty and the simplicity of life,” he in grade school, Father Fino was re- worked as a youth minister at St. Ce- ing and reading my Bible.” said of the Franciscan Friars’ charism. ceiving communion at Oxford St. cilia and Our Lady of Victory church- “That really was attractive to me.” June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 13 Media staffers enjoy spreading God’s message online Reflections The following story is the 10th in inently on Mackey’s office wall. “I Body and Blood of Christ, June 6, 2021 Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, 6 de junio de 2021 a series on missionary discipleship have it there as a reminder of what’s Real Presence, Real Future reflections: It Is Really Jesus Presencia Real, Futuro Real Reflexiones: Es Realmente Jesús Dcn. Tim Birie, Knox County Consortium of Catholic Dcn. Tim Birie, Consorcio de Iglesias Católicas del Condado in the Diocese of Columbus. Video most important about what I do,” he Churches de Knox interviews with the missionary dis- said. “Everything I create on behalf of “While they were eating he took bread, said the bless- “Mientras comían, él tomó pan, bendijo, lo partió, se ciples are available on the diocese’s the Church might have an impact on ing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, ‘Take it; this is my lo dio, y dijo: ‘Tomen; este es mi cuerpo.’” En esa comida YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Ins- someone’s life in ways I can’t imag- body.’” At that meal with his disciples, Jesus gave us the con sus discípulos, Jesús nos dio la fuente y cumbre de tagram accounts. ine. source and summit of our faith, the Eucharist. He is truly nuestra fe, la Eucaristía. Está verdaderamente presente en “One of my goals as a web designer present in the Eucharist, as He promised. This Real Pres- la Eucaristía, como Él lo prometió. Esta Presencia Real de By Tim Puet and working on videos for the diocese ence of Jesus brings us as close to Him as we can be while Jesús nos acerca a Él tanto como podemos estar mientras Catholic Times Reporter is evangelization through beauty,” he on this earth. We must explain and share this gift of our estamos en esta tierra. Debemos explicar y compartir este faith in order to have a Real Future and so that everyone don de nuestra fe para tener un Futuro Real y para que to- said. “This was a theme of our recent can share in this joy every time we receive the Eucharist. dos puedan compartir esta alegría cada vez que recibimos Two thousand years ago, the Apos- video series which was part of the dio- For more about how we are growing together in the la Eucaristía. tles and St. Paul took the message cese’s 40 Days of Adoration program. life and faith and discipleship in the Diocese of Columbus, Para obtener más información sobre cómo estamos cre- of Christ beyond the Holy Land by “The diocese has so many architec- visit ciendo juntos en la vida, la fe y el discipulado en la Dióce- traveling from city to city and using turally outstanding churches. We vis- sis de Columbus, visite the limited means of communication ited several of them and showed their 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 13, 2021 11avo Domingo del tiempo ordinario, 13 de junio, 2021 available – mainly the spoken word altars, stained-glass windows and stat- Real Presence, Real Future reflections: Seed in the World Reflexiones Presencia Real, Futuro Real: Semilla en el mundo and documents written on parchment. ues as a way of evoking strong emo- Mary Thompson, St. Matthew Gahanna Parishioner & RPRF Mary Thompson, Feligrés de la Parroquia San Mateo y The Good News spread slowly, taking tions and showing the beauty that is Commission Member miembro de la comisión PRFR until the early second century before part of Catholic life. In the parable of the sowing of the seed, Jesus reveals En la parábola del sembrador, Jesús nos revela que el it had reached most “Sometimes we asked people about the growth of the Kingdom of God through the Church and crecimiento del Reino de Dios es a través de la Iglesia y the first time someone showed them cada uno de nosotros. La proclamación del evangelio, la of Europe, Asia and each one of us. The preaching of the Gospel, the gener- semilla sembrada generosamente, ha dado y dará, sin lu- Africa. the rosary, and that often resulted in ously sown seed, will unfailingly yield its fruit throughout gar a dudas, frutos que han perdurado todos los tiempos, Today, com- emotional responses as some people all ages, including the present time. It is God who gives the incluso nuestra presente era. Es Dios quien hace crecer, munication is in- recalled the Catholic roots of their growth, it will happen “we know not how.” The Kingdom sucede “sin que nosotros sepamos cómo”. El Reino de Dios stantaneous and childhood and others expressed grati- of God also refers to the action of grace in each soul. God también se refiere a la acción de la gracia en cada alma. worldwide, and tude for discovering Catholicism later works in us, causing a transformation when we surrender Dios trabaja en nosotros, causando una transformación the means of de- in life.” to grace. The real initiative comes from God, but we pre- cuando nos disponemos a la gracia. La iniciativa real The 40 Days of Adoration series, pare “the ground for sowing” through daily prayer, the proviene de Dios, pero nosotros “preparamos el terreno” livering a message sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and acts of service. a través de la oración diaria, los sacramentos, especial- are many, with the along with videos on missionary dis- mente la Eucaristía, y los actos de servicio. internet bringing Andrew Mackey cipleship that are being presented in people together in connection with a Catholic Times se- ways that weren’t ries on the subject, can be found on imagined even a the diocese’s Facebook and YouTube few years ago. The Catholic Church accounts by entering “Diocese of continues to use every method possi- Columbus 40 Days of Adoration” or ble to spread the Gospel, with social “Diocese of Columbus Go Forth” in media playing an increasingly import- the subject line. ant role. Mackey, 38, and Mieras, 26, both In the Diocese of Columbus, so- joined the Catholic Church as adults. cial and digital media assistant Alec “Because we’re converts, we see the Mieras and web designer Andy Mack- Church in ways that may be mundane ey are using the diocesan website, for some people, but are exciting for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and In- us,” Mieras said. stagram to tell the story of Catholic “I’d only been to four or five par- life in central and southern Ohio to ishes before the ’40 Days’ series, but residents of the diocese’s 23 counties. in visiting churches throughout the Their efforts augment the work of in- diocese, I’ve become so apprecia- forming and evangelizing the diocese tive of the richness and beauty of the Increasing the that has been done since 1874 by The Catholic faith. It was a privilege to Catholic Times and its predecessors, observe people at prayer before mon- presence of Christ and more recently by St. Gabriel Ra- strances and to come to a deeper re- dio. alization that Jesus truly is present in throughout the “The internet tends to be so sec- the Blessed Sacrament.” Diocese and upholding ular in nature that I feel Andy and I “We found people throughout the are following in St. Paul’s footsteps diocese who are on fire with the Lord the Faith for future by bringing the Church’s message to and were grateful to share that feel- a world that needs to hear it,” Mieras ing with everyone watching the vid- generations. said. “Whenever we’re preparing eos,” Mackey said. “We think of the something to be sent online, we’re videos as love letters to the parishes bringing Jesus into it and thinking of of the diocese, showing what makes the possibility that it might be putting each parish special.” Learn more at: someone into contact with the Catho- Mieras has been a diocesan em- lic Church for the first time.” The motto “God in All Things” in large block capital letters hangs prom- See DISCIPLESHIP, Page 16 catholic-times-small-ad.indd 1 3/8/21 9:05 AM Catholic Times 14 June 6, 2021 Corpus Christi renews love for Jesus, hope in our hearts By Father Stash Dailey and began to give it to them,” hope is sus in the Blessed Sacrament. The planted in their hearts. The hope they Church must draw close to the Lord received is experienced by those who as He comes to us; it is not our pre- “Were our hearts not burning with- read this Gospel passage and seek to rogative to author the means by which in us when He was speaking to us?” spend time with Jesus and listen to He comes to us, but it is our privilege Him as they did. and responsibility to understand and In the Gospel of Luke, after the dra- In our annual celebration of the appreciate His way of accompanying ma of the Passion had passed and the great solemnity of the Lord that is us on the journey of life. reality of the resurrection of the Lord Corpus Christi, the Church is drawn Throughout the world, wherev- was unfolding, we learn about the dis- back into the mystery of God’s love er the Church proclaims the Gospel ciples on the road to Emmaus encoun- and brought to the fullness of grat- and offers the sacred mysteries of our tering the risen Lord (Luke 24:13-32). itude and humility. Considering the holy faith, one will hear references to As they explained their hopes and events surrounding the Lord and His Corpus Christi, Corpus Domini or the their understanding of recent events to disciples, we learn how to enter into body and blood of Christ. The refer- their fellow traveler, they experienced the glory and power of the Lord who ence of Corpus Christi is an invitation consolation and received clarity as continually reveals Himself before us to live reality, to live the truth of Jesus this traveler-in-disguise explained in the Holy Eucharist. who dwells among us in the Holy Eu- God to them. For the Church to be more fully charist. As they spent time at table where Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance at alive and have a burning love for the New Philadelphia Sacred Heart Church. the Lord Jesus revealed His identity as Lord, like the disciples in Emmaus, “he took bread, gave thanks, broke it we must draw close to the Lord Je- See CORPUS CHRISTI, Page 15 File photo

