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Chapter 2

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Chapter 4

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24. Centre for Social Justice, Breakdown Britain (2006); Centre for Social Justice, Breakthrough Britain (2007). 25. David Willetts, The Pinch: How the Baby Boomers Took Their Children’s Future – And Why They Should Give it Back (Atlantic Books, 2010). 26. http://it.tmcnet.com/topics/it/articles/147893-intel-build-advanced- semiconductor-fab-arizona.htm 27. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/01/arm_holdings_q4_2010_numbers/ 28. Edward Prescott and W.P. Cary, ‘Why do Americans Work so Much More than Europeans?’, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review (2004). 29. Steven Davis and Magnus Henrekson, Tax Effects on Work Activity (2004). 30. HM Treasury, Public finances databank; ONS, Labour Force Survey, 8 December 2011. 31. HMRC, Income Tax Liabilities, by Income Range, http://www.hmrc.gov. uk/stats/income_tax/menu.htm 32. Alberto Alesina, Edward Glaeser and Bruce Sacerdote, Work and Leisure in the US and Europe: Why so Different? (2005). 33. http://scrapthetax.co.uk/newsshow.aspx?id=3 34. ONS, Labour Market Statistics and Economics and Labour Market Review The data for 2011 cover January to November inclusive. 35. Data from the Department of Work and Pensions, May 2011. 36. Jean-Baptiste Michau, European Unemployment: How Significant was a Declining Work Ethic (CentrePiece, 2009). 37. Various ONS data. 38. Department of Work and Pensions, Press Release, 25 January 2012. 39. YouGov poll commissioned by the Centre for Social Justice, May 2008. 40. Centre for Social Justice, Dynamic Benefits: Towards Welfare That Works. A Policy Report by the CSJ Economic Dependency Working Group (2009), p. 7. 41. OECD, Family Database, 2011. 42. Elizabeth Truss, ‘Why We Need Better Policies for Working Parents’. Article for the Institute of Directors, 2011. 43. Published 7 September 2011. 44. Interview, , 19 September 2009. 45. Interview, Guardian, 7 February 2011. 46. Centre for Social Justice, Creating Opportunity, Rewarding Ambition (2011). 47. CBI, Action for Jobs (2011). 48. Andrew Dunn, ‘The “Dole or Drudgery” Dilemma’, Social Policy & Administration, 1, vol. 44 (2010). 49. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-16037332 50. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2085142/Cait-Reilly-Unemployed- graduate-sues-ministers-forced-work-Poundland.html#ixzz1odGVxdHi 51. Widely reported, including Daily Telegraph, 1 October 2009. 52. Daily Telegraph, 10 October 2009. 53. Interview, Guardian, 10 December 2011. 54. Alan Sugar, The Way I See It (2011), pp. 145–6. 128 Britannia Unchained

55. Reported, Digital Spy, 18 October 2011. 56. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6923678.stm 57. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/biographyandmemoirreviews/ 8081734/Alan-Sugar-the-Essex-boy-who-showed-em-all.html 58. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/article-1711658/How-rich-Alan-Sugar. html 59. Jo Blanden and Stephen Machin, Recent Changes in Intergenerational Mobility in Britain (Centre for Economic Performance, 2007); Panel on Fair Access to the Professions, Unleashing Aspiration (2009). 60. OECD, A Family Affair: Intergenerational Social Mobility Across OECD Countries (2010).

