XML for Java Developers G22.3033-002

Session 1 - Main Theme Technologies (Part I)

Dr. Jean-Claude Franchitti

New York University Computer Science Department Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences



n XML Generics

n Course Logistics, Structure and Objectives

n History of Meta-Markup Languages

n XML Applications: Markup Languages

n XML Information Modeling Applications

n XML-Based Architectures

n XML and Java

n XML Development Tools

n Summary

n Class Project

n Readings

n Assignment #1a 2

XML Generics

n XML means eXtensible Markup Language n XML expresses the structure of information (i.e., document content) separately from its presentation n XSL style sheets are used to convert documents to a presentation format that can be processed by a target presentation device (e.g., HTML in the case of legacy browsers) n Document Type Definitions (DTDs) or XML schemas are used to describe and validate content


1 Course Logistics

n Course Web Site

n http://cs.nyu.edu/courses/summer01/G22.3033- 002/index.htm

n http://www.nyu.edu/classes/jcf/g22.3033-002/

n Password: xmljava

n Review syllabus n Textbooks

n XML Development with Java 2

n Professional Java XML

n XML and Java, Developing Web Applications 4

Knowledge Required

n Know how to ftp files, send e-mail, and load URLs into a Web browser

n Reasonable knowledge of HTML

n Be able to write a basic HTML page including links, images, and text using a text editor

n Be able to place a page on a web server

n Advanced Java programming experience


Knowledge Not Required


n Programming in Perl, or any language other than Java

n Cascading Style Sheets and other HTML advanced features


2 Other Useful Knowledge

n Web server configuration and the HTTP protocol n JavaScript n C programming n Database theory (normalization rules) n SGML (basic knowledge) n Some knowledge of international character sets


History of Meta-Markup Languages

n SGML (see http://www.w3c.org)

n Complex and expensive


n Tim Berners-Lee (Cern), 1990

n Simple replacement to SGML

n Lacked the flexibility and adaptability of XML

n W3C XML working group

n Jon Bosak (Sun), 1996

n SGML strengths + HTML simplicity


History of Meta-Markup Languages (continued)

n XML 1.0 Specification

n Tim Bray

n Language simple enough for programmers to implement

n Language not limited to English

n Documents easy for search engine

n CML, Jumbo, MathML

n XLL (1997), CDF (1997), XSL (1997), MSXSL (1998), XML-Data, Mozilla, etc.


3 Why XML?

n Domain specific markup language

n Common data format

n Simple, pure Unicode text

n Well-documented

n Data interchange

n Open Financial Exchange (OFX)

n XML non copyrighted

n Support of portable structured text data as most electronic information is text-based


Related Technologies n JavaSoft’s Java API for XML parsing (JAXP) n Java bindings to SAX, and DOM n HTML n CSS, CSS2, and CSS3 n XSL

n well formed XML documents n URLs and URIs

n resource v.s. location n Linking (XLL) n Unicode


Applications of XML: Markup Languages

n XML helps define sets of rules for forming semantic tags that break documents into parts n XML is a Metamarkup language

n Not a markup language restricted to a fixed set of tags

n Can make up tags as you go along n XML Tags can be documented in a DTD

n i.e., a domain specific syntax and vocabulary (e.g., CML, MathML, etc.)


4 HTML Example

by Sun MicroSystem
  • Publisher: O’Reilly
  • ISBN: 0-777-88888-9
  • Pages: 900

The complete documentation.


XML Corresponding Structure

Java Sun Microsystems O’Reilly 0-777-88888-9 900 The complete documentation


XML Enables Semantic/Structured Markup Languages

n XML describes a document’s structure and meaning n XML does not describe the formatting of the elements n Formatting is added through style sheets n XML document only contains tags describing the content (not the appearance) of the document


5 XML Information Modeling Applications (Focus on Complex Structured Document Specification) n Custom and Industry specific Markup Languages with own syntax and vocabulary n CML (Chemical Markup Language) n MathML (Mathematical Markup Language) n CML (Channel Definition Format) n Classic Literature n SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language n OSD (Open Software Description)


