I. Neuroptera (sens Linn.) par F. C. FRASER


Chlorocnemis elongata HA(;EN 1 acluli feniale (2b-22). Abdomen 31 mm. Hindwing 23 mill. lhe colour ant1 mar1;ings agree with the oyiginal description.

Aciagrioil s11. (probably trfric:rrzur~tl\~hl?~lh) A single very tencr:ll feiiiale specil?ien, culouring and nlarliiiigs not yet cleveloped. blare entrc Bil et tiouela (23 Eg).

Pseudagrion melanicterum Slir,~s A nlale with data < prbs du Gouan >> (78 E:i) and a feinale (Nimba). The sgecies has a wide dislribu:ion throughout tropical ant1 subtropical Africa.

Chlorocypha glaucum (S~LYS) A single iri:lle, prixs tlu Cnvally (81 1)d). Tile species is not a corninon one although it appecrs to have a wicle tlistribution in Central and Wrest Africa.

Chlorocypha dispar (PAL.I)E Brzauv.) 1 male, Yalanzou, 1 nialc, 111-6; tlu Zit! (30 Ea), 1 pair froin Kbortlenta. The species is a local one ant1 easily recogniseti by its retl abtloiiien tipped with pale blue. Confined to the mid tropical belt of Africn.

Sapho bicolor S$:LYS A single male froin Nion. Oiily two specimens 3f this elusive have been rtceived by rile over a long fiuiiiber- of years. Tlic British i\Iuseum has a long series of this sl~ecicsso that it is evident it is estreniely local.

Sapho ciliata S1i1.r~ A num1)cr of bolh sexcs of this conjinon anrl tlo111in:tnt species which exhibit all phases of colouring from greyish \~irigsto otlicrs, \vhich although allnost black with infuscation arc not riiet:~Ilic. IJinally in :I few atlr~ltsiilc beautif111 darli hll~e Lrorizetl inetaltic color~riiigis fully tlcvelopetl. J,ocalitirs indicated are, - Yanlk ant1 %ib near Zikla, 16-VIII-51, trnd Y:tlanzou ; speciniens fro111 the Ictter place i)ring niorc adult that1 fro111 the forinel-. Also fro111 %ii'.la (6 B), Gonan (78 Ea), Zit5 (80 Ea). Umma infumosa I:r:.\sr<~r

Cnzma iizfrln~osaI;J~I%LI:, 1951, Hcu. I.'l.clric. tl'Cr~t., lii : 98. This sl~ecieswas tlescribetl fro111 two 111ales (tio\v in the Paris Aluscum) from S'Zo. Sion, Kinlba ((;tiinkc), collected bj 31. Lanlotle, ll-\'l-l2. 1 ~naleprbs du Zii. (80 Ea) and 1 ~naleiron1 Yaporo (59 I),).

Umma mesostigma (SBLYS) 3 niales, 1x6s tl~lGouan (78 Ea) ant1 1 fen~alc.This ant1 the following species :Ire the most donlinailt species of the with a witle tlistribution in all s?ihmontanc areas of trol)ic;~lAfrica.

Unirna cincta (Si~r~~s) A single fe~t~alefro111 Nion.

Family (~,~I:D~I.IID,\E

Macromia sophia S~I~YS ilfncl*o~~~icrsophicl S~I.YS,1871, B1111. Acatl. Belcg. (2), xss~: 550. Id., ibid., 1878 (2), x~,v: 19s.

A pair fro111 Yalanzou. This nlagnificent species has been reported from the Canleroons and the Belgian Congo in montane and submontaiic :Ireas, by DIS Karsch, le Hoi ant1 Scllontedrn. In atltlition to the t\vo itnagos, the nynlph is rcprcsentctl by S~IIICspirit sl~eciinenr,one of \~l~ichis fully :~tlalt. These will forin the subject of a selx~ratepaper ~vllichthe author hopes to publish on the n>niph.; collectetl throughout (:cntrnl tro1)icnl Africa. It ma) be said however that it closclj reseinbles the nyml~hof dl. c;li~phigerlcrSBr,vh, lvhich I tlrscribed in T~~zrzs.R. elzt. Soc. Lorzd., 85 : 133. The overall length is 28 lnnl. ; greatest breadth at segments 5 and G of the ab(lomcn, !),5 mtn. The labial niar!c when fully extentled is 15 mm. in length ant1 vcry m;tssivr ; it 11:;s Sewer marginal set:ie, 5 only, but nlore crenulations, 8, on the apical bortlcr. Nearly the whole of the abdominal segments possess a robust middor\al spine Imt tho\e on the first three segments are rutlimcntary and ovcrlaitl by the broad wing-ca5es. The legs, as in all Mncro- ~tlirrnymphs, are long and spider>, hint1 femora 11 111111. in length anti all femora with 3 broad black annules.

