Issue 266 August 2020

Dates for your Diary


The Rectory, High Street, , BA11 4LZ Tel: 01373 837337 From the Rectory

The recent alleviation of ‘lockdown’ necessitated by the Corona Virus pandemic seems to have bought about a whole range of reactions from the general public. Some are glad to be returning to ‘a kind of normal’. While others are fearful of a second spike in the incidence of new cases and choosing to maintain the precautionary measures of the Lockdown. From press articles on the subject it’s clear that for some- mostly of the younger generation- this pandemic has been the most catastrophic global event in living memory and, we are told, will have a lasting effect on their mental, if not their physical well-being. How would previous generations have dealt with Covid 19? Recently, I was interested to see that someone had compiled a list of events you would need to have survived, having been were born in 1900, if you managed to live the greater part of the 20th century: this being the year my grandmother was born. In summary, it was noted that- Born in 1900 you are 14 when World War I begins, and ends when you're 18 with 22 million dead. Soon after, a global pandemic- Spanish Flu- appears, killing 50 million people. By now, if you're alive, you are 20 years old. At 29 you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and famine for millions of people. When you're 33 the Nazis come to power. At 39, World War II begins and ends when you're 45 years old with a 60 million dead. As a result of the Holocaust, it transpires that 6 million Jews have died. When you're 52, the Korean War begins. When you're 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends when you're 75. A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is now, but they have survived several wars and epidemics, not to mention natural and man-made disasters Cont overleaf


Sidesmen and Flowers

Leigh on Mendip Sidesmen Flowers

2 August Brian & Margaret Loten Joan Pattison 9 August No service at St Giles - 16 August No service at St Giles - 23 August Tom & Sue Rodford - 30 August No service at St Giles - 6 September Caroline Harris Sue Rodford

Church / Brass Cleaning

August – Caroline Harris & Jane Weston September – Vanessa Barnes & Sarah Middle

Stoke St Michael Sidesmen Flowers

2 August Peter Vicary Glenna Martin 9 August Janet Gilham - 16 August Jane Evans Cicely Middle 23 August No service at St Michael’s 30 August No service at St Michael’s - 6 September Malcolm Martin Karen Pearce

Church Cleaning August - Cicely Middle September - Jane Evans


Churches Opening for Sunday Service St Giles at Leigh on Mendip and All Saints at are opening for Sunday Services on the planned dates shown in this magazine. They will also continue to be open 2-5pm Wednesday and 9-12am Sunday except for the first Sunday of the month when St Giles will not open before the ‘All Age’ service. The Sunday services will reflect recommended practices to minimise risk, including social separation, and this could limit attendance. Available seats that meet social separation criteria will be indicated by a service book on the pew and you will be guided to them by the Sidesman. You will be expected to use the provided hand sanitiser on entry and when leaving. You may be asked to complete a form so that NHS ‘Test and Trace’ can contact you if necessary, so bring a pen. At this time wearing of masks is optional, but this could change. You will find the service is different, no singing or handshaking for example, and movement in the church will be controlled to keep separation. We will all always have to remain aware of the need to maintain separation and members of the churchwarden’s team will be available to assist. In general, the service will introduce the ‘new normal’ and with your help will offer a low risk opportunity for worship. We look forward to seeing you there to help build this new normal.

The PCC of Leigh of Mendip with Downhead

St Michael’s at have already held two services complying with the recommended practices as indicated above, and it was good to see familiar and new faces, all be it at a distance. The church has been open for private prayer each day, 10a.m. - 4p.m,.for several weeks. We have been able to do this thanks to a team of volunteers who clean and sanitise the church each day when closing. Subject to any directives from the government, the PCC hope to be able to maintain these opening times providing a place for quiet prayer or reflection. Jane Evans Churchwarden


Today, in the midst of this pandemic, we have been cushioned by all the comforts of a new world, Yet we complain because we need to wear masks in shops, and we aren’t happy to stay confined to our homes, where we have food, electricity, running water, wifi, even Netflix, all of which was scarce or never existed to alleviate the physical needs or mental welfare of our grandparents. Maybe what’s most needed in these present times is a realistic historic perspective and, I would I argue, a firm faith. With all good wishes and every blessing Fr. Anthony

From the Registers Funerals John Thurogood Church service and burial at Stoke St Michael 6th July Eileen Willis `Internment of ashes at 9th July Marda Thompson (nee Beck) Internment of ashes at Nunney 24th July