BISHOP, continued from Page 2 available so that individuals can choose to wear you stories about going to be with people at the end lot of people, and myself included, that doing this one if they feel vulnerable and it makes them feel of life and offering the sacraments. They’ve shown for a couple of weeks, it would run its course sort of more comfortable. I know that if I’m with some- tremendous courage. like a flu season. We realize that was not the case. body who’s not comfortable and I have a mask, I Our priests and parishes have also been very cre- But looking back, as hard as it was and as much as will wear it. ative with livestreaming and trying to stay in touch I’ll always regret that it had to be done, I am con- I am looking to restore the holy water back in the with parishioners, helping them keep the Lord’s day vinced it was the right thing to do at the time. church. We will encourage pastors to change that holy and helping people to stay connected to their During the time that we were shut down, I was out regularly so that people who choose to use it parish. And now they’re working hard to keep par- impressed with how our parishes adapted by using may. Hand sanitizer is readily available now, and ishes clean and safe and to welcome people back technology, putting cameras in place for livestream- people are carrying it around. and try to make it so the people feel confident they ing and pastors sending weekly messages to parish- We are not going to return to communion in both have an environment that’s safe. And I would say species right away. We still don’t have the full the same for many of the people who work in our ioners and calling them to stay in touch. Different complement of people who are able to serve in the schools, social service agencies and in the hospitals. parishes and different groups had weekly rosaries different functions as extraordinary ministers. The I know there are people who believe we did too by Zoom, and I got to jump in on a couple of those. sign of peace will likely be restored but with just a much and other people who said we did too little It was a way of checking in on one another and be- gesture or a verbal greeting. during the pandemic. I heard from people, and I ing together to pray. For parents with children who will not be vacci- respect that. I want to make sure that I’m hearing Many people have been returning to Mass over the nated, we’re following the conventions of the medi- from people. But overwhelmingly people have just past few months who are just so thankful to be back. cal experts. Right now, the vaccines are available at been so cooperative, and they’ve had a real sense of I hope it has deepened our appreciation for the sac- certain ages, but the younger ages aren’t considered looking after their neighbor, loving their neighbor, raments and given us a greater awareness of those to be as vulnerable. So parents will make decisions trying to make sure their neighbor was safe while who don’t have regular access to the Eucharist. The about what they’re going to do with younger chil- giving glory and honor to God. experience of being “locked in at home” can give dren. You don’t need a dispensation if you’re really At the beginning of last March, I never dreamed us a greater sense of solidarity with people who are concerned about your child’s health and don’t bring that I would be in a position of having to say that locked into refugee camps suffering violence. The him or her to Mass, but we need to keep in mind that we’re not celebrating Mass publicly. And, in fact, experience of isolation reminds us of people who Sundays are still the Lord’s day. Many of our par- I’ll be honest, this was a lesson in humility for me are homebound or alone and feel a great sense of ishes will continue to livestream so that the faithful because, not very long before, I’d seen this happen- isolation. A greater attentiveness to the plights of so can stay connected. ing in other parts of the world, and I was somewhat many people near and far and a sense of solidarity In terms of vaccine requirements, I would simply critical. I never dreamed we’d have to do it, and it with those who suffer can be something we learn encourage people to get the vaccine. The Moderna probably was the hardest thing I’ve ever done as a and Pfizer vaccines are readily available and do not priest. from this whole experience. have moral objections. Again, Christian charity has Yet the case that was made was just so over- It’s hoped that our faith will be rejuvenated and to guide us so that if somebody has a principled rea- whelming. All we knew then was that this was a we better understand the gifts that we have through son not to be vaccinated, we respect that. very highly communicable disease. In the course of our relationship with God and how He gives us I’ll never be able to say enough to thank the pas- a year, we’ve learned a lot about how it spreads, those gifts through the sacraments of the Church. At tors for their goodness and solidarity as they worked how it doesn’t. But that wasn’t known then, and so the same time, we might have become more aware together in a beautiful spirit of collaboration during any large gathering was risky. The prevailing wis- of the futility of so many things on which we de- this crisis. They want to serve God and His peo- dom was that we didn’t want to overwhelm the hos- pend and the illusion that we can satisfy all of our ple, and they’ve shown tremendous patience and pitals. own needs with possessions and prestige. Gathering flexibility, extraordinary leadership and generosity. They talked about flattening the curve so that we together this weekend, we do so with a profound Many of our priests went through training to re- wouldn’t have a steep rise, and suddenly we couldn’t sense of gratitude as we call upon the Lord in our spond to COVID calls, and many of them can tell handle the cases. I think there was a hope among a need. June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 15

CORPUS CHRISTI, continued from Page 14 When we hear the words Corpus has been seen. Not that long ago, one Lord Jesus. The Lord will bring this When we realize the power of the liv- Christi it is also a reference to a litur- could count the number of Adoration renewed hope tothe hearts of those ing God in Jesus Christ, may we run gical feast in the life of the Church. chapels on one hand; not so anymore. who confide in Him and express their toward Him, bringing our hearts, our Traditionally, this feast is reserved to As the faithful have increased their devotion and love by explaining their burdens, our joys and our intentions. a Thursday, but almost universally it expressed desire to sustain a burning concerns and then listening to His Should we spend time with Jesus has been transferred to Sunday. Parish love for the Lord Jesus, and priests love. in the Holy Eucharist in Adoration, churches and chapels, cathedrals and have rediscovered the vital effects of Our celebration of Corpus Christi in praying the Holy Mass, in reading oratories throughout the world will bringing the Lord to the altar for Ado- is a beautiful moment in the liturgical and meditating on sacred Scripture, offer Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- ration, the benefits and impact on the year of the Church to renew our love may we be so blessed to have risen up ment, and some may have processions Church are undeniable, yet more love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. The from within the acknowledgement of where the priest carries the Lord Jesus is needed. reality of Corpus Christi is a power- the hope that the Lord has placed deep ful truth that can liberate us from the in a monstrance. The world needs peace, our society within our hearts. Regardless of the locale and prac- needs true justice and real mercy, the slavery of a broken humanity. We are tices employed, the devotion and love Church needs more priests and con- each like the disciples on the road to Hope in the heart is fed by, and also given to the Lord Jesus flow out of secrated religious, the family home Emmaus as we yearn for the presence sustains the fire of, love for Jesus in the sacred mysteries of the faith in as the domestic church needs stron- of God. the Eucharist, a fire that humanity the Holy Mass and direct us back into ger, healthier and holier marriages, The opportunity exists to be like needs and is waiting on us to bring to those same sacred mysteries. children need a mother and a father, those disciples and be open to the them. In the Diocese of Columbus, a tre- people need authentic rest and we all Lord Jesus revealing the fullness of Father Stash Dailey is the pastor of mendous growth in loving the Lord need hope. reality before us and then revealing Columbus Holy Family Church and Jesus through Eucharistic Adoration That hope can come only from the Himself in the breaking of the bread. the diocesan vicar for religious.

