The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Authorise" to publish aovernment Nollce•• Hactlng lIallve•.

RtJr:hhrtd at the Om~1 VOL. 3. No. 140 J OHA.NNKSBURG. 30TH DECEMBER, 1922. POlt Of6ce as a NetnpJOf{ Price 3d.

"~~'..,\J' <> J". \' ". ~ , , . q . " NATIVE BOOKS PUNGA I 1"; SlZULU. SESUTU. SJXOSA, SEC \V AN A.. tlte. lite. ." FRY'S COCOA. I ;SCJ0400L. BOOKS p.lll.all. RIt.l.D E: ••, ItTO. UTYE I SONa FOLIOS - - • Ou .w.~'. ~CLIt 0T10.8 . eTO. r llf , ULL .",.,0. 0" "aov. A,.,.,,· 10 FRY'S ...... " Wl' ••• , 'TO"." oa Ta. CHOCOLATE. STORES • CHRISTIAN LITERATURE DEPOT VOi!!' S ...... DJ8 ST" JO'BUHO ZEZONA I ILUNGE KAKULU EZ I NOKU TENGWA NGEMALI IZITOLO ZABASEBENZI EZITOBE AMAXABISO

Cook's Boot Factory, - Elotf Street, I BOOTS. (Sohlno W.N.L.A. Compe"ndi.

BUY DIRECT FROM ...:T~H~E::....:;M::;A::.N=U.:.F;::A:.:C:...:T:..:Uo.:Rc:.E:;;.R",.~ Ngokuteng' Apa

Qood Box Derby Boot Black or Tan A. COOK & Co., 22. P . 0 , Box 26,,5, Atotyiwe Amanani azo lonk' Impahla JOHANNESBURG BOOTS.

... = - •• - = Izitolo zBLU zimele qwaba uku

"':1 III ~I,II 111111111 Dceda A bantsuudu, asifuuzeli STOREKEEPERS will be well L te Groen Inzuzo. Licam macalana PRETOR IA. onke. Impahla itshipu kuna • advised to write for S'lmples and MAS UFACTURt:S A~ SUPPlIF.5 PA~UIL1 [WE MF..'IZWE. Price List of • " BOX CORDS. Braided and otberwise, banked any lenglb to I -~nbo ...... ~ iqtf,hl nge 4/· iose suit demand. .. I I nj i'shl'ka ... -...... , 1/ .. I IY Bi TARRED THATCHING , ... '" ...... , 8/_ " Iduti ...... 25/. " CORD. I,uiqotyo8wa ye Ba tSi ...... 5/. " Tbese are good sellers for I otukwe...... 5/· ., tbe Native Trade. . .. I bt:mpe ...... ~/ .. I b( oope Z ngupant!-i...... " 1/. .. FIRST SOUTH AFRICAN I c u ba-Springh~ k, Cballpllgp, H ors"'sh )P, ... " nge 7!d inxowa ,. Lptl i hlpondo E· in gqon~qo .. . ,. 9J " Cordage & Spinning Co. El,inye lntlubo Elimnandi .. . .. 5d '. LIMITED. (WHOL Es.\LE TO TRAOER~.) laigd reti ze Flag...... :l~u p. k.ti ed. por PSlCKET of 20 Springbc.k...... 8d ye 20 Iswtl ki 'a E t1~ Kuut!ne ... " 4d i ponti \1~izi we Zdllangu (NoR'~et P.,lislo) ... " 6,t inkon xJ. Izlhlangn Zomgodi" N.R.C. Globe," nezinye (>ziniozi ~~.a""""_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,••• ,,,,,,,,,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,., Imp',bta engallye: Print ...... eq lao nge 64..1. yii li BOX 2065. PHONE 5365. Twills ...... "" 8d. II Ikak i " II 2/ " iftar/lelrl if: iftor/lelrt UbQkazisa zi I emt.-ahla bnzi ntlobo ngeDtio'}O, ...... WHOLESALE SOFT GOODS MERCHANTS,

" 14e MARKET STREE:T . XNANX L.E ZrrOL.O ZE N.R.C. JOHANN ESBU RG. Randfonteil1 Klass's BUildings, Twelfth Street Roodepoort Near Roodepoort United M. t:.. Compound A larli/:e vanety of Blankets, Rugs, Sbawls, ClothiDg. Boots. Hosier)' and Maraisburg Near New Unl6ed Compound Manchester Goods always 00 baDd. lAoglaagtt: Main Red ROM. neBr (;005 LaIIgt. Mice --...... Johacl1esbure­ Corner of Sma 1 & Frederick 5ts. Jo'Burg -- -- - Spncgfield Second A venue An Inspection of our Stocle will pay you. I)rospect Townsbip Concord Street " , Simmer and J ell: Near Simmer and Jack Hattery --tOri Germistol1 Bazaar BUltdlIlgs. KnOll: Street - New Pnmrose Near New Primrose Compound Wit Deep .. Near Wit Oeep Compound Angelo ...... Alon~side Angelo H otel Casoo ... Opposite Cason Compound. t:-R.P.M. THEMA MSIMANG, GOLMAN BROS. & Go , Comet ...... Near Comf't Mine & Klelnfontein ... Near MaIO Gille, Klein{onttin Compound P ,0, S.X 1"j<). (;.'.;/. Alldel'!.Ob Sri eel Drnkpao ...... Corner 01 Power Street aDd Gardner AveDue JOHANNESBURG. Who/osa/. Morchante Geduld Township ...... Tbird Avenue, Dear MaIO Roa.d General Agents, Brokers and Doa/o,... In I Sprangs ...... MaiD Avenne near Spnngs Mines In Gr.I.Ip, Llnllo<:\, and Produce mOSSES, HORNS, BEADS, HO RSE· HAI! FOR. SALE : and Va,../ous k inds or TA I LS New and Second-baDd Typewriting Machines, ¥y make, latest models Unina. CHBAP. \\ ntten guarantees l iven. 113 Presldonl tUreel and """"a.ZO : ---- Cub or Terms. -.e,-__ 58 Sma l Sireal, Ekudibanenl kwe Thema & Mslmang JOHANNESBURG. Marshall & Von Brandis Sts JOHANNESBUHG SUBSCRIBE TO

