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Persorialities ~ ........................ ~........................ Persorialities ~ Lee Erwin Plays the Beacon On October 7, Lee Erwin, playing the Beacon Theatre's 19-rank Wurlitzer, will begin a 13-week series of silent films at the '' Incredible Bit of Bagdad on Upper Broadway'' in New York City. The films for the series, selected by Stanley Feingold, reflect a balance be­ lar features in both houses. The opulent "Since this somewhat inauspicious be­ tween well-known silents, both American color scheme of antique gold and rich ginning, the Beacon has survived the on­ and European, and rarities not often seen reds, so dear to Roxy's heart, the gigantic slaughts of Bank Night, CinemaScope and by movie audiences anywhere - films by lozenge-shaped dome and monumental popcorn with all its glories intact. The or­ Garbo, Gish, Pickford, Swanson, Louise chandelier, the lobby rotunda (with its chestra pit, the console and stage lift still Brook s, Nazimova, Fairbanks, Valentino, own dome and chandelier) - all evoke the elevate; the giant cyclorama still hangs Barrymore, W. C. Fields, Lon Chaney, ''Cathedral of the Motion Picture.'' Even from the flies (illuminated by a semi-circu­ Keaton, Langdon, Chaplin and Lloyd. the stage of the Beacon is like the Roxy's in lar footlight trough at the rear of the Also to be shown are a new print of D. W. that the backstage wall juts into a corner; stage); and the original Magnascope Griffith's Intolerance and Rene Clair's An both theatres were built with the audito­ screen still hangs in the fly loft, along with Italian Straw Hat, considered one of the rium at an angle inside the rectangular the plush contour curtain which opened best European comedies of the silent era. structure in order to fit in as many seats on the Beacon's first night. And best of Lee has been associated with the Beacon (2673 in the Beacon) as possible. all, the mighty Wurlitzer, restored to mint Theatre's Wurlitzer since it was restored ''The theatre opened as Warner Broth­ condition by members of the local chapter by the New York Chapter ATOS, with ers' Beacon on Christmas Eve, 1929. The of the American Theatre Organ Society, Bon Smith as crew chief, in the early '60s. gleaming white and gold console of the still thunders, trills, coos and sobs better Lee was a member of the original restora­ Mighty Wurlitzer soared into view bearing than ever." tion crew. the brilliant and eccentric Stuart Barrie TED R. CREECH When restoration of the Wurlitzer was with it; Ben Bernie acted as master of cere­ completed, Lee was commissioned by monies, and his orchestra rose on the stage Chris Elliott NYTOS to write an organ score for Gloria lift to perform some popular novelties. Swanson's legendary film, Queen Kelly. There were Vitaphone short subjects in Appointed Organist On May 8, 1967, with Swanson making a place of 'live' acts, featuring Mme. at Founder's Church personal appearance, Lee played his new Frances Alda, Bert Lahr and a dance num­ score for the first time to a sold-out house ber, "Wedding of the Painted Doll" After his concert at the 1984 ATOS of enthusiastic moviegoers. (which may have been the Technicolor se­ Convention in Indianapolis, Chris Elliott Since that eventful night, Lee Erwin has quence from Warner Brother's Broadway returned to a full schedule of music studies composed and recorded scores for more Melody that same year). After a newsreel and church music work. He entered the than 70 films. Many of those movies, with came the feature film, Lupe Velez and difficult American Guild of Organists' Erwin's music, are being shown all over Rin-Tin-Tin in a dog of a picture called Young Artists Competition and won sec­ the world. Tiger Rose. ond place in the competition sponsored by During the past year, under the guid­ the Long Beach Chapter of AGO. He was ance of David Alpert and Charles Kalan of Chris Elliott presented in recital in April by this same Beacon Enterprises, the theatre has been group. Chris performed an entirely differ­ completely restored and redecorated fol­ ent classical concert on May 31 celebrating lowing the original color scheme, so that the 20th anniversary of the 3/82 Casavant the Beacon is once again the ''Grand Mov­ organ at the First Baptist Church of Van ie Palace'' that Roxy created. Nuys, where he has been organist. Ben Hall wrote about the Beacon in a In late July, Chris began full time duties small booklet that was included in Lee Er­ as organist for the Founder's Church of win's recording of the Beacon