Chapter 5

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Chapter 6

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Compiled by Sue Carlton

9/11 terrorist attacks 29 Black Wednesday 25 Blair, Tony 17, 24, 27, 29, 115 Addison Lee minicabs 62, 63 Blanchflower, David 20 Airbnb 98 boom and bust, end of 25, 27, 30, 115 Allensbach Institute 40 Branson, Richard 97 America see United States Brazil 5, 100–6, 112, 113, 115 Amin, Idi 9 crime 102–3, 105 antisemitism 86 democratic elections 104 Antrobus, Lavern 75 demographics 104 AOL 81 education system 105 Apple 60, 81, 91, 105 and global recession 101 The Apprentice 75 and international investment 105 apprenticeships 74 military coups 104 ArcelorMittal 73 Olympic Games (2016) 101–2, 103 Argentine military junta, defeat of and optimism 5, 100–2, 103, 105, (1982) 10 106, 111 ARM 68 poverty and inequality 102, 104–5 measures 3, 36, 66 productivity 105, 115 Australia 30, 32–3, 65, 88, 111 BRIC (Brazil, , India, China) economies 10 Bakewell, Joan 109–10 see also emerging economies Balls, Ed 25–6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33 Britain see United Kingdom Balls, Michael 25 British Chamber of Commerce survey Bank of England (2011) 87 independence 25 British film industry 97 see also central banks British Social Attitudes survey 109 bankruptcy 91, 92 Brittan, Samuel 20 see also business, and failure Brown, Gordon 17, 24, 25, 26–9, 30, banks 33, 36 Australian 33 Buckley, Sir George 58 bailouts 12, 33 business 2, 3–4 Canadian 4, 13, 33–5 enterprise zones 88 Chinese 95 and failure 91–2, 95–6, 99 and mathematical knowledge 45, and informal economy 88–9 47–8 and regulation 87–8, 89 Bar-Natan, Bernard 78–80, 84 Basel II regulations 47 Callaghan, James 24, 114 Beleza Natural 103–4 Cameron, David 20 Beuchler, Simone 102 Campbell, Kim 16 137 138 Britannia Unchained

Canada 4, 12, 13–19, 32, 33–7 Crowdcube 98 banks 4, 13, 33–5 crowdfunding 98 cutting deficits 4, 14–18, 30, 32, 37 Darling, Alistair 111 diversified economy 34 Day Care Trust 71 education 36, 37 De Gaulle, Charles 8, 105–6 financial regulation 34–5 Deak, Lex 92 points-based immigration system debt 10, 12, 19–24, 30–3, 115 36 debt delusion 19–20, 23 spending cuts 17–18 and default 21–2, 101 CDOs (collateralised debt obligations) and economic growth 21, 22, 23–4 47, 48 and financial crises 22–3 CDSs (credit default swaps) 47 and future generations 67, 70 celebrity culture 4, 74–5, 76, 115 and responsible spending 24, 33 central banks deficits 23–4 independence 25, 27 see also United Kingdom (UK), and see also Bank of England deficit; Canada, cutting deficits; Centre for Economics and Business debt Research 101 delayed gratification 71–2 Centre for Social Justice 67, 70, 73 demographics 106–11 Charles II, King of England 21 population aging 32, 100, 101, childcare, cost of 71 106–7 Chile 30, 32 population growth 9, 113 China 10, 46, 53, 113, 115 Devey, Hilary 75–6 aging population 106, 107 Dickson, Julie 35 education 43, 44, 113 Diefenbaker, John 15 Chinese students in UK 58–9, 72 dot com bubble 11, 29, 94 enterprise culture 95 Dragons’ Den 75 informal economy 89 Duncan, Arne 38 patent registration 54 Duncan, Emma 57 Chrétien, Jean 16–18, 35, 36 Duncan-Smith, Iain 75 chutzpah 81–2 Dyson, , James 97 Cidade de Deus slum 100 City of God (2002) 100 Economic Freedom of the World Clark, Joe 15 (Cato Institute) 36 Clarke, Ken 27–8 economic growth 113 Clinton, Bill 25 and demographic dividend 108 ComRes poll 87 unsustainability of 9, 10 Confederation of British Industry 74 Economic Stabilisation Plan (Israel) Conservative Party (Canada) 35 83 consumer law 89 Edison, Thomas 91 Cool Britannia 10, 115 education 4–5, 38–60 Costa, Edivan 103 comparing school systems 38–41 credit card debt 12, 30 cramming establishments 43–4 Crosland, Anthony 26 and graduate jobs market 44–5 Crow, Bob 63 and hard work 50, 57, 59 Index 139

