2010 Call For Papers SECTIONS Arts, Literature, and Religion Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, Georgetown University,
[email protected] . Eric J. Ziolkowski, Lafayette College,
[email protected] . This Section invites proposals for individual papers and preorganized panels on the following topics: Protestant aesthetics; censorship in religion and the arts; multiculturalism and/or globalization in the arts, literature, and religion; religious conflict/violence as expressed or mediated through literature and art; the exploration of the religious in contemporary art; Regina M. Schwartz’s Sacramental Poetics at the Dawn of Secularism: When God Left the World (Stanford University Press, 2008); American Southern literature of the American Southeast; music of the American Southeast: blues, folk, country, spirituals, gospel, hip-hop, and stomp dance (cosponsored with the Music and Religion Consultation); missionaries (of any faith) in the art and literature of world religions; Mormon art and literature (cosponsored with the Mormon Studies Consultation); and Tantric art and architecture (cosponsored with the Tantric Studies Group). We especially welcome proposals from academics who are also creative writers, practicing artists, and critics, in order to foster a rich discussion about the challenges faced by scholar-practitioners. Buddhism Janet Gyatso, Harvard University,
[email protected] . Charles Hallisey, Harvard University,
[email protected] . This Section encourages panel or individual paper proposals that continues enduring concerns of Buddhist studies (e.g., our current understanding of a Buddhist scripture or classic work) or introduces new directions for the study of Buddhism (especially through proposals for joint sessions with units in the AAR that have not been conventionally contiguous with the study of Buddhism).