LENT COLLECTION FOR ZAMBIA – St Giles’ Church, LoM Due to the closure of the church at the end of March and other travel restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic we have so far been unable to distribute and collect the jars and envelopes with donations intended for the Waddington Centre in Zambia during Lent. As the need for support is no doubt as great as ever in these difficult times the PCC have decided to extend the deadline for donations to Advent Sunday (29th November) this year so, if you would like to contribute to the collection and haven’t yet been able to pick up a jar or envelope from the church, please let me know and I will arrange for a member of the PCC to deliver one to you. Thank you. Margaret Loten (01373-812922)


Letter from Bishop Ruth Time for a rest I’m tired! I don’t know about you? And yet I am getting up later and going to bed earlier than I was accustomed to before the pandemic struck. I’m travelling less, indeed I still have an almost full tank of petrol and have had to call out the AA three times because the battery has died! I’m at home principally, but my working day has got fuller and more demanding as time has gone on. So, I’m planning a holiday! A retreat and some study leave. Having been ordained 24 years I have yet to have a period of sabbatical and I’m looking forward to it! It is not going to take the form I would have planned. There will not be the opportunity of a trip overseas or a residential conference to attend, but there will be plenty of time for family, rest, reading and reflection. What about you? I know some of you might be feeling that our children have had one big holiday at home since lockdown but I can assure you that they, their parents and their teachers have all been working hard to ensure that learning can continue even though the normal patterns have been disturbed. Whether we have been working from home, furloughed or feeling alone in isolation, each of us will I expect have experienced something of the sense of weariness that heightened anxiety, change of routine and uncertain expectation brings. So I want to encourage you to take some time off. There’s a fabulous little children’s story called, Jesus’ Day Off, which you might like read as an example of the need for even the Creator to re-create. The example of Sabbath rest which our Creator God offers us in the opening chapters of the Bible, speak to us of the need for taking time to put down the tools of work and take space to reflect and rest. We have spent the past few months in lockdown in order to keep ourselves physically healthy. Let’s make sure that in these next few months we attend as much to our spiritual and emotional health, by discovering sabbath rest! With every blessing Bishop Ruth


INFORMATION PAGE Vicar : The Reverend Anthony Dickson, The Rectory, High Street, Nunney, Frome BA11 4LZ Tel 01373 837337

Parish Office, The Rectory email [email protected] Leigh on Mendip and Downhead Parochial Church Council Contact email : [email protected] or [email protected] Telephone: 07815 911084 or 01761 418737

Churchwardens Steve Britten Goldsborough Farm 01749 840291 Stoke St Michael BA3 5LD Alastair Weston Hillcrest Tadhill 01373 812654 Leigh on Mendip BA3 5QU

Treasurer Margaret Loten 6 The Old Sawmills 01373 812922 Leigh on Mendip BA3 5RQ

Secretary Anthea Brooks Ashville, Monger |Lane 01761 418737 BA3 2BP

Stoke St Michael Parochial Church Council

Contact email: [email protected] Telephone: 01749 840671

Churchwardens Jane Evans Withybrook 01749 840660 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JQ

Malcolm Martin Mendip Cottage, Mendip Rd 01749 840475 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JU

Treasurer Glenna Martin Mendip Cottage, Mendip Rd 01749 840475 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JU

Secretary Janet Gilham Hillside, Withybrook 01749 840671 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JQ

Safeguarding Officer for Leigh, Downhead and Stoke St Michael

Sue Rodford Knapp Hill Cottage, 01373 812766 Leigh on Mendip BA3 5QY


Friends of Leigh Church

August 2020

Although FOLC suspended all of its public activities from mid-March 2020, work has continued in a number of areas, in particular completing the final report on the project work for the National Lottery Heritage Fund (previously the Heritage Lottery Fund). The total grant received from this source was just under £200,000 and enabled us to repair much of the high- level structure to the Nave roof and complete a range of sub-projects on the heritage of the church. The final report and concluding payment request were submitted in late April and successfully completed this project.

The sub-projects included the heritage hub in the community room, where the archive of parish records could be interrogated, a 30-minute film of the Restoration Project for the Nave roof and a new church booklet, as the last church information booklet was done in 1980. These will be available for viewing via the hub in the community room when the church fully re-opens but in the meantime the film can be viewed at the Vimeo website https:// as a stand-alone film and copies of the new church booklet can be obtained through Margaret Loten. Please telephone Margaret on 01373 812922 to obtain a copy of the booklet. Please send any comments on the booklet or film to Graham Harris, Chair of FOLC [email protected]

Fundraising continues through the FOLC membership subscription, as we still have a further round of grant bidding to undertake later in 2020 or 2021, depending on what happens with Covid-19, to help raise the funds to continue with the urgent repairs to the church. We also have the final payments to be made in spring 2021 to repay the community loans taken out in 2018 to support the building project. We also look forward to arranging fun fundraising events when conditions permit.