Allorhizucha lrlingi I

1 rnalc from N'Zo, 2 niales from Yalanzou ant1 :I single female lal)ellccl 5a-30. All are quite typical.

Eothemis zygoptera RIS A single fen~alcof this very archaic I,ihelluline, \vhich along with the preceding species belongs to the subfamily Tctrrrfhenlirlne. I have seen specimens of both sexes from the and I suspect that it is more at homc in these moist coastal areas. The present speci~nenis from N'Zo. Hadrothemis defecta I

A illale fro111 Yalanzou ; 2 111:tles, entrc I3i6 ct (;ouCla (23 Eg). The tjpc calnc fro111 Sicrr:t Leone but 111ay not have been c:~pturcdthere as it secins to be a sub~iioiitancspecies in tlistribution. llccently I have receivctl it in scores froill the Belgian Congo where along with the still illorc coii~~l~orluerslrttr I(ARS(:II,it is a donlina~ltspecies. JIost species of the genus Nadrolhernis are gregarious, defecta being one s:~cll, so that the captllre of this solitary indiridual suggests that it was a stray ?

Orthetrum bracliiale (I',\I,, i>r: ~~EAuY.)

1 m:tle, 111-6s ilc Ouyahori: (26 ctl). A coltllnoii species ciistributed throaghout Bfrica and the neighbouriiig islands s:tvc to the cxtreiile south and north.

Orthetrum caffrum (lJci:~.)

2 111:1les, 2 fe~lialcs,crcte ctc Xion (83 Nb). I have nut fourit1 this sl~ccicsto be at all co~i~nionlyclistributetl although its nanle iluplies such. The late Dr. Ris \vas of opinion that it dicl not occur in \Test Afric:t :~lthough several such reports exist.

Orthetrum Abbotti Car,r~:~:,r

illales fro111 c13Cte tlc Sion (83 Kl)) ant1 JIont Iiichard-?tIola~--tl(55 Pb). These agree \i~iriih Cttlvert's tlescription ant1 the sl)o!tctl character of the thoracic 1:ttcral ~liarlilngsserve lo tlistinguish the species fro~uchhr-r~so.stignitr anri guirzee~zseto hot11 of which species it bears the closest rcl:~tions.

Orthetrum chrysostigma chrysostigma (13uiiar.)

ii male, eiitre Bi@et GouPla (23 Eg), anoll~erfront Gou61n (85 Fc) and a third frorn < crCte de Kion >> (83 Sb).

Orthetrum stenimale capense Ca~,vr:r{~

This is thc co111111o11estOl~fhetrrrr~i of Africa :and is wcll rcl)rrsei~tctlin the present material. rrlalc fro111 1It TA (1.GG0 m.), 1 Icniale, N'Zo ; ~ttale:lnd fe~tiale froin Kion, 1 female fron~Y:tlanzou, male, 15, male, Rossou (69 I

Palpopleura lucia lucia (1)nuris)

1:emalrs froin Yalanzou ant1 Kkoulcntn ; 9 males antl a felnale, Ouyakork (26 cd) ; 6 males, I3ossou (6'3 Kf) ; a female ant1 a male, prbs N'Zo (36 IW). This species has beer1 described as two subspecies 1r:cin antl porfiu hut after having exaruinetl lnany h~undredsfro111 a nu~nherof witlely (listant localities, I have come to the conclusion that xvh:rt ne arc :~ctuallytlenling with is a single species with t\vo tiifrerent forms of the rn;rle ; one copying the r'eniale, arltlrornorphs or portia, the other ~~'iththc greater part of tlie wings opaque, which I regard as hcle~*oniol~phs.

