Recollection of Aviation Psychologists from the Perspective of the Jubilee of the 90Th Anniversary of the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in Warsaw
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Pol J Aviat Med Bioeng Psychol 2017; 23(3-4): 63-73 DOI: 10.13174/pjambp.20.12.2018.10 CHRONICLE RECOLLECTION OF AVIATION PSYCHOLOGISTS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE JUBILEE OF THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MILITARY INSTITUTE OF AVIATION MEDICINE IN WARSAW Janina MACIEJCZYK Jan F. TERELAK Source of support: Own sources Author’s address: J. Maciejczyk, Warsaw, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The work has a historiographical nature, documenting the biography of aviation psycho- logists working for Polish aviation in the years 1928-2018. At the same time, the authors document the institutional activity of aviation psychology on the occasion of the jubilee of the 90th anniversary of the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in Warsaw and its institutional predecessors. Keywords: aviation psychologists, historiography, 90th anniversary of the Military Institute of Avia- tion Medicine in Warsaw, biographies of Polish aviation psychologists Figures: 3 • References: 36 • Full-text PDF: h p:// • Copyright © 2017 Polish Avia on Medicine Society, ul. Krasińskiego 54/56, 01-755 Warsaw, license WIML • Indexa on: Index Copernicus, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Educa on © The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology 2017 | Volume 23 | Issue 3-4 | 63 This is an open-access ar cle distributed under the terms of the Crea ve Commons A ribu on Non-commercial License (h p://crea, which permits use, distribu on, and reproduc on in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and is otherwise in compliance with the license. Chronicle INTRODUCTION The work has a historiographical nature, docu- speed of response to visual and auditory stimuli, menting the biography of aviation psychologists intelligence and resistance to emotional stimuli. working for Polish aviation in the years 1928-2018. In 1938 -1939, mgr Elżbieta Dębicka together with At the same time, the authors document the in- dr S. Knappe developed a series of tests for psy- stitutional activity of aviation medicine and psy- chological examinations of groups of pilots. This chology on the occasion of the jubilee of the 90th series was called “Knapp”. They are worth men- anniversary of the Military Institute of Aviation tioning here, as most of these tests were still used Medicine (MIAM) in Warsaw and its institutional in aviation psychology in the late 1960s. These predecessors. tests include, among others: “Area” - for the ex- Established in January 1928 by Marshal Józef amination of visual memory; “Report”- for the Piłsudski, the Center for Medical Research in Avia- examination of auditory memory and spatial im- tion (CMRA) was to conduct preliminary, periodic, agination; “Scale” - for the examination of spatial occasional examinations, scientifi c and research orientation; “Drawing rotation” - for the examina- works in the fi eld of fl ight physiology, aviator tion of spatial imagination; “Airplanes” - for the health prophylaxis, training of doctors for mili- examination of the multitasking; “Horizons” - for tary and civilian fl ying personnel, as well as the the examination of perceptiveness. The results selection and elimination in the fi eld of psycho- of individual tests were standardized. It is also physical predispositions to perform the profes- worth mentioning that apart from psychologi- sion of a pilot. The CMRA has started its work cal research in the Laboratory, psychologists also within the premises of the Ujazdowski Hospital. It participated in the so-called fi eld research, during was not until December 1928 that it moved to the the glider or aviation training. In 1937, dr Stefan building at Rakowiecka str. 2/4 in Warsaw. Knappe published a paper in which he described the methods of psychological selection of candi- PRECURSORS OF MIAM AVIATION dates for glider fl ights [3]. PSYCHOLOGISTS On August 1, 1936, the Center for Medical Re- search in Aviation was renamed the Institute for The establishment of the Center for Medi- Medical Research in Aviation (IMRA). The outbreak cal Research in Aviation (CMRA) coincided with of the Second World War interrupted the Institute’s the growing interest in the problems of aviation activity. On the night of September 4 to 5, 1939, psychology as one of the subdisciplines of occu- the Institute’s personnel was ordered to evacuate pational psychology in the global aviation. Many to Lviv with their families. Here, the Institute was countries have developed methods for measuring dissolved and the personnel put at the disposal response times and emotional resilience. Since the of the Head of Health Service of VI Corps District World War I to 1926, there were 20 centers in the Command. The Polish health service in aviation world dealing with psychological examinations in the West started its activity in France. After the of pilots. On the