Umteteli LOa Bantu I Please mention UtIIteteli when communlcatng with Advertiser •• 2 UMTETELI WA BANTU. rOHANNESBURG. 30TH DECEMBER. 1922. ---~~~~~~~~ ~~ All ccmmUmcatf?nJ 1'1 lu addrtsJ(d itJ: craving for " commando 11 no- Native Welfare Societies. better treatment generally lbrew th MANA ••If. I toriety. in C:lOnl9 of time, into the ofgrOP:~~ ~. 0, aOA 45."'. camp: 8p~aker uttered a word of JOHANNesau". There arrived the day of reck- The fir.t ge.eral meeting of the warntng In thIS o<)DDecIiOD, And laid oning. Eleven men were tried, Cape Peoiosula Native WeI faro ~bat negrcphilism, though Dot bad in found guilty and sentenced to Society was held iu the Church Its.lf. n.ed. to be carerully watob,d death. Their individual guilt WBS Jest it led its believers into a too :lUR'OBJPTION }tATIB -lOy PORT) House, Cape Town, lISt week when, not proved, but the judges found iD the abseDce of Sir Walter ready acceptance of the facta Ind ODe Yeu .•. ... t6/ that they acted with a common Staoford (Chairman), through io· claims of the Natives, who were not Su ~lootbs , .. .- 7/6 slow to play on the emotions of Tbree Moatba .- .,. unlawful purpose, were a.sociated disposition, Professor Raddiffe Brown uncritical listeners . with the brutalities which caused (Vice ChairmaD) presided. AU\,IST18"IBNT TARI";- Col .... 3/6 P" I.c. the death of eight good men, and Dr. Loram, who was the principal • nouble .. 7/-.. were therefore guilty of murder. speak,-.r, said that there was DO hope of a of the Native "problem!! Unrest in S.W. Africa. Mpaclal Rales for tbe froot and back pag.. were reprieved on Christmas They until there was a complete and per· aad specially placed advertisements. Eve. manent understanding between the Ii i. stated that the Rehobotlu Births, Marriages, Deatbs aad DomUlic The Native people are not display an uocommooly kcen dpsil"o Notices, Dot to exceed six hoes, will be in· two races. At the prfsent momeDt serted al a cbarRe of 2/6 for eacb Nohce vengeful. '1 hey suffered heavily the relationship was more satisfac­ for procuring horse.. U ndtr the during the revolution, tbe issue tory than it had been for some time. old German regime they were not of which was their own extinction The splendid beh ..iour of Ibe N Itives allowed to possess I!uch luxuries, and Umtdtli wa Bantu. as industrialists. Natives were during the Rand disturbances, when now that this restriction haa been killed and savagely maltreated, in spite of the greatest provocation removed, they have not been slow io they showed their well known law­ taking advantage of the new order but the Native's bitter resentment of things, to the alarm of farmere in 30th DECEMBER. 1922. was largely appeased by one abidingness Ind obedience toauLhorily bad been followed by two actioos of the outlying districts, who usert that subsequeut act of justice. Native. the Government, which bad ,bown this abrogation of the restriction has are capable of clemency and can the Nstive. th.t their £Other, the acted as " stimulant to stock theft, REPRIEVE. .ppreciate it, ai1d they do not Government, would not allow them while many glaring CASes of insolence complain that the Roy.l prero­ to b. killed with impunity, or to be 00 the pa'" of Native. gallivantiog gative bas been exercised to taxed illegally witbout redr".. A aDd marauding DO hor.e· back through A number of mine officials were the couotry are 1-II'ged to have brutally murdered at Brakpan temper justice. The Court'. recom­ further mOTement which had done mend.tion to mercy, the sentimen­ much to restore the N atins' fa.ith in occurred. The farmers feel insecure last March. '1 hey were done to the white men h.d beeD the altogether on account of the sparseness of the deatb because tbey loyally served t.list agitation for reprieve, the written appe.l of the condemned praisewortby actioa of many muni· population and the I!Icaroity of ums State and employer, and because and ammuoition. The Administration men and tbe spirit of Cbristmas cipalities in setting to work to improve they would not them