POSITION AVAILABLE Our Lady of Victory Church Music Director Our Lady of Victory Church, an 700-member, warm and welcoming family-oriented parish,

seeks a Music Director to serve as Principal Organist and Choir Director. Duties include providing musical accompaniment for weekend liturgies, weddings, funerals, holy days, Columbus St. Charles Preparatory School penance services, evening prayer, Confirmation, First Communion as well as training and Seeking Director of Development rehearsing cantors & choir. Complete job description is available at https://columbuscatholic. org/job-openings-diocese-parish-school. If interested, contact Father William Metzger, 1559 St. Charles Preparatory School, Grades 9-12; All Male Catholic College Preparatory School located in Columbus, Ohio Roxbury Rd., Columbus, Ohio, 614-488-2428; fax-614-488-0507; e-mail frmetzger@ourlady- Job Description: St. Charles is seeking an energetic, principled, creative individual to lead its efforts to raise funds and enhance an awareness of a school that turns young boys into men. The school is recognized for its rigorous academic program, strong Catholic identity, and supportive alumni base. The school currently enrolls approximately 540 boys and acquires students from all of Franklin County and its surrounding areas. The Director of Development reports directly to the Principal. The Director of Development will:

• Supervise a staff whose roles support the development and advancement activities of the school including raising financial support; • Oversee all the facets of the Annual Fund, our main fundraising effort, which directly supports the day-to-day operation of the school; • Oversee the creation of all marketing and communication materials to be distributed via social media, web, print and video outlets, through collaboration with current school staff members and professional outside agencies; • Oversee the school’s internet presence, with a focus on maintaining a useful, appealing, and contemporary website; • Develop and execute the school’s strategic plan as it relates to development and advancement.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have previous experience in Catholic education, annual fund work and experience in capital campaigns. The individual must have the immediate desire to create a plan to increase support for the school. This individual must be articulate and support the mission of the school, be a superb writer and oral communicator. They should be proficient in computer-based programs including Razor’s Edge. In addition to believing in the importance of diversity in the school, this individual must be a leader who will be respected by students, faculty, parents, and alumni.

Please send resume to: Tracy Loesing, Finance Director St. Charles Preparatory School 2010 E. Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43209 [email protected] Catholic Times 16 June 6, 2021 Eucharistic Gathering to offer prayer, talks, music at two events By Tim Puet Brennan and Archbishop Nelson Perez Time, and this upcoming event will and Archbishop Perez taking a look at Catholic Times Reporter of Philadelphia, with the priests of the allow us to come together as a diocese the Church now and in the future.” diocese as concelebrants. to celebrate our connection with the “We have an opportunity for en- Following the Mass, Archbishop Lord in the Eucharist and our con- counter with the Lord each Sunday in Bishop Robert Brennan is inviting Perez will present two talks, with nection to each other. We’re going to our individual parishes,” said Steph- people from throughout the Diocese music in between. The program will pray, to gather and to ask the Lord to anie Rapp, director of the diocesan of Columbus to come together for a close with Benediction and a sending keep us focused on Him.” Office of Marriage and Family Life, two-day Eucharistic Gathering on Fri- forth of those in attendance to spread “I’m looking forward to the gather- who is co-chair of the event. “The day night, Aug. 27 at Columbus St. the Good News of the Gospel. The ing for several reasons,” said Father gathering will give the faithful of the Joseph Cathedral and Saturday morn- event is scheduled to end at noon. ing, Aug. 28 at Columbus St. Charles Adam Streitenberger, diocesan director diocese a chance to encounter Him Preparatory School. The Sacrament of Reconciliation of evangelization. “First, it’s a way of together and to experience the rich- The event is part of the diocese’s will be available on Saturday, and the formalizing the diocese’s welcome back ness and the diversity of our diocese Real Presence, Real Future initiative Blessed Sacrament will be exposed at to people after the COVID pandemic through prayer and music.” aimed at strengthening ties among all times during the programs, which caused churches to close from mid- “We’ve been in isolation for so long the diocese’s 278,000 Catholics in 23 both will be livestreamed on the dioc- March to the end of May of 2020, with because of COVID,” said co-chair Pa- counties and upholding the faith for esan website, www.columbuscatholic. the bishops of Ohio dispensing the ob- mela Harris, director of Catholic Eth- future generations. org, and broadcast live on St. Gabriel ligation to attend Mass on Sundays and nic Ministries for the diocese. “We’re Friday’s program, from 6:30 to Radio at 820 AM in Columbus and holy days for more than a year.” communal by virtue of our baptism, and 9:30 p.m., will include Eucharistic 88.3 FM in southern Ohio. The obligation is being reinstated these two days will give us a visual re- Adoration, Vespers, a talk by Bishop “The Eucharistic Gathering is the beginning this weekend, June 5-6, for minder of what community looks like. Brennan, a Eucharistic procession next step in the Real Presence, Real all Catholics except those with health “It’s designed not just so we can and Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- Future initiative,” Bishop Brennan issues or who have significant fear or receive Christ with us, but so we can ment. Doors will open at 6 p.m. said. “The initiative began on Ash anxiety of contracting the coronavirus let our light shine and share love and Because of limited seating capacity Wednesday with the start of 40 days in a large group. commitment to one another and for at the cathedral, admission to the event of Eucharistic Adoration around the “The gathering also brings another one another.” will be by invitation only, with repre- diocese, which brought individuals opportunity to pray for the success of The theme for both days of the pro- sentatives of each of the diocese’s 102 together before the Lord at a different the ongoing Real Presence, Real Fu- gram is Matthew 28:19-20, which fre- parishes and three missions invited, parish each day. That period also in- ture initiative and to reflect in a deeper quently is described as Jesus’ Great along with the priests, deacons and cluded a Monday (March 29) when all way on its significance and meaning,” Commission to the Apostles: “Go, religious of the diocese. parishes were open for the Sacrament Father Streitenberger said. therefore, and make disciples of all The Saturday program in St. Charles’ of Reconciliation, followed by joyous “And it will provide the people at- nations, baptizing them in the name of Walter Student Commons is open to parish celebrations throughout Eas- tending the events and those watch- the Father and of the Son and of the all, with doors opening at 7:30 a.m. and ter and the next 50 days, ending with ing and hearing them at home with a Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe Mass beginning an hour later. Principal Pentecost Sunday. chance to hear Bishop Brennan talking celebrants for the Mass will be Bishop “Now the Church is in Ordinary about the vision behind the initiative See GATHERING, Page 19 DISCIPLESHIP, continued from Page 13 ployee for one year, and Mackey was videos by Scott Hahn,” a former Prot- came while at- level.” hired nine months ago. Mieras grew estant theologian who became a Cath- tending a Catholic He married his wife, Alice, in 2013, up as the son of a youth pastor in a olic, teaches at Franciscan University middle school. “I and soon after their marriage, they Dutch Reformed church in the Grand of Steubenville and has a son who re- loved Catholicism bought a house. Then in 2015 came a Rapids, Michigan area and said he cently became a priest of the Diocese and told my par- devastating diagnosis that he had Par- knew nothing of the Catholic faith un- of Steubenville. ents I wanted to be kinson’s disease. til after graduating from the Univer- “I became convinced that the Cath- a Catholic, but they “I ended up in a wheelchair and had sity of Colorado-Colorado Springs in olic Church is the one true Church, thought I was just to have assistance when walking,” he 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts degree so I dropped the bomb on Zoe that I going through a said. “I thought my life was over. I in marketing. wanted to become Catholic,” Mieras Alec Mieras phase,” he said. was spending more time with myself He had attended Otterbein Univer- said. She supported his decision, and His interest in and thinking hard about what makes sity in Westerville for a year before he asked to marry her a few months graphics and mar- me happy, and during that time I be- moving to Colorado. While at Otter- later. The couple have been married keting began when he was in high gan looking into the Catholic Church bein, he met a young Catholic woman for nine months and are