Thermochoria equivocata KII-RY

A single fernale of this rather uncolriilioll species fro111 Yalanzau. Diplacodes lefebvrei (I'\aaruuii) 4 illales and a feiilale, entr-e Bic': et Goui.l:l (23 Eg). l'his is one of the coillillollest :mtl 11iost witlely spreatl of cthiopian Oclonnltr, c~tendingfroin the \Test coast of Africa eastwartls to hInuritios and the West coast of Intli:~ailcl as far north as Iraq ant1 Pcrsia. JI~ichvariatioll is fount1 in the vrlng colouring of the males antl in the size of the , the largest, ~vhicll1 have seen, co~llillgfrom BIatlaguscar allti Blacritiur ant1 the sillallest froill \Irestern Intlia ant1 the I'er5ian Gulf. One illale of tbc prc.ie;lt series has the apices of the wings inluscatetl, the others w~ithontany visible m:irkings ; one spcciillen is very lliinlrte and measurcs 5onle 3 mm. bclow the mini~nunigiven by Kis.

Crocothemis erythraea (Biruzrk) 'I'hcre arc 2 illales ant1 2 fcrllnles of this ubiquitous species which is tiistri- butetl from south Europe to ant1 hladagascar. I'rbs (tu Cavally ($1llc!), crOte tle Nion (83 NI,), Goukla (85 Fc) ancl cntl-e Uii. el Goo6la (23 Eg).

Crocothemis divisa I<~i

Philo~iomonluminans (I<.insc~) Two pairs from Ni~nba,crCtc tlc Xioil (83 Nb). Appears to be locally coininon aritl yet \vitlcly tlistributed throughout tropical antl subtropical Africa. Thc genus c:ln hardly be separated from Sympetrunl.

Trithemis arteriosa (I~LII~Rz.)

5 males from Yalanzou, 1 male from Skrengbara, 1-XII-51 ; 5 males, prhs du Ca~ally(81 Da). The specimens were deterrliinetl by their genitalia, thcir red t r.louration antl the high ilotlal ~ntlex.(:amnion and very widely distributed.

Trithemis annulata (P,zr,. I)E BEAI'V.) 3 males, entre Bii. et GouCla (23 Eg), This is ailother reddish species distin- guished frorn the last by its larger size, lower ~lotlnlindex RIIC~shape of genitalia. llas a distribation closely paralleling that of the last ~pccies.

Trithemis pruinata I

Trithemis Donaldsoni C.~J.VEI%T 1 rnalc, prbs du Cavally (81 Dd). 1)istinguished from T. Dasitincta RIS and h~cateRrs by the absrrlce of a dnrk brown basal marl, 17.VIII-5.18..5l (25). A cosniopolitan species ant1 circuintropical.

Tholymis tillargs Faul;. A niale, crCte dc Nion (83 h'b). Tliis is a c*repuscul:~rspecies, not appearing on the xving until dusk when it is conspicuous only on account of a broad niil~cy white, pseutiolunii~iouspalch on the centre of its \vings. Xot uncommonly it is pilt up during daylight when walking tliro~ighlong grass or scrub in which the insect prefers to sleep tluring daylight lioilrs.

A large jar of spirit spcci~iiensof nyn~phsof Otloitata accompanied the above collection but as the tlescril)tions ant1 figuring of these is likely to take a long lime, these nlust be deferred fo; n later paper. It i\ liossible however to give the generic naines of nlost of the n\nll)hs anti front this ~t is seen that the collection of i~nagines does not nearly rcllect the richness of the Otionate fauna of RIt S~niba.Thus although there is not a single rcprcsentative of the fanlilies L,eslrdue, iiesh~:id(xeand tion~phzduealiiong !he iiiiagines in the collection, nymplis of the Lesfitlcie aniormt to rather more than one tenth of the whole, Aeshitidae one and a half percent anci (;o~ttphrtlueto as high a figure as a quarter or 25 per cent of the whole. The latter arc 111atlc up of at le,~stfot11- genera, viz Phyllo- gomphrzs, Ictzltogoii~pli:i,s,l'drtr- or Otzyt hogc,niphzis a~itla fourth which liiay be allyone of ~Of~{]onlphils,Illustcito~~ttittc or soiile other genus. It is hoped that the tcnatio11 of the wings will be sufliciently prescrvetl in the wing-pads to give sorile clue to the genera involved. The iteshnu, fro111 its enoi-iiious size, is no doubt Artcrx t~istisHaah (= Aritrx golrcrthrrs Scr,ls), ant1 has an overall length of 63 min. ; [his compares wit11 ahout 52 nlni. for the european Anax imperator LE~CH.I am iinformed that A. fristls is but rarely seen and is very tlifficult to capture as it lieeps well oat over deep water. The 1,es:es n)iiq)hs are all sin:lll and probably rcprcsent Lestes t~.ltle~ts~~~~.L.\cFII,.As, b~tt~t will he i~iipossibleto determine the spccics with accurac). A great iiuniber of Zygopterous nj~iiphsrepresent species or Supho, Untmtr, Chloroc.ypl~rrnntl Coe~~c~y~~ioizs,Ihe latter probably inostly Pse~zdngrzons.The I,~bellulinc nj1ilph5 belong to several genera ; a few of Orthe- f~nmarc present 1)ut the inajority are of such early instars that it nlay be iiripossiblc to cieterniine tllen~; I note a single atiult Pairt~rluflaoesce~ts which is of interest in that it ticnotes that this ~iiigratorj spccics breeds local!y. Lastly there are about a tlozen of 11lucro111itrof various i11st:irs ant1 belonging niostly to sophru S~LYS.