and parental aspiration 57, 59, geek culture 48–51 72–3 General Motors 92 students choosing easier subjects Germany 42–3, 45, 46–7 birth rate 107 and work experience 43, 74 economic growth 8 see also United Kingdom (UK), educational reform 41 education; Programme for high-tech industry 52 International Student Assessment and PISA results 40–1, 57 (PISA) welfare reform 4 Edward III, King of England 21 Giffords, Gabrielle 78, 79–80 emerging economies 3, 11, 113, 115 Gladwell, Malcolm 86 and scientific development 52, 53 Global Competitiveness Report and women 50 2011/12 88 see also Brazil; China; India; global financial crisis (2007–08) 2–3, Mexico; South Korea 4, 9–10, 31–2 Enron 92 responses to 13–14 enterprise zones 88, 94 globalisation 4, 54 entrepreneurship Golden Rule 28, 29 Brazilian shantytowns 103–4 Google 60, 81, 93 and courage 98–9 Gou, Terry 105 in US 90, 93–4, 96–7 Gove, Michael 38 and work ethic 67–8 Greece 3 see also Israeli entrepreneurial Griffin, John 62 culture Erlich, Yigal 83, 84–5 Haddock, Richard 64 Eurozone crisis 3, 12, 21, 37, 114 Harford, Tim 92 Exchange Rate Mechanism 24–5, 115 Hari, Johann 19 Harper, Stephen 35, 36 Facebook 55, 76, 95 Harvard University failure Harvard Institute of Economic as part of business 91–2, 95–6, 99 Research 68, 69 see also risk and New Keynesianism 25, 26 Famine, 1975! (1967) 9 Hasan, Medhi 19 favelas (Brazilian shantytowns) 101–4 Hawke, Bob 32 drug lords 102–3 Heath, Edward 8, 9, 114 entrepreneurial spirit 103–4 Henderson, Sir Nicholas 7, 8 feed-in tariffs 85 Heritage Foundation 36 Ferguson, Niall 21, 66, 91 Hernández, Daniel, Jr 78 First Care Products 79 Hewlett Packard 81, 93 fiscal rules 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33 Higher Education Policy Institute 57 see also Golden Rule Hinduja brothers 72–3 Flaherty, Jim 35 Hodge, Margaret 43 Flikr 95 Hoffman, Reid 97 Frankel, Jeffrey 29 Hong Kong 5, 36, 66, 113 fuel prices 62 Howard, John 33 Furedi, Frank 87 Human Rights Act 74 140 Britannia Unchained

Hutton, Will 26 Japan hyperinflation 21, 83, 104, 105 aging population 106–7 education 40, 43, 55 IBM 81 work ethic 106 ICQ (instant messaging programme) Jebel Ali Free Zone (Dubai) 88 81 Jefferson, Thomas 90 Imperial College 58 Jobs, Steve 89 India 4–5, 100, 113, 115 Jobseeker’s Allowance 74 attitudes to science and technology John-Baptiste, Ashley 45–6 44, 46, 49–51 Johnson, Samuel 98 Institutes of Technology 51, 53 Jones, Peter 97 work ethic 57, 72–3 innovation 5, 93–4, 97, 98–9, 105, 114 Katz, Lawrence 25 and informal economy 88–9 Katzir , Ephraim 83 and necessity 86, 91 Keating, Paul 32 patent applications 81, 82, 95–7 Keegan, William 26, 28 and risk 91–2 Kennedy, John F. 23–4 see also entrepreneurship; Israeli Keynes, John Maynard 20 entrepreneurial culture; venture Keynesian economics 14–15, 20, 24, capital 28 instant messaging 81 Kinnock, Neil 28 Intel 68, 81 Kissinger, Henry 9 intellectual capital 52, 53, 112 Krugman, Paul 19 intellectual property law 55, 89 Kumar, Manmohan S. 22 International Indicators of Educational Systems (INES) Laski, Harold 14 project (OECD) 39 Last.fm 55, 98 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Le Dang Doanh 89 34, 114 Leavis, F.R. 46 internet 55, 81, 88, 99, 108–9 Lehman Brothers 92 Intuit 92 leverage 35 Iraq War (2003) 10 Li, David 47–8 Isagba, Beau 1 Liberal Party (Canada) 16–18, 35 Isenberg, Daniel 83, 94, 95–6 The Limits to Growth 9 ‘Israeli bandage’ 78–80 LinkedIn 95, 97, 98 Israeli entrepreneurial culture 78–86 London tube-drivers 63 government support for 83–6 Lopes, Antonio Francisco Bonfim and Jewish immigrants from Soviet (‘Nem’) 103 Union 86 Loughner, Jared Lee 78 technology sector 80–1, 86 Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio 100–1 and venture capital 5, 80, 84–5, 94 Italy 3, 52 M-Systems Ltd 81 Ive, Jonathan 91 Macaulay, Thomas 19, 21 Macmillan, Harold 114 Jackson, Tim 10 Major, John 28 Jain, Nitin 50 Malaysia, women and tech careers 50 Index 141

