America needs to grow up! 4.137 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/06/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 91)

Wake-Up Call for America

Dr. Everett Piper joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room® to discuss the warnings of a coddled . It seems like America is at risk of raising a generation that is unprepared for the real world. This is a wake-up call for America!

While China is working to genetically modify super soldiers, we see our military focused on gender reassignments. Our enemies are watching and likely laughing at the way we respond to the COVID crisis. Then again, perhaps things are working just like they planned. How did we go from being the world’s superpower to wanting to be taken care of?

In your briefing this week, Dr. Piper reviews America’s culture and the way that we are governing. America is under assault by and a lot of other human flaws. Flaws that we are not just tolerating, but we’re actually amplifying. This has serious implications for our nation, for our economy, and for your investment portfolio.

Your Mission: Is to focus on responsibility, courage and challenge. To understand that life isn’t safe, but it is good.

“If you think our enemies are not watching us, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in the desert. Of course, China is watching the way we’re responding to the covid crisis. Of course, Iran and North Korea are watching. Of course, Vladimir Putin and Russia are watching us. When you can bring an entire nation, an entire culture, the entire , so to speak, to its knees by just telling them that they might get sick, then that tells you that we’re not a culture of adults. We’re a culture of children that we would rather be comfortable than confronted. We would rather be safe than free.” –Dr. Everett Piper

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Ep. 4-137 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence Special Report. This briefing includes thoughts and comments with Dr. Everett Piper and Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room®. Dr. Piper is the author of Not a Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth and Grow Up!: Life Isn’t Safe but It’s Good. He is also the recipient of the 2016 Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom. He served as the president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University for seventeen years, making it one of today’s leading Christian universities. A contributing columnist for the Washington Times, Dr. Piper has been featured on Fox & Friends, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman, The Rubin Report, and NBC’s Today show. He and his wife have two sons and live in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

1. Liberty is at risk - Are we really prepared on a war footing? Do we remember what it means to be an American?

“It’s almost like we’ve taken the words of Patrick Henry, ‘give me liberty or give me death,’ and turned it on its ear. And now we’re saying, I fear death. So take my liberty. Our enemies are watching us and it’s delusional to think otherwise.” –Dr. Everett Piper

What a war with a coddled generation could look like?

Have we been “safe” too long? Think about it:

» If we get into a war, are we going to want to fight, or just want to be safe? » Are there going to be calls for a do over? » What are we really doing by coddling our next generation? For that matter, what has happened even to many in the older ?

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The best predictor of future behavior is always past behavior.

» So how have we been behaving? This is the , the culture that wants to be affirmed rather than challenged. » The culture that was confronted in Dr. Piper’s book - Not a Daycare, is a culture that is driven by feelings rather than facts. » They want a degree in opinions rather than to be graded on whether or not they’ve acquired any level of truth and the relative majors and disciplines from human experience. » It’s a generation of people that is fixated on trigger warnings, micro aggressions, and safe spaces.

“They want teddy bears and coloring books and videos of frolicking puppies in their counseling centers at Berkeley and Brown. This is all true. This isn’t hyperbole, as you know. I’m not making this up. So when we teach one generation after another to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic, we shouldn’t be surprised to find a bunch of self- absorbed narcissists in our culture when we teach them to act like children where they demand to be safe rather than to be challenged, when they feel like (what the helicopter parenting has taught them) that mommy and daddy will swoop in and protect them from anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.” –Dr. Everett Piper

What would a war with a coddled generation look like?

If we went to war, do you really think this generation of citizens would be prepared to sacrifice their safety, to sacrifice their comfort, to sacrifice even their health for the defense of liberty? The answer is no, because we’re not even doing it right now.

We’ve given all those things up for the sake of just being safe and hunkering down in our own little cubicles called our homes because the government told us we were supposed to.

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2. We need to focus on what is genuinely true, what’s real, and what life is about. Old axioms that have stood the test of time because essentially, they represent eternal truths, axioms that are really simple:

» “A stitch in time saves nine.” » “Get back on the horse.” » “No pain, no gain.” » “Garbage in. Garbage out.”

Below refers to Richard Weaver’s seminal work of 1948, titled Ideas Have Consequences.

Dr. Everett Piper: “What you teach in the classroom will be practiced tomorrow in your culture. Garbage in, garbage out. The solution is put good in, and then you will have goodness that comes out. You need to teach good ideas, beautiful ideas, true ideas. You need to pursue truth because it’s an objective reality. You don’t want to keep rewarding people for their feelings and their opinions. Even though those feelings and opinions may be built on shifting sand, to use Jesus’s own parable.