basis of these experiences, in May capitulation of France, Polish specialists in medi- 1928, the Psychotechnical Laboratory was opened cine and aviation psychology moved to Great at Okęcie, subordinate to CRMA. The manager was Britain. In Great Britain, the Polish health service a physiologist mjr dr Włodzimierz Missurio, who, in aviation operated since July 1940 as the In- together with dr Bohdan Zawadzki - a psycholo- spectorate Section of the Polish Air Force and was gist, edited a paper entitled “Psychotechnika w subordinate to the health service of the RAF. Since lotnictwie” (“Psychotechnical research in avia- August 1942, the Aviation and Medical Scientifi c tion”), which presented the genesis and tasks Council was operating at the Inspectorate of the for the work of psychologists, as well as a review Polish Air Force. The works of the aviation physi- of psychotechnical research in aviation [9]. In the cians were published in the “Journal of The Polish following years the psychologists of the Psycho- Army Medical Corps: Organ of The Polish Mili- technical Laboratory, a holder of PhD in philoso- tary Medical Society”. After the war, some of the phy Piotr Macewicz, a medical practitioner captain medical staff returned to Poland, some remained Stefan Knappe, improved the works for the ben- in exile, such as prof. Bohdan Zawadzki, who came efi t of aviation judicial practice and conducted to Poland only in 1968 from the USA, where he scientifi c research. In psychotechnical research, was a professor at the City College of New York. the suitability for the profession of a pilot was Here he gave and published a series of 30 lectures determined on the basis of the speed and accu- on the achievements of American psychology, racy of the assessment of an object in motion, the including clinical psychology. Bohdan Zawadzki 64 | 2017 | Volume 23 | Issue 3-4 | J. Maciejczyk et al. - Recollection of aviation... Fig. 1. The Laboratory of Physiology and Aviation Hygiene with Hospital in Otwock. later supported psychologists in Warsaw with who was employed at the time, should be men- psychological tests and off ered them his library. tioned here. On January 14, 1955, the Central In- He invited young psychologists to take advantage stitute of Aviation and Medical Research was re- of scholarships at American universities. His name named the Military Research and Experimental was given to the Laboratory of Diagnostic Tech- Institute of Aviation Medicine (MREIAM), with its niques at the University of Warsaw. seat in Warsaw, without the Aviation Hospital and Unfortunately, during the war period 1939-1945 the Main Military Aviation and Medical Commission. both Polish psychology and aviation psychology practically ceased to exist. Psychology was prac- PSYCHOLOGISTS WORKING AT THE ticed in private offi ces, by writing monographs or MILITARY INSTITUTE OF AVIATION textbooks, which started to appear only after the MEDICINE Polish Thaw in 1956. After 1947, at three state uni- versities, the reduced studies in psychology were Krystyna Galubińska - a graduate of the held at the faculties of pedagogy and at the Catho- University of Poznań, she was employed in 1953 lic University of Lublin - at the Faculty of Philosophy. as a psychologist at the Department of Psycho- Already in September 1945, works began on physiology of the Military Scientifi c and Experi- the establishment of a new medical and avia- mental Institute of Aviation Medicine, with its tion facility called the Laboratory of Physiology registered offi ce in Warsaw. In 1965, she obtained and Aviation Hygiene. On June 1, 1946, the Avia- her doctorate degree in humanities at the Uni- tion Hospital in Otwock was incorporated into versity of Warsaw under the scientifi c direction the Laboratory and the Central Aviation Medical of Prof. Mieczysław Kreutz. She worked at Military Laboratory with the Hospital and the Aviation and Institute of Aviation Medicine (MIAM) until Sep- Medical Commission was established. tember 1973. Dr. K. Galubińska was dealing with On May 1, 1947, the Central Laboratory of Avia- adaptation of American tests (based on the Guil- tion Medicine was transformed into the Central In- ford Intelligence Model) to qualify candidates for stitute of Aviation and Medical Research (CIAMR) military air service, including: pilots, navigators, with their seat in Warsaw. The Institute func- fl ight managers, fl ight mechanics, etc. [1]. Dr. K. tioned in this organizational state until 1954, with Galubińska also initiated research on the phe- a small participation of psychologists. Stanisław nomenon of loneliness of pilots at high altitudes Trębaczkiewicz, holding a PhD in psychology, of fl ight and spatial disorientation in fl ights with- © The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology 2017 | Volume 23 | Issue 3-4 | 65 Chronicle out the visibility of the Earth. On May 28, 1958, cal examinations of fl ying personnel, which short- the Military Research and Experimental Institute ened the time of examinations and allowed to ex- of Aviation Medicine was named the Military In- amine a larger number of people at a time.