Mandelson, Peter 94, 115 inaccuracy of budget forecasts 29 Manpower Talent Shortage Survey 73 investment in public services 12, Margin Call (film) 47 28–9 Marland, Jonathan, Baron 85 macroeconomic framework 27–30 Marshall, Alfred 52 tax increases 28–9 marshmallow test 71–2 North Korea 36 Martin, Paul 16–18, 35, 36 North Sea oil 9, 37 Massé, Marcel 18 Mayer, Marissa 48 Obama, Barack 100 meritocracy, in emerging economies 49 ‘Occupy London’ protests 10 Merkel, Angela 46 O’Donnell, Gus 27, 30 Mexico OECD, comparing school systems 31, debt default 22 38–41 education 44, 55 Ofsted 59, 71, 73 Peso Crisis (1994) 16 Old Age Pensions Act (1908) 69 women and tech careers 50 Oliveira, Silvinha 103 Michau, Jean-Baptiste 70 Olympic Games Michel, Harald 107 in Brazil 101–2, 103 Microsoft 68, 81 London tube drivers pay 63 miners’ strike (1983–84) 114–15 Mirabilis 81 Paypal 93, 95 Mischel, Walter 71 Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil 104 Mittal, Lakshmi 73 pensions 3, 32, 63, 69–70, 110 mobile phones, dual-sim-card 89 pension age 69 Moo.com 55 Peston, Robert 28 Moody’s 47 PISA tests see Programme for Mossbourne Academy (Hackney) 59 International Student Assessment Motorola 81 (PISA) Mulroney, Brian 15–16, 36 ‘The Poles are Coming’ 63–4 poll tax riots (1990) 69, 115 NAFTA (North American Free Trade The Population Bomb, (1968) 9 Agreement) 15 Postlethwaite, T. Neville 38 NASDAQ 80, 94 PriceWaterhouseCoopers 94 A Nation at Risk, report on US private enterprise, used for social ends education system 39, 40 26–7 National Commission on Excellence Programme for International Student in Education 38–9 Assessment (PISA) (OECD) 36, National Employment Savings Trust 38, 39–41, 44, 57, 105, 115 Scheme (UK) 87 prudence 24, 27–9, 33 (NHS) 28, public services, investment in 12, 29, 31 28–9, 31 Netanyahu, Binyamin 86 Neuwirth, Robert 89 ‘quants’ 44, 45, 47–8 New Keynesianism 25, 26 New Labour 24, 25 Reagan, Ronald 38–9 and growing deficit 29–33 reality television 75–6, 115 142 Britannia Unchained

Recent Work Capability Assessments Singapore 5, 66, 113 70 smart phones 55 The Red Paper on Scotland 26 Smith, Adam 20 Reich, Robert 25 Snow, C.P. 46 Reilly, Cait 74 social mobility 11, 76–7 Reinhart, Carmen M. 21, 22 The Social Network (film) 48 resources, running out 9 solar energy sector, subsidies 85 risk 99 Songkick 98 and innovation 91–2 South Korea 4–5, 113 risk-aversion 86–8, 91, 92 education 43–4, 55 see also failure working hours 66 Robinson, Derek (‘Red Robbo’) 8 Soviet Union 86, 89, 105 Rogoff, Kenneth S. 21, 22, 29 collapse of 10 Rolls Royce 8 SpaceX 95 Romer, Christina 22 Spain 3, 41, 52, 66 Rossli, Ashraf 1 Spotify 98 Rousseff, Dilma 101 Standard & Poor’s 47 Royal Society for the Encouragement Stanford University (US) 60, 93, 97 of Arts (RSA) 61 Stephens, Philip 28 strikes 8–9, 66, 69, 114–15 Sahami, Mehran 60 Stringer, Sir Howard 58 Sainsbury’s, and migrant workers 64 Süddeutsche Zeitung 40 Samuels, Tim 64 (1956) 8 Sand Hill Road 93–4 Sugar, Alan 75, 76 Saragoza, Eric 54 Summers, Larry 25 Sarkozy, Nicholas 66 sustainable development 4, 10 SAT (Standard Assessment Tasks) tests see also economic growth 39 Sweden 30, 32 Save the Children 71 Switzerland 30, 32, 52 Scandinavia, labour market reform 4 Schleicher, Andreas 38, 39, 40, 41 Tang, Jessie 72 Science Museum, London 56 Tata, Ratan 64 science and technology 38–60 taxation 12, 28–9, 31, 37, 88, 109, attitudes to 48–51 110 securitisation 35 impact on working hours 68–9 Sedi 103 increases under New Labour 29 seed capital 84, 98 taxi drivers, work ethic 61–3 see also venture capital Tech City (London) 97 Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme 98 tech industry 51–5 Seedrs 98 international collaboration 53–4 Sela, Yonatan 86 low-wage workers 54 Sequoia Capital 98 and tech skills 54–5 Silicon Roundabout (London) 55, 97, Technological Incubators Program 112 (Israel) 79, 83–4 Silicon Valley 93–4, 95, 97, 554 technology see science and Simon, Leslie 48 technology; tech industry Index 143