members of school, and he built his first website and appreciating the words of Jesus named Zoe with whom he remained Worthington St. Michael Church. for his high school’s marching band. and the Gospels about what’s import- friends after moving. After moving from Colorado, He came to Columbus to attend Ohio ant in life. Following his graduation, the Mieras worked in marketing for about State University, from which he grad- “I became an admirer of the works friendship became a romantic one, a year for the Gilson Co. of Lewis uated with a Bachelor of Arts degree of Pope Benedict XVI. Venerable and he went to his first Mass in 2018 Center, which makes construction in political science and history. He Archbishop Fulton Sheen, the first at Christmas with Zoe and her fami- testing equipment, but was laid off now is taking postgraduate courses in great Catholic evangelist of radio and ly in the suburban Cleveland church because of the coronavirus pandem- management from Harvard Universi- television, also became a major influ- they attended. ic. Through friends at St. Michael’s, ty and in theology from the Pontifical ence,” he said. Archbishop Sheen’s “I was very confused at first by all he learned that the diocese was look- College Josephinum. picture hangs on Mackey’s office wall the standing and sitting and kneeling ing for someone familiar with social After graduating from OSU, he was today. and stained-glass windows and stat- media. He was hired for his current a marketing consultant for law firms He told Alice, who also was not ues,” he said. “I didn’t go to another position one week before joining the and political candidates throughout Catholic, that he wanted to join the Mass until Easter 2019 with Zoe’s Catholic Church on May 30, 2020, the Ohio. “I was really interested in help- Church, and she drove him to RCIA family, but then I was a little more Vigil of Pentecost. ing people, and most of my clients classes at Delaware St. Mary Church. open and more willing to learn what Mackey grew up in a non-religious shared that interest,” he said. “I was a She eventually joined him at the the Church teaches. family in suburban Detroit. His first content person and found great joy in “What really helped were YouTube experience with Catholic teachings working with others to try and make the world better, especially at the local See DISCIPLESHIP, Page 17 June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 17 May a perfect month to complete Adoration pilgrimages By Anne Mallampalli

During Lent, the Diocese of Colum- bus launched its Real Presence, Real Future campaign to celebrate Jesus Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. Forty-eight of 102 parishes hosted all- day adoration from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday. In a determined effort to make this diocese my home, I resolved to visit each church on the columbus- itinerary. One of the perks I enjoy as a stay-at- home empty-nester is that life allows for road trips with a spiritual twist. But life also happens, and nothing stops the presses quite like an octogenarian mom (mine) taking a helicopter ride to University Hospital in Iowa City. Dou- ble pneumonia, triple graces. Privileged was I to spend the last two Waverly St. Mary statue of Our Lady St. Bernadette statue at Lancaster St. Infant of at Lancaster St. Berna- weeks of Lent in Iowa, mothering my Photos courtesy Anne Mallampalli Bernadette Church dette Church own mother. I caught up on a few missed monished us to look it up, now you church visits during Eastertide, prior to The following week took me to The Sacred Heart Church neighbor- submitting my article for the April 25 London St. Patrick Church. Eliza- hood in New Philadelphia can right- can do the same. Catholic Times (“Finding a true home beth graciously gave me the full tour, fully boast the most gorgeous and pro- My new friend and I made a quick during 40 days of Adoration”). which includes a museum one floor lific rhododendrons and azaleas I’ve visit before Mass started and then en- Seven churches remained, and I above the sacristy and a hall of histo- ever seen. (Honorable mention to the joyed lunch together, sharing our im- wanted to complete the task I started. ry. Very cool. I was drawn to Gentile poppies and lilacs.) pressions along with a ham, cheese May, the month of Easter joy, honor- da Fabriano’s Adoration of the Magi, Sights and smells triggered pleasant and blackberry jam (!) sandwich. ing mothers and remembering. This which hangs inconspicuously behind May crowning memories. I thought of In my previous article on Adoration, I the altar just outside the sacristy. How all the schoolchildren over the years shared my secret of overcoming home- year, May also gave us that tender like our Blessed Mother to be quietly who proudly brought those bright time between the feasts of Ascension positioned to remind the priest who blooms to honor the Queen of the sickness. Here’s my tip for when you and Pentecost when we can feel a bit and what he honors in the Mass. May. The Sacred Heart School build- have that I-just-miss-my-mom feeling: orphaned. Perfect opportunity to com- Prettiest drive in the diocese? That ing is no more, but the history inside Make a visit to your nearest Catholic plete those Adoration visits by way of would be the 7-mile stretch head- the church is palpable. Real presence, Church. Or go far! Jesus is there in the the May pilgrimage. A pilgrimage to ed west on Coonpath Road and then real future, real past. tabernacle. His Mother is always there Our Lady is the perfect way to express southbound onto Pleasantville Road The Blessed Mother surely arranged to point you in His direction, and she our childlike love. to Lancaster St. Bernadette Church. for the last day of my pilgrimages to comes under so many titles, in various On Wednesday, May 12, my friend scenes. Like a good mother, she lavish- Maureen accompanied me. Good pil- The school, where they “only do lit- Waverly and Portsmouth, both Mar- grims, we prayed a rosary on the way, tle kids (grades K-5) but we do them ian churches. At Waverly St. Mary, es good gifts on all her children. a rosary while at the church and a very well!” was in session. Little kids Queen of the Missions Church, Linda I promise that you will make a con- rosary on the drive back home. John- – and the Infant of Prague. This is an- and I were treated to a full tour of both nection, and you’ll leave feeling chipper. stown Church of the Ascension re- other one of those little gifts that Mary church buildings, including the original And, if like me, you’re one of the really vealed a precious treasure. keeps sending me. And my devotion church built in 1878. Our Lady provid- fortunate ones who still has a mom on There, in an ornate holder mounted is growing. Ponder his raised right ed by putting Kendall on the scene, a this side of the veil, call her – right now – just beneath the statue of the Blessed hand. Precious. most willing tour guide and landscap- and tell her that you love her! Wednesday, May 19 was my first er, baptized in that very parish. A lifelong Iowan, Anne Mallampal- Mother, burns a solitary blue votive trip to Tuscarawas County. Dover St. The noon bells rang for the Regina candle. I had never seen this before, Joseph Church has a statue of the child Coeli as we arrived at the beautiful li moved with her husband and four and the message that spoke to my Jesus with the most winsome face and Portsmouth St. Mary of the Annun- children from Iowa City to Pittsburgh heart is this: “I am here, who is your chubby fingers, much appreciated af- ciation Church. The sign on the front in 2009, and then she and her hus- Mother.” Just as the tabernacle lamp ter spending several minutes in quiet was a curiosity: “Boneyfiddle.” Was band relocated to Dublin in 2018. tells us that Jesus is present, this flame prayer in front of the Pieta. Non-tra- this a play on words – bona fides? But Anne is a member of Powell St. Joan provides the gentle reassurance that ditional Stations of the Cross pack a a quick Google search provided the of Arc Church and coordinator for the Mary is here, too. And she always punch. And, in this year of St. Joseph, answer. Thanks to my fourth-grade parish’s Eucharistic Adoration – stjo- points us to her son. like Mary, he always points us to Jesus. teacher from St. Cecelia’s who ad- DISCIPLESHIP, continued from Page 16 classes, and they entered the Church company. “I went to St. Mary’s and Facebook page eventually had more to take it. together at the Easter Vigil in 2019. said I would provide my services to “Likes” than that of any other parish “If you told me 20 years ago I’d be By that time, Mackey also had learned the parish at cost if they let me work in the diocese, and its livestreamed working a few blocks from the Ohio that his Parkinson’s disease was mis- for them part-time,” he said. Mass has been seen in more than 60 Statehouse today, I’d have thought, diagnosed. Through a combination of “(Parish business manager) Kris nations. ‘Well, of course, I’ll be working for therapy and a change in medications, Jesse told me, ‘I love everything you When the diocese began increas- a politician or a state agency.’ Instead, he is in good health today. want to do and I will let you do it, but ing its social media presence, Mack- my employer is the Diocese of Co- After his health returned, Mackey you have no budget.’ I had no prob- ey was offered his current position. lumbus, and I’m excited about what was with a marketing agency for a lem with that. When I began work- He said he was reluctant to leave St. I’m doing now and the things the di- while but found that he felt more con- ing for the parish, it was the happiest Mary’s, “but sometimes God calls ocese wants to do on social media in tent working for a cause rather than a I’ve ever been,” he said. The parish’s you to a leap of faith, and you have the future.” Catholic Times 18 June 6, 2021

