Saint Cecilia CATHOLIC CHURCH Second Sunday 2900 Hoover Avenue • Ames, IA 50010 of Lent Fr
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March 20, 2011 Saint Cecilia CATHOLIC CHURCH Second Sunday 2900 Hoover Avenue • Ames, IA 50010 Of Lent Fr. James L. Secora, Pastor W e are called one by one and as a com- munity to become part of the living presence of Jesus Christ. We are united with the Father and strengthened and enlivened by the Holy Spirit. We are committed daily to love and serve others as Jesus did. Pastoral Council Catholic School Board John Nelson, Chair 233-1705 Nathan Pelzer, President 232-8744 Frank Oppold, Vice-Chair 233-1401 Mark Hanson, Vice-President 233--6824 Terry Herrman, Secretary 292-4968 Diana Thatcher, Secretary 292-9511 Randy Dalhoff, Finance Council Chair 232-1361 Corrine Breitsprecker 233-5994 Janine Greenwood 232-1359 Susan Griffith 233-2699 Craig Fink 233-1567 Lois Lehmkuhl, Faith Formation Rep 232-0197 Kathy Ramirez 232-1248 Gary Novey 292-3735 Brandt Snakenberg, Principal 232-5290 Bob Rudman 296-0262 Pat Stahr 268-0782 John Sankovitch 233-2902 Megan Wolf, FSA President 296-2521 Cyndi Volcko 233-5267 Lou Ann Vulgamott, 515-827-5160 Kristin Upah—Youth Representative Michael Vaclav—Youth Representative Faith Formation Commission Lois Lehmkuhl, Chair 232-0197 Finance Council Julie Bovenmyer, Vice-Chair 296-0054 Dianne Hugdahl, Secretary 268-1859 Randy Dalhoff, Chair 231-1361 Jo Anne Dalhoff 232-1361 John Nelson, Vice-Chair 233-1705 Steve Heideman 292-5441 Cheryl Carlile, Secretary 232-4058 Anna Steele 232-3514 Mark Hanson 233-6824 Matt Wenger 290-9260 Rick Hoenig 233-1176 Dick O’Neil 233-6086 Bread for the Journey No. 7 FAITH FORMATION Introductory rites FAITH FORMATION The Introductory Rites of the Eucharistic liturgy introduces and accli- & mates us to the particular feast or liturgical season. These rites include YOUTH MINISTRY the Entrance song and procession, the Sign of the Cross, a greeting, Penitential Act, the Kyrie, Gloria, and The Collect or Opening Prayer. Registration for Faith Formation and Youth Ministry programs is always available in the Office of Faith Formation 8:30AM – 4:00PM. The sign of the Cross is marked on our bodies to identify us as disciples Or by appointment Monday – Friday. who were baptized in the Triune God: ―In the name of the Father, and We are always welcoming new students so please stop in the Faith For- the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.‖ Next, we acknowledge our depend- mation and Youth Ministry Office to register and receive our ence on our gracious and merciful God by asking our Lord to have mer- 2010 -2011 calendar! cy, or in Greek: Kyrie eleison. During the season of Easter, there is the option of replacing the penitential Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Sunday, P/K Water on the assembly as a reminder of our baptism. April 3, 10:30AM Monday, Grades 1 & 3-5 For more information about the Roman Missal, please visit the website: March 21 & 28 , 6:15 PM. Wednesday, Grades 1 & 3-5 March 23 & 30, 4:00PM Middle School – Grades 6-8 Monday, March 21 & 28, 6:15-7:30PM Wednesday, March 23 & 30—Faith Formation, 7-8:30PM Edge—Coffeehouse, Friday, March 25, 7:00-9:00PM This past year, the Ames Area Alternative Gift Market raised a total Multipurpose Room & St. Louis Room $24,879.00. $8,166.00 went to local projects and the remainder to Alter- Edge Lock-In: Friday, April 15, 6PM-Midnight native Gifts International for distribution among the various international projects. St. Cecilia was one of nine sponsoring congregations of this Life Teen program. Thank you to everyone who participated in this endeavor. Sunday, March 20, 6:30-9PM, Movie Night Confirmation Preparation Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Suppers will be held April 6, Life Teen Mass 6PM in the St. Cecilia Social Hall on Friday, April 1*, and April April 6 & 9, 9th & 10th grade, 7-8:30PM 15* from 5-7PM. Baked Tilapia and Cod will be served with macaroni & cheese, green beans, and a baked potato. NCYC Desserts provided by St. Cecilia Youth Groups or Ladies ****Only 1 spot for NCYC still available***** Circles will be available. Cost is $7 for adults,$4 for Children 5-12 and Free for Contact Anna Steele children 4 and younger (family rates are also available). Proceeds go to support People with Intellectual Disabilities and other charities. RCIA *Please note date corrections Call 232-3514 for information about joining the Catholic Church Help Needed: Help with child care Sunday mornings 9:00-11:30 AM during Book Drop Off for Iowa Right to Life Book Sale— Used book collections for RCIA meetings is needed. If you are interested in volunteering call the the Iowa Right to Life Book Sale will occur in