The Hilltop 3-3-1995
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Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 3-3-1995 The iH lltop 3-3-1995 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 3-3-1995" (1995). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 133. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Serving the Howard University community since 1924 March 3, 1995 District makes • Pulitzer prize -winner to speak 01aJor cut backs at 128th Charter Day cereinony to balance budget Hampshire-Cowan maintains the he was a studen1 here. So I've been required 10 smdy her work," Davis ~ By Reglnold Royston services due 10 budget constraints, pres11ge of the ceremony and 1he Hilltop Staff Writer and lh~~c c uts will adversely affcc1 populari1y of 1he speaker should said. our ab,luy 10 serve the public." be enough 10 draw a large crowd of Hampshire-Cowan also said . 1:°hesc attemrls 10 cover a $772 students. Morrison would have been the 1W Di,1rict furlou_gh days and nu I hon ~hortfal in lhe $3.2 billion "Convocation is commemorating opening Convocation speaker in .iJICrc~nt rollback 111 employee budge1 proposal presented 10 and celebrating lhe founding of the Septeml>er, bu1 she had another 3re the latcM measures by <;:ongress by the mayor, may mat1er Universi1y. n is the ultimate commitmen1. r.y Council and Mayor Marion hule when Congress approves an academic ceremony," Hampshire .. The opening convocation in Ill allc, ia1c the ci1y·s failing independent oversighl comminee Cowan said. ..The low level of Sep1ember is j usl to s1ar1 the labeled .. in,ohcm:· last whose power 10 cut Dis1rict aucndance came from having academ.ic year. bul this one is in b) the General Accounting spending an(/ work force may speakers which 1he students were celebralion of 1he founding," supersede 1hc mOuence of Distric1 Ad,..,& not interes1ed in hearing. So we Hampshire-Cowan said. "Alon}? Pl,N1c service,. excluding the govcrnmem officials . me1 wi1h the s1udcnt leaders and wi1h the morning ceremony, theres r:c and lire dcparuncms. were "'The mayor has made it clear tha1 100k a poll of-who 1hey wamed . a dinner, which is a gala celebration .dMthc fir..t of l\\O scheduled he doesn"t need any oversight frQm Among many 01her names, Toni and fund-raiser." gh Jay~ in which public Congress on the budgc1. It's Morrison was a very popular one."' /\long with Morrison"s speech, 1.-iio)«'- "ere gi, en 1hc day off unfonunale that 1hese things Smdents said 1hey have no1 1he Universi1y will confer upon her i,)ulp;i). occurred prior to his administr:nion .... aucnded even1s like 1oday's Charter an honorary doc'1or of leller degree. 11\ fine as long a~ jobs can be and he feels il"s unfortunate that Day ceremonies in the past because Last nigh1. at the annual Charter .' 001 being furloughed and Congress feels they need to be lhe suspension ofclas ses gave them Day Dinner. other post-graduate ,.d ,iA percent of my ,alary ! I overseeing whai the mayor has been a reason to Slay home. But this year, achievement awards were given to p.H fh'C percent pay incrca;,c doing when he's only been in office many say 1neir attitudes have John F.J. Clark Jr., frofessor and p. Thats a little to much for for two momhs:· Mayoral press changed. former chairman o the Howard clli>tricl worker.. ... a Recreation ,pokesperson Ramon Boain said. "Toni Morrison is an Uni versity College of Medicine "'1Jll~nt employee said who A House Appropria1ions ....... inspira1ional speaker. There's Department of Obstetrics and ~- always something practical that she Gynecology; Barbara Rose Hatton, nouo be idcnti ficd. Subcommiuee on the Dislric1 lead • I yDi,trict Police Dcpar1men1. by Rep. Thomas M. Davis lil CR· says 1ha1 I can apply in enhancing president of the South Carolina : officer\ c l.1im is already VA) and Rep. James T. Walsh (R· 1953 Alumna and Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison myself as an individual. I can relate Slate University in Orangeburg; , ni: 111,1,,i,c prc~surc., from f'!Y) blas1ed th~ handling of ci1y to her ideas;' Sophomore Alain Robert Lee Moore Hi lliard. a San ng re,1min1~ and pcr:,onnel finances. s aying 1hey have or many honorary degrees from Joseph said. Antonio, TX-based physician; . ha., al,o been ,la1ed for BY. Octavia Shaw schools such as Yale. Harvard. ''The fact that she graduated from Elaine R. Jones. director of the compromised Dis1ric1 home rule H1lllop Slaff Writer ~ the Ci1y Council. which and financial comrol at hearings Columbia. and Brown Univcrsi1ies. Howard. she's a Pulitzer prize NAACP Legal Defense and 'last \\CCI-. 