Corpus Christi Sunday Year B THE WEEKDAY BIBLE READINGS 6/7-6/12 Matthew 5:20-26 Matthew 5:43-48 Time to renew our Eucharistic faith FRIDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY Hosea 11:1,3-4,8c-9 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 Exodus 24:3–8 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 Isaiah 12:2-6 (Ps) Psalm 112:1bc-4,9 Psalm 116:12–13, 15–16, 17–18 SCRIPTURE READINGS Psalm 34:2-9 John 19:31-37 Matthew 6:1-6,16-18 Hebrews 9:11–15 Matthew 5:1-12 Father Timothy Hayes SATURDAY THURSDAY Mark 14:12–16, 22–26 Father Timothy M. Hayes is pastor TUESDAY 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 2 Corinthians 11:1-11 of Chillicothe St. Mary and St. Pe- 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 Psalm 103:1-4,9-12 Psalm 111:1b-4,7-8 Eucharist is our life, the center of ter; and Waverly, St. Mary, Queen Psalm 119:129-133,135 Luke 2:41-51 Matthew 6:7-15 of the Missions. Matthew 5:13-16 our life with Jesus. Jesus is not just an 6/14-6/19 FRIDAY idea. He is a person, the Son of God, WEDNESDAY 2 Corinthians Who speaks to us in the midst of life. • No one ever tells them, or some- 2 Corinthians 3:4-11 MONDAY 11:18,21-30 one denies the truth before they have Psalm 99:5-9 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 Psalm 34:2-7 How do we respond? Our celebration Matthew 5:17-19 Psalm 98:1,2b,3-4 Matthew 6:19-23 of the Eucharist teaches us. We gath- heard it. Matthew 5:38-42 • They hear about it from believers THURSDAY SATURDAY er. We learn who we are. We become 2 Corinthians 3: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 a family at the table of the Eucharist. but do not see believers living it as 15--4:1,3-6 TUESDAY Psalm 34:8-13 true. 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 We share what we have and are with Psalm 85:9ab,10-14 Psalm 146:2,5-9a Matthew 6:24-34 the world. • They believe, perhaps when they In Jesus, God has established a cov- are young, and then they hear dissent- enant, a living relationship with us. ing voices and choose to give up the DIOCESAN WEEKLY RADIO AND TELEVISION There are key terms associated with faith they once had because of its cost. MASS SCHEDULE: WEEKS OF JUNE 6 AND 13, 2021 our Catholic faith in the Eucharist: Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, SUNDAY MASS p.m., and midnight). unity, sacrifice, Holy Communion, 10:30 a.m. Mass from Columbus Mass from the Archdiocese of transubstantiation, Real Presence. is a time to renew and strengthen our St. Joseph Cathedral on St. Gabriel at 6:30 a.m. on ION TV 12:05 p.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. The Eucharist is Jesus in His glorified Eucharistic faith. Let us renew and Radio (AM 820), Columbus, and at (AT&T U-verse Channel 195, Dish Saturdays, Mass from Columbus reality, body, blood, soul and divini- simplify our understanding: and diocesan Network Channel 250, or DirecTV St. Joseph Cathedral on St. Gabriel • Eucharist is Jesus, glorified, ris- website, Channel 305). Radio (AM 820), Columbus, and at ty. We worship Him. We receive Him and diocesan with reverence. We conform our lives en and ascended to the glory He had 10:30 a.m. Mass from Portsmouth St. Mass from Massillon St. Mary website, to what we receive. before the world began, seated at the Mary Church on St. Gabriel Radio (FM Church at 10:30 a.m. on WILB (Saturdays on radio only), If we do not live the Eucharist, we right hand of the Father, pouring out 88.3), Portsmouth. radio (AM 1060, FM 94.5 and 89.5), are not living up to our own nature. His spirit on us through His bride the Canton, heard in Tuscarawas, Videos of Masses are available at Church, in the sacramental life we Mass with the Passionist Fathers at Holmes, and Coshocton counties. any time on the internet at these During the time of “fasting” from the 7:30 a.m. on WWHO-TV (the CW), and many other parish websites: Eucharist that many experienced due share. Channel 53, Columbus and 10:30 a.m. DAILY MASS Mattingly Settlement St. Mary (www. to COVID-19, we all became more •Eucharist is the Lord Jesus, through on WHIZ-TV, Channel 18, Zanesville. 8 a.m., Our Lady of the Angels stannstmary,org); Columbus St. aware of the sustaining power of this the Incarnation and through the pas- Mass from St. Francis de Sales Monastery in Birmingham, Ala. Patrick (www.stpatrickcolumbus. chal mystery, offering Himself to us as Seminary, Milwaukee, at 10 a.m. on (Encores at noon, 7 p.m. and org); Delaware St. Mary (www. gift and of our hearts’ longing for it WWHO-TV. Check local cable system midnight). See EWTN above; and delawarestmary,org); Sunbury St. John when we could not receive. our food, sustaining us for the life of for cable channel listing. on I-Lifetv (Channel 113 , Ada, Neumann (; How do we come to faith in the Eu- eternity. Logan, Millersburg, Murray City, and Columbus Immaculate Conception charist, in the Real Presence of Jesus • Eucharist is the very center of our Mass from Our Lady of the Angels Washington C.H.; Channel 125, ( Check your parish Christ? Someone who has this faith life in Christ as Church. Monastery, Birmingham, Ala., at 8 Marion, Newark, Newcomerstown website tfor additional information. How do we witness to this practi- a.m. on EWTN (Spectrum Channel and New Philadelphia; Channel 207, tells us, shows us what it means and 385, Insight Channel 382, or WOW Zanesville); 8 p.m., St. Gabriel Radio We pray Weeks II and III, Seasonal we believe it through the testimony cally? Channel 378). (Encores at noon, 7 (AM 820), Columbus, and at www. Propers of the Liturgy of the Hours. we have received. We accept the sub- • We come to Mass every Sunday stance of the faith, put it to use for and Holy Day and on other occasions sion, if needed, by fasting for an hour tabernacle, making visits and coming ourselves in our own lives and then whenever we can. In the dioceses of and by disposing our hearts to be open to Adoration whenever possible. pass it on. Ohio, this obligation is being restored to the action of His grace through the • We share our faith with the next How do people who do not believe as a step along the way of recovery Eucharist. generation, teaching them and show- in the Eucharist come to their “un- from “COVID time.” • We adore the Lord in His Eucharis- faith”? The opposite happens: • We prepare ourselves to receive tic presence: genuflecting toward the the Lord in the Eucharist by confes- See FAITH, Page 19 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B Be evangelizers, stewards of nature, and let God work in you Ezekiel 17:22–24 several related matters that the Church Gospel, putting it into practice and disciples He explained everything in Psalm 92:2–3, 13–14, 15–16 is calling us to engage in. Through sharing it with the whole world. In our private.” How and when do we give 2 Corinthians 5:6–10 Pope Francis and our own Bishop time, we are ever more aware of the re- the Lord a chance to explain things to Mark 4:26–34 Robert Brennan, we are called to be sponsibility that is ours to care for cre- us in private? evangelizers who keep the poor in our ation, acknowledging God as the cre- Do we take time in the course of What impels you? As St. Paul tells attention. We are also taught that we ator and giving Him praise. God is our our day for the Lord? How much of us, the Gospel answer is – and so, our need to be mindful of all of creation, father. God is the creator. We should our time do we give directly to God? answer ought to be – the love of Christ. recognizing the earth as our common respond in love and praise for Who He When we take time for prayer, is it giv- Do we love Jesus Christ first and home. We must keep all creation’s role reveals Himself to be in Jesus Christ. en generously, without measuring, or is best? Do we allow His love and our in praise of God in mind as we relate “Give thanks to the Lord, for His Love it given grudgingly? Do we realize that love for Him to motivate us to action? to the world around us. To do that, we is everlasting.” our use of our time will be measured Do we accomplish the things He teach- need to be mindful of our own praise The Lord Jesus, the Word of God, es us to accomplish? of God. shares the wisdom of God’s creative In our time, it is clear that there are The Church exists to respond to the activity with His friends. “To His own See STEWARDS, Page 19 June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 19

CATHOLIC CROSSWORD FAITH, continued from Page 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 ing them what it means to us by bring- sit in His presence in adoration. Be ing them to church, putting the Lord transformed. Let us say: “I will take 7 8 first in our own lives, even when there the cup of salvation and call on the is a cost, and by living in accord with name of the Lord.” 9 the teachings of the Church. We adore you Lord Jesus Christ, in God asks us to open our lives to the the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. 01 11 21 Eucharist. How can we do this? Spend O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament time with Him. Come to Mass every Divine, All Praise and All Thanksgiv- 31 week. Come to daily Mass. Come to ing be every moment Thine!