If you want a solid culture, if you want freedom, if you want liberty, if you want biblical justice rather than justice that’s defined by society and culture, if you want those good and beautiful things, then you better teach the goodness of a biblical world view. Teach the rock-solid foundation of the truth of Jesus Christ and the truth of Scripture.

Without truth, any culture is lost. History teaches us that the Roman culture collapsed because it stepped away from natural law and common sense. We know that we would be speaking German today. Rather than what? Rather than English if we had not been prepared to confront the evil of the Nazi regime and Italian fascism and the empire of the rising sun. With what? Biblical truth. Truth with a capital “T,” objective facts, a constitution that was grounded in those self-evident truths that are endowed to us. By what? Not government. Not you. Not me. Not society. Not BLM. Not critical race theory, but self-evident truths that are endowed to us by our Creator. That’s the solution to return to those time-tested truths.”

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3. A look at why and how America needs to grow up.

A natural look at growing up: Remember Responsibility, Courage, and Challenge.

1. You need to acknowledge that being a grown up, if you will, is a good thing. 2. Also, recognize that stagnating in adolescence, in childhood, is a bad thing.

Do we want to live in perpetual childishness, or do we want to accept the responsibility and the challenge of adulthood and approach it with courage?

The key words there: Responsibility, Challenge, and Courage.

“I’m assuming that those things are good. I’m assuming that iron sharpening iron is a good thing. I’m assuming that we are tested by fire and refined by it. I’m assuming that the old athletic axiom, ‘No pain, no gain,’ brings with it some wisdom. All those things imply moving from childhood, whether it be spiritual, intellectual, or even physical childhood to adult maturity.

My book is not just written to . My book is written to 24-year-olds and 42-year-olds. My book is written to 52-year-olds and 62-year-olds, because we all need to recognize what Saint Paul said in his letter to the Church of Ephesus, ‘Speaking the truth in love you are to grow up.’”

This comes from the book of Ephesians. Paul’s letter to the Church of Ephesus commands “speaking the truth in love, you are to grow up.” The beautiful solution is here, the good life versus the safe life, truth and love.

4. Words have definitions, and you are not Webster

“Words mean something. Two plus two does not equal green. Two plus two equals four, it doesn’t equal five. It’s not a color, it’s a formula, a mathematical formula that has an objective answer. There’s a Truth with a ‘capital T’ behind that question. What is two plus two? Words are defined page 5 America needs to grow up! 4.137 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/06/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 91)

or otherwise we couldn’t be communicating right now. You wouldn’t understand me. I wouldn’t understand you. You couldn’t disagree with me because it would make no difference.”

» We have to understand that we’re not Webster, that there are objective standards out there to pursue, that there’s a measuring rod outside of those things being measured. Or we can do no measuring.

C.S. Lewis defines truth and love very quickly. Truth: Jesus tells us He is the way, the truth, and the life and that no man comes to the Father but by Him. Os Guinness tells us, the truth is true, even if everyone disagrees with it, and falsehood is false, even if everyone agrees with it.

» Truth is true. And that’s just the end of it. In other words, truth is true. It does not matter what you think about it. You shouldn’t care what others think about it. Truth judges both of all of us. » Truth is an objective fact. Jesus himself is that truth. Biblical truths endure. They’re unchangeable, immutable, time-tested. They’re true now.

Case Study: Tolerance enables things, it is not a virtue.

WARNING! Don’t try this at home:

Let’s look at the word “love.” On your anniversary, did you send your wife an, “I tolerate you card?”

The answer is no!

You sent her a card suggesting that you love her. And the reason you did that is because tolerance is an inferior virtue. Tolerance doesn’t say I like you. Tolerance doesn’t say, “I love you.” Tolerance says, “I couldn’t care less about you. Do what you want, I’ll tolerate you.” Christian charity (love) is a superior virtue, whereas tolerance says, “I couldn’t care less what you do, I’ll tolerate it.” Christian Love says, “I care deeply about what you do. I love you. Now stop.”

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Tolerance enables, whereas love doesn’t.

Key Takeaway: If you want people to grow up and if you want to show people that you love them, then you need to stop tolerating their sin. That’s the solution. Teach the time-tested truths that challenge people to step out of their childish ways and speak the truth in love and grow up!

Lessons in History: Beware of Narcissism - Grow up and do not fall in a pool.

There is the story about Narcissus and how he’s gazing at his reflection in the pool to the point where he becomes so mesmerized with his own beauty, infatuated with himself, that he slips, he falls in, and drowns.

The moral of the story is this.

If you gaze at yourself in the mirror to the extent that you like the god you see there, more than the God you see in the Bible, you’re going to die. You’re going to die in yourself and aggrandizement of your self-infatuation. You’re going to die in your narcissism. So don’t slip and fall in the pool.