Wurlitzer, Religious Science in Los Angeles. This "The Sounds of Silents": "This incredible church is the home of the 4/31 Wurlitzer 'bit of Bagdad on Upper Broadway' was theatre pipe organ designed by Lyn Larsen originally planned as Roxy's Midway The­ and restored and installed by Ken Crome. atre, and has been called "The Baby Known as The John Brown Cook Memo­ Roxy'' because the designer, Walter W. rial Organ, the instrument was donated by Ahlschlager, who was also the architect Marian Miner Cook, a member of Found­ for the big Roxy, incorporated many simi- er's Church. The organ will be featured SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1985 27 twice yearly in special Sunday afternoon backstage carrying a large red book. concerts as well as in the weekly half hour For the next half hour, Nigel read Bob­ concerts on Wednesday evenings from by's life story out of the book while slides 7:00 to 7:30 prior to the Wednesday even­ were shown of various theatres, organs ing services. and colleagues with which Bobby had been associated. After this there were re­ * * * * * corded messages from Phil Kelsall, Ernest ''Music for a Quiet Evening'' is the title Broadbent, Robin Richmond, Douglas of the latest album recorded by Ashley Reeve and George Blackmore, written Miller. This easy listening album was re­ messages from Dennis Norden and Regi­ corded on the Sargent/Stark 4/18 Wurlit­ nald Dixon, and then onto the stage came zer theatre organ and will be released Bobby's wife, three sons and wives, grand­ sometime this winter in stereo LP and CD children, and organists Bill Davies, Ena format. Baga, Florence de Jong, Neville Meale, Well-known selections include '' Jour­ Louis Mordish and John Mann. The Sus­ ney into Melody,'' ''Our Waltz,'' '' Darn sex Theatre Organ Trust presented Pagan That Dream," "Misty" and "Stranger on with a music center, with which he was the Shore.'' very thrilled. The Sargent/Stark Wurlitzer was origi­ Written from the column, "Nigel Og­ nally installed in the Santa Monica Criter­ den Entertains," published in the July ion Theatre. It is similar to the Wurlitzer 1985 issue of Organ Player and Keyboard 260; however, instead of the Oboe Horn Review, a British magazine, and used by and Quintadena, it has a Cor Anglais. This permission. organ also has an Echo division of String, Tibia and Vox. * * * * * More information on "Music for a Quiet Evening," "Show Time," "Spec­ Sheet Music Magazine's Dave Kopp tacular Sounds" and the first album cut at provides the following update on the Aeo­ Radio City Music Hall can be had from lian organ (1932 vintage) in the Westches­ Im pro International, Inc., P .0. Box 1072, ter Center, White Plains, New York. Elkhart, Indiana 46515, phone 219/ "On a trip to the Center in June of this 679-4061. year, NYTOS Chairman Tom Stehle, Bob Seeley, Bob Welch and myself found the organ to be about 50% playable. The or­ Bobby Pagan Surprised gan is four manuals and approximately 80 on 80th Birthday ranks, with an Aeolian Duo-Art roll play­ er (still intact). It's true, the organ is to Veteran British theatre organist Bobby come out by January 1986 to allow for Bobby Pagan at the Worthing Wurlitzer. Pagan was scheduled for a concert at the building improvement and reseating. The (John Sharp photo) Worthing Assembly Hall in England on Center wants to donate the organ, but has April 28, sharing the program with Rob not found any takers.'' plays a Hammond at Madison Square Calcaterra. There has been a lot of publicity on the Garden for the New York Knicks. ''When At the conclusion of his part of the pro­ impending fate of this beautiful instru­ that high pressure fanfare division gram, Bobby stepped down from the con­ ment. It was even used briefly for the 'charged' the home team, the crowd went sole to acknowledge the applause of the Westchester Apples (USBL), who unfor­ wild!" audience. As he was taking his bows, the tunately had to cut their season short when Anyone knowing of a possible home for theme music of This Is Your Life was several star players were drafted by the the Aeolian is encouraged to contact Dave heard from the P.A. system, and Nigel NBA. ''The organ sounded great as a bas­ at 201/694-0779 or 22 Clifford Drive, Ogden appeared through the curtains ketball organ,'' says Dave, who normally Wayne, New Jersey 07470. D Bobby Pagan and Nigel Ogden at Pagan's birthday surprise party at Worthing. L to R, Florence de Jong, Rob Calcaterra and Ena Baga at Worthing. (John Sharp photo) (John Sharp photo) .
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