41 51 STEWARDS, continued from Page 18 when we come to the moment of en- 61 71 be proclaimed, sitting in silence re- counter with eternity to which we are membering that that Lord is present in all destined? “For we must all appear the tabernacle, preparing our hearts for 81 91 02 12 before the judgment seat of Christ, so Him, attending to our hunger to receive that each may receive recompense, Him in word and sacrament. 22 according to what he did in the body, • We may choose a time for Eucha- whether good or evil.” ristic Adoration or attend a weekday 32 42 52 God is always worth our time. Mass. • We can give God our day as it • We may return to the devotions of 62 72 begins, asking Him to walk with us our childhood, such as a family rosary through the day. or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. We may 82 29 30 • When we find that we have free learn a new prayer by heart. moments in our day, we can give God Whatever we do, we want to give 13 these moments before we waste them. God a chance to work in us. He prom- We may take a walk in nature or sit for ises that He will take us “from the crest 23 33 a few moments watching the people of the cedar, from its topmost branches, around us, lifting them up to God in tear(ing) off a tender shoot” ... so that, 43 prayer. once planted among God’s people, we • On Sundays, we ought to arrange may “become a majestic cedar.” We ACROSS DOWN moc.scilohtacrofsemagdrow.www our day around the Mass we choose to will grow, as He has promised. “For Saucer for the Eucharist 1 Jesus slept in one attend instead of choosing our Mass as the Lord Himself has spoken, so will 7 Book containing calendar of Masses 2 St. Martin de ___ time according to the structure of the He do.” 8 “…the Father ___” 3 Diocese in Arizona day we have already planned. Together, let us give thanks and • When we come to Mass, we can praise the name of the Lord! 9 Church assn. for kids 4 Mother-in-law of Ruth come early and read the Scriptures to 10 Biblical river 5 Saint of Loyola 12 Solemn holy day 6 It may be found in a church GATHERING, continued from Page 16 13 A dove brought back this branch back 11 Where Vatican City is all that I have commanded you. And bus on March 29, 2019. to Noah 12 ___ of the Lord behold, I am with you always, until Music for Friday’s Vespers and pro- 14 One of the judges 16 Tribe of Israel the end of the age.” cession at St. Joseph Cathedral will be 15 Vestment worn under the alb 17 “Our Father who ___…” “I Will Be With You Always” will provided by the cathedral choir. On 16 “Angel of God, my guardian ___…” 19 Member of an order of St. Angela be the theme of Bishop Brennan’s Saturday, the Filipino choir of Colum- 18 Foreign king of the Restoration Merici keynote address on Friday, with bus St. Elizabeth Church will present Archbishop Perez speaking Saturday selections before the Mass. The Co- 20 Brother of Ishmael 21 Former Catholic United States Supreme on the subjects “Real Presence” and lumbus St. Dominic Church choir, di- 22 Exodus pest Court justice “Real Future.” Spanish interpretation rected by Vernon Hairston, will sing at 23 “Ite, ___ est” 22 Favorite food of Isaac and sign language interpretation will Mass, with the Ghanaian choir of Co- 24 One of the Twelve 23 Prayer book be available on Saturday. lumbus St. Anthony Church featured 26 The Feast of the Annunciation is in 24 Paul mentions her in Romans 16:1 Archbishop Perez and Bishop Bren- following the Mass. There also will be this month 25 An element of moral culpability nan were ordained together as auxilia- a time of praise and worship between 28 “___ Regina” 27 “I will ___ up for David a righteous ry bishops of the Diocese of Rockville the talks by Archbishop Perez. Centre, New York, where both served Event organizers ask those planning 29 ___ for the poor Branch” (Jer 23:5) from 2012 to 2017. Archbishop Perez to attend Saturday’s program to reg- 31 Israel ending 30 Angelus time was bishop of Cleveland from 2017 to ister in advance, but walk-ins will be 32 Companion of Paul and Silas 2020, when he was appointed to his admitted. A registration form will be 33 Roman emperor who persecuted current position. Bishop Brennan was available soon at www.realpresence- Christians installed as the 12th bishop of Colum- 34 Letter by which a priest is released

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Antoniak May 14 bus Jan. 12 Funeral Mass for William J., Holy Family and St. Ladislas, St. Church, St. Andrew Church, Columbus Antoniak, 70, who died Tues- Worthington St. Michael and Columbus MARTIN, John W., 87, May 8 day, May 18, was celebrated Urbana St. Mary churches. He St. Leo the Great , PANNELLA, Jeanne E. (Bod- Saturday, May 22 at Colum- directed the Mannerchor and BAPTISTE, Louis, 91, May 17 Columbus ish), 78, May 17 bus St. Mary, Mother of God Damenchor of the Germania St. Pius X Church, Reynolds- Resurrection Cemetery Chapel, burg MASCHERINO, Michele Lewis Center Church. Burial was at Forest Club of Columbus and was di- “Mike,” 93, May 23 Lawn Memorial Gardens, Co- rector and founding member BITTONI, Mario, 93, May 23 Resurrection Cemetery Chapel, PAXTON, Macille E. (Swartz), lumbus. of the Mendelssohn Liedertafel St. Michael Church, Worthing- Lewis Center 90, May 24 He was born on May 18, 1951 and leader of the Bill Antoniak ton St. Patrick Church, Junction to the late James and Louise Mac and the Polka Heroes band. McINTOSH, Joseph P., 92, City Antoniak. He served in the mil- Survivors include his wife, BOPE, James W., 85, May 15 May 19 itary and was a member of the Laura; son, William (Ina); Church of the Resurrection, St. Patrick Church, London PIOLATA, Tommy P., 69, May U.S. Army band in Berlin. daughter, Abby; brothers, Ted, New Albany 19 He played the accordion and Mark (Kathy), Jim and Tim; McKENDRY, Roderick, 76, St. Andrew Church, Columbus the organ and at various times sisters, Diane Lower and Cathy BUYKO, Phyliis A. (Young), May 17 was music director and organist (Bob) Lembke; and four grand- 79, May 18 Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, QUINN, William, 74, May 22 of St. Mary Church, Columbus children. St. James the Less Church, Columbus St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Columbus Pickerington Jacqueline M. Gundling McMONAGLE, Joyce, 77, May CAMPBELL, Anne (McHale) 20 REOCH, Lawrence D., 84, May Funeral Mass for Jacqueline M. many years with H&R Block 90, May 12 St. Paul Church, Westerville 14 Gundling, 86, who died Thursday, as a tax preparer and enrolled Immaculate Conception Church, Resurrection Cemetery Chapel, May 14, was celebrated Thurs- agent. Columbus McVICKER, Joseph P., 55, Lewis Center day, May 20 at Westerville St. She was a longtime member May 17 Paul Church. Burial was at Resur- of Columbus St. Peter Catholic FALOR, Elwin R., 85, May 17 St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, ROSSI, Gail (Zimmerman), 84, rection Cemetery, Lewis Center. Church, where she on the Parish St. Christopher Church, Colum- Pickerington May 15 She was born on Nov. 6, 1934 Council, was an extraordinary bus St. Joseph Church, Dover in Cleveland to John and Hel- minister of the Eucharist and MEIER, James M., 61, May 13 en (Claffie) Sweeney and was taught in the Parish School of FOOSE, Alphonse M., 96, May St. Ladislas Church, Columbus SEIPEL, Daniel E., 66, May 21 a graduate of the Beaumont Religion. 