Recognize that there is a God, and it’s not you. Recognize that what you see in the mirror is always going to be fallible and flawed. And what you see in the Bible is the only standard of perfection that you will ever find.

Note: In todays about me, selfie world, people are literally falling off cliffs taking pictures of themselves, not unlike Narcissus.

The Fallacy of Critical Race Theory- The critical race theory, for example, is a worldview that’s always elevating the self and always blaming everybody else. You elevate yourself to be as God, and everybody else should be bowing and worshiping to your feelings, your offenses. You should be affirmed. You essentially should be worshiped because you have declared yourself to be as God. This is not a recipe for freedom. This is a recipe for disaster.

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5. Life isn’t safe, but it is good.

C.S. Lewis gives us this lesson from The Chronicles of Narnia, where he tells us that the great lion Aslan is not safe, but he’s good. The great lion of Jesus Christ is not safe, but he’s good.

A Piper paraphrase on a couple of other things.

» The Great Lion of the Ivory Tower is not safe, but it’s good. » The Great Lion of the Constitution is not safe, but it’s good. » The Great Lion of the Church should not be safe. But it’s good. » The Great Lion of freedom and liberty is not safe. But it’s good.

There’s a huge difference between goodness and safety.

“If we will accept the inferior things of life, the second things of life, rather than focus on the first things, if we’re going to be too easily satisfied with safety rather than pushing forward for the first thing of goodness, God’s goodness, then we will be controlled by whoever gives us that second thing. We will never reach maturity. We will never grow up.” –Everett Piper

6. Growing up as it relates to finance and economics, as a nation and individually.

What is your first thing?

Do we assume that someone’s going to take care of us? Is that our highest good? Or have we been taught by good teachers, grandparents, parents, good pastors, or professors, that actually believe in personal responsibility? Have we been taught to take responsibility, take charge of our own lives?

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CASE STUDY: Dr. Piper Shares from C.S. Lewis:

Let’s use the C.S. Lewis analogy of ‘mud pies in the back alley,’ versus ‘a vacation at the beach.’ C.S. Lewis challenges and says that we have become too easily satisfied with clay versus brass or gold, that we’re satisfied with the mud, the dirt, the clay of sitting in the back alley and just making mud pies, that has become the end goal of all of life.

We’re sitting in the back alley supposedly happy and content, making these mud pies as little children.

When we have forgotten that we could have a vacation at the beach, we could move beyond that dirty, childish play to something that’s grand and glorious, God’s gold for our lives, a vacation on the beach, looking at the ocean, gazing at the stars, enjoying God’s creation and enjoying God.

NOTE: When you’re looking down at the mud and the dirt, you’re not going to see much about creation and God’s wonder and God’s beauties. But if you’re standing on the beach enjoying it and taking it all in, you are going to grow.

A look at how this applies to the Government Finances and your way of life:

Are you going to be too easily satisfied with the government, the mud, the dirt, the government taking care of you and just printing more money, fake money, monopoly money? It’s worthless! Throwing fake money at the problem and it just makes you feel good.

A good life? They’re telling you to wear a mask, stay at home, you can’t go to church, you can’t go to a restaurant maybe for years. Is that the good life or is that a safe place?

“This is the point of the book, goodness or safety, and it applies to finances. Who’s going to take care of you, yourself or the government, as well as any other aspect of life?” –Dr. Everett Piper

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“We are all essentially living on plastic now. Because we’ve allowed our government to print so much money that it has devalued everything that we have worked for. Isn’t it becoming essentially worthless on a minute-by-minute basis with every new bill that Congress passes to just print trillions and trillions of new money? Where did that money come from? So in reality, because our electorate has allowed a Congress and a president and a vice president to lie about our finances so egregiously, we’re all basically living in a fake economy right now. Aren’t we?” –Dr. Everett Piper

Attention: Every family owes nearly a quarter million dollars according to (and $800,000 if you add in government promises). So you think you saved up some money and saved up some wealth? Well, your portion of the federal debt as a household is almost a quarter-million dollars (and $800,000 if you count government promises). So how much money have you really saved now?

It gets even worse:

» When we run out of debt, the government’s going to step in and say, you know what? We’re going to have to take all your savings, all your investments, and we’ll have to invest them in the government. They’re safe. Treasury bonds are safe. And you will be required to give your money to the government. They’ll just be taking it because they piled up so much debt. » Or they will hyperinflate the economy as in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Weimar Germany of the 1920s. » As they do this, they’ll be cratering investment portfolios.

