ISSUE No. 149 WINTER 2011 School News EDITOR E DITORIAL Richard Hudson Churchill’s Hall We have received this week the sad news of characteristic style as though it were a visit to Shrewsbury School Richard Raven’s death. I hope I may be the dental hygienist. I of course agreed to an Shrewsbury forgiven for jumping the gun and paying my extension on the original deadline: it even gave SY3 7AT own tribute with a couple of reminiscences, the me a frisson of excitement to do this to Tel: 01743 280630 second hardly even a reminiscence, as it was someone who was formerly my teacher. The
[email protected] so recent. The first was my first ever encounter new delivery date was to be five or so days after with him, and the second my last. his operation. In the event, he posted the ASSISTANT EDITOR I arrived at Shrewsbury in 1967. I had not remainder of the obit section off to me on his Annabel Warburg attended a prep school and it was necessary way to the hospital from which he would not for me to learn some Greek very quickly. RNER return alive. OBITUARIES EDITOR agreed to give me a crash course at his house In the context of our Salopian community, I Richard Raven on Kennedy Road. I was in Moser’s and he was think these two stories are really about service, an old Moserite, so a bond was quickly formed. that quality without which a school such as this Old salopian club Actually, my main memory, apart from an could not possibly function.