the Narthex April 1* and April 15* Faith Formation Office at 232-3514. (coincides with K-of- C Fish dinners). The proceeds from the spring and fall sale (held in Des Moines) of these books go to crisis pregnancy centers across Iowa. BAPTISM PREPARATION *Please note date corrections All parents seeking baptism for their child are expected to attend a prepara- tion session even though they may have attended previously. Sponsors, The traditional Lenten devotion, Stations of the Cross will godparents are also expected to attend. be prayed each Friday night of Lent at 6PM, with the excep- Call Faith Formation Office to Register—515-232-3514 Next session is April 14, 2011 6:30 PM in the St. Louis room. tion of Good Friday starting time of 2PM. Hispanic Stations ** Note: Sessions are normally scheduled on the second Thursday of of the Cross will be prayed at 7PM. the even numbered months.** Bible Study Scripture Study: Mondays, 7:30-9:00PM in the St. Louis Room St. Cecilia Church is Seeking Pastoral Associate Bible Study in Spanish: Mondays, 6:00-7:30PM in the St. Louis Room St Cecilia Church is seeking a full time Pastoral Associate. Qualifica- Tuesday Morning Bible Study: 10:00-11:00AM in the St. Louis Room. tions: active participant in the work of the Catholic Church and partici- Social time begins at 9:30AM. pation in the full sacramental life of the church; MA in Theology or St. Cecilia Good Shepherd Education Center, Jewell: equivalent; experience in parish based ministry; certification or certifi- Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM cation eligible as a Pastoral Associate. Salary is commensurate with Topic: Scripture for the coming Sunday education and experience. Job description available upon request. Send resume and two letters of reference to St. Cecilia Pastoral Asso- ciate Search Committee, 2900 Hoover, Ames, IA 50010. Deadline for applications is April 25 with anticipated hire date July 1, 2011. 2 SCHOOL NEWS MEETINGS & EVENTS The St. Cecilia Widows, Widowers and Single Senior group will meet Saint Cecilia School News at Dublin Bay Restaurant on March 20 at 12:00. Call Pat Rood at 232- 3594 for reservations or information. March 20—Spring Begins March 23, 2:15PM—Early Dismissal Fellowship For Parents/Playgroup meets every Wednesday from March 24, End of the Third Quarter 10-11:30AM in the South Social Hall. Contact Jon Ryan at [email protected] or 232-2075 or Mary Cowan at 9AM—Grades 3/4/5 Mass [email protected] or 291-7409. All are welcome to attend. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes at St. Cecilia's Catho- Scrip News lic Church. Classes meet from 10:00 to 11:30AM and 7:00 to 8:30PM on Remember to support Saint Cecilia education by purchasing Scrip for Thursdays and are usually one tutor to one student depending on num- local and national businesses. Businesses such as Fareway, Hickory bers. Please contact Palmer Holden (231-5543) for morning classes or Karl Gwiasda (232-7582) for evening classes. Park, Cub, Walmart, Holubs, McDonalds, Panera, Target and many, many more contribute a portion of sales made through Saint Cecilia to Social Justice Committee will meet at 7PM on March 21 in the St. Eliz- support education. More information and order forms are available in abeth Room. Use the back entrance through the gate. Everyone is wel- the parish office and on the school web site. Or contact Connie Vaclav come. at 232-8343, [email protected]) with any questions or to place an order. Mark your calendar! Eucharistic Day of Renewal Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:30AM through 5PM Mass Books (Spanish, too!) and gifts for 1st Eucharist/Confirmation available St. Cecilia Parish Library from Divine Treasures Book and Gift Store. No cost for the day; free-will Are you looking for reading/reflection material for Lent? Check out the offering for lunch. Please register for lunch at 232-3514. All are welcome, Parish Library located in the St. Francis Room. The library is open as come for all or part of the day. long as the Church building is open. 60+ Pot Luck will meet on March 22nd, 2011, at Noon in the South Social Hall. Gary and Kay Aitchison will Olive Wood Sales at St. Cecilia speak to us on their special trip they took to the Vatican in Rome this past year. Call Nancy Habing at 232- Imad Qumsieh, from Bethlehem, will be at St. Cecilia after all Masses 0782 with any questions. on March 26-27. Mr. Qumsieh represents Olive Wood Religious Sales which helps to support the few Catholic families that live in the Holy Married Couples Land. With continuing Middle Eastern troubles, tourism has dried up Mark your calendars--Renewal of Marriage Vows at St. Cecilia on and the sale of religious olive wood items is their sole support.