“The problem is the economy hasn’t reflected this yet. We have a reported Consumer Price Index. It is saying that inflation is low. But it feels much higher and really probably is. It is like Wile E. Coyote running off the edge of the cliff, but just hasn’t recognized it yet. So he’s floating in the air, and then one day we’re going to realize that we are off the cliff and we’re going to fall.” –Kevin Freeman page 10 America needs to grow up! 4.137 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/06/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 91)

Hemingway was once asked, “How does one go broke?” And the answer (paraphrased) was “Very slowly, then all at once.”

7. America needs to grow up in regard to finances very quickly or we have a catastrophe waiting on the other side.

» We need to grow up and stop expecting dad, big brother, the government, someone else bigger than us, to take care of us. We need to recognize, “I don’t want daddy’s check anymore because that’s a fake way for me to live.” » Unfortunately, the government is too eager to perpetuate that infantile adolescent attitude of, “We’ll just cover the check for you; we’ll take care of you.”

“My hope is in the church, Jesus promised us, ‘that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church.’ I do know that the remnant, the faithful church, the biblical church, the obedient church, the church that’s truly born again and trusting in God as God and not pretending that they themselves are that God, that church will win. And the reason I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt is Jesus Christ has proven himself to be the Word made flesh and dwelling among us, God himself, and he won’t break his Word. The church will prevail!” –Dr. Everett Piper

Why You Should Care: • America’s is becoming a coddled nation. • Millions of adults today behave like children. • A safe life is not likely a great life. • Americans need to be thinking, mature citizens or our experiment in self-government will fail. • The qualities that made our country great need to be reclaimed. • Our debt is not sustainable as many Americans want to be coddled. Watch out for what happens next to what you think is your money. • Hard truth is still truth. • We seem to be happy in the alley making mud pies. page 11 America needs to grow up! 4.137 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/06/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 91)

Action Steps:

1. Learn more and order Dr. Pipers new book Grow Up!: Life Isn’t Safe, but It’s Good. 2. Vote your values and truth. It is time for adults in Washington to be fiscally responsible! 3. Share this book with others. Make sure you are focused on the good life, and teaching yourself and others the important principle. Life is not safe, but it is good. Don’t be stuck making mud pies. 4. Don’t get stuck looking down at the earth. Go for God’s gold for your life and what He has for us. 5. It is time to fight the economic war we are facing. Nominate your financial advisor at and let them know you think this would be a great opportunity for them. Classes are expected to launch soon and our list is growing fast. 6. Also, if you have not already done so, please consider the following: Be sure to sign up for our free Economic Battle Plans™ at

» If you are following Economic War Room® you will be on the leading edge as it relates to global threats, geopolitical analysis, and how you can weaponize your money to strengthen America. Your money, livelihood, and way of life are at risk and these tools are designed to mobilize America to protect their economic liberty.

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In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

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√ You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization. √ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

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Shareable Quote: “Life isn’t safe but it is good.” –Dr. Everett Piper

This cartoon by from sums up the snowflake generation.

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links About Everett Piper The Snowflake Generation Deadly Narcissism Facing America’s Debt Crisis

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Episodes and Economic Battle Plans™ from Prior Shows with Application to this Topic: [ ] SPECIAL EDITION, EP08 America’s Dunkirk Moment, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 11/28/18, EP09/10 America’s Debt Crisis (part 1 and part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 12/06/18, EP11 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 1), Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 12/13/18, EP12 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 05/02/19, EP33 Education or Indoctrination, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 05/23/19, EP36 American Exceptionalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 08/15/19, EP48 Phil Robertson - Unplugged, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 10/24/19, EP58 Star Parker - Closing the Wealth Gap, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 11/28/19, EP63 War on Education - Everett Piper, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 02/06/20, EP72 Why Free Always Costs More, Download Economic Battle Plan™ page 15 America needs to grow up! 4.137 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/06/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 91)

[ ] 02/20/20, EP74 It is Expensive to be Poor, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 02/13/20, EP73 Finally, Winning the War on Poverty, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 03/19/20, EP79 The Revolt Against the Dollar, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 04/01/20, EP81 Hollywood’s Real Impact - Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan [ ] 04/16/20, EP83 A Distorted American History, Howard Zinn, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 05/07/20, EP86 Arguing with Socialists, Glenn Beck, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 07/30/20, EP98, Racial Socialism, E.W. Jackson, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 09/17/20, EP105, IMPORTANT! China’s Unrestricted Warfare, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 10/29/20, EP111, Playing for Keeps, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 02/04/21, EP124, The Inflation Threat to Your Finances, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 02/11/21, EP125, Things Have Changed, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 03/18/21, EP130, Word for Warriors, Sam Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan™ [ ] 04/29/21, EP136, Formula for Healing America, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

About Everett Piper [ ] Dr. Everett Piper website

[ ] PODCAST > The Rebellion

Recent YouTube Speeches/Appearances

[ ] Washington Times Columns

[ ] Books (Amazon page)

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