23 Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, School for Girls in Cleveland She was preceded in death St. Matthew Church, Gahanna MICELI, Lawrence, 71, May 25 Columbus Heights and St. Mary of the by her parents and her husband, St. Francis de Sales Church, Springs College (now Ohio Do- James. Survivors include sons, GADDIS, Gary W., 84, May 17 Newark THOMAS, Trudy F. (Under- minican University). James (Lynda), John (Toni), St. Bernard Church, Corning wood), 74, May 12 She served as an ombudsman Mark and Matthew; daughters, MILLER, Marjorie A. (Lora- St. Mary Church, Lancast- for Catholic Social Services and Jennifer (Steven) Elliott and GILLEN, Joe, 72, April 13 ditch), 85, May 8 er was involved in many volunteer Michelle (Patrick) Laird; eight St. Bernadette Church, Lan- St. Mary Church, Lancaster organizations and social service grandsons; and seven grand- caster TRIEFENBACH, Martha committees. She also worked for daughters. MOCK, James M., 69, May 24 (Kamerick), 82, May 19 GOHRING, Regina K. (Grim), St. John Church, Logan St. Elizabeth Church, Columbus 87, May 19 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WITH Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, COLUMBUS Columbus CROSSWORD SOLUTION 25 Hours Per Week – 10:00 am – 3:00 pm HAHN, Mary L. (Bell), 85, May B PATEN I S 24 St. Francis of Assisi Parish is seeking an administrative St. Mary Church, Lancaster ORDO U ALM I GHTY professional to manage the church office and serve in sup- HALL, Patricia A. (O’Neill), 85, A R CYO N A port of the Pastor and parishioners and as a staff resource, May 23 T I GR I S M FEAST ensuring that parish needs in administration, personnel, Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel, finance, and facilities are fulfilled. This position directs and Columbus T E OL I VE T U manages these efforts with technical expertise. This posi- SAMSON AM I CE tion will remain open until filled. HEATH, Elizabeth C. “Betty” Required skills include: Proficiency with MS Office (Word, (Dunn), 95, May 20 L DEAR U Excel, Publisher); Familiarity with payroll and accounting St. Philip Church, Columbus CYRUS A R I SAAC practices and systems is helpful; Excellent organizational KURTH, Coral L., 92, May 13 R GNAT L skills and efficiency of effort; Excellent oral and written com- St. Andrew Church, Columbus munication and human relation skills are essential; Ability to M I SSA PH I L I P handle and prioritize multiple, diverse tasks. LEWIS, Stephen H., 84, I U M A R C H N T formerly of Mount Sterling, SALVE A OPT I ON Previous business management experience is essential. A May 17 Bachelor’s Degree is preferred but not essential. Sacred Heart Church, South- S I I TE E O Please send cover letter and resume to : Fr. Fritzner Val- port, N.C. cin, St. Francis of Assisi Church, 386 Buttles Ave, Columbus, BARNABAS B NERO OH 43214 MacKINNON, Agnes R. (Mc- L E N Gee), 93, May 13 lohtacrofsemagdrow.www moc.sci June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 21 St. Timothy festival to feature new-car raffle By Doug Bean a law firm after graduating from the Ohio State Uni- Catholic Times Editor versity Moritz College of Law and then relocating to the Dallas area, where he now lives. And so when Steve, who never married, left a Columbus St. Timothy Church and School will sizable estate to his two younger brothers after his benefit in a big way at this summer’s Festival on the death, they decided to use some of the money to Green from one of its former member’s frugality. honor him and buy the new Accord he had always A new 2021 Honda Accord LX, donated in mem- shunned. ory of St. Timothy School graduate Steve Schira, “I said, you know, finally, I’m going to buy that will be raffled as a fundraiser to benefit the parish Accord because I’ve been saying that to him for 15 school in conjunction with the July 9-10 festival, or 20 years,” Jeff said. “But I don’t really need a car, which is returning this year after it was cancelled in and so I called up Jim Cetovich, who was one of the 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic. The late Steve Schira (left), who passed away in 2019, is pictured with his brothers, Jeff (center) and Mike Schira. A guys responsible for St. Tim’s festival, and I said, Schira, who passed away in 2019 at age 65, was ‘Do you want to do something big for your raffle? an engineer for the Kroger Company and part-own- new Honda Accord was donated to the St. Timothy Church How about this car?’ And they accepted.” er of a home inspection business in central Ohio parish festival in Steve Schira’s name for its annual raffle. Keeping with the spirit of Steve’s frugality, the who remained cautious with his money throughout Photo courtesy Jeff Schira new Accord will be a base model. life despite his success. “The lower trim level was all he was ever going His youngest brother, Jeff, said recently that Steve “Of course, he never wanted to listen to me be- to buy,” Jeff said. “I wanted to give away what he developed a habit of buying a 4- or 5-year-old Hon- cause I was the younger brother. So I just thought if would have bought if he ever did buy a new one.” da Accord, put about 100,000 miles on the vehicle he dies and leaves me the money, I’m going to buy Jeff said he never considered doing anything else and then purchase a similar car a few years later a new Honda after he ignored what I’d been saying with the but offering it to St. Tim’s, partic- even though he could afford a new model. for 30 years because I’m his stupid kid brother.” ularly in light of the revenue that was lost in 2020 “We joked about it because he was always two Jeff, 63, was in the first class of students after St. when the festival was cancelled. or three generations behind in technology, always Timothy School was established in 1963-64 to go “I know they had a tough year last year because driving a car that was 6 or 7 years old so it never had all the way through to eighth-grade graduation be- I know that was a major fundraiser,” Jeff said. “I airbags and never had anti-lock brakes and all kinds fore he moved on to Columbus Bishop Watterson hope they sell a lot of tickets.” of stuff,” Jeff said. “He was very well off financial- High School. His parents were among the founding Some might question whether the money used to ly, and so my other brother and me would say to members of the parish, and Jeff recalled volunteer- him, ‘Why don’t you just blow the budget once and ing at the festival with his father, John, starting in buy a new one?’ 1972, before moving to Atlanta in 1989 to work for See FESTIVAL, Page 22







CMM_CatholicTimes_HalfPg-June6th Friday, May 28, 2021 10:40:30 AM Catholic Times 22 June 6, 2021