Thatcher, Margaret 9, 10, 11, regulation and red tape 5, 30, 37, 114–15 87–8, 98, 109 Toynbee, Polly 31 relationship with US 8, 10, 90 trade unions 8, 9, 63, 69 research and development 88 Trudeau, Pierre Elliot 14–15 and risk-aversion 86–8, 91, 92 True Flash Filing System 81 strikes 8–9, 69, 114–15 Tug, Tuggy 72 taxation 12, 28–9, 31, 37, 88, 109, TweetDeck 55, 98 110 93 technology companies 97–8 trade union power 8, 9, 63, 69 unemployment 20, 23 universities 52–3, 57, 58, 97 Canada 14, 16, 18, 34 rise in science and tech Europe 66 applicants 59–60 UK 70, 73, 74, 77, 87 venture capital 94, 98 Unison union 70 welfare policies 109, 110 United Kingdom (UK) and dependency 2, 67, 68, 70–1, attitudes to academic achievement 77, 109 45–7, 59 unsustainability of 106 debt 10, 12, 30–3, 115 Winter of Discontent (1978) 9, and deficit 19–21, 27, 29–33 114 economic decline 7–11, 12–13, 115 and work ethic 2, 61–77, 111–12 economic growth 9–10, 12, 114, working hours 65, 66, 68, 77 115 young Britons 75, 108–11 education 4–5, 12, 31, 42–3, 44–8, and entrepreneurship 76 51–60 unemployment 74, 77 failure of 57–8, 115 United States (US) maths teaching methods 56–7 attitude to bankruptcy 91 and parental aspiration 57, 59 cost of patent process 96 performance in PISA tests 40, and debt 22, 24, 31 41, 57, 115 Declaration of Independence 90 and science and technology and economic freedom 36 51–3, 54–60, 115 education 12, 38–9, 40, 42, 46, 57 tuition fees 60 entrepreneurial spirit 90, 93–4, end of empire 4, 8, 10, 114 96–7 and entrepreneurship 76, 91, 97–8 and global financial crisis and European Union 10 (2007–08) 19, 32, 37 government subsidies 85 investment in IT sector 93–4 graduate jobs market 44–5 women in tech careers 49 innovation 98, 114 worker productivity 57, 67 intellectual capital 52, 53, 112 working hours 65, 66, 68 patent applications 95–7 universities pensions 3, 63, 69–70, 110 non-courses 43, 46–7 population growth 100, 107–8 see also United Kingdom (UK), productivity 61, 66–7, 77 universities public spending 3, 27–8, 31, 114, urban riots (2011) 1, 75 115 USB flash drive 80–1 144 Britannia Unchained

Varga, Getúlio 104 impact of welfare system 68, 70–1, Velez, Leila 103–4 74, 77 venture capital 5, 80, 84–5, 93–5, 98 Japan 106 see also seed capital migrant workers 63–4 Vietnam 54, 89 and role models 74–7 vocational training 74 role of schools 73–4 worklessness 67 Wall Street Journal 9, 14, 36, 96 Workers’ Party (Brazil) 101 Wanless report 29 working hours 65, 66 Wei, Nat 59 effect of unionisation 69 Weizmann, Chaim 83 impact of tax rates 68–9 Wenzhou, China 95 World Economic Forum 35, 87 Willetts, David 67 Wriston, Walter 20 Wilshaw, Sir Michael 59 Wilson, Harold 114 X Factor 45, 75 Wolf, Martin 26 Wolley, Trevor 45 Yes Minister 47 women Yom Kippur War (1973) 83 and tech careers 48–9, 50–1 YouTube 1, 95 working and cost of childcare 71 Yozma programme (Israel) 83, 84–6 Woos, Jaejoon 22 work ethic 2, 5, 13, 61–77 Zappos 98 and entrepreneurship 67–8 Zhou, Biyan 42 Europeans 65–6 Zuckerberg, Mark 76 impact of childcare costs 71 Zynga 95