10 cut police la,1 week. Rep. Davis particularly And for the Secretary of 1hc winner, and she's coming_back, will Educalional l'und; Jeanne C. b1 12 pc1ccut. critici?.ed Coopers & Lybrand. the One hundred and 1wcn1y-cigh1 Universi1y and 1hc Board of inspire a lot of people. Personally, Sinkford, Dean Emeri1a of 1hc .ii:'n: all afraid of !osi1_1g pay. city"s indepcndem accounting firm years ago, Howard Univcrsi1y's Trus1ees Artis Hampshire-Cowan, 1 see i1 as a great honor 10 have Howard University College of r tho,c cut, arc 1ns111uted, which, according 10 a General congressional charter was Morrison"s credcmials make her the someone like her come." Melanie Dentistry: and Togo West, oill re1irc instead of face a Accoun1ing Office inves1iga1ion. esiablished. Today. in celebration of perfec1 convoca1ion speaker. Hayes, a sophomore poli1ical Secreiary of the Army. 1 sJlary:· William Bowden. has consis1ently misrepresen1ed 1he Charter Day. Howard alumna and "She is a renowned alumna. and science major, said. T he Charter Day ceremony will be broadcas1 live on WHUR-FM l Pte,idcnt of the Fraternal ex1ent of the c ity's delicil troubles Puli1zer prize winni ng novel isl Toni a Pulitzer prize winner. to put 1he Chyron Davis, a senior and native 'irOi Police. the police officers· in the past few years. Morrison will deliver 1he keynoie icing on the cake," Hampshire Californian, said she will be 96.3 and is scheduled to air at a later See Budget, A3 address marking this his1oric event. Cowan said. attending Convocation because she date on WHMM-TV. the n. <Jid... We have 900 senior University's public television ·"" uho are eligible to take Morrison. a graduate of the class Ahhough she recognizes low has s1ud1ed a lot of Morrison"s work . ,.,n n~h1 now. As i1 is now. of 1953. is not only an award student attendance has been a and is in1eres1ed in hearing her. s1a1ion . ,:apmbkm delivering police winning wriler. but also a recipiem problem for past Convocations. ··Ton.i taught my professor when Dorin burglars apprehended, some items recovered follow through and make sure 1 ge1 my things back "We hope 10 find out if·there are any more By Oerricke M. Dennis that I'm compensa1ed for my losses." accomplices, or if there are any other non-related and Rasheeda Crayton Burglarized residenls say 1hey already see signs of incidents connected," Armstrong said. "We just want Hilltop Staff Wr~ers poor follow through. Grace Henry, the second 10 be to make sure all avenues arc covered before taking The rash of break-ins and robberies that have robbed, said she heard aboul the burglars capture further actions through the judicial process."' occurred in Howard University"s Bethune Residence through word of mou1h. Keene expressed d1sappomtmen1 m the Iwo studenlS Hall over the last two months have finally ended with .. I haven't heard anything official."" Henry said. "'A but affirmed the University's position 10 sanction them . the identification of two student perpetrators and the girl in 1he [Be1hune] Annex told me about it. I still don't "It's disappointing to know students would victimize recovery of an es1imated $7,000 worth of stolen goods. know how or if I can get my things back.'" 1heir colleagues in 1his way," Keene said. "The s1udents Two studenlS living in University housing - one a According to sources close 10 the investigation, it implicated m this illegal activi1y have been removed resident of Bethune and the other a resident of Slowe was the reward offered two weeks ago by Residence from 1heir residence halls and are nol permitted 10 Hall-were identified by anothers1udent who claimed Life that made the difference in 1he case. relurn.'' a $500 reward for the informa1ion. Officials say "The reward worked. The suspec1s were Be1hune residents do not 1bink eviction from dorms the students later admitted 10 lhe 1hef1s and have apprehended late lasl Friday nigh I or early last Saturday or school is a severe enough measure. cooP.erated in the recovery of the stolen items. morning and were found with several stolen 1elevisions "I want to see him doing some time [in Jail] thinking ·ft is my understanding that the male studem has and other equipment in !heir rooms,"' said a University abou1 what he did. He caused me anguish.· Bacon said. confessed fully and that the other ~rson has indica1ed official who asked not 10 be identified. '"They even "I fe ll viola1ed. He caused me stress and worry, and I some knowledge of the burglaries, 'Dean of Residence showed securi1y how they broke into the rooms:· 1hink he should suffer some anguish.