Students at Columbus Immaculate Conception School greet diocesan seminarians led Sam Severence (left) and Joey Rolwing, diocesan seminarians at the Pontifical College by Kevin Girardi as they arrive on Thursday, May 27 for one of their stops at six schools Josephinum, speak with a second-grade class at Immaculate Conception School and answer during the annual bike tour. CT photos by Ken Snow their questions. Seminarians resume annual bike tour, visit schools After being on hiatus Mary. teners as “incredibly recep- for a year because of the This year, all the seminari- tive, asking a lot of questions COVID-19 pandemic, sem- ans’ stops were in Columbus. and seem(ing) to be very ex- inarians from the Diocese of They started at Bishop Hart- cited about the love of the Columbus who are attending ley High School, then went Lord. … Because I went to the Pontifical College Jose- to St. Charles Preparatory public grade and high school, phinum resumed their annu- School and Bishop Ready I didn’t get to experience any- al bicycle tour of diocesan High School on the first day, one in the priesthood or reli- schools. then spent the night at St. gious life talking to us in this Seminarians Kevin Girar- Therese’s Retreat Center be- way, so I’m really glad I’m a di, Michael Haemmerle, Jake fore concluding the tour with part of this. It’s a huge bless- Asuncion, Joseph Rolwing visits to St. Francis DeSales ing,” he said. and Daniel Colby made a to- High School, Immaculate Girardi said the purpose tal of six stops on their bikes Conception School and Cristo of the tour was “to encour- on Wednesday and Thursday, Rey High School. age young men and women May 26 and 27, with Sam “I was amazed that students to consider vocations both to Severance, who also is study- recognized that our call to religious life and to marriage ing for the priesthood at the holiness was something they so they might have a better Josephinum, driving the trail could relate to,” Asuncion understanding that a voca- The final stop on the bike tour of diocesan schools came at Columbus car. They were easily recog- said. “They asked us ques- tion is a calling from God to Cristo Rey High School, where the seminarians spoke with students. nizable in their blue T-shirts tions like ‘How can I be called which we each respond. … with the symbol of the Im- to a life of holiness?’ The fact (We want) to encourage them maculate Heart of Mary and that they want to try to find to say ‘Yes’ to Jesus so that tive in their hearts to say ‘Yes’ inarians in order to connect Pope St. John Paul’s papal their own vocation and estab- it’s clear that God has made to whatever it is.” with people and show who motto Totus Tuus – Latin for lish that relationship with the them, that He loves them, that Severance said the tour was we are, and to let them ask “Totally Yours,” a reference Lord – that was so cool.” He’s made them for a specific important because it gave questions about vocations to to his devotion to the Virgin Rowling described his lis- task, and for them to be recep- young people and adults a the priesthood, consecrated chance “to put faces to sem- life and married life.” FESTIVAL, continued from Page 21 In the marriage case styled JOHN CLAYTON HARVEY III and DONNA LORETTA BEZNER, the Tribunal of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio is currently unaware buy the car could have been ing it and selling tickets, and said. “We always try to teach of the present address of DONNA LORETTA BEZNER. The Tribunal herewith donated as cash, but a raffle I think that’s important, too.” our kids to not forget where informs her of the case and invites her to contact REVEREND MONSIGNOR you came from and if possible JOHN JOHNSON, JCD, Presiding and sole Judge, no later than – 21 JUNE 2021, “adds some excitement, and That’s also the additional or call phone (614) 241-2500 Extension 1. Anyone who knows of the where- there’s something about it benefit of potentially attract- give back. And that’s what’s abouts of DONNA LORETTA BEZNER is herewith asked to make this Citation that makes an event out of it,” ing more people to the festi- happening here.” known to her or to inform the Tribunal of her current address. Jeff said. val. For the past 15 years, the Raffle tickets for the au- “Just giving money is nice, festival raffle offered a $1,000 tomobile are available for Given this 6 JUNE 2021; purchase at $20 each or six but having a raffle like this grand prize for $100 in the parish office, REVEREND MONSIGNOR JOHN JOHNSON, JCD hopefully will bring in more “This is a huge donation 1088 Thomas Lane, from 9 Presiding Judge money than the purchase that will bring much-needed a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday KAREN KITCHELL price of the car. There’s a funds to the parish and the through Friday or online at Notary community spirit involved in school,” St. Timothy School the festival website, https:// getting together and organiz- principal George Mosholder June 6, 2021 Catholic Times 23 Local news and events St. Martha Giving Circle grants total $50,000 The St. Martha Giving Circle of decide together which projects to fi- around the parish grounds. are at 1 p.m. July 24 and Oct. 23, both The Catholic Foundation (The Mar- nancially support. There also are op- For more information or to sign up Saturdays. thas) awarded 10 organizations a re- portunities to share ideas, serve with for an hour of adoration, go to www. cord amount of $50,000 in grants for one another, grow deeper in Catholic Hilliard Confirmation classes their work in the community. faith, socialize and learn about ongo- plan reunion in September Mommies Matter received $10,000; ing needs in the Diocese of Columbus. Back in His Arms Again Back in His Arms Again and Open- Interested in joining The Marthas Anyone who was confirmed at Door Columbus, which works with or just want to learn more? Call (614) to host fundraiser Hilliard St. Brendan the Navigator women and families dealing with 443-8893, send an email to kshuey@ Back in His Arms Again, which Church between 1966 and 1976 is in- addiction, $7,000 each; the Women’s or visit www. helps families who have experienced vited to a weekend reunion on Satur- Care Center of Columbus, the Christ the loss of a child, will sponsor a day and Sunday, Sept. 18 and 19. Child Society of Columbus and Jo- for more information. fundraiser on Sunday, June 27 from A golf outing will take place on Sat- seph’s Coat of Central Ohio, $5,000 1 to 3 p.m. at the Whetstone shelter urday at the Wilson Road Golf Course, each; the Pregnancy Decision Health St. Matthew hosting day house in the Park of Roses, 3901 N. 1900 N. Wilson Road, Columbus. The Centers, Columbus Cristo Rey High High St., Columbus. cost is $22 for nine holes of play and School and the Columbus Early of worship on June 12 It will be a family event with activities a shared cart. The first tee time is 8:30 Learning Centers, $3,000 each; and Gahanna St. Matthew Church, 807 and snacks, plus a silent auction with a.m. The following day is a rain date. the Bottoms Up diaper drive, $2,000. Havens Corners Road, will be the site bidding from 1 to 2:15 p.m. Admission A dance party with music from that Members of The Marthas nominat- for a special day of worship on Satur- is free and all proceeds will go to the era is scheduled from 2:30 to 5:30 ed 24 organizations for consideration day, June 12, the Feast of the Immac- organization’s work of assisting griev- p.m. Sunday at the Valley Dale Ball- and voted to award money to the top ulate Heart of Mary. ing families. If you are unable to attend, room, 1590 Sunbury Road, Colum- 10. The Marthas have a history of The day will begin with Mass at donations may be made online at www. bus. The cost is $20. There also may identifying, learning about and sup- 8:30 a.m., followed by Eucharistic or mailed to be softball at the church, 4475 Dublin Adoration from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Box 1553, Westerville, OH 43086. porting groups doing incredible work Road, if enough people are interested. in the community. They have awarded a Sunday Vigil Mass at 5 p.m. The The organization conducts memo- program will conclude at 6 p.m. with rial Masses four times a year in the For more information and to volun- almost $250,000 since 2015. teer, contact Molly Newberry at (614) The Marthas gather quarterly “Exult!”, a service including adora- chapel at Resurrection Cemetery, throughout the year to learn about tion, with praise and worship music, 9571 N. High St., Lewis Center. The 203-6621 or mollynewberry@ameri- organizations and their needs and to ending with a Eucharistic procession remaining Masses scheduled this year