Palpares tigris I).~L>I. A female Iron1 JIt h'i~uba,1-1V-42. It tiiffurs sligiltly fro111 type by the bands Inore opaque and less reticulatetl, A male talien on the salilc (late is lcss heavily lnarlied. These niay indicate a local raw which I name gaiiteense characterisecl lty a greater melanism of the \ving pattern so that the nct-worli like character of tlic spots ant1 bands is replaced by more uniiorm areas.

Palpares aegrotus <;r:i:s~.\~ce~n A single fe111:tle wit11 ty1)ically ~n:~rltedwings. IIayenomyia tristis (11at;~:s)

Typical males of this \\-itle-sprextl ailti coiui1:on spccies, 4-IV-42.

Macroleon lyncens (FAI~.)

2 ~nalesfroill Ziila (5 I3 :ulcl (i A). So variation save t11at clue to the age of the spccimen is to be seen in these.

Macroleon validus ~~~:L.\CIII..~N

A singlc fcnlalc, 3-IV. A co~t~monant1 witlrly tlistsil)utcd species.

Chrysopa u~ldulatalJl:.zs~rn A sin:;le feill:lle fl.0111 Nion, Ni~i~ta,2-1'1-$2, coll. 11. T,amotle. Distinguished by its crimson n~arki~~gs:mcl the con\pict~o~~sbl:rcl\ line c;n the gratlnte veinr (I:raser, !!!;I, Rrl~.1;rcrnt.. tl'Erlf., IS : 58). T>pe in tl~clluste X:~tion:~ltl'Histoire Nnt~1rc2lc.l'nris.

Euclimacia grandis (Enrcr~slr~) A pair of this fine species from Iii.oulent:~,RIt Xiillha, 7-XII-51, collected hy 31. Lamotte ant1 H. l

Spilosnlylus africanus (I

Several oL ttoth sc\e~Eron~ Jlt Ti,, 1.800 111.

Disparomitus bacillus (GE~:S.I.) A singlc fcmalc from Ellan~o11. Distrib~~tetlLhrougliout Central tropical Africa.

Dipseudopsis africana UI~MEI; Rlales. Xixnba, 7-XII-51. Dipseudopsis sl). A female with same data as preceding, hut :~pparcntly not of the same species ?

Polymorphanisus elizabethae SAVAS Xunierous spcci~iiensof hot11 sexes fro111 ?tit P\'ilnb:i, 7-XII-51, collected by 11. I,n~iiottc ant1 H. Roy. (All itientiiications by I). E. IC~~rarr~s,Rriiish I1Iuseuin i\':itural History).


Neoperla opio Nrinxr.\x 14 single I'ci~ale,lit Ni~nba.

Chrysoperla sp. A m:~lcfrom XIt Nimba, 4-IV-1!)42 ant1 n i'cmalc frtm Ouyaltorb (26). Bibliography of the Neuropterida

Bibliography of the Neuropterida Reference number (r#): 2399

Reference Citation: Fraser, F. C. 1954 [1954.??.??]. La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba. Fascicule II. I. Neuroptera (sens Linn.). Memoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire 40:9-15.

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