Trade Remedy Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements
Trade remedy provisions in regional trade agreements Eric C Emerson1 Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Washington, DC; Officer, IBA Trade and Customs Law Committee ultiple factors, including the stagnation of the VI and XVI of the GATT, and their application MDoha Round of WTO trade negotiations, have led is governed by the Agreement on Subsidies and to a proliferation of bilateral and multilateral free trade Countervailing Measures (‘SCM Agreement’). agreements around the world. The GATT permits these An importing country is permitted to apply regional trade agreements (‘RTAs’) as an exception to countervailing duties to specified imports if it can the bedrock principle of ‘most favoured nations’ demonstrate that a foreign producer has benefited treatment, but only if they eliminate ‘duties and other from an unfair government subsidy, and that imports restrictive regulations of commerce’ – a phrase which, from that foreign producer have caused, or threaten if read literally, appears to encompass all trade to cause, material injury to the domestic industry in remedies such as antidumping duties, countervailing the importing country. duties, and safeguard provisions. • Safeguard measures are permitted under Article XIX The reality, though, is quite different, and most RTAs of the GATT, and rules regarding their application leave the signatories’ trade remedy rights unaffected. are contained in the Agreement on Safeguards. However, in the RTAs that do address these issues, Unlike the antidumping and countervailing duty parties have developed an array of modifications to remedy, a party is not required to demonstrate both the substantive and the procedural aspects of that imports were unfairly priced in order to apply the rules that govern trade among WTO members.
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