lJontsuodu, itys1a Ie "scdishioi" al-agwetyelwc IONl. nua boni mblore r~-~~~i1 leli ° ~lgijima nrmpi rake yakwa Sirayeli ba'likwa iminY2ka. Dgamita­ udatu etolougweoi, benga.bulalaoga I c. ;~P;~';~ey, Damnye umlungu. Baoikwa imiuyaka f'mitandatu, asiteti!Jto nge fn.yini, !:mba kositwa. isenzo sabo yayi srso Slall,ou aod Priol". kufuua ukuqetula umbuso weli i ZWE'. A bamhlope at ate 1 akwenza twa eso senzo baas L~gqitis~ bona nuokupn'aza igf,zi elirnsulwa oelfDll k~s i rake u Rulumeo tej abanikwa mi nyaka mitandatu, nyanga zintondatu USEPAMBILI NJALO! nokuba ziv eki ziutall<1atu, baoikw:l Ptiotlo.&. ituba lokuzi hlsula ngemali ekwtlZiwa­ Traelog Cloth. Tr.1dog P;tpet. i< Pruuiate USENGUYE ~JALO I yo ugokuse mhlotsheni okokuba baJa Ferro G ~me. 10dl:1.o loh-. Rut-bu 5t~o.r I kut a oayo bonke bapume badl'i Kre Sullon.:ry 'Of :1.11 dc:ac.rirtiorl$ \' simesi bepaLdle. N geoxa ye k'ete u IL -=D::' ::'"='='''''=''=''='="''=S="=''=''Y::"=~='R="'="::'.='=~ =:; .J( u ATUKULULA. Rulumente weto uyakublala eseDkata· zweDi ngokufeketisa ahantu abal'jc ~oz:a. xnngane vva.D1i ngaba; nge k'ete u Rulumenle uyaku Ngi.k.ukote ubhici bla,l s epulukene nokuteuj \va mpe1&. mpela ngu Ntu ngenxa yomah~uko a. ~:ade sabe siti wenzayo ekuwiseoi izigwebo, "eslwblo­ Inyougo si:xabadiya. pe" ngetyal!l elimhlope, "oesimoyama' ogetytl la elimDyama, pofn 100 a ega­ meni nD.seo kangelweni lilinye ityala U Ntungunono elo. Inqubo esiqutywa Dgayo iyiDko ~asivez:el'un").uti hln kooke cwaka, akuko kutioi nga O"ViT ahlul' payaj abapuli mteto abaoalwazi t1ge oto abayenzayo, ekuko namalungu e Into Enin.ti yo Xoxuba be ~okutukulula. palamen te pakati kwabo, bnyay.ekwli j Bba.isikile Ezom.:ldey" n~.: £3 105. ~}.IO!J. ~nyUke, evoe nttobo'ulo:e. ze kuti abapuli mteto abangazlDtO) e E:l:lp3mbill. Bb;ua ubue inCW2dl EnUhl Yem!i.lncl;" rno :\,GESIS,\ Lo:n.'ovvaxnakosi kuvunywayo okokuba zideoge jikelel{', O::a::AN ANIE EROS_, ibe oalo miteto il"balwe Dgeoteto aba 148 COM MIIiSIO,.CIf STlfetr, Ngol~uhlaD1ba igazi Malong:. ac Empirc Tbe.. to e. ngayaziyo, yenziwn kwa ukwellziwa JOHANN£SB'JRG Upelnbe isitoza beogeko bpnga bani, .A..cacise ubuso. babe ugabo atabulawayo egu Rulu mente wokwazi nowo bulunglsa ogoku Zonk'izigojana tsho kwake. N dancama. Ziyahlabelela. • Ngo MATUKULULA Pambi Kwabahlekazi. We Iu.\e a nice .• voOrtmtnt of Ziti u lYIayhne. TOILET ARTICLES K"Ioko ouko mayiq'>Duwe DRllmzi .\T ind jWO yokokoba uku6ka kwe Kile· REDUCED PRICES. Nabo ubulavvu Our Hair Oil~ arc oull 1 6 :md 2 6 ;t blltUe • simeel neh.J lide zq nibidya1~ azih ti All Prescript!. 'ni lind H edl .lOe, tu \ r b.:c" ,edu,C'd, In Prier_ I.:bildrcn-)Cough MI~tur.: 16.1 boUle Abusatati luto ezonto okcti ubuhbnga looa Lot a M ricin Ointment tor Stili frout-Ito, 3 6 re, rot. Ulna -ahle vvaginga. bup:,la nonyalf a lo \vo ; okaoye kuma_ •••· •••••• 51:100 ~IO~Ly Willi ORbE.R _ ..••••• nxa ogoka amasel a neziboxi zifucn ~~e RI GHTH DUS E'S PHARMACY, OTUKULULAYO. ituba loko zinxili. el-t eOlpahleOi ya_ Joolle.\ ~nd l,crIo;Slrcd<, banln a' . nge koyo beq£keze bebe, banxilele k wab