FOLC is a Registered charity no: 1174913


Stoke St Michael Covid 19 Mutual Aid Volunteer Group- update on prescription delivery service..


Leigh on Mendip School

Would you be interested in joining our Board of Governors?

We are looking for members of the local community to become governors at our successful village school, part of the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership.

These are exciting times as we have recently become an Academy and will be a Primary School from 1st September.

If you are interested and feel you have some skills to offer, we would love to hear from you.

For more information please contact: Ms Sarah Claxton, Clerk to the Governors, Leigh on Mendip School, Leigh Street, Leigh on Mendip, BA3 5QQ. Tel: 01373 812592 Email: [email protected]


Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall

At the start of July the Hall Committee had our first face to face (2m apart of course!) meeting since March. We have been in touch regularly by email, phone etc. but it was good to have that extra degree of interaction. In line with many other village halls, we had been lucky to receive a government grant of £10,000 which would provide a cushion for our ongoing expenses while closed to hirers and also for future repairs. An example of this is the seemingly never ending issue of the leaking roof and we have now instructed a recommended roofer to remove a section of the cladding with a view to identifying the source of the leak and repairing it. This could be an expensive project but the grant has given us the freedom to go ahead.

However our main topic for discussion at the meeting was all around the Covid problem, re-opening the Hall and the measures we will take to ensure everyone’s safety, as far as possible, once we do re-open. We decided this would not be before September and following a request from the school, who have building work starting, agreed to make it available to them in September for at least some of the daytime weekday sessions if not all. Since then it has been confirmed that the school will need the space and so we have decided to delay opening to our other hirers until October and the regular ones have been informed about this. We apologise if this is a disappointment to some but we felt the children should be our priority.

Finally our 100 club winners for July were :- 1st Dave Mattick 2nd David and Joan Pattison and 3rd Sue Vaughan.

The next meeting will be on Monday 3rd August at 8pm.

Leigh on Mendip WI

Leigh on Mendip WI continues to keep in touch with our members by phone, email, WhatsApp or sharing a local walk. We are offering our own events online via Zoom, including our Committee Meetings, Coffee Morning and a planned “Would I lie to you” game.

We have enjoyed many small gatherings at the Rec Field or in members gardens to have a little socially distanced face-to face time which have been greatly enjoyed by different groups of ladies.


Several members are taking advantage of free online events through our County office –a talk by Emma Britten, Face Yoga and various life story speakers so far. The WI College – Denman is also offering 1 hour courses online for just £5 – these are open to anyone, so if interested just ask. In July members joined in with Nuno Felting, History talks, Card Making, Eco printing, John Betjeman, Qigong, and making a “Make Do and Mend doll”.

If anyone is new to the village or newly at home with more time, they are welcome to get in touch and join our email list so you can get to know us before we are able to run reg- ular meetings again. No charge! If you are interested, give us a call - contact Mary on 01373 812415.

Proposal for 40 House Development at Leigh on Mendip

The Leigh on Mendip Parish Council have just been notified that the developer for the land at the rear of Ivy Cottage is now moving forward with an application for outline planning permission for 40 dwellings. Of these, 8 starter homes and 2 units are for social rent/shared ownership as affordable housing; he has provided a plan of the site but no other supporting information; the plan is available on the village website http:// The developer promised to hold a public consultation in the village for you to express your views and he has been reminded of this; the Council will continue to urge him to deliver this opportunity.

Should the developer walk away from a public consultation, there will be an opportunity to comment individually and directly to Council when the planning application is posted. The Parish Council will also welcome your views when we discuss and decide our recommendation to Mendip District Council. Until then it is important that Councillors are impartial to avoid being seen to be predetermining their recommendation.

We will continue to provide any information made available to us in advance of the formal planning application being released. The Parish Council


Church Services in the Benefices of Stoke St. Michael, Leigh on Mendip & Downhead and the United Parish of Postlebury

2 August – Trinity 8

09.30 Wanstrow Holy Communion Rev A Dickson 11.00 Leigh-on-Mendip All Age Service Rev A Dickson 18.00 Stoke St Michael Evening Prayer Jane Evans