XML-Based Architectures n Presentation-Oriented Publishing Frameworks n XML-Based Application Servers n Message-Oriented Middleware Frameworks n Web Services Frameworks

n Peer to Peer (P2P) Computing

n XML-Based eServices Protocols and Architectures


XML POP Frameworks (Focus on Content Management and Publishing)

n Requirements:

n XML parser

n XSL processor

n Document repository

n Collection of document DTDs or schema

n Collection of XSL style sheets

n Parsing & processing can be client or server-based

n Samples server-side XML technology:

n Perl & CGI (http://www.perl.com/CPAN)

n Java servlets (http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com , www.apache.org)

n ASPs (http://www.beyondhtml.com/rocket)


6 XML POP Packaged Solutions

n Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) toolkits

n e.g., DataChannel’s XML framework n Structured content management and retrieval systems

n e.g.,

n Vignette’s StoryServer

n Gauss Interprise’s VIP’XML-Gateway

n Poet’s Content Management Suite

n Chrystal Software’s Astoria


XML MOM Applications

n Component-based modeling

n e.g., XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)

n Enterprise Application Integration

n Business-to-Customer (B2C) Applications

n e.g., e-Commerce

n Business-to-Business (B2B) Applications

n e.g.,

n WebMethods

n Bluestone’s XML-Server,

n eXcelon 2.0

n XMLSolutions’ ExeterXML server 20

Java-enabled XML Technologies n XML provides a universal syntax for Java semantics (behavior)

n Portable, reusable data descriptions in XML

n Portable Java code that makes the data behave in various ways n XML standard extension

n Basic plumbing that translates XML into Java

n parser, namespace support in the parser, simple API for XML (SAX), and document object model (DOM) n XML data binding standard extension


7 XML and Java Standards

n XML includes is a family of technologies

n XSL, XML Schema, XML Query, XPath, XPointer, XLink, DOM, RDF, CSS, XSL, XHTML, XML Signature, MathML, SMIL, SVG, etc.

n Review the current state of the XML standards at http://www.w3c.org/XML

n Review the current state of Java Technology and XML (JAXP) standards at http://java.sun.com/XML

n Review the Java binding to DOM 2.0 at http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2- Core-20001113/java-binding.zip


XML Development Tools

n Read and write XML documents n XML Editors

n e.g., Wattle Software’s XMLWriter, SoftQuad’s Xmetal, Vervet Logic’s XML Pro, eXcelon Stylus, XML Spy n XML well-formedness and/or validation Processors

n e.g., IBM’s XML4J, Apache’s XercesJ, Oracle Parser, Java Project X processor, James Clark’s Expat parser, Microsoft MSXML n XML Browsers

n e.g., IE5



n XML is a metamarkup language

n XML tags describe the structure and semantics of a document’s content (not the format of the content)

n XML addresses SGML’s complexity and HTML’s inadequacies

n Applications of XML for information modeling exist in various domains (chemistry, math, multimedia, etc.)


8 Summary (continued)

n XML supports MOM and POP applications

n XML supports the Web Services Infrastructure

n XML and Java complements each other

n Java-enabled XML technology is available in the market today

n Standards for integrating XML and Java are being developed


Class Project

n Project Description

n The project will focus on “multi-channel online community platforms”, and will consist of providing custom XML-based services to support the various aspects of a chosen eBusiness application implemented on such platforms (e.g., “community -based shopping”). Examples of useful services to support these platforms may include synchronized multimedia presentation viewing, and “offline” chat capabilities. A sample specification of an online community platform for a virtual university eBusiness application will be provided for illustration purpose.


Readings n Readings

n XML Development with Java 2: Chapter 1

n Professional Java XML: Chapter 1

n XML and Java: Chapter 1, Appendix C

n Handouts posted on the course web site

n Explore brief review of XML at XML in 10 points

n Read article at XMLJ2EE

n Review XML 1.0 (Second edition), Namespaces, and the XML activity statement at W3C n Project Frameworks Setup (ongoing)

n Apache’s Web Server, TomCat, and Cocoon 27 n Apache’s Xerces, Xalan

9 Assignment

n Assignment #1a:

n Explore the textbooks’ CDs, and the textbook references to XML tools

n Install and experiment with XML editors. Settle on a tool you feel comfortable using, and come up with a small XML application that demonstrates the use of that tool. Write a short report that uses your sample application to document your findings and recommendations with respect to selection criteria in support of XML editors


Next Session: Markup Language Technologies (Part II)

n Current state of the XML standard

n Advanced XML applications

n XML style Specification Languages