Condition Red Marine Defense Battalions in World War II PCN 19000313300
Condition Red: Marine Defense Battalions in World War II by Major Charles D. Me/son apan, its military lead-truction of three aircraft during the plans —Orangestood for Japan in a ersconfidenttheymorning's fighting. seriesof color-coded planning could stagger the Unit- As the Japanese aircraft carriersdocuments —providedthe strategy ed States and gain timewithdrew after the raid on Pearl Har-for the amphibious offensive re- to seize the oil andbor, a pair of enemy destroyers be-quired to defeat Japan and the defen- and other natural resources neces-gan shelling Midway Island shortlysive measures to protect the bases sary to dominate the western Pacif-before midnight on 7 December toupon which the American campaign ic,attacked Pearl Harbor on 7neutralize the aircraft based there. Awould depend. December 1941, sinking or badlysalvo directed against Midway's Sand As a militaristic Japan made in- damaging 18 ships, destroying someIsland struck the power plant, whichroads into China in the 1930s, con- 200 aircraft, and killing more thanserved as the command post of thecern heightened for the security of 2,300 American servicemen. Though6th Defense Battalion, grievouslyWake, Midway, Johnston,and caught by surprise, Marines of thewounding First Lieutenant George H. Palmyra Islands, the outposts pro- 1st, 3d, and 4th Defense BattalionsCannon. He remained at his post un- tecting Hawaii, a vital staging area standing guard in Hawaii foughttil the other Marines wounded by thefor a war in the Pacific. (Although back as best they could. Few heavysame shell could be cared for and his actually atolls —tinyislands clustered weapons were yet in place, and am-communications specialist, Corporal on areef-fringed lagoon —Wake, munition remained stored on ship-Harold Hazelwood, had put the bat-Midway, Johnston, and Palmyra have board, along with many of the guns.
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