7 August (Friday)

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev A Dickson

9 August – Trinity 9

09.30 Stoke St Michael Holy Communion Rev A Dickson 11.00 Witham Holy Communion Rev A Dickson

14 August (Friday)

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev A Dickson

16 August – Trinity 10

09.30 Nunney Holy Communion Rev A Dickson 11.00 Stoke St Michael Family Communion Rev A Dickson

21 August (Friday)

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev A Dickson


August 2020

23 August – Trinity 11

9.30 Leigh-on-Mendip Holy Communion Rev A Dickson 11.00 Cloford Family Communion Rev A Dickson

28 August (Friday)

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev A Dickson

30 August – Trinity 12

10.00 Nunney Holy Communionn COMBINED BENEFICE SERVICE Rev A Dickson …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4 September (Friday)

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev A Dickson

6 September – Trinity 13

09.30 Wanstrow Holy Communion Rev D Gatliffe 11.00 Leigh-on-Mendip All Age Service (tbc) 18.00 Stoke St Michael Evening Prayer Jane Evans


Leigh Recreation Field

Welcome back, and thank you to our publishers for restarting the magazine.

Bonus Club The winners in the last few months were April No 25 No winners – don’t you wish you’d bought another ticket? May No 47 Daggs and Ken & Judy Wall June No 33 Ian & Anne Robson and Roger & Anne Orpwood July No 13 Dave & Barbara Turner and Mark Humphrey They should all have their prizes by now. We will be selling tickets for next year’s club in Aug/Sept, preferably without multiple visits, and using bank transfers to pay. New Open Space The next stage in the process is to present our proposals (based on the responses we received in round one) to the village. That has been on hold, but we have started thinking about how to do it in the current situation. AGM We will have an AGM, eventually. If you have any issues to raise, let me know. The Playground We have reopened the playground in accordance with government guidelines. We cannot clean it between users, so it is up to you to consider the risk and deal with it, following the notice displayed. Please keep away if anyone has symptoms, get your children to socially distance as much as possible, and keep an eye on them. Keep safe and enjoy the rec David Pattison 812570

Leigh on Mendip Allotment Association

The Leigh on Mendip allotments are in the field to the west side of the Recreation Playing Field. If you live in the parish of Leigh on Mendip and want to register, or simply discuss having an allotment, please contact either: Helen Gulvin, 2 Apple Meadow View, tel 07435 591925 or e mail [email protected] or Tim Spurgeon, 18, Park Hayes, tel 07813 505830 or e mail [email protected]


Leigh on Mendip Community Activity

For information please ring Graham 01761 232753 or e-mail: [email protected] or ring Caroline on 01373 812889

LOMCA – August 2020

We announced in April that LOMCA, in line with Government advice, has suspended all of its activities for the foreseeable future.

We have continued to maintain links with our ‘older’ members throughout the period of lockdown. However, because our core support is to the ‘older person’, the coronavirus continues to cause significant issues to the operation of the highly popular Active Living Centre. As a result, we regret that we have to report that there are no plans to hold our usual meetings in the Memorial Hall for the foreseeable future. It may however, be possible to manage some Kurling meetings, where numbers attending are usually twelve or less, and the feasibility is being considered for autumn 2020. We will update on the options for Kurling later in the summer.

Since the start of the lockdown, CCS Village, Community and Carers Agents have responded to over 61,306 community support activities, and have received many generous donations, from the 5000 books donated by publisher Harper Collins, to bicycles, ready meals, paint and dog food.

On top of this CCS Agents also distribute donations made to food banks to their most vulnerable clients on a weekly basis

Anybody can refer themselves or others to CCS Agents on 01823 331222 or go to to request a callback. You can join the CCS Agents daily live on Facebook Talking Cafés, every weekday at 11am for company, advice and ideas. Visit live to watch previous sessions or take part.


Stoke St Michael War Memorial Hall

Open Afternoon: Tuesdays 2pm– 4pm Tea and chat, crafty things to do, puzzles to make. All welcome, refreshments available

BINGO alternate Mondays. 7.30pm – 9.30pm

MENDIP BELLES. First Tuesday in the month. Ladies get togeth- er. Interesting things planned. Start 7.30pm

CRAFTY LADIES: Knit, Sew, Crochet, chat and discuss

PARTIES/BIRTHDAYS/FAMILY EVENTS: The hall is available with a bar, kitchen, large screen & projector to accommodate your event. Please get in touch to chat further about the hall and any catering requirements.

Hall Bookings and more info: [email protected] Phone 01749 840272



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W. J. Trotman Funeral Directors

(Incorporating Oswald Clarke Funeral Directors of )

Ashdene, Cranmore, ,

Somerset BA4 4QQ.

