SINGAPORE MOSQUES KORBAN COMMITTEE JKMS Secretariat Centre, Singapore Islamic Hub 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702 Tel: 63591408 Fax: 62537572 email:
[email protected] EMBARGOED TILL 1st SEPT 2017 @ 7.30PM MEDIA STATEMENT 1st Sept 2017 KORBAN 2017 A RESOUNDING SUCCESS The Singapore Mosques Korban Committee (JKMS) is pleased to announce that Korban 2017 has been completed. As scheduled, the Korban rites were conducted at 25 venues across the island. 2. The 25 korban centres had earlier been approved under the requirements of Australia’s Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS)1 regulatory framework. Auditors were also present at all centres to ensure proper handling and slaughtering of livestock. 3. JKMS express its gratitude to Agri–Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) for helping to ensure that Korban was carried out in accordance with international standards of animal welfare, and to mosque personnel and volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure smooth operations this year, especially the younger and newer ones. 4. JKMS Chairman Hj Saat Matari says,”We are seeing quite a number of fresh faces who wants to gain deeper understanding and appreciate the symbolic meaning behind korban. During the training sessions, we can see that they’re ready to step up and willing to learn. Together with the seasoned volunteers, we are seeing an incident-free korban operations this year.” 5. JKMS is also grateful for the trust from the community in ensuring that this important ritual and syiar is able to be maintained. 6. For further details, please contact Ibrahim Sawifi at 9685 4714 /
[email protected] or Izzairin Swandi at 9112 0950 /
[email protected] JAWATANKUASA KORBAN MASJID-MASJID DI SINGAPURA (JKMS) SINGAPORE MOSQUES KORBAN COMMITTEE 1 ESCAS is a regulatory framework implemented by the Australian Government in 2012 to ensure that livestock exported from Australia to different countries are treated in accordance to the World Organisation for Animal Health’s (OIE) internationally accepted animal welfare standards.