Tel (01749) 880271

A family run business for over four generations Private Chapel of Rest

Pre-paid funeral plans available


Owl Babies Preschool @ Leigh on Mendip First School Open daily from 8.45am – 3pm Term time only Hourly rate £4.40 Day rate £26.40

Funding available for qualifying 2, 3 and 4 years old (15 or 30 hours/week)

For more information on our pre-school visit or contact us on 01373 812592 [email protected]


TODDLER & BABY GROUP New members are always welcome Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall, Tuesdays 9 .30 am – 11.30 am. (term time only)

£1.50 for first child and 50p for siblings (including refreshments and resources) If you need any more information contact Laura Martin on 07769292304


Al Stewart Do you need a reliable local Chimney Sweep? Transition4u Personal Training - Individual Training Programmes Hello, I’m Matt Clark. A member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps offering: - Injury Rehabilitation - Sports massage · Chimney sweeping · A clean and thorough job - Free initial consultation · Certificates for your insurers Phone 07889 093179 · Bird guard fitting · Bird nest removal

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Stoke St. Michael Baby and Toddler Group Come and join our friendly group! When? Wednesdays, during term time Where? Stoke War Memorial Hall What time? 9.30am to 11.30am. How much? £1 per family. First visit free!

We provide a large range of toys for babies and toddlers, as well as fun, weekly activities. Children can enjoy a healthy snack whilst parents can relax with a cup of tea, all included! Monthly visits from the Children’s Centre and toy library. Who? Sarah ([email protected]) 07398043054 or Charlotte ([email protected] 01749 840255)

Stoke St Michael Toddler Group

Little Roots @ Stoke Moonshill Road, Stoke St Michael BA3 5LG

Open term time only: Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm

Forest School sessions are available. We provide childcare for 2 years old + We offer 15 and 30 hours funded places for eligible 2 year olds all 3 and 4 year olds.

For more information, or to arrange a visit call us 07565 931718 or email: [email protected]


TheHAIR ANDCottage BEAUTY ROOMS BEAUTY AT THE COTTAGE Hopefully it wont be long until all treatments will be available ??? But here is what you can still enjoy Manicures Pedicures Massage , Waxing NOT THE FACE Leg, Back & Body Scrub, Callus peel , Paraffin Wax






Andie Christie D HURLE Man & van Licensed Waste Carrier PLASTERING SERVICE Reg. No. CBDU 138947 Removals COMPETITIVE RATES Clearances undertaken Tip runs Reliable and Trustworthy Please ring or text 07906158909 No job too small or email [email protected]

Telephone 0789 717702


Leigh-on-Mendip Parish Council

Chairman Clerk David Mattick Anthea Brooks Tel 01761 418737 Tel. 01373 812734 Email [email protected] Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month in the Memorial Hall unless otherwise advised - see Parish Noticeboards for details of Agenda, Minutes etc. or visit

All parishioners welcome to attend


(Registered Charity No. 304574)

Standard Hiring Rates

Monday to Friday (until 6.00 pm)……………………………………………£ 5.00 per hour

Monday to Friday (6.00pm onwards) ...... £7.00 per hour

Saturday and Sunday ...... £7.00 per hour

Business Users - At all times ...... £10.00 per hour

Sale or serving of Alcohol ...... £10.00 per event

A coin meter is provided for the electric wall heaters (£1 and £2 coins)

Hire of the hall includes the use of crockery, cutlery and glasses. These items may be hired for outside use. A list of the items, and prices is available

Booking clerks Ann & Rog Orpwood 01373 812459 [email protected]














1 course £8.50 – 2 courses - £12.00

Ring 01373 812316 to reserve your table



Articles for the next issue to be submitted by the 16th of each month E-mail - [email protected] Post - Janet Gilham, Hillside, Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, BA3 5JQ

Your Village contacts are: -

Leigh Anne Wells The Sheiling 01373 813212 Stoke Janet Gilham Hillside, Withybrook 01749 840671 Downhead Steve Britten Goldsborough Farm, 01749 840291

Advertising Rates Commercial ¼ page £2 per month or £25 per year ½ page £4 per month of £45 per year Whole page £8 per month of £85 per year Non Commercial ¼ page 50p per month or £5 per year ½ page £1 per month or £10 per year Whole page £2 per month or £20 per year Payment for adverts to:- Janet Gilham, Hillside, Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, Radstock BA3 5JQ. Cheques made payable to Stoke and Leigh Magazine.

Note from the Editor When emailing articles or adverts please use black text and grayscale for all logos and pictures A5 portrait format with 1cm margins 1.5cm bottom margin. Or A4 landscape same margins, two columns and central gutter of 2cm. Stoke St. Michael Village Website: - Leigh on Mendip Village Website: - Community Support Officers Russsell Ford for Leigh on Mendip and Nikki Housley for Stoke St Michael Tel: 101 for non-emergencies 999 for emergencies only